McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 02, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
JAMES 0. 1JLAINE , or Maine.
JOHN A. LOGAN , of Illinois.
CHARLES II. DEWEY , of Douglas.
HE11Y SPKICK , of Washington.
It. B. HAltHINGTON , of Gage.
JOHN MACK1N , of Grcelcy.
A. L. IJDllll , of Harlan.
JAMES W. DAWES , of Saline County.
II. II. SHEDD , of Saunders County.
1 C. II. WILLA11D , of Tliayer County.
H. A. UAIlCOCIv , of Valley County.
E. P. ROGGEN , of Lancaster County.
WILLIAM LEESE , of Sownrd County.
JOSEPH SCOTT , of Buffalo County.
LEAVITTIJURNHAM , of Douglas County.
W. W. W. JONES , of Lancaster County.
JAMES LAIRD , of dams County.
W. S. MORLAN , of Furnas County.
JAMES W.DOLAN , of Red Willow County.
HENRY CRABTREE , of Indianola.
WHEREAS , A joint resolution was adoptci
by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , a
the eighteenth session thereof , and approved
February 27th , A. D. 18S5 , proposing an amend
inent to section four (4) article three ( ) of the
constitution of said state , and that said sectioi
as amended shall read as follows , to-wit :
"Section 4. The term of ollice of members
of the legislature shall be two years , and tliej
shall each receive a salary of three hundrec
dollars for their services during said term , am
ten cents for every mile they shall travel ii
going to and returning from the place of meet
ingoftho legislature , on the most usual route
Provided , however , that neither members ol
the legislature nor employes shall receive anj
pay or perquisites other than their salary and
mileage. Each session , except special sessions
shall not be less than sixty days. Alter the
expiration of forty days of the session no bills
nor joint resolutions of the nature of bills
shall be introduced , unless the governor shall
by special message , call the attention of the
legislature to the necessity" ' of passing a law
on the subject matter embraced in the mes
sage , and the introduction of bills shall be.
restricted thereto. "
The ballots at the election at which said
amendment shall be submitted shall be in the
following form : "Por proposed amendment
to the constitution relating to legislative de
partment. " "Against proposed amendment
to the constitution relating to legislative
department. "
WHEREAS , A joint resolution was adoptci
by the legislature of tlue state of Nebraska al
the eighteenth session thereof , and approver
February 28th , A. D. 1883 , proposing an amend
ment to section one (1) ( ) of article live ( " > ) of the
constitution of said state , and that said section
as amended shall read as follows , to-wit :
"Section 3. The executive department shall
consist of a Governor , Lieutenant-Governor ,
Secretary of State , Auditor of Public Accounts ,
Treasurer , Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion , Attorney General , Commissioner of Pub
lic Lands and Buildings , and Board of Railway
Commissioners. The olliccrs named in this
section shall each hold his ollice for the term
of two years from the lirst Thursday alter the
lirst Thursday in January next after his elec
tion , and until his successor is elected and
qualified. Provided , however , that the lirst
election of said olliccrs shall be held on the
lirst Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in
November of 188(5 ( , and each succeeding elec
tion shall be held at the same relative time in
each even year thereafter. All other ollicer.
that may be provided for by law , under the
provisions of this section , shall be chosen in
such manner and at such times , and shall hold
their ofiices for such length of time as may be
provided bylaw , and'shall perform such duties
and receive such compensation as may be pro
vided by law. The Governor , Secretary of
State , Auditor of Public Accounts , Treasurer ,
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings ,
and Attorney General , shall reside at the seat
of government during their terms of ollice ,
and keep the public records , books and papers
there , and the olliccrs herein named shall per
form such duties as may be required by law.
The ballots at the election at which said
amendment shall be submitted shall be in the
following form : "For proposed amendment
to section one (1) ( ) of article live (5) ( of the con
stitution , entitled , 'Executive Department. ' "
"Against proposed amendment to section one
(1) ( ) of article li-e (5) ( ) of the constitution , enti
tled. 'Executive Department. ' "
Therefore , I , James W. Dawes , Governor of
the State of Nebraska , do hereby give notice ,
in accordance with section one (1) ( ) article lif
ted ! (15) of the constitution , and the provis
ions of an act entitled , "An act to provide the
manner of proposing amendments to the con-
stitution.and submitting the same to the elec
tors of this state , " approved February loth ,
A. D. 18 < ( , that said proposed amendments
will be submitted to the qualified voters of
this suite for ratification or rejection at the
general election to be held on the 1th day of
November , A. D. 1881.
In witness whereof , I have here
unto set my hand and caused to be
affixed the great seal ol the State
of Nebraska.
[ SEAL , . ] Done at Lincoln , this 18th day of
July , A. D. 1884 , the eighteenth
year of the state , and of the Inde
pendence of the United States the
one hundred and ninth.
Bv " the Governor ,
Attest : JAMES W. DAWES.
EDWARD I' . KonciEN , Secretary of State.
THE decline in the traffic or ( he
Canal , which became apparent in Jnty
last , still continues. In July , 3SS-I5
thirty-eight vessels fewer than in July ,
1SS3 , passed through the canal 5 and
the receipts of the company were : } { , -
520 less than in the former year , although -
though they were $73,800 more than
in 1882. For the month of August the
daily receipts came to 12.200 less than
for July : but the comparison with these
of last year has not been published.
JOHN CHINAMAN certainly has a hard
road to travel in California. lion.V. .
T. Welkcr , state superintendent of pub
lic schools , has recently decided that
Chinese children cannot become pupils
of the public schools , public education
being intended under the constitution of
the state only for those who can become
citizens. There are nearly 1,500 Chin
ese children in San Francisco alone.
ELAINE drew an audience of 200,000
in JJufialo when he passed through that
town and there were fifty thousand spec
tators in Cleveland to witness the torch
light procession of fifteen thousand that
escorted him through the city. In Ohio
wherever he goes , immense crowd
gather to do him honor. The intcrio
is waking up and there will be a ful
turn out of republicans at the polls i :
THE row between England and France
is getting interesting. Recently Lo
Paris urged the powers to inform Eng
land that she has gone too far in pro
moling the Egyptian Government tf
break the international law in regard to
the Egyptain finances. England , the
same paper says , cannot be allowed to
dispose of Egypt as she likes.C | Na
tional expresses the belief that in con
sequence of the protest ol' the powers
England has already resolved to modify
the financial measures which she expect
ed to enforce in Egypt.
Ex-GoYEUNOR FURXAS is now ii
New Orleans making arrangements fo
Nebraska's exhibit at the world's expo
sition. lie will return to Nebraska ii
a few days and will then collect all the
articles that arc to be exhibited. It is
hoped that our people all over the state
will respond liberally and promptly wit !
contributions. This will be a spleudic
advertisement of Nebraska , and the op
portunity ought not to be neglected
The exhibits must all be in places by No
vcmbcr 15th ; so it will be seen tha
there is not very much time to spare.
Omaha Uec.
THE last issue of Bradstrect taking
up the per cent of failures for the same
period in 1882 and 1883 estimates tha
the total for the year will exceed 11.500
For the first nine months the number is
put at 8,200 , as against 7,359 for the
same period in 1830. A careful discus
sion of the question as to the extent to
which fraud enters into bank failures
result in the conclusion that fewer fail
ures are due to this cause than is cOmmonly -
monly supposed. Out of 117 bank fail
ures in thirty-eight weeks , sixteen arc
only found to be due to frauds and to
embezzlement seven of national , five
of stale and four of private banking in-
IN November there are to be licit
two national conventions of cattlemen
one at Chicago on the 13th , and one
at St. Louis on the 17th. It seems that
a quarrel has arisen between the cattle
interests of the two cities. St. Louis
claims that its call for a national con
vention has been recognized by all the
leading ranch owners and -breeders
throughout the country , and that the
Illinois board of agriculture has been
induced by Chicago "kickers" ' to issue
i call "for a convention in Chicago in
idvance of the St. Louis meeting. The
3t. Louis iolks. however , maintain that
they will draw the crowd , and that the
Chicago convention will adjourn to that
jitv. Bee.
IT is a significant fact that , while Eng
land is using its influence in every way
possible to encourage a free-trade policy
n America , there has for several years
jcen a dissatisfaction shown by many
Englishmen toward its results there.
Even Lord Beaconsfield intimated that
Tec-trade was a mistake , and in recent
speeches in the" house of lords the same
ricw Avas taken. The fact is that Eng-
and lias outlived the day when she can
ioiMinand the commerce and control the
nanufacturcs of the world , and as her
msiness is curtailed she will have to
idopt the American plan and protect
icrself by tariff laws.
TIM : Inter Ocean correspondent who
ionic time ago set down West Virginia
is safe for IJlainc has continued and
mshed his investigations into Virginia ,
.le sets that state down as fully as lia-
ile to go lor Blaine as for Cleveland ,
lis reasonings and deductions sound a
ittlc too much like democratic treatises
ii Ohio. There is a reaction against
ilahonc in Virginia which is not likely
o be overcome this time. It will be
emcmbercd that at the last election in
hat state a legislature so strongly bour-
on in each branch as tc over-ride the
cto of the readjuster governor was
hosen. Topics.
AMONG the many interesting features
at the New Orleans exposition will be
the exhibits in the horticultural and
arboricultural departments , of which
Prof. S. 31. Traccy is superintendent.
Nearly all timber grown in the north
and south will be on exhibition , and from
Nebraska young specimens of various
kinds of trees will be found growing in
a plat secured for that purpose by Com
missioner Furnas. This will be novel ,
instructive and beneficial to the state.
The New Orleans Times-Democrat says
that valuable and interesting arboral
and floral exhibits are expected from
the .inlcrtropical island of Jamaeia ,
which will be well worthy of the atten
tion and the researches of naturalists.
It will pay all persons who , either for
pleasure or profit , are engaged in the
raising of trees and floweis , to visit New
Orleans this winter. In a short time
the } ' can obtain much valuable and
practical information in their line.
DR. A. M. Youic , the brother of the
Dr. York who was murdered by the
Bender family in Kansas , whose disap
pearance led to the discovery of the
work of the gang , is looking very anxiously
for the " Iiievcs" of
iously "Captain Appleton -
pleton , Missouri , who wrote the account
of the shooting of the Bender's in the
Indian territory by a party of which he
alleges himself and Dr. York were mem
bers. The doctor says that whenever
those who have been searching for the
Benders get on a trial some story of
this kind is set in circulation , and he
believes by .some of the accessories to
the Bender robberies and murders. lie
says that Rievcs * story is a pure fabri
cation , lie will give two thousand dollars
lars for proof that the Benders have
been killed. But he evidently -thinks
that they are still in hiding somewhere
and bopcs some day to get upon their
track and bring them to justice.
THE "Washington territory republican
platform demands "admission into the
union as a sovereign state , with the
northern counties of Idaho embraced in
our boundaries. " Washington and
Northern Idaho over over 100,000 in
habitants and are entitled in every way
to admission. Democrat injluencc has
kept the territory out of the union for
years , and many democrat members will
fight its admission during the next con
gress. It is possible , however , that
after the presidential question is settled
for four years , justice will be done a
long waiting people , and the admission
of the territory will not be so strenu
ously fought on account of its republi
can tendencies.
Tin : wheat raisers of the west have
been advised by The Chicago Tribune not
to sell their wheat at prices fixed by the
gamblers. anJ not to plant as many acres
this fall as last. The argument is that
they may thus ' 'let the consuming pow
er of the world catch up with the sup
ply. Just now the farmers arc suffer
ing from overproduction of wheat. The
remedy is to produce less of that cereal. '
In Nebraska farmers do not depend to
any great extent upon wheat raising for
an income. Corn is king , and by judi
ciously converting this staple into porl-
and beef the average agriculturalist by
careful management becomes prosper
ous. A comparison of income and prof
its of wheat and stock raisers , for a se
ries of years , will establish the fact bn-
yond question that the advantage is on
the side of the latter. The truth is that
wheat raising , as a rule , is not suffi
ciently remunerative. Republican.
Legal. Notice.
A. E. Haryrsives & 15ros. , I In District
IMuintill's , I C o n r t o f
vs. 1 lied Willow
E.M. Wilson i : Walter Hiclclingeonnty.Xeb | -
Del'endants. 1 raska.
rcMdcnt Defendant , will luUe notice that on
the Wth day of September , 1 4 , the Plaintiffs
above , A. R. Hurynivcs & Hros ? . , liled their
petition in the District Court of lied Willow
County , Nebraska , ajrainst the linn of Wilson
mid Hicklinjr. of which Defendant is a mem
ber , the object and prayer of which are to ob
tain a judgment onacconnt for { roods sold and
ilclivercd to the amount of Two Hundred anil
Seventy-Seven and Scventv-Three One Hun-
flrcdths ( .5 77. J ) Dollars. '
Plaintilfs have caused the following Heal
Estate , Lands , and Tenements to be attached
is the property of the Delentdant , Walter
Ilickiiiifr , viz : Northwest ( J.i ) one-fourth of
section nine ( fl ) . Township three (3) ( ) , range
twenty-nine ( - " . ) west principal meridian ,
ivhich said property is in said State and Coun
ty and soujrht to be taken by said attachment
mil appropriated in payment of said debt.
Vou are required to answer said action on , or
jel'we , the Uid day of November. ! - ! .
JENNINGS and KrAiiitFi'K.
Attorn\s lor I'iaintillt- .
Dated Sept.JSth , 1HM.-I7-U.
Notice of Incorporation.
In compliance with the law of the State of
Nebraska , we hereby jrivo notice that a eom-
Kiiiy has been lorn KM I under the style and
lame ol The I'axton Cattb1 Co. , its principal
ilace of business heinjr at I'axton. III. , \ \ ith a
iranch ollice at MeCook. Neb. , and it purpose
irinjr Hie bnyinjr. Fcllin-r , breeding and nii"-
up of livestock. The amount ol its capital
lock is § 100,001) ) , to be bold at par and fully
mid up. Said Company commenced business
Inly 14th , 1SS4 , and continues 20 years. Its in-
lebtedncss shall never exceed 53 of its paid
ip capital. The ollieors of said company con-
ist ol a President , Vice Piesident , i-oeiefary ,
t'reasurer and General Manager.
8-lt. Secretary. President.
On my premise ? . S. W. lt of section I.c , toi.n-
hip i ! . range 21' ' , I1 ; miles X. W. of .McCook , on
September 10th , one chestnut sorrel mare ,
iranded on right thigh in 7. Owner can have
icr by proving property , paying charges , etc. .
itlirrwise she will be disposed of according
ohnv. 18-5. W. M.
Levi Johnson , Plnlntiir.l In theDIstr't Court
of the 8th Judicial
vs. ' , District. In , and for ,
I Kcd Willow county ,
Abbie Johnson , Deft. J Nebraska.
To Ahbic Johnson , non-resident defendant :
You are hereby notllled that on the llith dav
of September , Ie8l , Levi Johnson liled a peti
tion against you In the District Court of lied
Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that you have willfully
abandoned the plalntilf without good caiisu
for the term of two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on ,
or before , Monday , the.kl day of October , KSS1.
KJ-ot. LEVI JOHNSON , Plalntiir.
Uy Jennings & Starbuck , his Attorneys.
McCook , Neb. , August 22d. 18 $ $ .
Complaint having been entered at this ollico
by Jolin 0. Hirdsall against Lewis S. Shock ,
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.07 ,
dated at McCook , Neb. , January "it h , .1881 , upon
the eonth li southwest ' .t section H and north
Ynorths est ; . * , section IT , township .5 north ,
range 20 west , in Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , with a view to the cancellation ol said en
try ; the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ollico on the -1st day of October ,
Ibfcl , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. 35. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , September 8th , 1881.
Complaint haying been entered at this ollico
by Franklin Smith against James 15. Whittaker
for failure to comply with law as to Timber-
Culture Entry WAI , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
March IN ) , 18SO , upon the southeast < iuartcr of
section 21 , township 1 north , range :50 : west , in
Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg
ing that James IJ. Whittaker has failed to
break , or cultivate , or to plant to trees , seeds
or cuttings , any part of said tract at any time
to this date ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ollice on the 8th day
of December , IMC , at 1 o'clock , 1' . M. , to respond
spend and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure.
I."i ( ! . L. LAWS , Register.
MeCook , Neb. , Sept. 12th , 1881.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Charles K. Gray against Christan Hahna
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. IJ4J ,
dated at .McCook , Neb. , March 7th , 1881 , upon
the northwest quarter of section 'M , township
4 , north of range : ! 0 west , in Red Willow coun
ty , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of
saia entry ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ollice on the 2Uth day
of October , Ib84 , at 10 o'clock , A.M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. Iti. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , August 2ith ( , 1H84.
Complaint having been entered at this ollico
by John Working against William A. Cox for
selling fora valuable consideration his Home
stead Entry 497 , dated at McCook , Neb. , April
JOth , 18S4 , upon the south west quarter sect ion
2 , township U , north of range 2U west , in Red
Willow county. Neb , with a view to the can
cellation of said entry ; the said parties are
hercbv summoned to appear at this ollico on
the 2Uth day of October , 18S4 , at 10 o'clock , A.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged selling lor a valuable consid
eration. 115. ( J. L. LAWS , Register.
September 23rd , 1.SS4. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has liled notice of iierintention
to make final protif in support of her claim , and
that said proof will lie made before Register
or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Thursday ,
November (5th ( , If U , viz : Franklin P. Lave-
rack , Homestead 1B.1S , for the northeast quarter -
ter section 14 , township 1 , north of range 23
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , \ i/ : George Fowler ,
John Calkins , William F. Thorp and Aaron
Colvin , all of Stoughton. Neb.
17. G. L. LAWS , Register.
September 24th , 1NS1. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named s-ettler has Hied notice of hN intention
to make tinal prool in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , > , eb. , on Wednesday ,
November . " 5th , 1881 , viS. . Lizzie1 Shaw , PreEmption -
Emption D. H. No. 47-1 , for the southwest quarter -
ter section 84 , township :5 : nortii , range 'M west.
Shu names the following witnesses to prove
iier continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : C. L. Nettleton , C. W.
Kneeland , M. li. Johnston and C. A. Nettleton ,
allot McCook , Neb.
17. * G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OFFICE AT MtCoou , Nii : . ,
September 2ilh , 1SS4. f
Notice is hereby given that tne following-
named settler has tiled notice of his , intention
tomakclinal proof iusupportol hisclaim.and
that said proof will be made belore Register
and Receiver of the L' . S. Land Ollice at MJ-
Cook , Neb. , on the nth day of November , JS
viz : Jerry UriiiinD. ( S.No. ) . " > ! > , for the north
east ( juaiter of section 11 , township IJ north ,
r.mge 'ill west. He names the following -
iiesscto pi eve iis eont inuoiis residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : John F. Col
lins , Matthew J. lieafy , James Doyle and
Charles Nippin , all oi McCook. Kelt ?
17. G. L. LAWS , Register.
September 27th , l.\si. f
Notice is hereby given that the foiiowing-
namcd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made. * beiorc Register
nr Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Thur-day ,
November 13th. LVJ. vi" : Eugene L.Dunham.
Homestead Entry ni.'t , for tlic northwest -i
: > f section 7 , township i north , range-8 west
i P. M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , taid laud , vl ; : : George Fowler ,
\ \ . W. Dunham , Newton Foivler and Aaron
Colvin , all of Stoughlon , Neb.
18. G. C. LAVv'S , Register.
September 29th. 1SSL i"
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamcfl settler has filed notice of his intention
: o make linal proof in support of his claim , and
Jiat said proof will be made before Register
md Receiver of L . S. Land Ollice at .McCook ,
S'eb. , on November 1WJ , vi/ : Anthony
? liiy , Homestead Entry 1.14.J. lor the lo's : { and
, ' ( W. ' . S. W.i > aii'l lots 1 and 2 ( W. ' ; N. W.
i ) of section SI , township I ! north , range i ! )
vest. He na.nes the lolloping witnesses to
irovo his continuous residence upon , and
Miltivation of , said land , viz : William Me-
klanigai , Vance McM-migal , A. I * . Sharp : irt :
lohn Everts , all of MeCook. Neb.
IP. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook. Neb. , Sept. 15th. 18Sf.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
iy John F. Flaninigan against Jackson Gos-
ard for abandoning his Homestead EntrvU'M ,
latccl at McCook , Neb. . March l.'th , l.ssi , upon
he southeast quarter of section 11. township
north , range "U west , in Red Willow county.
> e'o. , with a view to the cancellation of said
intsy ; the said paities are hereby summoned
o appear at this ollice on th "ith day of No-
cmber , 1884. at 10 o'clock. A. JF. , to respond
ind furnish testimony concerning said alleg-
d abandunmunt.
1.- . G. L. LAW. * , Register.
L\M > ( FI in : AT Mi CiiiK. NEIL , I
September -.11th , 1 > M. )
Notice In hereby given that the fiillowiii- !
lamed settler has filed not ice of his intent ion
D make linal prool insupporfof his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Kcgi-ter
r Keceivcr at McOoek. Neb. , on November
: .th. iS I , viz : Ira J. Miller , 1) . S. MS , for the
onth ' southeast 't s < > etii > n 11 and west ' .
onthwst 'i of section I'l , township I north.
nnge2i ! we t. llf name' : the follnning nit-
esses ( o prove his con tin nous residence upon ,
ml cull hil : ion of. said land.xiz : Jacob Long ,
'liomas Kiiggle-- , William Deri * and A. 11.
teynolds , all of I5o.\ Eider , lied Willow coun-
y. Neb. 15. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
October 1st , 1S.M. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
anied settler hai tiled notice of liis intention i
3make linal proot in support of his claim , and t
iiat said proof will be made before llegister t
r Ileceiver at McCook , Xeb. , on Monday , i
ovember 17th. 1SK1 , viz : Alexander D. John- :
ton , D. S. Xo. : si , for the south 4 southeast > ! 11
nd south ' : southwest 'i section l > . township 11
nwrtli , i-inge 2W west. He nume.s the follow-11
ig witnesses to prove his continuous re-i- i i
cnce upon , amrcnltivation of. said land , viz : ' 1
. J. Starbuck , W. W. Fisher. William McQnay j 1
nd Hcnjamin McQnay , all of McCook , Xeb. 11
28. G. L. LAWS , llegister. '
September llth , isw. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Ilk d notice of his intentioi
tonmkoilnul proof In support of his claim , am
that said proof will be made before lle lstei
or llecclver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday
November 1st. 1SSI , viz : Nicklas Sevenker
Homestead 10-7 , for the northwest quarter ol
section 7. township : north , range 2 ! ) west ,
Ho names the following wltnetos to prove hi *
continuous residence upon , and eiiltivatioi
of. said land , viz : Silas II. Colvin , II. Howard
Mitchell , I'rank StoeklotfnndI'rnnkSevenker ,
allofMcCotk , Neb.
17. ( J. I. . LAWS , ! li' , 'J ter.
LAND Orm-i : AT McCnoic , NKII. , I
September 22nd , 1S.S4. f
Notice is hereby given that the fnllowing-
immcd settler has tiled notice of his intention
to ji'.akeliiinl proof In support of his claim.and
that said proof will be made before tluKeg -
ir-tcr and Ileceiver of U. S. Land Ollice at Mc
Cook , Neb. , on November 17th.1SSM , viz :
Samuel Wheeler. Homestead Knlry HM , tor
the cast 'j of northwest Ji and east 'i of south
west Ii of . ection ! ' , township : ! , north ot range
IR ) west. Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , aril cul
tivation of , bind land , viz : Christian IJIae-
liolder , George Foster. Herman Hcslor and
Frank liallancc , all of .McCook. Neb.
17. G. L. LAWS ? , llcgistcr.
September 2d , l&.i. f
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing-
namcd settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of Ills claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Ilegister
or llecehcr at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. Octo
ber 10th , 18.Sl.viz : Frederick Vollbrecht , Home
stead No. 15-10 , for tfie west li nort Invest ; ( and
west " 2 southwest Ji t-ection 15 , township . ' !
north , range : > 0 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land. vi/ :
Adolph Ithcischick , Herman Thole , Charles
Hcchtel and Phillip Weiek , all of Mc < 'ook , Neb.
11. G. L. LAWS , Register.
September ! lrd , ISK4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support ot his claim , and
that suid proof will be made before llegister
and Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
October llth , 18 $ ! . viz : Alt red S. Jlider , 1) . S.
No. 2320 , for the southwest quarter section 20 ,
township ; > , north of range 2 > i west ( ith P.M.
He names the lollowing witnesses to prove
Iiis continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , vi/ : William N. Knyeart ,
A'ance McManigal , William M. Itollins and
Charles E. McPherson , all-of McCook , Neb.
14. G. L. LAWS , llegister.
September 1st , Isi. t
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice ol his intention
to make tinal proof in support of hN claim , and
that said proof will be madu before llegister
or Ileceiver at McCook. Neb.von Friday , Octo
ber 10th , 1881 , viz : George A. Simerman , I ) .
S. Nr17i ! , for the southeast quarter section
21 , township .1 north , range-'iO wcht. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : J. Osbnrn. Isaac Shepard , William
Vincent and Ellsworth Uasbctt. all ofOsburn ,
Neb. 11. G. L. LAWS , llegister.
September 2nd , IKSl. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his chum , and
that said proof will be made before lle-rister
or Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo
ber KJtlt. ISM , viz : Andrew .1. lieiison , I ) . S.
No. ! - . " > , lor the nort Invent quarter hcction : tt ,
township t north , range 2 * . i\t > l. He name- ,
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous reM'dence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Isaac Johiu-on , Charles T. Poyscr
and Henry Eden of McCook , Neb. , and David
E. Moore of I5ox Elder , Neb.
II. G. L. LAWS , Register.
September 2d , 1KS-5. C
Notice is hereby given that tin ; following-
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before llegister
or Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo
ber iOth.lfcSi , viz . Charles Vollbrtcht , Home
stead No. Ml , for the east 'i southwest Jt and
west ! j southeast * 4 t-ection 1.1 , township ; j
noi th , range 'M west , lie names the following
witnesses to prove hi.s continuous resilience
upon , and cultivation of , taid land , viz :
Adolph ItlieiM-hick , Herman Thole , ( harles
iicchtei and Phillip Wcick , all oi' Mci 'ook , : \e.b.
11. G. L. LAWS , Hcgifcter.
LAND OrvicE AT MiCooK , NEI : . , I.
September ikt , lv > { . f
Notice is hereby given that the lollowinjr-
uamed settler has liled notice of hid intention
to make linal proof in supportof hia claim , and
that said proof will be made before llejiiser
or Ueceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo
ber lOtji , 1J-M , viz : John II. Harries , Home
stead No. t.'tii. for the northwest quarter sec
tion 21 , township 1 north , range 2ii west. He.
names the lollowing witnesses to prove liij
continuous re.-idenee upon , ami cultivation
of. said hind , viz : J. L. Sellers , Frank Lavi-r-
ick , Conner and James Kiipatrick , all of
Stoughton , Nebra&ka.
I.I. G L. LAWS1 _ _ egi.-ter.
September ( ith , l.v > l. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has liicd notice ol his intentio
to make tinal proof in support of Iusc ! : < inian <
that said proof will be made belore Iteuiste
: ir Ileceiver at McCook , : < el > . , on Saturday
Uctobcr iMh , 1 1. viz : Fred li. Pitney. 1) . S
So. 417 , for the bottthv.est J ; southwest J. o
section 10 and east. ! j northwi--t Ji , iK > rthwcs
' { northwest of section 15 , township 4 north
range 20 west. He names the lolo ! < ving WK
icsses to in eve continuous residence upon
mil cultivation of , said land , viz : Wdlian
Doyle , Alexander Campbell , Stephen Kollc
.ind Charles Turner , all of Uo.v Elder , Nc ! > .
13. O. I , . LAWS , Kegister.
McCook , . , Sejitc-mber 17th , PKi.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lanicd pettier has filed notice of his mtentioi
o make linal proof in support of his claim , am
hat said proof w ill be made belore Kegistei
> r Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday
) ctofer 2Tith , 1SS } . viz : Edjiar F. Couse , Home
lead l.'jS-t , tor the northwest quarter sectioi
. " > , township 3 north , range -"J west. Ht ; names
he following1 witnesses to prove his continu
HIS residence upon , and cultivation of. sair
and , viz : M. L. iJrown , Charles l'o > scr , V.'i !
lam Johnson and John Modreilallot MeCo'ik ,
scb. Jtj G1L.jNAV.SJJcgist ir.
McCook , Neb. , September 17th , 1S > ! .
Notice is hereby given that the I'ollowmg-
tamcd settler has tiled notice of her intenti
ciinakc Una ! proof in support ! * f h'-r claim , and
hat said pioof will he made belore Register < 'i-
leceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , < ) ct < > -
ler 27th , 1W4 , vi/ : Harriet 1'rylintr , Ilome < tcad
'o. 70 , lor the northwest quarter section li ,
ownsnpJ ! north , raiiiie :5U : west , bhe names
he lollowing witnesses to prove her conti'in-
iiis residence upon , and cultivation of. said
iind , vi ; : : Daniel Donahue , John J. Dunbar ,
'homas Murphy and Samuel Shatlf r , all or
IcCook , Neb. "l ( . G. L. LAWS , llegister.
McCook , Neb. , Sept. i7th. InM.
Notice is hereby given the tollowing-
amed settleis have liled notice ol their inten-
ion to make linal proof in support of their
Iaim , and that said proots vriil be made be
ore llegister or Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Viday , October -ith , issi , viz : Edwin Mc-
'andlNs. D. S. 4 ! > 1. for the northwest quarter
L-ction 2S. township 4 north , range . ' ,11 w * t.
le names the follouinjr uitw-M-s to prove his
ontinuous resilience sip > nand cultUati'inof ,
nid land , viz : Hoi-.tce H. K.isirday. . Janirs
'attersun. Hoi roll ; 'iid l.ihvard Nan
lorn , all ol Mel ook. Neb.
Viz : Frank Amend. 1 > . S. A'lor tin ; norili
es-1 quarter section 21. tmui-htp 1 north ,
linie ll wc--l. lie mimes the lolli.nig \vt-
e -i-sto pioyehiscontinuousre-idence upmi ,
nd cnlthation of. aid land.i / : Edward
'an Horn. Edwin McCaiulli&s Mi-rti'r.ier Ilitli-
rds and Hawk-y Kichard.ali oi .McCook , Neb.
Viz : Edward Van Horn , D. S. .114. l .r the
- ' ill.
nlliUPst quarters-01101121town'-hip-timi
mire. } ) Hi-sl. lie name the l-illowipir wit-
i > s * s to iirovi'liiscoiiliiinou6 isid'-nec upon ,
nd cultivation < i | . - tid lamii / : William
oleinan , Horace Ii. Ka-tenlay , Fi-ini ; An.rnd
ml Edwin McCandiiss , all of Mi-Cook. Neb.
1U. U. L. LAV/S. P.egi.-ter.
LANI > OFFICE AT McCuoK. Nr. : . . i
September 2'.ith.1.VM. . i"
Notice is hereby gi-'en that the fullor. iug-
inncd settler ha.fiJecl notice of his intention
> make linal proot in support of hi > claim , and
latsaid proof will be made before lleirister
Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satnnlay ,
ovember "tli. lfl , viz : Oeoi-so II. Su.t buck ,
. S.587. . for the southwest quarter ot fcection
township 2 north , range : W we-t. H - name-
le lollowing uitnes.-o-s to prove hicont.n -
ju > residence upon , and cnltivalion ol. said
nd , viz : Gilbert II. Nettleton. ijiarles F.
ite , Walter K. Forsev and Joseph New man.
1 of McCook. Neb.
IS. G. L. LAWS , llegister.
LAMI Omen AT McCuoic , NEII , , I
August 28th , IBM. I
Notice is hereby given that the followlng-
named K-ttier has liled notice of his Intention
to make linal proof in support of hi.t claim , nncl "r f
that said proof will be made beforeKegister
orIlccclver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
October I.'lth. IWJ.vIz : Alexander C.Towne , liJ.fortlieeast'.southeiiMt * section
1 , township 1. range W ) wurft and west 5i south
west 'i section ( J , township 1 , nmgo2'J wi-st.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : W. M. Hubbcll. N. Uurtless
and E. K. Johnston of McCook , Neb. , and
Charlie Smith of Driftwood. Neb.
III. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
August 2tith , 1881. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following- ty
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make linal proof In support of Ills claim , and
thatsuld pioof will bo made before llegister
or llet'elvcr at McCook. Neb. on MONDAV ,
October Wth , 1S8J , vi/ : William M. Towno. I ) .
S. No. a2 ! > . for the south 4 northwest J.i and
north southwest h section 1. township 1
north , raugo ISO west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous re.sldcnco
upon , and cultivation of , said hind , riz : W.
M. Hubbcll , N. Hurtless , William Pryor and
E. U. Johnston , all of McCook , Neb.
V. . G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
August 2.Sth , l.SRt. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before llegister
or Keceivcr at .McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
October llth. 1831 , viz : Lewis li. MarchD.S.
No. 2tb' , for the lots 2 , .1 and I and southeast . . .
southwest 'i of section HI. township U north ,
raugo 2S west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : Allen A.
I'hillippi , John IS. Mescrvo , Kicliard Johnson
and William W. Fisher , all of McCook. Neb.
1 ! ! . (5. ( L. LAWS , llegister.
August 28th , I8KJ. J
Notice is hereby given that the followlng-
nained scttlerhas liled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before llegister
or Ileceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
October Ilith , li3S , viz : Eliliiigh K. Johnston ,
D. S. No. 41.1. for the northeast quarter section
; > " > , township : . ' north , range.iO west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu.
ons residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Oscar W. Kussill , Frank Fcwell ,
A. C.Towne and Win. Towne. all of McCook ,
Neb. i : ; . G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
August 21st , 1S.S1. f
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomakelinal proof in support of his claim , ami
that said proof will be ; made before Kegister
or Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
October 4th , l . | , viz : Hubert E. Grindol ,
D. S. No. .J.18 , for the south ii southwest 't
section 27. township : horth , range 2il west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : W. W. Fisher , . ! . 15. Mescrvc ,
Kichard Johnson and L. It. March , all of Me-
Cbok , Neb. W. G..L. LAWS , llegister.
August 2.1th , I8rfl. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomakelinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Kegisteror
Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo
ber 10th , If l , viz : William O. Kiisscll , Home-
i-tead No. ( .I ! , for the northeast quarter seel ion
l" , township 2 north , range I ! " ) west. He names
the lollowing witnesses to proie his continu
ous i evidence upon , and eiilti\atiou of , said
land , vi/ : George Frt-dericks , S. H. Colvin ,
Frank Fewell and J. C. llussell , all of McCook ,
Neb. Ki. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
August 2itii ( , 181. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
muncd settler ha % liled notice of her intention
to makclinal proof in support of hcrciaiui , and
that s > aid proof will be made before Kegister
or Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
October Mb , lfct. viz : Susan Keep , 1) . S. No.
41 < % for the northwest quarter of section .10 ,
'township ' 1 north , range 2 ! ) west. She names
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
landl lJohn M. Fwiil and Kenben C. Gcr-
ver of Stoughton , Neb. . William Kelph and
Jonn W. Kelph of MeCook , Neb.
-K ; . I. . L. LAWS , llegister.
LAMI OFFICE AT Mi Hejrist'r."r (
Anirust 2 ; th , 1S. 4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
numed settler has liled notice of his intention
to make linai proof in support of his claimand said pi oof will bo made before Kegister
or Keceivcr at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
October . -th , 1S-4 , viz : William Kelph , Home
stead I .KM. for the northeast quarter of section
:5i : ) , township 1 north , ranged west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous re-idence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viU.S. . Cooley , V. ' . H. Hubbcll and
N. O. Wiekwire of MeCook , Neb. , and John
Conner of Stoughton , Neb.
i : . ' . . G. L. LAWS , llegister.
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 171I18SI. .
Notice is hereby given that tin : following-
namcil settler ha- tiled notice of his intention
toinaKclliml pro jf in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Kegister or
Ileceiver at MtCook , Neb. , on Friday , October , IbM , viz : Mortimer KichariN , I ) . S. No.
l' l , lor the southwest quartet-section 28 , town
ship i north , range : Xucbt. He names the fol
lowing \ \ it nesses , to prove hia continuous resi
lience upon , and cultivation ol , said hind , viz :
Eduinan Horn , Frank Amend , Edmund .Mc-
I'andlissand Hawley Kichards , all of McCook ,
-N > b. 1C. G. L. LAWS. Kegisler.
.McCook , Neb. , September I7th , 1SSL
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomakelinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Kegister
Keceivcr at McCook , Neb , on Saturday ,
Jctober2.1th , ISM , viz : Kit-hard M. Williams ,
D. S. No. 7 , lor the S. K. ' .j , S. K. t section 17 ,
K. 'i N. E. h and S. W. X. section 211 ,
: owr.snip 2 north , range 'M west. He names
: he lollowing witnesses to prove his continu-
uis resilience upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : LouisFaiiss , Iloger ISarnes , Joseph
\ lgrue and Peter Swanson.allof Vailton.Neb
J'j- G. L. LAWS , llegister.
McCook. Neb. . Sept. 17th , If t.
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed set Her has liled notice of his intention
o make linal proof in support of his claim.
tames the following witnesses to prove his
McCook , Neb. , September IWth , 15 < 8l.
Complaint having been entered at this ollic-
iv Thomas E. Thoinp jn a-rain-t Jonathan I )
m < : in for abandoning his Momestt-ad Kntiy
< , ilatr-d North Plane , Neb. , December tith ,
-7'.i. iipi-n the s-outlu-ust quarter section )
! iwn.-hip i north , range 7 west , in Hod Willow
onnty. Xeb. . with a view to tlucance.'Iatiou
1aid entry ; the said parties ure herebv
iiTiimcinf :1 to appear at this ollice on the .1th
ay ol November , issi , at 1 o'clock , P. 31. , to
i-pond and furnish testimony concerniii"
, ud alleged abandunnif-iit.
1' . * C. F. ISAKCOCK , Keceivcr.
I.XMi OFFH : AT MC''OOK , XKI : . . (
-pii-iniiei-aitli. _ . ISM. f
Notice is hi-ieby given that tin : followiug-
: nn - < l . -Uli-s- IiaiKd ( notice of hj > intciition
> ntakeiintl proot in support of hi < claimand
utt said proof will be mailc btfoie Kegister
r Keceivr at ilcCuok. Xei. , n Satunlav.
i.\-inbr-r I.lth. ! > . - - > . viz : Liiman X. HOW . |
iomit tad I' ' " ! , for the \vf t ' . iiott'nvest *
mlet ' ' , smithucMrctioii 2.1 , township
north..m e'31 v.i-it. HI- names the rollow-
'g wifiiLs-- ! pro\ < - his continuous rcsi-
. lifi Ki-iin. and cnttiv.ition of , said land , viz :
' McManigal , Audteiv Cai > on. ( Jeorge
oh and Adoiph ller-chick. all of McCook.
ub. is. G. L. LAWS. , Kegister.
McCook , Nr.b. , Sopt. 23J. Isfc-j.
Complaint havjnr boon t'tUored at this oHice
f Ko'.H-rt . ' .Jooro : ig < iint Fr.tnk > : tn lliofer for
jandoning his Homestead Entry : : ; , dated
oith Platte , Xen. . March 1st. Kl. l. upon the '
tuthca-t quarter seci mn 2 : ; . townsliip 1 not th 'i ! 50 west , in Ktil Willow county. Neb. ,
ith a vie\v to tiie cancellation of said entrv ;
e-aid p rtn- > are her -l > y-ummoned to : UK
at-at tliNoliiccsm the2.1tlnlayof No\x-inbor ,
S4 , at I d'clock , P. M. , to tospo'nd and furnish
stimoi ! ) conci-rning s.iid alleged abandou-
ent. IS. G. L. LAWS , Hejrist'-r.
tt ;