McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 02, 1884, Image 1
OOK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 2 , 1884. NUMBER 18. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. a. L. LAWD , Sogister. C. F. BABCOOH , Bcccirer. OKFICK Ilouits : From 0 A. M. to J2 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain tlmo. J. B. COCIIRAN , ATTOEKEY AT LAW , - HeCOOZ , BED WILLOW COUNTY , 1TEB. Practice In any Courts of the sUite and Kan sas , and the government Land Olllcc of this District , and before the Lund Department at Washington. Satisfaction frimntntcc < l , and terms reasonable. Ofllce 1st door south of the U. S. Land Office. 2-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NB RASKA. Will Rlvc special attention to tlic practice of law , nnd making collections. SSTOfflce Second blocknortli of depot , 2 doors north Green's drug store. 2-JJJ. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence " -22- solicited. - - E. C. TOWNB , LAND AGENT , McCOQK , - - NEIJRASKA , Does a General Land Husincss in the Mc COOK LAND DISTRICT , NumtASKA. and in rlic OHEKLIN LAND DISTUICT , KANSAS. S. II. COLVIN , Notary Public & Justice THE Peace. Pension papers carefully filled out and col lections promptly attended to. Oflice , 2d door cast of THE TJUBUNE office. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , flradnato llciicil Dcpirteest tfdvcKitj Wccstcr. Office at Metropolitan Drug Store , where he can be found when not professionally engag ed. Itcsidence , corner of Jefferson and Mad ison streets. DR. 'L , L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , NEBRASKA. McCOOK , - - ES-Office at Churchill House. DR. A. J. AVILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] 555Treservatien ef the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing Trill receive prompt attention at my shop on Dcnnlsori St. , opposite McCook House. 1'lans and specifications furnished If desired. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooic , - NEBRASKA. " All vrork guaranteed. Give me a call. > WILLIAM McINTYEE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. HTNMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers. McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. 5gr"DcsIgn3 furnished for Ceiling Decorations , either In paper or Fresco Painting. _ JSTEW BAKBEB , SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Has opened up a Barber Shop 0:1 "West Dcnnlson Direct , McCook , Xeb. , where he is able to do Shaving , H-iIr Dressing , etc. , at all tinier. Ladles and child ren's hair dressing a specialty. Call and become acquainted. _ JACKSPX TUCKS. A. C. TOWNE , HEAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Has for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Homesteads. Also , will locate parties on Govern ment Land. wanted for The Lives of all the Presidents of the U. S. The largest , hnndsomest best book ever sold for less than twice our 11ALLETT HOOK CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-35. 1HE CITIZEN'S ' BANK OF McCOOK * t DOES A GENERAL ANK3NG BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal . property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , COBESCP01TD2HTS : J. W. JiOLAN. President. First National Hank , Lincoln , Neb. V. PKANKLTN. Vice President. Chtiso Niitionul Bunk , New York. W. V. WALLACE. Cashier. i | GHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Po wes , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Tump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSB , This minis a "bolld wheel" nnd the hest self-regulator made. The | Woodmanse Xo. 6. Pump Is the best single acting force pump In the . market. Will work In wells from 10 to 200 feet In depth , and has back I attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can be used by hand | or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their best interests by calling at my Homestead , 1J < J miles nuitmvcbt of McCook , or at 15. .lohtifcton'b , 5 miles fcoutheast , and ex amine the working of the AVoodmansu. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , "Woodinanse "Windmill Co. . Freeport , 111. BARBER SHOP , A. P. SHARP'S FOR A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE OR HAIR CUT. HOT & SOLD BATHS ON SHORT NOTICE. and Children's Hair Dressing a specialty. Attention , Land Attorneys. AVc have in stock "Cash Application" and "Proof blanks , under act approved June 15 , 1SSO. Same are put up in § 1 and $2 packages , ready to mail. Send in your order to THE T1UBUNE. McCook , Nela. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at nfeht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth ? If so , send at once and get a bottle of Urs. Wisslsw's SotiSss Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it , mothers , there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces inflammation , and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Urs. Vfcstev's Scathing Syrsp f : : Children Teething is pleasant to the taste , and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female nurses and physicians In the United States , and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. DYSPEPSIA Can be cured by the use of ] ; ( ' ; ! > ' Dandelion Bit ters. It will at once restore action to the liver and kidneys , and tone up and regulate the stomach , so hat food will be digested. For sale by S. L. Green and Metropolitan Drug Store. .Agents wanted for authentic edition of his life. Published at Augusta , his home. Largest , handsomest , cheapest , best. By the renowned historian and biographer , Col. Couwcll , whose life ot Garlleld , published by us , outsold the twenty others by 00,000. Outsells uery book ever published In this world ; many agents are selling tlfty dally. Agents are making fortunes. All new begin ners successful ; grand chance for them. 43.50 made by a lady agent the first day. Teims most liberal. Particulars free. Better send 23 cents for postage , etc. , on free outtlt , now reaJy , including large pros pectus book , and save valuable time. 2. ALLEN & CO. . Augusta , Maine. DUE LIVE DRUGGISTS S. L. Green and Johnson & Spaldlng are daily hav ing calls for Bcggb' Diarrhea Balsam. In cases of Colic , Cholera , Cholera Morbus , Diarrlitea , Dysen tery , Bloody Flux , Inflammation of the Bowels , etc. . It will bring immediate relief. Every bottle sold is positively warranted to give satisfaction , or money refunded. Price , 33 cts. a week at home.5 outfit free. Pay ab solutely suie. Xoiitk. Capital not requir ed. IJeader. If you want business at which pen-ons of cither sex , young or old , can make great pay all the time they work , with absolute certainty , write for particulars to II. HALLETT & CO. "Portland , Malxir. 2-35 The call for Beggs' Biood Purifier is daily increas ing. S. L. Green and Johnson & Spaldlng are furnish ing sample bottles free. It is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys and BlooJ. "Warranted. A1JE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , Con stipation , Dizziness. Loss of Appetite , Ye'Iow Skin ? ShIIoh's Vital'zer Is a positive Cure. FOIt DYSPEPSIA and Liver complaint , you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vltal- Izer. It neer falls to cure. THE Itev. Gco. II. Thnyer , of Bourbon , Ind. , says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOHS CONSUMPTION" CUKE. " WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 cts. and fl. SHILOH'S CATARUH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. A XASAL IN'JEGTOi : free with each bottle of SliHoh's Catanh Remedy. Price SO cents. SHII.OirsTuRE vrlll ImmedialeVreileve Croup , Whooping cough and Bronchitis. "HACKMETACK. " a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and PO ccnta. Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook , Neb. j TIIK decline in receipts at the custom houses of Italy , owing to cholera , are estimated at 40,000,000f. " \VARFAIIE has ceased between France and China. The cessation is said to be due to German mediation. It is report ed that fully 4,500 of the French troops in Tonquin are sick. The French have gained too little in this unnecessary war to repay them for the expense and trouble. THE bunko thieves continue to flour ish in Denver. They recently robbed a rich ranchman of $10,000. It seems rather singular that the authorities of the Queen City of the Plains permit these scoundrels to make that place their headcoiarters. It looks very much as if the bunkoists were paying a lib eral percentage to some one for the privilege of robbing visitors. "IT struck me as rather peculiar , " said an old gentleman in this office a day or two ago , "that as I came here from the east I saw no babies on the train un til after I got west of Chicago. From that time on there were lots of 'em , and the further west we traveled the more babies there seemed to be. I suppose they were taking an early start to grow up with the country. " Beatrice Ex press. THE ancient world had its priestesses , and was ever wont to see its sweetest and highest ideals Beauty , Love , Wis dom , Justice in woman form. It is a touch of nature that paints Dante be side , but looking up to , Beatrice.In all the world's dark history of blood and chaos , womanhood has stood stainless and steadfast linked close to God to tiolcl humanity to its orbit by the power of deathless love. In all the crisjs of life , when the heart breaks , when faith fails , when the strong man bows himself to storm and agony , it is to the mother- face he looks , to the hand that held his first he clings. Selected. THE project of a railway tunnel un der the straits of Dover , connecting France and England , has long been dis cussed , and while Captain Eads was in England he was consulted as to its feas ibility. Captain Eads pronounces the enterprise entirely practicable as the bearings in the earth show no great ob stacle to the construction of the tunnel. It would certainly be a great enterprise , and would be appreciated by the multi tudes who daily cross the rough seas of the English channel. The main obsta cle , however , to the proposed tunnel is England's hostility to the project , on the ground that it might be used advan tageously against England in case of hostility. This fear is certainly absurd , for England and France could stop up the ends of the tunnel in case of war , and let it remain unused during hostili ties. Bee. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Sept. 29. ' 84. The retirement of Commissioner Dudley from the Pension OHice on the 10th of November , will be hailed with eminent satisfaction by all who believe that the afiairs of the Pension Oflice can be more satisfactorily ad ministered. Mr. Dudley's manage ment has brought the ofiice three years behind in its business , although he has had an army of clerks , and the expense of running his office for a single year has amounted to $850,000. The fact that applications for pensions filed as long ago as 1882 are just be ginning to be reached in their order , shows a , want of system or discipline or both , which can be readily supplied by some one who has a better appreci ation of his official duties. If the ad ministration carries out its ideas of Civil Service Reform with sincerity , Major Clarke , the present Assistant Commissioner , with advanced ideas upon a proper pension system , would and should receive the appointment. The necessity for a reorganization of the United States Supreme Court becomes more and more pressing with the advent of each recurring session. \Vith nine judges almost constantly at work , the court is still so overrun with new cases that it has become an absolute impossibility to advance even a step upon the three years that the court has lagged behind its calendar. Sitting from October to May , these judges dispose of about three hundred cases , while the number of new cases that it will encounter at the opening of the session next month will be up wards of 400 , thus throwing its work back still another year. Thrice has the Senate passed a bill looking to the relief of the court , by reducing the numper of appeals and conferring in creased jurisdiction upon inferior courts , but the House has each time failed to reach the bills , though the Speaker's table was loaded with pe titions praying for action upon them. Under the present right of appeal , this , the highest tribunal in the land , has infinitely more of its time occu pied with petty cases that involve neither principle nor property , than with those involving grave constitu tional questions. The personnel of the Supreme Court has often been remarked upon , but I have never seen a newspaper description that did the court justice. Beginning with'Chief Justice AVaite , whose grey hair and beard and big mouth and big nose are all that bear any resemblance to a judge , one is set to wondering how any such a look ing man as that could ever get into a seat once occupied by Marshall ? Mil ler , who sits afc the right of the Chief Justice , has the bearing , the learning an-.l all the requisites of a judge , ex cept the appearance , which is that of a thrifty Iowa husbandman. Justice Field , the left supporter of the Chief Justice , is a gander-legged , bald- [ leaded , full-bearded , gold-bowed- spectacled lawyer , whose chief quali fication for his appointment consisted of his bein"1 the brother of David O Dudley a'nd Cyrus W. He is a Dem ocrat , and a hard-shelled one at that. Justice Bradley is a small man. with large capacity for somnolence on the bench. lie is , however , clear-headed , and has no reason to keep nwake to listen to the soporific Supreme Court arguments. Harlan is a handsome O Kentuckian who is long all over as well as long-headed. He chews to bacco amazingly , but withal is an ex cellent judge who writes excellent opinions. Woods was little known as a soldier in Georgia , but will be less known as : i judge , while Gray , of Boston , is every inch of his six feet four , a stalwart specimen of the New England jurist. Gray is an old bach elor , crispy and snappy , but he can work off more business than any two of his associates. Stanley Matthews has no business on the bench of the Supreme Court , and Blatchibrd , who was an admirable district court judge in New York , is not basement high in this court. DOM PEDIIO. ATTENTION ! FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS HI WILJL OFFER fe& Bargains EXTRAORDINARY Bargains T "NJ * * * * * * * * * BARBED WIRE , STOVES AND HARDWARE , Call and See Me Before Buying Elsewhere. Three Doors North of the Chicago Store. . 0. LaTOUEETTE. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IN- ! , STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best Wagon , in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin Sheet-Iron & , - Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . . , . . . . . L. L. JOHXSOX M. D. M. A. SI'ALDIXG. METROPOLITAN DRUG STORE ! * Everything- [ Except Liquor ) Usually Kept in a First-Class Drug Store. WE ALSO HANDLE - SEWING MACHINES. HNSON SPALDING H i3 i i f J A-r JLl , McCOOK , NEBRASKA.