McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 25, 1884, Image 2

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F. 91. & E. 91. 1'ubd.
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Corn is safe and a magnificent crop.
' ( There is talk of the second skating- rink in
Adams county has decided to bold a fair in
The Harlan county fair will beheld October
let , 2d and 3d.
There nro sixty students in attendance at
the Hastings college.
The pressing need of Grand Island is said to
be a first class hotel.
There is talk about fitting up a $10,000 gam
bling house in Hastings.
The Lancaster county fair was the most
successful ono over held.
A now passenger train has been put on to
run in and out of Beatrice.
The Dodge county fair will bo held at Fre
mont October 1st , 2d and 3d.
Norfolk has on exhibition a mammoth
squash weighing ninety pounds.
The new Congregational church at Fremont
is in the hands of the bricklayers.
Fremont claims a population of 7,500 , which
makes it the third city in the state.
The new hotel at Hastings is tobe one of the
finest , if not the largest , in the state.
The proposition to license a saloon in Kene-
saw was negatived by the town board.
A bigger and better display was made at the
Richardson county fair than ever before.
John Enrson , of Bloomington , was recently
severely shocked by a stroke of lightning.
T. H. Head , living south of Harlan , has a
fine bearing peach orchard of COO trees.
A movement is on foot looking to the sink
ing of an artesian well in North Flattc.
The Adventists , in their camp meeting at
Omaha , will hold forth on the fair grounds.
Those counties that nro holding1 fairs this
fall are presenting fine products of the soil.
The Israelites of Omaha have erected a fine
synagogue , which was dedicated a few days
Rev. H. S. Harrison , of Chicago , has accept
ed a call from the Congregationalists of
York. '
Gen. Thayer , of Grand Island , has gone to
Indiana to stump the state for the republican
The receipts of the state fair at Omaha were
about ? 20,000 , which is 55,000 greater than ever
Ohio settlers of Lancaster county held a re
union last week. A goodly number was in
The Sioux City & Pacific will extend their
road as far as Fort Robinson by the first of
next June.
A number of colored people of Lincoln left
that city a few days ago for Liberia , their
future home.
J J. W. Love has sold his Colfax county ranche
of l.SOfracres to some parties from England
for $28,000.
Abner Turner and A. B. Coffroth , of Colum
bus , have just purchased land in Wyoming for
a cattle ranche.
Next year's grand lodge of Knights of
Pythias will be held at Lincoln on the second
Tuesday in October.
James .Gordon Bennett , of the New York
Herald , en route to San Francisco , made a
brief stop at Omaha.
The anti-monopolists and democrats of the
Second congressional district have nominated
J. H. Stickel for congress.
Mrs. John Yerga , wife of a business man of
Omaha , has deserted his bed and board and
gone off with another feller.
The school year of the state deaf and dumb
institute aMmaha opened lost week with one
hundredstudents ; In attendance.
J. A. Bruce , of Elm Island , had his barn de
stroyed by fire at 4 o'clock in the morning. It
Is not known how the fire originated.
Thieves ore again numerous in Lincoln , and
the shotgun which had been temporarily laid
away is again being brought forth.
It is stated that Fremont was looser by the
reunion. A great many more people were ex
pected than put in an appearance.
The Seventh Day Adventists of Iowa and
Nebraska will hold a camp meeting at Omaha
from September 24th to October 6th.
Miss Emma O. Burlmgame , of Crete , has
mysteriously left home , and her parents are
anxious to learn of her whereabouts.
- A petition was circulated at Ashland asking
for an election to vote bonds for the purpose
of heating the school house by steam.
'The weeding out process has been inaugu
rated in the Omaha police force. It is found
that a number of them are drunkards.
Nearly every town in the state has a skating
rink , and those not provided therewith are
rapidly making preparations to this end.
The prisoners in the Grand Island jail made
an attempt to escape , and now measures have
been taken for making them more secure.
Milford is organizing to secure the location
of the soldiers' home at that place , Other
towns and cities are doing the same thing.
Democrats of North Platte held a meeting to
ratify the nomination of their fellow-citizen ,
Win. Nevilie , for congress in the Third dis
Land Office Commissioner McFarland rules
that land office notices must be published in
newspapers having good and bona fide circu
Mrs. Daniel Wertz carried off the special
premium at York county fair as the best lady
rider. The premium was a silk dress valued
at $20.
A Nebraska cattle thief has just been over
hauled at Columbus , Ohio , by the sheriff of
York county , and brought back to the theatre
of his operations.
The Brownville Granger says it is confident
ly believed" that coal , for which boring Is now
proceeding , will be'discovered in that city at
reasonable depth.
The Empire state stock and dairy company
has been organized at Fremont , with a capi
tal of $15,000. The company propose to start
a ranche in Holt county.
Two children of Mr. Sutter , of Otoe county ,
fell into a well containing eight feet of water ,
and but for the timely arrival of their father
would have drowned.
A great deal of fatal sickness has prevailed
of late about Juniata. Deaths were principally
among children , the mortality among whom
has been unusually large.
The state convention of the W. C. T. U. will
meet In Omaha early in October. Nebraska
will this year probably send four delegates to
the national convention.
Prisoners confined In the Falls City jail at
tempted to bore their way through the wall
but the jailor pounced upon them befo-ethey
accomplished theirpurpose.
The York Democrat says many eastern
land seekers have recently visited York
county , and so well pleased were they with
the outlook that all made purchases.
Perry Dutton was arrested at Ainsworth by
Deputy Sheriff Brahmstadtv upon charge of
stealing a horse belonging to John Fowler.
He was taken back to Valentino for trial.
John Croft , 80 years old , living in Adams
county , has wandered from home , and his
people are anxious to find him , raoro particu
larly because ho is often not in his right mind.
A Lincoln woman who stood the abuse and
cruelty of a drunken husband as long as she
could , started out to earn her own living , but
was taken sick , and is now a subject for char
Mrs. Rosakrans , an aged lady at Tccumseh ,
while ascending a long flight of stairs , was at
tacked with a faintingfit and fell backward to
the bottom , sustaining injuries from which
she died.
A seventeen-year-old girl named Matilda
McCullough , living with a farmer in Nuckolls
county , attempted to take her life by means
of bed-bug poison. She was saved by a stomach
ach pump.
The English Lutheran church , at Omaha ,
now undergoing completion , is one of the
handsomest church edifices of the west. 'It is
having a mammoth organ with 1044 pipes at a
cost of &J.OOO.
The young lady at Columbus who won the
81,000 piano at the state fair has presented
Mr. Mueller , of Council Bluffs , with a beauti
ful cushion made from the crazy quilt which
she had on exhibition.
Tom Rogers and Bill Turner , Lincoln , had a
difficulty , when the former shot the latter in
the leg , painfully but not dangerously woundIng -
Ing him. Turner had interfered with the do
mestic affairs of Rogers.
The B. & M. company has put In stock and
feed yards near the round house at Hastings ,
and nil stock shipped from Benkelman and
points cast of that station will be unloaded
and fed and watered there.
Two bootblacks entered the store of J.D.
Jackson , North Platte , and stole nf teen pocket
knives , some pipes , plug tobacco , and 150
cigars. The thieves were captured and all
the stolen property recovered.
About thirty crooks were arrested at Omaha
during fair week , some of whom will bo held
for trial. All accounts agree that the thieves
who put in an appearance on the occasion of
the fair were not very successful , on account
of the newspapers having sounded the note
of warning.
An Iowa farmer had a team stolen and went
to Omaha to look for the same. Here he fell
in with a stranger who claimed to be able to
find the stolen property. Finally he offered
the lowan a drink of whisky from a flask ,
after partaking of which he lost his senses
and all his wealth , some § 140.
Mrs. Briggs , the wife of a hard-working
brick mason of Lincoln , got mashed on an
other fellow , aud the other day "lit out , " tak
ing their baby , the only child , and stripping
the house of furniture. Briggs don't care
about the woman's return , but he wants it
understood that he is going to get the child
and don't you forget it ? "
The Lutheran Synod , at Its recent conven
tion in Ponca , appointed an educational com
mittee. Measures will be taken to found a
classical Institution of learning west of the
Missouri river. A suitable place will be look
ed after and inducements considered. Eleven
newly organized congregations upon applica
tion were received Into connection with the
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Nebraska.
cThe Utica Record sums up the harvest :
"Now that the threshing is nearly over In this
dcinity farmers know how much they have
Deen repaid for their labors of the season ; as
rule the yield of all kinds of grain Is satis
factory , and while not yet quite up to last year
; he quality is excellent , whilst the corn is very
rood , and the weather very favorable to its
ripening up in time to be out of the way of
frost. "
Resolutions 6y lite State Fair Managers.
Before adjournment the board of managers
jf the state fair adopted the following resolu
tions :
Resolved , That in behalf of the public at
arge , the board thank all railroad and ex-
jress lines leading into Omaha for accommo-
lationsand conveniences rendered visitors
md exhibitors attending and exhibiting atthe
state fair closed.
Resolved , That the thanks of the board are
lereby tendered all class superintendents and
iommittces who have so faithfully and satis-
fcctorily performed the duties devolved upon
Resolved , That the general and assistant
iuperintendcnts , heads of divisions , police
ind other forces employed by the board , merit
md are hereby tendered special mention for
he satisfactory manner in which their dlffi-
sult duties were performed.
Resolved , That--Special and unreserved
hanks are due and extended the press of the
tate for the very liberal aid in making this
'air a grand success , and especially to the
tress of Omaha for the extended , fair and
mpartial record and presentation of the ex.-
ubits and doings of the exposition.
Resolved , That the thousands of exhibitors
rho , at great expenditure of time and money ,
lade this fair the largest and best known ,
rill ever be held in grateful rembranoeby
oth the board and the people of the state.
John J. Ney , of Independence , Iowa , was
laminated by the democrats for circuit judge
f the eighth judicial district.
Regarding Folger's successor it is stated
hat no one but the president himself knows
rho has been decided upon , but those who
.ave talked with him upon the subject say
hat Postmaster General Gresham and Assis-
ant Secretary Coon appear to be the only
nes on his mind.
The Colorado republican state convention
ompleted the list of nominations of state
fficers and presidential electors. The plat-
Dim endorses Elaine and Logan , asks that
nport duties imposed by the act of 1867 on
eel be restored , and demands the removal
f the Southern Ute Indians from the state.
Chairman King , of the Maine republican
tate committee , has sent a telegram to the
hairman of the national republican commit-
; e , of which the following is an abstract :
our hundred and sixty towns and plantations
i Maine give Robie 78,642 , Redman 58,452 ,
lattering , 3,659 ; republican majority , 16,592 ;
lurality , 20,230.
The prohibition party of Boston and vicinity
eld a rally In Tremont temple. Among the
jeakers was Mr. Daniel , the party nominee
> r vice-president of the United States. He
sertcdthat there were more prohibitionists
nong the democrats of the south than among
ic republicans , and that prohibition had
tally a stronger hold In southern than in
jrthern states. He believed that no issue
ould exert so strong an influence in unjting
ie two sections of country as the temperance
Colorado prohibitionists passed a series of
solutions declaring in favor of the principle
id policy of legal prohibition , pledging sup-
rt to only pure men for position of official
ust , declaring for unity with and allegiance
the national prohibition party , and pledg-
g a cordial support to St. John and Daniel ,
committee of fifteen was appointed , with
structions to'place a state ticket in the field ,
either of the candidates of the other parties
new men.
Hog cholera is raging in many counties in
New Jersey.
McCullough , the actor. Is said to have be
come demented.
It is estimated that the losses in the Cleveland -
land fire will reach 8200,000.
Coke manufacturers threaten to put out the
fires in consequence of low prices.
Forest fires have broken out in Michigan
and are doing a good deal of damage.
Baron Alvcnsteben , the new German minis
ter to this country , has arrived at Washing
Seven hundred cigar rollers at Blnghamp-
ton , New York , are on a strike for higher
Isaac Jackson was hanged at Chicago on
Friday for the murder of George Bedell in
April last.
Both of the Landler brothers , the Philadel
phia bankers who suspended payment , have
been arrested.
The extensive works at the Granby mining
and smelting company , at Oronogo , Mo. , were
destroyed by fire.
Stafford & Co. , of Providence and Fall River ,
cotton goods manufacturers , have failed.
Liabilities $250,000.
Portions of Ohio , Michigan , Indiana and
Ohio were shaken by earthquake on the 19th.
No damage was done.
The annual reunion of the society of the
army of the Cumberland.convencd at Roches
ter , N. Y. , on the 17th.
A movement is on foot for making faster
time between Philadelphia and New York
190 miles in three hours.
Bill Taylor , a negro , who assaulted Mrs.
Flipper in June last , was taken from the
officers at Dallas , Texas , and hung.
Mayor Samuel Robinson , of Charlotte ,
Michigan , was shot by a tramp at night at
his home , and is now in a critical condition.
News from Peru chronicle the complete de
feat of General Carceres , the principal revo
lutionary leader , which occurred at Lima on
27th ult.
The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe road gave
Commissioner Daniels notice that it would
withdraw from the Colorado and Utah pools ,
September 30.
John Nelson , a printer of St. Louis , was shot
and killed by Mrs. E. G. Stewart while at
tempting to enter her house during her hus
band's absence.
Oliver Normald , a Buffalo fresco painter ,
will go to Niagara to perfect arrangements
for going over the cataract in a thick rubber
ball fifteen feet in diameter for a purse of
Sam Jackson , who outraged and murdered
a white girl aged 13 , seven years ago , and who
was recently captured , was taken from the
Hamburg ( Ark. ) jail by a masked mob and
hung to a tree.
The St. Paul directors have declared a regu
lar dividend of ZY2 per cent. , payable October
31. The books will close September 29 and re
open October 23. The meeting was harmonious
and a full board present.
The eight-day bicyle-horse contest at St
Louis resulted in a victory for the horses.
The final score stood : Morgan 445 miles , Ar-
mainda 391 ; total for the bicycles 836 miles.
Anderson and the horses , 839 milas.
Payne and the Oklahoma boomers have ar
rived in Wichita. They were indicted by the
United States grand jury. A meeting was
held at the skating rink at which Payne and
several others denounced the government for
arresting them.
Harry Taylor , Wm. P. Campbell and Miss
Maud Reed , of Colorado , were drowned while
crossing Grand river near Grand Junction.
They were all interested In stock raising and
were returning to their ranges when the acci
dent occurred.
The Japanese government has proclaimed
neutrality during the Franco-Chinese war.
It is expected a revision of the treaty between
Japan and foreign nowers will be concluded
in October and new and important privileges
will be granted foreigners.
The failures for the last seven days , re
ported to R. G. Dun & Co. , were 220 as against
213 last week. Kiernan's agency reports the
failure of Stafford & Co. , of Providence and
Fall River , cotton goods manufacturers.
They are said to owe 250,000 in Providence.
Dr. Robert M. "Williamson , a druggist at
Shelbyville , S. C. , contemplated getting out a
life insurance policy. Finding his pulse too
high to pass the physician's examination , he
sought to reduce it by taking twenty-five
Srops of aconite , but with fatal results.
The vicinity of Springfield , Mo. , is consider
ably excited over the fact that the multitudin
ous caves of southwest Missouri frequently
abound with guano , the product of bats. A
Lamar company is already shipping two car
loads of guano per week from Roark Cave ,
near Ozark , to Atlanta , Ga. , which brings 565
per ton.
Two passenger trains on the Chicago , Mil
waukee and St. Paul railway collided near
Freeport , 111. , and both were badly wrecked.
3ne of the engineers had a leg broken. The
passengers all escaped i-without serious in-
i ury. Among them were half a dozen Indians
: rom Dakota , including Sitting Bull.
President Seelye , of Amherst college , has
leclined the nomination for governor of Mas
sachusetts by the prohibition party. He told
i reporter he was very much surprised when
nformed he had been nominated , as he had
> reviously answered every inquiry on the
iubject that he could not accept either the
lomination or the office.
Lehen Fry proposed marriage to Mrs. Fen-
ese Garmon , a widow living near Homer
tenter , in Medina county , Ohio. Being re-
ected , Fry drew a revolver and shot Mrs.
iarmon in the head , inflicting a severe but
tot necessarily fatal wound. Supposing he
iad killed her he went to a neighbor's , pro-
ured a shot gun , put the muzzle to his mouth
.nd blew his head off.
The Moliie Maguires are again coming to the
rent in Pennsylvania , and are charged up
rith several murders.
Isaac Jacobson was hanged at Chicago on
lie 19th. The prisoner passed a quiet night ,
etiring at 10 o'clock and sleeping until 5 ,
hen he arose and ate a light breakfast. He
alked composedly to the scaffold. No hitch
ccurred in any of the sheriff's arrangements ,
he condemned man's neck was broken in the
il" " .
Moses P. Brown , the Philadelphia colored
lan arrested for attempting to wreck trains
a. the Philadelphia & Atlantic City railway ,
as sentenced to imprisonment for twenty-
ne years at hard labor and pay a fine of
J.100. Brown stated the motive of his crime
as to get square with the railroad company t
> r being put off the train for not paying his t
A. WrecJt at Sea. 5
Captain Hazelton , of the bark Hollinside , 5C 5j
om London July 26th , states on July 31 , w
hile off Portland , G ritain , after-a fog , P
ho saw n largo number of live cattle swim
ming in the sea , also a quantity of wreckage.
Ho picked up a life bout with a gold streak
running round the rim and marked "Urittiin-
nia of Newcastle. " On the stern of the boat it
was cut down on the port side as if done by a
collision. Ho sent out a boat in search , out
could find no trace of any living person. The
captain believed It to hnvo been a steamer
wrecked but a short time , as the cattle seem
ed quite lively.
Advices from Warsaw state that arrests of
nihilists arc of daily occurrence.
Reports from sixteen towns in south Franco
make a total of thirty deaths from cholera in
twenty-four hours.
It is rumored that the German colonization
society are about to send an expedition to
make extensive acquisitions of land in West
Two thousand French troops landed at Kin
Poi Pass on the Min river , below Fee Chow ,
and attacked the Chinese. The latter were de
feated with heavy loss.
A Hong Kong dispatch says : Chines.0 of
ficials claim that they first fired over the Brit
ish gunboat "Zephvr , " and fired directly at
her afterwards , because she refused to stop at
the first shot.
M. Patenotrc , French minister to China , is
at China , intrigueing with the peace party
among the Chinese. His hope is to bring about
a revolution at the palace , and a consequent
overthrow of the war party.
The police of Naples are ordered , if neces
sary , to forcibly prevent any further religious
processions , which it is officially declared are
promoted for sordid speculation. Barracks
are being erected in Campo Marto to shelter
the most indigent families now in the pesti
lential garrets.
Advices from China state that the Chinese
have no intentions of blocking the Woo Sung
river , on which Shanghai is situated , unless
the French make an attack. Hundreds of
stone-laden boats are in position to be sunken
on the approach of the French fleet. It is
believed that the neutral powers will serious
ly object to closing this river unless a formal
declaration of war shall have been previously
Informers Casey and Philbin , who have
claimed they swore falsely against Myles
Joyce in connection with the Marmtrasna
murder case , are again talking. Casey de
clares there were seven men concerned in the
murders himself , Michael Casey , Patrick
Casey , Patrick Joyce a d three others. One
of these was a wealthy farmer , still living
near Marmtrasna. This man instigated the
massacre , and held the lamp while the family
were murdered. It was he , too , who compelled
them to return and murder the aged grand
The acting secretary of the treasury has
issued a warrant for § 16,666 in favor of the
directors of the New Orleans exposition , being
the second installment.
The president has appointed Harry Kisllng
bury , a son of Lieutenant Kislingbury , who
lost his life in the Greeley expedition as a
cadet at large to the naval academy at An
The commission appointed to visit Central
and South America , will leave on the 10th of
October , for the City of Mexico , from whence
they go to Central America and afterwards
visit the principal countries of South Ameri
ca. The commission expects to be gone six
The Plague Holding Relentless Sieay Oeer
Naples Alarming Increase in the Death
A London dispatch says : The exodus from
Naples during the past week has been so great
that lodgings in neighboring villages are ob
tained only at fabulous prices. Sometimes as
high as 500 francs a month for a single room
is demanded. The better sections of the town
are deserted , and the shops in Toledo are
closed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The
theatres are all shut , and many of the poorer
streets are as silent as death. Even the cafes
areclosed , , and the only sign of life is the
joiners hammering rough coffins together.
In some of these streets absolutely everybody
is either dead or sick. In one street , xhe Via
Duchesse , thirty cases occurred in a single
house. The smell of burned sulphur is every
where , and the wretched people of the poorer
classes are either stupefied or frantic. Mean
while the devotion and daring of the king and
the archbishop have had the effect somewhat
of dispelling the superstitions about per
sons and allaying the class hatred which
raged at flrst. But the public morale
is still worse than it is possible to describe. A
mob attacked , in the Yea Del Purgatorio , a
man whom they suspected of throwing
poisonous powder over some cake exposed lor
sale on the piazza. They dragged him back
rend made him eat the cakes until the owner
interfered in self defense. Out of sheer per
versity the people eat more fruit and vege
tables than usual. In the piazza in front of
the municipal palace , two loafers got a big
basket of figs , and in the presence ot a large
crowd bcjran to eat them on a wager. The po
lice marched them off to Jail. A woman who
ivas selling fruit on the corner fell over dying
tvith the cholera. The crowd made a bonfire
af her stand and fruit , and then left her to die.
Nobody would carry her to a hospital.
Although the disease is generally of a mild
character , compared with the number of
: ases , there are many instances like the f.ore-
? oinp of its startlingsuddenness. . Several per
sons have already fallen down in the streets
md been taken off dead. A woman who .was
: aken with vomiting during mass died before
he reached home. The terrors of the plague
iave been intensifled by the scoundrelly ac-
: ion of the butchers , who raised the price of
neat as soon us the panic began , but the king
, vas followed in his carriage by a mob of
vomen shriekins- have the price of meatre-
luccd , and the officials accordingly took steps
import beef cattle and reduced prices. The
> eople in the slums still defy the law boldly.
Yesterday the body of a woman was buried
n the little garden of her home , and when the
) olice arrested the husband , a great mob
hreatoned to rescue him. Under the
nspiration of the arch-hishop tbe
jriests are now exerting every ef-
ort to discourage processions and the like ,
hough with little success. There has been
in enormous revival of religious sentiment in
faples , the street shrines which were walled
ip by Garibaldi in I860 , have all been opened
ind the whitewash Fcraped off the holy pic-
ures. Crowds , wild with joy , watch the
rork , and hail with shouts eacn restoration.
? he processions are continued in the poorer
treets , chiefly by women. Churches are
hronged and street altars are erected. The
lolice do not dare to interfere with the altars.
: he most extravagant stories of miracles
rorked are received with great credulity by
he populace. The hospital aid and ambu-
Bnce systems have been overpowered by the
, wf ul increase in deaths , and for a day or two
t has been necessary to leave corpses waiting
o long that they become putrid , thus aiding
astly to contagion. The situation in this re-
pect , however , has been improved by the
: ing ordering the military to give assistance ,
icores of old omnibusses , covered with black ,
iave been converted into hearses. The hero-
sin of King Humbert makes the most wel-
ome royal picture Europe has looked on for
ears. The king is accompanied always by
is brother , Amadeus. He has visited hos-
'Itals ' and afflicted quarters , scattering money
nd kind words right and left. The total
.umber of deaths in Naples is now consider-
bly over two thousand. All have occurred
tnce August 20th.
Fnndj for the Garfleld Hospital.
Mr. Neal , solicitor of the treasury , notified
ie directors of the Garfleld memorial hospi-
il that the United States circuit for Pennsyl-
ania , engaged in distributing the estate of
, Cooke , nad awarded to that institution $11-
0. being the amount deposited with J. Cooke
Co. on account'of the fcoldiers and Sailors
rphans' home at Washington. The property
as recently transferred to the Garfleld hos-
: tal by act of congress.
Proceedings in the Court at IndtatitQtollg A
Letter From Mr. Maine to Walter
Made Public.
In the United States court at Indianapolis ,
attorneys for Mr. Shoemaker filed a bill of
discovery in the lllainc-Sontincl suit. The
bill begins by citing the fact of Blnlno bring
ing suit against tbe Sentinel , and repeating
the original complaint in the suit , the ticntl-
nel's answer and accompanying interroga
tories and the reply of Blulnc's attorneys. The
bill then states that after filing the interroga
tories , Shoemaker's attorneys , on the Cth of
September , moved the court for a rule against
Blalne to answer the same within a specified
time to bo fixed by the court , which motion
was argued on September 14 and overruled
The bill then goes on to say that in order to
sustain the defense of justification pleaded by
Siionmakor it will ho necessary and material
for the orators to show and prove that Blalne
hnd illicit relations with and seduced the per
son whom he afterwards married , the result
of said intercourse being the birth of n child
in about three months after said marriage.
The bill goes on to say that orators arc in
formed and believethomarriagcof Blaincund
Harriet Stanwood occurred on or about March
28,1851. in Pittaburg , Pa. ; that the marriage
was clandestinely arranired. secretly perform
ed and hastily accomplished ; that no license
was issued by any authority for such mar
riage , none being required by the laws of
Pennsylvania at that time. That no public
official record was kept or made for the same
reason that one Rryan , the minister who of
ficiated at the same marriage , has been dead
several years , and that if any private recorder
or memoranda of the marriage wtts made , the
same has been lost or destroyed , iho particu
lars of which marriage are f ally known to
Blaine. Thobill < then states that for some
time before the date of said marriage. Blalne
WIN ; a professor at an Institution of learnlngat
Drillersburg , Ky. , that Miss Stanwood was an
instructress in a female school at the same
place , and that they there became acquainted.
Both were unmarried and Ulnino addressed
Miss Stanwood as suitor ; that ho gained her
confidence and illicit relations ensued ; that a
short time before said marriage Jacob Stan-
wood , a brother or uncle of Harriet , ar same
other person or persons unknown to the orators
tors , waited on Blaine and charged him with
being the cause of Miss Stanwood's condition ,
and threatened him with personal violence
unless ho married her ; that Blaine made no
denial of the charges , and in consequence of
being threatened agreed to marry her ; that
one or more persons wore at the Interview
between Blaine and her relative , but these
persons were unknown to orators. The bill
then states that after their marriage Mrs.
Blaine went to Augusta , Me. , where a child
was born about June IS , 1S5I , and that Enid
child was always recognized and acknowledg
ed by Blaine as bis eon. Orators further say
they have a good and valid defense as stated
in their plea of justification , and that the facts
stated in their answer are true , and that the
same can be fully established by the answers
of Blaine to the interrogatories heretofore
propounded , all the circumstances being fully
known to him , and a full and complete dis
covery of said facts from and by Blaine is
necessary to orators In their defense in aid of
such other testimony as may be procurable.
Unless this is done orators cannot so fully set
out and completely show and prove the facts
accessary to their defense. Orators , there
fore , pray that full and complete discovery bo
made by Blaine in relation to the facts here
tofore stated , and to that end he be summon
ed to answer the same under oath. The billl
closes by asking that a writ of subpoena be is
sued out of chancery for Blaine. and that he
be ordered to answer particularly the inter
rogatories , and that the proceedings be staved
until such time as Elaine may answer. That
In case Blaine fails to answer said bill , or fully
and truly to answer the interropartorles ,
further proceedings to be perpetually stayed
and restrained. The bill was not flled till 7
o'clock , and court adjourned without taking
Hon. William Walter Phclps takes the re
sponsibility of giving to the public the follow
ing private letter addressed to him nearly two
weeks ago :
AUGUSTA , Me. , September 19,1884. Mr. dear
Mr. Phelps : I have your favor of the 4th ad
vising me that the continuous invention and
tvide c irculation of evil reports render It ad-
rlsable ( in your judgment ) not to wait the
slow process of the law , but to speak directly
to the public in my own vindication. In this
Dplnlon many others , on whose judgment I
rely , concur. I shrink instinctively from the
suggestion , although I feel sure 1 could
strengthen the confidence of all who feel
friendly to me by bringing to view the simple
: hread of truth which is concealed in this end-
ess tissue of falsehoods. You can imagine
iow inexpressibly painful it must be to dis-
juss one's domestic life in the press , although
t think with you that under the circumstances
[ could count upon the generosity of the pub
ic to justify a statement which otherwise
night seem objectionable. I can , in any
jvent , safely commit the facts to you for a
Dersonal communication to those friends who
iave taken so delicate and so considerate an
nterest in my affairs. The leisure hours of
o-dny , when this campaign is ended , and we
vait only for the election , gives me the op-
lortunlty for this prompt reply , and for the
following essential details : At Georgetown ,
fCcntucky , in the spring of 1848 , when I was
jut eighteen years of ape , I first met the lady
, vho for more than thirty-four years has been
ny wife. An acquaintance resulted , at the
: nd of six months , in an engagement which ,
vithout the prospect of speedy marriage , we
laturally sought to keep to ourselves. Two
rears later , in the sprintr of 1850 , when I was
naturing plans to leave my profession In
Kentucky and establish myself elsewhere I
vas suddenly summoned to Pennsylvania by
he death of my father. It beinjr very doubt-
'ul if I could return to Kentucky , I was
hreatencd with an indefinite separation from
icr , who possessed my entire devotion My
me wish was to secure her to myself by an
ndissoluble tie against every possible con-
iiifrency in lif - , and on the Goth day of June ,
850 , just prior to my departure from Ken-
ucky we were , in the presence of chosen and
rusted friends , united by what I knew was in
ny native state of Pennsylvania a perfectly
ejral form of marriajre. On reaching home I
bund that my family , and especially my be-
oved mother , strongly discountenanced my
msiness plans as involving ted Ions a separa-
ion from home and kindred. 1 complied with
icr request , that I should resume at least for
i occupation in Kentucky , whither
returned in the latter part of August. Dur-
ng the ensuing winter 1 was troubled by mis-
rivinps which were increased by legal con-
ultations , and I became alarmed lest a doubt
night be thrown upon the validity of our
narriageby reason of non-compliance with
he laiv of the state whore it hud occurred ,
'or I had learned that the laws of Kentucky
nade a license certified by the clerk of the
ounty court an indispensible requisite of a
ettil marriaire. After much deliberation and
rith anxious desire to jruard njrainst any em-
larrassment resulting from our position , for
rhtch I was responsible , we decided that the
implest and at the same time the surest way
RS to repair to Pennsylvania and have an
ther marriage service performed. This tvas
one in the presence of witnesses , in the city
f Pittsburgh in the month of March , but was
ot otherwise made public for obvious rea-
ons. It was solemnized only to secure an
sdisputable validity to the firt marriage ,
ceing my wife and myself always he'd it
acred. At the mature age of St. I do not de-
end the wisdom or prudence of a secret miir-
iage , suggested by the ardor and inexperience
f youth , but its honor and its purity were in-
iolate , as I believe , in the sipht of God. and
flnnot be made to appear otherwise by the
ricked device of men. It brought to me a
ompanionship which has been my chief hap-
iness from boyhood's years to this hour , and
as crowned me with whatever success I have
ttained in life. My eldest child , a son , was
orn in his grandmother's house on the 18th
ay of June. 1851 , in the city of Augusta , Me. ,
nd died in her arms , three years later. His
shes repose in the cemetery of his native city
eneath a stone which recorded his name and
ie limits of an innocent life. That stone ,
hich had stood for almost an entire genera-
on , has been recently defaced by brutal and
icreligious hands. As a candidate for the
residency I knew that I should encounter
uiny forms of calumny and personal defama-
on. but I confess that that 1 did not expect
) be called upon to defend the name of a
eloved and honored wife , who is a mother
nd a grandmother , nor did I expect that the
rave of my little child would be cruelly dese-
rated. Againste such gross forms of wrong ,
ie law gives no adequate redress , and I
now that m the end my most effective appeal
gainst the unspeakable outrages which I re
st must be to the noble manhood and noble
omanhood of America. Your friend , very
ncerely , JAMES G. BLAE.-E.
J Michigan Mastodon.
In Alpine township , nine miles north of
rand Rapids , Drs. W. S. Dreamhand and Joel
Parker examined ihe greater portion of a
mastodon twelve and a half feet In height , the
largest over found except ono by Professor
Warren , and the only remains of the kind dis
covered In the drift formation of Michigan.
It was found in marnhy ground by ditchers on
the farm of Aaron Hills , under about two feet
of vegetable mold and In quicksand , per
mealed by spring water. Thn largest rib found
measures four feet , and ono tooth , the eniun-
ol perfect , weighed three pounds ton and a
half ounces.
A Sleeting of General Managers to Solve VIf
Thogencralcommltteoof railway managers , *
compoicd of Messrs. Hughitt , Potter , Kimball -
ball , Robinson , McMullen and Cable , to which , .
was referred the problem by which the differ- T
enccs now existing between the western lines
could bo adjusted , hold an all day session at
Chicago OH the 15th. The solution of thepres-
ent difficulty was supposed to rest upon the
dissolution at the tripartite pool , out ot the
organization of which the present condition
of affairs is eupposcd to have sprung. The
prerogative of the trlpartltoogrecmontis that
the roads east of the 3IIssourl river should
make all through rates to Colorado and Cali
fornia points. When asked to join In the pool ,
the Atchison , Topeka & SantaFo company de
clined to do so , BO long as the tripartite or the
power given in It east of the Missouri river
was allowed to continue. At this session the
continuance of the tripartite was not dis
cussed. A plan was proposed , however , which ,
was adopted unanimously , and which
will be reported to the subsequent general
meeting. The plan is in the rough and was
not even placed In the form of a resolution.
It proposes the formation of four pools on
California and Colorado business , two cast
and two west of the Missouri river , the
former to Include all Omaha and southwestern
lines , and the latter to include the Burlington ,
Simla Fe and Union Pacific roads. It Is pro
vided that there shall be four commlpsloner-
shlps. and that a conference committee , con
sisting of members of all four pools bo appointed -
pointed to arbitrate any difficulty affecting r
the roods both east and west of the Missouri
river. A resolution to clothe this committee
with power was defeated and the committee
is to serve in only an advisory capacity. The
proposition by the Union Paclllc and Rock
Island to reorganize the tripartite pool was
opposed by the Burlington , Northwestern and
Santa Fcand the matter was dropped without
action. As to the probability of the plan outlined - t
lined atthe general meeting It is a matter of
considerable doubt , owing to the failure to
take any definite action as to the continuance
of the tripartite. Prominent officials of two-
roods declare that until that matter has been
finally decided and the tripartite dissolved the
formation of the new pool waa purely con
Chicago dispatch of the 16th : The western
railway conference adjourned at 3 o'clock to
day. The general plan submitted by the com
mittee for the formation of four pools on
California and Colorado business , two cast
and two west of the Missouri river , was
adopted by a unanimous vote. The meeting
then took up the consideration of the con
tinuance of the present tripartite pool and
the relations it would sustain through the
new combination If it was allowed to continue
In force. Discussion upon this pointwos only-
entered upon when the meeting adjourned. ! „
An official of the Union Pacific stated after J' ,
the close of rtie session that the tripartite t
would certainly continue In force , though
some changes might occur In Its working ar
At the afternoon conference a formal
adoption of the pooling arrangement to CoTfc
oracle and California business was decided
upon , contingent , however , on settlement of J
theNebrasba business , in other words arrange- .
mentof the tripartite pool to meet the wishes. i \
of nil the Omaha roads. The general conference - r
ence then adjourned and the Omaha roads
took up the discussion of Nebraska business.
Vice President Porter , of the Burlington ,
made a proposition for pooling of Nebraska
traffic , the Burlington to receive its prorata
of Nebraska busine's and also of the local
traffic of the Union Pacific in Nebraska. Thls-
tvas voted down. The Northwestern then
moved that the Burlington receive its proruta
af all local and competitive business of the
Union Pacific and this , naturally , was voted
Jown , the Rock Island and St. Paul voting in
the negative on botu propositions. The con
ference then adjourned tnl 8 slclock to-mor
row. An officer of the Burlington road to
night said the present outlook did not appear *
favorable to any immediate adjustment or
pending difficulties. '
The disruption of Chicago and St. Louis j. , .
railway pools has resulted in open cutting on \ \
30th freight and passenger rates. Fourth , U ,
jlass freight , which has heretofore been car- - } ;
: ied for lOc between both cities , is now being- '
; akenforSc. Passenger rates are at present h
iboutST. It is reported that the Burlington. , ' .
: ompanyis contemplating putting on solid ! /
: hrough passenger trains , leaving- Chicago at
I In the morning , reaching St. Louis at 7 ia
.he evening.
farmers in the Far West Hanging on to- '
Their Grain.
Minneapolis dispatch : The Minneapolis Mil- ' ,
ers' association has advanced prices in the f
ountry on wheat two cents per bushel all . ,
jcund. This may have the effect of bringing- ( ' .
jt more wheat , but it is doubtful. The fact f
3 the farmers generally have shown a deter-
nination to hang on to the grain like grim .
eath , and are only selling enough to meet
heir most pressing engagements. In many ' '
ilaccs they prefer tomorrow money at 10 per
ent. than market their wheat at present
A Grand Forks , D. T. . special states that '
here is a very bitter feelinsrHinongboth farm- <
rs and business men. lly the new rules of f
railing but little passes No. 2 hard. At 51 t
cuts there and > 5 cents at other points , but
ttle is marketed , while the threshers have j
ccn busy for two weeks. The farmers and ' *
usiness men propose to combine to hold the
rep in primaries and stacks. The loaning-
jrencies agree to be lenient with the farmers ,
wjuirinjr only the interest und currying- '
icrn as longa * they can hold. The *
mchine men nre disposed to do the j
line. Not a bushel more will be mar- >
etcd than is absolutely demanded by neces-
ity. While gome farmers have had sufficient '
icrease in yield per acre to enable them to-
ill at "iO cents a bushel without loss , the ma- i
> rity have not. and many declare they will ,
; t it rot before they will sell at so low a
From Farpo comes the report that plowing-
i beiiiR- somewhat neglected , and from the
res-cnt outlook there will be a frreat decrease '
i the next year's wheat crop in that vicinity. ' L
A telwrrarn to a Minneapolis commission
rm stated that in Pembina county the fields ' -
re so wet that teams cannot be driven on
em. and much of the grain was still un-
ackcd. The heavy winds of the past few i
iyf havp blown off the tops of stacks In
lany places and the jrraln is considerobly * ,
imaged. Grain dealers , elevator companies
id millers are sending out warning- coun- i
y buyers to urge formers to dry the wheat ' '
inrou hly before threshing- . * '
Reports from the Omaha road say threshing- j
is been delayed at many points on account j
: " the rain. Like reports come from various
; her quarters , and the uneasiness caused I
is had the effect of stiffening prices con- '
derably. f
udge Woods Rides That the Interrogatories ; '
yeed yet lie Answered. i
Judge Woods , of the United States court at
idianapolis , having returned the motion of *
ic defense in the Blaine-Sentinel libel suit ' ,
) r a rule requiring the plaintiff to answer the-
ie list of interrogatories flled with the de- i ;
jndant's answer to the complaint in the case , f
ime up for argument. The court stated that *
iierrogatories had long been prohibited In *
ie practice of the courts in this United States '
rcuit. and while , personally , he should like I
) see the rule changed , he would not take- " * "
ie liberty to set it aside at this time. How- ' '
rer , if with this preliminary statement , the <
itorneys desired to argue the question , he
ould listen to them. Judge Turpie. for the
jfense. did desire to be heard , and spoke at
> me length. Senator Harrison , in reply , con-
inted himself with quoting decisions to show
lat the practice had not been permitted
retofore in the court , and at the close Judge
'oods declined to order the rule. The effect
' the decision is to leave it optional with the / - '
aintiff's attorney whether or not the Inter-
igatories shall be answered.
One of the largest sheets of plate
.ass ever imported has been placed in
jsition in Pittsburgh. The plate meas-
es 186 inches by lOi inches , and is-
Lthout a single flaw.