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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1884)
I. - . . 'VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1884. NUMBER 17. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OPFICE Me.Cook , Nebraska. 0. L. LA773 , Beeister. ' ' " , C. P. 3ABCOK , EeIvsr. OFFICE Houus : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCHRAN , ATTOENEY AT LAW , WcCOOE , 2ED WILLOW COTOXY , KSB. Practice in any Courts of the sUtto and Kim- sus , and the government Land OHico of tliis District , and before the f/and Department at Washington. Sr.tlsfaclion truaruntced , and tcrniB reasonable. Ollice 1st door south of the LT. S. Land Oflico. ' -S8. JENNINGS & STAHBUOK , ATTOKNEYS AT LAW , McCooK , - - NEBRASKA. Will Rive special attention to tlic practice of law , mid making collections. CSfOnice Second blecknorth of depot , 2 doors north Green's drug store. 2-iJJ. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red.Willow County Keeps certified plats of all hinds in the Hitchcock hind district. Special attention given to nil such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-2 * . E. C. TOWNE , LAND AGENT , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , Does a General Land Business in the Mc COOK LAND DISTRICT , XEIJKASKA. and also in the OBEULTX LAND DISTRICT , KAXSAS. S. H. COLVIN , Notary Public & Justice TUB Peace. Pension papers cnref ully filled out and col lections promptly attended to. Oflicc , 2d door cast of THE TUIUUNE office. L. LKtt JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Qraisato Heiical Dcpirtaea ; Ud7.t7 TTcKtcr. Ollice at Metropolitan DrugStore , where he can be found when not professionally cnsn- ed. Residence , corner of Jeirerson and Mad ison streets. Du. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - XEBRASKA. at Churchill House. Dii. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD. SUKGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] C2T"Preservatien ef the teeth a specialty. JOHN P. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing -win receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennison St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished if desired. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock. A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN.PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. 11 work guaranteed. G ive me a call. WILLIAM McINTYllE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work wan-anted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , jSTTJcsIgns furnl-hed for Celling Decorations , cither In paper er Fresco Painting. " NEW BARBER SHOP. JACKSON TUBES . lias opened up a Barber Shop on West Dennison Street , McCook , Xcb. , where he Is able to do Shaving , Hair Dressing , etc. , at all times. Ladles and child ren's hair dicssing a specialty. Call and become acquainted. JACKSON TUIiDS. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , - XEBKASKA. Has for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Homesteads. Also , will locate parties oa Govern ment Land. * na K D ssp 4fa vronted for The Lives of all the B IL , ! ? ! 8 % T Presidents of the U. S. The > ! Af S IW I Blnrgcs : , hnndsomcst best book 5 $ tea I H B l evcr sold for loss than twice our price The fastest selling book hi America. Immense profits to airents. All Intelltecnt people want It. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-3. GITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PllOPllIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND 1READ. PIES & CAKES , 'GKAIIAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can tret hot coffee , etc. Dreg Store PURE DRUGS IE EGOLESS VARIETY. ALL THE STANDARD . PATENTJEDICINES ! Paints , Oils , Window Glass , all sizes , Cigars -and Tobacco , Wall PaperBooksand Station ery , Beading Matter , School Books , Slates , Pencils , Toilet Articles , Pure Wines and Li quors , for medical purposes , and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Dr. GREEN. J /a f i 5 i'-SJ- [ OPPOSITE HOTEL OX THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , ' COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out tits , and Spurs. to A. P , Sharp's for FLRST-OLASS { AVE'or HAiR CUT , HOT AND COLD 01ST SHOUT NOTICE. 2y Ladies' and Children's Hair Dressing a specialty. .N . Ifn-i ' pn f } a.iJ umlrh tiii > BLOOD , rcp-.i-i' ! tlie LIVIiR and SlIDflEVS , . : < ! KCKTOI.-I IKK aiitl VICOUciTOUTJi : III all Tlios : Innueillntc anil voitilcrii ; ! vi-'iilts. 1'uits iiit ciej ; iiij nerves roc-cUf iitu turcc. Kiilo .i.- tbe mind and supplies liru'n I'uv.-cr. S A S'-fcgKJCS sufierinp Ironi all complaint' = 4-i 2rfx r. l& H ? peculiar to theirEi'S-ivllir.nUli 3B EATITSI"3 IE.ON' TONIC ? : i j-aie : tiui fn i-Uj f jre. It pircs a , < li'-ir antl liorJtlij co'iijilc lun Tiie stroiuost tcs'Iiiioiiy to the % aluc ' I > ! t ' 'l connturfi-itiu liuvc1 oulvvlic ! l - " ! ' ' ! " ' tyo.rthe original. If ynn oar- llyiiesnlicaltli ! douot c.vporimont pi-t tiiu onir.ixAh Ayv RKPI - nddrsss to Tha Dr. HnrtprHwJ.Co : St. Louis. Jin. , fo- our "BHEAM 'BOOK. ' " " " Full of DH. H iRTER'S IRO.'J TOXIC IS FO3 SALE bY ALL DHUGCISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE- T\vo citixens in Ukiuh recentlj struggled for the posession of a. wafr ernielon. The stronger of the twair was victorious , and was about to walk off with the prixe when his antagonist pulled a knife and stabbed him to the heart. Danger lurks in the watermel on from c-very conceivable point o. view. Tlie safest plan is to eat clams San Francisco News-Letter. Tin- : Great Easter/i / , the largest ves sel ever built , will be one of the at tractions at New Orleans during the World's exposition. The scheme oi the managers is to charter the big ship and have her bring over from Europe a cargo of articles for exhibition free of charge ro the exhibitors from fairs now being held at London , Manches ter , Edinburgh , Cork , Turin and Cop enhagen. The Great Eastern made one visit to New York many year ago , when she was visited by hundreds of thousands of persons. IT is consoling to the people of the United States who have been deplor ing the decay of our once glorious na vy to know that England is in the same boat with us. The Pall Mall Gaxette asserts that the boasted su premacy of England on the seas is now a thing of the past , and to regain it will cause the expenditure of 50- , 000,000. The British navy is declar ed to be far inferior to that of France , but we question whether it would re quire 50,000,000 to put the English navy in the lead. THE problem of steering- balloons is not solved. Captains Kenaud and Krebs , of the French army , in the ex periments at Meudon , have simply shown skill in studying air currents and making use of them in fine weath er. They have profited by the zeph yr circuits produced by sunshine in warm afternoons. Captain .Tovis , the aeronaut , accomplished the result which they vaunt. When the world sees a balloon that cannot only make head against a high wind , but tack against it , it will believe in the solu tion of the problem that Krebs and Renaud have been studying. Mi : . KEELY on Saturday last gave an exhibition of his mysterious motor in the presence of a large number of stockholders in the motor company. The test was made at Sandy Hook by means of a small cannon , the motor form taking the place of gunpowder , and it is said that it was highly satis factory. Mr. Keely assured the as semblage that by the 1st of December he expected some grand results , and that the present year would see the motor perfected. He proposes to ap ply it to telegraphy as well as to the movement of machinery. Mr. Keely may not , after all , be so much of a crank as some people suppose. He certainly has some good backers , among the number of wealthy brokers and manufacturers being Philadel phia , New York and Brooklyn. Bee. SUPPOSE a newspaper man , every time he hears of a man who has severe ly criticized him or his paper in pub lic should retaliate by holding up to the public gaze the faults and short comings of the said criticixer. What would be the result ? Why the criticizer - cizer would think he had been terribly outraged and would thirst for the edi tors gore. Then the poor scribe would get shot or shoot somebody. The pa tient beast of burden , the country jour nalist , never does this except under great provocation. It isn't because he is afraid to clo it but because he is not mean enough. He allows men to go around trying to destroy his busi ness. He hears his paper called a worthless sheet because the editor in doing his duty has stepped on some body's toe. He is threatened with death because he commented on the lawless act of some ruffian , yet he goes on fighting the battles of the town , > helping along public institutions , do ing good to those who persecute him. Where , oh. where does the poor edi tor receive his reward. Certainly not on this side of the dark river. Ex. THE German soldiers are the proud est in Europe. The army is consid ered school for 500,000 young men They are never compelled to do men ial work. A Prussian oflicer who would compel a soldier to do the work of a servant would bo cashiered Some of the rich German private sol diers keep servants of their own. A YOUXG man in prison at Karlaus , Bohemia , has constructed a marvel ol ingenuity in the shape of a watch eight centimeters in diameter and two in thickness , made from the only materials available to him straw , thread , two needles , and a small piece of paper as dial plate. It goes for six hours and with little , a more nec essary material could bo made to gofer for twelve. A3iAX in Southern Arkansaw wrote the following notice and tacked it on a tree : "This here is to notify mer chants not to 'low my wife to get nothin at than stors on credit fur me an' her hur have played quits fur she's a caution , i lived with her as Ion as i could an' i don't believe she could get along with a saint , this is also to notify folks interested in the cause of eddycation that i am going to take up school at the old Beson place next Monday. Arkansaw Traveler. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of 3'our rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut- tins teeth ! If to , send at once and set a bottle of Mrs. Wizslew'c 5otti = s Syiap for Children Sosthi Its value Is Incalculable. It will icllerc the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It , mothers" , there Is no mistake about It. It cui es dysentery and diarrhoei , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind col.e , softens the sums , reduces lnlliuimition. : : and plvea tone and energy to the whole sybicni. Mrs. Wuilcvr'c Sctfcisg Syiap fr Childros TcciJfcg is pleasuuv to the taste , and is the piescrlption ol one of the ( Idest imd best female nurse * and physicians In the t'nited States , anu Is for sale by all driici&t * throughout the uorld. Price 25 cent n bottle. DYSPEPSIA Can tc cured by the use of BPKKS' Dandelion Bit ters. I , will at once restore action to the liver and kiducys ; and tone up and regulate the stomach , M > that food \v 111 be digested. For sale by S. L. Green. Agents wanted for authentic , edition of his life. Published at Augusta , his home. Largest , nhandsomest , cheapest , best. By tlie rctioivniHl historian and biographer , Col ( Control ! , whose life of Garlicld , published by ui , outsold the twenty others by 00,000. Outsells every book ever lubllshed in this world ; many apcnts are selling fifty daily. Agents are making fortunes. All new begin ners successful ; grand chincc for them. $43 50 in.ide > y a lady agent the first day. Terms most liberal. I'aiticulars free. Better send 25 cents for postage , etc. , on free outfit , noiv read- , including large pros- icctus book , and save valuable time. 2. ALLEN & CO. . Augusta , Maine - Send six cents for post age , and receive free , a costly box , qf. goods which will help y u Jo i B more money right away than anything else in this world. All of either sex , hucceed : rom llrst hour. The broad road to fortune opens bc- 'orc the workers , absolutely sure. At once address & CO. , Augusta , Maine. 2-33. OTIS LIVE BETJGGIST S. L. Green is daily having calls for Bcggi' luca Balsam. In cases of Colic , Cholera , Cholera Morbus , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Bloody Flux , Intlam- nation of the Bowels , etc. . it will bring Immediate relief. Kvcry bottle sold Is positively warranted to give satisfaction , or money lefundcd. 1'rlce , S3 cts. week at home. .1 at . ' j a- $ out free. 1'ay ab solutely sure. Xoiisk. Capital not roquir- 5 ed. Header , if you want business at which 'persons of either sex , young or old , can nake great pay all the time they work , with absolute certainty , write for particulars to II. 1IALLKTT & CO. Port hind , MalKC. 2-3.- The call for Beggs' Blood Purifier Is daily increas- ng. S. L. Green is furnishing sample bottles free , t is nn excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys and Blood. "Warranted. i for the working class. Send 10 cents Ifnr postage , and we will mall you free , la royal , valuable box of sample goods _ 'that will put you In the way of making nore money In a few days than you ever thought pos- Ibie at any business. Capital not ic < iuircd. We will tart you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work Is universally adapted to both sexes , oung and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to 3 every evening. That all who waat work may test he business1 , we make this unparalleled offer ; to all vho aie not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for he trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , tc , sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success bsolutciv sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address STIXSOX & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-33. CHEAPEST AND BEST ! U n e q u aletl forever ? o\ver , Simplicity , and Durability ! EVE2 ? HILL FULL7 Warranted ! Send for Descriptive Catalogue. Estimated made of Mill and Pump com- pg-j Plete uppou applies- WOODMANSE ! This mill is a "solid wheel" and the be t self-rcsu- ator made. The Woodmansc Ko. C. Pump is the est single nctins force pump In the market. Will work In wells from 10 to 200 feet In depth , and has lack attachments to furcc water Into elevated tanks. Jan be Ui > eil by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a V'lndmIH win consult their Lest Interests by calling at my lomcste.ul , 1 4 inlle * northwest of McCook , or at I. Jnhnston's , 3 miles southeast , and examine the working of the "VVoodmansc. T. H. IB.WIH" . Agent , V7ans Wiranill Cs. , Frocpcrt , HI. W. G. LaTOURETTE , II DEALER JN | | . ; , QUEENSWARE , AGRIGUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , ARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sign of BIG AX. Two Doors North of Mcnnrd's Store. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . -GENERAL DEALERS I.V- * Agricultural implements and Barb Wire. HEADQUARTERS FOR ) brated The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Uerner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. METROPOLITAN EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN irst Class Drug Store WE ALSO HANDLE tg r- 1EY/IHG MACHINES. & SPAULDING , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GEXKKAL- Collections made on all accessible pointrf. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-llesidents. Money to loan on Farming Lauds , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale -to and from Europe , First Xationainnnk , Lincoln , Xcb. Chasti National Bank , Now York. J. W. DOLAX , President. V. FKAXKLIX , Vice President. \V. P. WALLACE , Cashier.