McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 18, 1884, Image 8

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    CASH ! CASH ! CASH !
That as we have no high-salaried book keepers to pay ,
ne bad debts to loose , and no large debts to" carry at
a heavy expense of interest , etc. , and that by
. . cutting down our expenses we are enabled -
" "
' " bled to sell our goods at prices
Than any other Firm ever offered Goods at in
Red Willow County !
"Prairie Kose" [ New Process ] Flour. Warranted.
Per hundred weight $2.25
. ArbucMes Coffee , 6K > s. for . . . . ' . 1.00
Light "C" Sugar , 131bs. for . . . . . . . 1.00
LAWNS ! LAWNS ! Lawns ! Per yard 7c.
TEA ! TEA ! Tea ! From 25c.to75c.
We will pay the HKrHESTtmarket price for PKODUCE in
* exchange for goods AT OASH'.PBICES.
All Everybody Gome and See Us , All
Ice Cold Lemonade Beer Nuts
, Ginger , Pop , ,
Challenge Wind Mill.
Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built ,
and therefore a more Durable Mill. It la the only
absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of
Thousands Erected During 12
Years past , not ohc has ever blown away andleft , tlie Tower
standing. A record no other Mill can show. We offer
to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS
And it they don't give satisfaction , will fcBiovc Mill at our
own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated
Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shellcrs , Iron Pumps
TVlth brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks.
For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to
G. B. NETTLETON , llcCook ,
Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas
The McCook Tribune !
A BlnfT Game That WOH ,
[ Albany EzpressJ
A well know and elderly North Pearl
street merchant was in Now York a
week ago , buying goods. Ho entered
ono house , when the junior partner
stepped up to him and said brusquely ;
"How old you are getting , Mr. Blank.
Pity you can't keep young and strong ,
like us. " The remark was gratuitous ,
and the manner of it impertinent.
The Albany merchant said nothing
you the best dinner you and your f riomls
can get in New York that I will take
you side hold and thrown you over
my head. Come up stairs. "We will bo
alone and you can throw some buffalo
robes on the floor so you will not get se
verely hurt , and if I don't upset you in
short order I will buy both wine and
dinner. Come. " And the old gentle
man took the" young man by the arm , as
if to pull him tip-stairs. But he wouldn't
go. He looked ashamed and was much
embarrassed by the smiles of those in
the store. "The fun of the thing was , "
said the Albanian , relating the circum
stance to me , and chuckling to himself ,
"that it was such a clear , cold case of
bluff. The youngster could have made
a wreck of me with one hand. And I
am really ignorant of what a side hold
is. But I looked him square in the eye ,
and he doubtless thought I Avas a bad
man from the north , although the get
ting up-stairs would have winded inc.
However , it did him good , taught him a
lesson , and I am sure he looks upon me
now as a sort of antique John L. Sul
livan. "
The Mystery Explained.
[ Joe Hatton's Letter. ]
London is a strange city , full of every
kind of possibility social , criminal ,
political , romantic.
Let me tell you a story of the day : A
gentleman writes for a daily paper. Ho
is an odd sort of person ; not very clever ,
does very ordinary kind of work and
very little of it. His salary is small in
proportion to his skill and his time. Ho
only labors an hour a day. Nevertheless ,
he is able to take occasional holidays of
several weeks at a time. He leaves a sub
stitute in his place , and sends to his
paper interesting notes and paragraphs
from strange places abroad , chiefly from
Russia. He lately went off on one of
these little excursions and has not since
been heard of. No telegrams , no let
ters , no messages of any kind have
reached the officeor his collaborator.
On inquiring at his rooms and on search
ing his papers the explanation of the
mystery is this : Ho was a Russian spy ,
has fallen into a Nihilistic trap , and has
been assassinated.
I mention no names , and therefore
commit no breach of trust in this ro
mantic record of journalism. The story
is not in the newspapers , but it is the
talk of press circles.
Bogs' Dispositions.
[ Atlantic "Contributors1 Club" . ]
I have noticed with regard to my own
and other persons' dogs that their gen
eral intelligence is educated or not , ac
cording to the manner in which they
are treated. Behave habitually toward
a dog as though you expected him to
conduct himself as a sensible creature ,
of good-breeding and discretion , and
ten tc one he will arrive at
an understanding of your mind
about him , and endeavor to
meet your expectations. Treat him
on the other hand , as a mere helpless
lady's pet , and he becomes a toy , a ca
nine nonentity. Tease him , or bully
him , and he turns a cringing coward. I
have a fancy that dogs sometimes come
to partake of the dispositions of the people
ple they are with. One instance , at
least , occurs to me immediately of a dog
whose traits are noticeably similar to
those of his owners. Many persons pro
fess a fondness for dogs whose actions
toward them prove to me that they do
not really know what it is to care for
the animals in the way of a genuine dog-
Ho Believed In Protection.
[ Chicago Herald. ]
One of the Massachusetts delegation
was persistent in his demand that the
platform should contain a plank in favor
of liberal appropriations for an extensive
system of coast defenses. He appeared
before the committee , but met a rebuff ,
and then made a speech to a mob in
front of Hooley's theatre.
"Oh , you fellers can hoot and yell , "
said he , "but I'm a Democrat from Cape
Cod , and my house stands on a neck of
land where a foreign gunboat could
shoot the cold potatoes right off from my
table. . "It maybe d d funny for you
fellers out here in the Mississippi valley ,
but I want you to understand that if I
have to emigrate at any time in the next
four years I'll hold the Democratic party
responsible. ' '
Vaccination For Yellow Fever.
[ New York Sun. ]
A Panama newspaper speaks of a
local physician , Dr. L. Girerd , as having
discovered a method of successful vac
cination for yellow fever. "Ho has vac
cinated himself , " it says , "with a cul
ture of yellow fever germs , and experi
enced a mild form of the disease. " It
may be remembered that a proposition
was made in congress , a few months
ago , to offer a reward of $100,000 to any
person of any country who would per
form the precise .service which is thus
claimed for the Panama physician. It
is rather remarkable that at the same
moment Pasteur should bo endeavoring
to do for rabies , Koch for cholera , and
Girerd for yellow fever , what Jenner did
for small-pox.
The Two Sausage-Dealers.
[ Chicago Journal. ]
There are two sausage-dealers in Paris
who have shops adjoining each other.
One of them has painted on his glass
window over a pyramid of sausages : :
"At 30 centimes a pound to pay more :
is to be robbed ; " wliilo the other puts
his sausages into an obelisk , and paints
about it ; "At 40 centimes a pound
to pay less is to be poisoned. "
Business Policy.
[ Toledo Blade. ]
"J. donlfc think the photograph dnpamo
justice , " said the actress.
"Certainly not , " replied the artist ,
"how many actresses would come to mo
for photographs , do you think , if I did
them justice ? "
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Hard and Soft Coal ,
YAEDS AT McCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford.
Great Western Forniture Emporium. .
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J. E. BERGER , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB.
Ml flftIF" Agents wanted for authentic
III A I lu L edition of his life. Published at
| 1 | 11 I ll | r Augusta , his home. Largest.
U bifl 111 mm handsomest , cheapest , liest. Iy
hc reaowne'd historian and biographer , Col. Conwell ,
irhose life of Garflcld , published by us , outsold the
wenty others by 60.000. Outsells every book ever
nibllslicd In this world ; many agents are selling fifty
[ ally. Agents are making fortunes. AH new hogln-
icrs successful ; grand clumcc for them. $43.50 made
> y a lady agent the first day. Termg most liberal ,
'artlculars free. Butter send 23 cents for postage ,
itc. , on free outfit , now ready. Including large pros-
tectns book * , and save valuable time.
2. ALLEN & CO. . Augusta , Maine.
Send six cents forpostageand
receive free , a cestly box of
goods which will help y u to
. _ _ , ! more money right away than
nythlng else la Jhjs { world. ; All of cithef sex. succeed
rom first hour. Th.e brojd ; road to fortune opens bc-
orc the workers , absolutely l > urs. At once address
T.UE & CO. , Augusta , Maine' . ' ' 2-33. j
Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your ren
by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut
ting teeth ? If so. * cnd at once and get a bottle of
Hrs. Wfcskir's Secthfcg STTZ ? fr CHldrc = TseiH = s.
Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It. mothers ,
there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and
diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures
wind colic , softens the gums , reduces Inflammation ,
and elves tone and energy to the whole systeiji.
Urs. Wfcsiw' : Sxfass Syrsn fr caiirc : 7eethi = c J {
pleasant to the taste , and is the prescription of onu
of the oldest and best femala nurses and physicians
In the United States , ami Is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
Can be cured 113- the use of Ileggs' Dandelion Hit
ters. It will at once reMorc action to the liver and
kidney ? , and tone up and regulate the stomach , so
that food will be digested. For sale by S. L. Green.
A Tour TJirouglt the Largest Eataln
ll.iiimcut In tlio World.
[ lY.r..i Cor. Snn Francisco Chronicle. ]
The I'Mablishment of 31. Cnlvct it Co. ,
the largest , I believe , in the world , ia
situated in a street , called theCourdo
Hedoe. Through great iron gates into
a largo courtyard half filled with bar
rels of wine read } ' for shipment , into a
hallway , we went , up carpeted stairs tea
a reception room , whence we were ush
ered in the private office of M. Calvet ,
whose hearty greeting placed us r.t once
entirely at o'ur ease. "I am forbidden
by the physician to go down into the
cellars , bnt'iny son will do the honors of
the house in my > tead , " and as ho spoke
a young gentleman of about 20 years of
age entered the room and was
introduced to us.Vo then wont
through a largo ofiiee where a
score of clerks were busily engaged
working at high desk , through
a "Listing-room , " where buyers corno to
test the wines which they are in search
of , then "down into the bowels of the
earth , " where the air was cool and
fragrant with the juices of the grape.
The regisseur gave us lighted candles to
carry , tallon dips fastened at the end of
long sticks , and preceded by him and
M. Calvet , Jr. , we went on a tour of in
spection through the dark cellars and
gloomy ways of the most wonderful
place of the kind I ever saw. Our steps
led us through vault after vault , each
filled with wine casks in six or eight
rows and five to six tiers high. Rows ,
not against the walls , are composed of
two barrels touching each other at ono
end and having the other on a little
alley , which separates them from the
next row. Our gentlemanly guide made
us taste all the principal wines , and it
goes without saying , some of them were
the most delicious in existence.
From these vaults or cellars we went
into smaller ones , still down under the
earth , be it remembered , where cob
webs thrive and green mold grows spon
taneously out of the dampness and dark
ness. In these smaller vaults we found
wine in bottles bottles piled up to thereof
roof in rows of four deep , and covered
with the dirt and the mold of years and
ytf.irs of repose. "We wandered from
vault to vault , until we had been shown
over 1 , 250 , 000 of bottles , most of which
had been there many years awaiting
their term of maturity. Add to all
these almost innumerable bottles the
more than 24,000 barrels or barriqucs in
stoek in the same cellars there are 300
bottles in each and every barrel and
you will have some idea of M. Calvert's
wine-cellars. WeTmrried ourselves , but
it took us more than two hours to go
through the vaults of this grand estab-
lishment. My friend and 1 were both
interested in the way which the regis
seur had of taking the wine that we
tasted from the barrels.
"Have you any preference ? " he asked.
"Xono whatever" was the substance
of my reply ; but my companion , pointing -
ing to ono barrique almost hidden be
neath a coating of green mold , remarked
that that brand might do as a starter.
With a very small augur the man bored
a hole in the barrel head nearest us , and
I expected to see the rich red fluid squirt
out. It did nothing of the sort. The
man had plenty of time to lay down his
augur and take up his crystal ware.
Across the head of each barrel is fast
ened a stout oaken board. Against
this board he got a leverage and
with an adze pried on the head stave of
the barrel. This pressure pushed the
stove inward against the wine , thus
forcing it to find vent at the little auger-
hole. A buyer , when tasting , seldom
swallows the wine in his mouth. Ho
gently shakes the glass about , so as to
agitate the wine to the bottom ; this
permits all Hie perfume , or bouquet , to
rise , so that lie may smell it. Then ho
takes half a mouthful of the wine , but
instantly spits it out again. Of course
the taste remains and the stomach runs
10 danger of being too frequently dosed
with a liquid which , no matter how fine
'and valuable it may be , i.s not exactly
suitable to be drunk in this manner.
Canine Instinct ,
[ Atlantic "Contributors' Club. " ]
I heard a true story , not long ago , of
a lady , fond of dogs and accustomed to
them , who went to visit a friend , the
owner of a splendid but most formidable
animal a mastiff if I remember rightly.
The visitor did not happen to meet with
the dog till she suddenly came upon.
him in a doorway she was about to pass
through. It chanced somehow that she
did not see him , and , stopping hastily
she unfortunately trod upon his foot or
his tail. The huge fellow instantly laid.
hold of her ; but before the dog's"mas
ter , a short distance off , could hasten to
the rescue the lady had looked down ex
claiming quick as thought , "Oh , I 'bo"
your pardon ! " whereupon the mastiff aa
quickly let go Jm grasp. It is plain
that this lady had a proper respect for
the feelings of dogs in general , prompt
ing to an habitual kindly treatment of
them , and instinct led her to apologize
at once for the inadvertent injury as
she would have done to aperson. .
Tlie Army AVorm In Politic * ,
[ San Francisco Chronicle , ]
E. L. Hawk received word , whileat
the Sacramento Republican convention
on Friday last from his ranch near
Rockiin , that the army worm had ap
peared there in jfreat numbers and that
his presence was required there immedi
ately. He therefore abandoned his fight
for auditor and recorder , and left to do
battle with the army worm. The worms
nave appeared near Penryn.
\vitu a Bis : J.
[ Alexander E. Sweet ]
I have heard of a man where a tenant
fell from the ninth stopv window , and
was , of course , ipstantly killed. The
Janitor went up to the remains , and re
minded them that they had violated
rule 2vo. o , which prohibits anything be
ing thrown from any window of the
building. The Janitor also stated to the
remains that it must not occur again ,
A Pprtlaicnt Sucz
[ The Current , ]
"Would it be possible to hatch out
crimes in Central park while listen
ing to fine music under the blue
sky ? " a&ks Freund's Weekly. This sug
gests the possibility of using music-
boxes , which a householder might wind
up foi" an all-night performance , as a
protection , agniusc burglars.