McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 18, 1884, Image 7
TIIE UTMOST LOSS. ITpon the white sea fiand Tniiin Mri8ttt a P'tolra ' band ielllrur the losses that their lives had known ; while evening waned nwny A i r ° rabrcczy cliff und bay , -and tlio strong tides went out with weary moan. One spake with quivering lip HM.I , ° n Ualr fre ffhtod Bbip , With all - his-household to thodeep gone down ; But one had wilder woo , tOILa fftir fnco lon f a ° \ \ i.ost In the darker depths of a great town. There were some who mourned their youth _ . .With a most loving truth , * or its brave hopes and moraorlescver green ; And one upon the west Turned an eye that would not rest. For far off hills , whereon Its Joy had been. Some talked of vanished gold , borne of proud honors told. Some epake of friends that were their trust no more ; And of a green grave , Beside a loroign wave , That made him Bit bo lonely on the shore. Hut when their tales were done , Ihero spake among them one , A stranger , seeming from all sorrow free ; "Sad losses have ye met , But mine Is heavier yet , For a believing heart hath gone from me. " "Alas , " these pilgrims said , "For the living and the dead , 1 or fortune's cruelty , for love's sure cross , For the wrc'cks of the land and sea. Uut , however. It came to thce , Thine , stranger , is life's last und heaviest loss. " LONGEVITY AND L BOR. TFbr/c Preserves the Jlcalth , Idleness Weak ens It. Philadelphia Bulletin. Ericsson , the veteran inventor , was eighty-one years old yesterday. He is in excellent health , and works , it is said , sixteen hours a day , thus proving an exception to the general rule that old men are incapable of great exer tion. But perhaps this general rule , like many others that are received without question , is a fallacy. Perhaps it might be fairly asserted that busy men live longer than idle men ; that work is , after all , the true elixir of life Many noteworthy instances where lon gevity coincides with remarkable men tal activity will easily occur to the reader. Was not Sophocles more than ninety when , to prove that he was not in his dotage as his heirs claimed , in order to get his money he wrote one of his greatest tragedies ? Did not Humboldt do more work at four score than many bright men at forty ? Goethe , as every one knows , died with pen in hand at the age of eighty-two. Von Ranke , the foremost of living historians , has just published another volume of his Uni versal History ; he will be eighty-nine years old next December. Carlyle and Emerson lost none of their vigor until they reached three score years and ten. And , to-day , who imagines that Oliver Wendell Holmes , already on the verge of seventy-five , is old ? Longfellow did some of his best work shortly before his death , at seventy-five , and Whittier is now two years older than that. The vast energies , whose sum in many di rections are known as Victor Hugo , snow no signs of decrepitude , although it is more than eighty-two years since Victor Hugo was born. Historians , it may be remarked , have usually been long-lived. Voltaire died at 8-t. Thierry and Michelet at 76 ; Mignet and Guizot at 87. George Bancroft is now 84 , and George Tichnor lived to be 80. In pub lic life we have had several recent ex amples of great men whose power for statesmanship , did not dimish through age. Gladstone is nearly 75 , and Pal- merston was prime minister at the time of his death , two days before he had his . Benjamin completed eighty-first year. jamin Franklin , in the last century , lived to be 84. These instances suffice to show that there are constitutions which not only can bear , but which actually need the stimulus of hard work up to a very advanced - ' vanced period. Of course , on the other hand , might be cited the remark able men who died young , but even from their experience the fact migl be brought out , not that they were killed by overwork , but by irrational work. Usually , as in the case"of Keats , early death is the result of chronic disease. Shelley , who is al ways mentioned among those whose lives stretched but a span , was drown ed accidentally , and there is good rea son to believe that but for this he would have lived to old age , because he was physically strong. Raphael , Mozart , Byron , Burns and Schubert succumbed just at an a when most men reach their prime , but it must not be forgotten that the last three undermined their health by ex cesses. Shakespeare , Napoleon , Cresar and Beethoven , recognized as the un rivalled giants in their respective de partments , died between fifty and six ty. But on the other hand , Michael Angelo , than whom no man ever ex pended more energy on his vast achiev- ments , lived to be ninety , and Titian was ninety-two. It is evident , there fore , that while no strict law can be established , there is a relation be tween longevity and labor. Work pre serves the health , while idleness tends to weaken it. A I-ucky Kangaroo Hunter. One of the most daring Kangaroo hunters of Australia , and his stag hounds , were terribly lacerated by a wounded Kangaroo , on the great sheep ranche of Mr. Alfred Hay , Boomanoo- mana , 2J. S. W. , and were entirely cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. Mr. Hav writes that it is the greatest pain.- cnre ever introduced lor man % or beast. Henry Clay and Defeat. The Todds and Clays were always on intimate terms , and in 1844 were livinf near each -other in Lexington , Ky. ° Henry Claj' and James K. Polk were then rival candidates for the pres idency , the Cchances , as was generally supposed , being strongly in favor of the great whig leader. As it turned out , however , the contest was much closer than had been anticipated , and finally advices from other states show ed that the result hinged upon the vote of New York. There were no tel- e raphs in those days , and news had to come by the slow course of the mails. The New York mail was due in Lex- inton about 10 o'clock in the evening of ° a certain day , and it was known would tell the story of victory or de feat. As it happened , a young rela tive of Mr. Clav was to be married on the same evening , and insisted upon his presence , though under tlje circum stances hewould much rather have re mained at home. Mr. and Mrs. Todd attended this memorable wedding par ty , which was not large , and composed a'lmost exclusively of the family con nections and intimate friends all ard ent whigs , and of course deeply inter ested in the pending political event. As the hour for the arrival of the mail approached , Mrs. Todd saw two or three gentlemen quietly leave the room and , knowing their errand , watched eagerly for their return. When they came in she knew by the expression of each countenance that New York had gone democratic. The bearers of the bad tidings consulted together a mo ment in a corner , and one of them ad vanced to Mr. Clay , who was standing in the center of a group , and handed him a paper. Mrs. Todd , aware of what it contained , fastene4 her eyes upon him. He opened the paper , and as he read the paragraph which sound ed the death knell of his political hopes and ambition she distinct life-long , saw a tinct blue shade begin at the roots of his hair , pass slowly over his face like a cloud and then disappear. Without saying a word upon the subject , which must have monopolized all his thoughts , he laid down the paper , and , turning to a table , filled a glass with wine , and raising it to his lips with a pleasant smile , said : "I drink to the health and happiness of all assembled here. " Set ting down the glass he resumed the conversation as if nothing had occur red , and was as usual the life and light of the company. But Mrs. Todd said that as soon as the contents of the pa per were known , "a wet blanket fell upon everybody , " and in half an hour all the guests had departed with heavy hearts feeling that the "Harry of the West" had fought his last presidential 'battle , and lost the prize forever. i riso's Cure for Consumption does not dry up cough ; It rcmox es the cause. A TYPICAL STUMPER. Reminiscences of S. S. Prcntiss , the Elo quent Slississippian. Chicago Saturday Herald. Sargent S. Preutiss , of Mississippi , was undoubtedly the most eloqent man who ever addressed the house of rep- sentatives. A carpet-bagger from Maine , he went to Mississippi poor and friendless , and not only became fore most among her sons , but acquired a national reputation. Edward Everett , after having listened to one of his im passioned bursts of eloquence in Fan- nell hall , turned to Daniel Webster , who sat near him , and said : "Did you ever hear anything like it ? " . "Never , " said Webster , "except from Mr , Pren- tiss himself. " He was indeed a re markable orator , his intellectual en dowments presenting a remarkable example in which great logical power and the most vivid imagination were most happily blended.As Dryden said of Halifax , he was a man Of piercing wit and frequent thought , Endowed by nature and by learning taught To move assemblies. The great secret of his oratorical success was his readiness he se'emed never at a loss for an epigram or a re tort , and his impromptu speec es were the best. Prentiss used to tell a good story about his second canvass of the state of Mississippi. He had arranged a route , and one of his friends had gone ahead to make arrangements feT a hall in each successive town and to advertise the meetings there. The proprietor of a traveling menagerie took advantage of these congregations , and followed , exhibiting at Teach place on the day Prentiss spoke. The first intimation the orator had of this rivalry was at a small town in the northern part of the state near the Alabama line. After Prentiss had been speaking for about an hour , holding the attention of the audience , he observed some of the out siders looking over their shoulders , and this movement was gradually fol lowed by more of his audience. He began to think he was growing dull and tried to rouse himself up to more animation ; but it was all in vain. He at length looked in the popular direc tion , and there , to his horror , just com ing over the hill was the elephant dressed in his scarlet wrappings and oriental splendor. A foolish feeling of vanity , not to be outdone by the ele phant , came over him , and he contin ued to talk. He found it was no use , he said "Well ladies and so : , gentle men. I am beaten. But I have the consolation of knowing it was not by my competitor. I will not knock un der to any two-legged beast , but I yield to the elephant. " Prentiss afterward made an ar rangement with the proprietor to di vide time with the monkey and the clown , the first hour being given to politics. One of the cages was used as a rostrum : Soon he heard a low sound which resembled a growl , and he learned that the hyena was his nearest listener. There were large auger holes in the top of the box for the ad mission of air. Prentiss commenced speaking , and when he reached the blood and thunder portion of his speech , he ran his cane into the cage , and called forth a most horrible yell from the enraged animals , at the same time gestulating wildly with the other hand. "Why , fellow citizens , " he would exclaim , "the very wild beasts are shocked at the political baseness and corruption of the times. Hear his yell of political shame and indigna tion. " The eflect was electric ; he called down the house in a perfect tem pest of enthusiasm. He hurled his anathemas at his foes , and enforced them by the yells of his neighbors. The people of Mississippi worshipped Mr. Prentiss , his habits , which would have condemned him in any other section of the country , only endearing him the more to them. Generous to his foes , faithful to his friends , he won the confi dence and affection of all who knew liim. Bailey Peyton used to illustrate his readiness at an impromptu speech by narrating an incident which oc curred in 1844 , when Prentiss joined a iiunting party , with which he spent a week or two under a tent in the forests of the Sunflower small river tribu tary to the Mississippi in the vicinity of Vieksburg. Towering above the tent stood one of those remarkable eleva tions , evidently the work of art , which abound in the Mississippi valley and are commonly called Indian mounds. One day Mr. Prentiss , with the aid of the vines and the overhanging boughs , made his way to the top of the mound , when his fnends , who were collected around the tent , united in a "call for a speech a speech from Prentiss. "Up on what subject ? " "Upon the subject on which you now stand. " He at once set oft * in a playful sally for the amuse ment of himself and friends , but , warm ing to the subject as he proceeded , his creative imagination now peopled the forest with the lost tribe , that mysteri ous race who ages past inhabited tte country before the birth of the aborigi nal trees that abound upon , these huge piles. He introduced every variety of character fairies , princes , courtiers , warriors , marshaled armies and fought battles , going on thus for more than an hour , in a vein on philosophical reflec tion and poetical invention , which im parted thrilling , almost a 'real interest in the imaginary scene. The gentle- from whom I had this incident is a man of cultivated tas'tes , and often heard Mr. Prentiss at the bar and on the hustings , and he considered this one of his happi est efforts. Wyman Commercial , College , Omaha. This institution has an able corps of instructors , and furnishes its patrons an excellent preparation for business. Full particulars as to the course of in struction can be obtained by sending to the president , Mr. A. L. Wyman , a Eostal requesting a copy of the cata- ) gue. Swiss Girls. No sooner are the girls large enough topossess the requisite physical strength than they are set to the most servile work the land affords. The child has a pannier-basket fitted to her shoulders at the earliest possible moment , and she drops it only when old age , prema ture but merciful , robs her of power to carry it longer- have seen sweet little girls , of 12 or 14 , staggering down a mountain side , or along a rough path way , under the weight of bundles of fagots as large as their bodies , which they no sooner dropped than they hur ried back for others. ,1 have , seen girls 15 or 16 years , bare-footed and bare headed , in the blistering rays of an Au gust sun , breaking up the ground by swinging mattocks heavy enough to tax the strength of an able-bodied man. And I have known a young miss no older than these to be employed as a porter for carrying the baggage of travelers up and down the steepest mountain path in all the region round about. She admitted that it was some times very hard to take another step , but yet she must do it. And she car ried such an amount of baggage ! A stout-limbed guide is protected by the law , so that he cannot be compelled to carry above twenty-five pounds , but the limit to the burdens often put upon girls is their inability to stand up under anything more. But the burden in creases with the age and strength of the burden-bearers , till , by the time girls have come to womanhood , there is no sort of menial toil in which they do not bear a hand and quite com monly the chief hand. People IFIto Do Not Eat Jlrcatl. The Gartenlaube has an article on those civilized nations a large portion of whose peasantry eat little or no bread. Baked loaves of bread are un known in many parts of South Austria and Italy , and throughout the agricul tural districts of Roumania. In the villages of the Obersteiermark , not very many miles from Vienna , bread is never seen ; the staple food of the people being sterz , a kind of porridge made from ground beechnuts , which is taken at breakfast with fish curdled . milk , at dinner with broth or fried lard , and with milk again for supper. This sterz Is also known as heiden , and takes the place of bread , not only in the Steier- mark , but in Carinthia and in many parts of the Tyrol. In the north o"f Italy the peasantry live chiefly on po lenta , a porridge made of boiled maize. Ihe polenta , however , is not allowed to granulate like Scotch porridge or like Austrian sterz , but is boiled into a solid pudding , which is cut up and portioned out with a string. It is eaten jold as often as it is hot , and it is in jvery sense the Italian peasant's daily 3read. The modern Roumanians are icld by many scholars to be descended : rom a Roman colony , in other words ; o be cousins of the Italians ; and , curi- nisly enough , a variation of the polenta jailed mamaliga is the national dish of Rumania. The mamaliga is like the jolenta in that it is made of boiled naize , but it is unlike the latter in one mportant respect , as the grains are not illowed to settle into a solid mass , but ire kept distinct , after 'the fashion of > atmeal porridge. Carbollnea. Sorrow and gloom the soul may meet , Yet love wrings triumph from defeat ; nd the coarsest hair can still be fine By using Magic Carholine. There are 209,631 Germans in Chicago nd only 143,000 native born Americans. A Perfect Ketnvdy for all abrasions of the skin nd nil diseases of the feet of Horses and Cattle. In- aluable to Stockmen. Cole's Veterinary Corboll- alTe. InSOc.andl.OGcans. At Druggists or by mall. J. V. COLE & CO. , Prop's , Clack Kl > er Falls , Vis. "Thomas of the tinted top knot" is what hey call Tom Ocb.iltree in Texas. "Konch on Corn * . " 15c. Askforlt. Complete ore , hard or soft corns , warts , bunions. Recollect every dav the things seen , heard r read make an addition to your under- tanding. I. Watts. Allen's Iron Tonic Hitter * strengthen the : stem. All genuine bear the signatura of J. P. Al- n , Druggist , St. Paul , Minn. Mrs. Mulock says that it takes a heroine to e economical. a Meniman'i Feptmized Beef Tonic , the nlr preparation of beef containing its entire natri * I ions properties. It contains blood-making , force- cncratlng and life-sustaining properties ; invalna- le for Iodlcr t'on. Dypep in. nerrons prds- ratton. and all forms of general debility ; also. In all nfcebled conditions , whether the result of exhaust- in , nervous prostration , o > erwork , or acute disease , articularly If resulting from pulmonary complaints. A SWELL , HAZAED & Co proprietors , Kcw Torfc , old by druggists. The bicycle has been described as an ideal rheelbarrowi . A Printer's Error. Sweet are the uses of adversity , the copy said , but he set it up , sweet are the uses of advertising. Street , indeed to those who in sickness and suffering have seen the advertisement of some sovereign remedy , which upon trial has brought them from death's door. "The best thing I ever saw in my paper was the advertisement of Dr. Pierce's Golden - " en Medical Discovery' " is again and i again the testimony of those who have been healed by It of lung disease , bron- ' tihial affections , tumors , ulcers , liver complaints and the ills to which flesh is heir. , A sensational flutter passed over the congregation at the First Methodist Church in Auburn , New York , Sunday evening , when Rev. Dr. Queal , the pas tor , said : "Those who do not what to hear me say anything about skating rinks had better stay at home next Sun day evening. " * * * * Loss of power in either sex , however induced , speedily , thor oughly and permanently cured. Ad dress , with three letter stamps for re ply and book of particulars , World's Dispensary Medical Association , 60S Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y. It often happens that a clergyman will forgo the name of a child at bap tism , but the case of a minister in South Carolina who purposely miscalled a child is peculiar. The child's god parents had bestowed the name "Leti- tia Adelina Angelina. " The parson calmly said "Mary , " and so baptized her. "I hope you will not mind the alt ration I have made. I hope it will prove useful to the child in afterlife ; so many names are a mistake , " exclaimed the clergyman coollv. "flip't in the Bud ! " Sad to say , many a good thing at tains to nothing more than a fair be ginning. On the other hand it is a matter for congratulation that the growth of some evil things may be also frustrated. A large proportion of the cases of the most wide-spread and fatal of diseases consumption have their in ception in nasal catarrh. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is pleasant , soothing and effectual. Try it. It has cured thousands. All druggists. Professor Dana , of Yale , rejects the phrase "seismological disturbance" in the description of the present earth quake. He says it was an "unaccount able impertinence. " "Bnchn-'Pnlba. ' Quick , complete cure , all ftnEO ) Ing Kidney and Urinary O seases. tl. Hops is the only thing which is common to all men ; those who have nothing more possess hope still. Thales. on Itch" cures Humors , eruptlons.rlBg- worm , tetter , sa t rheum , irosted feet , chilblains. We never know how much we love until we try to unlove. Mrs. Stowe. "I have both used and sold PRICKLY ASH BITTERS for a number of years , and think it the best bitters made for Bilious ness , Liver Complaints and for toning up the system , " so writes TV. H. Cole , Drug gist , of Joplin , Mo. A single trial of this remedy will convince any person of th * truth of the above. It is a fortunate thing that our naval ves sels cannot travel on land. They might get run into by a baby carriage. We think we can cure a bad case of Back ache quicker with one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters than by any other application , and after the Backache is cured , you can still wear the plaster without discomfort for two or three weeks or longer. This combination of Smart Weed and Belladonna is a great hit , and it is hard to find any pain or ache that will not yield to it. Price 25 cents. Sold by Druggists everywhere. You arrive at truth through poetry , and I arrive at poetry through truth. A CARD. To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretion of youth , nervous weakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I will send a recipe that will cure you , FREE OE CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send self-addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH r. INMAN , Station D. New York. Five hundred million bushels is what it is fully agreed the wheat crop will foot up this pear. . _ on Rat * . " .ears nut rata.mice. flies , coaches , bedbugs , ants , vermin , chipmunks. ISc. When the State is most corrupt , then the laws are most multiplied. Tacitus. Laura , the bright little daughter of Mr. J' tl. Pock , of Emporia , Kan. , has for many pears suffered from hip-joint disease , which has resulted in shortening to a great extent the limb. A month or two ago her mother placed her under the care of the surgeons , Drs. Dickerson and Stark , of the Kansas City Surgical Institute. Since then her limf lias much improved. ' Dr. Hammond , of New York , advises vomen who wish to be b eautiful to live ipt-n mutton. If the Papier Electric Belt does not make ou sleep and cause you to get up in the aorniLg with body refreshed and brain lear and active , return it and receive back he full amount of your money. It costs about$425,000 annually to pay for he transportation of our foreign mails. Sprains , brplsea , stiff Joints , burni , ealds and rheumatism are relieved b ] Jnde Sam's Nerre and Bone Liniment , { old by druggists. Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con- Tilsions and frequently death. A.pleasant , afe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S JERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all Iruggists. Headache , constipation , liver complaint ; > illiousnes3 are cured by that mild , cleans- nz remedy which never produces pain , SILERT'S DAYLIGHT LIVES PILLS. ) nly 25 els. Sold by druggists. An economical man will keep the leather if his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al- rays uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of all who die in active middle ife are carried off by consumption. The nest frequent cause is a neglected cold , : ough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or isthma , all of which may be permanently rared by EILERT EXTRACT OF TAB LND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists. A farmer's wealth depends on the condi- ion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble hey are especially liable to distempers , fe- era , colds , and all diseases which destroy nimals. Thousands of dollars are saved nnnally by that valuable old standby , JNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POWDER. Restless , fretful , crying children are suf- ering and need for their relief DR. VINCHELL'S TEETHING STROP , which i useful not only for all the disorders of sething infants , but cures coughs , croups , ore throat , colic and cramps of older chil- ren , and should always be kept in everr ouse for emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold y all druggists. , When you visit or Jeavo New York City , via Central depot , save Baggage Expresaage and $3 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union sHotel , opposite the dppot. Six hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollar * ; $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup plied with the best. Horse cars , stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. The base ball f ever Is better than the chol- snvwav. IT IS A SPECIFIC IT is RELIABLE roa in curing Eright'a Kidney & Liver Troubles , eoso.Painja In the Bladder. Urinary and * [ Bock , Loins or Sides , Liver Diseases , Dropsy , Eetentlon or Non-Eoton- Gravel and. Dlabetea. tlon of Urine. > HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It cures Biliousness , Headache , Jaundice. Sour 6 torn- och , Dyspepsia , Conutipatlon and Pilco. IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cures Xntemceronco , Nervous Diseases , General Debility , Excesses and Fcmalo Weakness. USE IT AT ONCE. It restores the KIDNEYS , UVEB. and BOWELS , to ft healthy action and CUBES when all other medicines till. Hundreds havebeenuaved who have been given , up to die by Mends and physicians. Price $1.25. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet to HUNT'S KEMEDT CO. , Providence , It. I. v BOLD BT * T.T. DBTJGGIBTS. 9 AS H BITTERS CURES AllDISEASESGFTH LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND BOWELS. ALL DRUGGISTS Dyspepsia , General Debility , JTanndice , Habitual Constipa tion * Iiivor Complaint * Sole Headache , Diseased Kid * neys , Eto. , Etc. It contains only the Purest Drugs , among Trfilch may be enumerated . 'BlOm ASH DAE2 AND B3B3IE3 , HAOT2AET , BUCEU , BmA , Stc , It cleanses the system thoroughly , and as a PUKIFIER OP THE BLOOD Xs Unequaled , Itis not an Intoxicating beverage , nor cat It be used as each , by reason of Its Cathartic Properties. PSICKLY ASH BITTERS CO. Sole Proprietors , T. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY. ROCKFORDWATCHES Are unequalled inEXACTING SERVICE. Used by the Chief Mechanician of the U.S. Coast Survey : by the Admiral commanding : in the U. S. Naval Observ atory , for Astro nomical workand by Iiocomotivo Engineers , Con ductors and Kail- way men. Theyare recognized as for all uses in which close [ time and durability are ro- quisites. Sold in principal cities nnd towns by the CCM- 1 PANE'S exclusive Agents ( ledlpgJew l r Owlm give a Fall Warranty. The reputation of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a pre\en- tle of epidemics , a stomachic , anlnilg- orant , a general re- etorath e and a specl * fie for fe\cr and ague , fndlgestlon.bll" Ions affections , rheu matism , nervous de- bllity , constitutional weakness. Is estab lished upon the sound biisls of more than twenty \ ears experience , and can no more be shaken by the clap-trap nos to.STOMACH f * trums of unscientific . pretenders , than the BITTER5 e\erla tlng hills by the t\ind that rustle throu ch their denies , For Mle bj all Druggists and Dealers generally. Iowa Boilnen College. ' Book-keepers * * Teachers : two lead ing Penmen , Short hand. Telegraph ing. 1 : OBcei for Students actuci - practice. Beu location , cheap board Tuition low. Journal free. JZIIIIINCS & FILCIIU. Des Koines. I rt strap fer BT ciiroUr. 1750 E j r : er. How I Mulct l-oultrr " Eo taoUc IxrtMarconnLf IfllUinK. liowtobuEaeht.i > iim.p - errt * rT > . cure ehobim. m&ke Dtaa U j , Ac. A ir book. C-G Eunr. AbCra. ruui. Cn 2 < r P. B. Fowls nl P. C. ETiat. Bwlaa drenlan frte. wPISO'S CURE FORr , Cms WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. , Best Cough byrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. CONSUMPTION CHARLES SsHITERlCK , FURNITURE , L2O6 , 12O8 and 121O Farnnm ft. , Omaha experie need Book and Bible Agen In every county. Liberal salaries paid. Address , tating experience , P. O. Box g g , St. Louis , Mo. A GEXTS "WAATED for the best and fastest * selling Pictorial Books and Bible' . Prices re- luced 33 per ct. NATIONAL PUB , Co. , St. Louis , Mo. F F.SRN TEHEGRAPHY , or SHORT-HAND and \ \ EittAU TypE WBITING here. Situations fiir- U nisheil. Address Yaleiitine Bros. , JjneaTille , is. _ DNIVEHSITY OFlTBEl'MT ( M 1n Handing. ) The ElRhty-flwt- Session will opct-TBeiday. 3d. FultCoanesln Claiitc * , Law , Scleneet , XatheiMtte Md Muitc. A thorough COMMERCIAL COURSR Is one of tb dtitlnRuUlilnR featurei of the Institution. Special tdvantsge * are offered to Student ! of the Law Couno. Thr Minim J > in rtraent , for boyi under IS. Is unique in dcalra andln the com- pletcnuM of It * equipments. Catalogues , giving full particulars , will be tent free by addro-iInK . X v. T. E. WaUh. C. 8. C. . JPre.Id.-nt. Xotre Dume. Indiana. A. k.ln of ISeanty ! Joy Forever. DR. T. FELIX QOURAUD'S Oriental Crcura , or Magical Beuntifler A * * . flB - Removes Tan. Pimple * . liaih. Jloth-l'otclics. Freckles and Skin diseases , and ever ; blcmlih on benutr. and dene * detec tion. It has stood the test4 of thirty jean and Is so hnrmle 3 wo taste It to b sure t\e prep- aratfou It properly made. Accept no counterfeit of _ similar name. The "distinguished Dr. L. A. Say re gold to a lady of the haul ton ( a patient ) : "As you ladles win use them. I recommend 'Qouraad'i Cream * at the least harmful of all the ifcln preparations. " One bottle will last six months , using It every day. Also Poudre Buutllc removes superfluous hair without Jnlury to the skin. MME. M. B. T. GOUUAUD. Sole Prop. , a Bondst-jN.T. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. EVIieware of base Imitations ; 11,000 Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same. . . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND IS A POSITIVE CUIIE FOR . * All those painful Complaint * * and Weaknesses so common * ' * * to our best , * * * * * , * FEMALE POPULATIOX. * * Trite $1 In ll'inlil , pill or lounge farm. tts purpoK is solely for the legitimate healing of disease and the relief of pain , and that it does alt it claims to do , thousands of ladles can aladly testify. * It will euro entirely all Ovarian troubles , Inflamm * tlon and Ulccratlon , Filling and Displacement * , aw. consequent Spinal Weakness , and is particular of life. * * * ' adapted to the change It removes Falntnes * . Flatulency , destroys all crartrjj for ttlmutants , and relloes Weakness of the btoinnch. It cures Bloating , Headaches , Nervous Prostration , , , Depression and Indk General Debility t Bleeplexsnesa ! * jjj * * * * * * * * * ge tlon. That fetlinK of bearing down , cousin ? poiJi and backache.isolwuy * ptnnariently cured by Us ue. bend Htump to Lynn , Mass. , for piunplilet. Letters of Inquiry connilentlally answered. For sale at druggists. * * * * * * * * The BUYERS' GUIDE is issued Sept. nnd March , each year : 221 pages , 8 * x 1U inches , with over 3,3OO illustrations- - a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or ' family use. Tells Low to k order , and gives exact f Wk cost of ev- erythingyou H U use , drinfc , cat , wear , or T have fun with. These sisi invaluable hooks contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. o Respectfully , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 887 Je S 9 Wabiuh Avenue. CUcaco. 111. Off. HENDERSON * * . , } Zu ' ff COC & COS IVyamlottoSt. , % j 'fra'ciice-lZ / KANSAS CITY , 3IO. Chicago. Authorized by the State to treat Chronic , Ncnoas nnd Prhnte Die- , eases , Asthma. Epilepsv. nhenma- .tism , PlcsTapc-worm ; , urinary and ibkin Diseases , SEMINAL \\jKAKKzea \ \night leyei ) , Say JLI. DEBILITT ' ( lets of sexual par .r ) , Ac. " Cures guaranteed or money refunded Charges low. Thousands of cases cured. No I jurioup medicines used. No detention from bus * ess. All medicines furnished een to patients r a distance. Consul tation free and confidential call or write. Age and experience are important. A BOOK for both sexes illustrator ! and circular of other thing ! sent tiealed t . Trrr JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World. Sold medal Paris Exposition , 187S. ULS.STANDARD. 5 TON JONES WAGON SCALES , IrouLerers , Eteel l'r rlng . Brail Tare Beam and Beam Boz , OF BftGHAMTON and J01 ES h poyi thefrelght for frt Price Lint mention this paper and addreuJOHES OF BINQHAM.'OH , Blnsbamton. IV. 1 CHEAPEST"LIST OF ARTIST MATERIALS A D * W. & N. Oil Tube Colors. c. doz. ; Sable A K I inishes. S c. up. Bristles. ; c. up ; PUques. S c. up ; Palettes , 15 c. ; Easels. 90 c. ; Artists' Boxes , | i so. Panels , 10 c. up ; Oils. 12 % c. : , 'arnisli. 25 c. : Cold er Silrcr Paint. 35 = - ! Canvass , 75 c. yard ; lottery and S'orelties for Decorating- e. up ; Studies rented , oc. per week : Gold Plush Frames , Mouldings , Paintings. En- rravinR * . Cord and Nails ; PIANOS and ORGANS , from Jajup ; ( 'iclins , 5s : Guitars. Is ; Banjos $3 50 ; Drums. Flutes. Fifes. BIR I I O I f * Zithers. Sliest Music. K off printed list ; IVI H O I Music Instiuctnn for all Instruments , joe. . _ . A. HOSPE , Omaha. > end a ct. Stamp for Catalogue : BLAME AND LOGAN. Aeents wanted In every county to sell this popular ork. Illustrated. 600 pages ; endorsed by tne Na- onal Committee. You tan make WO to 0 a week , holce of territory. Outfit 50c. Terms one-half off. Also , LUes of Cle\ eland and Hendrlckg. Extra : rms. IXTERIOB PUB. CO. . Lincoln , Xeo. Revolvers. - Rifles ; ic. L. A. L. SniTIl It IO. , Jc "st raTatike , I1L In Itt ar d. Da. J. s. Jx.-b.tnon. Oh la "VV. X. U. , Omaha , 224-33. . 'HEX WRITING TO ADVERTISERS please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. SLICKER THE BEST "WATEEPEOOP COAT MADE , Wm keep yon dry In any itorra. The new POMMEL SLICKEK ! * perfect rid. Ingcoit. Boldererywhere. Illustrated Catalogue free. A.J.Towtr.Bo toa.Ilm. PMS1 PURGATIVE ft PIUS Poittive : BLOOD have "In no i use no oiner. J. . MOJ. , . . . - , my prmctiea iiennison. DeWitt. .owa. Bold orcrr-irbere or sjrat U eU. in tUmps. ValuU luformaUou gfasg. I. a. JOHHSOU * cS.BO8T < S.