XILK LAND OF DREAMS. 0-land-of droamsl O beautifullandwhlcl . 'borders tbo unknown shore Whose realms nro filled 'with the loved ant lost , whom wo meet on earth no raoro ! Land-where the weary and worn may rest whore the king and serf lie down ; Where the serf may walk In realms as fair a ho who wearcth the crown. "With tbo loving1 and loved of our youth w < wander by the golden streams ; Wo wreck notof care , cf wealth or loss , In tba beautiful land of dreams. The maid whom wo loved In halcyon days whose bed llos under the snow , Flits book and forth In the land of dreamt wif h the beauty of "long ago ; " Her bright eyes shine with the sparkllni glance of the olden happy days And our hearts again renew their youth 'ncatl the radiance of her1 gaze. Wo live whole years of Joy at once as the sun EJS-- light on us gleams , Whole years of Joy that have no night , in the beautiful land of dreams. The love , the hopes and the knowledge vas that wo yearn tor In waking hours. We gather in when we enter there as thoeartl drinks in the showers ; Wo climb the hills of the unknown land tin land by no mortal trod Behold the palace wherein our homo , whose builder and maker Is God ! And brightly its walls of jasper shine us the sunlight on it gleams ; Its gates of gems and its streets of gold tlia wo see in the land of dreams. O land of dreams 1 O mystical land ! bctwcer the known and unknown , There reigns no king In thy vast domain , end dream is king alone. Ho knoweth naught of the mystic realm , care. not where its confines end ; He asketh not , for upon its shores he meetetl his long-lost friend ! O land of dreams I O beautiful land , where th ( sunlight ever gleams ! May wo enter the unknown landnamedHcav en from the beautiful laud of dreams. THE COLOlfEL'S SECOND WIFE. "What ! her dowry ten thousand anc her age under eighteen ! You are i lucky dog , Hewitt ! Of course , it's i love match ? " "I Hatter myself , yes , on the lady' * part , at least ; " and the speaker , a tall rather handsome man , drew himself u\ superciliously ; though , in fact , it is s family arrangement. ' "How is that ? " "Why , you see , Colonel Harding was my father , General Hewett's greates chum. When dying , he left me ani iny future to the former's guardianship a trust he saw no better 'nor mon friendly way of carrying out than by ar engagement between myself and hi ; daughter Kate the sole inheritor of i rich aunt's wealth. " "Some people fall into pleasan places , certainly. When is it to be ? ' "In a month. I fancy , since tlu colonel has been such a dotard as tc take home a second wife , lie woulc rather have his daughter's room thai her company. " "Possibly. Deuced pretty woman Mrs. Harding eh ? Very sparkling self-willed and fast , I'm sure. Wil want a tight curb , but I will pull hard I imagine the Colonel- will have his hands full , and need keep his eyes open. They have been married a year and within the last month I have notet he is preoccupied , -while two wrinkles have appeared on his forehead. Wher will these old fellows , " laughed his friend , "take the * lessons Pope has ' so graphically read'us Decembei must wed May ? Ta , ta ! Remember I'm booked for the Benedict cere niony. " The two gentlemen between whom the above conversation passed on the step of a West End club now parted the one addressed as Hewett , knowr among his less familiars as Captain Hewett , proceeding to go by train to Colonel Harding's villa , atRich - mond. Arriving there , in due course , he was speedily introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Harding ; after exchanging greetings with whom he was summoned to see the colonel in the library. The ladies were surprised at the haste displayed , and could not refrain from remarking on the subject. "Whatever is that for ? " Kate re marked , when the officer had gone. "To sign your marriage settlement , " smiled Mrs. Harding. "Nonsense ! By the way , mamma , do you not think papa has looked alter ed lately ? " "For many days I have seen it , Kate , I fear something is wrong. " "Then I fancy he might confide it to you instead of the captain. " "True ! Mrs. Harding's lips percepti bly contracted ; then she added : Kate , I forgot to tell my maid about the trim mings for my dress next Friday. Would you mind doing so ? " Rising the young girl readily went on her mission , when the other's entire manner changed. Her expression be came grave , perplexed. She cast aside lier work , and leaned her head on her Land. "Can my husband possibly suspect ? " she murmured. "There is a change in him , Kate sees it , too ! Then there must be a cause ! Can he have found us out ? If so , everything is ruined ruined ! " she paused ; then added "I must be certain "I will ! " Hurriedly throwing a shawl of Kate's that laid on a sofa near , about her , she passed through-the open glass doors in to the flower garden. Going to the side of the villa , cau tiously she crept through a shrubbery of lilacs and syringes , until she came within sight and hearing of the two in the library , the window of which was open. Charles Hewett was leaning back in a chair ; the colonel , a handsome elder ly military-looking man , sat by the table , his brows contracted , his features expressive of pain and anger blended. He had evidently been speaking vehe mently , and exclaimed , as the listener came within range : "I wouldn't have believed of her ! Of all women , I would have staked my life on Constance ! When you hinted that you had seen a fellow suspiciously lounging about the villa , I thought nothfno- about it ; but Jackson , the underardner ° , declares that it is true. " The listener became livid with rage. Her suspicions were well founded. "What do you intend ' doing ? " " asked * Captain Hewett. , "That's my perplexity ; to accuse her on the word of an undergardner seems " and the colonel uneasily ; preposterous easily drummed the table with his an gers. Something must be done , " he said , I shall go mad. I can't support -or ' don't mind th terriblesSspicion , for-I confessing it to you , George , who so soon will oe niy son I love Constance devotedly. What was that ? Why , the window is open. Shut it ; we want no eavesdroppers. " Captain Hewett complied , but before closing it , leant forth and looked around. The colonel's wife had Uown. "If my fine lady would only com mit herself , ' ' he thought. ' 'Kate would inherit the colonel's wealth. It is nothing , " he said aloud , resuming his scat. Trembling at her narrow escape , Mrs. Harding hastened from the shrubbery. Just as she emerged , she ran violently against a man. "Robert ! Tell me , what are you do ing here ? " "Ten thousand pardons ! I thought ' - ' "Never mind what you thought. Why are you here ? Quick goto the side door. If in five minutes I call you , come , if npt , go away. " He raised her hand to his lips. "How good you are ! " he said. I only came to say that I have prepared everthing for our ilight on Friday. " "Hush ! " she answered , as she fled from him. < Five minutes after , the side door opened , a white hand beckoned , and soon the stranger was again seated , with locked doors , in Mrs. Harding's boudoir. The next morning by no means to the surprise of his wife , the colonel an nounced that business would take him to London in the evening , and datain him until late. Mrs. Harding expressed her sorrow at his departure , and begged him to hasten back. Nevertheless , when she was alone , she lighted the lamp in her boudoir , then she retired to a spare bedchamber just above , from the win- idowof which she watched. An hour and a half passed eventless , then a man's shadow flitted among the trees. "It is the captain , " thought Mrs. Harding. "He has selected his proper sphere. The colonel was too noble for it. Well , each shall have a suitable re ward. " She waited. So did the captain. Finally the latter , perhaps imagining while he watched outside the bird he would detect enjoying himself within , cautiously drew near , and peered into the window. The temptation was irresistable , Mrs. Harding noiselessly opened the lattice , took up a jug of water standing near , and flung out the contents. There was a muttered curse ; but the lattice was closed , and the lady's burst of laughter smothered in her handker chief. chief.When When , ten minutes after , Captain Hewett looked in at the drawing room window , from a distance , as he , unob served , quitted the grounds , ho beheld Mrs. Harding and his future bride read ing and working according to their habit. "It must have been a confounded housemaid , " he growled. "She couldn't have seen me. " He passed on to a break in the boun dary hedge , by which he quitted the place and reached the main door. Had he been a quarter of an hour later , he would surely have encountered a gentleman using the same means to enter it. Quickly , but cautiously , he made his way to a half decayed elm tree , at the root of which grew ferns and burdock. Slipping his hand be neath there , he drew out a paper , on which , by the aid of wax taper he lighted , he read : "Dearest : At eight on " Friday. The colonel will be absent. All is pre pared. " Pressing the fragment passionately to his lips , the man placed a reply in the same place then withdrew. It was on the morning of the event ful Friday that Colonel Harding entered Captain Hewett's apartment at Rich mond. "George , " he exclaimed , "no man was ever in greater perplexity than I. For the last month I have been engaged to the Dunderbulls to dinner to-day. This morning Constance declares looking well and hearty herself too ill to attend , but urges me to go. " "I'll tell you what , colonel , if you refuse you may only arouse her suspi cions. You had better , therefore , go ; and I'll watch for you. Perhaps' this time something may be discovered. ' "I was thinking , " began the colonel , doubtfully , "whether it would not be best to ask Constance right down to the truth. " "Absurd ! If a woman will stoop to deceive a husband , she will not hesitate at a falsehood. " "That is true. Well , George , let it be as you say. " The colonel went to the dinner and the gentlemen had long been left to their wine , when a footman whispered to the officer he was wanted. Making an excuse , he withdrew ; and found the captain in the hall. "Come home , " said the latter ; "I must speak to you at once. " The colonel , growing pale , followed him into the road. v "What is it ? " "Bear it like a man , colonel , " re turned the other. "Your wife is un worthy your affection ; she has fled with her lover. I saw them. They are now in the train going to London. " And he grasped the hedge , to save him from falling. Recovering himself , his mood changed. "George ! " he exclaimed fiercely. "Come , we will follow them. The vil lain shall answer for the wrong he has done me ; but tell me all about it. " The captain stated that a cab had passed him on the road to the villa. En it he had recognized a strange gen tleman and Mrs. Harding. He pur sued , but only reached the railway station in time to see them leap into a Qrst class carriage as the train moved off. off.The true statement was this : Capt. Bewett had seen a fly waiting near the villa. Concealing himself , he had per ceived a gentleman , escorting a lady thickly veiled and cloaked , come through the break in the hedge , hur riedly cross the intervening field , enter bhe cab , and drive off , after giving the direction : "The railway station for London. " Had he put his hand out , he could have stayed them. But that was not his plan. Let her go beyond recall and forgiveness , that was what he thought. Hurrying straight to the dressing room , the colonel secured his pistols. "I have never used them against a fellow-being before , " ho exclaimed , very stern and determined , "but a bul let shall reach his heart or mine. Ono shall not leave the field. " "Why , goodness gracious , my love , how early you are back ! I hope noth ing is wrong ! " exclaimed a pleasant voice. Both gentlemen swupg round on their heels , with an ejaculation of sur prise , for there , in the doorway , looking charming in her evening dress , was Mrs. Harding. "You here , Constance ? " "Here ! Why , where should I be , dear ? " The colonel looked at the captain and vice versa. "What is the matter ? " asked the lady ; "and gracious , Edmund , love what are you going to do with those pistols ? " "I I was going , " blurted out the colonel , half angrilj "to take with them the life of your lover , Constance ! " "Mj" lover ! Surely , darling , you never contemplated suicide ! " "Suicide ! Constance , can you look me in the face and say that you have no other one than I ? " "Yes there sir ! But can you look in mine and say you ever were cruel enough to suspect me of such a sin ? " The colonel dropped instantly. "You have ! " she went , on. "Pray , on what grounds ? " "That of a man having been seen to enter your room , admitted by you , and in in your supposed flight this night in a fly with him. " Mrs. Harding burst into a peal of laughter.- "Why , Edmund , that was Kate's lover ! " she cried. "Kate's ! " both gentlemen repeated. "No less. Do not blame the poor girl , for you yourself have driven her to this step asking Captain Hewett to pardon my speaking out , " said the lady with a malicious twinkle. "Be cause you loved his father you ordered your daughter to accept the general's son. She her heart bestowed else where said 'nay ; ' you said 'ay. ' When I became your wife Kate made me her confidante. I , too , said 'nay ; ' you re peated 'ay' declaring that you could not go from your word ; therefore , per ceiving a gentleman that was true , I determined to break it for you ; and , unwilling that your child , my love , should have a less happy life than the one you made mine , I planned yes , it was wicked I planned her elopement with Robert Kenway , the man she loves. However you may regard it , Edmund , I think I have done the girl a good turn in saving her from an alliance with an amateur detective. " ( So say ing she swept the captain a'contemptu- ous courtesy ) . "I see how all this has happened ; this gentleman watched here while you went to dine. Charm ing ! He waited and spied to see his own property stolen ! Captain Hewett , I compliment you ! Now , gentlemen , I will leave you to yourselves. " She quitted the rooms as she spoke , very haughtily , and retired to her own , apparently the most injured party. A brief space after the colonel came in. "Constance , " he said , "you have done very wrong. " "Sir , how have you acted in suspect ing a wife who was foolish enough to love you ? " she answered , proudly. "Do you love me , Constance ? " "Better than than all the world ! " was the answer , given between a sud den burst of sobs , A woman's tears were the only ene mies which had ever beaten the colonel. He caught his pretty wife in his arms and cried : "Constance , forgive me , and let us say no more about it. " "And Kate ? " she sobbed. "I'll pardon her for your sake. " "You dear , dear Edmund ! There ! That kiss is for a reward. " And that is how Captain Hewett was checkmated by the colonel's second wife. " MAINE'S VOTE. Result of the Election Held on Monday last. BOSTON , September 8. The Journal's Maine specials Indicate that all four republican con gressmen are elected. No democratic state senators are chosen. The house is over whelmingly republican. PORTLAND , Me. , September 8. Portland jives Robie , ( rep. ) for governor 3,971 ; Red man , ( dem. ) 3,214 ; scattering 63 ; republican plurality , 757. In 1880 the republican vote was 5,536 ; democratic vote , 3,303 ; plurality , 334 , being 533 plurality , or about the same as in L883. Long Island is still to be heard from. Reed , for congress , falls behind , having 37 plurality , exclusive of the Island , but the iemocrats concede his election and there- aubllcans claim 500 to a 1,008 majority in the listrict. The republicans claim 16,000 plurality for Etoble. The democrats concede 13,000. All the republican congressmen are re-elected. The itato legislature is strongly republican. It is impossible to give the congressional result in Jgures to-night , but estimates based upon the returns give Reed , ( rep. ) a majority of 600 in .ho First district , with Dingley , Milliken and Boutelle re-elected in the Second , Third and Fourth districts respectively , Boutolle by an .ncreased majority. Robie will have over 16,000 plurality In a tal vote of about 140,000. The gain this rear will be 16,000 on the gubernatorial vole of [ QOn QOnTonight the republicans of Augusta held a jreat Jubilee over the election. The returns ivere received at Meonian hall , and speeches , vere made by citizens and visitors. At 7 j'clock a procession formed on Water street md marcned to the residence of Elaine , cheer- ng all along the line. Arriving in Jront of Blaino's residence the band played and the rreat crowd shouted for Blaine. In response Sir. Blaiue advanced to the entrance of his louse , and addressed the assembled people as follows : FELI.OW CITIZENS AND OLD FRIENDS : The epublicans of Maine may well congratulate iiemselves on the magnificent victory whicK ; hey have won. Four years ago this evening TO were overwhelmed and humiliated by the oss of the state. We rejoice now over the un- mralleled triumph which Is registered by the : hoice of both branches of the legislature , bv ; he election of all the representatives in con- jress , of all the county officers In every coun- ; y in the state except one , and by a popular najority for Governor Robie of perhaps 15- 00 votes. The cause of this democratic over- hrow , gentlemen , is known to us all. Our- sanvass has been conducted on one great is- , uo ; our papers have kept that consequently > efore the people. Every speaker from every ) latform has enumerated , defined and en- 'orcedit. It is the Issue of protection to American labor. Tariff has been almost the inly question discussed in our canvas , and the > eople have responded nobly. * Those who have never witnessed the iperation of a harvester and binder will ie surprised at the rapidity of the work [ one by them. A driver with his tinder can go over a field , cut the grain .nd bind it into bundles as fast as two aen can stack them. CBOPS IN GENERAL. Their Condition a Set JFortZ by the Agricul tural Department at Washington. The fcgricnltural department report for September Is as follows : The product of winter wheat Is above the average and ie of general good quality , except when in jured by sprouting in the shock. The ratio of the yield is not far from an average oi thirteen ( bushels per acre. The results oi the harvest of spring wheat are not yet com plete and the product cannot be precisely indicated. It is probable , from the report of the condition of the crops already har vested and * threshed , that the aggregate will vary little from five bundled million bush els. Reports of much higher figures are sensational and misleading and utterly un worthy of credence. The general average condition , when harvested , is 93 , against 83 last year. The condition is almost identical with that reported in September. 1879 , the census crop , which yielded thirteen bushels per acre. In wheat states the highest condition are California , Wis consin , Minnesota , -Pennslyvania , Ken tucky , Tennessee and Oregon. These , with some of minor production , show figures higher than the general production , Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas standing at 98 : Ohio and Michigan at 88 ; Indiana at 94 ; Illinois at 80. The eastern and southern states range from 81 in Mississippi to 103 in Maine. The corn crop is in better condition than in any September since 1880. The general average is 94. It was 84 last September , 83 in 1882 , and 60 in 1881. It promises to pro duce an average yield of 26 bushels for the entire breadth , or not less than eighteen hundred million bushels. It will make the largest aggregate quantity ever reported in the history of the cop. The oats crop average yield on prairie is about tne same as corn and makes an ag gregate exceeding five hundred million bushels. Its condition , when harvested , was 95 per cent which is lower than for two previous years , but higher than for the prior years since 1878. Barley averages 97 per cent , against 100 last year and 95 in 1831. It will average about 22 bushels per acre. The general average for rye is 96 and for buckwheat 93 , which indicates a medium crop of about twelve bushels per acre. The condition of potatoes average 91 against 95 last -5 ear. It will be an abundant crop , but not so large as the last. There is some complaint of rot in New England and a little in New York. There is a wide range of condition , running down to G2 in Ohi , while it Is 94 in Michigan the same in Penn sylvania and 86 in New York. There is a fine crop west of the Mississippi. The London agent of the department cables that , as a result of statistical investi gations , the year will not be one of super abundance ; that European wheat , though above the average in product , will be less than the average of the last two vears. The European Importing countries need two hundred and sixty million bushels above production. The European countries ex porting can supply eighty millions , leaving one hundred and eigthy million bushels to be obtained from other continents. The stocks are not excessive. There is an in creased consumption of wheat and it is the General opinion that the lowest prices have een reached. Potatoes and rye are less abundant than last year. NEBRASKA AGRICULTURE. Proceedings of ihe Semi-Annual Meeting of tlie State Hoard. Omaha Herald. The semi-annual meeting of the board of agriculture was held on the llth at the board of trade rooms. There were present Presi dent Dinsmore , Vlce-Presldents Daniel and McDowell , Treasurer Hartman , Secretary Furnas , G. W. E. Dorsey , W. H. Barstow , E. Molntyre , J. B. McDowell , S. M. Banker , L. A. Kent , Davis Richardson , F. M. Dinning , E. C. Codman. D. H. Wheeler , M. Dunham. O. M. Druse. E. N. Grenell , J. Jensen , E. A. Barnes , P. R. Greer , J. M. Burks , E. P. Savage. Treasurer Hartrann moved that McDonald , the charioteer , be asked lor a refusal of his services for fair week next year. Adopted. Mr. Mclnryre moved that a committee of three be appointed to pass resolutions upon the death of W. B. White. Carried , and Messrs. Mclntyre , Dorsey and Furnas were appointed. A resolution by Mr. Dunham was adopted fixing the time of holding the next fair to be gin the day alter the closing of the Iowa fairer ( or on September 6) ) and continue eight days. Mr. Jensen offered a resolution , which was adopted , as follows : Resolved , That bids will be received at the January , 1SS5 , meeting of the State Board of Agriculture from duly authorized parties on behalf of cities of the state desiring the loca tion of the state fair for five years. Localities bidding for the location should send in with their bids a statement of hotel and railroad facilities , also size of grounds to be furnished and accessibility of same and facilities thereon. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should be addressed to R. W. Fur nas , secretary , on or before the annual Janu ary meeting , 1885. Mr. Wheeler offered a resolution which was adopted , thanking Hon. B. G. Northrop for bis address , soliciting a copy and ordering the usual number printed. THE MARKETS. OMAHA. FLOUR Wheat per 100 a * 2 25 © 2 75 FLOUK Rye per KJO n > s 1 40 © l 75 BRAN Per ton 11 03 @ 11 50 WHEAT No. 2. _ 59 © 59 BARLEY No. 2. . . . 044@ ! 55 RYE No. 3 89 © 39 CORN No. 2 mixed 40 © 40 OATS No. 2 24 © 24 BUTTER Creamery. 20 © 23 BUTTER Choice dairy. 14 © 17 GRAPES Per pound. 5 © 0 EGGS Fresh 15 © 16 3NIONS" Per bbl 200 © 250 SHICKEXS Per doz , live. 225 © 250 A.PPLES Barrels 275 © 3 50 PEACHES Per box 12.5 © 150 POTATOES Per bushel 30 © 40 roMATOES Per bushel 40 © 00 SEEDS Timothy . ' 190 © 200 SEEDS Blue Grass 175 © 200 SEEDS Hungarian 115 © 125 IAY Balled , per ton 8 U ) @ 9 00 NEW YORK. iVHET No.2 Spring &t © 85 JOHN No.2 CO © Cl ) ATh Mixed Western 34 © 35 'OKK New Mess 17 25 @ 17 50 CHICAGO. "LOUR Winter 475 © 550 i'LOUR SpniJg 3 75 © 4 M VHEAT Perbusliel 78 © 7(5 } $ toux Per bushel 54 © 55 > ATS Per bushel 24 © 24 'OISK 10 00 © 1(5 ( 50 'VRD 727H& 730 IOGS Pckg and sbipp'g 5 M ) © 635 SATTLI : Exports 050 © 7 00 HEEP Medium to good 2W & 450 ST. LOUIS. FITEAT Per buslftsl 70 ; 77 IORN- Per bushel 4V/ ATS Perbubhel 2(5 ( © SATTLE Exports 640 © 675 HEEP Medium 2 50 © 375 toes Packers 5 W © C 25 KANSAS CITr. fHEAT Per bushel 56 © 53" " ORN Per bushel 41" © 41i } LV.TS Per bushel 21 © 22 'ATTLE ' Exports 6 00 © 6 30 Iocs Medium to peed 515 © 585 HEEP Fair to good 3 00 © 3 50 DENVEH. LOUR Colorado 185 © 223 LOCK Nebraska 275 < & 400 'HEAT Colorado 1 10 © 1 40 ORN Per 100 Os 115 @ 120 ATS Neb. white , per 100 Iba. 1 35 © 1 40 IAY Per ton baled 10 00 © 11 00 UTTER Neb. dairy , perIb. . . 14 © 13 A. Brave Consul. Acting Secretary of State Davis has sent ie following commendatory letter to United bates Consul Frank H. Mason , who has re tained at 3Iarseilles during the cholera epi- emic in that city and in Toulon : "I take pleasure In expressing the high ap- reciation of the department for the courage and devotion you have evinced by continuing at your post during the prevalence of the scourge which has visited those cities , in tlu face of the danger with which you were sur rounded since its outbreak. Your report is exceedingly Interesting and the information it conveys is of a very useful character. " HORROR AT SEA , Cannibalism of the Greely Expedition Com pletely Outdone. A London dispatch says : A case of miser ; at sea which so exceeds in ghastly horror th < cannibalism of the Grecly expedition , if brought to light by the arrival at Falmouth ol the German bark Montezuma , from Rangoon having on board the survivors of the wreck ol the yacht Mignonteo , wrecked in the Indian ocean , June llth. Captain Dudley , two sea men and a lad named Parker got into a small boat. For provisions they had merely a few turnips and no water. 'They subsided for five days on the turnips , and on the fifth they caught a small turtle , they had been terribly tortured by thirst , and on the eighth day their suffering became so maddening that they began drinking brine , which prac tice they continued until rescued. By the tweltth day there was absolutely noth ing left to eat in the boat. The boy , Parker , was the weakest , and It was evident that ho was slowly dying. The others hungorlngly watched his symptoms of dissolution. On the twentieth day , after the entire party had been without a particle of food for eight days , the captain hastened young Parker's death by opening a vein in his arm. The three sur vivors eagerly drank the boy's blood as it gushed from his arm , and cut his flesh from his bones and ate It uncooked but with some degree of moderation , the captain keeping posocssion of the carcass and serving out to himself and sailors only such daily rations as were necessary to prolong their wretched ex istence in this way until July , when they were Been and rescued by th Mont zuma Training of Children. Detroit Free Press. As soon as your little lass can prattle and run about teach her order , cleanli ness , neatness and economy. The second end you can commence almost at birth. Buy her some toys dolls , a house and cradle , if possible supply her with a place to put them in , nor suffer any member of the family to disturb or ap propriate that place. As soon as she is tired of her playthings make her carefully dust and and stow them neat ly away in their proper places. This will teach her order and punctuality. As she advances give her lessons in sewing and making garments for her dolls , also to make curtains , carpets and xipholstery for the chairs , sofas and ottomans , and arrange them properly , to keep the house clean and the doll's also. By this you will lay the founda tion of a'good , sound , practical domes tic education , and will soon discover all the elements of a well-ordered and regulated system pervading every ac tion and movement of your little pu pil.If If your daughter is the only one , do not let her at any time pine for com panionship. Set aside your domestic cares for the time being , become a child again for a brief space , throw off your womanly reserve , romp and play , dance and sing as merrily as in childhood's days. Br this you will soon become conservant with all the ins and outs of your child's disposition , inclinations and natural abilities. This same rule applies where the family is numerous and which , if practically carried out , will save you a vast amount of trouble and anxiety , as well as a lifetime of do mestic misery and continual misunder standing for them when they enter up on the duties of mature life. Commence as early as possible , that is , as soon as old enough , to instruct her to perform light household requirements ; then in troduce her to the kitchen. Make her acquainted with the art of preparing and cooking a dinner without extrava gance and needless waste , instill into mind "that willful waste makes woful want , " show her how to go to market pay ready money and select a goot and reasonable article at a fair ant reasonable price. Let her avoid credit in every way , and make her distinctly understand the tradesman cannot af ford to trust his goods unless the extn price of each article will cover all the expenses arising from giving such long credit , consequently the consumer wil * have to pay for all. By teaching your daughters these plain , unvarnished but wholesome truths you confer a lasting boon upon them better than all the riches this world can give. Teach her how to dress neatly , pret tily and inexpensively. Do not permit her to be guided by this or that fashion , but' wear as good clothing as your means admit , but on no account be yond what you can afford. See that the colors of her dresses harmonize with her complexion , and above all , let it be a style suitable to the age , figure and position of the wearer. These things taught in childhood are seldom , if ever , forgotten , and form the basis for a noble-minded , intelligent economical and domesticated woman. Her educa tion must not be forgotten , nor books at a light , empty and frivolous tendency permitted , from her nursery picture books to the literature supplied as she nears maturity. Let them be of a shoice and select character , not that I speak against a good , sparkling novel t > y a reputable author ; far from it. It is the light , foolish , cheap readings that [ condemn. These have led many a jirl from the paths of duty and self-re- pect , and it would be a great blessing f every honest man and woman would " : hrow"them in the fire as soon as they ire brought into the > r houses ; also en- jourage your children to practice nusic , whether vocal or instrumental , md if you have no voice , and may not > e much ear , you can let them see how ntich you appreciate and approve of heir efforts. It has a wonderful effect his uniting and blending of the youth- ill voices , more especially in the home md at our own fireside. It produces L love for the roof tree , be it ever so inruble. And when in after years seas > art your darlings from you the- will rften recall those happy , peaceful days ind cling with affection of the deepest ind holiest character to the fond re- aeinbrances of the sweet hymns of raise that ascended to heaven as with me accord they blended their voices vith yours in the soft evening twilight .t the old house at home. Mothers , .ttend to these sacred duties , remem- icr your teaching are not for a day , tut will live through all time to be 'a dessing or a curse to unborn genera- ions , for as you sow the seed so surely hall the harvest be. London. OLD AUNT PATTIE. A GOOD judge of mutton ought to be rether wise. An Old Story of Daniel Webster. Harpers Monthly. Every one who has read George Tick- nor Curtis' "Life of Daniel Webster" will remember John Taylor , Mr. Web ster's tenant and factotum at Franklin , N. H. , and Robert wise , the old revo lutionary soldier who came home from the war with Capt. Ebenezer Webster , Mr. Webster's father , and built for him self a little cottage one corner of the Webster farm , where ho lived and died. Skirting the Webster property , and passing by the spot where Robert Wise took up his humble abode , there had long been a ferry-way , leading to a ferry across the Merrimac river. The ferry was established during the last century , and after Robert Wise had lived there for some time it came to bo called Wise's ferry. The ferry-way was originally fenced on both sides , and it ran between the Webster farm and a farm belonging , at the time of which we are about to speak , to Deacon Far ley. The fence on Webster's side of the ferry-way had been allowed to fall into decay , but the fence on the Farley side had been well kept up. In the year 1848 , after a bridge had been built across the river , the town voted to dis continue the ferry-way and the ferry , and the land reverted , of course to the original owner. Deacon Farley , as suming that the land belonged to him self , removed all traces of the fence on his own side , and included the whole of the land in his own territory up to the line where the Webster fence form erly stood. Mr. Webster came up to Franklin soon after this had been done and was greatly incensed by what he saw. He ordered John Taylor into his sitting- room and said to him sternly : "John Taylor , how came you to stand still and let Deacon Farley steal my land ? " Mr. Webster was in one his blackest moods. Poor Taylor was frightened , for in all his life he had never seen his great friend in such a towering pas sion. Mr. Webster ordered him in tones of thunder , to bring Deacon Far ley.The The deacon came , and he , too , was saluted with a burst of wrath that made him tremble. He modestly replied that he believed the land was his ; but Mr. Webster could not be pacified. Thereupon the deacon and John Tay lor jumped into a wagon and drove in great alarm to see a young lawyer of the name of Pike ( now senator in con gress from Xc\v Hampshire , ) who lived two and a half miles up the river. They told Pike he must go down and see Mr. Webster and explain the matter. Pike went , but as soon as lie was in Mr. Webster's presence the latter roared out : "Young man , did you advise Deacon Farley to steal my land ? " ' 'No sir , " said Pike , I did not. But if the statements that were laid before me arc true , the land belongs to the deacon. " "Well sir , " replied Webster , "if I can iind a lawyer in this county , I shall bring an action. " "There is no need of that , Mr. Web ster , " said Pike. "I will get the proper documents and submit them to you , if you will hear me , and I believe that yon will be convinced that the land is not yours. " "You are a bold man , sir , if you pro pose to leave this case to me , " said Mr. Webster. "But do as you please , I give you fair warning that I consider this land mine , and I will fight for every inch of my father's property. " Pike went away and procured a copy of the record which showed the laying out of the ferry-way , and that all the land was taken from the property of Farley's grantor , and none of it from the Webster property , a copy of the vote of town discontinuing the ferry , find an afiidavit of a former tenant of Webster's showing that the fence on the Webster side had been removed , : ind the whole ferry-way taken into the Webster field. The strip of land which the discontinuance of the ferry-way took oft' from what Mr. Webster had already regarded as his own property axtended the whole length of one of his best fields. When Pike submitted the documents to Mr. Webster , the latter read them rery carefully , and then said : "Mr. Pike , in half an hour the jury will be ready to render their verdict. Go and * et Deacon Farley , that he may hear it. " In half an hour Pike returned with : he deacon , who expected nothing but i repetition of what he had met before. "Gentlemen , " said Mr. Webster , 'hearken to the verdict. The jury find ; hat the land is Deacon Farley's and s not the land of Daniel Webster. So iays the foreman , so say all the jury. Ind now , Deacon Farley , I have an ipology to make to you for having reated you very roughly. But I icver dreamed that this land was not L part of my father's farm , and you : now what my affection for this prop- rty is. I was very angry , but I hope ou will excuse me. " The Peanut Crop. loston Post. With profoundest satisfaction we are nabled to inform our readers that the Lmerican peanut crop this year prorn- : es to be enormous , in fact the largest ver raiaed , amounting , at a moderate stimate , to 3,500.000 bushels , while , I the weather should continue favor- ble , it rnav mount to the unprecedent- d figure ol 4,000,000 bushels , a gain of liirty-three and one-third per cent up- n the best yield of any previous year i our industrial history. The Ameri- an peanut exerts an important inllu- nce upon the American people , and tie larger the crop the more potent , aturallv , would be the iniluence. * * Mrs. Van Cott , the revivalist , has een engaged in her special work for ineteen years. She is now in her fifty- mrth year , and says she is the spiritual tether of 40,000 souls. There are now in the United States LO Young Men's Christian Associa- ons , with a membership of 103,137. hey own eighty buildings and § 8,956- 15 worth of real estate. Let not any one say that he cannot overn his passion , nor "hinder" them orn breaking out and carrying him to ction ; for what he can do before a rince or a great man. he can do alone , r in the presence of God , if he will.