McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 18, 1884, Image 5
The Tribune Thursday , Sept. iStli , 1884 Indicates that your subscription to Tins X TKIHITNI : ImB expired , and tlmt un Invita 1 tion to renew the same Is extended. TO OUE ADVEETISEES , All locals under this heading1 lOc. u line for ouch insertion , nnd sumo Inserted until order ed discontinued , unless time is specified. Billj payable monthly. CONGllEOATIONAL.-Snndiiy School at 10 A. M. every week. Preaching Kcrvlccs dvery Sunday night at 7.00. M. T. Also , every alter nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions to the above will bo noticed In locals. _ _ _ _ GiiouoB Duxo.iy , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every other S unday morning at 10.UO , M. T. , and evening at8 , 31. T. bunday School every week at : i.JO : , .M. T. Ser vices held in Opera Hull. . _ _ A.UMK CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the Operu Hall once every four weeks. _ _ _ _ JosKi'K Cr.KitY , Pastor. I. O. G. T. The Independent Order'of Good Templars meet in the Congregational Church every Tuesday evening. Local Intelligence. KETCHUM. Graham Flour at CitBakery. . The latest at the Jewelry Store. Ketchum We've got 'cm you bet. ROOMS FOR RENT. Call on S. II. Colvin. For the best Flour in town call at City Bakery. The crack of the target gun is now lieard in the land. Remember the Jewelry Store sells only warranted goods. J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum Wagons the best in the world. Drop in and sec the late styles in Jewelry. It costs nothing to look. Extraordinary bargains in remnants of all kinds , at Chicago General Store. The first regular passenger train run the Kenesaw-0xford cut-off Sun- over , - - , - da } ' . $500 reward is offered on the purity of Lois' German Baking Powder. Sold by 0. H. Rogers. Five trains of fat cattle were shipped from points west of here , Saturday and Sunday evenings. Two new business houses are in course of erection on West Dennison street , adjoining Wilcox Bros. We offer our entire stock of Lawns , to close them out , at from 7 to 10 cts , worth 10 to 18 cts. Jos. MEXARD. Hayes Centre is the name of a pro posed new town in Hayes county. Its name denotes its location and purpose. We notice among the M. E. church appointments in the Valley , the name of D. W. Dwire for the MeCook charge. Merchants report Saturday as being the best day , despite wind and dust , they have had in three months. Trade is brisk. A little ripple in legal circles was noticeable , the first of the week , but we have not been able to locate the difficulty. All kinds of hair work done to order. Langtry Bangs , Pinafore Waves and Switches done in first-class style at Chicago Store The City Bakery has just received the finest line of Candies ever brought to MeCook. Remember this and go there for your candies. We hear of a number of needed im provements that are to be consummated in the near future. Let enterprise be unrestrained ; we need it. The Jewelry Store is he only place to buy reliable goods. Everything * " is guaranteed and sold at prices as low as any house in the business. A force of mechanics , plasters , paint ers , etc. , from this place are working at Culbertson on a number of houses , now going up in that village. West MeCook Laundry is now pre pared to do everything in its line , shirts , collars and cuffs a specialty. No extra charge for putting on polish. FOR SALE First-class millinery and dress-making establishment. Doing seed business. Terms easy. For par ticulars , address THE TRIBUNE. C. H.Rogers has just icceivcd a complete line of crockery , which he will ' sell cheaper than anybody at price ? that defy compction. Call aud inspect Just , arrived , at the City Bakery , a car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply - of white bolted corn meal. Work was commenced on the large addition which J. E. Ucrger intends - building to his furniture store , this morning , The addition will be 54 feet in length. , f f TT Trainmen arc experiencing consider able trouble with tramps , who insist upon decorating the trucks of trains cast-bound. Atlanta is the name of the new town on the cut-off. The gentleman who is to take charge of that station is now in the office at this place. We had an amusing specimen of ju venile pugilism on Main avenue , Satur day morning The granger lad was rather too much for the town boy , though. By the change of schedule that re cently went into effect on the B. & M. No. 2 arrives from the west at G.45 and leaves at 7:10 : , taking breakfast at this station. The Upper Willow men got down to Culbertson on their round-up , Sunday , and shipped eleven hundred head of fine fat cattle from that station , the same day. It is an undeniable fact that men of more than ordinary good sense and sound judgment usually make the most consummate fools of themselves when intoxicated. Let the public encourage manufact urers who are endeavoring to place upon the market pure goods. Call for Lcis' German Baking Powder. Sold by C. H. Rogers. In the further line of improvement , A. McCr. Robb is building a little barn , and has purchased a handsome Fquare- toppcd basket phreton , which , with the &prightty little dun. makes a nobby turn-out. Monday was the liveliest day the local land office has ever seen. Over 50 entries were made , mostly homestead and pre-emptions. Land is now being taken \ri\y up in the northeastern part of Dundy count } ' . This is the way the railroad boys address "Neighbor"'now : Mr. R. B. Archibald. The whtnccness of this is that 'Neighbor' ' is the presiding spirit who hovers over and around things at the round house as Master Mechanic. The foundation for LaTourette's hardware store is being raised twelve inches higher than was originally de signed. In view of the washing and filling being done on Main Avenue by the water , the move is a sensible one. Just a little correction. That ante lope referred to last week was killed by Mail Agent Alden eight miles west of Akron , and not in the Circle Ranch pasture. H. II. is one of those dough ty nimrods who do not have to have their game corraled. The building adjoining the Central Hotel , West Dennison street , is being fitted for occupancy by the young lady proprietors of the West MeCook Res taurant. The rooms now occupied by the restaurant will be used by A. W. Shaeifer as a residence and shoe shop. Segrist , Howe & Co.'s Great Monster Aggregation showed at this place , Mon day night. The canvass was pretty well filled and the performance received its full meed of approval , rather out of proportion to the deserts of the same , however , as the circus can be safely catalogued in the lit called "snide. " An evidence of the great increase in the population of this section of coun try is to be seen in the immense amount of lumber and supplies uow going out of this town. Great quantities cf freight are being hauled to Kansas also , show ing that Decatur and Rawlins counties are sharing largely in the increase of population. Through courtesy of Mr. Hotze. agent for the Crete Nurseries , we enjoyed some excellent varieties of grapes grown by that well-known firm at Crete. We did not learn the names of varieties , but can fully attest their excellence in taste and flavor. We also placed on exhibi tion a number of specimen apples grown at the same nursery. Dr. Willey went up to Parks , Monday night , to attend to the injuries received by a step-son of Aug. Plasmyere , the section boss at that point , while firing oft an old blunderbus that had been overloaded. The gun bursted and inaif- gled the young man's hand horribly. The doctor hopes to save the lacerated member , and the injured man has come down to MeCook to rei-eive treatment. A new residence is being erected on the hill near the school house by Mr. Ludwick of Onargo , HI. , the gentleman who purchased A. McGr. Robb7s claims. We understand that Mr. Ludwick pur poses moving to MeCook and embark ing in business in our midst. Men 'of moans will find ample opportunity to invest their capital here. Money is one of the things necessary to develop this country. The editor made a trip to the western poition of tlitf stat6 last week and was agreeably surprised to see the advanced stage of improvements and civilization along the route. Crops of all kinds looked well.Vc passed through thriving - j ing little towns , by farms well improv ed , and noticed many herds of fine cat tle , everything bearing evidence * > f en terprise and prosperity. . Table Rock Argus. There was an apt illustration , a hand some fashion-plate , of the beauty and general-symnictry of the Father Hub- bard , at the depot , Sunday night. The instructions had been implicitly observ ed : That garment of the finest lin en which is supposed to adorn the wearer's manly breast was artistically draped adown his nether extremities , a la F. II. , producing a wicrd and fantas tic effect in the gloaming. We have an excellent communication from Culbertson on our table , that we are unable to publish by reason of the writer failing to attach his name to his epistle. We can never deviate from our rule , name of writer must be signed to all communications not for publi cation but as an evidence of good faith. If the writer will send his name , there is much of interest in his letter that we will take pleasure in producing next week. Probably you have observed an unus ual buoyancy of spirits about W. C. LaTourette and Dr. Johnson , and were at a loss to account therefor. Well , the facts in the case are that St. Peter mu&t have been drowsy and in a meas ure careless about the gates celestial , Sunday , and allowed two of the little ones up there to wander out into this stern world. Whether we have prop erly located the responsibility or not , W. C purposes in his heart to adopt the girl , and our "big medic" the boy. Of a verity. A number of our denizens arc now engaging in the cheerful and healthful occupation called in local parlance , "Setting up with the sick. ' ' The exi gencies of this game are such that whereas some enter into the same with zeal , health and a replete wallet immediately - diately after the arrival of the pay-car , in a few short days they are the happy possessors of none of the above beatif- ics. "And thus runs the world away. ' ' In the kindly dispensation of Provi dence have we the "suckers" ( and 1 many there be ) and the "bleeders" 1 in numbers few. 1 The social given at the residence of W. 0. Moody , under the auspices of the Independent Order of Good Tem plars , Friday evening last , called together - gether a goodly number of the members t of that order and friends , all of whom enjoyed the short literary program , the music and social intercourse of the I evening in a manner encouraging to those having the affair in charge. The members of this order purpose , at stated periods during the coming winter , giv ing other socials , which we have every hope will be largely attended , and in 1 which great interest will doubtless be taken and much good done. By reason of a press of other matters we omitted to mention last week the departure of Mark Morris and family for Western Nebraska , where they go to reside permanently. Mark designs go ing into the stock business in Red Wil low county , near MeCook , aud hopes by being relieved from the hard work and drudgery incident to crop f arming to regain his health which has suffered in that style of farming. He is an enter prising , wide awake man and he and his estimable wife are acquisitions any com munity may be glad to make. The Tribune and their many friends here a wish them health , wealth and unbound ed prosperity in their western home. Lineville ( la. ) Tribune. The body of one , John Coville of Cambridge , was found along the rail road track about one and a half miles cast of Cambridge , Sunday morning , bearing marks indicating that he had been struck by an engine , although none of the east-bound engineers saw him on the track , Saturday night. ] t appears that the young man had been cutting broom corn in the neighborhood of Bur ton's Bend and was returning to his B iome in Cambridge. Nothing further : s known other than the fact that he was found dead in the weeds a short distance from the track at the point above mentioned , and that he bore marks indicating that he came to his death by being struck by a locomotive. A MAN Who has a Windmill and a Well needs a Water Tank. H. W. Pike has a lot of "Tank Plank. " f PERSONAL POINTERS. District Attorney Morlan had busi ness in MeCook , Monday. John Wray , Sam Ashmorc and a j friend were in town , Monday , | Miss Ida Hollister returned from her visit at Hastings , Sunday evening. Mrs. A. Constable and daughter re turned from a visit down the road , on 30 , Monday. Register Laws disturbed the monotony ony of routine by a visit down th'e Yal- ley , Sunday. x Mrs. C. F. Babcock and Mrs. Steven son went down to Cambridge , Wednes day afternoon. ' Miss Jennie Fisher returned , Sunday night , from a visit to friends in Friend , Saline county. Messrs. Boehner and Wright of Arapahoe - ahoe visited in town , Sunday , coming iip on 30 and returning on 40. E. M. Kendall and family have been away the past two we ks visiting at Crete and in attendance at Nebraska's finest fair. Henry Crabtree , R. M. Sibbett , J. W. Maikcn , W. K. Lynch and Thomas , all of the count-seat , were in town on business Monday. Mr. Brown of Charleston , 111. , inter ested in stock up in Hayes county , has been spending some time in town , the guest of W. W. Fisher. Dr. Johnson was called to the county seat , Wednesday , to attend Mrs. W. H. McCartney. It is a female cherub of which W. U. feels proud. W. W. Fisher and Charlie Fisher came down from the round-up , Tuesday , bringing with them a quantity of wild grapes and plums from their ranch on the Frenchman. W. D. dimming , our embryotic cow boy friend , is with us again. We would suspicion that carnation pioboscis , did we not know Scotty's dislike for the things bibulous. Mr. Stephens of Marengo , Iowa , was in town a number of days this week. Mr. j S. is in the drug business in the town ( above-named , and came out for the < purpose of investing in some real estate for speculation. Cr. W. Burton , Orleans' enterprising banker , spent Thursday and Friday of last week in MeCook , while on his an nual tour through the valle } ' , in which he has a large amount of money loaned , tie | went westward , Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Dungan stopped at the residence of Royal Buck , while on their return from Indianola , Sunday , and assisted in disposing of the largest melon heard of to date. The same tip ped the beam at 30 pounds. Mrs. Joseph Menard started for Chicago cage , Tuesday , for the purpose of pur chasing goods. She took her little daughter as far as Omaha , where the little girl will remain in an institute for deaf and dumb , for some time. ' James Campbell , night agent at this station , started for his home in Mans field , Ohio , Tuesday afternoon , in re sponse to a telegram informing him of the death of his father , who has been seriously ill for some months , but con cerning whose ultimate recovery strong hopes were entertained. Messrs. Whitaker & Jackson , after making due preparations to burn anoth er kiln of brick , abandoned the work and this week started for MeCook where t\\cy \ expect to take charge of a yard al ready in operation. They also succeed ed in getting a homestead each within day's drive of that town , which we think was the principal inducement for them to move. We are sorry to learn that they have concluded to make this move as they-were producing an excel lent quality of brick , and a brick yard is something that cannot well be dis pensed with at this place. However we svish them success in their new location , and congratulate MeCook people on the addition to their town. They are men who understand their business , and will be found upright in their dealings. Gauclc Rock Sicnal. Scientific men say that the kidney disease in this country is becoming most ilarming , and that it is caused by using adulterated food. Ammonia and alum n our Baking Powders is injurious , and should be avoided. Leis' German Bak- ng Powder is free from any adultera tions , and is made from- pure Grape Cream Tartar. Sold by C. H. Rogers. v We are under obligations to William McQuay for a present of an excellent melon from his claim east of town. SOUTH SIDE. A "bran new" girl at C. II. Jacob . N. has gone to the Willow to finish his haying. He took a new Buckeye Mower with him. Mrs. John Whittaker returned , last week , from her visit to Michigan and Ontario. Miss Xettic Black of MeCook has charge of the .young hopefuls in school district No. 8. We hear of a few cases of "black leg" south and west , but cattle gener ally never looked better. The late fine weather has given the fanners a chance to' secure their hay cane and corn fodder. The early cut hay and millet were badly injured wy rain. Cattle For Sale. . Commencing on TUESDAY , SKPTE.M- IJKU 23rd , 1884 , and continuing until all are sold , I will offer for sale at ORLEANS , in lots to suit purchasers , ISO cows and 2-ycar old heifers ; 3 bulls , and 100 calves , with security on land or town property , on several years time , or on personal and chattel security , on a few months time , to be renewed only on real estate security. A fair dis count for CASH. GEO. W. BURTON. ! Orleans , Neb. , Sept. 9th , ' 84. HOW People come into the world , cat and drink and enjoy themselves the besl they can and have never a thought foi others. They leave no trace behiiui them ; no signs painted , etc. II. W. Pike has his sign painted on a stock shed full of Seasoned Lumber , selling at close prices for the quality , and a yard stocked up with a full assortment suitable for a "Claim Shack" to a Palace For 3O Days Will sell Ash Extension Tables for $1.00 per foot , Kitchen Safes for $50 , Carpets 8 , ) c. per yd. Windmills way down , Sewing Machines cheap fore-ash. A large and complete stock of Piu ni- ture 15 per cent , cheaper than can be sold } } any other dealer. J. S. PHILLIPS , Tndianola , Neb. Something New ! At Chicago Store , under the Opera Hall. A Calico Dress given away with every $10 worth of Dry Goods , Cloth ing , Millinery or Boots and Shoes pur chased at my store for the next 30 days. All goods marked in plain figures. Jos. MEXARD. SCHOOL Will open in a short time and you will find a full stock of school supplies , pens , inks , paper , pencils , slates , copy books , school bags , book straps , and all the different giadcs of school books , adapted for use in the county , at the post office. For Sale. I will sell my brown mare very cheap. Warranted to haul a buggy in 3 min utes. Only reason for selling T am away from home so much , cannot take care of her. J. B. MESERVE. WK hear it remarked quite frequent ly by the ladies that "very few men have the slightest idea how to hold a baby , * ' and they might add with equal veracity that probably not one man in a hundred has the. slightest desire to hold one except it be an entrancing little bundle of femininity who has at tained the exuberance of 1G summers. Juxius. U. S. LAND OFFICE , ) MeCook , Neb. , Sept. 13th , ' 84. j" The following patents have been re ceived at this office and will be deliver ed on the presentation of "Receiver's Duplicate Receipt" properly endorsed . George W. York , N. / X.E. H Sec.SO.T. 3,11.29. Elizabeth Lay. S.i \ X. E. U Sec. M , Tp 3 , K.29. Robert O. McKnight , S. E. h Sec. 35 , 'Up 8 , K. 23. WHILE there is some complaint of dullness in real estate in the more east ern part of the state , land is still rapid- ily changing hands further west. The Republican Valley papers are full every week of transfers and of notes of the arrival ot new people and more capital. Young ladies troubled with eruptions Dn the face should not use Baking Pow- icr containing ammonia or alum. Lcis" German Baking Powder is free from any deleterious substance , and is made from pure grape Cream Tartar. Sold by C. II. Rogers. THE warm , dry , dusty weather is try ing to the public eye and apparel , but tvhen we think of the corn crop we con sole us with the remark of the boy to bis dad , upon whom he was training his bull pup. It is the making of it. THE Culbertson Sun comes to us en larged to an eight-column folio , this iveek. Also , with a new man at the iielm , S. E. Solomon. The Sun has liad a checkered career , but seems to have smooth sailing before it. | "A GIFT FK03I HEAVEN. " No Medicine Stands Higher Than ' Marsh's Golden Balsam. ' One yftar ago I caught a severe Cold , which settled on my Lungs. I tried many remedies without getting' relief , until I used your GOLDEN BALSAM. I consider it a gift from heaven. ' ' Mrs. James Lucev Omaha , Neb. "For Consumption of the Lungs , T know of no medicine that stands higher. than MARSH'S GOLDEN BALSAM. It will cure where cures arc possible. " II. L. Smith , Fort Scott , Kans. "Xot one of the thousands who have used MARSH'S GOLDEN BALSAM in this city , has ever made a complaint that it did not do all claimed for it. " Kansas City ( Mo. ) Times. MARSH'S" GOLDEN BALSAM , the fa mous Throat and Lung medicine , and MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER. Toxic , the great alterative and cholu- gogue , are for .sale by S. L. Green , j druggist , MeCook. Large bottles 50 cents and SI. A.MONU the most interesting features of the Nebraska state fair are the dis plays made by the far-west counties , which only a few years ago were consid ered non-productive on account of alack of rain in that section of the state. " It is a well-known fact that the rain belt is constantly extending westward over this state. Regions that , formerly were rare ly ever visited by a rain storm now have an abundance of rain , and the soil has proved to be as productive as that in any part of Nebraska. Lands that were formerly thought to be fit only for gra/- ing purposes arc now being tilled and- abundant crops are being produced. In a few years there will be but very little land left in Nebraska that is not used for agricultural purposes. R. S. Coolcy's Bulletin Hoard. One quarter deeded land. ( I miles from town. Price , $040 cash. One quarter deeded land , ' 11 miles from town. Price , $ ( i40 cash. One quarter deeded land , timber and water , G miles from town. Price$000. One quarter deeded land , 4 miles from town , timber and * water. Price , $1.200 cash. _ One splendid stock ranch on Beaver Creek , 1,280 acres , timber and water , fair improvements. Price , $3,500. Time will be given on part of purchase money. House's and lots in MeCook to sell. 4 houses and lots in West MeCook. 3 houses and lots in South MeCook. One acre of land , with good house. All cheap. Many other bargains to offer. : ( Jail on R. S. Cooley , Real Estate Agent ; 1st door south of U. S. Land Office. BUSINESS POINTERS. Locals under thh > head .r.c. a line tor each insertion. Bills payable monthly. J. E , Berger is agent for the Western Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap for cash or on long time. 4. H. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard in MeCook , Neb. , January , 1884 , and has come to stay. Full assortment of Lumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build ing Material , sold at close prices , con sidering the freight. Some of the extensive advertisers of Baking Powder calculate to pay their advertising bills by the adulteration they put in their powder. DcLand's Chemical positively contains no filing whatever. For sale by Hayden & Co. Blank Deeds. Real Estate Mortgages. Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build ing , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort gage. Official Bonds. Soldiers Discharge , Petition for License , Xotes , Receipts , THK TRIBUNE office. IXDIAXOLA ELEVATOR. I am now prepared to offer Flour and Mill Feed in exchange for Wheat , and- mi also prepared to buy grain to ship. July 5. 'S4-Gni. CLARK WARD. PAY UP. We would like to entertain two or three hundred of our subscribers at these headquarters for a few minutes each. Many are owing us from one to two years for their paper , and we give such an earnest invitation to call and settle by cash or bankable paper. TAKEN UP. At my residence 5 miles southwest of 3Ic- 2ook , on Driftwood , two mare ponies , one ight gray branded with two half circles X on right hip. and one dark gray bnmilcil with a. iulf circle and letter ) lt on right hip. Al o. a lorizontul bar on left hip. above hip bone. Che ponies came to my ranch on AugifetUth. . C. A. NKTTr.ETO.V. August 27th , 1881. 13-3t ,