McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 18, 1884, Image 3

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* T Whilei o'er life's sea my bark I'm rowing ,
Storms often lower ;
Ana for a time nt their nrco blowing
My soul doth cower ;
Tot soon above tbo billows' heaving
I see Hope'sbanner brightly waving ,
And then the gales that I've been braving
Withhold their power.
Though clouds of sorrow o'er mo darken ,
_ , . Even might I smile ,
If to the voice of Hope I'd barken ;
J , 'TIs BO short awhile
That their shadowy mist will tarry ,
. ? orJth,9k dlm * oWB are light and airy ,
J > And slightest touch of finger fairy
' ' Mfght their reign beguile.
Sometimes as pensively I ponder
O'er my saddened lot ,
I question fate , and weeping wonder
If I am forgot
By the merciful and great All-wise.
Whoso homo Is so far beyond the skies ,
That from the portals of Paradise.
Ho may heed mo not.
Then cheerlngly I hear Hope calling ,
"Cast aside thy fear !
Blessings around thcc soft are falling.
And thine every tear
will add a brighter luster , oven ,
To the crown that waits the in Heaven
By the Messiah to be given
On thine exit here.
What though grievous now to thy crosses ?
Rest is very near ;
Christ will repay for earthly losses ,
O , faint heart , have cheerl"
'Tls thus the siren kept on singing ,
'Till all the air seems gladly ringing
"With the blest message it is bringing
A message sweet and dear.
And then I half forget my sorrow ,
While the tears 1'vo shed
Servo to enliven for the morrow
Flowers reckoned dead ;
r And for a time ray burden seems light ,
And the clouded sky again grows bright ,
For the drear eclipse of sorrow's night.
Is a phantom lied.
Mailing the Granaries Ready.
American Agriculturist.
The weevil infested our wheat gra
naries several years ago , and since then
we have been careful to scrub them out
" once each year with boiling-hot-salt-
water. If the bins are not all empty
when threshing time approaches , pre
pare those that are empty for the re
ception of grain , and transfer the old
grain to these , and scald the bins just
emptied. First , scrub the floor anc
sides with the boiling brine , being care
ful that it lills all the crevices.Vhen
jf this has well dried , prepare a thick
" white-wash , and with it coat the entire
interior of the bins , filling the cracks
with it. The day before threshing ,
take an old broom and sweep off the
thickest of the white-wash. Since
adopting this plan , we have had no
pests in the granaries.
If the mice have gnawed holes
through the sides , tack pieces of sheet-
iron or tin over these , and place well-
trained cats in the granary. It is much
better to have the boards jointed than
. to place lath over the cracks , as the
inclosed cracks will be inhabited by
pests , very difficult to reach and de
The loss occasioned by pests is not
measured by what they consume. Mice
may not eat much , but they leave
crumbs plentifully behind them , which
detract from the appearance of the
wheat and lower its price , when it is
* sent to market. "Weevils may not de
stroy much grain , but many millers will
not buy grain infested with them at any
* - price.
Killing Weeds.
Boston Globe.
If farmers could only be made to re
alize the the economy of a thorough
pulverization of the soil before planting
or sowing their seeds we shquld soon
find a very marked improvement in the
appearance of the cultivated fields in
the country , for wherever we go we
find a great deal of very poor and very
coarse farm work. Many farmers seem
to make as hard work of taking care of
a field of corn , potatoes or other annual
crop and do their work as "back-hand
ed" as a carpenter would who should
undertake to build a house or make a
nice piece of furniture out of undressed
lumber , and then attempt to smeoth it
up and polish it off after the parts are
all put together. The best market
gardeners have learned too that the
Highest success in cultivation of their
, crops can only be attained upon land
" * that has been most thoroughly pre
pared , not only by high manuring , but
by repeated plowing and harrowing ,
and with implements suited to the
work. Coarse turfs , stones or hard
lumps of loam or clay are not allowable
in any good market garden , and they
should not be in ordinary farm fields.
Hbr is there half the necessity for rough ,
coarse farm work that one might infer
from the too common practices of the
average American farmer. It is not
necessary to grow a half crop instead
of a full crop. Neither is there any
need of having one-half the product of
f our lands returned to us in- the shape
of worthless weeds. It cost no more to
orow a pound of wheat or corn than to
grow a pound of weed seeds , and it
costs no more to keep a clear of weeds
* than to keep it half clear , provided one
takes hold of the work at the right end
and at the right time. Indeed , good
work on the farm saves labor rather
wastes it , just as good work in any
other industry proves economical in
the long run. Uo one need travel far
in the country at this time of the year
to find planted fields that were so rough
and coarsely worked during the early
of the season as to require a great deal
of patience , as well as hard work , in
their cultivation during the growing
period of the crop. All the work of the
present seems to have been done poorly ,
and far top much left for the future.
The ploughing having been but half
done the harrow failed to do its part of
the work of pulverization. The surface
bein < ' left rough and uneven , the rows
coulS not be planted straight , nor could
, T the seeds be covered at an even depth ,
nor upon the uniformly level surface.
The rows being crooked , and the hills
comin0" at various heights , the work of
the harrow or cultivator must be far
from complete.
"We have' seen , in one instance , a
farmer " "oing four times through each
i row in his corn field with his cultivator
" * before he could get the soil in any kind
of condition for the hand hoe. In other
instances a less amount of team work
lias left the field so thoroughly tilled
i that little or no hand labor was re-
' quired. Good farmers are learning
that more than half the effort usually
expended in tending hoed crop might
be saved by a proper previous prepara
tion of the soil. To do this we should
first plow thoroughly. If the field it
sod land the sod should be turned com
pletely over and in furrows of uniform
width and depth , and the depth should
bo sufficient to allow of making a mel
low seed bed upon the inVerted furrows
without turning back any of the sod.
If the plow runs eight inches deep in
some places and only two or three
inches deep in other places , or if the
furrows are partly turned and left upon
their edges , this mellow seed bed with
out turf or sods will be impossible to
obtain , and the subsequent work oi
tending a crop will be expensive and
annoying. Good plowing is of the
highest importance in the preparation
of a cultivated field , and upon it de
pends very largely the cost and per
fection of all the subsequent work ol
Effective Insect Destroyer.
From the Farm , Field find Fireside.
Nearly all the liquid insecticides may
be applied in the shape of powder , but
the powder only keeps the bugs off as
long as the odor remains. Take fine
sawdust , plaster , dry muck , or fine dry
dirt , and mix it well with kerosene ,
and by springkling the plants with the
powder after it had has absorbed the
kerosene , many of them will be pro
tected for awhile. The best liquid
preparation is to dissolve half a pound
of hard soap in three gallons of water.
Then mix a half pint of kerosene with
a pint of milk. Mix the two liquids to
gether and sprinkle from a watering
pot lightly over the plants. Anything
that is obnoxious to insects may be
mixed with dry dirt , such as carbolic
acid , chloride of lime and tobacco de
coction. Sheep dips are also excellent ,
either sprinkled or mixed with dry
dirt , the principal material in such be
ing coal tar. Coal tar itself , when
mixed with water ( which it only does
slightly , ) gives off a powerful odor
which keeps off insects. One thing to
be remembered is that such things
must be applied often , or but little ben
efit will result.
in Hot Weather.
Mr. Roberts , the Hartford sealer ,
gives an explanation of the taint of
milk , Avhich is often noticed after being
taken from the ice. "Most people put
the milk on top of the ice. The cold
current descends and comes up on the
other side ; after being more or less
heated. On the second trip the air-
loaded with the scents of the different
articles goes directly into the milk and
stays there ; because the impurities will
be attracted by moisture. Now place
the milk under the ice and you will see
that the odors of the different foods
will be left on the ice , and the milk will
be as pure from bad smell or taste as
when put there. 1 have placed a glass
of water on ice in one side of a refrig
erator and a box of strawberries in the
other. In three hours the water was
colored from the impurities of the ber
ries. This is clearly a good illustration
of my point on milk. Milk is one of
the greatest absorbing liquids , and it
should never be left in the sick room or
where there are unhealthy scents. You
will notice a greasy scum on water left
fn your sleeping room over night , that
comes from the impurities of every
thing in that room being attracted
by the moisture. 1 always place a
glass of water in my room before re
tiring. "
Early Laying Pullets.
Kinsley fKan. ) Graphic , June 13.
Mr. Abner Wilson , of the South Side ,
who is usually wide awake and pro
gressive and doesn't like to be outdone
by any one , seems to hare imparted the
same spirit to the poultry upon his
farm. He placed upon our table last
Saturday a half dozen eggs almost
the double size of a quail's egg , which
lie says were laid by pullets wnich were
liatched this spring. He says lie has
four of those pullets , or spring chickens ,
which have laid two dozen eggs. The
fowls are brown Brahmas and sell for
ibout the usual price. This is not
i "fish story , " but relates wholly to
poultry of the egg-laying variety.
Hie Sew "Holsteln" Cattle Furore.
American Agriculturist.
The cattle of the Netherlands are at-
iracting more attention from the dairy
"armors of the country than any other
3reed. For many years they have been
jarefully bred , with an aim to produce
large quantities of milk. Doubtless the
juality of the milk has been less an ob
ject with the breeders of Holland ; but
ivhen well-fed cows give enormous
juantities of milk , and the milk can be
lisposed of as as such , the profit is al-
nest invariably greater to the producer
; han if the quality were better and the
juantity less. Besides , milk of low
mality is poor in fat , but not neces
sarily poor in cheese. substance. The
listricts whence they come , have al
ways been famous for botk cheese and
mtter , so that without further evidence
> ur farmers might safely assume , that
lie milk was really rich in both butter
md cheese. But We have other facts.
Che famous cow Mercedes , now dead ,
vas the especial rival of the Jersey cow
ilary Anne of St. Lambert , for the
loner of being the greatest butter cow
n the world , and the no less worthy
md scarcely less famous heifer Jamai-
: a , Is credited as giving one hundred
md three and one-quarter pounds of
nilk a day , and in a week as yielding
three of but- '
wenty-six pounds ounces -
er , while Ethelka gave eighty-one and
> ne-half pounds of milk a day. These
sows were neither of them four years
ild and with their second calves.
A breed with such possibilities , even
hough the average fall far below , is
me upon which too great care can not
te spent , with a view to both preserva-
ion of these inbred qualities , and to
ender them the more uniform inherit-
, nce of the race.
An odd amusement for a Sunday
chool picnic was devised by some
icotch Sunday school teachers , who ,
n their way tome from a day's pleas-
re , persuaded the parish clergyman to
ierform the marriage ceremony in the
ailway carriage three times "for the
enefit of three couples , mated at hap-
tazard. He consented , and now there
3 the usual complaint because the
okersfind themselves really married.
Recollections of John H. Harmon.
Detroit Free Frets.
"It was Henry Clay's purpose , " said
John H. Harmon , continuing the story
of his recollections of the famous orator
tor and statesman , "to leave Washing
ton immediately after his speech. The
early fall weather was really the Indian
summer season , and most favorable to
such a journey as he had in mind. His
speech in the senate chamber on his
farewell quite overcame him. Though
he held up to the end , under strong
mental influence , the orator never ral
lied again. Very much exhausted Clay
was taken to his rooms in the old Na
tional hotel , at Washington , and I be
lieve never afterwards left them. The
winter came and went ; the session con
tinued with it. Every day right after
prayers in the senate the chair an
nounced the state of his health. The
announcements directly became rather
stereotyped. It was usually 'Mr. Clay
is gradually failing ; ' after a time it be
came 'Mr. Clay is failing rapidly ; ' next
we heard 'Mr. Clay is sinking but his
mind is clear. ' Finally it came to be
understood that if he should die during
the hours of the session the bells should
toll in announcement of it.
"I was upon a morning in the early
part of May , 1852 , a session beyond all
others most delightfully beautiful in
Washington. The trees and shrub-
in the Capitol grounds and the flower
beds were fresh and pleasant to look
"Hannegan , of Indiana , an Irishman ,
bright as silver , witty , eloquent and
always interesting , had the floor of the
senate , making a set speech on our
policy with regard to foreign affairs.
His seat was well up toward the rear.
Being of a quick nervous tempera
ment , he took the main aisle , and while
declaiming wotild work himself for
ward almost to the clerk's desk , dis
covering which he would walk back ,
going through these motions continu
ously until he had finished. ' Senator
Frye , of Maine , has very mnch the
same method. A son of Senator Han
negan , a line appearing , gray-headed
man , is one of the messengers of the
senate now. He frequently asks me
about his father. Hannegan was
speaking in his quick , impulsive man
ner , half way down the aisle and pro
gressing with an enthusiastic sentence ,
when a single toll of a bell quivered
through the air. Hannegan ceased
speaking in a flash , bounded back to
the rear , turned pale , and in a tremu
lous voice , said : 'Mr. president , the
probabilities are that the greatest
statesman in America is now no more ;
L move that the senate adjourn. '
"There was no chance to vote upon
it. Instantly evey man took his hat
and coat and before the second toll of
the bell came , all were away. The
same sort of proceedings must have
dispersed the house , for I remember
as we passed through the rotunda that
it was full of members issuing from
their hall.
"The rapidity with which the city
was thrown into mourning has always
caused me wonder. Walking direct
from the capitol , when we reached the
edge of the grounds where the peace
monument now is , Pennsylvania avenue
was seen to be filled with streamers of
black , hanging from windows , fastened
to balconies , wound round columns and
awning poles , and stretched across the
street. It was a solemn sight.
"The National hotel was thick with
crape , and so was Morrison's book
store adjoining it. It is the same store
still , now kept by Morrison's son , and
formerly the resort and lounging place
of both Clay and Webster. There were
two little back rooms , one always oc
cupied by Clay , the other by Webster.
Here , when they had leisure , both
would always be found reading and
studying , or discussing literature , new
and old , but very seldom politics , with
friends and admirers who came to seek
them out. Clay passed more time at
Morrison's than Webster. The little
rooms did not communicate and neither
statesman could be seen by the other.
"The event , though long expected ,
shocked people to the extent that all
business was suspended. Many bar
rooms , even , were closed , and in others
men lowered their voices and conversed
in quiet tones as if in the presence of
the dead. I was in Washington at the
time of the assassination of Lincoln and
again at that of Garfield , but neither
event appeared to throw such gloom
over the city as the death of Henry
Clay. The feeling was one of pure
sorrow , unmixed with indignation or
anger , such as was felt at the deeds
which led to the murder of the presi
dents. On those occasions men were
boisterous with threats and grief , but
silence and gloom overspread the city
tvhere lay the dead body of the much
loved orator and statesman. It was in
time of peace and the capital was un
used to such shocks , and therefore men
talked in whispers when all was over
ivith Henry Clay.
"He was buried in the Congressional
jemetery , and a monument was placed
.ipon the spot , but there is nothing un-
ler it. Strangely enough , for all the
nany years Clay had passed in Wash-
ngton his wife never visited that city.
Dnce he had started to take his daugh-
; er to reside there during the session ,
jut she died on the way. Mrs. Clay
ilways remained at their Kentucky
plantation of Ashland and managed the
; state while her husband devoted him
self to national affairs.
"His body was disinterred from the
Congressional cemetery and taken back
o his old Kentucky home. It
aken by the Baltimore & Ohio to Cum-
> erland , as far as the railroad was then
iompleted , and from thence in a hearse
> y the old National road to the Ohio
iver. Ceremonial obsequies were held
or Henry Clay in all the cities of the
jountry. A magnificent funeral arch
vas erected in Detroit at the corner of ,
Vbodward and Jefferson avenues. A. j
X McGraw , who had his store at that
loint then , and John Owen and Alan- ,
on Sheley , who were prominent among
he local committee , will remember
uore particularly about the feeling
f mourning that existed here at the
ime. "
Egg sucking is a new sport in Geor-
; ia. At a recent match the winner
wallowed fifteen at one sitting and
hen crowed over his victory.
Alabama has demonstrated the value
of a State Geologist. The recent dis
covery of rich phosphate beds in Perry
and Autauga counties is one of the most
valuable that could be made. It is
thought that Dallas and other coun
ties will also show rich beds of phos
A cultivator who grafted grapevines
after they had grown a foot or two said
that a month atterward they had done
as well as those set in December , and
all the trouble of winter protection was
In packing apples for shipment not
one should be placed in the barrel that
has the slightest trace of unsoundness ,
as such apples decay sooner than the
others , and also affect all in the barrel.
A Georgia dairyman figures the cost
of good butter in that state at 12i cents
a pound , where good pastures can be
had on easy terms for ten months in
the year , and the butter sells at 25 cents
a pound.
Lambs can be safely weaned and
separated from their mothers at four
months , and should not be allowed to
subsist upon the ewes longer than five
months , as they cannot thrive best
while raising lambs"
If a brood sow gets too much feed by
accident or lack of care she may be
speedily relieved by giving her a quart
of charcoal. It will tone up the stomach
ach of a hog quicker than anything
Salt is a necessary article of food to
all classes of stock , and especially to
those turned out to grass. It should be
fed regularly and not at intervals.
A lump of rock salt at a convenient lo
cation is an excellent method of pro
viding them with it.
John Gould , in the Breeders' Gazelle ,
says : "I have been quite strongly of
the opinion that the foot and mouth
disease , so reputed , was not anything
but the foot-rot , or hoof-ail , that was
thirty or more years ago prevalent by
spells upon the Western Reserve. It
was then supposed to be the result of
eating rank-growing grass , that had an
abundance of smut or ergot upon it ,
and corn-fodder that was very smutty
either of them more abundant in we
seasons like the one of 1883. "
The latest statistics of the agricul
tural industry of New Jersey give tin
number of farms in that state a :
34 34,307 , embracing 2,090.297 acres o :
improved land , having an estimated
value -of $190,895,833. The sum o :
$14,861,512 is invested in live stock.
There are 152,000 milch cows , yielding
15,472,783 gallons of milk , 9,513,835
pounds of butter and 66,518 pounds oi
cheese. The total number of persons
engaged in agricultural pursuits is
placed at 59,214 , of whom 36,578 were
farmers and 28,672 farm laborers.
Erom the Argosy. '
Though I am , I suppose , an old maid ,
I take much interest in other people's
love affairs. My friends know and.
humor this little weakness , and consC'
quently in the course of twenty years o ;
so I have collected a large number o
love stories. They are of all kinds
sad , joyfully touching , absurd , senti
mental or eccentric. But perhaps the
oddest of them all is the one I am
about to relate.
The reasons which decided me to
spend a twelvemonth in a certain little
Aberdaenshire village , unknown to hu
man ken , need not be entered into here
I had a cottage to myself , and one
maid servant , by name Mary Duthie
And what a pretty creature she was ,
with her golden hair and big gray eyes ,
and tall supple figure ! It was a rea *
pleasure to see her at work , in her
spotless lilac gown and tucked uji
sleeves , and to watch the fascinating ,
unconscious grace with which she did
the simplest thing.
I am afraid I spoiled that girl. She
was engaged to Jem Leslie , a farmer'
son , who nearly worried the life out of
her by his jealousy for which I sus
pect he had sometimes cause. The two
quarreled nearly every Sabbath , but
always made up again in the course of
a week ; so that I was by no means sur
prised when Mary informed me one
flay that she had broken off with Jem
Leslie forever ; but very much aston
ished indeed to hear a few weeks later
that she had promised herself to Peter
"Well , " I said to her , "I do not wish
to intermeddle with love affairs , but
must say that I think Jem the better
man of the two. "
But Mary tossed her pretty head , and
remarked with reference to her rejected
lover , that "she was weary o' the
; reature's havers , an' had jist tauld
lim that he needna' fash himsel' aboot
icr ony mair , for she cud e'en tak
jare o' her nain self. " Peter Mackey ,
she told me , was about to start for
Aberdeen , a well-to-do uncle having
iound a good situation for him there.
I knew something of Mr. Peter , as he
vas my landlord's son. He was a tall ,
landsome young fellow , with a "gweed
meuch heid , " as his father used to say ,
mt an all too-susceptible heart. A
> retty face captivated him indirectly ,
hough his attachments were generally
nore violent than lasting. I had made
ip my mind that he would marry
Feanie Saunderson , a handsome enough
assie , a good housekeeper , and an
iciress in a small way ; but Jeanie had
eft five or six months ago for London ,
0 visit an infirm aunt , and now Peter
vas engaged to Mary Duthielj I was
'exed to about the whole affair , espe-
ially as I sympathized with poor Jem
eslie. Yet certainly it was no concern
if mine ,
I do not think that Man * ever re-
eived any love letter from Aberdeen.
t was not the fashion in her village in
hose days for lovers to correspond.
Jut she always wore round her neck
alf of the sixpense which Peter had
roken with her , so I began to be quite
1 despair for my favorite Jeni.
But after three months or so from
'eter Mackey's departure for Aberdeen ,
ome little incidents occurred which
hewed up that young man in his true
The first of these events was the re-
urn of Jeanie Saunderson from Lon-
on , and a visit paid by her to her old
acquaintance , Mary Duthie. The two
girls had not been together more than
a quarter of an hour , when sounds oi
violent weeping proceeded from the
kitchen. Hastening in to see what was
the matter , I found Jeanie and Mar-
mingling their tears over some letters
which lay out on the table. Jeanie
greeted me respectfully , and on my in
quiring the cause of her grief , handed
me a letter saying :
"Will ye be pleased to read that
mem ? "
It was an effusion of Peter Mackey's
dated nine months back. It began ,
"My dearest Jeanie , " spoke of the
writer's unalterable afl'ection , reminded
Jeanie of her promise to become his
wife as soon as he should bo able to
provide a suitable home for her , and
was signed , "Your Patie. "
must confess that my first feeling
on reading this was one of satisfaction
at my own discernment. "So you
were engaged after all , " I remarked ;
"but why was nothing said about it ,
and why was it broken off ? "
"Oh , " said Jeanie , looking at me in
dignantly , "Patie just asked me to be
his wife the vera day before I sailed , so
there wasna muckle" time to lat it be
known. And as for 'ts being 'broken
off , ' it's Patie ye must speir at aboot
that.'for I never heard tell o't till this
day. Eli ! but men are deceivers ! But
that's no' the warst o't , mem ! Mar } * ,
give the lady Mrs. Birkct's letter. " ,
Mrs. Birket , it appeared , was Peter's
landlady in Aberdeen , and had written
that morning to Mary Duthie's mother ,
whom she had known when they were
girls together , to ask some particulars
of Peter's family and antecedents , as
her neice and adopted daughter , Mary
Hine , was soon to be married to him.
"Heard ye ever the like o' that ! " ex
claimed Jeanie ; "theman must be clean
daft ! "
I quite agreed with her , for I had
never known a man before who was
engaged to three women at once.
Doubtless , Peter considered his first
two affairs as mere flirtations ; still his
former sweethearts had in their pos
session a letter and a pledge which
would be evidence against Tiim in a
court of law. But any proceeding of
this kind was so foreign to the natures
and prejudices of the injured girls that
I did no more than hint it.
The following morning , Mary asked
my permission to go for a day or two
to Aberdeen with Jeanie Saunderson ,
as the } ' had thought of a plan for
bringing their reluctant lover to his
"Gin we dinna' niak Peter think
shame to himsel' , my no' Jeanie Saun
derson , " were the parting words of that
Meanwhile Peter Avas happy in the
society of his ( latest ) bethrothed , who
was a very charming girl ; and it may
be a little to my hero's excuse to remark
that few men could have seen her bonny
face and listened to her sweet voice
evening after evening without falling
love with her. The susceptible Peter
certainly could not , but throwing all
old memories to the wind , proposed and
was accepted.
Such being the state of affairs , Peter's
feelings may be imagined when , on en
tering Mrs. Birket's parlor one evening
after his day's work was over , he sav
seated by Maiy Hine Mar } * Duthi
and Jeanie Saunderson.
Peter's first impulse was to withdrav
hastily , but Mrs. Birket made flight im
possible by closing the door , and stand
ing between it and the conscious
stricken youth. "Just tak' a seat , Mr
Mackey , " said she , and the culpri
sank into an empty chair , placed at i
little distance from the other three la
dies. The ladies continued their knit
ting without glancing at him ; minutes
passed , and the silence became intoler
able. Peter could hear the beating o
his heart ; twice he opened his lips to
speak , but no sound issued from them
an icy tremor ran through his frame
and checked his utterance.
I give what follows , verbatim , as re
ported to me by Mary Duthie :
"Weel , " said Jeanie Saunderson at
last , "samia we be sattlin' oor biznes
3enoo ? "
"Aye , lassies , " said Mary Hine , "but
that'l be a haird matter , or I'm muckle
mista'en. "
"Ye see , " said Jeanie , taking the
initiative , "this Peter Mackey belongs
in a manner till's a' , isn't na sae ? "
"Aye , but we canna a' hae him. "
"Just that. Nee , fat think ye las
sies ? Sanna we appeal till the law
courts ? "
' Mithna we jist set a' richt amo'
sorsels ? " said Mary Hine , "Foo gin
ive wus till cast lots" for him ? We've
.he warrant of scripter for that , ye
-in. "
"Vera " " the others
"gweed , replied ,
md when Mrs. Birket had volunteered
icrself as one witness , the little serv-
mt girl , Baubie , was called then to be
mother. Peter's humiliation was cer-
ainly to be complete.
The lot fell on Mary Duthie.
"Peter Mackey , " said she , "I ha'e
inither string till my bow , so I'll e'en
eave ye till Mary Hine or Jeanie ;
hey're may be wuntin' ye mair nor
ue. But mony thanks t'ye for yer
:5nd : offer , which I ha'e na forgotten.
Peter was too much subdued to offer
. word in his own defense , and the pro-
eedings were renewed.
This time the lot fell to Mary Hine.
' Peter , " she said , "I winna cast up
ill ye hoe ye ha'e wronged me an'
thers. But this I maun say , a bad
aver's no like to niak' a gweed hus-
and ; so I'll leav'ye to Jeanie , if she's
"Weel Patie " said Jeanie "
, , , "gin
body refeeses ye I maun e'en ha"e ye
aysel'f. But it's on twa condeetions ,
iin' ye. First , that we'll be marriet
liis day month , an' second , that there'll
e no mair o' these ongaens after niar-
iage. "
The wedding took place in due
ourse , and Peter proved to be a most
evoted and obedient husband. "Ye
ee , Mary "man , " said Jeanie one day
3 Mrs. Jem Leslie , ( formerly Man *
> uthie. ) "gin the gweed man siid turn
hiles a bit camsteary an' oonrizzon-
ble , I ha'e but till say till him , 'Weel ,
'atie ' , my man , it's a"sair peety that
Eary Duthie an' Man Hine refeestye , '
in the wife ye ha'e gotten disna' suit
e , an' weel a-wat or ever the words
re weel owre my lips , he's jist as
uaet's a lamb. ' '
Ranch on Red Willow , Thornburg. Have *
County , Neb. C ttle branded J. M. ' > on
left aide. Young eattl * branded lame as
above , also' ' J. " on left Jaw. Under-slope I !
right ear. Horses branded "E" on left
Stock .brand circle on left shoulder ; also
dewlap and a crop and under half crop on
left ear , and a crop and under bit in the
rleht. Ranch on the Republican. Post-
offlce , Mar , Dundy county , Nebraska.
Chborn , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek ,
In southwest corner of Frontier county , cat
tle branded " 0 L 0" on rijrbt side. Also ,
an over crop on right ear and under crop on
left. Homes branded ' ' 8" on rteht shoulder.
Indlanola , Neb. Range : RepublicanVa-
iey , east of Dry Creek , and near head of
Spring Creek , In Chase county ,
- . , / . D. WBLBORX ,
Vloe Prealdent and Superintendent.
Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock
branded on left hip , and a few double cross *
e § OH left aide. O. D. ERCANBRACK.
P. O. Address , Carrlco. Hayes county ,
Nebraska. Range. Red Willow , above Cari
rioo. Stock branded as above. Also run the
lazy e brand.
Ranch 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the
Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" onth
left hip. P. O. address , MeCook , Neb.
Aanch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman
River. In Chase county , Neb. Stock branded
is above ; also < 47J7" on left side ; " 7" on
rieht hip and "L. " on rlfffat shoulder-
"L. " on left shoulder and "X. " on left
| aw. Half under-crop left ear , and square-
erop ri > ; ht ear.
rlth Red Tin Tag : Rose Leal Fine Cut
Ihewing ; Navy Clippinfjs , and Black ,
trown and Yellow SNUFFS are the beat
nd cheapest , quality considered ? ]
on Red Willow Creak , half mile
0-born , Po offioo. CattU branded oa
ght aide ana hip aboTa.
SALE Improved Detded JTarm
Qd Hay Land. Timber and Trat r. Two
< im house * , with other 'mprov m nts.
onvenlent to No. 1 school prrrtlsgea. Slt-
a f ° R PUbliean river , near -iouth t
< d Willow creek. Call on J. F. Blaok.
? J ? * nises , or address him at Indlanola !