A. Record of tlte I'roceetlngt of a Xumlter vt
State Political Contention * .
The democrat * of Iowa met In state convou
tlon at , Davenport , nearly all delegationi
belnsr fully represented.
The committee on resolutions presented UK
following , which irai unanimously adopted
without dlicusslon :
Resolved. ThtttthcdcmocraUcpartyoflowt
In convention assembled , fully Indorse th <
principles laid down In the national democrat
lo platform this year adopted at Chicago , ant
cordially approve of tbo sentiment * contained
In Governor Cleveland's letter of acceptance
and in tbc language of sold letter wo oxprcsi
our convictions that "L&itt unnecessarily in
tcrforlne with the hnWts and customs of anj
class of our p' oplo which arc not ofToiuivc tc
them and the moral sentiment of the civilized
world , nnd which are continent with good
citizenship arid public welfare arc unwlso and
vexatious. " Thi-rcforowo pledge ourselves
to UPO all honorable legal mean * to secure the
speedy repeal of laws in conflict therewith.
James Dooley , of Kcokuk county , was nom
inated for secretary of state by acclamation.
For state treasurer , Hon. George Uerr , of
Union county , was nominated by acclama
Tor auditor of state , J. E. Hcnrlques , ol
Marshalltown , was nominated by acclama
For attorney general , M. V. Gannon , of
Scott , was placed in nomluation.
Nominations being neat in order for Judtre
of the supreme court , the name of Jugdo E.
L. Burton , of Wapcllo county , was presented ,
and ho was nominaU-d by acclamation.
Presidential electors at largo were named
in the persons of D. O. Finch , of Polk county ,
who w as chosen by acclamation , an- ! Daniel
Campbell of Mononu , also by acclamation.
District electors were named at district caucus
and reported to convention , which confirmed
them as follows : First district , A. J. Hunter ,
of Henry county ; second , Georyo W. Lowell ,
of Jones county ; third , Moses Hitter , of fllack
Huwk ; fourth , Itcubcn Noble , of Clayton ;
fifth , George Carter , of Iowa ; sixth , Col. C.H.
Maekey , of Kcokuk ; seventh , L. H. Wilcox , of
Polk ; eighth , J. L. Brown , of Tajlor ; ninth ,
Dr. T. B. Hatton , of Montgomery ; tenth , J. F.
Duncombe , of Dubuque ; eleventh , J. J. Har-
tenboam , of O'Brien.
The Wisconsin republican state convention
was held at Madison on Wednesday. Chair
man Taylor , of the state central committee ,
urged that business be conducted with dis
patch , owing to the ma < s meeting to be ad
dressed bv General Logan at 3 o'clock. Ho
thought that the proceedings could be finished
early because of the unanimous desire that
the present state officers be rcnominated.
Secretary Payne , of the central committee ,
read a list of delegates who e cre-ientlaishad
liten approved. Permanent organization was
perfected br the nomination ot Ogdcn H.
Felhers , of JanesvlHe , : is presiding officer ,
there being no temporary organization. Oa
asbumlng the chair Mr. Felhers thanked the
convention In a strong republican speech.
During the absence o the committee on
resolutions , Judge Humphries moved the
present state officers be runomlnated by ac
clamation. The motion prevailed without
The state officerswerelntroduced and spoke
briclly , acknowledging the honor conferred
on them. The convention then adjourned.
The convention was called to order by Gen
eral Collins. The officers of the state commit
tee were made the temporary organization
officers of the convention. Jonas H. French
was elected permanent chairman. Ho ad
dressed the convention at some length. Every
allusion to Governor C.eveland was .oudly
On the first formal ballot Wm. C. Endicott
was nominated for governor , receiving 3S5
votes of 731 cast , or four votes more than
necessary to a choice. The nomination was
made unanimous and the ticket completed as
follows : Lie utenant governor , James T. Grin-
nell ; secretary of state , Jeremiah Crowley ;
treasurer and receiver , General Charles
Marsh ; auditor , John Hopkins ; attorney gen
eral , John W. Cumings. The convention then
Atthe republican state convention at Hous
ton resolutions were read favoring fusion with
the grecnbackcrs and Independents and en
dorsing George Washington Jones , indepen
dent candidate for governor. The motion
was tabled. These resolutions resulted in a
test vote of 101 ayes , 279 noes. The committee
ft on resolutions then reported. The majority
report declares it Inexpedient and imprac
ticable at this day to place a state ticket in
the Held and recommends republicans to aid
all independent candidates for state officers
tavorable to the defeat of democracy.
The minority report declares in favor of a
straight republican state ticket , also a Blaine
and Logan electoral ticket. After much con
fusion the majority report was adopted.
The convention was called to order by Chair
man Lodge. Mr. Lodge moved the nomina
tion of George D. Eobinson for governor by
acclamation. The motion was carried by an
outburst of enthusiasm. It was moved the
remainder of the old ticket be renomlnated
by acclamation , which was carried unani
The report of the committee on resolutions
wasapopted without debate. The platform
recites the achievements of the republican
party , and affirms that it alone can deal wisely
and considerately with the questions of the
day , both state and national ; favors a tariff in
which reforms and corrections should be
made , with aview to reduce the surplus in the
treasury by a horizontal reduction in the
Plso's Kcraedy lor Catarrh Is a certain cure for
hat very obnoxious disease.
FLOUR Wheat per 100 fts © 275
FLOUR Bye per 100 Ibs 140 < g > 1 60
BRAN Per ton 1100 @llo.l
WHEAT No. i 01 < < $ 61JJ
KTE No. 3 42 ©
CORN No.3 mixed 37 © 7 J
OATS No. 2 23 ©
BUTTER Creamery. 20 ©
BUTTER Choice dairy. 14 © 15
GRAPES Per pound 5 © 6
EGGS Fresh 15 © 1C
ONIONS Per bbl 200 © 2.x )
CHICKENS Per doz , live 225 © 275
OLD CHICKENS Dressed'per 2 > 330 © 325
APPLES Barrels 275 © 350
PEACHES Perbox 125 © 150
POTATOES Per bushel 125SO © 40
TOMATOES Per bushel 40 © CO
SEEDS Timothy 190 © 200
SEEDS Blue Grass 175 > © 200
SEEDS Hungarian 115 © 1 25
HAT Bailed , per ton bOJ © 900
WHEAT No.2 Spring. . . . SS © SS.4
CORN No. 2 70 © 71
OATS Mixed Western. . . 31 © 33
PORK New Mess . . IS 00 © 20 00
FLOUK Winter . 475 © 550
FLOUR Spring . 375 © 450
WHEAT Perbushel . 78K © 783 , '
CORN Per bushel . 51 ©
OATS Perbushel . 25H@ 20
PORK . IS 50 @ 19 00
LARD . 7 45 © 7 47
HOGS Pckg and shipp'g . 6 20 © C 75
CATTLE Exports . 6 50 © 7 00
SHEEP Medium to good . 25) © 350
WHEAT Per bushel . 81H © S2
CORN Per bushel . 47H © 4S
OATS Perbushel . 25 @ 27
CATTLE Exports . G 30 © G 75
SHEEP Medium . SCO © 375
HOGS Packers . 5 CO © G 25
WHEAT Per bu-hel . G2 © .
CORN Per bushel . 40 ©
OATS Per bushel . 22 © 23
CATTLE Natives . 6 00 Q C 30
HOGS Medium to good . 5 PO © G 25
SHEEP Fair to good . 3 00 © 3 50
FLOUR Colorado . 185 © 215
FLOUR Nebraska . 275 © 400
WHEAT Colorado . 1 10 © i 40
CORN Per 100 tts . ? . . . 113 © 120
OATS Neb. white , per 100 Ibs. 1 35 © i 40
HAY Per ton baled . 10 00 © 11 00
BUTTER Neb. dairy , per Ib. . . 14 © 15
Death of Senator Anthony.
Senator Anthony died at Providence , R. I. ,
on Tuesday last , about two o'clock. He was
in his usual health in the morning , but about
10 o'clock was attacked with vertigo and sank
rapidly. He had been fifty years In public
Thoie in Oio Hocking Valley , Ohio , Quit
Work in Great Force *
There is trouble among the miners of the
Hocking Valley , Ohio , about wages. ThOBo at
Snake Hollow made an attack on the guards
on Sunday morning. One guard was killed
and two wounded. Sheriff McCarthy , of
Athens county , telegraphed for troops.
The government afonco ordered out all of
the Fourteenth regiment , the Duffy and the
Governor's guards , the Lancaster , Cirolevillo
nnd Lexington companies and replied to
Sheriff McCarthy that troops were on the way
and asking If more were needed. Tbo Lan
caster company , only twelve miles from
Logan , was sent to that place to guard the
jail. One of the leaders of the riot at Snake
Hollow , believed to have been the one who
tilled O'Hara , was arrested and taken to jail
at Logan. The mob was coming to relieve
him. Special trains were put on the railroads
at the governor's disposal.
The sheriff , who had gone to Coal Center ,
Pa. , did not call at the miners' camp on the
1st , and iu consequence the strikers arc still
on the ground and determined as ever. Noel's
mines were not visited and the officers
on the ground hud a quiet time. A call was
made at the Empire works , but non-unionists ,
after a peaceful consultation , declined to
come out. The event of the day was the ar
rival at Courtney of a number of Hungarians
for the purpose of going to work at the Garfield -
field mines. No Hungarians have heretofore
been employed in thin district , and their ad
vent at tliio time Is regarded with concern. A
camp was established at Courtney to prevent
them from going to work. Operators say that
if the strike continues much- longer Hun
garians will be introduced in all the mines.
"Governor Ho dly and others have been
making an Inspection of the mining situation
In the Hocking valley. The governor states
that the situation is u perplexing one , and Is
of a threatening character. He thinks with
the men in their present temper It will bo
some time before the struggle is over , unless
the operators shoul J determine to make some
concessions. He made a personal visit to the
mines with the hope the situation would prove
to bo such there would be "no necessity of
sending troops. In this , however , he was dis
appointed. He therefore honored the requisi
tion of the sheriff for troops , and sent three
companies to the most critical points. On the
way to Columbus the governor had a request
lor two more companies nt Long-street , two at
Murray City and two to guard the property
of the Hocking Valley road and its bridges in
the valley. He refused to send more troops ,
but ordered several companies to be in readi
ness to go to the fiont should they be needed.
D At the two latter places it was leared an at
tack would be made. When the governor
left Logan for a trip to the mines ho tele-
to all points ho wished to consult thong
Ohed ; miners , and at some places on the ar
rival of the train there were as many as 5UO
idle mitiers who had gathered to see and hear
what he had to say. At Nelsonville the dem
onstration was of a massive character , there
being between six and seven hundred present ,
who had carriages and a bund to escort the
governor to the public square for the purpose
of making a speech. They had appointed a
committee earlier in the day to ask a
number of questions as the governor
progressed and they made it quite in
teresting. The appeal of the governor
was for the observance of order and the im
portance of their doing their part in this re
gard. It was at this point that he ordered
troops to points named and the miners were
not very well pleased over ihis move , as they
had supposed the governor would not make
such an order unless he was forced to do so.
Iu reply to the demands of the sheriff for
men he specially stipulated that they shall be
used only for the purpose of protecting life
and property. This is thought to indicate
that they will not be allowed to remain as
mere guards for coal and railroad companies.
Tiie Trouble Brought About by an Oeer-Of-
flciofts Officer.
The attempt of Chief Police Brann some
time ago to compel the Austrian consul in
Pittsburgtohaul down a flag over the consul
ate door , because the police regulations for
bade the hanging or display of any obstruc
tions , has brought on a lengthy correspond
ence between the Austrian government and
the United States department. The result Is
shown in a letter from Secretary Frelinghuy-
sen to Governor Pattison , in which the form
er says that the Austrian consul was disposed
to let the matter pass unnoticed , thinking
Chief Brann had acted in ignorance of the
consul's rights under the statute. The chief ,
however , commenced an action against
the consul for disobeying his order ,
and then the intervention of the
state authority was invoved. Sec
retary Frelinghuysen informs the governor
that consuls have a right under the treaty to
fly their flags when they please , that the con
stitution makes treaty stipulations binding ,
and that the constitution is above all other
laws , and all ordinances in opposition to it
are void. The governor is requested to order
the mayor to discontinue his action against
the consul at once and pay the costs. In pur
suance of this the mayor nas been notified by
the governor , but declines to take any steps
until he consults his attorney.
How Women Differ from Men.
At least three men. on the average
jury are bound to disagree with the rest
just to show that they've got minds of
their own } but there is no disagree
ment among the women as to the
merits of Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre
scription. " They are all unanimous in
pronouncing it the best remedy in the
world for all those chronic diseases ,
weaknesses and complaints peculiar to
their sex. It transforms the pale , hag
gard , dispirited woman , into one of
sparkling health , and the ringing laugh
again "reigns supreme" in the happy
A Brooklyn bridge policeman says :
"It is a curious thing that I am not
asked the way by the Chinese. All
other nationalities bother with their
questions about the bridge , the rail
road , etc. , but John Chinaman , strange
ly enough , every time knows where he
is going and the way to get there. "
Human Calves.
An exchange says : "Nine-tenths of
the unhappy marriages result from hu
man calves being allowed to run at
large in society pastures. " Nine-tenths
of tne chronic or lingering diseases of
to-day originate in impure blood , liver
complaint or billiousness , resulting in
scrofula , consumption ( which is but
scrofula of the lungs ) , sores , ulcers ,
skin diseases and kindred affections.
Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discov
ery" cures all these. Of druggists.
A Cape Vincent ; N. Y. , man learning
to play the cornet has picked up brick
enough in the front yard and on the
balcony where he practices to lay a
pavement all around his house. He
hopes to be able to build a brick hen
house this summer if the neighbors do
lot all move out of the neiehborhood.
* * * * The worst pile tumors cared
in ten days , rupture in one mtfnth.
Pamphlet two (3ot ) " stamps. World's
Dispensary Medical Association , Buf
falo , N. Y.
In a census taken in April last , the
population of Athens is shown to be
54,903 , which is 18,096 more than was
he population in 1829 , the date of the
ast census. The mimber of inhabitants
n 1856 was 30,069 ; in 1861 it was 41-
298 , and in 1870 tt ; was 44,510.
, Dyspepsia. Sexual Debility ,
cured by "Wells' Health Kencwer. " l.
It makes bad work with spelling -when the
" is out of sight and out of mind.
Oae of the Most Unaccountable and Dan *
( eroos of Recent Deceits DlecoT-
ered and Xzpoced.
There Is some mysterious trouble
that is attacking nearly every one in
the land with more or less violence. It
seems to steal into the body like a thief
in the night. Doctors cannot diagnose
it. Scientists are puzzled by its symp
toms. It is , indeed , a modern mystery.
Like those severe and vague maladies
that attack horses and prostrate nearly
all the animals in the land , this subtle
trouble seems to menace mankind.
Many of its "victims have pains about
the cheet and sides , and sometimes in
the back. They feel dull and sleepy ;
the mouth has a bad taste , especially in
the morning. A strange sticky slime
collects about the teeth. The appetite
is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy
load upon the stomach ; sometimes a
faint all-gone sensation is felt at the pit
of the stomach , which food does not
satisfy. The eyes grow sunken , the
hands and feet feel clammy at one time
and burn intensely at others. After a
while a cough sets in , at first dry , but
after a few months it is attended with a
greyish colored expectoration. The af
flicted one feels tired all the while , and
sleep does not seem to afford
any rest. He becomes nervous , irrita
ble , and gloomy , and has evil forebod
ings. There is a giddiness , a peculiar
whirling sensation in the head when
rising up suddenly. The bowels be
come costive , and then , again , qutflux
intensely ; the skin is dry and hot at
times ; the blood grows thick and stag
nant ; the whites of the eyes become
tinged with yellow ; the urine is scanty
and high-colored , depositing a sediment
after standing. There is frequently a
spitting up ot the food , sometimes with
a sour taste , and sometimes with a
sweetish taste ; this is often attended
with palpitation of the heart. The vis
ion becomes impaired , with spots be
fore the eyes ; there is a feeling of
prostration and great weakness. Most
of these symptoms are in turn present.
It is thought that nearly one-third of
our population have this disorder in
some of its varied forms , while medical
men have almost wholly mistaken its
nature. Some have treated it for one
complaint ; some for another , but near
ly all have failed to reach the seat of
the disorder. Indeed , many physicians
are afllicted with it themselves. The
experience of Dr. A. G. Richards , re
siding at 463 Tremont street , Boston , is
thus described by himself :
"I had all these peculiar and painful
symptoms which I have found afflicting
so many of my patients , and which had
so often baffled me. I knew all the
commonly established remedies would
be unavailing for I had tried them often
in the past. I therefore determined to
strike out in a new path. To my in
tense satisfaction I found that I was
improving. The dull , stupid feeling
departed and I began to enjoy life once
more. My appetite returned. My
sleep was refreshing. The color of my
face which had been a sickly yellow
gradually assumed the pink tinge of
health. In the course of three weeks I
felt like a new man and know that it
was wholly owing to the wonderful
efficiency of Warner's Tippecanoe The
Best , which was all ttie medicine I
took. "
Doctors and scientists often exhaust
their skill and the patient dies. They
try everything that has been used by. .
or is known to the profession , and then
fail. Even if they save the life it is of
ten after prolonged agony. Where all
this can be avoided by precaution and
care , how insane a thing it is to endure
such suffering ! With a pure and pal
atable preparation within reach , to
neglect its use is simply inexcusable.
Osage orange should be pruned three
bimes during thesnmmer. _
One reason why diseases of the bladder
and urinary organs are so difficult to cure is
that they frequently have no pronounced
symptoms. HUNT'S [ Kidney and Liver ]
REMEDY is peculiarly adapted to the cure of
these complaints , and goes at once to the
seat of the trouble , giving relief at once.
Who of us ever united a knot in a cord of
( food ?
Olisalva la the favorite Household
' for the cure of Oat , Wound * . Chtl-
blalnei , Poiions , Bites cf luiects. and Skin dis-
. Get the genuine. 25c.and75c.atDrneeists
orb/mall. J. W. COLE * CO. . Block River Falls. Wis.
The proposed new paper at St. Paul
night be named the Epistle. _
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall ,
Mich. , offer to s < nd their celebratfd ELEC-
rno-VoLTAic BELT and other ELECTRIC
APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men
( young or old ) afil cted with nervous debil
ity , log * of vitality and manhood , and all
kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism ,
neuralpia , paralysis , and many other dis
eases. Complete restoration to health , vigor
md manhood guaranteed. No risk is in-
jurred as thirty days trial is allowed. "Write
them at one for illu trta"l pamphlet free.
A correspondent wants to know how to
nake ken-keeping profitable . There is but
jne method ; Don't keep hens.
Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns ,
scalds and rheumatism are relieved bj
Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
Sold by druggists.
"Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con *
ralsions and frequently death. A pleasant.
safe and certain remedy Is Dr. JAQUE'S
iruggists. _
Headache , constipation , liver complaint ,
bllliousness are cured by that mild , cleans
ing remedy which never produces pain ,
Only 25 da. Sold by druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather
3f his harness soft and pliable , which pre
serves it from cracking or ripping. He al
Bold bv all Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle
life are carried oft by consumption. The
most frequent cause Is a neglected cold ,
sough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or
isthma , all of which may be permanently
4ND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists.
A fanner's wealth depends on the condl-
3on of his stock. When scraggy and feeble
; hey are especially liable to distempers , fe-
rers , colds , and all diseases which destroy
mlmals. Thousands of dollars are saved
innually by that valuable old standby ,
Bestless , fretful , crying children are raf
tering and need for their relief DR.
s useful not only for all the disorders of
ething infants , but cures coughs , croups ,
; ore throat , colic and cramps of older chll-
Iren , and should always be kept In every
louse for emergencies. Only 25 eta. Sold
> y all druggists.
r r ( M-Xitver OU , auuia fro * select * ! Uvtri
on the MB ikon by CASWXLL , QAZABD * Co * New
York : It to abtolaUly pure and tweet. Patients
who hareonct taken It prefer t to all other * . Pay.
Iduihftre decided It ioperior to any of the other
oil ! In market.
Ch * pe4 * . Face , rinplei , and Bough
Bkln , cured by tulnsJJCNtpjtR TAK BOAP.msdeby
OASWXLL , HAZARD * Co. . New York.
No , Katherine , "Union" men are not all
In favor of marriage.
It Is a fortunate thing that our naval ves
sels cannot travel on land. They might get
run Into by a baby carriage.
Indian HUtory.
The Indian of falcon glance and Lton
bearing , theme of touching ballad is gone ;
but Pett oleum they discovered , now made
into Carboline , the National Hair Restorer ,
lives forever.
The base ball fever is better tban the chol
era anyway. _
"We think we can cure a bad case of Bsck-
ache quicker with one of Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters
than by any other application , and after the
Backache Is cured , you can still wear the
plaster without discomfort for two or three
weeks or longer. This combination of
Smart "Weed and Belladonna is a great hit ,
and It is hard to find any pain or ache that
will not yield to it. Price 25 cents. Sold
by Druggists everywhere. _
A Vermont dog has been born with two
tails. We throw this out as a pointer to the
wags. _
A. CARD. To all who are suffering from er
rors and indiscretion of youth , nervous
weakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
I will send a recipe that will cure you , FREE
OE CHARGE. This great remedy was dis
covered by a missionary In South America.
Send self-addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH
T. INMAN , Station D , New York.
Fifty-two young American girls are "do-
Ing" Europe with hobnailed thoes and
alpenstocks. _
"I have both used and sold PKICKLY
Asn BITTEKS for a number of years , and
think It the best bitters made for Bilious
ness , Liver Complaints and for toning up
the system , " so writes "W. H. Cole , Drug
gist , of Joplin , Mo. A single trial of this
remedy will convince any person of the'
truth of the above.
It costs abouti 5.000 annually to pay for
the transportation of our foreign mails.
IF afflicttiU witn Sore jfiyea , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it ;
Five hundred million bushels is what itis
fully agreed the wheat crop will foot up this
year. _
STIXGING Irritation , liill.unnmioii. all Kidney
and Urinary complaints , cured by "Buchu-nalba. " f 1.
George "Washington couldn't tell a lie. It
is hard to distinguish one from the truth ,
dtirmgapreEldpntlal campaign.
mw& w' I
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
SoroTliront.SiTcllIuB .Sprnln .Brai e ,
Barnw. Scald * , front BItc ,
BoldbT DruzgUu and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cenua bottls.
Direction ! In II Language ! .
( Buoni < n'oA.TOOEt BCO ) Baltimore , JIA C.S.1.
Bycpepsia , Geaeral Debility *
Jaoadioe , Habitual Constipa
tion , Liver Complaint , Sick
Hoo.da.clie , Diseased Kid-
coys , Etc. , Etc.
It contains onlj the Purest Drags , among
ifhlch maybe enumerated J2ICE.7 ASS BASS
AOT E2S3IZS , KASKASZ , 33CS1T , EZlttTA , Ks.
It cleanses the system thoroughly , and as a
Is TTneqaalod.
It is not an intoxicating beverage , nor cac
it be used as such , by reason ofits Cathartic
Sole Proprietors ,
W. ft N. Oil Tube Colors , ooe. doz. : SaWe * * f\
, . . . ,
'ottery and Novelties for Decorating , I e. up ; Studies rented.
oc. per week ; Gold Plush Frames. Mouldings. Painancs. En-
rravinss. Coid and Nails ; PIANOS and ORGANS , froa > 5 up ;
Violins. $ s ; Guitars. 5s Banjos Js 50 ; Drums , Flutes , Fifes ,
UB 0 B C I f * Zithers : Sheet Music , K off printed list ;
ETC % P O if Music Instiuctnrs forall Instruments , SDC.
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
> end 2 ct. Stamp for Catalogue :
Relieved Immediately and cnred by
Price 3IO per bottle or 3 bottles for
S delivered. Address Dr. C. MABKT , Manager , Ham-
Iton , Ohio.
Well Boring
For Horse or Steam Power
Hundreds of the best men in 30 States
| and Territories use it and will have no
I other I
L Established over 35 years.we have ample
H facilities to fill orders promptly , and
to satisfaction of our customers. Cata-
IcBue FEEE. Address
JLOO31IS & 2iYUA2f , Tiffln , Ohio.
When you visit or leave New York City ,
vis Ontral depot , save BaggageExpreiasge
and $3 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand
Union Hotel , opposite the dppot. Six
hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of
one million dollar ? ; $1 and upwards per day.
Earopeanplan. Eiovator. Restaurant sup
plied with the best. Horse cars , stages and
elevated railroad to all depot * . Families
can live better for legs money at the Grand
Union Hotel than at any other first-class
hotel In the city.
You arrive at truth through poetry , and I
arrive at poetry through truth.
KOHOH OX PA1X. " , Quick euro for ollc.
Cramps , Diarrhoea , Aches , Tains , Sprains , Ilendacbo.
Itis the professional cook who insists on a
wide range in the kitchen.
* * * * * * * *
All those painful Complaint *
* and Weaknesses so common *
* * * * * to oar best * * *
Price 91 la liquid , flH r Into ft form.
n * purpose fa tolelafor the IrgK/mate hewing of
AUtOMandthe reUtf of pain , and that it doe * all
it clatmi to do , thousandof ladlet can gtadlv tttttfv.
It will euro entirely all Ovarian troubles , Innnmma *
tion and Ulccratlon , Falling and Displacements , and
consequent Spinal Weakness , and Is particularly
adapted to the change of life. * * , " * *
It removes Falntncsa. Flatulency , destroys nil craving
for stimulants , and relieves Weakness of the Htomach.
It cures Bloating , Headaches , Nervous Prostration ,
Otneral Debility , Bleeplewness , Depreulon and Indi
gestion. That feelinic of bearing down , causing pain ,
and backache , is always permanently cured bylt nse.
Send stamp to Lynn , Mass. , for pamphlet. .Letters pi
Inquiry confidentially answered , iortaleatdruggttti.
The reputation of
Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters as a preven
tive of epidemics , a
stomachic , anlnvig-
orant , a general re
storative nnd a speci
fic for fever and
ague , indlgestlon.bU *
lous i ( lections , rheu
matism , nervous de
bility , constitutional
weakness. Is estnb-
lixhcd upon the
sound b ifIs of more
than twenty icars
experience , and can
no more be shaken
by the clap-trap nos-
trumsof unscientific
pretenders , than the
everlasting hills by
the winds that rustle
through thelrdetilex.
For lale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
Electricity generated by the Papier Electric Belt
acts without pain or uncomfortable sensation , and
may piss through any part of the body to come at the
icatof the disease. Drugs once In the system are
with difficulty. If at all. separarated from It ; Elec
tricity , on the other hand , after exerting Its action , is
Instantly dispersed.
The Papier Electric Belt Is as good as a physician ;
It will help a-iv complaint , but It is almost infallible
In tbc cure of Rheumatism , Lnmbngo. Nervousness ,
Prices. * 3rO.l.25. to ( X ) . Th- latter U very strong
and Is used In set ere ca cs. Money must accompany
order. Address Tne Vawl-i- Electric BeitC'o. ,
Omuha , Xcb. r. U. IIox SJ8O.
Agents wanted In every county to sell this popular
work. Illustrated. COO pages ; endorsed by tne Na
tional Committee. You can make * 40 to * 60 a week.
Choice of territory. Outfit 50c. Terms one-half off.
Also. Li > es of Cleveland and Hcndrlcks. Extra
terms. INTERIO1. PUB. CO. . Lincoln , Ken.
Iowa Rcilneis College. Practical
' Book-keeper'at Teachem : two lead
ing Penmen , Short hand. Telegraph *
In ; . 12 OHcei for Student * actual
practice. Be t location , cheap boar J ,
Tnltlon low. Journal free. JIKXIKOI * Titcatx. Dei Uotnei. la
Imediate relief in the worst case , iiisures comlort-
| able8leepeffectficnrcs'vrticrea'l others fail. A
ttrialcontineathemmttltptical. PriceGOc.s'id
lECIIIFFMAySt.Panl , Minn
O. O. CAMPBEIX , Proprietor.
New Home. Terms , t2 per day. 1215 Douglas St.
O 31 AH A , Neb.
as tne name and P. O. address of FIVE
SEND likely to attend a KuMness College.
We will send yon flve Calling Cards with your name
elegantly written on each. Address
f % n I rt 1 1 n O OT h" d stamp for circu-
\ * N | LJI tKo lars showing who is entitled
m\ * ' to pension , bounty , &c. I . C.
* f WOOD , Pension Atty. , Washington. D. C.
leave CHI AGO and ST. JLOUIS every month ,
going the New. Shot-tot , nnd most pleasant w.iv of
reaching California. By eolnn with us you SAVE 10 to
$15 a day. Forspeclal Information , dates , etc. . write to
W. H. T01.EK fc CO. ,
89 Clark St. , Chicago , III.
Morphine I-Iabit Cored In 19
OPIUM to 2O day * . No pay till Cored.
DK.J. bTKPHKNS. Lebanon. Ohio.
YfHINfr MRN lelejraphy and bburthand bchonv
IUU11U mini Paying situations guaranty. Amer-
lean School of TelPtrraphy & Shorthand.
< /5P'ISO'S ' CURE FORro
„ " . . p. Tastes good.
Use in time. Sold by druggists. |
12OO , 12OS and 121O Farnam st. , Omaha.
W . J * . m . . experienced Book and Bible Agents
In every county. Liberal salaries paid. Address ,
bating experience , P.O. Box g.gSt. . L ouis , Mo.
AGENTS "WANTED for the best and fastest
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re-
luced 35 per ct. NATIONAL PCS , Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
W. N. U. , Omaha , 223 7
say you saw the advertisement in this paper.
"I Hare Safferedt"
With every disease Imaginable for the IM |
three years. Our
Druggist , T. J. Anderson , recommend *
Ing "Hop Blttcra" to me ,
I used two bottles !
Am entirely cured , and heartily wcoat-
mend Hop Bitters to every one. J. D.
Walker , Buckner , Mo. *
I write this as a
Token of the grert appreciation I have of
your Hop
* Bittora. I was afflicted
With inflammatory rheumatism I 1 1
For nearly
Seven years , and no medicine seemed tQ
do me any m
Good ! ! !
Until I tried two bottles of your Hop Bit
ters , and to my surprise I am as well to-day
09 ever I was. I hope
"You may have abundant success"
"In this great and"
Valuable medicine :
Anyone ! * wishing to know more
about my cure ?
Can learn by addressing me , E. H.
Williams , 1103 IGth street , Washington ,
D. C. -
- 1 consider your
Kennedy the beat remedy la existence
For Indigestion , Kidney
' 'And nervous debility. Complaint I have J ust'
"From the south in a fruitless search foi
health , and find that your Bitters are doing
me more
Good !
Than anything else ;
A month ago I was extremely
"Emaciated 11 ! "
And scarcely able to walk. Now I am
Gaining strength ! and
"Flesh ! "
And hardly a day passes but what I am
complimented on mv improved appearance ,
and it is nil duo to Hop
Bitters ! J. Wlckllfle Jackson ,
Wilmington , Del.
without n bunch of green Hops
on the white label. Shun all the > lie , poisonous stuff
with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name.
$ brmertopartylookinffoterfeiue ) : Losing
flesh , are yer ? ' and don't sleep o' nights , eh ?
my boy , and you'll soon talk otherwise. I
takes 'em regularly.
They purify the blood and cure all bilious
iouscomplaints. . Perfectly safe to take , '
being purely vegetable. _
Of uln Bundln ; . )
The Elchty-flrst Sesitofl will open Tneaday , Sept.
3d. FaUCoarveein
CIa * Ic > , IAW , Sciences , Mathematics and
A thoronph COMMEECI Ati COURSE Is one of tb
distinguishing features of the Institution. Special
Kdvantagee ire offered to Students of the Law Course.
Thr Minim Department ,
for boys under 13 , Is unique In design and In the com
pleteness of Its equipments. Catalogues , giving full
particulars , -will be sent free br adclrc-slng
Sev. T. E. Walsh. C. 8. C. . President.
Notre Dame. Indiana.
Ibe most Elegant Blood Purifier , Liver Invlgor * .
tor , Tonic , and Appetizer ever known. The first
Bitters containing Iron ever advertised In AmerU
u.v Unprincipled persona re imitating the nanut
look out for frauds. See "
that the following signa- '
taro Is on every bottle and ,
take none othert
Oculist and Aurist.
Practice limited to diseases of tha
Eye , Ear and Throat.
1503 Farnam St. - . . . Omaha
TVc offer the above amonnt of money and TIZIKTT-F1VE GOX.I ) TTATCHES , Free to I
I the first 148 persona answering the following Hlble question : * Whre ! the wort ! GrandI
mother found In the Bible ? Mention the Book , Chnptor and Yer e. I
The first person answering this question correctly , on or before October 15tb. win receive- caih. I
j If we receive more thin one correct answer , the second will receive 870 : the third. SJ ; tha fourth , tss : I
I the fifth , $50 : the lith. 5 : the seventh. t33 : eighth. 115 ; ninth. $10 : tenth , * 3 ; eleventh. C : twelfth. $4:1
1 thirteenth , $2 ; thirty-five GOLD WATCHES to the next thirtr-Ove correct antwers. and one dol-l
I lar each to the next one hundred people answering It correctly. If you are not first , remember that I
j you may be second or third , so you stand a. good chance for a larze prize. Each competitor muat. la I
I every case. * end BO cents for Snmple packuge KOYAL. 1EJL wllh their answers. F
THE 3PTTHJEI , 'lE&Jfhf * ! tf > OETiPh OAI TE1 A
I Is such as the crawneu nads of Europe use. Imported direct. The first time the Koral Tex has ever I
been Introduced in America. A revolution to American tea drinkers. Only Xatare's Coloring til
I csed In the Royal Tea. The fresh leaves are dried and prepared In such away as to retain all their I
delicate aroma and fl or , tosetherwith strength and body. One trial of Royal Ten and you will forevtr I
do awHy with all Impure , Li h colored and r > olsonous articles. AF.ECXAX. OJFFJElt ! To Introduce I
this Tea In America we will , for a limited time , ( until October 15Jh , ) send ( sample box ) one calf-pound I
Royal Tea , prepaid , to any address on receipt of only 50 cents , one pound-box , prepaid , tl. SO cenu It I
cheap for sample box Royal Tea so you pay nothing for competing for one of the above prizes , la I
addition to the other prizes , we offer S5OO more to he dhlded equally ; ( each ) to th flrstocei
I hundred persona sending ns the correct answer to the above question and sending tl for one-pound I
sample RoyalTca. The money will be promptly sent to the successful ones. Send one dollar in P. O.
[ order , postal note , or recistered letter. Don't wn it. but send your answer t onae. Posters I
stamps taken. Full Instructions to agents how to make $10 & day Introducing the Royal Tern , civcal
MAYO & CO. , 166 La Salle St , Chicago , III.
" s tfuAf r *
COTOT the entire taddle. and will keep you dry In any itorra.
gold everywhere. Illrstrated catalogne free. A. J. Tower. Batten.
Positively cnre 8ICK-HEADACKE. Blllemsneu ,
BLOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( OWE PII
ha-re no equal. < ! nnd tnem a valuable Cathartl , . . .
" In my practice I use no other. J. Dennison , BT.TI. , BoVfUt. Iowa " Sold Tcry B here , or smt b
_ uul for Sfi oU. in sUmps. Valuable Informatloa ? 2 S. KJH * Gd. BOflfoS. KAMI ,