F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
JAMES G. ELAINE , of Maine.
JOHN A. LOGAN , of Illinois.
CHA11LES II. DEWEY , of Douglas.
HENKY SPKICK , of Washington.
Tl.ll. IIAUIUNGTON , of Gage.
' .10HNMACK1N , of Grcoloy.
A.L.BUKR , ofllurlan.
- . -
* roit GOVEKNOK ,
JAMES W. DAWES , of Saline County.
II. II. SIIEDD , ofSaundcrs County.
„ 0. II. WILLA1U ) , of Thaycr County.
If. A. HA1JCOCK , of Valley County.
E.P. IIOGGEN , of Lancaster County.
WILLIAMLEESE , of Howard County.
- JOSEPH SCOTT , of Buffalo County.
LEAVMTBUKNHAM , of Douglas County.
W. W. W. JONES , of Lancaster County.
JAMES LAIKD , of Adams County.
W. S. MOKLAN , of Furnus County.
JAMES W. DOLAN , of Jlctl Willow County.
HENRY CRABTKEE , of Indianola.
THE beautiful- city of Cleveland ,
Ohio , received a baptism of fire. Sun
day. Loss , estimated at $3,000,000.
WE didn't know St. John had so many
friends in Nebraska. In Merrick coun
ty they arc running a St. John county
GREAT cracks have recently been no
ticed in the earth in Pennsylvania.
-Safurc is preparing to let the democrat
ic party crawl into its hole.
favorite son of W. U. Yanderbilt , has
.drooped hi Wall street the $5,000,000
left him by his grandfather , the commo
dore. This may explain why William H.
sold Maud S.
OKLAHOMA PAYNE , who expected to
figure as a hero in the-United States
courts and settle the vexed question of
the opening of a new-estate , is bit
terly disappointed. fCe il to be jailed
on the vulgar charge of selling whisky
in the Indian uatiofjjv'He has been sized
"up about right.
THE woman's riatiqnal equal rights
party , at a convention recently held in
San Francisco , nominated Mrs. Belv ;
A. Lockwood , of Washington , D. C.
for President of the United Stales , and
Belva , on the 3rd inst. , forwarded he
letter of acceptance. Another elcmcn
has thus been added to the campaign
THE democratic vote in Vermont fel
off ten-per cent and the republican vote
eleven per cent as compared to that of
1SSO. This is not particularly gratify
ing to airybody , nor is it at all alarmin
to the republicans. One per cent , one
way on the other in the round up is of
no significance in a state as one sided
as is Vermont.
"LET theVpcoplc rule/ ' repeats the
Creighton Pioneer. So say we ; but we
would first like "the "people" give a
healthy indication of ability to run a
Jittle fivc-for-a-cent caucus or conven
tion , before we sec the reins of government -
ment handed over. One or two cnibryotic
politicians usually get away with "the
people" bag and baggage.
BEX BUTLEII has a "bav'l , " and the
question that troubles him most is
whether he will tap it. He had a con-t
f erence with the greenback state central
committee of "Michigan on Monday , and
the committee was to decide whether
Jie should put $10,000' into the cam
paign in that state or not. As nothing
further has been , beard concerning the
matter. , it is very likly that the commit
tee decided jiot to call on .Butler for the
$103OOD , the decision ho doubt being
rendered ut Ben's request. lie knows
well enough that a bird ia Ue ) hand is'
worth two -in the bush.
Tin : latest bank failure has develop *
some unusually sensational feature
The New Brunswick , Jew Jersey , , n
tional bank failed on Saturday , the" d
ficiency being reported at from $200
000 to $250,000. Mr. Hill , the casl
icr , who had been speculating with tl
money , promptly committed suicide ii
stead of ruum * . away to Canada. An
now comes the startling inteligence tlu
President Runyon has followed the e :
ample of the cashier. This is a prctt
quick way of settling th'eir accounts
There are a host of other dishonest an
speculating bank officials who ought t
dp the samething. In their death Hut
yon and Dill exhibited a manly remors
at least for their breach of trust. The
showed that they preferred death to
living disgrace , and no doubt they neve
intended to steal a cent , but bavin :
been tempted into the whirlpool o
speculation they continued to lose , hop
ing each day to retrieve their losses , an *
replace the funds they had appropriate )
to their own use. It is the same eli
story. They were unexpectedly caugh
short , the crisis came , and they wer
ruined. To them perhaps , their owi
disgrace and ruin were not so much a
the ruin and distress they had brough
upon confiuimr patrons and friends.
Bee. *
As the campaign progresses the pros
pects of a grand republican victory al
alo'ng the line grows brighter. Then
is no longer a question about the rcsul
of the national contest and the interesi
now is centered in the legislative , state
and congressional campaign. Nebraska
is reasonably safe for all the republican
candidates , state , congressional and dis
trict. Republicans , however , should noi
be caught napping , and fold their arms
because their is a fair prospect of suc
cess , for there arc combinations and
trades of all kinds being made to defeat
here and there a republican nominee
False charges are filling the air and
every means is being resorted to to in
duce republicans to desert their ranks.
\Ye \ advise republicans to be on their
2uard ; and lose no'opportunity to put in
2ood ; work for the success of the entire
ticket. Gazette-Journal.
MAINE comes to the front with jrom
L2.000 to 1G,000 republican majority.
Phe returns show slight republican gains
n ever } ' section of the state. The re-
mblicans elect a governor , four con-
rrcssmcn and the legislature. Maine
las done nobly , and if the other rcpub-
ican states that vote before November
lo as well , James G. Blaine will be elect-
d president on the 4th of November by
.n overwhelmingmajority. . The glor-
3us result in Mr. Elaine's own state will
indoubtedly have an enthusiastic effect
moug republicans all over the country ,
nd the old adage , "As goes Maine so
ocs the union. * ' is very likely to prove
rue in this campaign. Bee.
THE accident at the Fremont Re
nion Tuesday was a sad one , am
ast a gloom not only over those pres-
nt , but the people of thai city also
'he amphitheatre built was a private
flair and the proprietor ought to be
aid responsible for the accident. He
nd no right to erect a death trap of
nit kind , arid he should have known
was tinsufo. Those who had charo-e
f the reunion should not have allow-
1 him to permit people to rro into it
: the shape it was in. Such a slaug-h-
r is little less than murder. Ga-
THE New York car-drivers arc a unit
> r Blaine and Logan. They are 7.000
rong , .and their desertion of Cleveland
i account of his refusing to sign the
.r-drivers' bill , will make a big hole in
c ranks of the democracy. The car-
ivers' association is only one of the
liny labor organizations that have de-
ircd for Blainc and Logan , and the
dicutions now arc that the republican
: ket will receive a handsome majority
the Empire Plate. Bee.
THE colors of Ben Butler are a red
so upon a green loaf , but , as the Chi-
sro Times says , "If General Butler'
ices a higher valuation upon the field
an upon the flowers of the garden , to
consistent he should have told his
lowers in selecting a badge to adopt a
) oked-necked pumpkin on a long vine ,
itead of a red rose on a green leaf. "
liat Ben Butler doesn't know about
ming isn't worth knowing.
spectacle of Ponicroy , the anti-
it candidate for president , hauling off
favor of St. John , who has ridden the
it around the mystic circle and over j
i bridge of bones thirty-two times , j
I who has always been a confirmed
" . of the most'comical inii
ier , is one - ii
cnts of this xor any other campaign.
The County Fair.
Preparations arc going : rapidly forward
make the coming : County Fnir even a great
success than that of lost year. Mr. Jam
Hetlierlngton has been appointed secreta
on account of the absence of C. S. Quick ,
new building for the lloral hall will be erect
In a few flays , and the old one put in shape f
farm products , vegetables , etc. Suitable stu'
and pens will be putup for horses , cattle , ehci
and hogs , and the racp track will be in sple
did condition. We would suggest that supc
intendents of classes be on tlio.grounds ear
on the first day of the fair to receive stock i
other articles , enter and arrange them in the
proper class and lot , thatVhcn the time com
to pass upon them , none may be omitted , at
eacli may be compared with the other. Mei
bership tickets are § 1.00 ; single entry ticke
25 cents each. It will facilitate matters gren
ly for those desiring membership tickets 1
purchase them previous to the fair , as tl
secretary is required to make a record cnti
of each one , and during the fair his time wi
be taken up with the duties relating to e.vhi !
its. Remember , all entries , except in the spec
ring , are positively closed at0 P.M. of the fir ;
day of the fair. Several parties last yet
brought meritorious articles to the fair on tli
second day and were disappointed in not n
cciving an award ; this can be avoided b
making the entry within the time prescribe *
Entries can be made at any time now , eithc
in person or by letter , the only restriction b <
ing , that the person desiring to make the onlr
must be the holder of a membership ticket , o
a member oi' the family of such holder. Supci
intendents of classes should also make it the ]
duty to sec that no article in their class is tan
pcrcd with or injured , especially in class !
No one should be allowed to meddle with e. >
hibits except the judges , and they only fo
the purpose < of determining which is best-
Plenty of hard wind.
Haying nearly finished.
William Bailey. Sr. , and family hav <
moved to McCoolc.
The round-up is at the head of tlu
Willow. It moves quite slowly. - .
Ed. Wheaton has just put on his
range 100 head of yearling colls.
lliley Jlillcr and his outfit passed b }
Dn their way to the Black Hills , lasl
Elder Wood preached at E. N. Keel-
jr' s , Sunday. He is now a guesfoi
Mrs. Braugh.
The Davis Bros , of Medicine Creek
! mve just finished putting up a hundred
.ons of hay for A. 'Camp.
Mr. Joe Lundy , Joe Wills and Ezra
13 vens of Bancocas , X. J.5 arc visiting
: heir old acquaintances , Messrs. Stokes
fe Troth's people.
Miss Lucy Braugh is going to Carrie -
; o after her cousin. Miss Mary Haller ,
vho is coming by stage from Osburn ,
vhere she has been staying for some
imc. PIIILO.
_ _
idcnce of I. J. Starbuck. Sunday even
ing , September 7th , 1334. John Xe-
ineth and Lizzie Thulner , Squire
Colvin. ofnciatinir.
* j
The young people were started out
i double harness with many good wishes
nd the following presents : I. J. Star-
uek , heifer : J. E. Berger , rocking
uair ; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jennings ,
ash bowl and pitcher ; Mr. and Mrs.
'age ' Francis , pair of chairs ; Mr. and
[ rs. M. Y. Starbuek , dressing case ;
Ir. and Mrs. George Starbuck , Swiss
room and holder ; 31 r. and Mrs. Chas.
oble , bedspread ; Mrs. and Mrs. Lee
tarbuck , pair of towels ; Lewis Star-
ick , glass set ; Grandma Starbuck.
ass set.
GEO. H. HAND , editor of the Oberlin
ye. was. married to Miss Annie Mott
i Sundav , August 31st. ami the Eve
> t „
the past week or.two bears abundant ;
idences of the fact. Gcorcre is actinu :
* t O
though he had suddenly come into
issession of the world. Why he is
ortly to build a house , enlarge his
per and start another paper afe Ludcl !
the acquisition of one of Kansas'
ir ones produces such results , we will
move to the sister state and take at
ist two. Joy , Bro. u
Some one has taken a compassionate
ticc of the loneliness of the "Mother
ibbard" and suggests the following i
nutifully outlined counterpart , under
2 style of "the Father Hubbard' ' :
limply drop the suspenders , and wear
2 shirt loose over the top of your
lite , instead of rucking it in , and you j
re the 'Father Hubbard. ' ' ' It is ex- i
itcd that the "Father Uubbard"
jome very popular with the bay-win-
> v style of beauty.
Tins B. & railroad is becoming
TO popular than over with cattle
ppers. This road has very large.
ck cars , accoinmodating , courteous
ployes and engines which pull thir-
cai-s from here to Chicago at an
irage speed of twenty-seven miles
hour. Cattle don't shrink in weight
y much with so short a time trav-
i. Lariat.
ndigestion and.sour stomachs are of-
brought on by the use of adulterated
dug Powders. Bewareof Baking
rder that makes your broad'bitter ,
ch means poison. Lois' German Bak-
Powderis free from any deleterious 1 !
stance. Sold by C. H. Rogers. .
. " 7
WILL invcnitions ever slop or wo
dcrs aver cease ? Elisha E. Everel
a cabinet maker and inventor , of Phi
adolphia , who has taken out tweni
or thirty different patents for mochai
ical appliances , including' foldin
bedsteads , desks , wasbstands and 5
on , is now at work on an itiventic
that , if successful , may complete ]
revolutionize ocean and railway tnn
el. This is nothing else than the n
duplication of steam power. He hr
'designed a steamboat which , by nicar
of a succession of paddles boneal
the water , may attain a speed of thii
ty knots an hour and accomplish
trip to Europe in three or four day ;
MK. JUSTICE MOULK sentenced a ru
nil prisoner in England in the follow
ing words : "Prisoner at the bar. you
counsel thinks you innocent , th
counsel for the prosecution thinks yoi
innocent , I think you innocent. . Bu
a jury of your own countrymen , ii
the exercise of such common sense a
they possess , which does not seem t <
be much , have found you guilty , am
it remains that I pass on you the' sen
tence of the law" That is , that yet
be kept imprisoned one day , and as
that day was yesterday , you may gc
about your business. "
WHAT a red-hot snap that womat
who has been living without food IGc
days , and without water for IS weeks ,
would be for some of our bacheloi
At my residence 5 miles southwest of Me !
Cook , on Driltwood , two mare ponies. Cm ,
light gray branded with two half circles X on
right hip , and one dark gray branded with tl
liulf circle and letter ) H on right hip. Also , ti
horizontal bar on lett hip , above hip bone.
I'he ponies came to my ranch on August 20th.
August 27th , 1884. 13-5t.
Attention , Land Attorneys.
We have in stock "Cash Application" and
'Proof blanks , under act approved June ! . ' ,
1880. Same are put up in tfl and $2 packages ,
ready to mail. Send in your order to
THE TIUBUXE. McCoolc , No' . .
. . ,
tm. [ * g Ta- * ! ? * y7 vj .it LJ i i a "Vj-t tT t * i Hi iT TTF TT tin T rfTTTiTt ft'nrm
THAT IIACKISG COUGH cm be to ( inickly cured
iy Sliiloh'b Cure. We guarantee it.
WILL YOU SUFFKU ivitli Dyspepsia and Liver Con-
ilalnt ? ShllohWItallzer is guaranteed to cure you.
SLEKI'LESS XIGIITS , made miserable by time tcr-
iblu cough. Sliiloh's Cure is the lemedy fur you.
CATAtlltH CL'UEI ) , health and sweet breath sc-
nired by Shiloh'a Catarrh llemedy. i'i ice 50 cents.
vasal Injector free. *
For lame Hack , bide or Chest u e Sliiloh'b 1'orous
Master. Price S3 cents.
rs COI'GII aud ConMunpticn Cure is sold
iy ns un a gaiiantcc. It cm eh consumption
SIIILOH'S VITALIZE ! ; Is ivhat you need for Con-
tipation , Lc s of Appetite , Dizziness and all synip-
ems of Dyspcpsi.i. 1'rke 10 and T5 cents per bottle.
CROUP , WIIOOPIXO COUGH and Uronehitis Im-
icdlatcly icllevcd by Sliiloh's Cure.
Sold by S. i , . Gieen , druggist , .MeCooIc , Neb.
Agents wanted for authentic
. edition of liis life. Published at
"iVugusta , his home. Largest ,
aliancl omest , cheapest , bear. By
liu renew ned hiMonun am ! biographer , Col. Comvei ! ,
hose life of Garlleld , published by us outsold the
iventy others by 00,001) . Outsells every book ear
ublished in this world ; many agents are selling , fifty
ally. Agents ai e making fortune- . . All new begin-
crs successful ; stand elunce for them. $1S 50 ni.ulc
y a liidy agent the flr.-t day. Tenns most liberal.
arttcular& f ice. Better send 2."i cents for postage ,
: c. , on free ontlit , now ready. Including laivju pios-
'ctns book , and save \aliuible time.
2. ALLICX & CO. . Augusta , Jlaiae.
Send six centsforio&tagcand
recent ; free , a cosily box of
goods which will hclj > y.u to
_ - : 9 more money i Ighc away tliuu
ij'thing elsu in this \vorM. 'All of either sex , succeed
om Hrst hour. The broad lo'id to fortune opens bc-
re the \ ; < jrluis , aisoiitelsure. ! ! . At once address
KUE & CO. , Augusta , Maine. 2-33.
S. L. Giccu is daily bavins calls for Ueggb' Diar-
itra Balsam. In eases cf colic , Cholerar t iiolcrn
oruus , JDiarrhica , Dyi-enterj" , Bloody Fluv. _ InCain-
ation of the Bon els , etc. , it will bihg immediate
lief , i\-erj bottle sold h > postthcly warranted to
MI satbf.ietion , or money refunded. l'i Ice , Wets.
r. wee ! : at home. ? . ) outfit fi ec. I'ay ab-
. solutrly sure. Xoii-k. Capital not rcquir-
cd. UcadiT. if you want uusiue s at which
isuii-i of either eiyonnj ? or old. can
ike si eat pay : :11 the time they work , with absolute
rtainty , write for paitlcnlars to H. KAL.LKTT i :
> . I'urtlaiid , M.uue. 2-2.-
Arc you diatmbcrt at ui.irbt .jnd broken of rest
: i > ! clc child biilTerJut ; and crumt with i iin of cut-
K teeth ? if to , sund : it once and gut a bo'tlc of
: . Wicslw's Scttig Cyrup fr Ctiiirca Tostlu : .
\alue K .ncalculable. It .iII relieve the poor
: le sufferer iuinictlliitoly. Dci'end upon it , mothers
: ru N no mistake about it. It cures cy ! enteiy and
.rrlioc. ! , leuinates the stomach and hovels , cures :
: ul colic , sofli'iH the jrnm ! , induces Imhiininatloi. (
tone and eiiorry to tli"wliole sj tcn
; . Wilsw's Sccthfcg Sys ? fr Chilircs Eccthi = s i :
; ts > ant to the taste , and N the prescription of one
the oldest and bct > t frinalc nurses and physicians
ibe rniiod states , ana is for sale by all rimoists
tli < % nor ! < I. I'nce 25 cents a bottle.
fur the v.fiiKiiiR cli'ss. Send 10 cents
for postaKi" . and -A will mail you free ,
.1 royal , \alual > le box of sample so > ) ds
iliat will put \ on In tVi' way of im-.lviii } :
re iiKiiHM in a fcwdaxs than 5011 over thought j.os-
e at any liif-lucss. t apital not required. We will
it you. You can work all the time or in spare time
v. 1 he woi k is mnn sally adapted to both texcs1 ,
ns and oM. Vou cnn oa IIy earn fiom 50 cents to
jvury i\cnlng. That all who wait work imy test
business , we make th.s unpimlli-lcd offer ; to all
) are not well FatUlU-d we will send § 1 to pay for
trouble of writing us. Full paiticular ? , directions ,
, sent free. Fortune" will be iiu'lu by those who
a their whyle time to the work. Great success
Dlutelv sure. Don't dcl : > y. Start now. Address
KfcOX & CD. , Portland. .Maine. 2-33.
ilcCook , Xeb. , Aiiffus-t Soil , 1SSL
oinpluint liavinj , ' been entcreil at tins oflicc
Ulydu G. Tickles fife-aiiist Paschall H. .Moore
iibiuiflonin ; ; Iiis Homestead Entry t-WJ ,
ed North PJatte , Neb. , March 11 , ISol ) , upon
southwest quarter section 5 , townahiu : i
tli , ratige J west , in Hod V.'HIov county ,
traska , with a view to the cancellation of
I entry ; the said parties are hereby snin-
ued to appear at this otlice on the llth day
) ctober , 1SS1 , at 1 o'clock , P. 51. . to respond
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
ndonment. 1 . G. L. LAWS , Ilcsister.
ilcCook , Neb. , September 1,1S4. to
Hnplaint having- been entei-cd at thi ? ollice tii
Fohn if. Haley against Newton Funk for or
ndoninfr his Homestead Entry 2i0 , dated OiNi
forth PJattcv Neb. , March X' , lf-80 , upon the Ni
thwestquartersoction l.towuship north , se
? e 27 west , in Hed V.'illow county. Neb. , Vt
i.n view to the cancellation of said entry ; ru
said parties arc hereby summoned to apr - nc
r at this office on the'Mh day of October , an
, ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond ami furnish I ) ;
imony concerning- alleged abandon- an
it. 14. .G. L. LAWS , Kegister. anJ J
MeCook , Neb. , August 22d. 183 J
Comulalnt having been entered ut this oill
by John C. Hlrdsull tigulnst Lewis S. Shot
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No.
dated ut McCook , Nob. , Januaryfith , 1881 , upi
the south " , southwest1. ! section 8 and nor
l/t northwest Jt section 17 , township 3 nort
range 2'J west , in Red Willow county , Nebn
liti , with a vit w to the cancellation of said e
try ; the said parties are hereby summoned
appear at this ollico on the 21st day of Octobc
16W , at 10 o'clock , A. 51. , to respond and f u
nish testimony concerning- alleged aba
donnicnt. 15. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
M cC'ook , Neb. , Augu13th , 1&54.
Complaint having been entered at this
by John F. Johnson against James M. aanlici
lor abandoninK- Homestead Kntry aKW
dated No'rth 1'latte , Neb. , February 20th , It 'fl
upon the northwest quarter section 0 , town
ship 1 north , range 20 west , in Ited Willou
county , Nebraska , with n view to the cancel
lutioii of said entry ; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this ollice on tlu
27TII DAT OF Sl.l'TEMIIEK , IbSi , at 10 O'clock
A. M. , to respond and JVo lsh testimony con
ccrning said alleged abaj ment.
LAND OFIICI : AT McCooic , Nuu. , I
September 2d , l&yl. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make linul proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Uegistor
ir Heceh cr at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo-
> er 10th , 1884viz : Frederick Vollbrecht , Home-
tcad No. 1510 , for the west Vi northwest H and
rest M southwest J. . section 15 , township a
lorth , range ; > 0 v. est. He names the following
fitnesses , to prove his continuous residence
ipon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Ulolph ii heist-hick , Herman Thole , Charles
techtel and Phillip Weiek , all -McCoolNcb. .
H. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
September ord , 1 ! > S4. ) "
Notice is hereby given that the lolloxving-
amcd settler lias flled notice of his intention
proof in support of his claim , and
jwnship 3 , north of range 2 ! ) west tith P. M.
! e names the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence upon , and cnltiva-
on of , said land , viz : William N. Enyeart.
ance JIcManlgal , Willii-m M. Itollins and
harles E. ilcPherson , all of McCook , Neb.
G. L. LAWS. Kegister.
September 1st , 1PS4. I"
Isotice is hereby given that the following-
simcd settler has filed notice of his intention
> make linai proof in support of hii- claim , and
lat said jiroof will be made before Ke-istcr
f Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Octo-
Ji-T10th , ISol , viz : George A. Simcrmiin , D.
. INO. 47 ! ) , lor the southeast ( juarter section
, township 5 north , range30 west. He names
icloilowiiig witnesses to prove his continu-
.is residence upon , and cultivation of , said
nd , viz : J. Osburn. Isaac Shepard. William
lucent and Ellsworth Rassctt , all of Osburn ,
cb. 11. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
LAND Orncr AT MuCooic , NKU. , (
September 2nd , 18Si. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lined settler has Hied notice of his intention
make Until proof in support of his claim , and
3. 4i % for the northwest quarter section S5 ,
wnship t north , range 2 ! ) west. Ho names
e following witnesses to prove his continu-
is residence upon , and cultivation of. said
ud , viz : Isaac Johnson , Charles T. Povser
d Henry Eden of McCook , Neb. , and David
Moore of Box Elder , Neb.
U- G. L. LAWS ,
September 2d , 1S : . f
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing-
med settler has filed notice of his intention
10th , IfvJU , viz . Chu'rle * Volil-.rcht ? Honk -
tad No. til , for the eat ' ; southwest ! { ; i-.d
'i southeast 3i section 13 , town hi ; ) ; ;
.ningeK ) west , litnuincb the folkm'.ag
tnepses to prove his ntmuons residence
on , and cuUivalion of. said land. * i/ :
olph Kheisehick , Herman Thole , diaries
chtet ttnd Phillip Wuiek , all of McCook. Xeb.
I- G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
LAND Orriri : AT McCooir , NEIJ. , )
September 1st , IfrV-l. f
rotice is hereby given that the foo\ving- ! !
incd settler has filed notice of hi intention
nalcc iinal proof in stippoi t of hi * claim , and
it said proof will be made before Kegister
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Frida v. Octo-
10th , lfrS4 , viz : John II. Harries"Home-
ad No. 1.VS1 , for the northwest quarter sec-
n 21 , township 1 north , range 2i west. He
uus the following witnesses to prove his
itinnous residence upon , and ctiitivution
s-aid land , viz : J. L. SoliCrs. Frank Laver-
. John Connor aod James Kilpntrick , ; ttl of
nghton , Nebraska.
' . . G. L. LAWS. Kegister.
LAND OrncE AT McCowc , NEH. ,
August 10th , 1PSJ. \
oticc is hereby given that the following
ned settler has Hied notice of his intention
nake Itnal proof in support of his claiji ,
that said proof will be made before Keg-
ror Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur-
. October 4th , 1 1 , viz : Jolin M. Fergn-
, D. S. iNo. 274. ) , for the southeast quarter
: ion 7 , township 2 north , range 2 ! ) wost.
names the following witne.-pcsto prove his
tinuous residence upon , and cultivation
said land , viz : Samuel L. Green , John
ic. Wesley M. Sanderson and Frank P. Al-
jilfof McCook , Neb.
G. L. LAWS. Kegister.
LAND Oi-riCE AT McCoox , Nin. . i
August 2 ( > th , lt. f
3tice is hereby given that the followiu"-
icd tettlcr has filed notice of hi * intention
iako final proof Mn support of his claim , and
said proof will be made before Kegister
X-ceiver at 3IcCook , Neb. , on Wednesday 11 ;
> bcr cth , ] f 4 , viz : William Kelph. Homed - tc
d 156J. ( for the northeast quarter of section t !
jwnship 1 north. mnpeSO west. He names 01
Following witnesses to prove his continu-
residencc upon , and cultivation of. said
, viz : K. S. Conloy , W. H. Hubbell and ta
. Wlckwire of McCook , Neb. , and John tilot
icr of Stoughton. Neb. ot
G. L. LAWS , Kegister. luV
V (
September 6th , 1884. f
tice is hereby given that the followiu"-
cd settler has flK-d notice of his intention
: iko final proof in support of his claim , and
said proof will be made before Kegister 11:1
icceivoi ; at McCook , Neb. , on Saturdav. to
ber Ibtli , ISSi , viz : Fred D. Pitney , D. S th
117 , lor the southwest Jj southwest' . of an
on 10 and east' , uortHwcst lf northwest Oq
rthwest 'A of section 15 , township 4 north , OqD.
e29 west. Tie names the following wits - sh
; s to prove continuous residence upon , fol
cultivation of. suid land , viz : William re :
u. AJexander Cumpbojl , Stephen Holies
; imrles Turner , all of JSojc lildcr. Neb.
G. L. LAWS , Hegleter , Co
_ - - _ , * * *
August 18th , 1684. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will ba inndo before Kegister
or Koceiver at McCook , Nob. , on MONDAY ,
SBPIKMIIEH 20rir , li&l , viz : John F. Kawllngs ,
Homestead No. 412 , for the northeast quarter
section 1:5 : , township 'J north , range 20 west ,
lie names the following- witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ,
of , said land , viz : John F. itlnck , Daniel Shaw.
Kutherford B. Archibald and James M. Hels-
ler , all of McCook , Neb.
12. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
August lUtb , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and JL
that said proof will bo made before Kegister
or Receiver ut AfcCook , Neb. , on SATURDAY ,
OCTOBER 4-rir , 1884 , viz : William N. Potter.
D. S. No. 424 , for the south } northwest Ji and
south ' . northeast J.i section ! ) , township 2
north , range 29 west. He names the following-
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation ofsaid landviz : Lewis
March , Robert Johnston , Richard Johnston
and George Roper , all of McCook , Neb.
J2. G. L. LAWS , Register.
August 4th , 1884. f
Nwtice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
11 make final proof in support of his claim , and
that stud proof will be made before Register
.or iiucolver at McCook , Neb. , on THURSDAY ,
' &IKITEMUUU IbTH.lSSl , viz : Abrum Hammond.
Homestead No. 1373 , for the southeast quarter
of section 13 , township 1 north , range 2'J west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : Wither F. Saundcrs.
James Ii. Miller , John L. Sellers and John
.Conner , all of Stoughton , Neb.
10. G. L. LAWS. Register.
.August 13th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and.
that said proof will be made before Reglster
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on MONDAY ,
OCTOBER UTII , 1834 , viz : Benjamin F. Olcott.
D. S. No. 237 , for the northeast J.i section 7 ,
township 3 north , range 30 west. Ho names
the folio wing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Samuel Drown , George Tulbott ,
Uerdett Lufkin and George White , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. 11. G. L. LAWS , Register.
. August 9th , 1854. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
ro make final proof in supportof his claim , and
: hut said proof will be made before Register
3r Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on SATURDAY ,
3EI-TEMHER 20TH , 18S4 , viz : Millurd F. Horrell ,
D.b. No.o3."i , for the northeast quarter section
II , township 4 , north of range 30 west. He
.mines the following witnesses to prove his
'qntinuous residence upon , and cultivation
> fsaid land.viz : C. H.Pnillips , Phillip Weick.
Hiram Ihrailkill and John K. Coleman , till or
McCook , Nebraska.
11. G. L. SAWS , Register.
. August llth , 1884. f
Isotice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
0 make final proof insupport of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before KegMer
ir Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on FRIDAY ,
SEPTEMBER 1SITH , 1884 , viz : Frank Fewcl , D.
> . No. 22. , for the cast " * southwest and
rest > ' southeast } . , , section 13 , township 2 ,
lorth , range 30 west. He names the followin-
fitnesses to prove his continuous residence ;
ipon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : J. C
tussell , S. H. Colvin , Charles Howies and John
Hiittakcr , all of McCook , Neb.
21 : G. L. LAWS. Register.
„ , . . , August 28th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the followiii"--
tuned settler has filed notice of his intention
Diimke final proof insupport of his claim , and
mt said proof will be made before Register
r.Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday
ctober 13th , 1884 , viz : Alexander C. Towne ,
> . S. : No. 243 , for the east ' /2 southeast Ji section
township l , range 30 west and west'south -
est ' section 6 , township l , range 29 west ,
e names the following witnesses to prove his
mtinuous residence upon , and cultivation of.
ud hind , viz : W. M. Hubbell , N. Uurtloss
rid K. R. Johnston of McCook , Neb. , and
liiirhe Smith ot Driftwood. Neb
G. L. LAWS. Register.
, r . . . , August 2Sth , 1SS4. C
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lined settler has filed notice of his intention V \
1 make final proof in support of his claim , and
lat said proof will be made before Register
Receiver at McCook , Neb , on MONDAY ,
itober 13th , Ib84 , viz : William M. Townc , D
o.32 ! > , for the south > , J northwest Hand
cst " * southwest H section 1 , township 1
> rtli , range 30 west. He names the following
itnetscs to prove his continuous residence
> on , and cultivation of , said land , riz : W.
.Hubbell , N. Burtless , William Pryor and
K. Johnston , all of McCook , Neb.
G. L. LAWS , Kcgister.
. , . * August 28th , 1884. f
Sotice is hereby given that the followin--
nicd settler has flled notice of his intention
make final proof in support of his claim , and
ut sud proof will be nuule before Register
Keceiver tit McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
t SlVlltlV 1S4' VK : Lu ' 3 B. March , D. S.
> . X3 , lor the lots 2,3 and 4 and southeast H
nthwcst H of section 31. township 3 north ,
ige is west. He names the following vrit-
sses to proyehiscontinuousresidcnce
upon ,
d cultivation of. said land.vizlcn \ V
r-W''f ' : 'loh'lrl' : Deserve , Richard Johnson
d - > Villmm V. ' . 1'jsher , all of McCook , Neb.
G. L. LAWS , Register.
August 28th , 1884. f
given that the following-
- . _ . . . . .Ufileu notice of his intention
" Pi00 ; " ! support of his claim , and
it said proof will be made before Keg ster
Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on MoTiday
- : tu : Tohnston
S. No. 41 j , lor the northeast quarter ectioii
township" north , range30 vest. He names
, lesidence uporu and cultivation , of , said
d , yy- Oscar W. Russell , Frank Fewell ,
C. lowne and V.'m Towne , all of McCook
L- u- O.L - LAWS , Kcgister.
. . . . August 21st , 18S4. f
otice is hereby given that the followin-
ncjl settler has tiled notice of his intention r1
ia , < 9 final proot m support of his claim , and
t said proot will he made before Kcgister
Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Suturday
obSJ4.V ' : PS - - ert E. Grindoi ;
s. iNo. _ J. > N lor the south Ji southwest * .
tion 2 , . township ! 5 north , range 2 ! ) west
'nes the following witnesses to prove bis \ \
? aid land , viz : W. W. Fisher , J. B. Meserve
lard Johnson and L. K. March , all of Sick -
k , icbL 13. G. L. LAWS. Register.
. . . . , August 23th , Iftst. f
iCC inheVcb > " TlVcn that tllc following-
led settler has tiled notice of his intention
itike final proof in support of his claim , and
: said proot will be made before Register or
civcr at McCook..Neb. 1
, on Friday
Kift , iktti . - ; . . . MMIII si 1. .v _
tonowmg witnesses to prove his com lu.
resulence upon and cultivation of , said
, viz : George Fredericks , S. H. Colviii
ik lewell and J. C. Russell , all of McCook'
1 . G. L. LAWS. Register. '
August 2Cth 18J-4 f
tticc is hereby given that the following-
a Spree
said proof will be made before Register
ys Ksf-s 'is i-
i S v-
, - j itncsses to prove her continu-
G. I. . LAWS. Kcgister.