McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 04, 1884, Image 7

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2fc 3f t Xoatted to Dead in a Clrcv * Car on
a , Colorado Itallroad ,
Denver telegram : Last night a train be
longing to the Anglo-American circus , Miles
Orton proprietor , left Fort Collins for Golden
via tho-Grcclcy , Halt Lake and Pacific road.
Forty minutes later , when near Grccly , a
Bleeping car , in which novcnty-flvo men cm
ployed as roustabouts of the circus wore
asleep , caught flro and was wholly consumed.
Ton men perished ani two were seriously and
five ellghtly burned. The flro was commuui
cated from an open torch with which tbo car
was lighted to a quantity of gasoline which
was being carried in the same car , causing an
explosion. The accident was attended with
Indescribable horrors. The burned car was
next to the onglno In a train of seventeen
cars , containing Orion's Anglo-American cir
cus , which left Fort Collins about midnight
for Golden over the Orcelcy , Salt Lake and
I'aclOo road. The train was ncarlng Windsor ,
a small station nccr Grecley , runn nir about
twenty-flve miles an hour , when Engineer
Collcprlo.t discovered that the car was on
flro. ilo reversed the engine and throw open
the whistle valve. There were sixty men oa
the car arranged in three tiers of bunks on
either side. The forward door was closed and
the men wcro in bunks sleeping against It.
The reur side door was closed , and the men
who awoke discovered the lower unoccuold
berth next to It on flro , rilling the cur with
smoke and cutting oil cscapo in that
direction. The only moiins of egress
was through afcmall window between the cur
and thectiglno. JohuPine.of Edgcrton , Wls. ,
nnd Elmer .Viillctt , of Iowa , crawled through
the opening and tried to pass in water from
the engine tank , but owing to suffocating
Kuses it was difficult to arouse the sleepers.
Some were kicked and bruised in a shocking1
manner and pitched out of the window. The
screams of these unable to got through the
blockade were terrifying. The wild glare of
the flames and light of the burning victims
outside , who were writhing In agony on cac
tus beds , caused the wild beasts in the adjoin
ing car to become frantic with terror , making
the scene appalling. The performers , who
occupied the rear cars gazed with whi e faces
upon the awful spectacle. In the midst of tbo
confusion two or three heroic souls appeared
equal to the occasion , and bravely cut their
way to their companions to find them already
in the agony of death.
OAlbort Lake , in charge of the animals , and
his friend Kcat walked over the cactus in
their bare feet , pouring oil on the blistered
unfortunates and wrapping them in blankets.
An old Pacific coast sailor named McDonald ,
formerly of Forcpaugh's show , was terribly
burned , his flesh hanging in shreds.
The heart-rending cries of the men on the
prairie rraothcred tbc appeals of the dying
within the cur. The roar of the flames and
tbo howling of tbo animals made the scene
terrible beyond description. The odor of
roasting flesh and the distant cry of coyotes
added to tbo general horror of the scene. The
voices of the dying grow fainter and soon
Meantime the engine had gone to Greely for
assistance , returning with Dr. Jesse Harris ,
president of the state medical association.
Many of the rescued , in being pulled through
the small window , bud limbs broken and
joints dislocated. Hands and feet were found
burned off. Roasted trunks of bed cs wore
found in one place , legs in another and piles
of roasted shriveled carcasses were pulled out
of the ruins.
At daylight a flat car carried the charred
bodies Into Greeley forlnterment. The coun
ty commissioner buried the remains in a huge
coflln , seven feet wide by ten feet long. In the
Greely cemetery. Her. Mr. Reed , of the Pres
byterian church , conducted the funeral ser
vices. The coroner empanelled a jury , who
were unable to learn the cause of the flro or
any Important facts , as the managers , with
the remainder of the company , left Immediate
ly for Golden to fill the afternoon engage
The names of the dead as far as known are
as follows :
Alex.McLeodMarinette , WIs.
Thos. McCnrtoy , Independence , Ta.
John Kelly , Now York city , and others
known as "Severlhorn , " "Andy. " "Frenchy , "
"Frank , " "George" and "Smithie , " and ono
The following Is a list of the sufferers :
E. E. Fairbanks , age 22 , arms , legs , face and
body burned.
Albert Borden , aged 17 , Logan , Kos. , arms ,
face and body badly burned.
Thomas Golden , aged 17.Detroit , Mich. , very
badly biirned on back and legs.
N. J. Zimmerman , aged 18 , St. Louis Mich. ,
arms , legs , buck and face fearfull3 * burned.
Frank King , of Michigan , was badly burned
about the hands and face.
Michael McGlinn , aged 28 , Holton , Mich. ,
face and hands badly burned. .
Hugh O'Donnell , aged 50 , New Orleans , La. ,
badly burned about the face , arms , hands and
buck , and will probably died.
A number of the rescued agree that In the
car were two barrels of gasoline , which were
exploded either by sparks from the engine or
from a naked torch with which the men were
accustomed to light themselves to bed.
The St. Louis , Mo. , Post-Dispatch
says that Mrs. Phoebe Bice , 1208 Madi
son street , a sister of Hon. H. Clay Sex
ton , chief of St. Louis fire department ,
had been a sufferer from inflammatory
rheumatism for seven years ; the
muscles of her hands and limbs were
contracted and she used crutches. By
a single application of St. Jacobs Oil
she was benefited instantaneously , and
finally completely cured. .
SCJie United Stales Steamer Tallapoosa SimJe.
The United States steamship Tallapoosa
sunk off Cottage City , Mass. , last Friday. The
survivors were landed at Wood's HelL She
collided with a three-masted schooner. She
lies with her mainmast and the top of her
smokestack out of the water. The Talla
poosa , with one hundred and forty men and
officers , was bound for Newport to take on
board Secretary Chandler. At U o'clock at
night , during a > thick fog , three miles north
east of Oak Bluffs , near Martha's Vine
yard , she was struck on the bow by
the schooner James S. Lowell , of Bath ,
Captain Reed , irom Baltimore to Port
land , with a cargo of coal. Her side was
crushed In and she sank in ten minutes in ten
fathoms of water. As she went down her
whistle was blown as a signal of distress , and
heard by the steamer Gate City , which came
up immediately , and. with the schr. Mary A.
Hood , which was In the vicinity , rescued the
crew , with the exception of the surgeon and
one man , who are said to be missing. The
Gate City blow her whistle and the steamer
Fish Hawk , lying at the wharf at Wood's iloll ,
sent out a steam launch. The Gate City lay
until 3 o'clock transferring the crew to her
launch. ' They were all landed at Wood's Holl.
The .Tallapoosa lies on what is known as
Squash meadow flat , and her smoke stack and
topmast alone are visible. The schooner Jos.
S. Lowell has on board several of the Tal-
lapoosa's crew. Captain Heed , of the
schooner Jas. S. Lowell , stated that he was
passing through the sound in a very
strong soutLeast wind , all sails set , and
gong nine knots an hour. The night
was clear but dark. When two miles away
the lookout reported a light ahead. Shortly
it was seen to be a red light and 1 said , speak
ing to the wheelman : "Ked light ; keep her
steady. " I stood near the wheel all the time
and the course was not altered until word
came that the green light could be seen. To
avoid a collision , seeing the steamer doing
nothing to avoid us , J ordered the helm down ,
but before It could be done and before the
vessel altered her course at all , the two vessels
struck their sterns , seeming to come together
exactly. Our vessel's stern glanced by the
Tallapoosa and penetrated her hull. After
the vessels stopped the steamer swung around
along side the Lowell and her crew might have
jumped on board , but it was not then known
what was the condition of either vessel. After
getting my family into the boat , I examined
my vessel and discovered she was leaking
quite badly , though not in Immediate danger
of sinking. The Ta.apoosadrif ted away from
us and sank in ten minutes.
Plso's Kesncdr for Catarrh Is a certain cure for th t
very obnoxious disease.
ZtciU. Greely Congratulated.
Lieut. Greely has received from Command
er Cheyne , of the Royal English navy , a con
gratulatory dispatch. An urgent telegram
was also received from Capt.Bedfordrequest
ing Greely's presence at a meeting of the Bri
tish association at Montreal on September 1st.
Greely left at once for Montreal. Do Lesseps
has sent letters from the French geographical
society , congratulatingGreelyupon the scien
tific results of the expedition , expressing sym
pathy at the loss of his comrades , and con
gratulating him upon his rescue.
A young Ctrl' * * DemeBtiA-Hew U
OccloB0d Som * Kra
Startling Trathi.
The St. Louis express , on the Now
York Central road , was crowded one
oveaing recently , when at one of the
way stations , an elderly gentleman , ac
companied by a yonng lady , entered
the cars and finally secured a seat ,
the conductor approached the pair , the
young lady arose , and in & pleading
voice said :
"Please , sir , don't let them carry mete
to the asylum. I am not crazy ; 1 am a
little tired , but not mad. Oh ! no in
deed. Won't you please have papa take
me back home ? "
The conductor , accustomed though
he was to all phases of humanity ,
looked with astonishment at the pair ,
as did the other passengers in their
vicinity. A few words from the father ,
however , sufficed , and the conductor
passed on while the young lady turned
her face to the window. The writer
chanced to be seated just behind the old
gentleman and could not forego the de
sire to speak to him. With a sad face
and a trembling voice the father said :
"My daughter has been attending the
seminary in a distant town and was
succeeding remarkably. Her natural
qualities , together with a great ambi
tion , placed her in the front ranks of
the school , but she studied too closely ,
was not careful of her health , and her
poor brain has been turned. I am
taking her to a private asylum where
we hope she will soon be better. "
At the next station the old man and
his daughter left the cars , but the in
cident , so suggestive of Shakespeare's
Ophelia , awakened strange thoughts in
the mind of the writer. It is an abso
lute fact that while the population of
America increased thirty per cent dur
ing the decade between 1870 and 1880 ,
the insanity increase wa ? over one hun
dred and lliirty-fiveper cent for the same
period. Travelers by rail , by boat , erin
in carriages in any part of the land see
large and elaborate buildings , and in
quire what they are ?
Insane asylums !
Who builds themP
Each state ; every county ; hundreds
of private individuals , and in all cases
their capacity is taxed to the utmost.
Why ?
Because men , in business and the
professions , women , at home or in so
ciety , and children at school overtax
their mental and nervous forces by
work , worry and care. This brings
about nervous disorders , indigestion
and eventually mania.
It is not always trouble with the head
that causes insanity. It far oftener
arises from evils in other parts of the
body. The nervous system determines
the status of the brain. Any one who
has periodic headaches ; occasional diz
ziness ; a dimness of vision ; a ringing
in the ears ; a feverish head ; frequent
nausea or a sinking at the pit of the
stomach , should take warning at once.
The stomach and head are in direct
sympathy , and if one be impaired the
other can never be in order. Acute dys
pepsia causes more insane suicides than
any other agency , and the man , woman
or child whose stomach is deranged is
not and cannot be safe from the coming
on at any moment of mania in some one
of its many terrible forms.
The value of moderation and the im
perative necessity of care in keeping
the stomach right must therefore' be
cleai to all. Tne least appearance of
indigestion , or mal-assimilation of
food should be watched as care
fully as the first approach of an
invading army. Many means have
been advocated for meeting such at
tacks , but all have heretofore been
more or less defective. There can be
little doubt , however , that for the pur
pose of regulating the stomach , toning
it up to proper action , keeping its
nerves in a normal condition and puri
fying the blood , Warner's Tippecanoe
The Best excels all ancient or recent
discoveries. It is absolutely pure and
vegetable ; it is certain to add vigor to
.adults . , while it cannot by any possibil
ity injure even a child. The fact that
it was used in the days of the famous
Harrison family is proof positive of its
merit as it has so thoroughly withstood
the test of time. As a tonic and reviv-
ifieritis something simply wonderful.
It has relieved the agony of the stomach
in thousands of cases ; soothed the tired
nerves ; produced peaceful sleep and
averted the coming on of a mania more
to be dreaded than death itself.
Wyman Commercial College ,
This institution has an able corps of
instructors , and furnishes its patrons
an excellent preparation for business.
Full particulars as to the course of in
struction can be obtained by sending
to the president , Mr. A. L. Wyman , a
postal requesting a copy of the cata
logue. 4
37ie Iowa Riot.
An Immense mass meetingof citizens was
held at Iowa City , at which the riotous pro
ceedings of last week were condemned and an
organization effected to assist in preserving
order and enforcing : the laws. There has not
been the least disturbance in the city since the
outbreak of last week , and the reports about
the city being in the hands of the mob have
been grossly exaggerated. There will be no
more outbreak there , and the cases against
the alleged ringleaders of the mob will be
pushed to the end.
A.Blacksmith Saves the Life of a Little
Minnie Carns , Lytle City , Iowa , was
perhaps as near leaving this world as
any person ever is to recover. She
was sick with cholera morbus ; com
pletely exhausted and unconscious. The
physicians in consultation having de
cided the case was hopeless and beyond
their control , Charles J. Newcombe , a
blacksmith , walked four miles through
the darkness and storm , to get a
remedy he had used himself and which
he firmly believed would cure her.
That medicine was Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ho
obtained part of a bottle with which he
hastily reiurned and gave the little suf
ferer a half teaspoonful which revived
her. Consciousness gradually returned.
The medicine was given in broken
doses , and in a short time she waa well.
He is positive that it saved her life , and
that it has others in that vicinity.
It is claimed that the Colorado crass crop
will be worth $30,000,000 this ye < = r. _
"Isn't that Mrs. Holmes ? I thought
the doctors gave her up. She
well now. "
"She is well. After the doctors gave
up her case she tried Dr. Fierce's
Favorite Prescription * and began to ge
better right away. I heard her say not
long ago , that she hadn't felt so well in
twenty years. She does her own work
and says that life seems worth living ,
at last. Why , ' said she , 'I feel as if
had been raised from the dead , almost. '
Thus do thousands attest the marvelous
efficacy of this God-given remedy for
female weakness , prolapsus , ulceration
leucorrhoea , morning sickness , weak
ness of stomach , tendency to cancerou
disease , nervous prostration , genera
debility and kindred affections.
All the managing mammas among
the English nobility are arranging , to
bring out their "buds" sumaltaneoush
with Wales' two daughters , respective
seventeen and sixteen , who will'be
launched on the sea of English society
in the coming season.
Composed of genuine French Grape
Brandy , Extract of Smart-Weed and
Jamaica Ginger , with Camphor Water ,
Dr. Pierce's' Compound Extract oi
Smart-Weed excels as a remedy for
colic , cholera morbus , diarrhoea , dysen
tery or bloody-flux , or to break up
colds , fevers or inflammatory attacks.
M.De Lesseps commends the French
man for living on cereals , eight pounds
of which cost no more than one pounc
of the Englishman's roast beef , am
for buying American cottonseed oil a
three cents a pound , purifying it am
selling it back to America as olive oil '
$8 a gallon.
* * * * Delicate disease's of either
sex , however induced , speedily am
permanently cured. Book of particu
lars 9 cents , in stamps. Consultation
free. Address , World's Dispensar
Medical Association , Buffalo , ' ! ? . Y.
A. Greely Survivor SeeJttng & Pension.
Henry Biederbech , one of the survivors of
the Lady Franklin bay expedition , says : " . '
shan't live a great many years , probably no ;
until I am fifty. I am completely broken
down , and the rheumatism contracted in the
north will probably never leave me , and with
every change of the weather it is exceedingly
painful. The government ought to do some
thing for me , as I never will be able to labor
again. If I ever do got money enough to kee ]
mo I shall go back to old Germany. " Bieder
beck Is well educated , and considering hi
short stay , only five years in the country , lia
mastered the English language very quickly
Ely's Cream Balm has cured me o :
Catarrh. Was filleted ten years. I tried
almost every remedy recommended ; none
proved so effective and thorough. [ S. K.
AKIN , wholesaler of shoes , 143 Federal
street , Boston , Mass.
After u thorough trial of Ely's Cream
Balm I am entirely cured of Catarrh , as is
also a member of my family. The Balm
stopped a roaring in my head which had
continued for more than a year. [ JAMES
E. CROSSON , Sexton at the Tabernacle ,
Paterson , N. J. ( See adv't. )
When a lady indulges in a round of shop
ping she might be said to go out on a buy-
FLOUR Wheat per 100 ffis 225 © 275
FLOUK Bye per 100 tts 1 40 © 1 50
BRAN Per ton 11 00 © 11 50
WHEAT No. 2 01 ©
BARLEY No. 2 50 © 50l/4
BYE No. 3 42 © 42f
CORN No. 2 mixed 38J ® 40'/i
OATS No. 2 25 © 25 %
BUTTER Creamery. 20 © 23
BUTTER Choice dairy. 14 © 15
GRAPES Per basket 1 25 © 1 50
EGGS Fresh 13 © 14
ONIONS Per bbl 2 00 © 2 50
CHICKENS Per doz , live 250 © 275
OLD CHICKENS Trcssedper & 3 50 © 3 75
APPLES Barrels 275 © 300
PEACHES Per box 125 © 150
POTATOES Per bushel 30 © 40
TOMATOES Per bushel 40 @ 60
SEEDS Timothy 190 © 200
SEEDS Blue Grass 175 © 200
SCEDS Hungarian 115 © 125
HAY Bailed , per ton 8 00 © 9 00
FLOUR Winter 4 50 © 5 25
FLOUR Spring 375 © 450
WHEAT Per bushel 78 @ 79
CORN Per bushel 52 ©
OATS Per bushel 25& ©
PORK 18 50
LARD 745
HOGS Pckg and shipp'g 625
CATTLE Exports 6 50
SHEEP Medium to good 3 00
WHEAT Per bushel Sl } © 82
CORN Per bushel 48J © 49
OATS Perbushel 26 © 27
CATTLE Exports 6 00 © 6 50
SHEEP Medium 525 © 340
HOGS Packers G 10 © 640
WHEAT Per hu = hel 62'/s © 63
CORN Per bushel 41Ji © 43
OATS Per bushel. 24 © 25
CATTLE Natives 4 80 © 6 30
HOGS Medium to good 5 85 © 6 35
SHEEP Fair to good 3 00 © 3 50
FLOUR Colorado 185 © 215
FLOUR Nebraska 275 © 400
WHEAT : 110 © 140
CORN 115 © 120
OATS Neb. white , per 100 Ibs. 135 © 140
HAY Per ton baled 1000 © 11 00
BUTTER Neb. dairy , perIb. . . 14 @ 15
The attention of those of our readers who
would like to get a good Household Scale
free of charge Is called to the advertisement
of Andrew Simonson , of Racine , "Wis. ,
which appears hi another column.
Er good jedge o' er hess ia nearly allus er
; oed jedge overman.
Farmers and Stockmen.
The only remedy that readily cures Galls. Cuts and
Wounds on horses and cuttle , and always brines the
lair in the original color , is Veterinary Carbollsalve.
In SOccnts and ) cans , at Druggists or by mall.
J.W.COliK & CO , Prop'sBlack River Falls , WIs.
"The Mormon question : " "Will you join
he plurality ?
Allen' * Tron Tonic Hitter * cure Dizziness.
A.1I genuine bear the signature of J , P. Allen , Drug
gist , St. Paul. Minn.
The earthquake caused quite a movement
in real estate
H. B. Bohannon , a welt-known farmer
learIndependence , Mo. , has had one of
lis littje daughters very badly afflicted with
spinal disease. He writes to Drs. Dicker-
son & Stark , of the Kansas City Surgical In
stitute , who are treating her , that she has
mproved beyond their expectation in every
A man with a cast in his eye A trout
"I have both used and sold PRICKLY
ASH BITTERS for a number of years , and
; hink it the best bitters made for Bilious
ness , Liver Complaints and for toning up
the system , " so writes W. H. Cole , Drue-
gist , of Joplin , Mo. A single trial of this
emedy will convince any person of the
truth of the above.
A rare specimen Restaurant beef steak.
Hand-book A work on palmistry.
"Koneh on T-.nti.ti Acne. " Ask for It. In-
itant relief , quick cure. 15c. Druggist * .
Florence Nightingale is sixty-four , and Is
aeld in great reverence still wherever sie
joes in Europe.
Matthew Arnold bates to die because he
will then have to go over to the majority.
Se would always rather be a "remnant. "
When you visit or leave New York City ,
Yi Central depot , save Baggage Expr eggage
and | 8 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand
Union Hotel , opposite said depot. Six
hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of
one million dollars : $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Ecstaurant sup
plied with the bent Hone cars , stages and
elevated railroad to all depots. Families
can live better for less money at the Grand
Union Hotel than at any other tot-class
hotel In the city. _
Hen are apt to prefer a prosperous error
to an afflicted truth. Jeremy Taylor.
f - M _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M
"Kongh on DcntUt * Tooth JPowdrr. Fine
Smooth , Cleansing , Itcfreihln ? , PreienratlTe. ISc.
If you live In the city , don't cry over split
milk. Examine It closely and you may lind
it is not milk , After all.
A CARD. To all who are suffering1 from or"
rora and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak
ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &o. , I will
send a recipe that will euro you , FREE OF
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. * Send self *
addressed envelope to BEY. JOSEPH 1. INMAN ,
Station D , New York. _
Only thren- eighths of the rail-furnaces of
the United States are now In operation.
Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renowor" restores
health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impotence , tl ,
From a bushel of corn or rye there can be
obtained almost two gallons of alcohol.
For .DyifiepMtt , indication , Depression ot
Spirits and General Debility , In their Tortons forma :
ft.40 u a preventive against Fever and Ague , and
other Intermittent Fevers , the 4 < Ferro-Pho pho-
ratcd IMIxlr ot Calleayu , " made by Cuwell ,
Hazard & OeM New York , and sold by all druggists , Li
the beat tonic ; and for patients recovering from
( fever or other sickness , It has no equal.
A tight fit-the Jim-jams. v
Newspapers are the world's mlrors.
u I'-iln" i * . r u Planter , for
Bachachc , Pains in the Chest , Rheumatism , ffic.
The Chicago city government has passed
an ordinance requiring shop-keepers to
furnish seats for their female clerks.
"We think we can cure a bad case of Back
ache qu-.cker with one -of Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters
than by any other application , and after the
Backache is cured , you can still wear the
plaster without discomfort for two or three
weeks or longer. This combination of
Smart Weed and Belladonna is a great hit ,
and it id hard to find any pain or ache that
will not yield to it. Price 25 cents. Sold
by Druggists everywhere.
Gastronomy Cooking with a gas-stove.
Burnt offerings Cigar stumps.
Full oft we feel the surge of tears ,
Yet Joy has lteb.t for a'l the years ,
To all whose hair Is getting thin ,
Earnest prayer is the disinfectant of the
The reputation of
Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters as a preven
tive of epidemics , a
stomachic , nnlnvlg-
orant , a general re
storative nml a speci
fic for fever and
ague , lndlgesllonbir
ions affections , rheu-
mat Ism , nenous de
bility , constitutional
weakness. Is estab
lished upon the
sound basis of more
than twenty vears
experience , and can
no more be shaken
by the clap-trap nos
trums of unscientific
prelenders , than the
everlasting hills by
the winds that rustic
through their defiles.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
Causes no Fali * >
Gives Belief at
Once. Thorough1
Treatment will
| Core. Not a Liq
uid or Snuff. Apply -
| ply with Finger.
Give it a Trial.
60 cents at Druggists. : CO cents by mall regl * '
" Sample bottle by mall'10 cts.
ELY BROTHERS , Drugglstf , Owego , N T.
JLre unequalled in EXACTING 8ES TIC&
Used br the Chi el
) Mechanician of tha
IT. 8. Coast Survey ]
-by the Admiral
commanding in tin
U. S. Naval Observ
atory , for Astro *
' imical work : and
f Locomotive
BnEineer8 , Coa-
Idnctors and Ball-
r way men. Theyara
_ recognized a >
_ . . _ all uses In which cloic
ftime and darabilitr are re *
Iquigitei. Sold in principal
cities and towns by the COM-
I PANY'S exclaslva Acentfl
Ceadlagjtwdirs , ) who srive a Tall Warraatjk
Dyspepsia , General Docility ,
Jaundice , Habitual Constipa
tion , Liver Complaint , Sick
Headache , Diseased Kid
neys , Etc. , Etc.
It contains onlv the Purest Drags , among
which may bo enumerated P2ICSLY ASS BA2I
It cleanses the system thoroughly , and as B
Is Unoqnalcd ,
It la not an intoxicating beverage , nor esc
It be nsod a3 snch , by reason of its Catharti c
Sole Proprietors ,
uar , _
xonra OB Htpg.
2TZEVOTJ8 F Jli ? * *
By the tuo of tki * REMEDY , the
Stomach and Bowel * ipeedlly regain
their strength , and the blood is
Ittoproaouneedby hundred * of the best doctors to
bo tha ONLY CUBE fcr all kind * of Kidney Disease * .
Itia purely vegetable , and cure * when other medi.
dneflfau. Over 100 Physicians In the BUto of Bhodo
Island on record testifying in ito favor find who pro-
ecrlbe it regularly.
It IB prepared expressly for thco diseases , and haa
never been known to fall. Ono trial frill oonvinoo
yon. ForftolobyaUdragcista. PRICE 91.29.
Bend for Pamphlet of Testimonial ) .
rsTyasrws saEMErmr co. ,
rilOYIDE5CE , B. I.
A.W. Brown , KJ ) . . of Providence , B. X. . jay * :
1 have used HUNT'S [ Kidney and Liver ] REMXD7
in my practice for the pact sixteen yean , and
cheerfully recommend it u being a eafo and
reliable remedy. " * *
kThe Oldest Medicine In the World"
C Is probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's
This artlcl Is a carefully prepared phjslctan'l
prescription , and has been In constant use for nearly
a century , and notwithstanding tha many other
preparations that have Deon Introduced Into tha
market , the sale of this article is constantly lucrens
ing. If the directions are followed It will never fall ,
we particularly invlto the attention of physicians to
Ita merits. JOHN Ik THOMPSON , SONS & Co. , Troy
Iiuu L"ter , Steel llrtringi. llrau
T re ileim > nd H * m Box ,
JON E3 lie 1 ) tUt f reltht tor frw
Price Lid mention Dili paparand
Ulncbaoitua. JV.V
MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental and Tnnlutr.
AKT. Drawing , Painting , ModellnR and Portraiture.
ORATORY. Jdlteratnre and I anffnaKes.
HOME. Elegant accommodations for 00 lady students
FAT-Li TERM begins Sept. llth. BeautifullyIUd
Calendar free. Address K. TOU1UKE. Director.
and WARRANTED a RELIABLE stem-winding time
keeper , to any one who will get 8 subscribers for
a-year paper in the world. SAMPLE COPIES SENT
cansecurePcrml1 *
nent employment
and good salary selling Quccll City
Skirt ndStockIneSupportcr , etc.
Simple outfit Free. Address Queen
City Smpcnder Co. , Cincinnati , O-
Revolvers ,
Rifles ;
BestCoutjhbyrup. Tatcsgood.
Use In time , bold by druggisti.
low * BDiInns. College. Pracllcu
Book-keepcri M Teacheri : twoIebV
logPenneD. Short band.T lrgnpt
lag. 12 Offices for Student * actual
' practice. Be t location , cheap board ,
Tuition low. Jonrntl tit * . Jumna * . * fitcun. De. lloinei. I >
NTED experienced Hook and Bible Agents In
every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address
etating experience. P. O. Box g. g. , St. Tjonln. Mo.
boat and fasten *
selllng Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduoec
33 per cent , NATioirAb Pen. Co. , at. IionU , Mo.
: , 12O8 < fe 131O Furnam St.Omaha.
\V. N. U. , Omaha , 223-38.
say you saw the advertisement in this paper.
( Main Building. )
Tbo KlRhty-flrst Sculon wilt open Tuesday ,
3d. Full Courscs'In .
Cla lc , X.a\v , Hclencet , Mathematics aad
A thorough COMMERCIAL COURSE l one of the
distinguishing features of the Institution. Special
advantages nro offered to Students of the Law Coune.
Th * > Minim I.juitrln.lent ,
for boyi under 13. Is unique lu design and In the com *
pictencss of Us equipment. . Catalogue * , giving full
particulars , will be sent froc by artdrc * lng
JZev. T. E.Vol h. C. 8. C. I re ldnt. .
Xotrellnrne Indluua.
A. SItIn rilPitutyl u J .y Forever.
Oriental Creum , or Musical Ileuutlfle ?
HI l l
IScmovcs Tan.
rinij > lc , Kn tu
Moth-I'atehcs ,
Freckles nnd
Skin diseases ,
nnd every
li I c m I s h' on
beauty , and
( lullOS detec
tion. U lias
stood the test
of thirty yean
and is so
harmless we
taste It ( o be
guru iVa prcp-
a ra tJon Is
properly made.
Accept no
counterfeit of
similar name.
Thedi8tfoguIi7icdDr7E. A. Suyre said to it Iftdjrof
the Imut ton ( a patient ) : "As you ladles will use
them. I recommend 'Gouraud's Cream' as the least
harmful of nil the kln preparations. " One bottle
will last six monthn. using It e\ cry day. Alsol'ouilro
Subtile removes superfluous hair without Inlury to
the skin. MME. M. U.T. ( iOUKAUI ) . Sole Prop. . 43
Uond St. . N. Y. For n.ile by nil Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. C7 lieware of uasc Imitations ; Howard for arrest and proof ojt any one selling
the same. ' t
* * * * * * * * * * * < v ' 7 * * *
. . L.YDIA E. PrNXHAM'S . .
All these painful Complaint !
* nnd Weaknesses HO common *
* + * i * t to our Kent * * *
Trite $1 In liquid , pill or loua $ form.
n purpose is solely for the legitimate healing ot
disease and the relief of pain , and that it does all
it claims to do , thousands of ladles can gladly testify.
It will euro entirely all Ovarian troubles , Inflnmma-
tlon and Ulceration , Foiling and Displacement * , and
consequent Spinal Weakness , and Is particularly-
. " * " " " *
adapted to the changoof life.
It removes Falntncss. Flatulency , destroys oil en-intr
for stimulants , and relieves Weakness of the Stomach.
It cures Bloating , Headaches , Nervous I'rostratlonj
Otncral Debility , SleepletwnesM , Depression and Indi
gestion. That feeling of bearing down , causing pain ,
nrl frnnVnnhn 4a rt luft * va nnrmflnnnt IV cninifl IIV ItA UflB.
DR. HENDERSON A regufar gradual *
, in medicine. Over IB
COO A COS Wjandotte St. , years' practice 12 in
KANSAS CITY , MO. Chicago.
Authorized by the State to treat
Chrotiic , Nervone nnd Private Die-
enfcs , Asthma. EpllopBy. Ilhenma.
tism , PileB.Tape-worm , Urinary and
[ ( nif&t fosses ) , SEX AI. DEBILITY
( lost of sexual fa * .r ) , &C. Cnrcs
guaranteed or money refundef * Cbargca low.
Thousands of cases cured. No' jnrions medicines
used. No detention from bus' ess , All medicines
furnished even to patients r a distance. Consul-
tationfreeand confidential call or write. Ageand
experience are important. A BOOK for * botb
sexes illnstrfttprf nnd circnlnnj of otbor things
sent nealed 1 Free " -
Sold by ALL , DEALERS throughout the World ,
Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1878.
We Shall Take Great Pleasure In
Showing Everybody What We Have to Sell.
* . .
A Full Line of Cortland Buggies and Spring Wagons.
The Celebrated Rushford Wagon ,
made at TVInona , Minn. The spokes , hounds reaches , bolsters , etc. . are not taken from dpnrl r r
cut from timber that will make whip-lashes or shoe-strings. Notice In particular the seam ]
with special reference tj strength and ease of draft : It has parallel beartmrs which d'o iwiv wfth atf. ,
draft , allowlng.the wheel to run straight ahead like a loose pulley on a shaft and br Its 'nccullar ihVni ?
atns oil longer than the common skein. Would you know the secret of the Uushford Wagon ? Here It isr
The Sknndla "Wagon * , so well known thronghout the "West.
A Full Line of Buford Plows and Cultivators.
The Bnford Wheel and Side Sulky , noted for lightness of draft and superiority of work To
eoods Is to conUnce one that they have superior In the market. J AO see these
A Full Line of Briggs & Enoch's Plows and Cultivators ,
to long and favorably known all over the West. See especially their new Rotary Dron Plintor
We have made some important changes In the
yery Hockford Planter for the spring trade of ISM TV
have thrown aside the pears by which the Planter hasbcen operated , and hat e adoptedi In rticl ? place >
wheels and an endless chain. The advantage of this change U manifest , when wanting tochan-ethPnnantlrJ
of corn dropped. Hitherto It has been necessary to remove thegrar : now bv Ioo"pnln ' twn .r ! . . ?
moving the cone sprocket M-hei * to the right or left on the axle , any tlcMrcd nnVntl v cnn hi nHnrVTi *
° cr Pi31 advantage of the chain over the gear Is Its durability. A foot-scraper 'ha * lieca SSl
put on the ma
chine this year Instead of the automatic scraper heretofore used.
The marker Is now attached to the planter In such a way that In drilling It can be thrown fro-n
the other ct tlie ends of the neld.ithoutthe operator Icaj Ing his seat. one side r to
rive as . .
jlcks up one kernel at a time , putting from 2 to ( J ( as the _ ,
ihe Planter travels 3 feet .and S Inches. AVe make a Planter 3 ft. C. If iesIredV'THls'
ucrali "
ilanters. the check rower operates the drop In the seed box. as well .as opens the lvcstwi e
atoning a kernel of com In such a way that a hard strain of the wire is necessary to cut the kerne to two
ft Full Line of J. W. Stoddard & Co. Hay-Rakes and Mowers ,
THE TICER The Standard Rake of America.
The best rake ever put upon the market , both forthesuperlorftr of Its worlr Jf < nnpnni > n. . . < _ . .t
nd durability , and the variety of work to which It can be applied. He rare a d see th" Sew Tlger ilowr '
Tlie William An.on Wood Slower. , which have no superior for durability and lightness of dra'f t.
The Champion Corn Planterand Check Rower.
Its special features are : LTGHTSESS OT DKATT : case of handling : honestr of mntmiin
otary drop : a successful band lever , for regulating the depth of planting , and [ the best dclw in
or holding the runners out of the ground , when i t
turning at the end of the rower ti ivpin
.eld. In short , a perfect and successful Corn Planter. > traTel"i5 from to
SSSKfSSS. ' K&Kg &S &S