McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 04, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
Thursday , Sept. th , 1884.
Indicates thutyour subscription to TUP.
X mnu.N'K has expired , ami that an invita
tion to renew the name in uxtcndc'd.
All locale tinder tills heading lOc. iillno for
each Insertion , and satnq inserted until order
ed discontinued , unless time la specified. nil In
payable ) monthly.
CONaitEGATIONAL.-8iinday School at 10
A. M. every week. Praichlnjr porvlcon ox-cry
Sunday nitfht nt 7.30. 31. T. Also , every alter-
unto Sunday morning nt 11 , M. T. Kxceptloim
to the above will bo noticed In IOCUB. !
Sunday . . . _ . _ .
vices held in Opcrn Hall.
AI.T.KN lUnrr.EY. Pastor.
UATHOLia Services will be held in the
Opera Hull once every four weeks.
JO.SKl'll CliBUY. PaKtor.
I. O. Q. T. The Independent Order of Good
Templars meet in the ConirreKatlonul Church
every Tuesday evening.
Local Intelligence.
We would like to entertain two or
three hundred of our subscribers at
these headquarters for a fev minutes
each. Many arc owing us from one to
fcvro years for their paper , and we give
such an earnest invitation to call and
settle by cash or bankable paper.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
"Watermelon parties" arc coming
into fashion.
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
Extraordinary bargains in remnants
of all kinds , at Chicago General Store.
We understand that Dr. J. S. Shaw
has" purchased the Culbertson drug
Quite a number of dancers tripped
the light fantastic at the Colvin House ,
Wednesday evening.
We offer our entire stock of Lawns ,
to close them out , at from 7 to 10 cts ,
worth 10 to 18 cts. Jos. MENAIIU.
WANTED. A woman to take care of
an invalid , inquire at the office of
Everything moves in this age and
country of phenomenal activity. Even
"crilfc" arc hauled around on wheels.
D. M. jNIctler and Jake English have
returned from their trip west. They
took land near McCook. York Repub-
All kinds of hair work done to order.
Langtry Bangs , Pinafore Waves and
Switches done in first-class style at
-Chicago Store
The thanks of this office are due the
proprietors of the Crete nurseries for a
box of plumbs of delicious taste and
: flavor presented.
The City Bakery has just received
the finest line of Candies ever brought
to McCook. Remember this and go
there for your candies.
A handsome pair of buffalo horns
belonging to Conductor J. E. Sanborn
of the B. & M. , are on exhibition in
F. L. McCracken's store.
Just arrived , at the City Baker } ' , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of white bolted corn meal. .
West McCook Laundry is now pre
pared to do everything in its line , shirts ,
collars and cuffs a specialty. No extra
charge for putting on polish.
FOR SALE First-class millinery and
dress-making establishment. Doing
good business. Terms easy. For par
ticulars , address THE TRIBUNE. .
C. H. Itogers has just received a
complete line of crockery , which he will
i. sell cheaper than anybody at prices
that defy competion. Call and inspect.
A handsome boquet left at this office
by AI. Davis was befittingly appreciated
by the apostle of sweetness and light
who presides in its sanctum sanctorum.
I have on my shelves a large invoice
of Ginghams and Chevoits which I will
offer at Special Bargains for one week
only , commencing Saturday , August 9th.
We understand that there is a move
ment on foot to organize a scrub club
of ballists to afford meat for the Indi-
anola's redoubtable club. A good idea.
W. M. Irwin has just erected a 12
foot Woodmanse Windmill for Bichard
Johnston , southeast of McCook. Mr. $
Johnston thinks it is the finest mill he
Jias ever seen.
3he ! large quantity of ammonia used
in fbe so-called leading Baking Powders
is poison. Leis' German Baking Pow
der contains none of the injuries ingre
dients. Sold by C. H. Rogers-
Our 'Bondvillc correspondent says
that the need of that locality is more
workers. We Iwvo a number who might
be induced to Jill the bill hanging around
this town , that we will -Joan.
Dr. Johnson sold his office , last week ,
to A. C. Towne , who has been occupy
ing desk room in the same for some
time. It makes an advantageous loca
tion for the real estate business.
To accommodate their large business ,
the' Lytlc Bros , have built a considera
ble addition to their store , this week.
This gives them a commodious and con
venient store room and repair shop.
Still another little deal in real estate.
Jos. Dudek has sold his homestead
southeast of here to his brother John
Dudck of Wilber. Saline county. Jos
eph has rented the land for two years.
There are a number of cases of inter-
mittcnt fever in town , and a few cases
of a typhoid-malarial character. Due
attention to the laws of hygiene will go
far in keeping fever out of your homes.
Another party was in town , last week ,
looking into the prospects" for a brick
making establishment. The gentleman
lias claims in this neighborhood , and
thinks seriously of opening a yard here ,
this fall.
Those "as-gcntle-as-old-cows" ponies
of which Gal. Reed "is the proud pro
prietor , demonstrated a contrary idea
for a minute , last week. Damages , nom
inal. Moral : Don't bank too much on
the festive broncho.
A little nine-month's old child of the
Kings , who recently arrived in McCook ,
died Tuesday night at the Churchill
House. The infant was in delicate
health in its eastern home and was
arought here with the hope of recovery.
The streets of our town seem to afford
exceptional facilities for breaking wild
liorses and exhibitions of a like charac
ter. It may be that that is the purpose
For which they are intended , if such is
: he case , good use is being made thereof.
Nights of restlessness is often caused
jy eating adulterated food. Baking
Powder that contains ammonia or alum
ire poisonous , and should not be used.
Lois' German Baking Powder is free
from any adulterations. Sold by C. H.
A few of McCook's needs : A cooler.
A fire company. More enterprise. A
few more ordinances regulating ped
dling , hawking , etc. A more rigid en
forcement of a number of ordinances
already passed and approved. More
concern for the general good of our
town , and less for self. A man to buy
Although the clerical force at the
U. S. land office has been increased to
three , the work at that office has been
accumulating , by reason of the great i
rush of the past few weeks. Land is
being filed on tor many miles in all di- '
rections. Another year like the pros-
cut one is likely to interfere with the
large ranges.
We note a little improvement in the
condition of J. W. Ilowell , who has
been assisting in the station for some
time. Mr. Ilowell has iiad a severe
tussle with typhoid fever , but his ulti
mate recovery can now be expected.
Win. Fruin , who has also been a bed
the past two weeks , with .intermittent
fever , is improving rapidly.
Let us observe that the Colvin House
has probably the mnst superlative co
terie of musical celebrities in Me Cook.
Particularizing , we would like to know tlP
who excels > Herb. ' ! in vocalization , or
surpasses the fair son of Sunny Italy in siai
manipulating the mouth organ. Not to aiy
mention the genial host in his ArbucleS1
Levy solas icnore.
I have prosecuted pension , increase
of pension and other war claims against
the government from 18G2 to the pres
ent time , and any soldier , soldier's wid
ow or heirs of soldiers who desire to
have a claim prosecuted , or make in
quiries , will please address me at Mc-
Cook , Red Willow county , Neb. , P. 0.
bos GO , with stamp enclosed.
The following is the report of the do
ings of the U. S. land office for August :
No. of pre-emption filings , 124 ; home
stead , 235 ; soldier's filings , 7 , timber
culture , 254 ; final proofs , homesteads ,
13 j cash , $8,821.60 ; total receipts ,
$15,943.42. It will be seen that Uncle
Sam has made over $15,000 clear out of
this office , this month. We have , since a
receiving the above report , made over
tures to Uncle Sam for an exchange of "
franchises , but don't feel very sanguine
of success on-account of the amount (
of "boot" we ask. S
Another restaurant is materializing.
The colored gentleman who has been
cooking for the Gircle Ranch is making
arrangements for opening up one in the
Wilson \ building on Main avenue.
Neither alum or ammonia arc natural
products , and should not be used iii ar
ticles for our daily food. Lois' German
Baking Powder is free from any of the
above articles. Sold by C. H. Rogers.
THE TRIBUNE force enjoyed a large
and luscious watermelon at the hands
of W. Coleman , who resides on the "big
flat" northwest of McCook. The melon
crop is just simply immense this year ,
although not of superior grade.
As an example of how widely two
men differ in their estimates of this
country and its future , commend us tea
a granger and a stockman the one is
the antipodes of the other every time.
Rut the granger estimate seems to tyc
the more popular this year.
' Orleans Press : On Saturday we had
a pleasant call from Charles Caffrey ,
who is a large stock and land owner in
Fairficld township. Charley at present
has ' charge of a section on the B. & M.
west of McCook , near Stratton , and
came down from there to visit his fam
ily and look at his stock over Sunday.
The pavement along the lots of J.
Beaver , W. C. LaTourettc and D. Ken
dall on Main avenue need attention.
Walking along those lots is unpleasant
and dangerous , not taking into account
the appearance. Mere direction of at
tention to this matter ought to call
forth immediate action. They need re
pairing ' badly.
Mrs. Vincent of Arapahoc is prepar
ing her different music classes up the
valley to give a musical entertainment
in McCook , the end of the present
month. ' It is proposed that a number
of each of her classes in the different
towns cast of here come up to McCook
and assist the class at this point in their
entertainment , .and the same program
is to be carried out in all the towns in
which Mrs. Yincent'has classes.
Culbertson Sun : We learn that an
, ,
M. D. of McCook will open a drugstore
in Culbcrcson in a short time.\.Thcre .
are pleasant whispers in the air that
Culbertson will have a bank in the near
future. We feel sure that it will be a
„ . . * learn that
paying institution.wsWe sev
eral valuable branches of business will
be opened at this place in the near fu
ture. There will be several dwelling
houses erected here , this fall. Tlie town
is booming as it never boomed before.
The report of a large transaction in
stock and real estate , in which W. N.
McCandlish was one of the principals
and Mr. Worth of Middleton , Connecticut
cut , the other , comes to our cars. Mr.
McCandlish's ranch is situated on Drift
wood , about 20 miles from this point ,
and comprises 1GOO acres of fine deeded
land , in one of the- most picturesque
localities in this western country. His
ranch is stocked with about 225 head of
cattle and 150 head of horses , all of.
w , with the ranch and appertaining
it , have been purchased by
itft itW . Worth. Mr. McCandlish , we are
further informed , will move to McCook.
and build on his lot immediately north
of J. F. Bawlings residence.
People come into the world , eat and
drink : and enjoy themselves the best
they can and have never thought for
others. They leave no trace behind a
them ; no signs painted , etc. H. W.
Pike has his sign painted on a stock
shed full of Seasoned Lumber , selling
at close prices for the qualit- , and a
yard stocked up with a full assortment A
suitable for a "Claim Shack" to a Palace.
New !
Something in
At Chicago Store , under ihe Opera w
Hall. A Calico Dress given away with
every § 10 worth of Dry Goods , Clothing - w
ing , Millinery or Boots and Shoes pur
chased at my store for the next 30 days.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Sheep ! Sheep ! '
I have 856 head of very fine , high tli
bred Sheep , which I will sell very cheap h
for cash , or on time. Will sell in lots
to suit purchasers. If I do not sell , I t'i
shall want to let them out to be kept on n
the shares. J. BYRON JENNINOS ,
13-2. 3IcCook , Neb.
Who has a Windmill and a Well
needs a Water Tank. H. W. Pike has
lot of "Tank Plank. "
Both Royal and Prices , contain am-
nionia , as shown by chemical test.
Leis' German Baking Powder is free
from ammonia and alum. Is a pure
Grape Cream Tartar Baking Powder.
Sold by C. H. Rogers ,
Mr. Bailey , Sr. , of the Willow , was
over Wednesday.
Mrs. J. T. Wray of Culbertson was
in town , Wednesday.
Judd Bclknap was around among
the boys , last Friday.
, Harry Clark , operator at-Culbertsou ,
was at home , Tuesday.
Mrs. W. S. Perry returned from a
trip down the road , Tuesday evening.
E. Zook , roadmaster of the west end ,
spent a couple days of last week in town.
Mrs. Thos. Mclnroy is entertaining
her sister , Miss Hammond of Bloom-
Postmaster Russell and Mr. llalny
of Hamburg wore in town , Monday on
Senator Dolan came up from the
count } ' scat , Wednesday , on a short
bsuiness trip.
Thos. Clark from the southeastern
part of the county came up to town ,
Wcdncsdii } ' , on business.
Manager Wilson of the Circle Banch ,
and County Clerk King of Dundy were j
cast bound passengers on 40 , Tuesday. !
Mrs. Frank Hudson started Tuesday
morning for her home in Crawfordsville ,
Indiana , where she Avill visit some time.
Lawyer Banks of Culbertson had
business in McCook , Saturday. He is
of the law and land firm of Perry &
II. II. Troth of Carrico was down
last Friday to convey some friends ,
whom he expected from New Jersey ,
to his ranch.
Mrs. Mclnroy of Friend , mother of
Thos. Mclnroy and Mrs. J. P. Israel ,
is visiting in town , this week , the guests
of her children.
E. M. Farnsworth of Dccorah. Iowa ,
is the latest addition to the legal pro
fession of Red Willow county. He has
a claim about 10 miles south of town.
Dr. S. L. Green , druggist of McCook.
Neb. , was in town , the first of the week ,
lie was accompanied by Mrs. Green. .
They were the guests of Dr. A. W.
Bariteau. Oberlin Eye.
Chas. Noble returned from his busi
ness trip cast on Wednesday. He was
accompanied by his sister , Mrs. Hall
of Indianola , Iowa , who will spend a
week or two in our burg.
J. 0. Fisher of the Lincoln Journal
Co. was in town , Tuesday. Judging
from the symptoms J. 0. must be on
his bridal tour sort of a pleasurc-and-
business trip , as it were.
Mrs. Geo. Hot-knell , Mrs. J. E. Berger -
ger , Mrs. J. J. Dunbar , Mrs. II. A.
Filing and Mrs. John Yarger , and
Misses Lillie Rowell and Flora Shaw
were 'all ' visiting at Indianola , Saturday
Mr. Shaw , one of Cambridge's pleas
ant and enterprising young business
men , paid his respects to Tin : TRIBUNE ,
Tuesday. One year had interveiled be
tween his visits to McCook , and he was
surprised at the great improvement
noticeable in our town.
Mr. George Wright , president of the
Paxton Cattle Co. , arrived in town from
Illinois , last Friday , and spent four or
five days up on the company's ranch in
Chase county. He made THE TRIBUNE
short call before his departure for
home , Wednesday , and expressed him
self in unequivocal terms on the French
man country as "a natural cattle coun
try. " He was the guest of J. B. ed
Communicated. get
To THE EDITOR : Friday , the 2Uth ult. , be for
ing1 the 3oth anniversary of Mr. John Modrel's
birth , a number of his friends and neighbors
assembled at his residence , 5 miles north of
McCook , to celebrate the day. A line dinner
was served by Mrs. Modrel and assistants , to
which all did ample Justice. During the after
noon the juvenile portion of the company or
guvc n very pleasant entertainment , consist
ing of songs and recitations. After which Mr. his
M. rejralcd his guests with melons of such for
iiuality , and in such quantity , as to make glad
the heart of lovers of the luscious fruit. Not
'til the sun was sinking low in the west did
the company disperse , all wishin ; , ' the genial
host many returns of the day. Mr. Modrel is
energetic and successful farmer , a fact to - .
rrhichhis abundant crops , and over MO bean-
tiful young trees growing on his place will 11 <
testify. AVhen he builds a nice residence ,
which he intends doing in a few years at lat
est , his place will be one which he and family the
can with pride call home.
Sept. ad , 1SS4. A GUEST.
lYoodinaiise Mill.
Unequaled for power , simplicity and
durability. Every mill fully warranted.
Send for descriptive catalogue. Esti
mates made of mill and pump com
plete , upon application. Woodmanse
Wind Mill Co. , Frceport , 111. W. M.
Irwin , Agent , McCook , Neb.
Workers are what we want here.
J i Town is lively ; people busy and bus
iness rushing.
A merry crowd of base , ballists pass
ed through town , Friday , cnroutc for
Mr. James Lyons sind wife of Cul
bertson were down , last week , looking
after their ranchc here.
The tide of emigration still continues.
New arrivals every day. Among them
are Mr. John Stockton and wife , late of
JIandcock county , 111. , Mr. A. Griffin of
Wisconsin , and Mr. AI. Prelin of Bur
lington , Iowa. The latter is an old
friend of Frank Yore , and they expect
to open up a store at Indianola. Success
to their efforts in the far west.
Our 'school inarm" departed. Miss
Irma ' Phillips , having resolved to "flee
the wrath to come , " stepped down and
out of 'ngle blessedness , Thursday ,
August 2Sth , and became a wearer of
the Irymenial halter in partnership with
Mr. Chester Dow. May happiness ever
attend them as they advance along * " the
rugged steeps of life.
The dedication services were held at
the ' new M. E. Church on Ash Creek ,
last week. Quite a number were pres-
cut. Among whom were Kevs. Lemon ,
Mann , Moore and Jones , Messrs. Teas. '
Mott and family , Ward and family from
Indianola. W. S. Stilgcbouer of Danbury.
Indianola M. E. Sabbath school came
out as a picnic and were found by the
Star of the Divide.
A society known as the Alpha Beta
Literary Society was organized , last
week , to meet every Saturday evening
at the new church , with the following
offices : President , Frank Yore ; Vice
President , Mrs. K. Furr ; Secretary ,
Jennie Jamison ; Treasurer , Lottie
Boughton ; Marshal , W. 0. Bond. As
the name implies the society is still in
the alphabet of the forensic and orator
ical arts , therefor an invitation is ex
tended to all who enjoy such labors to
come over and help. It is the intention
of the society to commence a series of
entertainments , the proceeds of which
are for the benefit of the church.
A gentle zeplryr floats out on the
balmy August air from Indianola bearing -
ing ' the tidings : Two more maidens
have made their debut into society ;
two more have come to share the ills
and pleasures of this unfriendly world.
They have taken up their abode with
W. E. Boilings , and there will remain
until some gallant lord of creation shall
ask them to share his house and home.
Bemember smokers two Ilavanas this ,
time. MOTHER'S Sox.
For Sale.
I will sell my brown marc very cheap.
Warranted to haul a buggy in 3 min
utes. Only reason for selling I am
away fronr home so much , cannot take
care of her. J. B. MKSERVE.
Special Meeting.
There will be a special meeting of the
Southwestern Nebraska Stock Growers
Association at Bcnkclman on Monday ,
September 8th at 2 P. M.
F. A. WKKSTEU , Secretary.
WOMEN are women. That is one
creditable thing that can be said about
them. No matter where they may be
what the conditions that surround
them , they will flee from a spider and
scream at the sight of a mouse. There
are but few of them who do not think
their sex is greatly underestimated and
unfairly criticised by the men , yet the } '
criticise each other unsparingly. They
seem to have no charity for one of their
own sex who may step beyond the pre
scribed limits in which they are requir
to walk , and apparently take special R.
delight in kicking those who happen to S.
down. Their love and pity is all
the sterner sex. For them they
have the broadest charity , forgiving hn
again and again offenses they would not
once forgive in one of their own. Their .
troubles are all about men. not business
affairs of state ; their solicitude for
comfort and success , and their tears
his woes. A man can not be thus CO
because he is a man. A woman is so ra
because she is a woman. Ex. Ai
The plain velveteen skirt will assert
itself as soon as fall fashions are an
Greater variety than ever prevails in
outlines of gaiuients , dresses , wraps.
jackets , and mantels this fall.
The fashionable hat this fall will be
made of coarse black or brown straw ,
with a pointed front and back , and a
rolled rim.
Among fall wraps come short jackets
fitted in to the figure in the back , loose ,
pleated Fedora fronts , lace bordered and am
with shoulder knots of ribbon loops.
IT was a sneaking reporter of the
New York Times that made the first
publication concerning the mode by
which the unfortunate survivors of the
Greely expedition prolonged their lives
until they were discovered and rescued
by vessels sent out for the purpose.
The Times deserves the execration of
Christendom for its ghoul-like tunnel
ling into the graves of the dead and the
sad secrets of those who suffered thu
last extremities in the frozen regions of
the north. It was a dastardly deed to
uncover the bones of tlm men who per
ished for the purpose of gloating over
the mortification of the living. No
greater misfortune can overtake a civi
lized man than to be tormented and
crazed by hunger until his animal in
stincts drive him to'thc horror and des
pair thnt cunnibali.sin nu > ; tns to men
reared in the United States. No decent
and humane man desires the veil to be
withdrawn and a public spectacle made
of such things. .lournal.
AN account of OUR of the most dastardly
tardly deeds comes from Savannah , Mo.
Two young girls , 7 and ! ) years old res
pectively , , were on the 31st inst. , outrag
ed and murdered , while on their way to
Sabbath School. The suspected fiend is
an IS year-old sou of a respectable fann
or The account indicates thu affair as
being one of the darkest deeds ever per
Leather belts are extensively worn
with all kinds of toilet.
Brown in a variety of shades will be
very much worn this fall.
The trimmed jersey is as popular in
Paris and London as it is in New York.
Gordon blue and Little Duke green
come > among a host of new colors for
fall wear.
No Medicine Stands Higher Than
Marsh's Golden Balsam.
"One year ago 1 caught a severe Cold ,
which settled on my Lungs. I tried
many ; remedies without getting relief ,
until T used your GOLDKN BALSAM. T
consider it a gift from heaven. " Mrs.
James Luce , Omaha. Neb.
"For Consumption of the Lungs , I
know of no medicine that stands higher
will cure where cures are possible. "
II. L. Smith , Fort Scott , Kans.
'Not one of the thousands who have
city . , has ever made a complaint that it
did not do all claimed for it. ' ' Kansas
, .
City ( Mo. ) Time. ? .
mous Throat and Lung medicine , and
TONIC , the great alterative and chola-
gogue , are for sale by S. L. Green ,
druggist , McCook. Large bottles 50
cents and $1.
If you want cheap pork call at John
Farley\meat market.
Locals under thiAieud ,5c. a line for each
insertion. Bills payauta inontlily.
li. S. Cooley has deedthJJands for sale
various parts of the coumv
Homesteads and timber clah s for
sale. R. S. CDOLKV , McCook.
One good house , 1 acre of land , good
well , etc. , for sale. Price. $450. R.
. Cooley , McCook.-
J. E. Berger is agent for the Western
Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap
for cash or on long time. 4.
FOR SALE : One house , with 2 lots ,
good well on property. Price , $450.
. S. Cooley. Office 1st door south U.
. Land Office , McCook.
II. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
McCook. Neb. , January , 1884. and
has come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build
Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freight.
DC Land's Chemical Baking Powder
contains no Starch no Flour no Ter
Alpa no Pipe Clay no Alum no
Ammonia no Tartaric Acid nothing
Grape Cream Tartar and Bi-carb.
Soda. Sold by Ifayden & Co.
Blank Deeds. Real Estate Mortgages.
Leases , Bills of Sale. Bond for Deed ,
Quit Claim Deeds. Contracts for Build
, . Mortgage Deeds. Release of Mort
gage. Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge ,
Petition for License. Notes. Receipts , THE TRIBUNE office.
I am now prepared to offer Flour and
Mill Feed in exchange for Wheat , and
also prepared to buy grain to ship.
July 5. * S4-6m. CLARK \\ARD.