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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1884)
t r-f f McOooK WEEKLY VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , "NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 4 , 1884. NUMBER 14. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LA77D , Bcgistcr. C. P. BABCOCE , Beccivcr. OFFICE Hoims : From 9 A. M. to 12 51. , unil 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. | i J.'E. COCHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , l : COOr , BED WILLOV7 COUNTY , 1TEB. Practice in any Courts of the state and Knn- F PUS. and the government Land Oflico of this ! f. District , and before the Land Department at * "Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and tormB reasonable. OIllco 1st door south of the U. S. Land OJHco. 2-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Will Kl\c special attention to the practice of law , and making collections. { 3 ? Oncc ] Secoudblocknorth of depot , 2 doors north ' . 2 ' . Green's drug store. - PAGE T. FEANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified pints of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention irivcn to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-22. E. G. TOWN ] ' ] , LAND AGENT , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , Docs a General Land Business in the Mc COOK LAND DISTRICT , NEBRASKA , and also In The OBERLIK LAND DISTRICT , KANSAS. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN < & SURGEON , t Graduate Helical Department fclvcrslty Wcoster. OFFICE : Two doors cast of the Tribune OHicc , where he can bo found when not pro- fesslonnlly enffajfed. Residence , corner of f x Jefferson and Madison streets Dn. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , XEBKASKA. McCOOK , - - I will be found at S. L. Green's Drug Store ' for the present. All orders left there will re ceive prompt attention. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , - SEBEASKA. Office one door east of THE TRIBUNE oflice , where ull calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. " A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] 5S Preservatien ef the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , . . * CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - . - NEBRASKA. JobWng tvill receive prompt attention atinyshop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and epcclflcatlons furnished if desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS t McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. IT- J3 A11 jobs promptly attended to. 1 C. L. NETTLETON , " 3r f > Superintendent Public Instruction , - Teachers' Examinations at Indinnola on the third Saturday of everj * month , commencing * , at 9 o'clock. A * . M. 25-tf. | Jw + ! f TV. M. SANDERSON , [ HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , ' - HcCooK , - NEBRASICA. & ' AU work guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUJLDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished I if desired.Vork done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. ' NEBRASKA , 5 "DcsIgns furnished for Celling Decorations , either in paper er Fresco Painting. STEW BARBER SHOP. * JACKSON TUBES Has opened up a Barbar Shop on "West Dennlson Street , McCoofc , Keb. , where be Is able to do Shaving , Hair Dressing , etc. , at all times. Lndlcs and child ren's hair dressing a specialty. Call and become acquainted. - JACKSOS TPBPS. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AG-ENT. McCOOK , - XEBBASKA. S Has for tale Deeded Land ; , Timber Claims and 11 Homesteads. Also , will locate parties on Gen ern Land. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. t Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. Saddles ( f Harness , [ OITOSITC'HOTKL OX THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , 'COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. BARBERSHOP , 60 to A , P , Sharp's for FIRST-CLASS SHAVE or HAIR CUT , HOT AND COLD BATHS i" i"L ON SHOET NOTICE. t ies' and Children's Hair I" Dressing a specialty. lo o g a THZOHLYTRU2 L La e S 11I 11k P TACTS REGARDING e REGARDINGTonic h Ittvlll jjurifyaud eiiik-h the BLOOD , repnJafe d tlic LIVER and KIDNEYS , and RESTOUK TIE HEALTH and VIGOK , of YOUTH ! Ill a ! ) those diseases requiring .icfrtaluand elhclent'lONIC , 11 especially Dyspepsia.Wantot . 11t ApjieUte.liHlipes- tion. Lick 01 * Striymlh. etc. . its n c is marked t with Immediate and vonduriiil results. Hones , nui clus < uid ui-rvc : . ilet he \ . .iloice. . Euh\eis : the mind aud supplies liraln Tower. o suffering Irom all'complaints peculiar to tnclrscx\\ HndiM Si . IRON TONIC a safe and * pt edy Sit cure. It gives a He ir and licallliy complexion t Tlio strongest tostfmonv to the value or lu. llAltTER'S InovTONICS * lln't frcqncntattempts r at connterfi-ltln liaM- only added to tliepupnlar- Ityortheoriginal. If jon tlydes.reliiuiti ! do not experiment Ktttlie OnioijfAL AND Hhsr. a Sead roar address toTho Dr. Hnrter Med Co St. Louis , Mo. , for car "DBEASI J6OOK. " 1 straageaail fcl intomHtion.frn- DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC is FOR SALE &Y AU. j tl DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. d THE Grand Army re-union , which is takes place this -week at Fremont , prom ises to be more largely attended and a more brilliant success than any reunion ever held in the state. Nebraska is pre eminently a soldier state , ancl the veter in ans and their friends will be warmly re ceived and cordially entertained by the hospitable people of Fremont , which is one of the prettiest towns iii Nebras ka. "Bee. c ti FRANK JAMES has at last started out to make an honest living. He is adver tised as the chief attraction at the Mcbn erly , Missouri , fair , and the people are assured that he will exhibit his celebra ted horses and "attend them the same ( as any other gentlemanCol. . James will probably attend all the fairs in. Missouri - a souri and will prove a drawing card.e He is certainly one of the most noted tl products of Missouri. ' ( ti ' WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Sept. 1st , ' 84. The settlement of the social status of the colored race in the Canital . can- A. not be much longer deferred. When white women are moved to commit grand larceny ( as one of them did the other day ) expressly to get into the penitentiary because she was "tired of living in Washington with the d niggers , " as she expressed it. something ought to bo done toward inducing the white element to assert itself. The fact that a vast majority of the white voters are opposed to the adoption of a system of self-govern ment at the Capital , might seem dis appointing to you , but when you re member and realize that four out of seven votes cast in the District of Col umbia would be black ones , and thrown for black candidates for office the elective franchise hath no paticu- lar charms for us. As it is now , the colored people of Washington proper approach nearer to an equality in all social'conditions with the whites than in any other city in the country , and the official influence of such men as Fred Douglass and Register Bruce , and other leaders of the race , has fill ed the minor positions in all of the departments with colored employes at the expense of our much-vaunted patriotic interest in the heroes of the war. In fact an empty sleeve as well as an empty trowsers-leg have ceased long since to be a recommendation for a place under the government. The running down and sinking of the war vessel Tallapoosa by an ordi nary freight vessel , was the hair that broke the back of our navy , and dem onstrates with fearful certainty what would become of- her and her crew in a contest with any third-rate vessel belonging to a fourth-rate power. 1 Now Chili and Peru and Norway , and even New Jersey , can snap their fin gers at us in diplomacy and challenge us to do our worst. By a merciful dispensation of politics , the gallant Secretary of the gallant Navy was not on board to witness the departure of the remnant of his war fleet , but he left twenty-eight cases of Washing ton ( Heidsick on board , which are now mingling with their native element in fifty-four fathoms. I went down to Mount Vernon the other day to drop a tear to the mem ory of the great First in. Had I not gone upon a dead-head pass , the tear n aforesaid would have cost me a dollar , plus the other petty pltinderings that all have to experience who would evince patriotism enough to visit this I sacred ! spot. The place has passed into the possession , as everybody knows , of the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association , over whose eyes the skip per of a Potomac steamboat has pull P ed the wool beautifull } ' . This captain has been accorded the monopoly 01 don't you see , everything runs to mo nopoly ? of being the sole proprie tor < of the wharf franchise , and no other boat has any right to land pas sengers upon the sacred soil. For this ] franchise the patriotic captain to rakes ; in two-thirds of the dollar exacted - acted frcm each passenger , and gal lantly accords the remaining third to the Ladies' Association ! But what I desire to call particular attention to , the inexcusable delay that has char in acterized the management of this La o Association in , fulfilling1 the on promises made by them to restore the Mount Vernon Mansion to the state n which but a few years ago , it was to fraught with the freshest memories of ai its once great tenant. There are hun dreds of relics scattered all about the country whose history is fully authen of ticated , and which may be had for the asking , but during the dozen years or more that these promises have been continued , no effort has been made to to secure them. Even the few antique looking pieces of furniture now in the in few rooms that are furnished at all , are invested with no particular inter est , inasmuch as they are known to be tv the refuse of some second-hand aun- tion-room. The library room , in which Mr. Bancroft says that Wash-1 ington spent the most of his last clays , is absolutely without furniture , and the shelves in the book-case that oc cupies the whole eastern side of the room , is entirely bookless ! The usher I at } Mount Vernon , who tells the visi tors \ all sorts of improbable and im possible ] things , has been for fourteen years telling them what the Lady Regents of Mount Vernon were going to do. I hope the time may soon come when he will be able to tell them of something they lisive done. Doai PEDRO . A YOUXG lady writes to these Top ics to inquire , "What is a bobtail flush that I see so many apparent jokes about in the papers ? " Dear lit tle girl , a bobtail flush , technically is a hand at poker where a player has four cards of one suit. Five of a suit make a flush , a hand upon which most any young man of your acquaintance would bet a dollar and thirty-five cents. But a bobtail is no good if the other man signifies his desire to see it. But men hold-bobtail flushes in many other things than poker. When a young fellow has a girl who eats his ice cream , "goes to dances , opera and picnics with him , smiles on him , purrs at him and bleeds him of all his salary , only to tell him "No" at the important moment , that young fel low may be said to have held a bob tail flush. When a man concludes he will go into politics , ancl the ward managers tell him it's all right , and he sets up the pins and pours out his money and slops over the poor devils he wouldn't notice at any other period , and plots and plans and worries and spends more money , and lies and slan ders the opposing fellow , and wallows in the dirt generally , and then gets left ( at the primaries he has merely held a bobtail flush. fl When a young woman thinks it is I nice to gad about and flirt and be free with strangers and take no notice of the solid and industrious young man who is struck with her , and the years go by and the wrinkles begin to come and she has the heartache ancl be comes a hopeless old maid she has simply held a bobtail flush. When a man works like a slave , hoards his money , scorns the poor , worships God with lip service , is a pillar of society all his life , closes his C heart against the true grace which make it soft and tender and loving , keeps the letter of the law and not I the spirit , and dies and has to show his hand to St. Peter at the pearly gates he has only a bobtail flush. Topics. "Iv you want to keep a town from thriving dent erect any more dwell ings than yon can conveniently occu py yourself. If you should accident ally have an empty building , and any one should want to rent it , ask three times the value of it. Demand a Shylock - lock price for every foot of ground that God has given you stewardship over. Turn a cold shoulder to every mechanic and business man who seeks make a home with you. Look at every newcomer with a scowl. Run down the work of new workmen. Go abroad for wares rather than seek to do business in your midst. Fail to ad vertise , or in any way to support a newspaper , that people abroad may not know whether business is going in your town or not. Wrap your self with a coat of impervious selfish ness. < There is no more effectual way retard the growth of a town than actions like those enumerated. Hon- ACK GREELT. "TEACH the boys the same standard I purity as you do the girls. Make every man and boy know that not one woman could become a prostitute un less some man fell also. Teach them reverence the procreative trust. Teach them to reverence the maternal woman. Teach a girl that woman hood is above wifehood ; teach her to expect of her husband the same puri- he demands of her. Mrs. Stock- ham before the Moral Education Society. W. 0. LaTOURETTE , II DEALER IN | | HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRIOUTUBAL IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red V illow County.- CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sign of BIG AX. TAVO Doors North of Mcnard's Store. Me COOK , - - NEBRASKA. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IN- HARDWARE I , STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin Sheet-Iron & , - Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly ; Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . Z , M. PHARMACY. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET ARTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery-Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will "be sold only in cases of sickles , and then only - on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. . McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts dratvn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- C022SSP01T23HTS : First National Bunk , Lincoln , Neb. Chase National Bank , XCTT York. ! J. W. DOLAX , President. V. FRANKLIN , Vice President. W. P. WALLACE , Cashier.