McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, August 28, 1884, Image 7

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Of the Latest Explorations in tlic Far North
ern Jleglons ,
For the purpose of obtaining some
Idea of the general nature and probable
scientific value of the explorations made by
Lieutenant Gretly , an associated press
agent visited him a few days ago. Grcely
stated that the object of the Lady Franklin
expedition was to establish a polar station ,
4 one of thirteen suggested by Lieutenant
Wayprecht , of Austria , who discovered
Franz Joseph land. Simultaneously ob
servations of all the physical phenomena
were to be taken. The complete programme
that was to be followed was arranged by an
international polar congress , in which rep
resentatives of thirteen nations took part.
The observations , in making which the
greatest possible accuracy was to bo hod ,
were those of declination and deviation of
the magnetic needle , temperature of air ,
sea height of barometer , and meau and
maximum rise and fall of tides. The ex
plorations were to bo merolv Incidental to
other objects. The expedition was fitted
out under the authority of the United
States consjrcss. It was composed of three
officers of the army , one acting surgeon and
nineteen enlisted men from the army.
Stores for tw-nty-seven months were
put on the "Proteus. " which left St.1
Johns , July 7,1881 , with the party. She
touched at Diaco Island and Uppernavik to
procure sledges , dogs , skins and dog food.
Two Esquimaux ? were added to the party
at Proven. Landing was made at Corey Is
land la north water , and the provisions
cached by Nores In 1875 , in the "Alert"
were found to be in good condition. At
Littleton Island Greely personally recovered
the English Arctic mail left by Sir Allen
Win * In the < 'Pandora' In 1870. At Carl
Bitter Bay , in Kennedy channel , a cache of
provisions for use on the retreat was made.
It was the original intention to establish a
polar station at "Water Course bay , but
heavy masses of ice rendered Water Course
bay exceedingly dangerous anchorage.
Moving to Discover Harbor , the station was
there established on the site occupied by the
English expedition of 1875. The erection
of a house was at once commenced and
stores and equipments landed. On the 28th
of August came the parting between the
Gree'y ' party and the men of the 'Proteus. ' >
The little band of adherents on the frozen
shore watched the "Proteus" as she steam
ed slowly down Lady Franklin bay. On tie
evening of the same day the temperature
sank below freezing point and the icy Arc
tic winter was on tnem in earnest. Their
.house was finished about a week after the
"Proteus" left. It was named , In honor
of Senator Conger , Fort Conger. During
the first month the cold affected the men
more than at any subsequent time at Fort
( Conger. Later on the temperature sank
from 50 to C5 degrees below zero , and so re
mained for days at a time. But even in
that weather the cook's f worite amusement
was dancing bare-headed , bare-armed ,
with slippered feet , on top of a snowdrift.
During the day the men 'dressed in ordi
nary outside clothing , but their flumels
were very heavy. Five men were generally
for part of the day engaged in scientific
work , under Greely's direction , and in the
duties of the camp. The remainder were
employed generally about one hour a day ,
and devoted the rest of the time to amuse
ment. All slept on bunks. The quarters
were heated by a large coal stove , the aver
age heat maintained being 50 degrees above
zero. Checkers , cards , chess and reading
were the amusements of the evening. The
life , Greely said , was far from lonely , and
many of the men said they had never passed
two happier years than those spent at Fort
On the 15th of October the sun left them
for 135 days and the twilight , varying from
half an hour to twenty-fourhoure , succeed
ing for two months was so dim that the dial
of a watch could not be read by It. On
' - April llth the sun came above the horizon
and remained there 135 days , giving the
party a great sufficiency of midnight sun.
During three months stars were visible con
stantly. The constellations of Orion's Belt
and the Great Bear were the brightest.
The north star looked down from almost
over head. Standing alone outside the fort
on the snow drift these night scenes were
wierdly grand. ' To the north flamed the
aurora borealis and bright constellations
were set like Jewels around the glowing
moon. Over everything was a dead silence ,
so horribly oppressive that man alone is al
most tempted to kill himself. The astrono
mer of the party said that with the naked
eye a star of one degree smaller magnitude
than can be seen here in the same war
might be discovered. The moon would
remain in sight from seven to twelve
days at a time. The thermometer regis
tered on June 30th the highest temperature
at Lady Franklin bay which we knew during
our stay. It was 52 degrees above zero.
The lowest was in February , 1883 , 66 de
grees below. In this February our mer
cury froze and remained .solid for fifteen
days. The mercury in the thermometer in
variably rose during storms or high winds.
The highest barometer was slightly above
81 inches : the lowest slightly below 29 inch
es. The greatest variationH were in the
winter. Tne electrometer , an instrument
used to ascerUin the pressure of elec-
k tricity , was up , but not the slightest results
were obtained. The displays of aurora
were very good , but not compared with
those seen at Uppernavik or Disco Island.
The lieutenant then detailed the further
trip of the party , and their subsequent suf
fering up to the time-of the rescue.
In conclusion he said he considered it im
possible to reach the north pole br the
route of the "Jeannette , " and considered
the only feasible route to be by way of
Tranz Joseph land.
For the Settlement cf W7iich Proper Steps are
Aoto Being Taken.
The Omaha Herald says that Mr. John S.
Blair , assistant attorney of the department of
justice , and Judge Wilson , of the firm of
Shellabarger & Wilson , of Washington , have
been taking the depositions of various Union
, - Pacific officials , in the action brought by the
company against the United States , for a set
tlement of disputed accounts. This action
has a two-fold object , first , to find to what
amount the government is indebted to the
railway for the transportation ojE supplies ,
mails , etc. ; and , second , to find what is due
the government from the railway under the
Thurman sinking fund act of 1878. The facts
are about as follows : The Union Pacific has
been doing transportation work for the United -
ed States ever since 1871 , under the supposi
tion that when presented its bills would be
audited according to the charter , "at a fair
and reasonable compensation , " which was
"not to be more than paid to private parties
for like service. " The road was also to pay
into the treasury 5 per cent , of its net earn
ings as a sinking fund to provide for the pay
ment of the debt due the government. In
1S78 the Thurman act increased the payment
to be made" by the road to 23 per cent , of its
net earnings. When the company presented
its accounts , the bills for transportation were
thrown out by the United States officials , who
alleged that they were not based on a fair
and reasonable compensation , and the claim
of the company that the cost of certain items
of permanent improvement should be deducted
ducted from the earnings of the road before
the 23 per cent , was taken out , was disputed.
To settle the matter the present suit was
commenced , but when or how it will be deter
mined is another matter. The case will come
before the court of claims at Washington in
November. _ .
Seren 3Iincrs Suffocated by Gas.
Shamokin. ( Pa. ) dispatch : Fire broke out in
Buckridge mine slope , 1,500 feet from the sur
face. The company bought the Greenback
colliery adjoining , the workings of which are
higher than those of the Buckridge colliery.
The intention was to bore through from the
Greenback to the Buckridge colliery , and then
turn the creek into both , and by flooding put
out the fire. "While the men were engaged in
this work the gas suddenly poured in from the
BuckridRo mine , and , before they could es
cape , seven men fell victims to deathly eras.
It was impossible to reach the bodies , as both
mines aru full of ROB and the fire is increasing.
Even the mules were burned.
The fire hod not abated at laitt accounts , al
though two heavy pumps bad been forcing
water down the slope all day. Both the Buck-
rldgo and Greenback collcrlcs are full of gas ,
and a number of men on the surface wore ov
ercome by the escaping gas.
If a couch dliturbs your sleep , one doec of Plso'f
Cure will give you a nlglit'i rest.
Xore Particularly Uiat Part of It Eclating
to ( / ( Centennial ,
In response to a call from ex-Gov.
Furnas , commissioner for Nebraska , to the
World's Industrial and New Orleans Cotton
Centennial , pertaining to the women's work
of the state. A number of ladles mot at the
Commercial hotel , Lincoln , on the 18th :
The objects nf the meeting were briefly
stated by ex Gov. Furnas , after which a
temporary organization was had , by the
eh ctlon of Mrs. J. F. Holmes , of Tecumseh
to the chair , and Mrs. "W. S. Sawyer , o
Lincoln , secretary.
Mrs.Vilion from the committee on or
gamzation and permanent offices reported
as follows :
WiiuitBAS. An invitation bos been ex
tended to the women of Nebraska to ex
hibit at the World's Industrial and Cotton
Centennial Exposition to be held at New
Orleans , the results of their industry and
hklll ; therefore be It
Resolved , That we , the women of No-
bratka , in moi-s convention assembled
heartily endorse the spirit of such Invitation
and bultvo that the best interest of the wo
men ot our state will be subserved by the
exhibit ot such products ot work of
artistic , industrial and ( literary skill as we
may be able to send , and we may pledge
our best endeavors to make the undertaking
a success.
The name of this organization shall be
"The State Association for the Exhibition
of Woman's Work at the World's Indus
trial and Cotton Centennial Exposition. "
The officers of the society shall consist of
president , vice-president , recording sec
retary , corresponding secretary and treas
urer.We report the names of the following'for
officers of the state organization : For
president , Mrs. D. Matthewdon of Lincoln ;
vice president , Mrs. Dr. Dinsmore of
Omaha ; for corresponding secretary , Mrs.
L. Russell of Tecumseh ; for recording sec
retary , Mrs. W. S. Sawyer of Lincoln ; for
tteasurer , Mrs. Gov. Dawes of Crete :
The report ot the committee was adopted.
It was further agreed that each county in
the state be requested to organize in any
manner best suiting their convenience.
The following names were presented and
appointed as vice-presidents : Lancaster
county , Mrs. J. J. Imhoff ; Nemaha , Mrs.
ItobUTeare ; Johnson , Mrs. Theo. Smith ;
Gage , Miss Delia La Salle ; Pawnee , Mrs.
Raper , Sr ; Hall , Mrs. Geo. H. Thummel ;
Cass , Mrs. Thos. Pollock : Douglas , Mrs.
Samuel Burns ; Seward , Mrs. S. C. Lang-
.rl Growing Coolness JMicccn Gcnnany and
Enr/land Apparent.
The growing coolness between Ger
many and England Is attracting much atten
tion , and Is beginning to be looked upon as
serious. The general opinion is that Bis
marck is sorely irritated at Gladstone's
contemptuous and semi-hostile attitude
toward the schemes of German colonization ,
in western Africa , in which it is notorious
that Bismarck is greatly interested. It is
hoped , however , that Bismarck will re
frain from making any such open manifesta
tion of his dislike to the present govern
ment as it would result in alienating that
large and powerful body of Englishmen
who sincerely desire to maintain cordial re
lations with Germany. Much depends upon
the coming parliamentary election. It is
certain that If the tories come into posses
sion of the government , England willspeed-
ily become a member of the Austro-Garman
alliance. In the meantime there in great
curiosity concerning the import to England
of the conference at Varzin between Prince
Bismarck and Count Kalnoky , the Austro-
Hungarian premier. It is freely asserted
that the German chancellor Is disgusted
with the failure of the Egyptian confer
ence and Gladstonicn policy generally. He
is planning a joint note from Austria and
Germany to England demandingthe prompt
settlement of the Alexandria indemnity
claims and the enforcement of proper sani
tary regulation in the Egyptian allies.
Prohibition State Convention ,
The prohibition electors of the state of Ne
braskaandall persons who are willing to
pledge themselves to vote for John P. St. John
for president , are requested to meet at Red
Ribbon hall , in the city of Lincoln , Thursday ,
September 11,1834 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination five candi
dates for presidential electors ; also candi
dates for such state offices as may be required ;
for the selection of a state central committee ,
nnd for the transaction of such other business
as may properly come before the convention.
The basis of representation shall be one del
egate for each one thousand inhabitants , to be
sleeted by moss conventions called In the sev
eral counties of the state , under the same con-
Jitions as provided herein. Where no call is
issued for such county conventions by local
sommittees. the electors in sympathy with
this call will convene at their respective coun
ty seats on Saturday , September 6th , for the
purpose of electing delegates to the state con
Prohibitionists throughout the state will
Immediately iorm St. John clubs for aggres
sive work and send- the names of their officers
to one of the undersigned.
Parties desiring reduced fare can purchase
round trip tickets at their point of starting.
Such tickets can only be obtained on certifi
cates signed by C. F. S. TempHn , Nebraska
City , to whom application should be made at
ance. JOHN B. PINCH ,
State Ex. Com.
Nebraska City August 16,1884.
Be Indulges in Arson and Follows It Up
tri'i 2lftirder.
A constable sold under execution a lot of
vheat in the stack belonging to David Avery ,
i farmer , living four miles southeast of Vlen-
la. 111. Just as the constable was leaving ,
Ivery went into the field armed with a double
jarreled shotgun , set fire to the stacks and re-
nained until they completely burned. He then
started towards town , and on the way met
Fohn Pickens and Daniel Gage , farmers , nnd
joth neighbors to him. . He spoke friendly to
hem , but he had no sooner passed them than
ic turned and fired , killing Gage. He then
proceeded to the farm of John Dunn , about a
nile distant , and set fire to his steaks of wheat ,
inned parties are now in search of the despe-
ate man.
The Crops Abroad ,
The Mark La ne Expressn reviewing the
rrain trade of the past week , says : The wea-
her is unaltered. A large proportion of
rrainhas been harvested with the best re-
lults. Wheat returns show 54 per cent of a
rleld , which Is over the average ; thirty per
: ent Is the average. Other crops are slightly
mder average. The -wheat trade-Is nominal ,
few English wheat declined two shillings dur-
ng the week. The price of wheat ranges 10
ind flour as lower than In 1883. New grain is
linty owing to excessive heat. Sales of Eng-
ish wheat for the past week were 27,528 quar-
ers at 38s 2d per quarter , against 41,799 quar-
ers at 43s lOd per quarter for the correspond-
ng period last year. Foreign wheat at Lon-
lon is demoralized both for the present and
irospectlve trades.
The "elm leaf beetle" is so numer-
> us at Flushing , L. I. , that it is killing
ill the shade trees.
There SbftH Be 1T Alps.
When Napoleon talked of invading
Italy one of his officers said : "But , sire ,
remember the Alps. " To an ordinary
man these would have seemed simply
insurmountable , but Napoleon respond
ed eagerly : "There shall be no Alps. "
So the famous Simplon pass was made.
Disease , like a mountain , stands in the
way of fame , fortune and honor to many
who by Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery" might be healed and so the
mountain would disappear. It is specific
for all blood , chronic lung .and liver
diseases , such as consumption ( which
is scrofula of the lungs ) , pimples ,
blotches , eruptions , tumors , swellings ,
fever-sores and kindred complaints.
Bunker Hill monument will Se a
small affair compared to the Washing
ton obelisk.
* * * Pile tumors cured in ten
days ; rupture in four weeks. Addresi
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion , Buffalo , N. Y.
The fuel value of the natural gas
from the Westinghouse well , near Pitts
burg , is $1.000 a day.
Despise Not the Day of Small Things.
Little things may help a man to rise
a bent pin in an easy chair for in
stance. Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purga
tive Pellets" are small tilings , pleasant
to take , and they cure sick-headaches
relieve torpid livers and do wonders
Being purely vegetable , they cannoi
harm.any one. All druggists.
Coming to XcbrasJta ,
Patrick Egan will remove the headquarters
of the Irish national league to Lincoln , Neb
Ho left Boston for the west on the 10th. Sex
ton and Itedmond , members of parliament
will return to Ireland soon. They , or some
other representatives of the national party
will return to America after the summer
session of parliament.
A Lie Nailed.
Competing Insurance Companies
have been circulating unfavorable re
ports , in regard to the condition of the
State Insurance Company , of Des
Moines , Iowa.
Auditor Brown , of Iowa , has just
given this Company a thorough inves
tigation ( and is now doing the same to
all Iowa Insurance Companies ) and
publishes the follow ing in his official
statement : "The Company has an ac
tual paid up Capital of § 200,000 , is
financially sound , and reliable , one of
the strongest Companies in the State ,
and is justly entitled to the confidence
of the public. This Company has a
surplus as regards policy holders of
§ 200,812.18. " This is after ruling out
over-due farmers' notes , judgments and
interest , office furniture and supplies ,
$257,000. These assets are good for at
leasi 75 cents on the dollar which would
give the Company a surplus of about
§ 400,000. You can rest assured that
the Company is solid , and these un
favorable stories told and published by
competitors are told and published to
get away the business from this popu
lar western company.
Mentman' * Feptontzed Beef Tonic , the
only preparation of beef containing Ita entire nutri
tious properties. It contains blood-making , force-
generating and life-sustaining properties ; Invalua
ble for Indltr ton. Dy pep ta. nervous pros
tration , and all forms of general debility ; also. In all
enfeebled conditions , whether the result of exhaustIon -
Ion , nervous prostration , overwork , or acute disease ,
particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints.
CASWELL , HAZABD & Co. , proprietors , New York ,
Sold by druggists.
The Chicago city government has passed
an ordinance requiring shop-keepers to
furnish seats for their female clerks.
IF afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Bye Vfater. Druggists sell it.
25c. _
Mrs. L. 51. Bates , who is at Saratoga ,
tarries a parasol worth SI ,000.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall ,
Mich. , off er to send their celebrated ELEC
APPLIANCES on trial for thirty daya , to men
( young or old ) afflicted with nervous debil
ity , loss of vitality and manhood , and all
kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism ,
neuralgia , paralysis , and many other dis
eases. Complete restoration to health , vigor
and manhood guaranteed. No risk is In
curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write
them at once for illustrated pamphlet free.
Prom a bushel of corn or rye there can be
jbtained almost two gallons of alcohol.
Allen * * Iron Tonic Bitters enre 81 cU
Headache. AH genuine bear the signature of J. P.
Allen , Druggist , St. Paul , Minn.
The pond-lily pedlers of New York City
make on an average $3 to $4 per night off
fteir wares.
Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns ,
warns and rheumatism are relieved by
Jncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
Sold by druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con-
mlsions and frequently death. A. pleasant ,
iafe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S
3EEMAN WOEM CAKES. Sold oy all
LrugRista . _
Headache , constipation , liver complaint ,
) iliiouiness are cured by that mild , cleans-
ne remedy which never produces pain ,
July i5 els. Sold by druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather
> f his harness soft and pliable , which pre-
lerves it from cracking or rippinp. He al-
sold by all Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle
ife are carried off by consumption. The
neat frequent cause is a neglected cold ,
: ougb , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or
isthma , all of which nmv be permanently
iND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condi-
ion of his stock. When scrapgy and feeble
hey are especially liable to distempers , fe-
rers , colds , and all diseases whi < h destroy
mlmals. Thousands of dollars are saved
mnually by that valuable old standby ,
Restless , fretful , crying children are ent
ering and need for their relief DR.
s useful not only for all the disorders of
eethlng infants , but cures coughs , croups ,
ore throat , colic and cramps of older chil-
Iren , and should always be kept in everv
louse for emergencies. Only 25 eta. Sold
iy all druggists.
on Kot . " . lears out mts.nilcp. flies.
Daches , bedbugs , ants , vermin , chipmunks. loc.
Matthew Arnold. hates to die because he
rill then have to go over to the majority.
le would always rather be a "remnant. "
When you Yliit or leave New York City ,
vi Central depot , uve Baggage Erpr esaage
and fa Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand
Union Hotel , opposite said depot. Six
hundred elegant rooms fitted up at ft cost of
one million dollars : $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup
plied with the best. Horse cars , stages and
elevated railroad to all depots. Families
can live better for lees money at the Grand
Union Hotel than at any other first-class
hotel in the city.
During a recent thunder-storm at Fall
River , Mass. , the lightning turned on the
gas andlitit.
WHEAT No. 2 60 © 60
BAIU.EV NO. 50 © 60
RYE No. 3 43 © 42
CORN No.2 37 @ 83
OATS No. 2 25 © 26
BOTTEU Creamery. - 18 © 20
nuTTEii Choice dairy. 14 © 16
GKAPES Per basket. 1 50 © 2 00
EGOS Fresh 12H © 13
CHICKENS Per doz , live 250 © 275
CHICKENS Dressed , per a. . . . 12 © 13
Ai'i'LKS Barrels 3 00 © 3 50
POTATOES Per bushel 30 © .40
TOMATOES Per box 85 © 00
SEEDS Timothy 1 90 © 2 00
EfiEUS Blue Grass 2 25 © 2 50
HAY Bailed , per ton 9 00 © 11 00
WHEAT Per bushel 76ft0 77
COIIN Per bushel 51 © 52
OATS Per bushel 24 © 26
POHK- is 50 © 19 00
LAUD 772 © 775
Hoas Pckg and shlpp'ff G 30 © 0 65
CATTLE Exports 6 60 © 0 00
SuEEp-Medlum to good 3 50 © 4 25
WHEAT Per bushel 81H © 81 i
CORN Per bushel 4SJ © 49
OATS Per bushel S4& © 25
CATTLE Exports 040 © 675
SHEEP Medium 225 © 340
HOQS Packers 580 © 620
Bnc1ui-1 nlba. ' Quick , complete cure , all
an Olnx Kldner and Urnmry U seasu > . $1.
The people of Buffalo propose to build a
monument to Red JacKet. It is not likely
any one will ever propose to erect a monument
ment to the yellow Jacket.
A CARD To all who are suffering from er'
rors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak
ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I will
send a recipe that will cure you , FREE OP
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INHAN ,
Station D. New York.
Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error
to an afflicted truth. Jeremy Taylor.
When you come to the State Fair stop at
Arrangements have been made for accom
modating 1,000 people per day comfort
ably and cheaply. This same house took
care of more people last year than any hotel
in Omaha , and gave the best of satisfaction ,
as thousands of last year's visitors can tes
tify. Remember the place. Metropolitan
hotel , corner of 12th and Douglas streets.
Can from the depot within one block , and
all conveyances to the Fair Grounds start
from this house.
Only three-eighths of the rail-furnaces of
the United States are now in operation.
"KonBhonCorni. " 15c. Ask for it. Complete
cure , bard or soft corns , warts , buniocs.
When the frantic leader of an oren-air
orchestra is f ghting mosquitoes with his
baton , the trifling public thinks that is his
way of beating time.
Those persons who do not need Iron , but
who are troubled with Nervousness and
Dyspepsia , will find In Carter's Little
NERVE Fills a most desirable article. They
are mostly used inl oombination with Car
ter's Little Liver Pills , and in this way often
exert.a most magical effect. Take Just one
pill of each kind immediately after eating
and you will be free from Indigestion and
Dyspepsia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold by
If you live in the city , don't cry over spilt
milk. Examine it closely and you may find
it is not milk , after all.
Advocates of prohibition need have no
fears of "PRICKLY ASH BITTERS" as it Is
a medicine , and by reason of its cathartic
properties cannot be used as a beverage.
It la manufactured from the purest ma
terials , and acts directly on the Liver , Kid
neys , Stomach and Bowels. As a blood
purifier it has no equal. It is pleasant to
the taste and effective in action.
Florence Nightingale is sixty-four , and is
held in great reverence still wherever she
oes in Europe.
"Konfjb on Itch" cures uumors , eruptlons.rlng-
troru ) , totter , sa t rheum , irosted feet , chilblains.
The mosquito is not inclined to favor pro
hibition. It is unanimously in favor of
open bars , and unalterably opposed to the
screen law.
SPRINGFIELD , MASS , April 10 , 1883.
"For diseases of the kidneys , liver , blad
der , and urinary organs I received great
benefit from HUNT'S [ Kidney and Liver ]
REMEDY. I pronounce it the best" H.
57. * Payne , Manufacturer Harnesses ,
Franks , etc. , 447 Main St.
Somerville , Mass. , has an "Owl Club. "
[ t is understood to have taken its name
'rom the frequent inquiry of the members
jo each other ; "Owl youhaveyournl"
See Here , Tonne Kan.
Chat girl of mine is twice as handsome
Since she commenced using Carboline ,
Che Deodorized extract of Petroleum , and
[ would not have her quit it for anything.
Charles Mosher , of Troy , escaped from
: he Pouehkeepsie lunatic asylum and
narched enthusiastically in an Odd Fellows'
procession before be was caught.
Ely's Cream Balm , for Catarrh , Cold
n the Head , Hay Fever , etc. By its use I
lave overcome a disagreeable discharge
'rom ' my nostrils ; am free from pain in my
> yes and head. JOHN W. LANE , Hardware
Merchant , Newton , N. J. [ Not a liquid or
muff. ]
I have been a sufferer for years with
March , and under a physician's treatment
or over a year. Ely's Cream Balm gave
ne immediate relief. I believe I am cntire-
y cured G. S. DAVIS , First National
Jank. Elizabeth , N. J.
Franz Miller , of Philadelphia , kept
wenty-five dogs and was very poor. The
: ourts ordered them killed , and he wept
) Itterly while the work was going on.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
JoreTliront.SwellIng .Spraln .Brnl e ,
Hum * . Scalds. Frost Bites ,
ioMby Druggliu and Deilerieverywhere. FinCen'.ta bottle.
Direction ! la 11 L&ngutget.
( Bi MunuA.VoaELE3CO. ) B lUuore , BitC.S. A.
Telegraphy ana Shorthand Schoov.
Faying situations guarant'd. Amer-
can School of Telegraphy & Shorthand.MadlaoruVTis.
The feebltt grow
ttrongwhen Hoitet-
teri Stomach Bit-
tew 1 * uied to pro
mote wMlmllatlon of
the food and enrich
the blood. Indlge *
tlun. the chief obtta *
cle to an acqulit *
tlon of itrentrtfa br
the weak. U an alt-
ment which Infalli
bly luccnmbi to the
action of this peer-
leu corrcctlre. Lou
of fleih and appe
tite , failure to ileep ,
and growing erl-
denee of premature
decay are tpeedlly
counteracted brtha
great Invlgorant ,
which braces np the
pbrilcal energlei
and fortlflei the
constitution aanu
dlieaae. For tale br
all Dracglcu aad
I have been a Ilny-
Fcver inflerer three
rcant ; have of ten licunl
Ely'a Cream Hnlm
np < > ken of In the high- '
eat terms , illd not take
much stock In It bu-
CIIUHO of the many
nuack medicines. A
mend penuaded mo to
try the IJnlm. and with
the must wonderful
SI1CCCS * . T. S. ( iKKlt ,
Syracuse , N. Y.
Crvitra Itulni U a
remedy founded on a
correct dlaRnosN f
this disease und cau lie
depended upon. 30c at
nrtirclBta ; ° ° ' " > ' ma"-
Sample bottle by mall
lte. ( ELY linos. , lru -
[ AY-EEVER Klsts , Owt-KO , X. V.
The majority of the Ulf of the human
tody arlts from a derangement of the.
Ziver , affecting both the Btotnath and
bowels. In order to effect a cure , it is
necessary to remora the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Dowels ,
Headache , Slchnesa at the Stomach , Pain
in the Socle and Loins , etc. , indicate that
the Iiivcria at fault , and that nature re
quires assistance to enable this organ to
throw off impurities ,
compounded for thi * purpose * f hey are
mild in their action and effective as a
cure ; are pleasant to the taste and taken
cosily by both children and adults. Tan
Jcen according to directions , they are a
tafeandpleasant cure for Dyspepsia ,
General Debility , Habitual Con-
etlpatlon , Diseased Kidneys ,
etc. , etc. - < is a Blood Purifier fftey
are superior to any other medicine ;
cleansing the system thoroughly , and
imparting new life and energy to the in
valid , it if a medicine and not an
Intoxicating ; beverage *
and take no other. PBXCS. 91.00 per BotU * .
BfcLoula and Kansaa
Bellevue College.
SEPTEMBER 17 , 1884.
Classical. Scientific , Commercial and Art Dcparf
ments. Both sexes admitted. Tuition low , boarding
cheap. tZTAddress for particulars. Rev. W. tV.
Harsha , D. D. , President , Bellevue , Neb.
Oculist and Aurist.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Eye , Ear and Throat.
1GOS Farnam St. . . . . Omaha
U W. & N. Oil Tube Colon. 90 c. doz. ; Sible
BrushesSe.up ; Bristles,70.up ; Plaques,5c. up ; Palettes,35c. ;
Easels , 90 c. ; Artists'Boxes. $1.50 ; Panels , c. up ; Oils , ran , c. ;
Varnish. sc. : Cold or Silver Paint. 330 ; Canvass , 750. yard ;
Pottery and Novelties for Decoratinsr. J c. up ; Studies rented.
BJI ll'O | f\ Zithers : Sheet Music , K off printed list ;
IWI U O I * Music Instiuctnrs for all Instruments. 500.
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
Send 3 ct. Stamp for Catalogue :
i e : ,
I able sleep ; effects c a res where all others f.iL
I trial eonnnets the mast tltplical. Fried 50c. a"rt
ISl.OO.ofDracciBtsorl.vmsil. Sample FllKE
Send Stamp for my circular , "How I
poultry ; S7BO. $1.300. 31.6OO a year.
How to make poultry profitable. Ho7 to make
an Incubatoi costing lets than 85. How to
build cheap poultry houses. Preserve ezgx.
Cure Cholera ; Stake Hens Lay ; General Man
agement , etc. , etc. l.OOO things forthe poul
try yard. A cew book. C. O. BESSEY ,
ABILENE. KANSAS. Breeder of Plymouth
Bock fowls and Poland-China twine. *
Best Couch Syrup. Tastengood.
Use in time. Sold by druggists.
Relle'ved Immediately and cured t > y
. Price * 3.00 per bottle or 3 bottles for
IS delivered. Addres * Dr. C. MARKT , Manager , Ham
ilton , Ohio.
ELECRAPMY branch Inallits
T fcmjhtat Omaha School Telegraphy , Omaha ,
Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manager
pares men better for business than any other In-
tltutlon Is the testimony of the commercial world.
"or circulars address
LILLIBKIDGE & DUNCAN. Davenport , Iowa.
° r 'le'rs ' scn < stamP forcircu-
'ars ' showing who is entitled
to pension , bounty. &c. I. C.
WOOD , Pension JLtty. , Washington. D. C. B
l/AXTED experienced Hook and Bible Agents In i :
1 ererrConntr. Liberal Salaries Paid. Addresi ai
tatlng experience. P. O. Box g. g8t. . Lonla. Mo. isT
6EBT7 * WAHTJED for the bett and f sitest- albl
ulllng Pictorial Boob and Bibles. Prices reduced blSi
! per cent. NATIONAL , PUB. Co. , St. Lcnis , Mo. Si
1SOO , 1O8 < s ISlOFarnam it.Omaha.
"W. N. U. , Omaha , 221 35.
say you saw the advertisement in this paper.
1 Great Problen.
Take nil the Kidney and Liver
afedlclnes , /
T ke nil the Blood purlflm ,
Tnko all the Rheumatic remedies ,
Take all the Dyspepsia and Indigestion ,
cureo ,
Take all the Ague , Fever and Btllloiu
Take all the Brain and Nerve force
rovlvars ,
Take nil the Great health restorers.
In short , take all the best qualities of all
thei-e , and the best
Qualities of all the best medicine * In the
worm , and you will flud that Hop * * "
Bitters have the best curative qualities .
and powers of Ml ' concentrated
In them , an.i that they will cure whea
any or all of these , singly or combined
Fall. A thorough trial will give posi
tive proof of this.
Hardened Liver.
Five years ago I broke down with kidney
and liver complaint and rheumatism.
Since then I have been unable to bo about
at all. My Hvorbecame hard like wood ; my
llmba were puffed up and filled wiih water.
All the best physicians agreed that noth
ing could euro me. I resdlvecl to try nqj ;
Bitters ; ! have used seven bottles ; the hard
ness has all gone from my liver , the swcl ;
inu from my limbs , and it has worked ,
miracle In my case ; otherwise I would ha' , '
been now In my erave. J. "W. MOHEV ; ' '
Buffalo , Oct. 1,1831. *
Porortf and Suffering.
"I was dragged down with debt , poverty
and suffering for years , caused by a sicfc
family and large bills for doctoring.
I was completely discouraged , until one
year ago , by the advice of my pastor , I com
menced using Hop Bitters , and In one
month we were all well , and none of us
have seen a sick day since , and I want to '
say to all poor men , vou can keep your
families well a year with Hop Bitters for less
than one doctor's visit will cost. I know
C None genuine without a bunch ofirreen
Hops on the white label. Shun nil the vile ,
poisonous stuff with " " " "
"Hop" or "Hops" in
their name.
to take. Ixilng PURELY VEGETABLE-
First Prize , 10 Volumes Novels and Poems. . . .tlO 00
Second " 7 " " . . . . 700
Third " 1 Watch and Chain . 6 00
Fourth " 1 7-Shot Revolver. . 5 U )
Fifth " 1 5-Shot Revolver. . 4 CO
Sixth " American Agriculturist 1 year. . . . 1 Cd
Seventh " 1 CopyDr.Uanelson'sDr.'Boolc. . . 150
Eighth " IPocketKnlfe . 125
Ninth " 1 Silver Dollar . 1 00
lenth " Rural Xebraaka 1 year . 100
Free ! Free ! Free ! Free ! Free . ' 'Free !
The publishers of THE RURAL UEHRASKX will plva
these prizes away on the following conditions : The
Drst prize to the person sending the largest number
of words made from the words HUBAL NEBRASKA ;
the second prize to the person sending the next
lamest number of words , and so on down.
Should two send the same number of words , the
ane mailed first ( post marks will be considered evl-
Jencc ) will be awarded the prize In competition.
Each competitor must send 50 ccnu to pay 6 months
subscription to TUB RURAL NEBRASKA , which Is a
-page SO-column Farm and Family Taper , establish
ed 15 years. Contest closes Sept. 25. Sample copies
! c. Remit by Postal Note or Money Order , 1 or 2e
stamps. Address
ir. s. SMITH : as co. , pnb. . .
ZCMt and 1O8 S. 14th it. , Omaha , Neb.
. . LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S * *
AH those painful Complaint *
* and Weaknesses so common *
* * * to onr beit * * *
* * * * * *
Trice $1 la liquid , pill or lounge form.
Its purpose ia solely for the legitimate heallny of
disease and the relief of pain , and that it does all
it claims to do , thousandsofladies can gladly testify.
It will euro entirely all Ovarian troubles. Inflamma
tion and Ulceratlon , Falling- and Displacements , and
consequent Spinal 'Weakness , and la particularly
adapted to the change of life. * * * * " *
It removes Famines * , Flatulency , destroys all craving
for stimulant" , and relieves Weakness of the Btomach.
It cores Bloating , Headaches , Nervous I'roitratlcn ,
General Debility , Slecplesiness , Depression and Indi
gestion. That feeling of bearing ; down , causing pain ,
and backache. Is always permanently cured l > y fta use.
Send stamp to Lynn , Mas * . , for pamphlet. Letters ot
Inquiry confidentially answered , for sale at druggists.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
the customer
keeping the one
that suits
Order on trial , address for circnlarand location of
Western and Southern Storehouses and Agents. . .
P. K. DEDERICK & CO. , Albany , M. Y. <
rHE TIFPBN Well Boring A
101. llK--i Rock
For Horse or Steam Power
Hundreds of tha best men In 30 States
and Territories use it and will have no
Established over 35 years.wa hire ample
facilities to fill orders promptly , and I
to satisfaction of our customers. Cata-j
logue FBXE. Addrew * _
I.OOMIS & NYMAX , TlfQn , Ohio.
. INIM ENT DrChiles' Llzhtnlng Liniment for
.111 I ill I.III
Horses and cattle. It will cure
one Spavin or enlargement of all kinds. It does not
Ister or cause any sore. It has no equal for Splint ,
Ingbone. Curb. Callous , Sprains. Galls , Lameness
id tbe many diseases borse flesb Is heir to. Price
c. ner bottle. Ur. Cblles * Horse and Cattle CONDI-
ION POWIJEHSare a wonderful preventatlve for
1 contagious diseases ; also general diseases of the
ood. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
: nd for our General Information Book free. Address
Dli. J. W. CHILES & CO. ,
For sale by all drngtfits. Dayton , Ohio.
O C. CAMPBEIX , Proprietor.
New House. Terms , 12 per day. 1215 Douglas Bt.
OMAHA , Neb.
Positively cure SICK-HEADACHE. BUloneness , and aU LIVEB. nad BOWEL Complaints , i
3LOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( OlfE PILL A DOSE ) . For Pezaale Complaints these
lave no equal. "I flnd them a valuable Cathartic and Liver Pill. Dr. T.2X.Palmer. Monticello. Fla. "
In my practice I use no other. J. Dennison. AID. . DeWitt , Iowa/ * Sold everywhere , or sent by
nail for 3 ct . in tamp . Valuable informatics yKKB. 1. S JOHNSON tt CO. , BOSTON , 3XASK.