McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, August 28, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
Thursday , August 28th , 1884.
Indicates that your subscription to THK
x TnniUNE has expired , and thnt uu Invita
tion to rcnow the same IB extended.
All locale under this heading lOc. a line for
each insertion , and same inserted until order
ed discontinued , unless time Is specified. Dills
payable monthly.
CONGHEaATIONAL.-Sunduy School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.80. M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will be noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every other Sunday
morning at 10.30 , M. T. , and evening at 8 , M. T.
Sunday School every week at 3.HO , 51. T. Ser
vices held in Opera Hall.
Hall.N BAIITLKV , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Sen-ices will bo held in the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
JOSEPH CiiEity , Pastor.
1.0. O. T. The Independent Order of Good
Templars meet in the Congregational Church
every Tuesday evening.
Local Intelligence.
We would like to entertain two or
three hundred of our subscribers at
these headquarters for a few minutes
each. Many are owing us from one to
two years for their paper , and we give
such an earnest invitation to call and
eettle by cash or bankable paper.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
Dr. Boyle visits Culbertson the first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
Take your repairing to Small & War
ren , opposite B. & M. Dining Hall.
Extraordinary bargains in remnants
of all kinds , at Chicago General Store.
A number of car-loads of stock pull
ed through , west bound , Friday evening
Ice Cream and Cake at the Festival.
Coffee and sandwiches served all the
We offer our entire stock of Lawns ,
to close them out , at from 7 to 10 cts ,
worth 10 to 18 cts. Jos. MENARD.
All kinds.of hair work done to order.
Langtry Bangs , Pinafore Waves and
Switches done in first-class style at
Chicago Store
People who suffer with dyspepsia are
benefited by using Leis' German Baking
Powder. It helps assimulate the food.
Sold by C. H. Rogers.
The City Bakery has just received
the finest line of Candies ever brought
to McCook. Remember this and go
there for your candies.
The literary program at the Opera
Hall , next Thursday evening , will commence - -
mence at 7:30 Mountain
promptly : , 01
Time. Admission , lOc. 01w
Even the women arc becoming land- ai
hungry. Quite a number have been in aiT
town entering claims , the past two T
weeks , and still they come.
The Paxton Cattle-Co. fc
- , recently or
ganized with J. B. Mescrve of our town j
as Manager , added some 200 head of IKm
steers to their herd , last week. m
The land in this part of the district
iswell represented about two agents
to the quarter. But we anticipate the
music the ball hasn't opened.
FOR SALE First-class millinery and thwl
dress-making establishment. Doing ea
good business. Terms easy. For par in
ticulars , address THE TRIBUNE. inBi
The railroad fares including one ad T
mission to the grounds , to the State R.
Fair at Omaha , is $7. The Fair opens
September 8th and ends on the 13th. Sti
Dr. Boyle , one door east of the TRIB- br
.UXE office , is prepared to do all kinds of es
DENTAL WORK. Charges reasonable and ha
all work warranted. Administers gas grmi
C. H. Rogers has just received a
complete line of crocker } ' , which he
sell cheaper than anybody at prices
that defy competion. Call and inspect. ex
th ;
I have on my shelves a large invoice Fain
of Ginghams and Chevoits which I will
offer at Special Bargains for one week Di
only , commencing Saturday , August 9th.
gn ;
We would like to have our farmers Lst
send us in reports of their crops and
prospects. Send in as complete reports
as possible. We want .Red Willow t
county to stand high.
We are indebted to A. K. Huber of otl
the Crete Nursery force , who has been th.
doing this county , for luscious fruit th.Pi
presented to this office. He reports sh
very encouraging success.
Who has a Windmill and a Well su :
n eds a Water Tauk. H. W. Pike has
a lot of "Tank Plank. " bo
If stormy , Thursday evening , the
Apron Fair will be postponed until
Friday evening , Sept. 5th.
WANTED. A woman to take care of
-invalid , inquire at the office of
Oberlin now keeps a representative
or two in town for the purpose of di
recting land-seekers toward bleeding
No alum or ammonia in Lois' German
Baking Powder. It is made from the
Pure Wine G-rape Cream Tartar. Sold
by C. H. Rogers.
Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of white bolted corn meal.
Messrs. Johnson & Spalding are build
ing a store room adjoining the restau
rant on Main avenue , and will stock
the same with a line of drugs and mu
sical instruments.
We desire to call attention to the
fact that we have iust received a large
stock of new job type , and are prepared
to execute your job work in an artistic
and workmanlike manner.
The tide seems to have turned. Un
til recently the common report was that
nothing would grow in "the great Amer
ican desert , " and now its possibilities
are well nigh infinite immeasurable.
J. W. Dolan. the well-known banker
of Indianola and member of the legisla
ture , has been in the city for a day or
two. He reports the valley booming
as it never boomed before. State Jour
nal , 22d.
The law suit between Joe Braun and
the doctor of
veterinary surgery was
settled , this week , by the first-named
person paying $5. The suit was unique
in its bearings and
, provoked many au
audible smile.
Rev. Allen Bartley will preach to
the children after the Sunday School
lesson at the Opera Hall , next Sunday
afternoon. All children and others of
the town invited.
Services in the even
ing , as usual.
Lewis Bros , have leased the lot ad
joining Rogers' store , and have con
tracted for a building to be used , for
the present , as a billiard hall. This ,
with the drug and music store building
just fills the open space. „
There will be a meeting of the real
estate agents of the Republican Valley
at Alma , Friday , August 29th. The
object of the meeting will be to orga
nize and thus be in better shape to draw
immigration to this country.
Upon the arrival of No. 40 , Sunday , Oial
one of the journals of the Pullman car alS
was found to have been so badly dam
aged by a hot-box as to render it nec- olT
es ary to be switched off here for repairs.
That "con. " will most likely get 30 days.
The B. & M. put in a freight trans mSi
fer platform and additional side-tracks , in
just west of the depot , last week. We cc
hope a freight house may be erected at re
distant day. The freight traffic of sv
this point is immense , being the dis th
tributing station for a large scope of of
country. ofT
The people are getting disgusted with thin
the Baking Powder advertisements m
where two of the large companies accuse in
each other of using ammonia and other lit
injurious ingredients. Leis' German ar
Baking Powder contains Grape Cream C
Tartar ; and Bicarb Soda. Sold by C. H. 'm
Rogers. .
The Monitor is our authority for the
statement that Irwin & John of Cara- wl
andge have established a branch real wlWi
jstate agency at Stratton. That point be
las been receiving the bulk of immi CO
gration for some time , and the govern COwx
ment land in vicinity is being diminish- "I
in amount rapidly. tic
Mrs. Menard of the Chicago Store ed
jxpects to start about the 15th of cil
he month to purchase a large stock of
Fall and Winter Goods and in order to
nake : room for our new stock we sell de
Dry Goods , Notions and Millinery at lis
reatly reduced prices until September rij
People come into the world , cat and y
Irink ; and enjoy themselves the best
hey can and have never a thought for wl
ithers. They leave no trace behind
§ 2
hem . ; no signs painted , etc. H. W. 2H <
Pike has his sign painted on a stock
of >
ihcd full of Seasoned Lumber , selling
he <
close prices for the quality , and a ha
ard stocked up with a full assortment
iuitable for a "Claim Shack" to a Palace.
Blank notes , neatly bound , 50 in a to
look , for sale at this office. qu [
5 ; The Ladies' Union will give an Apron
I Fair and Festival at Menard1 s Hall ,
Thursday evening , September 4th.
Let's make a strong effort to have a
cooler built. The regular meeting of
the Board occurs next Tuesday evening.
We have enough citizens who are inter
ested in this matter , to build it by sub
The cow-boys have been gathering in
the last of this week , preparatory to the
beef round-up , which commences at the
head of the Willow on September 1st.
We were going to say that the boys were
in getting in practice , but we won't.
We are sorry to record the death of
James Shepherd , an old resident of this
county. The old gentleman had over
lived man's allotted time , being 72
years of age , and had been in feeble
health for some months. He passed
away quietly at his ranch northwest of
here , Sunday night.
"How are the mighty fallen ! " The
Courier comes to us , this week , reduced
to one-half its size. Another instance
of having bitten off more than could be
masticated. Now , if the Courier man
agement will eliminate a number of
those dead stock adds he will have more
space to devote to his readers. No fee.
fee.'t '
Drunkenness continues prevalent and
will in all probability remain so until
something in the way of a cooler is
provided wherein to allay the overheated -
heated , who can be seen on our streets
daily. A cooler will reduce the number
of drunken men on our streets 50 per
cents. We need it , and need it badly.
Some parties drove off twelve head of
sheep for John Evert , who lives in the
bottom eastof town , Tuesday night.
The same bunch was offered for sale by
two drovers to Thos. Ruggles , who lives
a number of miles north of Evert's
place , the next morning. About noon ,
eleven of the sheep returned home , hav
ing in some manner escaped from the
There absolutely nothing to be said
in mitigation of the fast riding indulged
in through the business portion of our
town. Every time some thick-pated ,
shallow-brained individuals imbibe one
glass of beer do they exhibit their fee !
tendency. Some innocent little one
will sometime pay the penalty of this
thing with broken limbs or possibly
worse results.
Two real estate transactions occurred
on Saturday , the sellers receiving way
beyond prices. A. McG. Robb dispos
ed of his homestead and the papers on
his timber claim to a Mr. Ludwick of
Onargo , 111. , for the neat sum of $2-
000. Both of these claims are situated
about four miles northwest of town.
Samuel ; Stevens also sold his claim west
ol town , receiving $1,000 for the same.
The real estate tendency is upward. hi
The Mission Band gave an entertain aiLi
ment at the Congregational church , Li
Sunday which interesting lo
evening , was an
ing and pleasant affair. The program
consisted of scriptural readings and eire
recitations , music , questions and answers H
the and aims of
swers , giving history re
the Mission B and and American Board , reve
which the Uand is an'auxiliary , etc.
The ] Am erican. Board , as was shown by tii
the history given during the entertain ol
ment , has been doing a great and com to
mendable work , since its inception a
littjle more than a quarter-century ago ,
ind to the young folks is due in no in
considerable degree the success of this
missionary work. C3
An individual by the name of Bill
Young , foreman of the gang of men , d
whom Lanham has had at work on the
tvater-works well now being dug in the
bottom , was on a tare , Wednesday , in
jonipany with a number of men who are
vorking on the well , and after steaming mi
until he had superinduced a pugilis-
turn of mind , he forthwith proceed"a :
to PUSH our inoffensive Teutonic
jitizen , Adolph Fullgrabe down , and an
dck him in the face , producing two
igly wounds by his brutal assault. One im
leep and long cut on the left side of
! forehead and an ugly lump on the tai ;
iglit side of the same. The assault this ;
ieems to have been entirely unprovoked , M
ind the inoffensive character of the as- is
aulted party is proof in that direction , ro
fouug was promptly arrested and ar- ca ;
aigned before Justice Fisher , before caM
rhoni he plead guilty , and was fined
25 and costs , which he refused to pay. toi ;
was then given over into the hands to ;
Constable McCormick. This is not 10
first racket in which Laiiham's gang rai
lave indulged in our town , having on raiMs
or two occasions , since they have ind
icon here , made themselves obnoxious inC >
our citizens. The gang , when , in li mi
uor , are a ( Quarrelsome lot. or
Frank Harris spent Sunday in .Kan
sas City.
Fred. Harris took a trip up to Den
ver , Saturday.
J. F. Forbes left on a vacation of a
few weeks , Monday.
C. H. Rogers went to Chicago , Fri
day , to purchase goods.
Chas. Noble started for St. Louis on
No. 2 , Sunday morning.
Judge Ashmore was circulating
around town , Saturday.
Mrs. W. F. Wallace was an eastbound -
bound ] passenger , Tuesday.
W. D. Gumming has been in from the
range a few days of this week.
Senator Dolan and George Papin
were visiting in town , Sunday.
J. R. King , County Clerk of Dundy ,
was in town on business , Saturday.
A. D. Buckworth of North Platte
made a short stay in our town , last week.
Fred. Webster of the E. D. Webster
ranch spent a few days of last week in
Frank Galarneau has been added to
't the clerical force in the U. S. Land
Mr. Wilson , an attorney of Oberlin ,
Was in town , a day or two the last of
last week.
Miss Ethel Whippel of Denver ,
Colo. , is visiting at the residence of J.
B. Me serve.
Miss Nellie Fisher spent a few days
of last week at Indianola , with her
cousin , Miss As&more.
Mrs. Caldwell of Crete arrived in
town , last week , and is staying at the
residence of Dr. Shaw , under whom she
is receiving medical attention.
Mrs. S. D. Hunt returned from a 10
day's trip to the mountains , the first of
the week , much refreshed in body and
mind , and withal greatly delighted with
der trip.
C. H , Frew , Secretary and Treasurer
of the Paxton Cattle Co. , who has been
spending the past w ? ek in McCook and
at the ranch in Hayes1 county , left for
Illinois , Sunday.
The Misses Buckworth * who have
been visiting at Squire Fislrer's of this
place and Judge Ashmore of Indianola
for some weeks past , took their depart
ure for home , last week.
Mrs. J. M. Furgeson went down to
Indianola , the first of the week , to visit
friends. This is the first time in two
years that Mrs. Furgeson's health has
permitted of her leaving town. j
Headmaster Dauchy has been made JKei
happy by the arrival of Mrs. Dauchy eiT
and the little ones. They have gone to T
huusekeeping in one of C. N. Batche-
lor's houses on Madison street.
Tom Campbell of the Dispatcher's
office , returned home on Thursday last.
He entertains the hope of the ultimate
recovery of his father , who has been f
very seriously ill for some time.
Mr. Ludwick of Onargo , 111. , in addition -
tion to the purchase of Mr. Robb's
claims , has made some investments in.
town and will embark in business.
Arrangements for erecting a building ]
are bcinc ; made.
Jack Rawlings is in a- high state of *
exuberancy over the fact of having ;
struck water at a depth of 17 feet on
his claim cast of town. Seventeen feet
ieep and five feet of water is enough to fr
produce the above effect , not to make
mention of that fine sod corn.
Thos. Colfer left for Illinois , this tliI
morning , to bring out an excursion to b
Nebraska on September 3d. He is and lu
ias been for the past two years Emigration th
for the Route
gration Agent Burlington re
ind intends waking several trips east , by
ibis fall , in the interest of Nebraska in
immigration. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb have been enter- G.Li
aining Auditor and Mrs. Wiggins , and LiA
lie latter's brother and sister , Mr. and A
Miss Duffield , this week. Mr. Wiggins er
the oldest traveling auditor on the Di
oad : , and has been transferred from the fr.
ast end to this division , and will make ing
VIcGook his . inpr
headquarters. pro
Mr. Raywalt of Hastings , state cus- an
odian of the Masonic order , came up he :
McCook on 39 , Wednesday , re-turning se
ionic on 40 , the same afternoon. Ar- ar
angeuients for the organization of a rii
ilasonic Lodge have been completed , th :
a large lodge of that order will soon th
a reality. McCook contains < juite a fell
lumber of "old-time members , -of the of
irsranization. ds
F. D. Hess and family came down
from their ranch , Sunday.
Geo. Barnes , of Culbertson , Nebraska
is hand-shaking with his Edgar friends
this week. Edgar Times.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clarence Grant came down from the
Republican Valley , Wednesday , where
he has been looking after the interests
of his cattle ranch. Edgar Times.
We direct your attention to the card
of E. C. Towne , to be found on our first
page. Mr. Townc is an old real estate
man , having had some 30 yeais exper
John and Adam Kechler started for
Oberlin , Kansas , Tuesday. They have
both taken up a homestead near the
above town , where they will remain un
til about the first of November. Edgar
We hope to be able to announce , next
weekjthat arrangements have been made
to handle grain by some one in McCook.
We are led to believe that there are influ
ences at work that will bring forth such
a desirable result.
Captain Parker of the 19th Regulars
also came in contact with Bill Young's
"dukes , " Wednesday. He was around
this morning to have the bellicose Bill
arrested , but the Justice declined to is
sue a warrant , for that purdose.
Robert E. Sheeran , contracting agent
of the Anglo-American Show , was in
McCook , last Thursday , on a tour of
inspection. Pronounced the "Magic
City" the best town in the valley. But
was unable to decide as to whether or
not the show would make a stand in the
valley , this year.
The leading chemists of the day have
analyzed the Royal and Price's Baking
Powder , and say they contain ammonia.
No wonder that the Kidney Disease is
alarming in this country. Leis' German
Baking Powder contains Grape Cream
Tartar , and is free from alum and ani-
ammonia. Sold by C. H. Roges.
Something New !
At Chicago Store , under the Opera
Hall. A Calico Dress given away with
evevy'$10 worth of Dry Goods , Cloth
ing , Millinery or Boots and Shoes pur
chased at my store for the next 30 days.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Sheep ! Sheep !
I have 856 head of very fine , high
bred Sheep , which I will sell very cheap
for cash , or on time. Will sell in lots
to suit purchasers. If I do not sell , I
shall want to let them out to be kept on
the shares. J. BYROX JEXXIXUS ,
13-2. McCook , Neb.
W. S. MORLAX of Arapahoe has been
re-nominated < for District Attorney.
Mr. Morlan has made an efficient pros
ecuting attorney for this district , and F
THE TRIBUNE seconds the nomination
TUE editor-in-chief of the
- - Arapahoe tlE
Pioneer is a "holy terror" in common E
parlance. That apostle of sweetness
and light quotes two articles , verbatim in
et literatim ct punctuatiui. from this
journal , last week , and. after illuminat
ing the same with a few soft touches , in
incorporates them in his columns sans
SHOULD Judge Gasiin consent to be
ing made a cats'-paw of by the democrats - w
crats by running for congress or as S.
assistant we shall see the liveliest cam-
paisrn in this district ever witnessed
here. Gazette-Journal. The Judge
hasn't told us he would be an indepen
dent candidate. Bro. Wigton. Why
frighten us with this ghostly apparition.
THE indications of the times are to
the effect that the editor of the Indian
apolis Sentinel will wish he had never
been born , 'ere James , the Plumed , will in
have done with him. We do not think inL
tlie Democratic party is in any measure L
responsible for the outrage committed
the above named cur in thus enter
ing the sanctity of the home of James
WE clip the following special from
Lincoln to the Omaha Bee : LIXCOLX.
August 2G. This morning a life prison
In the penitentiary named Clinton 10
Dill committed suicide He was sent
PromHitchcock . county in 1881 for kill
a cowboy named Sam Lucas. He
cured a pocket knife this morning
ind stepping into the gate house , where
'R'as acting as gate keeper , he made
several cuts at his throat. The guard
xrriving on the scene , Dill made a ter
rific : lunge at Ids windpipe and severed
he jugular. In his dying struggle he
ihrew the knife at the guard and then
back a corpse. Dill was 43 years M
age. and leaves a wife and three chil- am an this city , the eldest 10 years.
THE political measures that have been
adopted for this campaign arc a burning
disgrace to any civilized country. Once
the flood gates of scandal are opened ,
nothing can hold in check the surging
tide of infamy that comes rushing
WE have been of the opinion that the
gate which admitted disaffected demo
crats into the republican fold , would
prove a place of exit for as many repub
licans of the same mental condition , but
it does seem that we have our bourbon
friends at the best on this score.
THE people of Crete and Saline coun
ty held an interesting and unique necktie
_ tie party , the other day , at which the
Mexican rapist , expiated his terrible
crime with his life at the nether ex
tremity of a hempen cord. The cere
mony was performed with all possible
neatness and dispatch.
Arapahoe vs. Indianola.
On Friday , August 29th , the Arap-
ahoes and Indianolas will play a game
on the fair grounds at Indianola for a
purse of $75 , made up by the citizens
of both towns. Game will be called at
2 o'clock P. M.
In the forenoon the Danburys and
Coon Creeks will play at ten o'clock
for a purse of $10.
In the evening the Indianola club
give a grand ball in the opera house ;
admission , $1.00. Lovers of the
national game should be present at the
meeting ] of these clubs , as the greatest *
games of the season will be played.
Let everybody come.
No Medicine Stands Higher Than
Marsh's Golden Balsam.
' One year ago I caught a severe Cold ,
which settled on my Lungs. I tried
many : remedies without getting relief ,
until I used your GOLDKX BALSAM. I
consider ( it a gift from heaven. ' * Mrs.
James Luce , Omaha , Neb.
"For Consumption of the Lungs , I
know of no medicine that stands higher
will cure where cures are possible. "
II. L. Smith , Fort Scott , Kans.
"Not one of the thousands who have
city , has ever made a complaint that it
did not do all claimed for it. ' ' Kansas
City ( Mo. ) Times.
mous Throat and Lung medicine , and
Toxic , the great alterative and chola-
gogue , are for sale by S. L. Green ,
druggist , McCook. Large bottles 50
cents and $1.
If you want cheap pork call at John
Farley's meat market.
All kinds of blanks kept for sale at
this office.
Locals under tin's head r c. a line for each
insertion. Mills payable monthly.
R. S. Cooley has deeded lands for . ale
various parts of the county.
Homesteads and timber claims for
sale. li. S. COOLKV. McCook.
One good house. 1 acre of land , good
well. etc. . for sale. Price. § 450. E.
. Cooley , McCook.
J. E. Berger is agent for the. Western
Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap
for cash or on long time. 4.
FOR SALE : One house , with 2 lots ,
good well on property. Price , $450.
. S. Cooley , Office 1st door south U.
. Land Office , McCook.
II. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
MeC'ouk , Neb. , January , 1SS4. and
lias come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , ? ash , Doors , Lime and Build-
in"- Material , sold at close prices , con-
O * * '
sidering the freight.
By making their own Soda and buy
ing their Grape Cream Tartar direct
from importers. DcLands .are always
able to make their Chemical Baking
Powder uniform and pure. Absolutely
filling. Sold by Hayden & Co.
Blank Deeds. Real Estate Mortgage ? ,
Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed ,
Quit Claim Deeds. Contracts for Build
ing , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort
gage. Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge ,
Petition for License. Notes. Receipts , THK TRIBUNE office.
I am now prepared to offer Flour and
Mill Feed in exchange for Wheat , and
also prepared to buy grain to ship.
July 5 , 'S4-Gin. CLARK WARD.