PRIVATE HENRY'S DEATIT. 37ie Arctic Replorer Who teat Shot by Order of Lieut. Greely. XJtt Commanding Officer Mulcts Ofjlctal Jle- .port Regarding the Same. The following is Lieutenant Greely'a official report of the execution of Private Henry , made to the adjutant general : "I have the honor to report that on June 0,1884 , at Cainp Clay , near Cape Sabin , Grinnell Land , it became necessary for mete to order the military execution or Private Charles B. Henry. Fifth cavalry. The order wan given In writing on my undivided responsibility , being deemed absolutely essential for the safety of the surviving members of the expedition. Ten had al ready died of starvation , and two more Iny at the point of death. Tie facts inducing my action were as follows : Provisions bad been sto'en in November , 1883 , and Henry's complicity therein wna more than buspectcd. On March 24 , 1884 , the party nearly perished from aspuyxU. WUlo fccveral men were unconscious , and while efforts were being made fur their restoration , Private Henry stole about two pounds of bacon from the mesa RIOIVH. He was not only seen by the E-kimo Jens and Edwards , but his stomach being overloaded , he throw up the undigested bacon. An open Investigation was held , and every member of the parly declared him guilty of these and other thefts. A clamor fur his life was raised , but was repressed - pressed Ity mo. I put him under survell- anc 5 until our waning strength rendeied his physical services indi pens.ible. Later he was found one day intoxicated , having stolen liquor on hand for medicinal use. A second time his life was demanded , but again spired him. On June 5th a theft of provision ? , on his pm , having' been re * ported to mp , I had a conveisition wiih him , in wulcu I appealed to bis practical sen be , pointing out that it i ce-sary to our preservation. He promised entire re formation , but distruntioc him , I issued a written ordei thai ho should be shot if de tected stealing. OnJuneCtb. he not only stole part of the shrimps for our breakfus. , but vmiing unauthorised our winter c imp stole eenain sel skins reserved for food. I men ordered him 10 be shot. On bis person was found it silver chronograph abandoned by me at Fort Confer and stolen by him. In his bag was found a large quan tity of sealskins and a pair of seaiskin boots stolen a few days before from the hunter. Suspecting complicity on the part of several , T ordered his execution by three of the most reliable men. After his death the ordtr was read to the entire party and concurred in by every member as being not oulv just but essential to our safety. To avoid pub lic scandal , I ordered thac no man speak of tbe matter until the official report was made of the facts. I have the honor to n quest that a court of inquiry be ordered , or a court martial be convened , should the hon orable secretary of war deem it advisable. In this case I have thought it best not to ask written statements of the surviving mem bers of the pa : ty for appendices to the re port , lest I might seem to be tampering with them. I have rot asked since our res cue , on Jane 22d. whether their opinion : ) concurring in my action have changed or not , leaving such questions to your action , if deemed requisite. I naturally regret that circumstances imposed such terrible re sponsibility upon me , but I an conscien tious in the belief that I should have failtd in my duty to the rest of my party had I noi acted promptlv and summarily. ' ( Signed ) A. W. GREELY. A Chicago dispatch says : " \Villiani He'.ms , who wrote to Secretary Chandler deinautlhu an investigation into tbe death of Private Cuarlts B. Henry , one of the Greelj'ptrty , in an interview ot some Kn'4tb relates that bit only relation with the de ceased is hy mirriare , and tons on y d.s tantly. The fathe.- and mother ot the de ceased live in Germany. He has a sister living at Lincoln , 2vb. , nuned Dor.i Buck. Henry's proper name is Charles Henr\ Buck , he , having changed h's name enjoining joining the regular army. Henry is de- fccribed as apeison of good educa'i m and well brought up. As to meriti-i ! ; h > s death Mr. Helms said : ' 'If IIr.ry did steal the provisions : is Lieutenant Greeh cUiins In- did , thi iat'er was Ju-i fid in oaring hi- , death. " Ij view of o h r ciroumsttn-es surrounding tbo na&c , however , Mi. Heln - said he felt Jubtifi id in asking lor an iuv < b tigo-tior. EIHUMING LIEUT. KISLINGIIURY'S BO0T. Rochester ( N. Y.dispatch : The most heart-rendering disclosures were made in this city this morning regarding the remains of Lieut. Kislmgbury , of the Arc tic expedition , who died amid the Arctic snow last June. It is established beyond all question that cannibalism was resorted to by the starving men of the Greely expe dition , and shows that the lives of those saved were preserved only by eating the dead bodies of their companions. Lieut. Kislingbury's relatives here were filled with horrible doubts as soon as they learned that disclosures lad been made in New York re garding cinnlba'ism am > ng the members of the expedition , and they determine , ! to' learn the truth by exhuming the remains and have them examined by competent physicians. The services of an und .rt.-.ker were secured , and tnis morning , wiih the assistance of five men , he accompiishrd the \vork of taking upthe casket from its icstiug place. The casket was opened in the pres ence of Frank KIslingbury and Jjbir P. Kislingbury , brothers of the deceased ; Dr. Charles Buckley , DF. . A. lt n'levine , Superintendent Sin son , Assistant Superin I tend ! n ยง Mandevilie and two reporters of the Post-Expre s. The work ot opening the heavy iron recept ce : was found compira- tively easy , all there was to do b ing 10 un screw the fifty-two iron bolts which held down the lid. The noiseless ea e with which the latter was freed from its bed showed there was * n absence of ga * in the casket > > nd it was feared that there m'ght be no body in the casket at all. Feeling his way imp ILC nms of cotton waste which filled tbe coffin to the top , the undertaker soon exclaimed : "He is there. " Astronji odor of alcohol , but no very strong sugges tions of decay , emanated from the caskr.t. Dr. Buckley , who hud put on a pair of black feather gloves , uncovered the lower portion of the coffin and then it appeared i s is -f one of the leys the right one wasmifs- ing , but when the waste was all removed it became apparent that the limb was tied un der tne left one. A basket was next ; placed upon the fijor and the en shrouded form tacen from it and placed upon a taile. The unkcrtaker and pbylscians now began and cut the stitches and unwound the white fheting which formed tbe first covering. The saett was taken away. A tarred rope entwining a blanket was cut and the work of taking off this last covering began. S owly the blanket was removed. The bKckened , flesh ess face , showing marks of Arctic soil , bore no semolance to tie dead man. Tne skin was dried to tbe fkuil , and the sightless sockeis and half-opened moufi grve the dead man a look ot mute , appealing agony. The re -r mains were completely identified as those or Louis Kisltngbury. The ph > siciaus made .1 thorough examinatioa andtaerema BS were then placed back into the ca-ket andflg-ia lowered Into te grave. Returning to ihe city tbe phjtkions made an affidavit in which they t-ay : "Tiie body , in weigar , approxlmatf d in our opinion about fifty pounds. On examination ot the head no blgns of wounds or injuries wer vhsible. Tne skm was not broken. The ears'and nose were intact. Toe skin and musc'es of the interior portion of the fate and r.eck were intact. Frotd the upper portion of the sternum acd clavicle 10 tbe lower portion of the fifth rib on the left side , the bkin and muscles had all been removed down to the ribs on the right side. The skin and mus it cles down to the lower border of the last rib be were gone. There were two openings be * twccn tbe fourth and fifth IntercesUl spaces into the thorario cavity. Tbe skin and mna- cles on the anterior portion of the abdomen were InUct to tbe cret of tbe Illlum or pel vic bone . Tbe mutcles and * kln ot the an terior Mid posterior of tbe thighs were en tirely rt-nu-ved except the kkm on the an terior port-on of the kueo joints. Tbe muscles and kkin of tbe left leg ere re moved to within three inches of the ankle joint. On the right leg the skin and muscles Were removed to wiiuin five inches ot the ankle joint. Both feet were intact tbe toes all present. Tner was no vesilgo of Intcg- rement or muscles on either arm , Including the muscles of tbe shoulder bUdes to the wrl-t Jnlntfr , except on the rluht forehr.n. Tbe flcthauilnuwcks of both hands were Intact. ' ' A tireui uui'aewau. Mr. J. H. Goldsmith , owner ot the Walnut Grove stock farm , N. Y. , says of the wondci f il curative qualities of St. Jacobs Oil , that having long used it for rheumatism and on hia breeding fai m for ailments of horses and cattle he cheerfully accords this great pain- cure his preference , as the best he ever used , iu an expei Ljnco of twenty years. Rejoicing in Polygamy. August 5th was general election day in Utah for county officers. The Mormons swept everything before them as usual. Apostle - tlo Brighnm Young said in tbe tabernacle : "Though I ana disfranchised , yet I have sons and daughters who many times over will make peed my vote. Although 12,000 arc dis franchised , yet the atrgregate voting list has not been depleted. We can never give up polygamy. Wo cannot yet give up one prin ciple of our faith. Woe unto him th at denies the gospel. " Headache U Immediately relieved by the use o ) Pise's Kemcdyfor atnrrh. A BUM RIOT. A. Jlclgn of Terror Inaugurated year lotca City. At the trial of two brewers of Iowa City , on the 13th , before a Justice of the peace , in County township , nearby , a mob of two hun dred thugs attacked the prosecuting lawyer , named W. H. Bailey , stripped him of his clo- thingand tarred him. His life was narrowly saved by Deputy Sheriff Stephen. The mob , many of them crazed by drink , tried to catch the principal witness , named Swafford , and would have hanged him had they found him. A constable was seriously cut with knives. The roughs went to Iowa City In the evening , and for an hour had possession of the streets , the sheriff's force and city police being pow erless. After supper they found Swafforaand knocked him ana his brother down on the street. The mob would have killed Swafford had tbe latter not been secreted in a store. A meeting of citizens was held , the outrages vig orously condemned , and special police ap pointed for the night to maintain order. The ringleaders of the riot are known and will bo arrested. Wyrnan Commercial College , Omaha. This institution has an able corps of instructors and furnishes its patrons an excellent preparation lor business. Full particulars as to the course of in struction can be obtained by sending to the president , Mr. A. L. Wyman , a postal requesting a copy of the cata- lougue. Another Consplqficy in Sfexlco. A special telegram from the City of Mexico says : The conspiracy against the government discovered here embraces a plot to depose President Gonznlcs and put in his place Jose Maria Iglesias , and\to assassinate Gen. Diaz and all the leaders of what is known as the Tuxtepec party. " The plot Is said to be wide spread In the states of Vera Cruz , Pueblo , Mo- reles and Quaretero , anfl that there Is a great deal of anxiety. A number of arrests have been made In the City of Mexico during the week , embracing several prominent persons. Among them are Francisco Mejls , ex-minister of finance ; Ricord Romlnez , ex-judge of tbe federal district ; Gregori Perez Jordoii , a pro minent lawyer ; Gen. Feliciano Chavarro , Col. Yok Maria Itodriquez. D. E. Vesz Augustine , Mendoza Ambrosio Dominquez , Rainor Jua rez , Miguel Salcedo and Vidal Corral , also the wife of Jordan. The latter has a small print- lug office in which a large number of posters were found ready for circulation , inciting the people to revolt against the _ present govern ment and in favor of Iglesia. No other ex planation is given , but other arrests are ex- to be made and active measures are to e taken to defeat the plot. THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE from Sept. 1st to Nov. 15th for 15 cents. Crushed by a Horse. Omaha Bee. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larison , of No. 1818 Chica go street , suffered the grievous loss on Satur day evening last of their little six-year-old son Georgie. The driver of one of Strang&Co.'s four-horse teams drove into the alley on Nine teenth street , in the rear of Mr. Strang's resi c. dence , preparatory to stabling the animals. Here he was accosted by the little boy for permission to ride one of the animals. When the team stopped at the barn-door , the boy slid off as he had been accustomed to do , and whether he was injured in the fall and tram pled on , or whether the horse accidentally kicked , is not definitely ascertained. At all events , the poor little fellow received a dread fully crushed skull , from which death ensued within an hour , having been carried into Mr Straug's house and his parents being called. BELIiEVTTE COLLEGE. This institution , now entering upon its second year , is one of the strong i and promising colleges of the state. It has strong financial backing. It owns 265 acres of cultivated land in and ad joining the town and two large and val uable nouses all the munificent gift of the Hon. H. T. Clarke , of Omaha. Be sides these , Mr. Clarke is erecting the ol COLLEGE BUILDING ( now almost com pleted ) , a beautiful edifice which , when , done , will cost not less than $25,000 or 530,000 , and will be beyond a doubt the handsomest and most commodious he college building in the state. It also owns 1,500 town lots. A fine dormitory fe ' also under process of erection , to be a L completed at the beginning of next 1S term. The new President , Dr. W. W. Har st sha , is recognized as one of the most itat learned and successful educators in at this country. The professors are men of learning ar and practical experience in the work of instruction and have been called ro from other institutions of learning to roOl fill chairs in Bellevne College. So that I Ol students there receive the most thor CO ough training and discipline that can ScT. T. be obtained anywhere. The next term will jpen in the fine new buildings. Bellevue has long been celebrated as ar perhaps , the most beautiful location in the whole west. It is easy of access , onYc near Omaha , is healthful and with few Yc temptations and distractions. ha Further details can be had by ad hami dressing Prof. C. M. Des Islets , Secre tary Faculty , Bellevue , Neb. , orV. . W. Harsha , D.-D. , President , Bellevue. Sfc Neb. GJ Abbe Renard , after making a close at jxamination of the dust found in the atCi snow on the top of Ben Nevis , Scot Ci land , has come to the conclusion that contains too much' organic matter to laa of cosmic origin. a A New WIIT to Pay Old Debts. Shakspeare tells how this can be ac complished in one of his immortal plays ; but debts to nature must be puid on demand unless days of erraco bo ob tained through the uje of Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery. " It is not a 'cure-all" but invaluable for sore throat , bronchitis , asthma , catarrh , consumption , and all diseases of the the pulmonary and other organs , caused by scrofula or "bad blood. " Scrofu lous ulcers , swellings and tumors are cured by itswondoifal alterative action. By druggists. Eighty-five mills m tbe south are manufacturing olive oil ( ? ) from cotton seed at the rate of 275,000 barrels per annum. _ Dr. Pierce'a Oo .uund Extract of Smart-Weed combines French Bra'ndy , Jamaica Ginger , Smart- Weed and Camphor Water , the best possible agents for the cure of diarrloj i , chol era morbus , dysentery or bloody-ttnx and colic , or to break up colds , fevers and inflammatory attacks. Ex-Governor Dorsheimer , of New York , and Governor Cleveland were young men together in Buffalo a good many years ago. _ Don't Mtur i/u. . > v.ia me Trusses whcu our new method , without use of knife , is guaranteed to permanently cure the worst cases of rupture. Send two letter stamps for references and pamphlet. World's Dispensary Medi cal Association , Buffalo , N. Y. To detect cotton oil in olive oil , mix the oil in question , with a solution of basic lead acetate , and let it stand for twelve to twenty-four hours. If cot ton oil is present it takes a red color like fresh prepared tincture of myrrh. An ingenious microscopist has been trying to compute the amount of infu serial life inhabiting the bricks of old buildings long exposed to the weather. The principal forms he has discovered consist of large bacilli and vibrios , some of the latter being peculiarly marked by longitudinal lines. He found myr iads of these organisms in a single deep seated microscopic cavity. 'WUuuulu Sciir I the way thftt Veterinary farljollaalve cures Galls. Cuts mul wounds. Always brlngx the hair In Its orljrl- nal color. In .We mid l.U ) cans at DrticslMs or br mall. J. W. CO i.E fc CO. . Props. , Black Ulrcr Falls , WU. It i < claimed that the Colorado grass crop will be worth $30. 000.000 this yer. The IluUe'a Lament. I'm a Dude , Dandy Dude , You can tell by the cut of my fashion ; And mv hair is not all there , For Carbollne was not my passion. Charles Buesell leads the London bar with an income of $76,009 from his practice. The Restoration u > health of our child we lubiiiiicjeu uncertain. When two weeks old she caught cold. For 18 months was not able to breathe through her nomnls. Upon using Ely's Cream lUliu her difficulty Is re- uoved ; she breathnaturally. . MK. & Jilts J. AT. SMira , Cbwogo , N. Y. [ iricj 6u cents. ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stanley says he has made his last Journey to A trica. _ NEUVOUH Weakness , Dyspepsia , Sexual Debility , cured "Wi-lla * Hi-iirh Itcnt-wi-r * by - - - < 1 Owing to successful fishing , the price of whalebone has declined , but is still at a re spectable figure about $12,500 per ton. Those persons who do not need Iron , but who are troubled with .Nervousness and Dyspepsia , will find in Carter's Little NERVE Pills a.most desirable article. They are mostly used In combination with Car ter's Little Liver Pills , and in this way often exert a most magical effect. Take Just one pill of each kind immediately after eating and you will be free from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold by dauggists. . _ Thre have been more than forty failures in Wall street since January 1st. NVvousness , Ne. ou- Debility , Neural gia , Nervous Snock , St Vitu-- Dance , Prod- irauon , and all diseases of Nrve Genera tive Organs , are all perm meutly and radi cally cured by A'leu's Brain Food. , the great botanical remedy. $1 pkg. , Gfor $5. At druggists , or by mail from J. H. Al len , 315First Ave. , New York City. Mrs. L. 31. Bates , who is at Saratoga , carries a parasol worth $1,000. STIXOIXG. Irritation , inflammation , all Kidney end Urinary Complaints , cured by "Buchu-palba. " $1. A New York printing pres maker prom- is"s to produce a press that will turn out 300,000 copies per hour. .NEBKiSKA. Sf ATE FAIR. When you come to the state fair stop at theMKTKorOLirANHOTKi , . R gularRite. Arrangements have been made for accom modating 1,000 peop'e per day comfort ably and cheapThU ! same house took care of more people last year than an ? hotel Omaha , and gave the nest of satisfaction , as thousands of last year'd visitors can tes tify. Eem'mb.T the place , Metropolitan hotel , corner of 12th and Douglas streets. C-irs from the depot within one block , and all conveyances to the fair grounds start from tul-s house. From a bushel of corn or rye there can be btained almost two gallons of alcohol. . flics , roaches , ants , rate , mlcc.clcared out by "ROUGH OX BATS. " 15c. Ventura , California , has a sweet crop his year consisting of six hundred tons of loney. _ Advocates of prohibition need have no 'ears of "PRICKLY ASH BITTKRS" as it is medicine , and by reason of its cathartic jropertles cannot be used as a beverige. It manufactured from the purest materials , md acts directly on the Liver , .Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. As a blood puriher has no equal. It is pleasant to the taste Lnd effective in action. The city actual of New Orleans covers area of forty-two square miles. A CARD. To all who are suffering from cr- ors and Indiscretion of youth , nervous Fcakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , will send a recipe that will cure you , FBEE I CHARGE. This great remedy was dls- levered by a missionary in South America. iend self-addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH INMAK , Station D , New York. A. "broth of a boy" must be a superior irticle. _ Fare Cod-Liver Oil , made from selected livers the sea shore by CASWELL , HAZAKD to Co. , If ew rork. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who lave once taken It prefer It to all others. Physicians a lave decided It superior to any of the other ollsiln aarkct. Chapped Hand * , Face , Flmplo , and Hough Et rkln , cured by using JCXIPZR TAP. SOAP , made by IASWELL , HAZARD & Co. , Xew York. In California roses bloom without culture all seasons ot the year. "HOUGH OX PAIN . Quick cure for ollc , Cramps. Dlarrlicca , Aclicp , Pains , Sprains , Headache. One of the wonders of Long Branch Is a ady who is not so old as she claims. She Is monomaniac on this question. When you visit or leave New York Cityv via Ontral depot , nave Baggage Expreoaagi and $3 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel , opposite the depot. Six hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost o one million dollars ; $1 and upwards per day Enropeanplan. Elevator. Bestaurantaup- pllcd with the best. Horse cars , stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. Can a man who writes a poem on his ha be regarded as vers-a-tllo. MM. G. SV. Caailu , formerly of Mir- quelte , Kan. , but now a rctidentot Grigg- ville. III. , has now recovered her health , wuich had bc n in a wretched atato for a nuuiher of years. Sue gives Drs. Picker- con it Stark , the Phyfclans In charge of tbe KanHH C > ty Medical institute , the credit of curing her. Two thousand people are rusticating in fh Yellowstone National Park. Endorsed by Physi cians. IT IS A SPECIFIC IT IS RELIABLE in caring Brfght'u Kidney & Liver Troubles , i , pains in the Bladder , Urinary and .Loinsor Side * Liver Disease * , Dropsy , Betention or Non-Baton- Gravel and Diabetea. tion of Urine. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED , It craxeeBUiouiness , Headache. Jaundice. Sour Stomach ach , Dyjpeptia , Conatipation andPUca. IT WORKS PROMPTLY adcurei mtemperanc . Nervous Di easeo. General Debility , Excctte * and Female Wcalcneat. USE IT AT ONCE , It restores the KIDNEYS. LIVER and BOWELS , tea a healthy action and CUBES when all other medicines fill. Hundred * havebeenBavod who nave been given up to dieby friends and physicians. Friootl.SS. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet to HUNT'S BEMEDY CO. , Providence , B. I. 9 B1TT The timfoHfy of the We of the human tody arise from a derangement of the 14TCT , affecting both the ttomach and towelf. In order to effect a cure , it if iKfeeetary to remove the octree. Irregu lar and Jtiiyylsh. aetlon of the Bowel f Seadaehe,8ieknesfatthe Stomach , I1 . in th Back andI > intetc. , indicate t + - the XAvar is at fault , andtliat nature rr- qulrt * assistance to enable thia organ to throw offimpuritiet. Pricltly Aali 3BIttcrscracrp 2tcrry compounded for thif purpose , i'heycre mild in their action and effective as a cure ; are pleasant to the taste and iaJiei' easily by both children and adults , 'r- teen according to directions , they arc a aafc andplr-asant cure/or Dyspepsia , General Debility , Elc&itaal con * etlpatlon , Diseased Eldticys , etc. , etc.doe Blood E nrI2err/itj ; are superior to any other incdiaine ; cleansing the ayttcm thoroughly , and imparting new life and energy to the iti valid. It it a medicine end net aa tntozicatinsr bcverapo * ASK YOOB DSOGCIST FOB PRICKLY ASH BITT S , and toke no other. PKICE , 51.00 per Ztottla. PRICKLY ASH BITTEnS CO..SOLE PROPRIETORS St. Louis and Knnsr.n City. Mo. The feeble grow strong when Host Bi ter's Stomach Bit ters Is used to pro mote assimilation of the food and enrich the blood. Indiges tion , the chief obsta cle tt > an acquisi tion of strength by the went is an ail ment which Infalli bly succumbs to the nctlon of this peer * less corrective. Loss of flesh and appe tite , failure to sleep , and growing c1 - dence of premature decay are speedily counteracted by the great Invlgorant , which braces up the physical energies and fortifies the constitution against disease. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally , ELY'S CREAMJALM Causes no Fain. Kites Belief at Once. Thorough Treatment will Care. Not a Liq " uid drSnnff. Ap ply with Finger , Give ItT Trial , 0 cents at Druggists. : CO cents by mall regl tered. Sample bottle by mall 10 ct . ELY BROTHERS , Druggist * . Owego , N T. ATCHES [ Are ttnequalMl in JJX ICTJJVO SEB TICE. , Used by the Chief > ) Mechanician of the U. S. Coast Survey : br the Admiral eommmndinr In the U. S. Karal ObserT- atorr , for Astro- knomloal work ; and -by Locomotive Engineer * , Con- ctor and Itall- way men. Theyaro rccojrnlzr d as for all uses lawhich close tlras and durability are re * qaisitog. .Sold in principal eitir * and towns by the COM- PAXY'S exclusive Accnta , ) who rive a Full "War-r uty. vni niPR NEW i.vt\s. . - | i.iy tioiacoiit- Jminions. . desi-rtcni relieved. pensions ancJ Increase. Experience 19 years : write forclrculars and laws. A. W. MeCormlek&bon. Cinnclnnatl. O. TTfT'A.KTED experienced Book and Bible Asents Vv in every county. Liberal salaries nald. Address , stating experience , P. O. Box g.g. , St. Louis , Mo. AGEXT8VAKT KD for the best and fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bible' . Prices re duced S3 per ct. NATIONAL Pen , Co. , St. Louis , Mo. GHAELES MIIYERIUK , FURNITURE. 12O6 , 12O8 and 181O Farnam st. , Omaha. TV N U Omaha , 330 34 WHEN WEITING TO ADVERTISERS please say you saw the advertibement in this paper. LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES OF OMAHA , WHERE TO TRADE WHEN VISITING J. B. FRENCH & CO. , LEADING GROCERS. 1119 Farnatn St. JAMES MORTON & SON , Hardware , Cutlery , Mechanics' Tools , Etc. FINE liuiu > EH ' HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. 116 S. 15th Street. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , THE IRON BANK. H. W. YATBS , Prest. A. E. TOUZAUM , Vfce-Prcst. Comer nth and Farnam Streeta. BLISS & ISAACS , Importers and Jobbers of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE , 1410 Farnam St. E. L. EATON , PHOTOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE DEALER is PHOTOGRAPHIC Surruss. 1310 Farnam St. ED. B. WILLIAMS , MERCHANT TAILOR & CENTS FURNISHER. 1406 Farnam St. CAPITAL $300,000. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. EZRA MILLARD , Prest. A. P. HorKi.Nh , Cas'r. Omaha , Nebraska. R. J. SAXE , LEADING HATTER. Opera House , 1430 Farnam Street. L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , DRY GOODS , CARPETS , BOOTS & SHOES , Cor. Fifteenth and Dodge Sts. A. HOSPE , JR. , Oldest Art and Music House In Nebraska. 1519 Dodge Street. WHITNEY & CO. , Commission Merchants and Brokers , Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Etc. ' 1404 Dodge Street. MAX MEYER. & CO. , Guns , Cigars and Notions. Coi. Eleventh * nd Farnam Sts. S. C. SAMPLE & CO. , DUNLAP HATS. Millard Hotel Block. JOHN \V. LYTLE , Produce Commission , Cash for Butter and Eggs. 313 South Twelveth Street. THE HICKMAN BAZAR CO. , NOTIONS , MILLINERY AND FANCY COODS. 1305 Farnam Street. X ! B. HUBERMAN , Largest V/holosale . 'ewolry House In the West. Opposite Millard Hotel. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE DEALERS. Farnam St. ZETTY'S RESTAURANT , The Largest in the City , T. 8. ZETTY , - - - Proprietor. 1509 Famam Street. RAMGE , TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER. 1311 Farnam Street. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Wholesale HARD AND SOFT COAL. 3Z& South Thirteenth St. WYMAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , 1114 and 1116 Farnam St. CALL AND SEE us FOR. INFORMATION. FAY'S MANILLA CARPETING and BUILDING MATERIAL. J. S. RICHARDSON , State Agent , 321 South Twelfth St. , j Omaha , Neb. GARRA1JRANT & COLE , " * ' Wholesale CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 1302Farnam St. \YELTY & LANDROCK , Saddles , Harness and Wholoaai * Saddlery Hardware. Farnam Street. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , Southwest Cor. nth and Farnam. C. W. HAMILTON , I'rest. M. T. HAKLOW , CaV. FRANK MUKMIV , Prest. Itux. It. WOOD , Ca h. THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK , Omaha , Nebraska. I' . UOYER & CO. , Agents for HALL'S FIRE& BURCLAR PROOF SAFES. IO30 Farnam Street. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , Wholesale and Retail Jowolors. I5th and Dodge Sts , Opp. Postofflce. EUHOLM & ERICKSON , Wholesale and Retail Music Dealers State Agents Semway and Weber 1'ianus. Fifteenth and Dodge Sts. , Opposite Postofllce. M. HELLMAN & CO. , CLOTHIERS and CENT'S FURNISHER. 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. SCHROTER & 15ECHT , DRUCCISTS AND CHEMISTS. ' Specialty of Prescriptions. 2li S. isth St. , one door N. Doyd's Opera House. MAX MEYER & HRO. , MUSIC AND JEWELRY. Cor. Eleventh and Farnam Sts. II. B. HUDSON , MEMS' FURNISHINGS. Millard Hotel Block. JOHN EVANS , Agricultural , Vegetable , Forest , Crass , Hedge and Flower Seeds. Northwest Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. H. KOUNTZE , Pren. F. H. UAVIS , Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK , Southwest Corner Thirteenth and Farnam Sts. WILLIAM N. WHITNEY , Agent for Burl's Boots and Shoes. fur Gentlemen , Ladies , Misses and Children. Douglas Street. MILTON ROGERS & SONS , STOVES , RANGES , FURNACES. 1321-1323 Farnam Street. AMES' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 1507 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Call and see us. T. S. GRIGOR & Co. , TEAS , COFFEES AND SPICES. . Cor. i6th and Capitol Ave. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , $2.00 PER DAY. Room for 1,000 Guests during the State Fai * . Positively cure SICK-HEADACHE. Biliousness , and oil LIVEH and BOWEL Complaints , MALARIA. BLOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( ONE PILL A DOSE ) . For Female Complaints these Pilla have no eaual. "I find them a valuable Cathartic and Liver Pill. Dr. T.M. Palmer. lIontlcello.Fla. " In my practice I use no other. J. Dennison. MOX. DeWItt. Iowa. " Sold everywhere , or sent by for 25 eta. In stamps. Valuable information FHEE. Z. 8. JOHNSON Iz CO. . BOSTON , HAS3. A. Skin fTBeiiuty I si Joy Forever. DH. T. FELIX GOUKAUD'5 Oriental Creum , or Muitlcul Kenutlfler Removes Tan , Morh-I'atelies , Freckles and 'Skin tN < aci , f. j a n d e v e r y ' ' ' - ' b 1 e in It. h on : auj , and dell c s detec tion. U lias stood the test of thirty years and l.s so h.irmli.s w u ta e It to lie sure ' \e prep- a r a t : o n lit prujierlyin.ide. Accept no counterfeit of Thedl ffmulshcllr. L. A. br.yre said to s lariv of the luiut ton ( a r 'li'nt ) : "As you Indies will u e tin-in. I recommend 'Gour.iud's Cream' as the leant hiriiifi : ! of all the skin preparations. " One bottle will lasi six months , uslntr It eery day. Alsol'oudrc Subtile removes superfluous hair without Injury to the skin. MMK. M. 15. T. GOUKAUI ) . Sole I'rc.p. . JS Ilond St. . X. Y. For site by all Urueslsts and F.mcv Goods nealers. rZ Iieware of ha-e ImHutioiis ; en ) * ) Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same. HORSE COLIC AXD WATEK C17KE. It will cure the worst case of tpai-modleor vrjjfi > COLIC In one hour or inflamma tion of the Bladder or Kidneys If promptly attended to. It has been used In the Uoyal Veterinary Col- lepc. London. England , for 17 vears. In mv own prac tice In the United State" , and ft has neter failed me In the many thousand cases I ha % e used It In. Price tUO per bottle with full Instructions for Its use. Send for my Xew General Information Hook free. Address DR. J. AV. CHILES it i O. , Dayton. Ohio. For sale by all druggists. ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART , OMAHA , XEISIt VSK.A. The scholastic vcar commences on the FIRST "WEDNESDAY OF SEI'TEMIJEIL The course of Instruction embraces Entrllsh. French. German , Drawing. Palutlnjr. I'lano. Harp. Violin. Guitar. Vo cal Mu ic. and all the higher branches of a KIMSHKD EDUCATION . DlfTerence of rcllRlon Is no obstacle to the nilmlsjlon of VOIIHK ladles. For particulars ap- Sl ly to the UT. RKT. JAMES G'CoxxoB , or the LAUV UH1CKIOK. CHEAPEST LIST OF ARTIST MATERIALS & tjf O W. & N. Oil Tube Colors. 93 c. doz. ; Sible A % K I Jrushes. 8 c. up ; Bnstles. jc. up : ? Iaqun. 3 c. up : ? aletes , 35 c. ; Eajcls. 90 c. : ArtisW Boies. $1.50 ; Pwieli. 13 c. 'Jp : Oils , ti'-i c. . I'arnish. 3 $ c. : Gc.Id or SiUer I'iint. 15 c. ; Canvass. ; sc. yard ; otteryand Novelties for Decorum ? , i c. up ; S'udies rented , 10 c. per eek : Cold Plush Primes. Mouldin-rs. I'amtinzs. En- rraings , Conl and Nuls : PIANOS and OKGANS. from J up : I'lolms. J5 ; Guitars , 5s. Banjos fj 50 ; Druris , Flute * . Fifes. mi I H 6S I ] ( T * Zithers : Sheet MO.IC. , " , off printed list ; IVI % D iS g J Music Instructors for all Instruments. toe. A. HOSPE , Omaha. end set. Stamp for Catalogue : U.S.STANEARD. JONES WAGON SCALES , Iron LeTeri. Steel lietrinr * . OF Tare Beam and Beam liox , BftSHAMTOK and JONES hep.ji th.frtlrht forfr.o PrlcB XJit ratntlon thla ptran < i 4Jir.M JOKES OF 6IHQHAMTOH. AJRC.AJDE O C. CAMPBEI.I , , Proprietor. New House. Terms , 12 per day. 1215 Doaglas St. OMAHA , Neb. OShotGun Revolvers , : tna stttl I'lii- . .n-o- lutcly safe. sure , and effectu-il. Full partlcuUrt on application. Lachlnc Chemical Co. . Laclilnc. nnada. I nrlu &rrnrrfe cnjecl2rel > 'rltls- L3Uy rtgenlS rtent employment and good siliry selling Queen Cltj" Skirt aadfitockingSiipporter * . etc. Sample outfit Free. Address Qneen SBipender Co. , Ciaciaaati , O. . . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND * , is A rosmvE CUHE FOR . * All those painful Complaint * * and Weaknesses so common * * * * * * * to our best * * * * * * * FEMALE POPULATION. * * Trice 31 la liquid , pill or lounge form. Its purpose i * solely for the legitimate healing of disease and the relief of pnln , and that it does all it claims to do , thousandsof ladles can gladly testify. * It will cure entirely all Ovarian troubles. Inflamma tion and Ulceratlon , Falling and Displacement * , and consequent Spinal "Weakness , and Is particularly adapted to the changed life. * * * * * * * It removes Falntness. Flatulency , destroys all cravinff for stimulant- " , and relieves \Ve kneS ! ' of the Stomach. It cures Bloating , Headaches , Nervous Prostration , General Debility , Sleeplessness , Depression and Indi gestion. That feelinK of bearing down , causing pain , , and backache. Is always permanently cured bylts nse- Send stamp to Lynn , Mass. , for pamphlet. Letters ot Inquiry comldentially answered , fur \leatdrugyists. \ DEDERICK'S HAY. PRESSES. the customer keeping the one that suits best. Orderon trial , address JOT circular and location of Western and Southern Storehouses and Agents. - P. K. DEOERICK & CO. , Albany , N. Y. OcoSist wA Aurist. J. T. AR3ISTRONG , M. D. Practice limited to dsseases of the Eye , Ear and Throat. 1503 Farnam St. . . . . Omnha JSEXT TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 17 , 1884. Classical. Scientific. Commercial and Art Depart rnent . Both sexes admitted. Tuition low. boardlntr cheap. S Addre'-s for particulars. Uev.7. . W. Harsha , D. D. . President , Bellevue. Keb. JURE ] i erman Asthma Care neuofaiU to giro tmH ediatsrelleflnthojconl cues , insures : fortablaslcep : effects cnres where all othe 'A. trial convinces the moit skeptical. 35Oc. nad 81.OO. of Draggista or by : T'.San.ple ifrcc for stamp. Dr. E. SCK , Bt. Paul. Mian. * " ? ? * - ? . > _ - ' il rfAMlSTr'yK ELAINE AND LOGAN. Acents wanted in every county to sell this popular work. Illustrated. OH pages ; endorsed hy the National Committee. You can make 0 to tat a week. Choice of territory. Outfit 3)c. Also , Lives of Cleveland and Hendrick" . Extra terms. JNTEKIOI ; PUB. CO. . Lincoln , Neb. TELEGRAPHY Omaha School Telegraphy. Omah % Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WATT , JIanage * Eltrtront Prlcrm for imall collection of hiupty Dnrhum Xobncco Knie , . Particular : free. Tbompson Ifro. , S57 Mulu at. . Cincin nati , O. mil WHHE ALL USE FAILS BestCouftaSyrnp. Tastwcood d Use In lime. Soldbydrucgkta. K ! Zl' iir.- r./.J C