THE CHOLERA. AQAIlf. A Grave Increase IB the JSpldtmle Dr. Koch'a XUMitrchci. A Marseilles dispatch says : There wa * a grave incrcana of cholera during Sunday - , day night in all the stricken town * , and as far aa heard from there has been a general increase. Dr. tfoieano telegraphs : There have been ten deaths hero since my midnight dispatch was sent. There are rumors of others In the immediate neighborhood. But the suburbs of Marseilles have not been as fearfully visited as the outskirts of Toulon. News has come In thit at St. Henri , a vil lage of 2,503 people some nine miles north of .Marseilles , there ware six deaths from holera. At Glgnac one patient died four hours after the first symptoms , a rapidity In arriving at the fatal end of the disease which is unprecedented. An analysis of the "water of the Ilhone , .near Aries , is said to have shown microbes by the million. From Algiers the news IB worse. A number of additional villages on the frontier , in the Department of Var , are said to be suffering from cholera , among them Auriol and Do- trousse. At Marseilles for the last seventy- two hours there have been fifty deaths , many of them occurring among the returned emigrants who have been forced to seek their homes through hunger. Want of food seems particularly to make people sus ceptible to cholera germs in the air and water , owing to the temporary disuse of the organs. The relaxation of precautions because of over-coufidence has also been a fatal influence. It is believed now that the epidemic will rage until the 1st of October. It looks as if the plague bad a firm fooling In Italy. Three deaths arc reported from Vlgnarolli and Pancheria. The renearchcs of Dr. Koch regarding the cause and progress of cholera have excited great interest in Poland , where epidemics somewhat similar to that now existing in Prance are of almost annual occurrence. The newspapers of "Warsaw have devoted a great deal of space to the discussion of cholera , and cholera forms the leading topic of conversation in the cafes and other places of popular resort. One curious result of this general agitation Is an offer by an edu cated Pole In middle age and vigorous health to allow himself to be inoculated with the cholera microbes , so that the effect of buch an inoculation in a human being in .normal health may bo scientifically scrutin ized. < > rand Army Reunion. HBADQUARTETS DEPARTMENT OFNn- " ) iiRASKA , G. A. 11. , ASSISTANT AD- ( JOTANT GENERAL' OFFICE , DAVID f CITY , August 11,1884. J General order No. 17 : 1. The sixth annual reunion of the De partment of Nebraska , Grand Army of the Republic , will be held at Fremont , Ne braska. Tne department will go into camp on Monday , September 1st , to- remain six days. 2. Comrade John M. Thayer , post No. 11 , Grand Island , has been selected by the reunion committee to command the camp. 8. The department officers have used every means in their power to procure tents from the United States and fctato govern ments and have failed in every attempt. It is therefore ordered that all posts in this de partment immediately on receipt of this or der take the necessary steps to procure tents for their own use at this and future reunions. Commanders of posts will con > - muuicate with Comrade N. G. Franklin , assistant quartermaster general at Lincoln , Nebraska , who has made arrangements with tent manufacturers to supply tents at a great i eduction. The t nts will be sold as follows : 10x12 ft. , 8 oz. "buck ( pins and poles complete ) § 9 ; 12x14 rt. , 3 oz. duck ( pins and poles complete ) $11 , and each order must be ac companied with check or money order for the amount. None but cash orders will re ceive attention. As the time is so sbort be fore the opening of camp comrades will gee the necessity of immediate action. No blame must be attached to any officer of the department If you are not provided with shelter at Fremont. See general order U , June 18 , ISSi. 4. As soon as the railroad rates are as certained they will be published in all the daily papers of the state. 5. Tne council of administration.will as semble at headquarter * tent on camp ground at 2 o'clock p. m. , Tuesday , September 2 , to transact all business that may be pre sented to them. i 6. Ths department commander is pleased to again announce that the martial bands of thia Rtatc who met in Lincoln on December 24 , 25 , and 26 , 1883 , perfected an organiza tion , to be known as the State Band Asso ciation. All bands in the state are cordially invited to Join this association. A copy of constitution and by-laws can be procured .bv applying to S. L. Hawley , secretary , Mariey , Nebraska. All musicians holding certificates of membership in this associa tion will be entitled to free transportation to the annual reunions. These can also be ob tained by applying to the secretary. 7. Owinc to the resignation of Comrade John F. Diener , Comrade A. Alice , of Post No. 7 , Omaha , is hereby appointed department inspector. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. 8. Comrade William Powell , Post No , 21 , Syracuse , is hereby appointed aide-de camp'on the department btaff , and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. 9. S. R. Curtiss , Post 89 , was errone ously reported delinquent in general orders No. 1G. they having bent in reports and dues June 30 , 1834. 10. Comrade John A. Wood is comman der of General Augur Post No. 192 , Ewing , Neb. Neb.By command of H. B. PALMER , Department Commander. BRAD. P. COOK , Assistant Adjutant General. IRISH "AFFAIRS. \Ttioinas \ Sexton and William Reedmond In- tereietced , Thomas Sexton and William Eed- pnond arrived at New York on Ithe 13th and immediately left for Boston to attend the 'land league convention. Sexton stated that ibis relations with Ptrcell and Davitt were friendly and that there was no estrangement between the two latter. Sexton comes as Parnell's representative , to the land league convention In Boston. Sexton was seen oy a reporter to whom he .said : "ily only purpose In this visit to tAmerica Is to observe the formation and 'system of the league and discuss methods > f or fostering harmony , alone successful to Ithe carrying out of the league. I do not 'deem It wise , In a year like this , when the .country Is absorbed in a presidential contest , tention soon alter. " ' Next year I stiall come again and address citizens of your country on a subject of the work we have in hand. " When asked if he had any special view of the news from the other side , Sexton said , -"No ; affairs -remain about the same , land laws are badly "administered. The government appointed land commissioners who are In sympathy with the landlord class , and they break the iback of the Healy act. That the tenant should be compelled to pay rent on his own improvements is a shameful thing , and the leagues' first effort is toward the abolishment - , ment of that system. When we accomplish that end the adjudication .of rente will be taken up. No doubt that question requires long consideration. " Fatal Dueling. A Chattanooga special says : A very sensa tional tragedy occurred at Erfery Gap , on the Cincinnati Southern Railway , fifty miles above this city , last night. About ten days ago a young man named Staples made numerous Rlurrln ? remarks concerning Will H. Itoger- son , a drummer from Cleveland , O. This soon rcnchcd Itogotson's cars , and Stables being a crlpplo llogeroon challenged him to tight a duul. The challenge was accepted , and at 10 o'clock lust night they fought nt ton paces with pistols and both were killed. FINANCIAL TBOUBLEB. The Wall Street JJanJt in Jfew York Cloict Its Doort. The Wall Street bank in New York. City has closed 1U doors , owing to the ir regularities of the casller. It will remain closed until all matters are investigated. The president Is Thos. W. Evans , and the cashier John P. Dickinson. Wuen the la t annual statement was issued , in September , 1883 , the figures were : Paid up capital , 4500,000 ; surplus , $65,197 ; undivided profits , $17,726. Kiernan'u agency re port * : ' 'The vice-president states that the clearances of the bank will go through the clearing house to-day. The capital stock , $200,000 , will probably be swept away. The depositors will eventu ally be paid in full and it is likely that 50 per cent will be paid them by the end of this week. " The cashier's shortage is stated to be $230,000 and the bank has $50,000 of bad debts. C. F. Timpson and C. T. Osborn , directors of the bank , made a thorough examination and decided , In justice to all parties , not to open the insti tution at present. The result of their ex amination is as follows : Deposits. $1,250- 000 ; call loans , $110,000 ; good business pa per , $350,000 ; cash , $185,000. Cashier J. P. Dickinson has been lending money too freely on Insufficient margins , and it is esti mated that the loss will be about $200,000. The bank was a debtor at the clearing house to the amount of $283,100 on the morning of Its closing but this sum was adjusted. 'THE CROPS. XJw Report of the Department of Agricul ture. The department of ajfriculture"repbr8 that the average condition of. the growing cotton in the United States has advanced from 86 per cent' in July to a little above 87 per cent. The condition of corn average the same as In the July report , and Is higher than in any August since 1883. It has been exceeded but three times in ten years in 1873,1873 and 1880 , when it was 09 per cent , in each instance. There has been an Improvement in Iowa , Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska , Geor gia , Alabama , Kentucky , New Jersey and the Pnelllc coobt. A slight decline In tiie condition Is reported in Ohio , Indiana , Illinois and In some southern states. Drought has prevailed in portions of the Ohio valley and in Texas with considerable sever ity , reducing the condition of corn 6 points. The averages of the principal states are : New York. UK ; Maryland , 94 ; Virginia , 95 ; North Carolina , 'J7 ; South Carolina , 1)4 ) ; Georgia , 97 ; Alabama , M ; Mississippi , 90 ; Louisiana , 78 ; Texas , 83 ; Arkansas , 91 ; Tennesse , 99 ; Penn sylvania , CO ; Kentucky , 91 ; Ohio , 81 ; Indiana , 94 : Illinois , 92 ; Iowa , 103 ; Missouri , 102 ; Kan sas , 101 ; Nebraska , 105. The report for wheat includes only the spring wheat region. The average is 9 , one point higher than in the ten last good spring wlieat years , and higher than in any year since 1877. The average for the condition of oats is 94 , one point lower than in 1883. The crop has been harvested in the lower latitudes and promises a line yield in. the most northern states. The condition of rye averages 97 , the same OB last month. Barley also maintains Its high condition , and buckwheat promises a full crop ; in area about the same as last year. Tobacco promises a large crop. The prospect is favorable for another largo crop of potatoes , but not so full in area as last year , being three per cent , smaller. The present indications point to a crop of about ten per cent , less than that of 18s3 , with a larger difference if future conditions should be less favorable. . THE HEORIC DEAD. Arrival of the Remains of tlteArctie Ex plorers , The Greely expedition ships , "Bear , " "Thetis" and "Alort , " arrived the 8th oft Governor's Island. Secretary Lincoln , Generals Sheridan and Hancock and other army and naval officers , with troops , re ceived the bodies from the vessel , the forts firing funeral salutes. The following is a list of the dead and place of burial : Lieu tenant James E. Lockwood , Annapolis ; Lieutenant Fred F. Kisbingburv , Roches ter , N. Y. ; Sergeant Israels , Kalamazoo , Mich. ; Sergeant David C. Ralston , How ard , Knox county , Ohfi ; Sergeant David Liun , Philadelphia ; Sergeant William Cross. Washington ; Corporal Joseph Ellison , Pottsville ; Private William Whistler , Delhi , Ind. ; Private William A. Ellis , Clyde , N. Y. After the bodies were landed thev were escorted by the troops to the hospital , where they will lie in state under a guard of honor until re moved bv friends. Rov. Dr. Goodwin , chaplain of Governor's Island , will read the burial service over the dead and deliver a sermon. The bodies of Henry and Schnei der will be sent to Cypress Hill , the former to the vault to await orders from Germany and the latter for interment in the govern ment plot. The other bodies have been claimed by relatives. About 4 o'clock this afternoon the bodies of all except Henry and Schneider were re placed in wooden cases and conveyed to the barge office , from whence they will be taken to the railroads which will bear them to their finai resting places. A TEXAS DUEL. flow Two Young Ranchmen Settled Their Difficulty. Bill Dougherty and Zach Gray , young ranchers residing at Sand Prairie , Texas , were the principals in a desperate duel , fought a few das ago , in which both men were wounded , Gray fatally. The trouble grew out of a feud of long standing and , as a means of adjustment , they agreed to use their revolvers until one or both fell. At the appointed time both were on hand , and , without parley , commenced action , eachusins : single action Colt's 45 calibre pistols. After the first fire the men changed positions and began at will , Dougherty re ceiving one of Gray's three shots in the arm , while Gray , at Dougherty's fifth shot , fell with a bullet in the lower part of his back. This ended the battle , and the wounded men were cared for by their friends , who , from a distance , had watched the bloody encounter. Private Henry's Remains. Coroner Bobinson , of Long Island City , has written to Miss Dora Buck , at Lincoln , Neb. , the sister of Private Henry , asking if she de sires to have his remains examined. If she replies in the affirmative , the coroner will have them examined by Drs. Burnett and Hitchcock. Since the result of the examina tion of Kisl'ngbury's remains , the citizens of Long Island City are greatly excited , but the coroner refuses to exhume Henry's body un til authorized by his sister ; The Greely Expedition , It is understood that the vessels of the Greely relief expedition will be put out of commission In a few days , and the officers and crews detached and placed in waiting orders. The supply ship Alert will probably bo re turned to tbo English government , as the ob- lect for which she was donated has been ac complished. Dr. Brown-Sequard believes that the conversion of venous blood into arte rial , accompanied by alteration of color and plentiful .admixture of oxygen , which takes place in shock , is due to a nervous inhibition of the circulation of * ases and their passage from tissue to assne. Possibly the habit of blushing at every slight surprise , common to many people , may find its explanation in the same fact THE FOBEIGN EPIDEMIC. The U. S , Consul at Marseille * Uf Regarding the ZHteate. Frank H. Mason , United States con sul at Marseilles , in a dispatch to the senate department relative to the cholera at that place and Toulon , ays : It appears that notwlth standing all the progren In medical science and the very perfect arrangement * for col lectlng and treating stricken victims of the scourge , more than two-thirds of those at Uckcd have died even during the first fortnight of the epidemic , when all the san itary conditions were most favorable. The almost Immediate transmission of the dis ease from Toulon to Marseilles and the enormous death rate of 70 per cent in the earliest stages of the epidemic , seem to prove that sanitary science and medical skill have made but little substantial pro gress in dealing with Asiatic cholera. A second feature of the present epidemic is the rigor and deadllness of its attack as compared with that of the last graat cholera uummer 18C5. The rapidity and virulence of this development are attributed in some measure to the intense damp and stifling heat which prevailed during most of the days since the 30th of June. There are physicians of judgmentand experience who maintain that dedication is the only effec tive destroyer of the cholera microbe on a large scale , and that dry , hot weather , while it may be unfavorable for those already attacked , is most effective in stay ing the spread of thecontagion. . Fugitives from here have died at Aix , Grenable and other towns in southern France , but the epidemic has not thus far been kindled there , nor have any persons been attacked exc * pt such as brought the contagion from this city or Toulon. In view of the enormous emigration which has occurred since the outbreak , three weeks ago estimated by good authority at one hundred thousand persons from Mar seilles and fifty thousand from Toulon and the distribution of this vast contingent throughout France , Italy , Switzerland and the Netherlands , it is note worthy and encouraging that no au thenticated case of cholert has occurred aiuonK this army of fugitives at any point north of Grenable , although a great num ber of Italian working people left the two htricken cities for northern Italy during the early days of the epidemic , it has not , ap parently , been carried with them , or if it has. it Is not vet developed. Nothing In all the dispute concerning the origin and cure of the disease has added any effectiveness to the' means hitherto known for treating choleric patients , and the pro portion of deaths to the cases appears to In crease rather than diminish . A momentary gleam of hope was diffused by the announce ment that patients had been rescued from the collapse stage of the malady at the hos pital in Toulon by the inhalation of oxygen , but this encouragement has been clouded by the discovery that the effect of this pow crful stimulant was but temporary , and the patients thus treated finally died in the same ratio as those treated by other methods. THE AGREEMENT. Hoit'tlit Railroad Cc.tfcrcnrf , Recently Held in Chiwgo , Terminated , Omaha Herald , DU. . Messis. Clark , Kimball , Shelby and Stebbens of the Union Pacific , Mr. Hughes of the Denver & Rio Grande , Mr. Mitchell of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and Mr. Holdredge of the B. & M. , returned from Chicago on yesterday. The result of the great conference will be interesting. The chief obstacles to a harmonious conclu sion was first th'e great number of roads interested , thirty-five , and second , the withdrawal by the Northwestern of its Sioux City & Pacific business from the Western Trunk Line Association , and de mand for a share of the Union Pacific's cattle traffic at Council Bluffs. If this and the similar demand from the Burlington , are complied with , there will be no trouble regarding the maintainance of rates , but if they are ignored , there will probably be a loud bid at cut rate * for the business. The chief objections to a division come from the Milwaukee & St. Paul and Rock Island , but it is not unlikely rtat these roads will with draw them rather than have a fight. A number of plans for settling the com ? plications between the various western roads were proposed at the meeting of the com mittee , none of which found general sup port. One proposition was to form a gen eral pool on all traffic between Chicago and St. Louis through the Pacific roads. This plan was highly satisfactory to the roads in the Western Trunk line Association , as it would have given them an opportunity to carry out the tripartite compact , but it was strongly opposed by the other roads , who thought it was a wild scheme that could never be carried out. Another proposition was to organize the present pools west of the Missouri' river and form another pool east of the river , but this was not considered feasible until the status of the Northwestern in the Western Trunk Line Association was fully determined and some definite action taken as to what is to be done regarding its demand for a recognition of its Sioux City & Pacific line as one of the com petitors with the roads west of the Missouri river. The great obstacles to be overcome before peace can be restored will be the re fusal of the Burlington and Santa Fe roads to recognize the tripartite combination and the determination of the Rock Island to have the contract enforced for the time specified ( six yean ) , and also the action of ID.P Northwestern in regard to its Sioux City & Pacific. Rounding Up the Horse Thieves. Helena ( Montana ) dispatch : Meagre particulars have' been received of another slaughter of horse thieves in the Muscle Shell region , one hundred and fifty miles northeast of Helena by cowboys. While in pursuit of stolen horses a log house was discovered in the timber on the mountain side. It was secretly watched a day or two , during which time several small par ties of men came and went , some by day and others by night , having In their posses sion horses evidently stolen. It becoming evident that it was ahorse thief rendezvous , the cowboys congregated , and at night crawled up close to the house and at tacked fourteen horse thieves , who were about the premises at the tune. Nine were killed and five escaped. The cabin was set on fire and burned. No particulars have yet been received of the fight of Granville Stuart's cowboys with a band of thieves at the mouth of the Muscle Shell , though the fight must have occurred several days ago. The locality is over two hundred miles from Helena , with no telegraph communication. Never was there a period in the history of this or any other territory when so much horse thieving was going on. The citizens are determined to effectually stop it. Fully 5fty thieves were banged or shot In the month of July. The Zabor Convention. The New York labor convention recently in session at Utica , adopted resolutions that the executive committee be directed to use every lonorable means in their power to have direct representatives nominated and elected to the eglslature , and that it was the sense of the convention in localities where such action be taken it should receive practical aid from organized labor throughout the state. Also hat "we demand of the legislature of the state the passage of a law changing the Castle lOrdcn labor bureau from a labor bureau to furnish cheap pauper labor to employers into a labor bureau for the benefit -workmen and citizens of the state of New York and the skilled labor of the Untied S.i'les , and we lo recommend ibopa spronjn law to jtic i > 8o the hope * money ins o' t 'l I P'U'vnlu io fc'O per head , no us 1081.00 i'lioJii ( ) . ! : o"jmi ices to tliM cou ill y , t 'o nKV'cv so u' ed by < it's tux to bo used us a lU'd o \ * n cto nod iiocoOl of all IiBoi1' . f " * .s. " A it-ol i oa wns at'o'itcO dcmaad'tiTi 'O'vssn-co. . a 'aw jiraj'bliltnf Uivjoarwc i lycoo * actoo.iierr.'se , foriao pucJP O of P . - i.'c'ese < icd by i je iovcrn- mcnkorthosui e to o : i-oui employe's who cmnloy other llioi tioloti men. A circular untagooibtlotoGoio-jO'-Clovelaoti H'-jned by mony work'ngm ' - ) . bad Keen iwoduced. anil a number Oi ailcmpis maiio to oiler resolu- tiocsdeiiounc'pir tne c'nuilar as uoautuor- Ized. Thocj-cu'iir , nnd all resolutions ro'a.- ' Ing to It , were ru'cd ' out of order , as not prop erly before the convention. TBIPABTITE TROUBLES. A Movement that Will Compel the U. P. to DlscloKe Its Position. A Chicago dispatch says that the NoiLhwestern having requested of its east ern connections as well as the Union Pacific and Its western connections that It will not permit any of its business consigned to the Western Trunk-Line association or Califor nia Fast-Freight line to be diveited over any other lines than Its own , will compel the Union Pacific to disclose its position at once in the tripanite complications. The eastern connections of the Notthwestein will of course comply with the request of the latter , but what the Union Pacific will do has not yet transpired. If it complies with the re quest of the No.ihwestern and refuses to divert the latter's bus'ness as re quested by ihe Western Trunk-Line association , it would be conclusive proof that it is not in harmony with the Rock Island and Milwau kee and St. Paul , and will not aid them in carrying out the original trlpauite agree ment. 1C it takes this position , then the Rock Island , and MihvauKee aim St. Paul will have no other alterative than to sue it for breach of contract. If it does not com ply with the Northwestern's request and decides to take sides with its original allies the Rock-Island and the Milwaukee and St. Paul then the Northwestern will have to take legal action against it in order to find out whether it can lawfully d.verl freight irom one road to anothe. or dis criminate in favor of one road a aiust au- othei. In cither event the Union Pacific will have a hard road to travel. Ic is the general opinion that the Union Pacific would p. cfer to get out of the tripartite combina tion altogether , and is anxious to form an offensive and defensive tieaty with the Burlington on all business west of the Mis souri river. It is stated that all arrange ments for such a treaty have been per fected , but cannot be carried out so long as tne tripattite complications are unsettled. The Union Pacific and Burl'ngtou are the more anxious to join hands on account of the position latel" taken by the Chicago & Northwestern. But little doubt is expitssed that this road really means to at once extend its Sioux City and Pacific road through Wyoming to a connection with the Cential Pacific and probably through to the Pacific coast. As the Northwestern is controlled by Vanderbilt , there can be no doubt as to its ability to car./out such project. With such a line the Norihwestein would prove a most formidable competitor against all the other Pacific roads. There are some , however , who do not believa that the Northwestern seriously contemplates the building of such a line , though they con sider it probable that the extension may be made through Wyoming , but not f urllier. In either event , howevertheNoithwestein wodld be able to ereatiy injure the Union Pacific and the Burlington , and it is tnere- fore necessary that these roads should Join hands in an olfensive aud defensive treaty to be prepared to meet the competition of the Nounwestern when it gets in the field. THE MARKETS. OMAHA. WHEAT No.2 CO © C8J BAiiLejr No.2 72 to 53 KVE No. 3 42 © V > y. vJOKX No. 2 37 © 3S OATS No. 2 SO © KH BUTTEH Creamery. IS to 20 BUTTEK Choice da--y. 14 © 35 GRAPHS Per basket 1 50 @ 2 00 ECGL Fvesh 1"1A& UJ CHICKENS Per doz , live 250 @ 275 CmcK-JNS Dressed , pcrlb 12 © 13 APPLES Baivcis 3 00 © 3 50 POTATOES Per bushel i'l © O To ATOrs : Per box 85 © 90 SEEDS Timothy 1 3 © 2 ( ) SEEDS Blue Grass 225 @ 250 HAY Bailed , per ton 900 © 11 tJ CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel 78 79 COKJf Per bushel 51 @ 52 OATS Per bushel 2ii © 5 POHK 18 50 © 19 ( ) LARD 750 © 7 52 } . < HOGS Pckff and shipp'g 575 © 630 CATTLE Exports 650 © 7U SUEEP Medium to good 3U © 425 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 82 © S2J | CORN Per bushel 47Ji@ 48 OATS Per bushel 2C © 2'/4 ! CATTLE Exports G 30 © 6 65 SHEEP Medium 3 25 @ 350 HOGS Packers 580 © 6 ? J Origin , ol "Whig" and "Loco- Foco. " Croffat's Letter. Gen. James Watson Webb told me .how the name "whig" came to be ap plied to the great party that had its birth about 1830. He had been a , warm partisan of Jackson and resigned his commission in 1827 , came to New York and started the New York Courier in the interest of that chieftain. He had some of the equipments of a successful editor ; great positiveness , a clear head , a good memory , but he was not a schol ar or an elegant writer , and he never became either. One of the great grievances of his life was that Jackson , his hero , became "an apostate" that is , threw the federal- its overboard , and , from being an ad vocate of the United States bank , be came its eremy. Webb rallied the leaders of a new ant'-Jackson party to gether , and gave them the name of "whig , " by which for twenty-five years the great party was thereafter known. His paper , the Courier and Enquirer , was also responsible for the enemy's pseudonym. A democratic meeting in old Tammany hall in 1830 broke up in a row , as has occasionally been the case since that time. One party blew all the candles out ; and the other party having provided themselves with that astonishing new-fangled contrivance known as a match , relighted them and reassembled their scattered partisans. This match coup de main astonished everybody and caused great amuse ment , for matches had then recently been invented and were not yet in gen eral use. They were generally called [ oco-focos ( probably Italian "loco- iuoco' ' wild fire ) and in the morning account given of the tumult the Cour ier and Enquirer reporter called the party who relighted the candles "loco- : ocos. " This became the nickname of the party. _ _ _ It is said that the rate of the filtra tion of the water supplied by the vari- 3us water companies to London does aot in any case exceed 540 gallons per square yard of filter bed in twenty-four iiours. i How the Hand-Car Got 'Its Namo. CJlcnzo HeraU' . Our train stopped nt a wry station- by the siu'o of the track stood a hnnd- ca- , with the name -'The Bad" paint ed on It. The section boss nod his men werp there waiting Tor the passenger to get out o" f'eir way. "How did you come to name yoiu car that ? " was asked of the boss , who puffed at his black clay pipe and re plied : "That was the result of a incident , your honor. 'Twas a good many year ago , when I was a ; ieeu 'tin on the section. One eveningl was in ahm < .jr to get irorn t'ae 342d mile post , where we had workeil that day , into town. Ye see , I had a guiul tnini days the same what's now down there in tlic cajin atimdin' to the kids. IthaV > penei the track inspector was heliiu' ol mo align a bad curve , an' so wliiu No. i come alon he siaals her and ils aboard , it being a baturday nirht and him aiiMous to git home over cmnday , ye know. An idea struck me all of a , sudden , and so I said. "Get out the rope , byes , and hit' * h her on behint. " The boys did it , . too , and soon we was whizzing toward town. 'The 'taties won't be cold this night , said one of llio boys , gleefully. 'That beats workin' of our passage all to pieces , ' At iir&t we en joyed it , but piirty fcoou we got to o-oin' faster and faster , when it wasn't so funny. The handles o/ the machine went"up and down like mad ; we hail to let go our hold , an' if one of 'em had struck a man of xis it 'ml have killed him dead. We had to liang all about the edges of the car , an' it bobbin' up an' down an' jtiuipiu' around like a rubber ball. I had just whipped out my knife to cut the rope with , when , begob , a won- de 'fi > l 'hing liok place. That handcar - car just raised herself off the rails , and .sailed out behind like a Hag. Up in the air like a streamer , three lut if an inch rvoni the track an' it's the sol emn truth I'mtellin' ye we Hew along like a birrud. The handles stopped workin' , 'cause the wheels didn't touch notliin' but air , and the danger of bein' brained ws over. We was a runin' a mile a minute then , an' for x'X mile we sailed ia the air like a biiloon. When we slacked up we were so lucky as to hcv the wheels of our hand-car come square down on the rails. Thin I cut the rope , glad , you kin bet , to reach the end of my iirst and last journey in the air. Thet's how my car corned to be named "The Bird. " Something About the Smallest of the Central American Republics. Dr. Zaldivar , president of the little republic of San Salvador , is making a brief sojourn in the United States on his way home from Europe. In an interview with a New York Mail and Express reporter he says of the countrj he represents : Salvador is not appreciated by ant known to the people of the Unitct States , I think , as well as her merits deserve. It is because of this belief that I am now here ; combining with mj pursuit of health the business of doing something toward extending the indus trial relations of Salvador with the United States. Salvador is one of the most rich am fertile countries in the world. We have no very poor people such as you have here. Everybody has enough for the necessaries of life , and to-day if a for eigner comes among us lie is welcome and soon rises to the distinction of a freeholder. Our principal products are indigo and balsam of Peru. Bui we raise immense herds of cattle ; ant our gold and silver mines are among the first of the world. Our railroat facilities are good and are being rap idly improved ; in short , there is no rea son that Salvador should not deserved ly take her place among the republics of the world. I have been absent from my country about four months , during which time I visited England , France and Spain. Though my travels have been purely social in character was officially received with all honors by the French and Spanish governments. With King Alfonso and Queen Victoria I was accorded several personal inter views. I shall remain in the United States about ten days during which time I shall call upon the principal state and government officials and visit such places as I may think my work and the interests of my country de mand. I entered upon my second term of office in February last. In Salvador , the president is elected for four years , but can succeed himself as often as the people so will it. We have two greal parties there , the Conservatives and the liberals. Before I came on the field Don Fabio Moran and Gen. Lopez , both of them Salvadoreans , were candidates for the piesidency , but I was the hon ored choice of the people. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Wife. Boston Letter to New Orleans Ttmes-Dciaocrat. The venerable Miss Elizabeth Peabody - body , now in her eighty-third year , is a sister of Mrs. Horace Mann "and of Mrs. Hawthorne. "Was Mrs. Haw thorne at all like Mrs. Mann or Miss Peabody ? " I asked Mrs. Whipple to day. Miss Peabody and Mrs. Mann are very unlike , and each strong in in dividuality. Mrs. Whipple told me in reply that Mrs. Hawthorne was pre eminently the artist in her nature , and she gave me a little picture of her when the Hawthorne's lived at Lenox that will always stay with me. The Whipples were visiting the Haw- thornes , who lived in the daintiest lit tle cottage. For tea that night Mrs. Hawthorne picked the currants and made the bread , and Mrs. Hawthorne set the table so that Mrs. Whipple and her husband could face the range of hills , and they sat down just at the hour of sunset. A perfect flood of golden radiance mingled with the dusky , purple shadows of defile'and glen , and Mrs. Hawthorne said : "I wish I had a Japanese house that I might throw the whole side open to this enchanting picture. " In India cats are sometimes attack ed by cholera , according to a French authority , and may communicate the disease to man. STOCK DIKEOTQKY DENNIS M'KILLIP. Ranch on Red Willow , Thornburp , Hayes County , Neb. Cattle branded "J. M. " on left slue. Young ctttle branded same u above , also "J. " on left law. Under-ilope right ear. Horses branded "E" on left heulder. WILSON. Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also dewlap and a crop nnd under half crop on. left ear , and a crop and under bit in the right. Ranc'i on tbo Republican. Post- office , Max , Dundy county , Xebraoka. HENRY T. CHURCH. 0"born , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek , in Houthweht corner of Frontier county , cat tle branded " 0 L O' ' on ripht side. Also , an over crop on right ear and under crop on left. Horses branded " 8" on riu'bt shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. Indianola , Xeb. Range : Republican Val- ey , east of Dry Creek , and near head of Spring Creek , in Chase county , J. D. WBLBOIUT , vice President and Superintendent. THE TURNIP BRAND. Ranch 2 mllpg north of McCook. Stock branded on left hip , and a few double cross es on loft M ] p.r.r > ERCANBRACK. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county , Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car rico. Stock branded as above. Also run the la'zv m brand. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Ranch4 miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" onth ) eft hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb. JOHN HATFIELD & SON. 1 McCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast , on Republican river. Stock branded with a bar and lazy S on left hip J. B. MESERVE. jtanch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman River , In Chase county , Xeb. Stock branded as above ; also " 717" on left side ; 1 > V > on risht hip and "L. " on right shoulder- "L."on left shoulder and 4 < X. " on left Jaw. Half under-crop left ear , and gquare- crop right ear. JOSEPH ALLEN. Ranch on Red Willow Creek , half mile ? 006' Cattlebrandedoa , aide ana hip SALfc-jjnproved Deeded .Farm HajLand. Timber and water. Two turn hpuies , with other improvement * Convenient to No. 1 school priTileJeVT Slf- - gtted Ion Republican river/near m uti Tof Bed Willow creek. Call on J. F. Black , " ' orddreishjm