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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1884)
ir OOE WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. ' . , McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUG. 21 , 1884. NUMBER 12. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LiWO , ECBittor. 0. F. BABCOC2 , Soeeiver. K Houiw : Prom A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 F. JI. , mountain timu. J. E. COCHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , HcMOS , BED WILLOW COUNTY , MSB. Practice In nay Courts of the stnto and Kan BOS , unil the Kovernment Lund Oilico of tills District , and before the Lund Department ul Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. Oflicu 1st door south of the U. S. Land Offlec. .J-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Will give special attention td the practice of law , nnil making collections. tJETomco Second Week north of depot , 2 doors nortl : Green's drugstore. 'Z-"Z. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps cortiflcd pints of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. - L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Qraicats Ueiitfal Bcpittscst fcivcrit7 Wctcr. OFFICE : Two doors- cast of the Tribune Ollicc , wlipro he can bo found when not pro fessionally enjoined , llesidenco , corner of Jelfergon and Madison streets DH. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - XEBRAS1CA. I will be found at S. "L. Green's Drug Store for the present. All orders left there will re ceive prompt attention. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D.3 ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , - XEBUASKA. Oulco one door cast of THE Tunmra office , where all calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. DR. A. J. WILLBY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT D. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOT L. ] CSTTreservatien © f the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLIA'S , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobblnjr will receive prompt attention at my shop on DennlHm St. , opposite McCook Iloute. Plans and specifications furnished if desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. All jobs promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETOX , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at fl o'clock. A. M. 2o-tf. " \V. \ M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCoorc , - A 11 work guaranteed. G i vc me a call. WILLIAM McIXTYllE , 'CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work wamiiitcd. All material furnished 1C desired. Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. Goi J5 ? DcsIgns furnished for Collins Decorations , oi either In paper or Fresco Paintlnjr. a JSTEW BAEBEE SHOP. ei tl JACKSON TUBES " i Has opcneil up a Barber Shop on AVcst DennUon- Street , McCook , Xeb. , where he Is alilc to do Shaving- , d < Hair Drestlnfr. etc. , at all times. Ladles and child ren's hair drcst-ing a specialty. Call and become aj acquainted. JACKSON TUIII5S. tl ' tlli A. C. TOWXE , li EEAL ESTATE AGENT. JIcCOOK , - XEUKASKA. D Has for sale Deeded Land ? , Timber Claims and Cf Homesteads. Also , will locate parties on Govern- Cfw r tnent Land. w it DYSPEPSIA k | Can be cured by the use of Beggs' Dandelion Bit- ters. It will at once restore action to the liver and eire f u kidneys , and tone up and repulatc the stomach , so that food will be digested. For sale by S. L. Green. rein The call for Beggs * Blood Purifler is daily increas ing. S. L. Green is furnishing sample bottles free. in It is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys and Blood. Warranted. tl : OITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON IIAOT ) BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. Saddles/ / ! Harness , [ OITOS1TE HOTEL OX THE HILL. ] Manufacturer a'nd Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , . COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. BARBERSHOP ] , Go to A. P , Sharp's for FIRST-CLASS SHAVE or HAIR CUT. HOT AN ! ) COLD BATHS ON SHORT NOTICE. 2pTLadies' and Children's Hair Dressing a specialty. tl 01 01T > THE ONLY TRUE SJ IRON ) 1li TONIC \ liv isy ism FACTS REGARDING 9r , BaM Iron y as ashi hi HEALTH and VIGOR of YOUTH ! In all those hidi di with immediate and wonderful results. Bones , tv muscles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplies Brain Power. ai I A RBBSQ suffering from all complaints to , J-&fc H SOpeculla.rto their sexwlll find in aik DR. HARTER'S IKON TONIC a safe and speedy cnrc. It gives a clear and healthy complexion. k The strongest testimony to the value of Dn. HARTER'S IHOK TONIC is that frequent attempts at counterfeitinghave only added to tlie popular se ity of the original. If you earnestly desire health do not experiment getthe ORIGINAL AND BEST. fr pSend TOUT address to The Dr. Barter Med.Co.\ _ se DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC is FOR SALE BY ALL tl : DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. se NEARLY every day brings to light tli ; some peculiarity in the make up of Grovcr Cleveland. In reply ta letter tc : congratulation which also contained request for the genealogy of the gov- srnor , Mr. Cleveland said among other Of things , "I have never been very much ti "interested in my genealogy. " Recent ll ! icvelopuients indicate the truth of the at assertion ; Grover is more concerned this year about his offspring than about si. Iris ancestors. Ex. 0 te : THE idea advanced by Col. 0. M. i Druse that much of the fatality among zattle in Wyoming is due to eating a sc tvced is doubtless quite correct as far as goes. The deadly loco weed isvell known , and is probaly the cause of most A the deaths on the plains. But the tli ; recent outbreak at Maxwell is too 3learly traceable to the trail of freshly imported Texans to be attributed to bz that cause. sc WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , August 18 , ' 8-1. Between Ben Butler , the bete noir of politicians , and Steve Elkins , the Titanic dispenser of "soap , " the pres ent campaign promises to reach the bottom of the depravity that attaches to our political system. Not only are offices and high political positions made the objects of bargain and trans fer J , but pledges are made that huge Congressional ( jobs , in aid of railroad and other corporate monopolies , shall be put through as a reward for the in tercession of these powerful influ ences. Jay Gould could well afford to put a hundred thousand dollars in the Indiana contest four years ago , be cause he got it back in ten fold ratio in the friendly legislation that follow ed , and the Republican party took Stanley Matthews and put him upon the bench of the highest court in the United States to look after Jay Gould's interests besides. It is this kind of "boodle" that is running- the O present campaign , for what amount of potency would there be in the paltry contributions wrung from the Govern ment employes 'i One of the most interesting and in structive of the departmental reports is that proceeding from the Commis sioner of Education. The volume em- braces eleven hundred pages , and ex hausts the subject of education in America so far as the statistics are concerned. With a school population of sixteen million in the country , there are six million who attend school out of the ten million enrolled. There are two hundred and ninety- three thousand teachers , to whom was paid last year ninety-one millions of dollars. Upwards of one-half of the number of teachers were women , whose salaries are gradually getting to a figure near to the just proportion of that of the male teachers. Why a man should receive one hundred dollars lars per month for the duty that a wo VI man is required to perform for forty VIft VIC or fifty dollars , is not comprehended ft by the ordinary mind. While the is colored population send eight hun dred and three thousand of its child m ren to school in the South , the whites & in the Southern States with double fi the number of school population send only half as many more to school ! There are eight thousand colored pu pils in normal schools , six thousand six hundred in academies , and two thousand three hundred in colleges. There are half a million of students pursuing studies above and beyond the 1 elementary schools , that is , the higher branches of education , and up ward of twenty-three thousand ministers it isters , doctors , lawyers , and scientific men emerge from the colleges every vearwith , the doctors decidedly in the hsai ascendency. Dr. O'Donnell. minus ai lis sample lepers , has been here and 01 delivered his lecture on leprosy. It tl turns out that the doctor is simply an b inti-Chinese emigration agent , dele gated with authority to show up the ln loathsomeness of the disease and consequently - h sequently the dangers that beset us n from contact with the Chinese , who seem to have the sole monopoly of he : infection. Whatever may be the cit sentiment of the general public upon tw he Chinese question , there is no dis w puting the fact that it was not ready aJ tolerate O'Donnell's lepers who risi lave thus far been kept in the back sifi ground and out of sight. The people fi f the far off Pacific coast who are ai aiT threatened with Chinese invasion , can T . i. iiardly expect to find the same antip- " ithy to the moon-eyed children of the un . among the Eastern people , and D'Donnell's errand has only had the endency to enlist sympathy for a peota jle who are the only people to demy Mistrate the existence of a purely s _ scriptural disease , whose loathsomem icss is more imaginary than real. The horrible part of the Greely fc ( Arctic business has come to light in p ] he recital of the sufferings by starvaat ion and the dreadful resort to canni- jalism. We have therefore the reaai son for the recovery of but 11 of the In 18 bodies of those who died upon the frightful shore of Cape Sab inc. The other seven were eaten by their com rades , who were thus enabled to sus tain life long greet the res cuing party. For this hideous chap ter of the Greely expedition there is grave responsibility resting some where , and the most proper place foi it is the signal office , whose chief offi cer , Gen. Haxen , has exhibited eithci consummate ignorance and imbecili ty , or a total disregard of the teach ings or impulses of a common human ity. Had established provision de pots at the points designated by Lieut Greely , and in accordance with the explicit promise that he made to so establish them , this horror would have been entirely avoided. But Haxen , like many another army officer before him , became so profoundly impressed with his superior knowledge of the Arctic country and the necessities of its explorers , that he left at a single point 1,000 rations for a starving and ice-beleagured crew , and brought home 49,000 rations that should have been distributed along the shore of Smith's Sound , as had been faithfully promised. Is such a man as this fit to hold such a position a day longer ? Boar PEDKO. THE bustle has ac last reached a stage of usefulness. Mrs. Bahrman , wife of a New York optical instru ment dealer , who arrived from Eu rope , recently , had 1,000 glass eyes concealed in her bustles , Avhich were taken by custom-house inspectors. A IIEUNION of Brigham Young's fam ily occurcd the other day at Salt Lake. Over 200 were present. Artemus Ward's tale of his experience at Salt Lake where he generously gave family tickets to two of the principal citizens to his great moral show , and they pack ed the house so that no paying specta tors could get in is .vindicated. THE strong minded are somewhat di vided this fall. Miss Anthony , Mrs. Cady Stanton and Mrs. Liverniore arc For Elaine ; Miss Lillic Devereaux Blake for Cleveland , antl Miss Willard is for St. John. But just wait till Ben Butler marshals his hosts and we. shall sec a galaxy of distinguished ladies at the front. Old Ben is a regular charmer. Journal. THE vigorous protest made by the citi zens of Berlin against the constant pi ano-pounding in that great musical cen ter , has led a Philadelphia ! ! to invent a simple method by which the volume of sound may be reduced at will four-fifths. Phe suffering men and women who have felt that there was no relief from the persecutions of the piano fiend can now take courage for their deliverance is hand. MONTANA takes the cake for an early liarvest this year. Within the past month her industrious citizens have shot hung fifty horse thieves. Xot that they : care so much for their horses , but jccausc they desire to encourage immi gration. It is claimed that only one man has suffered amiss. In this case , iiaste resulted in a mistake of identity. Due apologies have been made to the Family through the public press. KUSSKT.T. H. TKVIS of St. Louis , who created much excitement in that city two years ago by shooting a man with whom his wife was too intimate , being O ifterwards divorced from and remar ried to the woman , has committed suicide. He made demonstrations first ] as if to shoot his wife , but she fled md he turned his pistol on himself. Hie happiness and trust of wedded life once vanished can never return. THE Chinese had a battery of Krupp juns at Kelung , but they were unable to xill any Frenchman with it and it was taken without bloodshed. No greater Blunder was ever made by China than spending a lot of money for arms and inanitions that her soldiers do not un- ' lerstand or are afraid to use. Had the \ jesicged garrison at Kelung been sup plied with stinkpots , big fire crackers md ponderous"match lock muskets , they ivould have doubtless made a better fight md their defeat would not have been so lumiliating. W. C. LaTOUBETTE , II DEALER IN | | - HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red "Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. * Sign of BIG AX. Three Boors South P. 0. McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IN- B W W acv 8BKVCV I II1 W n illlfc Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best "Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF JET ARTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only 011 Physician's Prescription. prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-liesidents. Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal propert3T. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to. and from Europe- First National Bunk , Lincoln , Neb. Chase National Bank , New York. ! J. W. DOLAX , President. V. FHAXKLTN. Vice President. \V. P. WALLACE , Cashier.