SNATCHED FROM DEATH. Lieut. Greely and Six Others Rescued in the Nick of Time. Seven Out of the Original Twenty. five Potash in the Arctic ' Region. Horrible Details of the Manner in Which the Brave Explorers Were Compelled to Subsist. The acting secretary of the navy re ceived a telegram from St. Johns on tbo 17th stating that the Oreely expedition had found the survivors of Greely's party. The survivors number seven men in all.- Their names are Lieutenant Greely , Sergeant Brainard , Sergeant Fredericks , Sergeant Long , Sergeant Ellison , Hospital Stewart Bieberback and Private Council. They were found by the relief ships "Thetis" and "Bear"five miles off Cupo Sabinein Smith's sound. Sergeant Ellison was very badly frost-bitten and died at Godhavcn on July 6th while undergoing a surgical opera tion. The relief ships "Thetis" and "Bear , " with the survivors , are now at St. Johns , N. P. The following is a second telegram re ceived at the navy department : ST. JOHNS , N. F. , July 17. 9 a. m. To Hon. H. B. Chandler , Secretary of the Navy , "Washington : The "Thetis , " "Bear" and "Lock Garry" arrived here to-day from W.est Greenland. All were separated from the "Alert' ' one hundred and fifty miles north during a gale. At 0 o'clock p. m. on June 22(1 ( , fire miles off Capo Sablnc , in Smith's sound , the "The tis" and "Bear" rescued alive Lieutenant .A. "W. Greely , Sergeant Brainard , Ser- § eant Frederick , Sergeant Long , ' Hospital toward Beidenbeck , Private Connell and Sergeant Ellison , the only survivors of the Lady Franklin Bay expedition. Sergeant Ellison lost both biu.hands by frost bite and died July 6th at Godhaven , three days after amputation , which had become imperative. Seventeen of the twenty-five persons com posing the expedition perished by starva tion at the point where they were found. One was drowned while sealing to procure food. Twelve bodies of the dead men were rescued and are now on board the "The tis" and "Bear. " One Esquimaux , Turnedike , wag buried at Disco , in ac cordance with the desire of the inspector of Western Greenland. Five bodies , buried in ice near the camp , were swept away to sea by the winds and currents before my arrival and could not be recov ered. The names of the dead recov ered , with date of death , are as follows : Sergeant Cross , January 1 , IS jWederick , an Esquimaux , April 5th : Sergeant Linn. April 16th ; Lleutenint Lockwood , Ai.rU 9tn ; Sergeant Jewell , April 12th ; Private Ellis , May 19th ; Sergeant Balston , 3Iay 23rd ; Private Henry , June IStb. The names of the dead buried in the ice fort , with date of.death , whose bodies were not recovered , are as follows : Sergeant Rice , April 9th , 18Si ; Corporal Salen , June 3d ; Private Ben der , June 6th ; Assistant Surgeon Pavy , June 6th ; Sergeant Gardner , June 12th ; drowned by breaking through newly formed ice while sealing , J. Edwards , April 24th. I would earnestly suggest that the bodies now on board be placed in metallic cases here for safer and better transportation in a sea way. This appears to me imperative. Greely abandoned Fort Conger August 9 , 1883 , and reached Baird inlet September 20th following , with the entire party well. He abandoned all his boats and was adrift for thirty days on an ice See in Smith's Sound. His permanent camp was estab lished October 21 , 1833 , at the point where he was found. During nine months his party had to live upon a scanty supply of lood brought from Fort Conger and that cached at Payer harbor and Cape Isabella by Sir Geo. Nbres in 185 , but they found it much damaged by lapse of time ; that cached by Beebe at Cape Sabine In 1SS2 , a small amount saved from the wreck of the "Pro- > teus" In 1883 , and landed by Lieutenants Garlington and Colwell on the beach where Greeley's party was found. " When these provisions were consumed the party was forced to live upon boiled seal fikin stripped from their sealskin clothing , and lichens and shrimps caught in good weather , when they were strong enough to make exertions. As it took 1,310 shrimps to fill a gallon meas ure , the labor was too exhausting to depend upon them to sustain life entirely. The channel between Cape Sabina and Littleton island did not close on account of violent gales all winter , so that 240 rations at the latter point could not be reached. All Greeley's records and all the iastruments brought bv him from Fort Conger are re covered and are on board. From Hare Island to Smith's sound I had a constant .and furious struggle with impassible floes. Solid barriers were overcome by watchfulness and patience. ' No opportunity to advance a mile escaped me , and for sev eral hundred miles the ships were forced to ram their way from lead to ksart through Ice varying in thickness from thrc e to six feet , and when rafttd much jireater. The "Thetis" and "Bear" ' reached Cape York June 15th , after a passage of twenty- one days in Melville bay with two advance ships of * the Dundee whal ing fleet , and continued to C-ipe Sabine , returning seven days later and fell in with seven others of the fleet off Westenholm island and an nounced Greely's rescue to them , that they might not be delayed from tiieir fishing grounds nor be tempted into the dangers of Smith's sound in view of the reward of $25,000 offered by congress. Returning across Melville Bay they fell in with the "Alert" and "LochGarry" off the Devil's Thumb , struggling through heavy ice. Commander Coffin did admirably to get along so far with the transport so early in the season , before an opening had occurred. Lieut. Emery with the "Bear" has sup ported me throughout with great skillfulness - ness and unflinching readiness in accom plishing difficult tasks in relieving Greely. The Greely party are much improved since their rescue , but were in a critical condition In the extreme when found and for several days after. Forty-eight hours delay in reaching them would nave been fatal to all now living. The season north is later than for years. Smith's sound was not open when I left Cape Sabine. Thewinter about Melville Bay was tie most severe in twenty years. The great result is entirely due to the unwearied energy of yourself and the secretary of war In fitting out the expedi tion for the work it has had the honor to accomplish. ( Signed ) W. S. SCHLEY , Commander. DISPATCH FROM LIEUT. GRKELY. ST. JOHNS , July 17. To the chief signal officer , Washinirton : Brainerd , Bierder- back , Connell , Fredericks , Long and my self , the sole survivors , arrived to-day , hav ing been rescued at the point ot death from starvation , by the relief sbips"Thetis" and " 'Bear" on June 22d , at Camp Clay , north west of Cape Sabine. All are now in good health but weak. Sergeant Ellis , rescued , died in July. Cross died last January , ChristiansenLinn , Rice , Lockwood , Jewell and Edwards In April ; Whlsler and Israel in May ; Kelingbury , Saloi , Henry , Bender , Paw , Gardner and Schneider in June. "We abandoned Fort Conger August 9thand were frozen in an ice pack off victoria Head August 29th. Abandoned the steam launch September llth eleven milts northeast of Cocked Hat island. When on the point of landing we were three times driven by the southwest storms into Kane's sea. We finally landed September 29'in Baird Inl . Learning by ocouting parties of the PorteuH disaster and that no provision had been left for us from Cape Isabella to Sabine , we moved and established winter quarters at Camp Clay , * half way between Sabine - bine and Cocked Hat. An inventory showed that bv a dally ration of four and onethird"ounces of meat , seven ounces of bread and dog biscuits and four ounces of miscellaneous stuff , the party would have ten days' foil rations left for crossing. Smith's .sound to Littleton Island. Unfortunately * Smith's sound 'remained ' open the entire winter , rendering crossing impracticable. Game failed , despite dally hunting , from early February. Beforei ho sun returned only 500 pounds of moat was obtained. This year , minute shrimps , sea weed , sassafras , rock-llckers and uealskln were resorted to for food , with the results as shown by the number of survivors. The last regular food Issued was on May 14th. There were only 140 pounds of meat left by Garlington. I was compelled to send , in November , four .men to obtain 144 pounds of English meat In Cape Isa bella. During the trip Edison had frozen solid both hands and feet and lost'them all , surviving , however , through the terrible winter and spring until July 8th. The sur vivors owe their lives to the indomitable en- erey of Captain Schley and Lieutenant Emory , who , preceded by three and accom panied by five whalers , forced tneir vessels from Uperuavik through Melville bay into the north waterat Cape York with the fore most whaler. They gained a yard where- ever possible and always held it. ' Smith's sound was crossed and the party res cued during one of the most violent gales that ever been known. The boats were handled only at imminent risk of swamping. Four of us were then unable to walk and could not have survived exceeding twenty-four hours. Every care and atten tion were given u's. We saved and we bring back copies of the meteorological , tidal , as tronomical , magnetic , pendulum and other observations ; also a pendulm , Yale and standard thermometer. Forty-eight photo graphic negatives , collection blanks , photo graphic proofs , JSequimaux relics and other things were necessarily abandoned. The Thfitis remains here five < layn , t robably. ( Signed ) GBEELY , Commanding. Seven "Wise Blen Baffled. The New York Morning Journal says that Mrs. F. G. Kello g , 50 E. 86th St. , was partially paralyzed , and lay for seven days in convulsions. Phys icians were engaged and discharged until seven had failed to help or cure her. She was unable to leave her bed , and was as helpless as a child. After using all sorts of salves , ointments , lotions and plasters , her case was given up as hopeless. Sh.e was induced to try St. Jacobs Oil as a last chance. She began to improve from the time the first application was made , and by its continued use she has completely recovered. The Romance of a Solitary Gulch. In one of the gulches of the gold mining district of the Divide , probably twenty-five miles from Denver , stand the remains of a cabin , if a few black ened and charred timbers and a pile of stones , evidently at one time a chim ney , can be called remains. To the miners and prospectors who pass over the rough trail to-day the place has a lonely and mournful look and many speculations are indulged in as to the history and fate of its former occu pants. From 1858 until 1861 this wild and almost uninhabited country was filled with a busy population who had left comfortable homes and loving friends in the east in the wild pursuit of gold in these rich diggings. In the latter year , however , the number dwindled from several thousand to perhaps less than a score of white men , new excite ments having carried the restless tide in other directions. Among the few who remained were two brothers who had left their home in a pleasant town in Illinois to make their fortunes in these marvelously rich placers. These were Thomas" and William Coleman , who , though so closely related , were as utterly different in disposition and manner as could well be imagined. Thomas , who was of a dark and swarthy complexion , was always mo rose and disagreeable , and generally disliked by his neighbors. William , however , with his bright , blue eyes and sunny hair , was ever a favorite with all. But little was known of their previous history save that the elder was uumar- ried , but that William had left a young wife and one child in the east. It was known , also , to a few , that this mar riage was a continual source of conten tion between the two , and it was gen erally understood that the brothers had been formerly rivals for the hand of the girl whom William afterward married. One day , in the summer of 1864 , the siage , which was still running in that section , brought as a passenger a beautiful woman to the cabin who proved to be the wife of William Cole man. The meeting of the couple was joyous to a degree , she explaining that parents and child haying both died , she had resolved to join her husband end individually share his fortunes and hardships. Upon her arrival Thomas went out of the house and wandered a long distance over ridges and through gulches , nor returned until long after dark. Just exactly what happened after he reached the cabin was never known , but it is surmised that a fierce quarrel and double murder ensued , as late that night a man passing near there on horseback thought he heard loud and angry words followed by two reports from a pistol , and looking back after getting on top of the ridge he saw the bright light of a conflagration. Upon reaching the nearest settlement he reported what he had seen. A party of men started the next day to investi gate the matter , and fouhd the charred remains of the cabin and beneath the still smoking ruins the burned bodies of William Coleman and his wife. Thomas Coleman was never afterwards heard of. The placs to-day has a mournful loneliness and silence , un broken save by the twitter of birds by day .and the howling of the coyote at night. Beware of the * Incipient stages of Consumption. Take Plso's Cnie in time. The story of the romantic life of Gen eral Sam Houston , who was in turn United States senator , Cherokee chief , general in the army , and first president of the Texan republic , will be told in the August Century by Alexander Hynds , who has been assisted in the preparation of his paper by the family of the "hero of San Jacinto. " Two portraits of Houston , one from a mini ature showing him as a Cherokee chief , will accompany the article. "It Knocks the Spots , " and everything itf , 'tho nature , ef erup tions , blotches , pimplffl , ulcers , scrofu lous Jhumors , and ihclpient consump tion , which IB nothing more nor less than scrofula Jof the lungs , completely out 'of 'the , timulates and invigorates the liver , tones up the Btptuach , regulates.the bovyels , purifies tbe blood , and builds up the weak places of the body. It is a purely veg etable compound , and will do more than is.claimed for it. We refer to Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. * A horsd attached to a buggy , in which were three drunken men , refused to pass the Third Frecinct Fojice Station in Albany. The bystanders said the horse knew the men ought to be put into a cell. The men were finally compelled to quit the wagon , whereupon tbe horse was driven off without difficulty. . "As Good as New , " are tbe words used by a lady , who was at one time given up by the most emi nent physicians , uud left to die. Re duced to a mere'skeleton , pale and hag gard , not able to leave her bed , from all those distressing diseases peculiar to suffering females , such as displacement , leucorrbou , inflammation , etc. , etc. She began taking Dr. Fierce's "Favor ite Prescription , " and also using the local treatments recommended by him , and is now , she says , "as good as new. " ftice reduced to one dollar. By druggists. Edwin Booth'is said to be gradually withdrawing from-theatrical life. He is too young a man for that. If , as is alleged , Mr. Booth is weary of the bus iness , let him retire for a year or two , and he will go upon the stage again with renewed interest and power. Throw Away Trusses When our new method is guaranteed to permanently cure the worst cases of rupture without the use of the knife. Send two letter stamps for pamphlet and references. World's Dispensary Medical Association , 663 Main street , Buffalo , N. Y. _ _ _ THE CATTLE TRAFFIC. Rumors of a "War .on Rates Between the East Bound Roads. The. cattle traffic from Nebraska points will begin in about two weeks , and if aaunderstanding is not reached by the roads interested before that time a live war on rates is very probable. The Chicago Tri bune Bays that several conferences have lately been held between General Manager Potter , ot tbe Burlington , and General Manager S. H. H. Clark , of the Union Pa cific , but the prospect for an amicable agreement are not very flattering , owing to the reluctance of the Burlington to treat with the Western Trunk Line Association. Last year the Union Pacific had an exclu sive arrangement with the Bock Island and Milwaukee & St. Paul roads , by which the latter received tbe bulk of the Union Pacific cattle traffic. But at that time the Iowa pool , to which the Burling ton was a party , was still in existence , and the Burlington received its alloted percentage east of the river. Since then , however , xhe Iowa pool has been busted , and the Westean Trunk Line asso ciation formed , which makes all the Iowa lines allies of the Union Pacific , except the Burlington. Under the new srate of things all the Union Pacific's cattle business would go to its eastern allies , and the Burlington would receive such as comes from its own Burlington and Missouri River line in Ne braska. The Burlington contends that it is entitled to a share of the business from the Union Pacific at Oinaha , and threatens to open a war on rates ii it is not eranted. It is claimed that the Union Pacific would be willing to make a few concessions rather than have a war , but is not willing to do anything without the consent of its eastern allies , and they , of course , are anxious to keep all they < an. What will cure Whooping Cough ? That Is a question abked every day. We can an swer that we have found the remedy in Papillon Cough Cure. It never fails , and can be administered to infants without dan ger. It is perfectly harmless. It does seem that the only rights the white men are willing to concede the red man , are funeral rites. A hacking or winter coush so prevalent in children is cured at once by Papillon cough Cure. Shot in a Saloon. In Germantown , Pa. , John S. Sutton , a building contractor , entered the saloon of Joseph . Songster on Miller street about 1 o'clock in the morning. A dhcussion over the Chicago convention arose. Songster , who is a democrat , made an insulting re mark about Biaine , and siid that Cleveland or any other democrat could beat him. Sutton cautioned Him facetiously against talking that way in this Biaine stronghold , and Songster retorted ( bathe would "shoot a hole through a Blaiue man any day. " Without provocation the saloonkeeper went behind the bar , obtained a revolver of 'arge calibre and pointing it at Sutton's head de liberately fired , the ball entering the bruin about two inches above the right ear. The wounded man fell to the floor and was taken as quickly as possible to the Germantown - town hospital , where ho died. His assail ant is under arrest. Sutton is a man of some prominence in political circles and leaves a large family. Sprains , bruises , btiff Joints , burns , scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by Druggists. _ Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all Druggists. _ _ Headache , constipation , liver complaint , biliousness are cured by that mild , cleans ing remedy which never produces pain , EILERT'S DAYLIGHT' LIVER PILLS. Only 25 cts. Sold by Druggists An economical man will keep the leather of nis harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al ways uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of all who die in active middle life are carried off by consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , allot which may be permanently cured by EILERT EXTRACT OP TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists. A farmer's wealth depends on the 'con dition of his stock. When scraggy and fee ble they are espeially liable to distempers fevers , colds , and all diseases which de stroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually by that valuable old stand by. UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW- Restless , fretful , crying cnlldren are suf fering and need for their relief DR. WINCH- ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use ful not only for all the disorders of teething infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat , colic and , cramps of. older children , and should always be kept In every house for emergencies. Only 25 eta. Sold by "all It is estimated that $10OUOK)0 ( ) worth of grass is consumed annually by the prairie dogs in Northern Texas. Save 92.00 Per Day. When you visit Omaha and wish to atop at a good hotel , , KO , to tbo Metropolitan , corner Twelfth and Douglas streets. There you can get the same accommodations at (3.00 per day as at any of tbo first-class houses Ihatoharpo $4.00. The Metropolitan is famous for its first-class tables , its good beds , Its cleanliness and low prices. This is the. hotel that accom modated one hundred more guests than anv other bouBo during the State Fair last fall , and without any extra charge because of a rush. It is tbo only 12.00 PKK KAY HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED. _ A substl-toot the man who takes the place of another in a brass baud. Ask for It. Instant relief , quick cure lie. Druggists. To offset the story that Geor H Washing ton scorned to tell a lie. Is the well-known fact that-he madn bin viilpr Solid men admire tne beautiful , and this accounts in some measure for the thousands upon thousands of bottles ut Car1' . .line , the deodorized petroleum bdr : rcucwer and dressing , which have been sold yearly since its invention by Messrs. Kennedy & Co. , of Pltteburg , Pa. _ A toper's none is like u drowning man's because he can't keep it above water. I am cured of Catarrh and deafness by Ely's Cream Balm. My aunt wabdeafirr one eir. Alter ushisr the Balm a few times her he rlne was restored. P. D. MOHSK , Insurance Broker , Elizabeth , N. J. Not a 'liquid or snuff. We recommend Ely's Cream Balm where a cure 'lor Catarrn is called for , , and consider that we are doing the public a ser vice by making its virtues known to those afflicted with this loathsome disease , for wniuh it is inmost instances a perfect cure. PECK BROS. , Druggists , Grand Rapids , Michigan. ( Price 60 cts. See adv. ) DeVoe , the Uackenaack meterologist , says the hotest weather of this summer will be in the first week in August , r Jacob H. Jones , a tanner ot Nrrborne , Mo. , has had a son cured of congenital club feet at DM. Dickerson & Stark's Surgical Institute at Kansas City. _ A railroad in which tbe card nm astride a single 'rail has been so successful ! in Africa that one like itiato be built in France. For several years Allen's Bratn Food has stood the tent as to its merits in curing Ner vousness , Nervous Debility and restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative Sys tem , and in no instance has it ever failed ; test it. $1 ; 6 for SS.--At druegists , or by mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Ave. , New York City. _ A bankrupt man never writes to the bank to "stop my paper. " _ SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Konower" re stores health ana vigor , cures Uyspepsta , Impo tence. tl. _ In Open Lake , near Yazoo City , Mis . , there is a "white" alligator which is de scribed as haying the color of a blue catfish. AHen' Iron Tonic Hitter * Is the best Blood purifier la the World. All genu'ce bear the signature or J. P. Allen , Druggist , tit. Paul , Minn. Oil bearing strata exists in the neighbor hood of Sibi , Southern Alghanlstan , and the government will begin boring next win ter. _ * Jk. Perfect Remedy for all abrnlsons of the skin and all diseases of the'feet of Hone * and Cat tle. Invaluable * to Stockmen , role's Veierinar * Carbollsalve. In fiOc and II 00 cans. At Urucglsts or br mall. J. W. ( JOl tf & CO. , Proprietors , Black R.ver Falls , Wls. In Wyoming Territory , where women sit on juries , there has not been a murder fora year. _ . For Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Depression of Spirits and General debility , in their various forms ; also aa a preventive against Fever and Ague , and other Intermittent Fevers , the "Ferro-Phospho rated Elixir of Callsaya , " made by Caswell , Hazard & Co. , New York , aLd sold by all druggists , is the beat tonic ; and for patients recovering from fevers or other sickness. It haa no equal. Virginia'is set down this year for 2,100 , - 000 bushels of peanuts , Tennessee for 950- 000 and North Carolina at 13 > .nQQ bushels . If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. _ A pyramidal mass of eighty roses and fifty rosebuds , thirty heliotropes and as many violets can be bought in the City of Mexico for twenty-five cents. Something that will quiet the nerves , give strength to the body , induce refreshing sleep , improve the quality of the blood , and purify and brighten the complexion , is what many persona would be very glad to obtain. Carter's Iron Pills are made for exactly this class of troubles , and are re markably successful in accomplishing the ends desired , as named above. They are useful for both men and women. Sold by druggists. Price , 50 cents a box. See ad vertisement. _ Providence wisely locates a colony of mesquites along every stream so that fisher men may alwaya be sure of bites. A CABD. To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I will send a recipe that will cure you , FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send self- addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN , Station D , New York. _ The professional thief is the only man who believes in doing everything exclusively upon his own hook. _ THE MARKETS. OMAHA. WHHAT No. 62. 65J < 36G. BAKLET No. 2 , 50'S52c. RYE No. o , 474Sc. CORN No. 2 , 39&fo > 40e. OATS No. 2 , 30 > if531c. FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 502 75. LKMONS Messina , per box , ! J5 25155 75. BUTTER Creamery , 1820c. BUTTER Choice dairy , 1415c. EGOS Fresh , 1313Kr. CHICKENS Per doz. , live , $2 5 ' © 2 75. CHICKENS Per lb. , dressed , 1213c. APPLES K bushel , 90c6l 00. ONIONS Per bushel , 9Ucl 00. POTATOES New , per bu. . ROtSlo. TOMATOES Per bushel , 75S80c. ( HAY Bailed , per ton , $9 Wtfll 00. MESS PORK $19 00tO 00. SHEEP $4 004 50. STEERS $4 255 25. Hoas-4 505 00. CALVES$5 506 50. CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel , ,83 (383 ( Jic CORN Per bushel , F/CMf3S3 c.l OATS Per bushel , 39 ? © 31c. PORK-316 0017 OJ. LARD $7 12KO7 15. HOGS Packing and shipping. $4 900520. CATTLE Exports $6 75712 > 2. SHKKP Medium to extra , $3 50 < s5 00. ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel. 85f&857 c. CORN Per bushel , 46f847- . OATS Per bushel , 27&ta3 IP. CATTLE Exports. 46 40te6 75. SHEEP Medium , S3 504 50. HOGS Packers. 15 W5 45 i At certain seasons of the year nearly every person suffers to a greater or less extent from impurity of the blood , biliousness , ( fee. , &c. This should be remedied as soon as discovered , otherwise serious results may follow. Sherman's "PRICKLY ASH BIPTERS" will effectually remove all taint of disease and restore you to health. A dispatch says that two of London's dis tinguished authors are writing a Joint book. A work on anatomy , doubtless. "KOTTOH ON PAIV" POROUS PIAS TER. fur Backache , fains in the Chest , Rheuma tism 25c _ Queen Victoria is sixty-five years old , has reitrned forty seven years , and has been a widow twyn'y-thrge yars. _ A Del Worte lawyer bays the term duces tecum means where you take 'em with three deuces. When you visit or leave New York City , via Central depot. n ve Baggage EXITCBsage and $3 Carriage Hire , nnd stop at tbe Grand Union Hotel , opposite said "depot. Six hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollar * : $1 HIM ) upward * per day. European pln. Elvvmor. Ib xt&nrant * up > plied with the best. Hor- - earn , btattCH and elevated railroad to all depot * * . Fnmlllo * can live better for ! ei-n inon > > it the Grand Union Hotel than HI ny < > thT tlrt-t-clasn hotel In the rltv. Paul Martin , of Milwaukee , has gone to the penitentiary for thn e months for steal ing a kiss from MUa Ernftlne Curtb. "KOUOn ON F.NTI T" Tooth Pow der. Fine. Smooth. Cleansing , Uefreshlug. Pre servative. 15o Acrematonm built in the time of the Ro man invasion ha Just beendlbcovcred in the city of Lincoln. IT 18 A SPECIFIC V IT IS RELIABLE FOB In curing Bright' ! Kidney & Liver Troubles , Diaeaso , Pains In the Bladder. Urinary one adBsckXoIns or Bides , Liver Diseases , Dropsy. Retention or Non-Hoten- Gravel and Diabetes. Uonof TJrine. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED , It cures Biliousness , Headache , Jaundice , Sour Stomach ach , Dyspepsia , Constipation and Pilea. IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cores Intemperance , Nervous Diseases , General Debility , Excesses and Female Weakness. USE IT AT ONCE. It restores the KTONETB , IiTViSB , and BOWELS , tea a healthy action and CUHES when all other medicines fail. Hundreds havebeensaved who have been given up to dlo by friends and physicians. Price $1.25. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet to HUNT'S KEMEDY CO. , Providence , K. J. BOLD B7 * T.T. DBTJQOISTS. 9 ASH CURES ALLDISEASESQFTB LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND' BOWELS. Dyapepoia , General Dolility , Janndioe , Habitual Constipa tion , Iiiver Complaint , Sick Headache , Diseased Kidneys - noys , .Etc. , Etc. It contains onlv the Purest Drugs , among which may bo enumerated P2ICEIY ASH BAI2 1172 BKSISS , HAlT32i22 , BKEJ , CENSA , Et : , H cleanses the system thoroughly , and as PURIFIER OP THE BLOOD Is Unoqualed. It io i ot an intoxicating beverage , nor car it be uucd aa such , by reason of its CathartK Tropcrtios. PHICKI/3T AGII BITTED CO. Sole Proprietors , ST. lOUl" AND KAN-AS r'.TY. To the needs of the tourist , com ; mercial traveler and new settler. Hosteller's btow- ach Bitters Is pecu liarly adapted , since it strengthens the dme tlve organs , and brace- , the physical enerele to f-s. unhealthtul infln- g ? ences. it removes and crevents mala- r rial fever , conatlpa- tlon. dyspepsia , healthfully stimu lates the kidneys and bladder , and enriches as well as purifies the blood When overcome bv f atlzue , whet her mentnl or physical the weary and de bilitated find it a reliable source of renewed strength and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Dea'ers generally. ROCKFORDlflfATCHES Used br the Chi el Mechanician of th , TJ. S. Coast Survey I by the Admiral commanding-in the U. S. Naval Observ atory , for Attro- nomicalwork ; and by l > ocomotlv Engineers , Con- ductorg and Rall- way men. They are _ rocojfnlzed as for all uses In which close [ time and durability are re quisites. Sold In principal I citieg and towns by the COM- I PANY'S exclusive Agent * 0 ultncJaUr , ) TvhoKlva a Full Warranty. rtATA'DBU ELY'S ft cBEAHjALH rS MB SlCanses no Fain. IttKSB = - j _ . . : : ? ( \ < fl biJniipp. . Thorough Treatment will Cure. Not a Liq uid or Sunff. Ap- m with Finger. Give it a Trial. 0 cents at Druggists ; 00 cents by mall registered. Sample bottle by mail 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS. Urngplsts , Oweeo. N. Y. TW taughtat ELECRAPHY Omaha School TelegraphyOmaha , Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manager ' W N U Omaha 21C 30 WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS , please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. PAPILLOM WHAT 1IOX. .1. C. BUKKOW AYH. " For more than flvo year * pnit n mtm e-of my t in/lly has beou rtilicted with Ilnr Ferer. cnlmlnat- Ini : lute In the fail wl-h a nnck'nv coiutu which would Incrmike In tore-lty until th-r inrn of warm weir r. Kvery > enirdr inrei futile , and relief WHS on'y found In achnnneiif cllmnte. Tn re w a recurr-nro < f tb d fllculty lattfall , attended IUi theutual coiiK'i and tinlenl protracted meeting. Not naif n buttle of f apll.lon fatarri < nre hailbe n OR d before th coiuh entirely disappeared. nd K ner/il relief fo'Iuwcd. It 1 Mmplr wonderful Don't full to iy It J. . Br-nuowe. ( Ki-Mcm."onoro-ii t& OUt. Mich. ) Knliuazo-s VI h. March 12h 1881 A. Hkln of lleunty ! n < Ioy Kurcver. DR. T. FBuIX GOUUAUD'8 Oriental Crenni. or Magical IIeuatia r. E i- . fc Heraove * 1 n. ' WrSx go 'lmplelMh " * H" - - - every blomlsh on teauy , aid duties detec tion. It h j stood the te * ot thlrtv yean and ft 10 hnrmtepn we tnstn It to b tare t'.o prep aration Ii proppr'y made accept n The dbtinsulthcd Dr. I * . A. "ajre said to a lady of the haul t.n ( nputlcnt ) : "As T. u ladies will use them. I recommend ' ( .ouraud's ( 'ream' as the lentt hnnnfulof ult the Bktn preparation * . ' One bottle will last six niombs uslns It every day. Also Pon- dro Hubtllo removes eopcrfluoun hair without Injury to the skin. MME M. u.T. UOUitAUn. Hole Prop. . 48 Bond ft. N. V. For sa'o by nil Uruiwlnts and Fancy Roods Dealers. C7 He are of b e Imita tions. Jl.OOO Howard for arreat and proof of any selling tn i game. _ _ _ . . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND . IS A POSITIVE CUIU3 FOR AH tliosn painful Complaint * * and Wonknessfs HO common * * , * * * * to our best * * * * * * FEMALE POPULATION. * Price $1 In liquid , pill or loimge fora. n purpose is solely for the legitimate healing of disease and the relief of pain , and that it does all it claims to do , thotuandsoflaillea can gladly testify. It will cure entirely all Ovarian troubles , Inflamma tion nnd Ulccratlon , Falling mid Displacements , and consequent Spinal Wiakness , and Is particularly adapted to the chaugeof life. ' "It removes Faliitn > a. Flatiil < ncy , destroys all cnmnjr for stimulant * , and relieves WiaknL- of the Stomach , It cures Bloating' . Headaches , Nervous lTotr tion. General Debility , Sleeplessneiei , Deprenalon and IndJ- KCstloa. That feellntj of bearlnjj down , causing pain , nnd tackache. Is always permanently cured by its use. Send stamp to Lynn , Ma&s. , for pamphlet. Letters o Inquiry conlldentlally answered. For tale at druggists. YOUR Will bay 25 per cent , more Groceries at the Old tl * liable Store of J. B. XMXEXOn < Ss CO. , OBLA.UA. than can be bonght elaowhe a in the state. Thx ; mti 1 lb > . JL Miiyur for . . . . ( IS 1-8 lb . Extra O ? agor for - 81. OO 11 1lb . OritnululeU Snxurfor - Hl.Od 14 Ib . New Orleun * Sulfur for - ttl.OO And other goods In proportion. Bend for Moaui Price List. J. B. FRENCH & CO. OH A u A U.S.STANDARD. 5 TOM JONES WAGON S8ALES , Iiou Later * . Sterl Brtrtnr * . ! ! itt Ttra leni ! unit Beam Box , OF BKGHAMTOfi JONES tia | r tlir f reljtht fur Irrt Price LJt metitlnu til' ' * fiAiwrantf adJrt. . JQHES OF BIN3HAK70H. ELASTIC TRUSS llaa a 1'iul dillcrent from cup shape , with Evlt- AdJiiitinRKallln oenter.adup'r it. cirtonllpo-itlonsortbotKk.'r while tlic ball In the run _ . „ presses back the intes- * * r tines just as a person does With tne f inner. V.ith light pressure the Her nia is held securely u-iy and nl tt , and a. radical cnre certain. Itlseosy.ilnralilonnilelieap. Rent br moil. Ctr. Cularsfree. IMiUSTOV T < H bS til. , 111. " : > " can"cmeiIerniI nrnt employm-nt and oed salary selling Queen CUf Sample outfit Free. Address Quern Cltr Sutpendcr Co. , Cincinnati. * ) . COShotCun Revolvers , Rifles , JOSEPH GILLOTT'Sl Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the Woric. Gold Me'dal Paris Exposition , 1873. HOG CHOLERA feet prevent- of this terrible < H eaee ; SOc'perbot. directions for its.U'C in emh box. ' 'J hih \ > a Uoit Cholera medicine only , it Is u ed largely by tne D. 8. Government t tbe Solrlera' Ilon-e. Send Toronr new General informal on Book , fiee , & ntalnina a lar e an ount of information about Horses and Cat tle , their diseases and treatnent. For further par ticulars addre s , DK. \\.ClllliEh&COr cold by all drngglste. Dayton. Ohio. Bellevue College , NEXT TEIDI BEGINS * * September 7 , 1884. Clastical , Scientlflc. Commercial and Art Depart ments. .Both eexes admltied. 1 nlf.on low , bosrdiox cheap. C2TAddres mr particulars , Kev , W. W. ba. D D. , President , bellevue Iseb. Froteitunt Episcopal Seminary fur Yuuaj- Ladles , OMAHA , NKB. Th" Bi'hopof Nebraska. Visitor The Rev.7to > - ert Doherty. M. A. . Hector , has been nineye r ai tbo bean of the vchool. and is eM ttd t > y > nable anrt experienced Faculty. 'Ihe Twenty-nn > t Teacr begins Wedne < ! ny , ( September IO. 1084. lir ? ( alalcgueand particular.- , apply to the Kector. QUICK ! BESTTEUM3EVER offered to se 1 the official and Authentic biographiesof CLEVELAND AND HEHDRicKS3jj ! ± ssag Convention. FINE nTKEL POKTBAtTa. Outfits 5Uc. by return mall. Tall on or adores ? , KANSAS ClTT iTjB. UO. , 10J W. Ninth st. , Kansas C ity , ilo. JllustrH ed College Journal - , nal , specimens of penman- - - - * - * - ship tent free i * i- * , Addren .Ij , MCSSELMAS. Gem City Bus. Coll. , Quliicy , 111. Elegant Pi Ice * for Fmsll collection of Empty HnrliamTnhaccollaK . Particulars free. Thompton J5ro. . 357 .nuInHt , Cincinnati , O. CURES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Be"ttV > nqifcyrup. ! Ubu is time , tsjld by drug ista. I JTornhlnorZaljitCorcd In 19 , to OUn.TH. opnT till Cared. _ I Da. J. bTm jncLebanon. . Ohio. T FARM Telejernphyor hort-hand and type I ( .Him wrltlu ? here. Situations furnished. U Address Valentine Bros. . Janesvllie , Wte. r T > . y. 3et "Jli iDe-it Onlr Oalck- U Sand WEUI'-AtTGER. JlLZ WELb AC- GEH Co , liJJ Or ind Ave. , Kausa * Oity , it i. PATENTS ! J0108- PSimpson. . Wasb- r . ? , ? . lntton.D.C. NopayaakBd for patent untU obtained. Write for Inventor's Guide WANTED 11 experienced aook and Bible Agents m every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Afidret * rtatlng experience. P. O. Box g. g. . Btl ult. Mo. CHARLES SHIYEKICK , FtJBXITUKE. IgQg A 1210 F r..Omah . ' PURGATIVE PftRSONS' Positively cure SICK-HEADACHE , Biliousness , and all BLOOD JPOISON , and Skin Diseases ( ONE PILL A DOSEK or have no equal. "I nnd them a valuable Cathartic and Liver Pill ; Dr "In my practice I use no other. J. Dennlson , MJQ. , DeWltt a il for ct. . in .t np. . Vlu.bie mrorm.tion