McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, July 24, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
_ Thursday , July 24 * . 1884. _
Indicates that your subscription to TUB
X TniuuNK has expired , and that an invita
tion to renew the same is extended.
All locals under this heading lOc. a line for
each Insertion , and same inserted until order
ed discontinued , unless time is specified. Dills
paynblo monthly. .
CONOllEOATIONAL.-Sunday School nt 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night nt 7.30 , M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every other Sunday
morning at 10.30 , M. T. , and evening at H , M. T.
Sunday School every week at 3.30 , M. T. Ser
vices held in Opera Hall.
ALLEN BAim.EY.'Pastor.
CATHOLICv-Scrvices will be hold in the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
, JOSEPH CLEHV , Pastor.
1.0. G. T. The Independent Order of Good
Templars meet in the Congregational Church
every Tuesday evening.
Local Intelligence.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
Special inducements in hosiery , from
* f 5c. up , at Chicago store.
Blank notes , neatly bound , 50 in a
book , for sale at this office.
Great reduction in ladies and chil
dren's hats at Chicago Store.
Extraordinary bargains in remnants
of all kinds , at Chicago General Store.
We understand that the Russell-Short
horse race will be run over again next
If you want , to take your chances on
a $25 suit of clothes , take J. Byron
. Jennings up at his matrimonial wager.
Great bargains at the Chicago Store
in all departments. All kinds of pro
duce bought , and the highest price paid
for the same.
The City Bakery has just received
the finest line of Candies ever brought
to McCook. Remember this and go
there for your candies.
Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of white bolted corn meal.
A porch which will add much to the
appearance of the property , is being !
built by C. N. Batchelor , on the front
of his house on the corner.
FOR SALE First-class millinery and
> dress-making establishment. Doing
good business. Termseasy. . For par
ticulars , address THE TRIBUNE. 8.
The usual Catholic monthly service
will be held at the Opera Hall , McCook ,
on Sunday , the 27th day of July.
C. H. Rogers has just received a
complete line of crockery , which he will
sell cheaper than anybody at prices
that defy coinpetion. Call and inspect.
When you come to town , go to the
Chicago General Store before purchas
ing elsewhere. It will pay you to visit
the Chicago General Store , under the
Opera House.
The indications for a storm were
quite portentious , Wednesday evening ,
but after a brilliant display of heaven's
artillery and fire works , and a slight
rain , all was serene.
A drunken individual from Eckley ,
for some reason unknown to us , shot
a hole through the front door of Braun's
saloon. He was fired from the prem
ises p. d. q. j sans cerenionie.
We have good reason to believe that
the B. & M. railroad to Cheyenne will
make its iunction with the main line
here at Brush the survey made from
this point having proved satisfactory.
We notice the arrival of another fine
lit 1 stallion in this section. The horse was j
brought from Washington count } ' , Kansas - i
sas , by C. W. Yocum of Cornell on the
Driftwood. Scrubs and bronchos are'
being rapidly superseded by fine , blood
ed animals.
Cholera infantum is prevailing ex
tensively in our town , and parents
should be most careful what their chil-
dreu eat. Due care in this direction '
may save many hours of pain and fore- !
stal more serious results. Be very careful - ,
ful what the little ones cat ! I
A gentleman by the name of Boardj j
man of Missouri , together with a num
ber of other men ot capital , are stare- '
ing a town named Odcll , down in Rawlins - (
lins county , Kansas. The site is near
the center of the county , and is destin
ed to be the county-seat of Rawlins.
'Lumber for the erection of building is
* j
being hauled down from this place. '
Right Reverend Bishop O'Connor of
the Catholic church administered the
sacrament of confirmation to twelve
applicants at this pjacc , Saturday morn
ing. On Sunday morning the Bishop
confirmed eleven'at Indianola.
The village pound has been moved
from the old Dunbar livery stable yard
to the rear of Olcott's barn. We give
this information for the benefit of the
boys , who can make some spending
money by driving in astrays. and they
are quite numerous betimes.
A choir from our town , consisting of
the following named persons did the
singing at the services conducted by
Bishop O'Connor at the county-seat ,
Sunday . Mrs. Farley , Mrs. Menard ,
Mrs. Bosley , Miss McCotter , Misses
Edith and Dell Menard , Prof. Yager
and F. L. McCracken.
.We are just advised as to the death
of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Babcock's little
boy baby , which occurred at the resi
dence of Mrs. Babcock's mother in
Rockford , 111. , where the mother and
child had been visiting for some time ,
July 6th. The bereaved parents have
the sympathy of this community in the
loss of their little one their only child.
There are two civil engineers from
Lincoln in town , who , in connection
with George Irving , are mapping out
more water mains. We understand that
a main will be laid along Railroad
street , running cast and west , also that
the company will put in a fire-plug at
the corner of Main avenue and Railroad
> MT
street , a precautionary measure against
The wash-out near Stratton , which
occurred last week , was more extensive
than was at first reported. Five spans
of the bridge or trestle work were taken
out , requiring the efforts of a large
force of men to repair temporarily by
Friday evening , when 'the excursion
train which had been laying over at
this point , went on her west-bound
"trip rejoicing.
Mrs. Thompson , who has been drill
ing the small children of our town for
the past week , gave one of her Happy
Hours concerts in the Opera Hall ,
Tuesday evening. Considering the
shortness of the time for preparation
and other disadvantages under which
the children labored , they executed
their part of the program very credita
bly and amusingly betimes. The au
dience was fair.
J. B. Meservc returned from his trip
to Paxton , 111. , Friday evening. Dur
ing his absence he formed a cattle com
pany under the head and style of the
Paxton Cattle Co. , with George Wright ,
President ; 0. D. Sacket , Vice-Presi-
dent ; C. H. Frew , Secretary and Treas
urer , and' J. B. Meserve , General Man
ager. The company will add a few
steers to their herd this fall , and stock
up largely in the spring.
"Fly foo' ' is the name of a new gam
bling game. The players sit around a
table , each one having a lump of sugar
in front of him. Then each player puts
a dime or a quarter into the pool , and
the man on .whose sugar a fly first
alights rakes in the wealth. Flies come
high but they must be had. If a pre
mium were added for the largest num
ber of flies and the game played in the
rear of Hayden's store , the game would
be most remunerative.
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday of
the past week were among the liveliest
McCook has seen in a long while. All
trains were delayed here from six to
eight hours and the dusty travelers
thronged the Eating House and the
restaurants for iood and drink , and the
regular boarders approached their re
spective eating places with fear and
trembling , and great luck was to them
if they were able to get a seat at the
table. Wet groceries were in brisk
A number of the "Bee line Rocky
Mountain" excursionist , who were de
tained at this station all day Friday ,
by reason of the wash-out near Stratton ,
called at this office during the day. The
major portion or the excursionists , ( who
numbered about seventy-five , ) came
from Cleveland. Their surprise at find
ing a town like McCook , "away out on
the Nebraska frontier" was genuine ,
and ve might add , altogether reasona
ble , and their ideas of cow-boys and the
like were mirth-provoking indeed.
getting DeLand's Soda , and don't let
your grocer argue you out of it. It will
pay yon in the end and yon. will use no
other. Sold by Haydeu & Co.
The eagerly looked for Leap Year
Ball was given by the young ladies of
our burg in the Opera Hall , Wednesday
evening , and if the energy and zest
with which these present entered into
the same be considered u criterion , the
evening was most thoroughly enjoyed
The threatening , lowering state of the
weather in the early part of the even
ing kept many from the dance , but by
10 o'clock a goodly number of dancers
had arrived , and the ball was opened
up , and the young ladies commenced
selecting partners , ( in person , the more
timia by proxy. ) The party disbanded
about 2:30 : , with pleasant memories
flitting through their brains to disturb
the limited slumber left them before
the coming morn.
We assure our readers who conyilaiu of not
getting their papers that every package of
our mall Is carefully put up about midnight ,
Thursday nights and all are in the post office
early in the morning ready for the mails goIng -
Ing in the various directions. We believe Mr.
Callahan takes great pains to see that they
are all off o'n time , but there is certainly
crookedness some where and the peculiar
thing of it is , that the complaints all come
from one direction. Frontier County Faber.
From the above article it doth appear
that Bro. Powers of the Frontier Coun
ty Faber is afflicted in about the same
manner THE TRIBUNE is and has been
for sometime , namely in his subscribers
not receiving their papers regularly and
as soon as they ought. THE TRIBUNE ,
( "I repeat it , sir , " ) is always in the
postoffice at this place every Thursday
evening- and never has failed in the
past nine months. Now our subscribers
up the Willow complain that they do
not receive the paper until Tuesday
evening , and why this is so , we are anx
ious to know. The train carrying the
mail leaves McCook at 6.15 and arrives
at Indianola at 6:34 : , A. M. , and as we
are authoritatively informed the mail
carrier OUGHT to start not earlier than
7 , A. M. , there are 26 minutes elapsing
between the time the mail reaches In
dianola from McCook , sufficient time
for the same to be sent up the creek in
the mail which goes up that morning.
The same is practically true of the
Beaver subscribers. Sometimes they
get their papers Friday and most of the
time , Tuesday of the following week ,
when the news has become old. This
state of affairs is a gross injustice to
our subscribers as well as ourselves , and
ought not to be , and we think will be
sooner or later , rectified. This business
ought to be pinned where it belongs.
This community was pained and
shocked at the announcement of the
death of John Lee , one of the first and
most favorably known citizens of our
town , which occurred at the residence
of the deceased , Wednesday morning.
Mr. Lee had been unwell ever since
shortly after the fourth , having taken
cold during a trip into the country , and
was confined to his bed two or three
days , when he got up and was around
again , although unable to do any work.
On Sunday he became much worse , and
a doctor was called , but the patient
became rapidly worse , the disease
spreading from the larger to the small
er bronchial tubes , assuming the form
of acute capillary bronchitis , and other
physicians were called in consultation ,
and although every medical attention
was given , they were powerless to stay
the fell destroyer , whose deadly fingers
were laid with such powerful grasp
upon his victim , and about 10 o'clock
on the morning of Wednesday , the
spirit of the sufferer parted company
with its earthly tenement. Death , even
under its most mitigating circumstances
is full of terror and sadness to the hu
man family , and when a person is cut
down in the bloom of manhood , it is
doubly so. The bereaved wife and
fatherless childien have the deepest
sympathy of our people.
The funeral took place from the
residence of the deceased , Thursday
afternoon , Rev. Dungan of the Congre
gational chuich conducting the services.
After services at the house , the re
mains were followed to their lasting
resting place by the Band , of which he
was a member , and a large concourse
of people.
320 acres deeded land , 24- miles from
3berhna thriving county-saat and land
office town. 28 miles south of McCook.
4-mile living water and springs , 200
xcres smooth farm land , for sale , . § 900
cash , if sold at once.
Also , ' 160 acres- , with living water ,
120 acres farm land,8 miles from Obcr-
lin.100 cash , all deeded. Call on or
address , J. E. Cochran , McCook , Neb.
Constable McCorrnick corraled a
Denver horse thief here , last week , and
lield him until the arrival of the sheriff
of Arapahoe county.
General Superintendent Calvcrt was
in town , Sunday.
Register Laws was in attendance at
County Institute , Wednesday.
Judge Ashmorc and Colonel Snavely
were in * town on business , Friday.
Mr. Adams of Superior , this state ,
was in * town , the first of the week.
Fred. Webster was in from Chase
county , Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace attended Cath
olic services at Indianola , Sunday.
L. B. Stiles returned from n visit to
his wife at Salt Lake City , Utah , last
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Colvin returned ,
Tuesday , from a visit in and around
Deacon Fisher came down from the
ranch to attend the Leap Year dance ,
Wednesday evening.
A. P. Leech , formerly of the Com
moner , Creston , Iowa , has been in town ,
the past week or two. '
Prof. Brown of Doane College , who
has been assisting at the County Insti
tute , was in town , Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate celebrated
the advent of a little daughter into
their household , last Sunday.
J. E. Cochran , Esq. , went to Ober-
lin , Friday , to look after some business
interests , returning on Sunday.
Bro. Martin of the Sentinel made us
a pleasant call , Wednesday , while on a
short visit to friends in this place.
W. H. McCartney and George Papin
of Indianola came up on 39 , Tuesday ,
and- returning oil 40 , the same day.
Contractor Hoge was called to Knoxville -
ville , 111. , last week , to the bedside of
his wife , who is quite seriously ill.
S. D. McClain is building a home on
his claim , north of town , and will shortly
move out on the same with his family.
J. C. Walsh , who travels for an
Omaha house , arrived in town , the first
of the week , and occupied his claim ,
north of town.
Charlie Ashmore and Dave Baurn , two
of Hayes county's redoubtable c. bs. ,
were in from the range a number of
days , this week.
J. F. Forbes returned from Denver ,
where he has been in attendance at
a convention of Train Dispatchers ,
Wednesday on 40.
Judge Gaslin was in town , a short
time , Monday. The Judge , it would
app2aris fairly in the field for congres
sional honors , this fall.
Henry F. Leib and wife , who have
been staying at the B. & M. for the
past ten days , will shortly move out on
his claim in this section.
Mr. Bridges , the Lincoln real estate
man , was in town , a number of days
last week , looking over the town and
driving through the country.
Frank Harris , Supt. Campbell's pop
ular private secretary , we are pleased
to note , is again able to be at his desk ,
after a season of indisposition.
J. W. Dyer , one of our gentlemanly
Hayes county stock raisers made THE
TRIBUNE a very pleasant call , this
morning. He reports everything smil
ing in his locality.
Miss Ashmore and her cousin from
Omaha , Miss Buckworth , and Messrs.
Sam Ashmorc and Ed. Leavenworth
came up from IndianolaWednesday
evening , to attend the Leap Year Dance.
Geo. B. France of York , this state ,
was circulating around town Tuesday.
Mr. France is being boomed by his
friends in the eastern part of the dis
trict for the nomination for congress
man to succeed Laird.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morris of Stock-
ville were in town two or three days of
last week , and were the guests of Reg
ister Laws. Mr. Morris is connected
with the Frontier County Faber.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of Charleston ,
111. , are visiting at the residence ot the
latter's father , W. W. Fisher. Mr. S.
accompanied Charlie Fisher up to the
Chase county ranch , Tuesday. The vis
itors will return to Illinois , next week.
John Hughes of Blackwood came
very near climbing the golden stairs ,
recently , while breaking ! i wild horse.
He was saddling the wilcy broncho , and
incautiously passed around the animals
heels , which saluted John in the pit of
the stomach , rendering life a burden ,
for some time. He is able to be about
as usual again.
Mrs. John Furr is expected homo
soon , after quite an extended visit to
her mother in Iowa.
L. B. March" and family from the
Hatfiold ranch attended services at the
Bondvillo church , Sunday.
W. 0. Bond was in McCook , last
week , after lumber to finish the roof of
his store. His goods were damaged
considerably by the late rains.
The recent rains have been about the
most severe of the season. Buffalo
bridge was rendered impassable ; part
of the same having taken a swim.
Our teacher and Miss Lcttie Bough-
ton , who were in attendance at the
Teacher's Institute , last week , have
returned with a favorable report of the
We still have two more weeks of
school. We think our school boards
should arrange to have the schools be
gin earlier so as not to run so far into
the heated season.
A number of our citizens were down
to hear Captain Seelcy tell of his south
ern prison life and of the battle of
Gettysburg. They pronounce the lec
ture quite interesting.
H. B. Duckworth passed through
this place , last week , with a fine lot of
cattle , which he was taking from Indi
anola to his ranch on the Beaver. He
is one of the prosperous farmers of that
We hear a gentle murmur from the
distance. It bears the news : "A wed
ding is on the tapis. A school-marm
about to leave the ranks. " Consolation ,
where art thou ? But then we'll not
despair yet , 'tis only a rumor.
Some of the neighboring farmers
have become very industrious of late ,
so much so that they are not satisfied
with six day's labor in one week , but
profane the day of rest , also. In more
civilized countries such violations would
be dealt with by law , but here those
who do wish to observe that day aright
arc obliged to bear with such disturb
ances and politely say nothing.
July 21 , ' 84. MOTHER'S Sox.
Fogs and rain.
E. N. Keeler is building a sod house.
N. Burtless of Driftwood is at Ed.
Ernest Wilber has gone with Riley
Miller near the K. P. to attend camp
while the others are chasing wild horses.
Stockmen are casting their eyes
around for chances to cut hay , and are
preparing their machines for that pur
Steve , Will and Charles Bailey are
trying their luck catching wild horses
near the head breaks of the Willow and
L L. Stokes has a very fine garden.
He is showing us Western Xebraskan's
the. New Jersey method of gardening
and that is keep the weeds down.
Our 4th of July picnic was a success.
There were upwards of forty-five per
sons present. It was amusing to see
some of the picnicers wending their way
Iiouie in winter wraps on account of the
coolness of the evening.
Elder Wood of the Christian church
Prom Phelps county is among us. He
preached two discourses a week ago
Sunday , and last Sunday in the after
noon he preached a sermon in memory
of I. G. Stokes' wife , who died a year
ago this month. She was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Braugh.
A Card.
I take this opportunity and mean ? of
returning my heartfelt thanks to my
neighbors and friends for the kindness
and assistance rendered during the late
illness and at the funeral of my wife.
A NUMBER of the papers of the state
are making a sensible and timely move
toward having the state laws published
in the county papers. "Ignorance of
the law excuses no one/ ' and yet the
laws are made known only through the
statutes , and but a few copies of this
book are allowed to each county.
WE have no patience with the scan
dalmongers who are trying to make this
campaign : i campaign of smut and vile
personal abuse. We do not believe that
any party or its candidate for the presi
dency can be bcnefitted by the use of
the muck-rake.
THE word "Sundayed" is frequently
used by certain journals in this state.
Will one of those papers give us the
etymology of the word. Like to hear
from the Norfolk Journal. How is it ,
Colonel ?
Auditor Dorman of the B. & M. , wife
and party were in town , last Thursday.
THE Napolconists in .Franco arc
having n high old time in participat
ing in the quarrel between Plon-Plon ,
the heir apparent , and his son Victor ,
who ranks as prince imperial. Victor
has for spmo years been photographed as
a very virtuous and high-minded youth ,
who inherited none of the traits that
have made his father Jerome unpopular.
But the friends of the old man now
accuse him of all sorts of villainies ,
among the most venial being thu fact
that he is a habitual liar , and that he
receives his financial backing from a
notorious courtesan , one Mine. Gabriellc.
They nickname him now "Gabriellc's
darling. " Paul do Cassagnac is a par
tisan of Victor and helps to villify Plon-
Plon in turn. Upon the whole , the
imperialists arc rapidly making them
selves the laughing stock of France.
But they have much sympathy in Eu
rope outside , in all aristocratic circles ,
where it is hoped that they may some
time overthrow the republic.
A Pleasant , Safe and Relia
ble Remedy for Bowel
' Please send three bottles of MARSH'S
TONIC ASTRINGENT , by express , to my
wife , in Waveland , Indiana , where she
is visiting friends. She writes me that
our little girl has the Summer Com
plaint , and that she cannot obtain the
ASTRINGENT there/ Please send it
immediately as we arc anxious to have
it get there as soon as possible. We
liavc more confidence in it than in any
otherremedy. . " John E. Petty , Fort
Scott , Kans.
sale by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook.
[ t quickly cures Diarrhoea , Dysen
tery , Cholera Infantum , and all Bowel
complaints. Price 50 cents. Don't
'ail to try it.
FIFTV CENTS will buy the MARSH
AGUE CURE liquid or pills. Never
aiown to fail. For sale by S. L. Green.
ire mild , thorough and harmless. For
sale by S. L. Green.
All kinds of blanks kept for sale at
this office.
If you want cheap pork call at John
Farley's meat market.
Locals under this head 5c. a line for each
nscrtion. Bills payable monthly.
Go to John A. Lee's for sewing
11. S. Cooley has deeded lands for sale
n various parts of the county.
Homesteads and timber claims for
sale. R. S. COOLEV , McCook.
One good house , 1 acre of land , good
well , etc. , for sale. Price , $450. R.
S. Cooley , McCook.
J. E. Bcrger is agent for the Western
Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap
ror cash or on loHg time. 4.
FOR SALE : One house , with 2 lots ,
good well on property. Price , $450.
LI. S. Cooley , Oih'ce 1st door south I * .
S. Land Office , McCook.
Parties wishing to purchase : i first-
class machine can be accommodated by
calling on John A. Lee , who has the
ngeucy for the celebrated Wheeler &
Wilson Sewing Machines.
Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages.
Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed ,
nit Claim Deeds. Contracts for Build-
ng , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort
gage. Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge ,
Petition for License , Notes , Receipts , , THE TRIBUNE office.
For Sale.
Three choice Timber Culture claims
'or sale. Enquire of Royal JJuck at
Red Willow. 7.
I am now prepared to offer Flour and Mill
: "ecd in exchange for Wheat. Will give as
nuch in return as can be afforded from any
Mill. I am also prepared to buy { rrain to &hip.
July 5 , IfcSJ-Cm. CLARK WAKU.
Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of u
Chattel Mortgage , dated on the M day of
April , 18J > { , and duly Hied and recorded in the
ollice of the County Clerk of Red Willow coun-
tv , Nebraska , on the iUth day of April. 1SS3.
ind executed by C. A. Wilson and K. M. Wil
son to Ed , Wilson to secure the payment of
the sum of On Hundred and Six ( $ luj.OO ) Dol-
ars , and upon which there is now due the sum
of One Hundred and Eight ( SIOS-V ) ) Dollars
ind Fifty Cents. Default having been made
n the payment of said sum. and no suit or
other proceeding at law having been institu-
; ed to recover t-aid debt , or any part thereot ,
therefore , I will sell the property herein de
scribed , viz : One Frame House , Mtuatrd on
ots No. i:5 : and 14 , in Block No. i. . in Mel ook.
Nebraska , and formerly occupied l.y 'aid C" .
A. Wilso'u and E. M. Wilson a * si dwelling
louse , at public auction , on the idi-walk in
front of the house mortgaged , and above df-
scrilMjd as situated on lots No. W and 14 , block
No. i , in McCook. Nebraska , in the town of
McCook , in Red Willow county , on the ixn
DAV op AUGUST , 18S4 , at 2 o'clock. I' . M. , ot
said day. El ) . WILSON.
Dated July Oth , lSSl.Mortgagee. .