McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, July 24, 1884, Image 2

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F. M. K. M. K1M3IEEX , Pubs.
The stateboard.of educational lands
and funds have decided to take the $152-
000 of Lancaster refunding bonds drawing
< j per cent , interest.
The new fire alarm Tjell for Ord has
arrived and been put up on a tower on the
west side of the court hou e < square. The
bell was made at SenecaF.alls , New York ,
by the Goulds Manufacturing company , and
weighs 710 pounds.
Some of the business men of Ashland
arc Interesting themselves in the matter of
a public square. Grounds of this' kind
have long been needed in Ashland and the
subject is being vigorously and persistently
The contract is rfo'jv fully let" for the
erection and early completion of a fine edi
fice for the M. E. church , at Holdredge.-
By actual count , the number of
dwellings and business houses elected in
Minden ana additions from October 1st to'
the present time , Is 204. This includes the
two elevators and the roller mills. This , at
an average of $800 , which is low , makes
$211,200 invested in newbuildings in the hist
nine months.
Kev. Geo. Scott , a minister well known
in the Elkhora valley , has been appointed
by the president the United States con-
sulship at Odessa , Russia , with a salary of
$3,000 per annum.
Mr. Villiam Boyer , who lives six
miles south of Yalentine , on the Schlagle ,
has discovered an extensive stone quarry on
Ills place. He dug out some pieces which
proved to be very fine specimens of chalk
rock. Mr. Boyer is in correspondence with
a gentleman in Iowa who has had much ex
perience in this line of business and will be
at that place in a short time to open up the
The assessed valuation of Brown
county for the year 188-1 , as corrected by
the board of equalization , now foots up to
$649,195.75. The population is 6,016.
2The proposition to issue § 800,000 in
bonds to construct a system of waterworks
in Lincoln , was carried by a vote of 633
to 64.
The Baptists of Hartington are build
ing a new church , which will cost between
$2,030 and $3,000.
The Valley county fair will be held on
September 23 , 24 and 25 ;
The trial of Wm. Snell on an indict
ment for murder in the second degree , in
the shooting of "his mistresB , Jessie Troup
Snell at Omaha some months ago , was
finished in the district court with a verdict
of not guilty v Dr'G.JLull , Esq. , and Gen.
Co win , counsel defendant , made argu
ments a few days ago and District Attorney
Godwin closed for the state. Throughout
the trial there was no witness to contradict
the testimony of Snell himself.
Charles J. Shelton , a brother to N.
Shelton , of Omaha , was drowned while
swimming the Oyhee river near Wlnne-
mucca , on the 21st of May last , the news
being received only a few days ago.
Sheriff John Brown , of Seward county -
. ty , passed through Lincoln the other day.
having in charge and in irons a man named
Jonas Castile , who is charged with having
committed a nameless outrage on _ the per
son of a 14-year old girl named Ebsa Free
man , whose parents live in that county.
Castile was found in Menard , county , HI. ,
and was engaged In fanningr
A terrific wind , and hail storm passed
through Saline-county from southwest to
northeast. The track of the storm was from
four to five miles wide and < jrops , barns ,
stables , sheds , windmills , etc. , were badly
The Long Pine Journal says young
Elof Oleson , about 12 years old , sought to
make the fire burn brighter for his mother ,
who was washing clothes , and he turned
some kerosene oil from the can into the
stove. Immediately there was a loud ex
plosion , and the boy and intenor of the
room were enveloped in flames. Men work
ing near heard the explosion followed by
the mother's screams , * and were quickly at
the scene of the fire. They caught the boy ,
who was running , wild , his clothing all
ablaze , rolled him on.ihel ground and put
the fire out , then turned their attention to
the burning house. With the assistance of
others who had arrived by this time , the
flames were extinguished. The boy was
burned severely on thejlimbs , but will soon
be around. ' The building was'dainaged hut
Land Commissioner Burnham , of the
"Union Pacific railway , has Issued the follow
ing information regarding land sales by his
department : June land sales Acres , 415-
167.40 ; amount for which sold , $758,160.72.
Sales for 1884 Acres , 2,651 , > 93.04 ; amount
for which sold , $4,127,421.28. Emigrant
teams west from Council Bluffs during June ,
105 ; cars household goods , 21 ; foreign emi
grants to Nebraska land points during June ,
The case of Clarke vs. Blair , involv
ing title to lands in northern Nebraska
bought at tax sale.- has been decided by
Judge Brewer. The case went to theTJnited
States court on a bill of exceptions to the
master's report , which is denied and a de
cree sustaining the report ordered.
The Reporter scores another for Val
entine and Cherry county over the bill pro
viding for an increase of five companies of
soldiers at Fort Niobrara , which will make
it regimental headquarters , and the appro
priation of $50.000 with which "to enlarge the
post and liquidate other necessary expendi
tures. The measure passed both branches
of congress and preparations will be insti
tuted at once.
The Beatrice Express says the U. S.
land office is in receipt of the text of a hill ,
Introduced by Congressman "Weaver , for
the sale of the remainder of the Sac and Fox
reservation , near Falls City , in Richardson
county. This reservation includes 16,000
acres of'the most valuable lands In the state ,
and is within the Beatrice land district. It
Is occupied by the remnant of the Sac and
Fox tribes , with a large number of half-
breeds. The difficulty heretofore attending
every attempt to place the land on the mar
ket nas been the obstinacy of the half-
breeds , who do not want to leave the reser
The Beatrice Express says that
Messrs. G. .3V. Atkinson and W. H. Gillett
have leased the Barnes stone quarry near
Holmesville , and will soon begin to work
It. They' will also , at an early day , put in
a mill at the Beatrice elevator for sawing
and dressing stone. They will use the
power of the western construction com
pany , and hope to be running within sixty
days. Men are already at work in the quar
ry , getting out stone.
- In Dixon county , alongAoway creek ,
South creek and Daily creek , there are at
least one hundred excellent water powers.
"With such wonderful is
surprising that more mills and manufac
tories are not put up. There Is room for
planing mills , woolen factories , paper mills ,
etc. , etc. , and a country round about , rich
and productive enough to amply sustain
The Sunday school assembly holds
their next session at Crete , from August 18
to 28.
, Burglars recently took * a turn at the
hotels in Friend but did not succeed in
finding much which they cared to carr ? off.
The people of Friendville have been
circulating a paper to obtain signatures for
a citizens' purse for the coming fair ; and
$500 has thus been aecored.
| 4Ueatrice will soon have the electric
light. The building for the purpose will
teen be erected. The company hopes to
got In operation in about one month :
A terrible wind and hail storm swept ,
through , the , center of Saline county , un-
rooflnphonscs and doing considerable dam *
age to the crops. A man named Hong ,
who was out in the storm and got his head
badly cut and bruised , lays hailstones as
arge as a teacup fell.
The laying of the corner stone of the
Nebraska state capital at Lincoln was at
tended by much display of ceremonies un
der the auspices of the grand lodge of Ne
braska of Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons , and a more appropriate and im
pressive , ceremony never took place at the
capital city. Ex-Governor Furnas made
Ihe address ; In which he embodied the his
tory of Masonry , the early history of Ne
braska , statistic * showing Its rapid growth
in comparison with other states and its
standing at the present time.
A Swedish cattle dealer was swin
dled out of $800 in Omaha by the confidence
game last week. He was on his way to
Chicago with a train load of stock.
William E. Annin , formerly associate
editor of the Omaha Bee , and Miss Emma
Paddock , daughter of MaJ. J. W. Paddock ,
were married on the 15th in Trinity cathe
dral , Omaha. For nearly a year past Mr.
Annin has been engaged in business at Fort
Robinson , and : there he and Mrs. Annin
will make theirJhome.
Plainview is enjoying quite a boom.
Many buildings ate going up and consider
able real estate is changing hands.
The Kearney Era savs' " that reports
from the districts visited" by hail on the
night on the night of July 3d , about twenty
miles northwest of Kearney , are to the ef
fect that many farmers may lose their en
tire crops. Small grain was entirely ruined
and corn damaged so badly that it cannot
recover. This is not general , but is in
streaks along the Loup.
The barbers of Beatrice are asking
for a repeal of the ordinance allowing their
shops to be open Sundays , as they do not
wish to work on tbat day. The petition will
be presented to the council.
Richard Tilden , of Salem , had his
pockets picked on the road between Hia
watha and Atchison. He was on the night
train and asleep when some bold villlan
lifted his watch and chain. He made in
quiries from the passengers when he awoke
and missed his ticker , but as most every
one was asleep at the time , no one had been
seen around the car that was anyways sus
At the last term of the United States
court at Omaha a Judgment was rendered
against Seaton & Lea , of Lincoln , for the
sum of $1,000 for an infringement in the
manufacture of the Section well augur. The
patent was granted to Joseph Burns , who
now owns it and is the plainliff in the case
referred to. The probability is that now- all
parties who are making or using the Section
well augur will be called onto pay a royalty ,
as it is understood that Mr. Burns is deter
mined to collect , thinking the well men have
had free use of his invention long enough.
At a.recent meeting of the city council
cil of Lincoln 'it was * resolved ' 'that it is to
the interest of the city to use the Holly
water works system so called , and the city
attorney is hereby directed 'to'p'repare a
contract for the construction of a , system of
water works by the Holly Manufacturing
company in accordance with the plans and
specifications on file made by Messrs. Birk-
inbine & Son , with such modifications as
may be required. " The works are to be
ready by December 1st.
Lindsay , the Lincoln child beater , who
was up before Judge Parker a few days ago
on a writ of habeas corpus , was remanded
to. Jail. Constable Hunger was in court
during the hearing , Armed with a warrant
charging Lindsay with liviug in open
adultery , and ifhe had been released he
would have been immediately rearrested.
The Sioux * City Journal _ has crop re
ports from twenay points in northern and
eastern Nebraska , embracing in territory
more than one hundred miles west and
south from the northeast corner of the state ,
and without a single exception the reports
are all of the most flattering kind. The
harvest in that section is fast coming on and
the yielded for spring wheat is placed at
twenty to twenty-five bushels per acre.
The German Lutheran church of
Pierce was dedicated last Sunday with ap
propriate exercises. The church is 26x46 ,
fourteen feet high , arched ceiling. The
congregation do not owe a penny on the
building and have a little money left over
for a bell.
I. G. and W. Brewer , of Central
City , are putting up a large grist mill ,
which will commence operations the coming
autumn. * /
A vacancy having been caused in the
board of - villagetrustees of Kenesaw , the
hoard called for an Informal ballot to get an
expression of the people as to their choice
for the position , the board , pledging them
selves to- ratify such choice.The contest
was one on the ground of license or no li
cense , and resulted in a victory for the
license candidate , by a vote of 51 to 41.
This gives the license party a majority.
An old man living near Holmesville
was severely injured a few days ago * He
was riding a mule , and stopping to take off
his vest , the animal became scared and ran
sideways against a wire fence. The man
was brushed against the fence in this way ,
for some distance. The flesh was torn from
the instep of his right foot by the barbs ,
making an ugly wound. . ' "
Lincoln has a stallion that is a fine
but dangerous animal. A Mr. Douglas was
badly bitten by him in the arm a few days
ago. The horse was formerly owned by the
Richards Brosand is said to have killed , a
man while in their possession. On account
of his mean disposition he was sold by them
for a mere trifle , and has- since bitten three
fingers off of one man. and lacerated an
other's arm so badly'that'lt'had to be am
putated. His last victim is Mr. Douglas ,
whose arm is very much swollen , but it is
thought no permanent injury will result.
Omaha's big packing and slaughter
house , it is expected , will be put in opera
tion next month.
. A convict working in tne Nebraska
Manufacturing company .department of the
penitentiary takes all the extra time he can
spare to work upon fancy toilet boxes , He
has one box in which there are over 5,000
pieces of wood inlaid into the black walnut
body. He sells these boxes for from $10 to
$25 each. They are very neat , and when
finished up make an ornament upon any
lady's toilet table.
The Valentine Reporter says that the
S. C. & P. road will not be extended west
ward from that place within two years and
further tbat its information is from official
Thie Wood River Gazette says that as
train No. 14 was about a mile out of Gibbon
on its way east , Conductor Brooks went out
over the train to look for tramps , when he
was encountered by a couple of profession
als who pushed him from the top of a box
car to the ground. . . As the train was mov
ing at the rate of twenty miles an hour , it is
remarkable that Mr. Brooks escaped with
out severe injuries.
E. E. Bonnelle , of Valentine , met
with a serious accident last week which
nearly cost him his 'life. He went into the
stable to feed his horse when the animal be
came frightened and rearing up , struck him
a violent blow on the head knocking him
senseless. When he recovered conscious
ness he was lying on a bale of hay , face
down , and a piece of wire wrapping had
been forced into his right cheek , two inches
in depth , barely missing the eye-ball.
Starvation is making the Indians of
Northern Montana so desperate that
the settlers are kept in constant kdread
of an outbreak.
Nebraska Unsuccessful in
, , „ M y - >
Securing Dr. Potter for
A Texas Fiend Overtaken by a Pursuing -
suing Party and Riddled
With Bullets.
A Circular from Postmaster General
Gresbam Having Reference to
Letter Carriers.
The board appointed to represent the
government at the New Orleans exposition
will also take charee of the government ex
hibit at the Louisville and Cincinnati expo
Gras'shoppers are destroving the
sugar-qane in the state of "Vera Ciuz , in the
vicinity of Cordeha.
Receiver Jackson , of the Denver , and
Rio Grande railroad , received permission
from the United States circuit court to ne
gotiate a loan of $150,000 to pay the em
ployes their backpay :
Four fishermen were drowned at the
mouth of the Columbia river on the 14th.
This makes fifty men drowned there within
the last three weeks.
The New York Tribune fresh air as
sociation , organized to sendtenementhouse
children to the country for two weeks , has
begun its' summer work. Already ten par
ties have left the city and many more are
soon to follow.
Eight families of 'assisted emi
grants" arrived at New York on the loth ,
four from Mayo , Ireland , and four from
Breslau , Germany. They will all be sent
back. <
L Eden has been nominated
for congress by the democrats of the Sev
enth Illinois district.
The commissioner of Indian affairs
offers $300 reward for the arrest of the mur
derer of Kashiway , chief of the Sac and Fox
Indians of Kansas.
At Athens , Ga. , Police Lieutenant
Arold was shot dead by Sam Tyler , colored ,
who was resisting-arrest.
Rev. L. O. Thompson , in company
with his son Sidney and Freddie Bishop , of
Medina , New York , a lad about twelve
years of age , were out boating and fishing
on the Illinois river at Henry , fll. Nearing
the dam across the river their skiff was
drawn into the eddies and capsized , and all
three were drowned.
Hon. William Purcell , editor of the
Rochester Union , was granted leave of ab
sence until after November , at his own request - ,
quest , because he says he cannot , with ser
vice to the party , credit to the paper , or
honor to himself , conduct the Union during
the present political campaign.
Director General Burke , of the
World's Exposition , New Orleans , met a
number of leading citizens of Chicago and
gave an explanation of the work in hand.
A resolution was passed endorsing the ex
position. It was decided to open an office
for the dissemination of information and re
ceipts of application for space.
Webb Hetton , a fiend , was over
hauled in the woods notfar from Richmond ,
Texas , near the scene of an outrage recently
committed , by a crowd of indignant citi
zens. They tied him to a tree and shot fif
teen times at him , when he fell apparently
dead. After the party left Hetton got up ,
went home , dressed his wounds and left
that section. When the coroner went out
to hold an inquest the remains had disap
peared , and parties have since been looking
for them without success.
Frank C. Hutchins , a San Francisco
machinist , strangled Nellie Sims , his mis
tress , for refusing to live with him. Hutch-
ins , when arrested , expressed great joy
over his deed.
Wm. E. Curtis , the Wasfcington cor
respondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean , has
been appointed by the president secretary
of the commission to inquire into the com
mercial relations between the United States
and the countries of Central and South
Ameriica , with a view to extending our
commerce in that direction.
At Iron Gate , Va. , Thomas Johnson
whipped his stepson , tying his hands. The
boy escaped , ran to the river and jumped
in. Johnson followed. The current was
swift and both were drowned. The bodies
were recovered 4
John Hoffman , a young man em
ployed at the Milwaukee Daily Sentinel of
fice , was shot and mortally wounded in the
back by Gustav Prier , who alleges that
Hoffman slandered his sister. The assail
ant was arrested. .
The New York weekly bank state
ment is as follows : Reserve , increase ,
$4,655,275. The banks now hold $28,416-
775 in excess of legal requirements.
The postmaster general has received
the report of French , Burt and Dice , com
missioned to investigate the condition of the
St. Louis postoffiee. The report sajsthe
cashier and assistant cashier are too old to
fill the positions they hold and should be as
signed to other duties and their positions
filled by younger men. If this is done there
will be no necessity for an auditor. The
office of local inspector is wholly unneces
sary. The recommendations in the report
involve an increase of the office force of
eight clerks and an additional allowance of
The draft of the postal convention
between the United States and Mexico has
been amended by the Mexican government
in several particulars , and the consumation
of the treaty will be delayed some time" by
the necessity for its consideration by the
postoffiee department.
The Star says : The impression seems to
be that ex-Senator Wallace will be elected
chairman of the national democratic com
mittee It is thought that Governor Cleve
land prefers Manning of New York , but the
understanding is that he ( Manning ) does
not want the position. He has promised to
devote his time to the canvass and to aid the
committee to the full extent of his ability ,
hut does not want to be the responsible
head. From good authority it is learned
that Randall forbids the use of his name.
He will not.staud in Wallace's way. At
Chicago Randall was ably and warmly sup
ported by Wallace , and it is said the former
will do all he can to have the latter made
chairman of the committee.
The treasury departments has issued
warrants for the payment of $9,000,000 on
account of pensions.
The treasury department has been in
formed by ona of its agents on the Canada
border that paper bags supposed to have
been collected in the cholera infected dis
tricts of Egypt , Turkey and South France
are being imported to the United States
through Canadian ports. They are de
scribed as low grade and likelvto contain
germs of the disease. A large lot were re
cently shipped'td this" countryironr Liver
pool. * /
The following circular has been sent
to postmasters at free delivery offices : ' You
are hereby authorized to grant the letter
carriers at your office leave of absence not
exceeding fifteen days each year , with pay ,
and to fill their places during such absence
with substitute carriers , whom you will pay
at the rate of $600 per annum. You will grant
leave of absence to such numbers of carriers
at one time and at such times during the
year at will work the least inconvenience to
the public , a strict account of which must
be kept with each carrier and certified to
by the auditor of this department quarterly ,
with your carrier pay roll on. a sepa
rate sheet. If you have not a sufficient
number of substitute carriers to fill the
places of carriers absent on leave , you
should at once select as many additional
ones as may be required for this purpose
and nominate them to the first assistant
postmaster for appointment. Authority to
employ substitute carriers under this act is
granted only when necessary to enable post
masters to allow carriers the leave author
ized above. If , therefore , you can arrange
your service so as to grant the leave herein
authorized without the employment of sub
stitutes , you will not be justified in the em
ployment of substitutes under these In
structions. Yours respectfully ,
"We have received inquiries , " said
Acting Secretary Nichols , ' 'as to < how $25 , -
100 reward for rescue of the Greely party
will be apportioned. It can be distinctly
stated that no reward will be made at all ,
for the rescue was effected by the relief ex
pedition entirely , and the money was ap
propriated for outsiders only , in order that
the whalers might have an incentive to hunt
for the party. "
The cabinet has decided to take vigor
ous measures to prevent the introduction of
cholera into the United States. The state
and treasury departments will act together
in enforcing the regulations which are to be
Erepared. An oruer will be issued pro-
ibiting the importation of rags from all in
fected countries for ninety d ITS or longer ,
if necessary. It has been decided that the
vessels of the revenue marine service shall
establish a emlon along the coast to prevent
the landing of all vessels from foreign ports
which do not possess clean bills of health.
The Shanghai correspondent of the
London Times says : "Sir Robert Hart ,
Chinese customs inspector , is trying to
negotiate with Palenotre , the French min
ister. The foreign council seems blind to
the dangers of a war of rebellion. Prince
Chun tmsts to the boasting fanatics and to
officials who conceal the defenseless condi
tion of the coast. Ignorance , confusion
and treachery render the situation critical.
The British officers here left the Chinese
fleet. "
The London Times "The
says : plat
forms concocted by the 'republican and
democratic "conventions are both unworthy
of respect. They are distinguished by the
absence of clear conviction and by evasions
and trimmings , by servile rivalry in flatter
ing of the masses and in pandering to the
popular prejudices of modern demagogues
and social quacks. "
During the national fete day celebra-
at Paris a band of excited students , having
visited the Strasburg monument , attacked
the Continental hotel and destroyed the
German flag. Gimins assisted the stu
dents , who threatened to assault the pro
prletor of the hotel. The students returned
at night and did more damage , but were
dispersed by the police.
The report that the cholera had
its appearance at Lyons , France , is denied.
" "The pope has decided to create a res-
identol archbishop at Carthage in churge
of Cardinal Lavigeje , at present archbishop
of Algiers. Monsignor Duserre will be ap
pointed archbishop of Algiers.
Prince Hohenlope , the German em-
bassador , called at the French foreign of
fice on the subject of the insult offered to
the German flag.
Private advices via Jamaica from
headquarters of the Cuban insurgents state
that the insurgents , under the immediate
command of Aguero , undeitook an expedi
tion against the plantations of certain per
sons known to favor the eovernment. Al
though opposed by a strong detachment of
regular troops the insurgents , after a skirm
ish of two hours , drove back the forces and
burnt all the buildings and machinery on
the Santa Maria and La Mercedes planta
tions. At the same time a band of insur
gents of the Sagua district were attacked
by a strong force of government troops ,
known as the San Domingo division. The
insurgents being entrenched in an almost
impregnable position repulsed the troops
with a loss of three killed. Several were
The French minister at Tienben has
demanded the withdrawal of Chinese troops
from the frontiers of Tonquin and the pay
ment of the indemnity asked by France.
This demand was delivered to Tsung-Li-
Yamen. who rejected it. The time allowed
China by France for compliance with the
terms she offered expires July 19 , and war
is apparently inevitable.
The national executive committee of
the prohibition home protection party will
meet at Pittsburg the 22d ihst. to make final
arrangements for their convention which
commences on the following day. Delegates
ate daily arriving , and it is expected that
when the convention is called to order over
500 will be seated , representing every state
in the union. Secretary Swager says in the
event of the s ccess of their party Mias
Frances E. Willard will have the choice of
cabinet positions.
John F. Henry , president of the na
tional anti-monopoly organization , says :
' 'I have not heard from Butler since Cleve
land was nominated , but from what he said
to me before going to Cbicagol am confident
he will not support Cleveland. He cannot do
it. He has formally accepted the nomina
tion of the anti-monopolists , and he tel-
graphed me from Chicago on Thursday ,
saying he could never consent to the nom
ination of a monopolist. "
Chairman Plympton , the leading
Butler manager of Massachusetts , arrived
at Plymouth from Chicago on the 15th. He
declined to make a definite statement in re
gard to Butler's plans. He said no man
had authority to say what he would do.
Gen. B. F. Butler , was interviewed
by a Washington Star reporter. He posi
tively refused to discuss his attitude or in
timate his future course. He said the lat
ter is his subject for consideration and when
he gives it the carefnl consideration it
merits , he will declare himself over his own
signature in no unmistakable terms. He
denounces in a wholesale way any and all
expressions or declarations purporting to
have come from him as false.
Information has been received from
close friends of Gen. Butler by B. F.
Shively , secretary of the anti-monopolist
committee , dispelling doubts regarding
Butler's candidacy for the presidency on
an independent ticket , and stating definite
ly and positively that he will run. Shively ,
who was at the Briggs house in Chicago ,
expressed the most absolute certainty tbat
Butler would be a candidate with the en
dorsement of thegreenbackers , anti-monop
olist and possibly laboring men. Butler's
refusal to at present make a public state
ment , Shively says , is prompted by a desire
to first see what will be done by the conven
tion of the1 labor represeatatives to be held
at Chicago , July 80th.
The republicans of the Sixteenth Illi
nois district nominated James McCartney
for congress.
The New York state greenback con
vention is called to meet in New York City ,
August 27th. '
President Fetter , of Hobart College , De
cllnes to be BUbop of Nebraska.
"Rev. James Patemon , secretary of the
Episcopal council of the diocese of Ne
braska , is-in receipt of a letter from Dr.
Eliphalet N. Potter , of New York , declin
ing the office of bishop of Nebraska , unani
mously tendered him a few days ago. Just
previous to his election here Dr. Potter was
called to the presidency of Hobart College ,
at Geneva. If. Y. . to accept which ho re
signed a similar office at Union College , and
as he so fitly expresses It In his letter he
feels that the institution and the church at
large , has a prior claim upon his services.
Dr. Potter's decision will necessitate the
holding of another council , for which the
requisite sixty days notice will be Issued
shortly. The letter of declination is as fol
lows :
GENEVA , N. Y. , July Oth. J
DEAR BRETHREN : Your communication
informing me that I had been ' unanimous
ly elected to the officeiof bishop of Nebras
ka , " was so unlocked for and so impres
sive that it hits moved me profoundly. It
is no small honor tbat you should have
thought of mo at all in connection with your
vacant diocese. It is still greater honor
that you should have accounted me worthy
to take up the work of the great bishop
whom we have lost. Were I free to do so ,
I should have come to you in response to
your call , gladly and at once. You bid mete
to a noble diocese of the great west , in
which enduring foundations have been laid
for the future of the Church. But I am
not free. It may be a strained sense of
duty there are those of my friends who
will think so yet I cannot feel myself at
liberty so soon to abandon the needed work
for Christian education and the Church at
large upon which I have but just entered ,
and to which I am strained to account my
self , especially in view of renewed requests
of its representatives , honorably bound.
In forwarding , after serious reflection ,
this declination , lam convinced thatthere are
those available who can with abundant abil
ity administer even so important a diocese
as that of Nebraska. May God send to you
such an one to carry forward the Master's
work which has been begun with such
promise of enduring success in your at
tractive and progressive state. The wel
fare of the diocese will ever be of deep in
terest to me , and I shall rejoice in anv way
to serve it or its clergy or laity.
Respectfully and affectionately yours ,
To the Rev. Clergy , President John McNa-
mara , Secretary James Paterson and oth
ers ; and to the Laity , Hon. James M.
Woolworth , Chancellor , and others for
the Council of the Diocese of Nebraska.
Wreck of an Excursion Party Attending
"With Miraculous Escape.
A Canton , O. , special says a point on
the Valley railroad , two miles east of that
place on the 20th , was the scene of a terrible
wreck , in which one thousand excursionists
miraculously escaped with injuries. The
employes of Aultman & Co.'a machine
works had their annual picnic at Cuyaboga
Falls and over 2,000 went on the excursion ,
made up of two trains of fifteen cars each.
The first section arrived at C niton at 7:20 p.
m. , and while a hundred fathers , brothers
and sisters were at the station waiting for
friendi and relatives on the second section ,
a hatless messenger came running down the
track crying.that the trainhadbeen wrecked
and many killed and Injured. The scene
that followed was of the wildest description ,
and when the wreck was reached men , wo
men and children ran around wringing
their bands and lookinz for their loved
ones. Nine cars were off the track and in
water four feet deep. The cries of the in
jured -were heartrending. Hundreds of
willing hands set to work and soon found
that not more than twent-five were injured ;
but it was impossible to know how many or
who were killed.
The engineer says , the wreck was caused
by the track spreading. The engine parsed
safely but the first car jumped the track and
ei ht others followed and ran alongside the
track , throwing the occupants from side to
side and finally jumped the track and landed
in three feet of water. The doors wre cut
open and the people got out. Later intelli
gence shows that twenty-two persons were
injured , butno deaths are reported , and the
wounded are doing better than expected.
No one was killed , and those missing and
supposed to be under the wreck have turned
up. Ihe loss to the railroad company is
about $3,000.
Preparing for the Cotton Centennial that
Opens at New Orleans Next
Lincoln Journal.
Pursuant to a call of ex-Governor
Robert W. Furnas , commissioner for Ne
braska , the folio wing named gentlemen met
in the senate chamber of the state house on
the 15th : Gov. James W. Dawes , Lincoln ;
ex-Governor Robert W. Furna < , Brown-
ville ; E. Mclntyre , Seward ; W. W. Wat
son , Fairbury ; E. P. Savage , Sargeant ;
Samuel Barnard , Table Rock ; J. H. Cul
ver , Milford ; W. H. Barstow , Crete ; John
C. Bonnell , Lincoln.
An organization to be known as the Ne
braska Centennial Commission was per
fected , and on motion Robert W. Furnas
was made chairman , and John C. Bonnell
secretiry of the commission.
After a very full and free expression from
the gentlemen present as to the work in
hand , it was decided that the following
gentlemen be appointed by the commission
to act as sub-commissioners and to take
charge of the different departments or
bureaus assigned them , and prepare for ar-
ramring for the display to be made by Ne
braska at New Orleans :
John C. Bonnell , architecture ; J. H.
Cu'ver , milling interests and water power ,
including flouring mills , paper mills ,
woolen mills , oil mills , to make a
display of these products at the exhibi
tion , and to furnish a chapter lor publica
tion on the unimproved water power of the
state ; John J. King , dairy ; W. W. W.
lones , educational ; Samuel Barnard , horti
culture ; E. P- Savage , live stock ; W. H.
Barstow and E. Mclntyre , agriculture ; J.
D. Calhoun , press ; C. R Schaller , pottery ,
tile , brick and terra cfltta work ; W. L.
May , piscatorial ; S. M. Parker , wool ;
Prof. Hicks , geological ; Prof. Bessy , bo
tanical ; Lawrence Bruner , entomology.
On motion it was decided that each mem
ber of the state agricultural and horticultural
societies should be asked by Commissioner
Furnas to aid in securing specimens of
grains , grasses , root products , et < : . , and to
forward them to him at Omaha jvhen noti
fied and requested.
Sentenced to Siring.
At Charleston , W. Va. , Judge Guthrie -
rie held a special session of court ard sen
tenced Charles Spurlocfc , a member of the
"Hill boys" ( Jesse Jam s ) gamr , who mur
dered Alvin Woods and shot his father ,
Jack Woods , near St. Albans , in the latter
part of April. Spurlock is to be hanged
October 17tb. His only request when sen
tence was pronounced was that he be bap
tized. Notwithstanding that he confessed
to murder in the firm degree , when brought
out for trial , he said that be did so in f ur
of the mob and now denied ever having
killed any one.
Wm. Coleman ( colored ) , who shot and
killed Fenton Hill ( colored ) at a Saturday
night dance last October , was sentenced by
the same Judge to be banged on the same
day as Spurlock.
A miser grows rich by seeming poor ;
an extravagant man grows poor by
seeming rich. f Shenstone.
Secretary Folger Iwues Orders for Guard
ing Against the Same.
Secretary Folger has issued instruc
tions to collectors of customs and other per
sons interested to prevent , until further or
ders , the unloading of rags from Infectea >
foreign ports and rags which are suspectefli
on good grounds of being infected , coming
from any foreign port. The surgeon-gen
eral of the marine hospital service tele
graphed the health authorities of New Or
leans that the secretary of the treasury had
directed the vessels of the revenue marine
porvicfl to patrol the coasts of , the
United States , including the gulf
coast , as a precautionary measure
against cholora. It is expected that the.
president will issue an executive order call
us attention to the necesitv for mori ttln-
pent precautions against the intrw1'lotion : of
cholera , and urging the greatest vigilance
on the part of tb government , both at
home and abroad. Quarantine will proba
bly be established as-tln ? ' . . Canada and also ,
against Mexico , in whl"a latter place there
is reported an epidemic of yellow fever.
The "epidemic Mica , ' ' of which there is an
unexpended b&'auce of about $78,0 0 , will
be utilized by the authorities for these pur-
pose. . The administration has determined
to make every posHlble effort to prevent the
Introduction of the contagion.
Precautions Being Taken to Prevent Its
Beaching This Country *
Secretary Frelinghuysen has instruct
ed by cable the consular officers at London ,
Liverpool , Marseilles , Havre , Bordeaux ,
Bremen and Hamburg to at once appoint
competent physicians to inspect all vessels
and passengers departing for the United
States from the ports mentioned. The
consular officers referred to are Instruct
ed to refuse clear bills of health in all
cases except upon the recommenda
tion of the sanitarv inspector that such
bills be given. The consuls are in
structed to report by cable any case of in
fectious or contagious disease known to
exist on board of a vessel at the time of her
departure for the United States. This
course is adopted in order that the health
ofliccrs in our ports mav have timely warn
ing of the approaching danger and be pre
pared to take such measures as shall pre
vent the scourge from gaining a foothold in
this country. It is probable that uuder the
authority conferred by the contagious dis
ease clause of the legislative bill , medical
examiners will be appointed as attaches to
the American consulates at the French ports
infected with the cholera , whose duty it
will be to report periodically upon the pro
gress of the dlcease.
Crops on ( he Coast.
The San Francisco Call publishes re
ports from all the agricultxiral counties of
the state of California. They show a loss ,
by June rains to wheat of 135(00 ( tons and
barley 80,000. The loss on wheat is equiva
lent to 7 > per cent. The loss on tbu hay
crop is 40 per cent. The farmers incur an
additional loss by increased expense in har
vesting lodged gra 'u | . , I
= = = = = = -'I
How Bears Fish. j ]
The West Shore. jj
Very few people know that bears take
to water naturally. They roam over
the mountains and through forests , dig
open rotten logs for ants and worms ,
and secure all the hornets' nests they
can , and tear them to pieces and eat
the young grubs , pick berries of all de
scriptions and eat them , and would
seem to belong to the dry land animals.
The fact is different. They love the
water , not , perhaps , as well as the
moose and deer , but better than most
dry land animals. They are fond of *
fish and are expert fishermen , and show
more cunning and instinct , if not
reason , than many city chaps I have"
seen about the lakes. I came suddenly
upon a very large bear in athick swamp ,
lying upon a large hollow log across a
brook , fishing , and he was so much in
terested in his sport that he did not no
tice me until I approachefl very near
to him , so that I could see exactly how
he baited his hook and played with
his fish. He fished in this wise : There
was a large hole through the log
on which he lay , and he thrust his.
forearm through the hole and
held his open paw in the water and
waited for the fish to gather round and ' \
into it , and when full he clinched his I j
fist and brought up a handful of fish ,
and sat down and ate them with great
gusto ; then down with the paw again ,
and so on. The brook was fairly alive
with little trout and red-sided suckers ,
and some black suckers , and so the old
fellow let himself out on the fishes. He *
did not eat their heads. There was
quite a pile of them on the log. I suppose -
pose the oil in his paw attracted the
fish , and bated them even better than a
fly hook , and his toe nails were his
hooks , and sharp ones , too , and , once
grabbed , the fish were sure to stay.
They also catch trogs in these forest
brooks , and drink the pure water in hot , -
summer days , and love to lie and wallow !
in muddy swamps as well as our pigs
in the mire. They often cross narrow
places in lakes by swimming , and also
rivers , and seem to love to take a turn
in the water. I once saw one swimming
from the main land to the big island in
Mosselmaguntic lake , with just a streak
of his back out of the water , lookin ° - like
a log moving along. Sometimes you
see only their heads out of the water ; x .
at other times half of their bodies are * '
to be seen. We account for this difference - '
ence by their condition. If fat , the ' a
grease helps to buoy them up ; if lean , ) ,1
they sink lower in the water. [ ? |
Educated Indians at Home.
Globe ( Arizona ) Chronicle.
Three young Chiricahua Indians ,
graduates of the government school at
Carlisle , Pa. , have recently arrived in , .
San Carlos. They are sent there by ij , s
Gen. Armstrong to show what sort of
"injun" civilization can turn out. They
are dressed in the very latest style of
eastern clothes , wear , high collars ,
Derby hats and carry canes , arid , as
was intended we suppose , make a pro
found sensation among their barbarous
brethren. That the training they have
received has civilized them , and that
their reasoning powers have been fully
developed , is evidenced by the fact that
they demand that their names be placed
on the government pay roll and .to
draw their salaries without doing any
work. Is it possible for any man j
white , black or red to show greater 1 f
intelligence than this ? We trust Col. '
Beaumont he has the reputation of * a
being a very stern man will not be t ]
too severe on his Indian dudes.
They have just completed a "fiat
house" in New York city fifteen stories '
high. People living on the upper flat
c-implain of having their sleep dis
turbed by celestial choir rehearsals.
[ Peck's Sun. I