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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1884)
BY AND BY. t "Wo built a bridge across the gulf , That bold us separate hero ; Our perfect faith was more than sight , i The far was as the near. Wo said : ' 'The tj'ad things out of reach Above us float and flf , The gladdest , the most beautiful Await us by and by. " n. Thy heart to mine , and mine to thine , Said , "Only true bo thou , j Nor lull thyself with alien dreams , Nor break the unspoken vow ; And wo , the storm-cloud overpast , The thunder-crash rolled by , Shall meet and cross the rain-bow bridge In sunshine , by and by. " Who saw tbo beauteous rain-bow bridge Break into shreds of air , Till yawning , gray , and mnainreless , The sullen gulf lay bare ? Alas ! It is not as it was ! Where are wo , thou and T , Left with the faint , receding breath Of echo , * * by and by. " And fainter , farther yet the sound Dies out in blanknesi blue ; Do all tbo abysses gape , unbrldged , All seas He shoreless , too ? Is heaven itself a mist , a cheat ! Nay -the.heart's 1 lonely cry , Pathetic with unconquered hope , Rings loyal , "by and by 1" r [ Lucy Larcuru. SUNSTROKE. Its Symptoms and Its .Treatment. St. IxralB Globe Democrat. It is very important that -everyone should be able to make out a case of sunstroke when it occurs , and not mis take it for drunkenness or apoplexy. When a person is "dead drunk" his countenance , breathing and. pulse are very like those of a sunstruck case. Be sides , the person sunstruck may have taken a glass of beer or a small ameunt of alcohol Just before the attack. His breath would , by its odor , be apt to cause what might be a fatal mistake. I But the heat of the body-ought to pre vent any such error. In drunkenness , pure and simple , the heat of the body - < is never above 98 } degrees , often a lit- it tie less. In sunstroke it is always increased - creased , sometimes from 106 to 108 de grees , or-even more. 'Confinement in the close and vitiated air of a cell at the station house , or transportation in an. open wagon a mile-or more exposed to the direct rays of the sun , may not kill the intoxicated person , but would if - probably nay , almost certainly have that effect onjthe unfortunate victim of sunstroke. In apoplesy , which has a superficial resemblance to-one form of sun-stroke , the skin is never hot and excessively dry , but is often cold and moist ; the pulse in apoplexy is slow , sometimes times intermittent , generally very full ; in it and in sun-stroke is-quick sharp ; apoplescy there is paralysis on one side of the face and body ; in sun-stroke there is no difference in the two sides ; the breathing in apoplexy is slow , ' snoring , and often interrupted and irregular - regular : ; in sun-stroke it is rapid and noisy , but not snoring ; in sun-stroke both .pupils-of the eye are contracted and the eyes look red and congested ; in apoplexy one or both pupils are widely ( dilated , the eyes often turned upward and toward one side ; the whites of the eyes are not reddened , at least early in the attack. These distinctions are so plain that a mistake ought not to be made. MEANS -OP IKBEVENTION. The prevention of sun-stroke is of very great importance , in view ef the high rate of mortality of its victims and the serious after effects in those who re cover from the immediate symptoms. A consideration of the conditions which favor its occurrence gives the key to its prevention. Avoidance of extraord inary muscular effort , so far as possi ble , is first tokeep in mind. A rise of five degrees of temperature above its natural limit of :98 : degrees has been discovered in a man who ran afoot race , although the atmospheric heat A. was but ' 61 degrees and he was prespiring freely at the time. Water should be drank freely to supply the loss from the blood byway of the skin , lungs and .kidneys. This is fully as important as avoidance of ex cessive exercise. Excesses of all kinds should be carefully guarded against. Everything that depresses the nervous system predisposing to sunstroke , ex cesses and loss of sleep , particularly , should be kept clear of during the heated term. Places where the air is close , damp or vitiated by overcrowd ing or by reason of unhealthf ul exhala tions , should be carefully shunned. The skin should be kept clean and in good working order by frequent bathing. The clothing should be light of texture and pervious to moisture. It should s- not hinder the free movements of the chest in breathing or constrict the neck. The food should be mostly of vegetable substances , in order to throw as little extra work upon the kidneys as possi ble. This is especially worthy of the attention of every one who has Bright's disease or any * disturbance of the func tions of the kidneys. TREATMENT. The treatment of the attack is suffi ciently simple. No time should be lost in removing the sufferer to a cool , shady , airy place. The outside clothing should be removed. When practicable all the coverings of the body taken off. The whole surface should" be drenched with cool water. Ice is not necessary ; any water which is cooler than the body will do. In fact , water at from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit is more speedy in its refrigerating action r than if it is ice cold. The amount of heat removed by the change into vapor is many times greater than the.amount used up in raising the same quantity from the freezing to the boiling point. Evaporation from the surface should be promoted by fanning or exposure to a natural current of air. If the pulse be- f xM > mes very feeble , irregular , or more .frequent than 120 per minute , stimu lants should be given , such as ammonia or alcohol , if the patient can swallow , or either coffee or brandy , by injection f under the skin. If convulsions occur early they are not so dangerous as when they come on alter several hours , when they denote impending death. may bo controlled by giving chlorofora carefully by inhalation. Of course etnei chloroform or other powerful remediei should be given only by or under the direction of a competent physician. The treatment of the after effects of sun stroke may require removal to a more temperate climate ; or the application of remedies which should be entrusted only to those , who have made a study oi such matters. The abort , backing couxb , which leads to con sumption. Is cured by Plso' * Core. THE LILY'S 'COWBOY ADORER. How a Wild Westerner U Wooing the Fam ous English Beauty. San KranCisco Alto. "There goes the Lily's cowboy adorer , " said an idler at the Baldwin bar , as a stout , large built man , dressed in a dark brown suit , stepped briskly put of the hotel at 10 o'clock , and got into a handsome victoria that was wait ing at the side entrance. "He's going to take the Lily out for an airing , " said another , "for that's the very team she got from the Fashion stables yesterday , and you can bet your last nickle that the driver got orders to pick the cowboy up on his way down to ' . " Langtry's car. The "cowboy , " as he was called , lolled back in the victoria with an air which said as plainly as words could speak , "I'm putting up for this rig and propose to enjoy it. " When he was out of sight an Alta reporter , who had heard what was said , made some in quiries to find out what the cowboy is who has taken the place once occupied by the immortal Gebhard. The repor ter soon discovered that the cowboy has a name , though he will hereafter find but little use for it , now that his friendship for the Lily has brought him into prominence as the "cowboy. " His name is H. Oelrichs , and his na tive land England. He is a brother of the big steamship man of that name , and doubtless made the acquaintance of the Lily on the other side of the At lantic. He is rich in lands and cattle on the plains and hills of Wyoming ter ritory , and first came into prominence as an appendage of the LUy at Salt Lake , where he occupied a proscenium box at the Langtry performance , and attracted general attention " by his open adoration of Freddy's "flame. In ap pearance and manner he is the exact opposite of Freddy. Freddy is tall and slim , and a fine sample of Anglo maniac dude. The "cowboy" is broad and stout , robust in person and speech , bronzed of face , huge of hand , and looks just what he is a well-to-do cattle man and his bluff , open manner must be a pleasant change to the LUy , after an overdose of Freddy's lackadaisical attention. After the Alta reporter had found out all that could be discovered of the "cowboy's" antecedents , he concluded that a drive in the park would be a pleasant recreation , and , procuring a team , he jogged out cliffwards. As he turned to the park entrance the dashing victoria whirled past , and in it was the " " tucked beneath the "cowboy , same robe that kept the Lily's feet from the fresh morning breeze. When the vic toria reached the park lodge the "cow boy" called a halt , and after assisting the Lily out of the victoria , the pair gave the driver directions to follow them , and strode off at a good four mile gait. After strolling through the Con servatory gardens they re-entered the carriage and drove to Chinatown and halted at the Bun Sun Lord Restaurant , where the Lily and the "cowboy" as cended to the top story and surrounded numberless cups of tea and -quantities of canned fruit to strengthen their stomachs against odors to come. They then visited the Chinese theatre , the Joss House , peeped into opium dens , peered into dark alleys , viewed the uramped accommodations of coolie lodging-housesand did Chinatown gen- 3raUy in the manner of tourists , except ihat the Lily persuaded the "cowboy" : o allow her to penetrate dens of dirt isuallyleft out of the routine trip ibout 5 o'clock they tired of China town and the victoria was headed for Fourth and Townsend streets , where ; he LUy and the "cowboy" clambered ute the Lily's car , the curtains were irawn , and , secure from prying eyes , ; hey doubtless enjoyed a tete-a-tete iinner , for , when the Pacific Carriage Company's coupe whirled the Lily to -he theatre for the evening performance ; he "cowboy" was on hand to act as ler escort. A Nation of Ice-Water Drinkers. rorney'a Progre8. What a nation of ice-water drinkers ve are. There is to be ice-water on ; he Brooklyn bridge this summer , , hough probably it will have to be > aid for. That London hotel which , it s published , declines to receive Amer- cans , gives as one objection their con- itant demands for ice-water. But the American in Europe quickly gets over .he . ice-water mania. Somehow or > ther he soon ceases to care for it , and ifter awhUe forgets to ask for it. Pos- ibly it is the climate , but anyhow it is he fact. It is the same way with the laltless butter in Paris , and elsewhere > n the continent. At first we mix in ialt at table , but in a week or so we ake the butter as it is served.We Irink too much ice-water for our own food. Doctors say it is one of the sauses of Bright's disease. I know amUies every member , of which has a ) itcher of ice-water in his sleeping- oem , winter and summer alike. Many medicines now on the market owe riiat virtue they possess to the presence of towerful and poisonous drugs. HUNT'S Kidney and Liver ] BRMBDY is purely veg- uble and will not injure the feeblest and aost delicate person There are eighty-five cotton-seed oil nills in the south now , and last season hey ground up 500,000 tons of seed and reduced 250,000 barrels of oil. Starvation is making the Indians of Northern Montana so desperate that he settlers are kept in constant kdread if an outbreak. The late Sam Ward said any green hing could be made into a salad. The ; onng medical graduate may therefore e said to be-in his salad season. [ Cin- innati Commercial-Gazette. > "What wo learn with pleasure we never forget" Alfred Mercier. The following is a case in point. "I paid out hundreds.of dollars without receiv ing any benefit , " says Mra. Emily Rhoada , of McBrides , Mich. "I had female complaints , especially 'drag- sring-down,1 for over six years. Dr. K. V. Pierce's 'Favorite Prescription1 did me more good than any medicine I ever took. I advise every sick lady to take it. " And so do we. It never disap points its patrons. Druggists sell it. Herbert Spencer with all his philoso phy and fine figure of speech , is only a man after all. He declares that he will never marry a woman who is "convex in the back , concave in the bosom , and sentimentally drooping in the should- Pile Tumors , however large , speedily and painlessly cured without knife , caustic or salve. Send six cents in stamps for pamphlet , references and reply. World's Dispen sary Medical Association , 663 , Main street , Buffalo , N. Y. An advertisement in the Paris Figaro announces that a man of 56 , titled , in telligent and energetic , would accept any situation , even one perilous and re- quriing him to go far away , or mar riage , in return for the payment of § 20 , 000 of debt. _ Stranger than Fiction are the records of some of the cures o : consumption effected by that most won derful remedy Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. " Thousands o" grateful men and women , who hav been snatched almost from the very jaws of death , can testify thatconsump lion , in its early stages , is no longer in curable. The Discovery has no equa as a pectoral and alterative , and the most obstinate affections of the throa and lungs yield to its power. All druggists. The Value of Kiss. London Standard. At the Lambeth county court on Tuesday a curious action was tried be fore Mr. J. R. Taylor , the judge , in which a porter named 'Henry William Pitt sued Dr. Gledhill , a surgeon , for the sum of 51. Os. 6d. , 51. being an I : O U. , and 6d. one month's interest. Mr 'Groome , 'the counsel for the plaintiffi stated that the defendant , on the 20th of April , Hssed theplamtiff 's wife , and on the 1st of May he signed a document as follows : "I O U 51. for having kissed Jane Pitt ( Signed ) James Gled hill , May 1 , 1884. " An I O U was simply given for this document. The defendant said he repudiated his lia bility to pay this money , on the ground that the 1 O U was given as the result of the intimidation of the plaintiff , who had threatened him with criminal prose cution if he did not compensate him for the assault. ' His honor : And you gave him 51. for a kiss ? [ Lnughter.J The" defendant : I gave the I 0 U on the 2d of May. His honor said he doubted if there had been any consid eration for the I 0 U. Mr. Groome said the consideration was the solatium for Mr. Pitt's wounded feelings , for which the plaintiff could have brought action. Hss honor , however , said there was no consideration , and gave a verdict for the defendant. The de fendant hurridly left the court , evident ly gratified with the result of the pro ceedings. No remedy for Catarrh has met with such success as Fapillion Catarrh Cure ; it never fails and does its duty throroughly not by relieving temporarily but by curing per manently . _ Itdjjesnot8martorirritate. The phosphate 000111 has struckNbrth- west Georgia , and it is said nearly every man one meets hag a poc'tet full rocks. Papillon Catarrh Cure is a positive cure for Acute or Chronic Catarrh. Tt is de lightfully soothing. The softer sex The dude. Nota bene A Boston famine. A "Nick"-name The devil's. Mr. Franklin H. North , author of the recent article in the Century on "Sailors' Snug Harbor , " has written for the Aiigust St. Nicholas an account of the C-ntral Park sheep and their four-footed guardian the Scotch collie- dog "Shep. " The paper is illustrated chiefly by J. A. Monks. There are now over ICO acres of land on the southern keys of Florida under cultivation in tropical fruits and vege tables. "HOUGH ON KATS. " Clears out rats.mlce , Hies , roacnea , bed-bUKs. ants , vermin , chipmunks. I5c. I5c.Useful Useful domestic cookery Making both ends "meet " Messrs. Ely Bros. , Druggists , Owego , N. Y. Enclosed please find money for four bottles of Cream Balm. I tried it on a man who could not smell at all. After using pour balm for six days could smell every thing. ! . C. MATTHEWS , Salem , N. C. [ Price 50 cents. ] Ely's Cream Balm cured me of Catarrh at inauy years ( standing restored my sense of smell. For colils in th < > head it works like magic. E H. SHERWOOD , National state Bank , Elizabeth , N. J. [ Easy to USB. See adv. ] Dan Rice , of circus renown , is said to liave abandoned the temperance lecture platform and again become a terrible ex- unple. "KOTTGH ON CORNS. " I5o. Ask for It. Complete cure , bard or soft corn * , warts , bunions. By the will of nature , honey is the uni- rersal bee-quest. Menimnn'B Peptonlzed Beef Tonic , the raly preparation of beef containing Its entire nntrl- lens properties. It contains blood-making , force- leoeraUng and life-sustaining properties ; invalu- tble for Indigestion , Dyspepsia , nervous pr-is- ratlon , and all forms of general debility ; also In all raf eebled conditions , whether the result of exhau ton - on , nervous prostration overwork or acute disease , > articulariyif resul' Ing from pulmonary complaints. 1 * SWELL , HAZARD * Co. , proprietors , New rork. told by drnggUta. Six bushels of cherries from one tree Is vhat M. Dr. Boper , in Davidson county , S. C. , gathered. He sold them at $3 per ) ushel. _ . YOUNG MEN ! BEAD THIS. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to send their celebrated ELEC- PRO-VOLTAIC BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trial forthirty days , to men [ young or old ) afflicted with nervous debii- ry , loss of vitality and manhood , and all nndred troubles. Alsr for rheumatism , icuraigia , paralysis , and many other dis- iases. Complete restoration to health , vigor md manhood guaranteed. No risk is In- : urred as thirty days trial is allowed. "Write .hem at once for illustrated pamphlet free. The most delicate , the most sensible ) f all pleasures consists in promoting the pleasures of others. La Bruyere. A miser grows rich by seeming poor ; ui extravagant man grows poor by jeeming rich. fShenstone. When you visit New York City , via Cen tral depot , save Baggage Erpressago and $3 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel , opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant rooms fitted uo at a cost of one mil lion dollars ; $1 and u awards per day. Eu ropean plan. Elevator. Restaurant suo- plled with the best. Horse cars , staie and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. _ A Baptist lady in Texas devotes to the Lord's cause all the eggs laid by her hens on Sunday. This looks like a dead et against Bin _ Save 92.OO Per Day. When you vlait Omaha and wish to stop at a good hotel , go to the Metropolitan , corner Twelfth and Douglas streets. There you can get the same accommodations at f 2.00 per day as at any of tbo first-class houses that charge $4.00. The Metropolitan is famous for its first-class tables , its good beds , its cleanliness and low prices. This is the hotel that accom modated one hundred more guests than any other house during the State Fair last fall , and without any extra ohargo because of a rush , it is the only 92.00 PER DAY HOTEL CENTRALLY LOCATED. Gross earnings the wages make by a museum fat woman. . Quick , complete cure. all annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases , fl. Oft as the youth is bent the twig's in clined. _ THi-t MAHKBT8. OMAHA. WHKAT No. 62 , 6O62Vc BARLEY No. 2 , 5052c. BYK No. , 45045XC. CORN No. 2 , 3737c. ? OATS No. 2. 28X(529c. ( FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 6003 00. ORANGES Messina , per box , & 6 0038 00. LEMONS Messina , per box , $5 2536 00. BtJTTBit-Creamery , 18O20c. BUTTER Best country roll , 12X15c. EGQ8 Fresh , ISftlSXo. CHICKENS Per doz. , live , $30003 60. STRAWBERRIES Per case , $2 76O3 00. CHICKJCNS Per lb. , dressed , 1213c. ONIONS Per bushel , 90cl 00. POTATOES New , perbu. , 7581. HAY Bailed , per ton , $10 00012 00. MESS PORE $19 00iO 00. SSKEP $ i 00(34 ( : 60. STEERS $4 26O5 25. Hods 4 50O5 00. CALVES ? 5 5006 60. CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel , 79 < 380a CORN Per bushel , 51051 > 4C. OATS Per bushel , 2829 j. PORK $21 26021 fO. LARD $7 27X07 30. Hoas Packing and shipping , 55 400575. CATTLK Exports . $6 G0 6 75 . SHKEP Medium to extra , 33 50'd5 03. ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel , 85(388 ( c. CORN Per bushel , OATS Per bushel , CATTLE Exports. $6 5006 75. SHEEP Medium , $3 6004 60. HOGS Packers , $6 0005 25. "ROUGH ON ITCH" cures humors , erup tions. ring-worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted leet , chilblains. _ _ Simpletons in council never simplify mat ters. ters.Solid Solid men admire the beautiful , and this accounts in some measure for the thousands upon thousands of bottles of Carboline , the deodorized petroleum hair renewer and dressing , which have been sold vearly since Its invention by Messrs. Kennedy & Co. , of Pittsburg , Pa. "Fiery Gizzard" is the picturesque name in Tennessee. 3f a postofflce i _ _ _ _ _ _ - At certain seasons of the year nearly every person suffers to a greater or less extent 'aom impurity of the blood , biliousness , &c7 , &c. This should be remedied as soon is discovered , otherwise serious results nay follow. Sherman's "PRICKLY ASH BITTERS" will effectually remove all taint > f disease and restore you to health. A nod thing a boy in church. 3 A dissipated man is apt to be' dizzy patcd , ilso. _ A CARD. To all who are suffering from er- ors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak- less , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I will lend a recipe that will cure you , FREE OF JHARGE. This great remedy was discovered > y a missionary in South America. Send solf- iddressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN , Station D , New York. _ Haddock a good name for a fish com- nissioner. _ Something that will quiet the nerves , give itrength to the body , induce refreshing ileep , improve the quality of the blood , ana rarffy and brighten the complexion , is what nany persons would be glad to obtain. barter's Iron Pills are made for exactlythis ilass of troubles , and are remarkably suc cessful in accomplishing the ends desired , is named above. They are useful for both nen and women. Sold by druggists. Price , 25 cents a box. See advertisement. One taste of watermelon makes the whole iouth grin. Allen' Iron Tonic Bitters cnre all Blood llsorders. All genuine bear the signature of J. P. Ulen , Druggist , St. Paul , Minn. I distinguish a man that is absent because le th'nks of something else , from him that s absent because he thinks of nothing. Addison. _ Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , icafds , and rheumatism are relieved by Jncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by druggists. _ Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con- Tilsions and frequently death. A pleasant , afe and certain remedy Is Dr. JAQUE'S JEBMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all Iruggists. Headache , constipation , liver complaint , liliousnesa'are cured by that mild , cleans- ng remedy which never produces pain , SHiERT'S DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS , raly 25 cts. Sold by Druggists. An economical man will keep the leather f his harness soft and pliable , which pre- erves it from cracking or ripping. He al- rays uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. old by all Harness Makers. One.third of all who die in active middle fe are carried of by consumption. The lost frequent cause is a neglected cold , ough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or schma , all of which may be permanently ured byEILERT EXTRACT OF TAR iND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Drug- ists. A farmer's wealth depends on the condi- ion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble ley are especially liable to distempers , fe- ers , colds , and all disease which destroy nimals. Thousands of dollars are saved nnually by that valuable old standby. FNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POWDER Restless , fretful , crying children are suf- jring and need for their relief DR.WINCH- 1LL S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use- il not only for all the disorders of teething if ants , but cures coughs , croups , sore iroat , colic and cramps of older children , nd should always be kept in every house jr emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold by all CHE TIFFIN Well Boring & - int lir-ril * Rock Drilling MACHINERY ! For Horse or Steam Power Hundreds of the best men In 30 States I and Territories use it and mil have no ( other ! RELIABLE { DURABLE ! SIMPLE ! I Established over SJyears.we have ample i J facilities to fill orders promptly , and f to satisfaction of our customers. Cata-J ' logue FKEE. Address * _ JLOOHIS & KYAlAJf , Tiffin , Ohio. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , SoreThroat.SnrelIluca.Mprnlni.8ruUe , Burn * . McaltU. Frost Illleo , 1KU ILL OTIIEIl UOUILT NIAS AKD HUES. ruifUU od Dialerorarrwhert. FlRj Craua belli * . Direction * la 11 Lmjuiin. TIIE CHARLES A. VOGELEH CO. ' Totbe needs of the tourist , commercial traveler and new settler , nnstetter's Stomach Bitten Is peculiarly adapted tinea It strengthen the digestive organ. and braces the poys- Ical ennrpies to un- healtnfnl Influences It removes and prevents vents mai nrlal f eve 'consUuatlon , dys pepBl . health'uil ; stimulates the kid ners and bladder , and enriches us wel no purlnVs the biood When overcome b fatigue , whethe wftTOMACH mental or phrMca' the weary and do BITTER5 bllltnted find It reliable source o . _ renewed strecct and comfort. For sale by all DruKKlsta and Dealers generally. . . . IIA.Y VEVEK I fT AT A 19 D Hatypoi.f cntMThhav ffk I \ in n MKlnxpocuilar nymptom it ! attended by an in flnmed condition o the lining ruembmn ot the nostrils , tear ducts and throat , at feeling the lui > ga. An ncrid i ucus I cretrd , thedls barge Is accompunle i with a burning scnsntlon Thorn nre sevuic spasms of tneezlntf. frequent attacks o headache , watery am inflamed eyns. Cream Halm Is a remedy founded on a correct dln noi is of this disease and can be depended upon. 6' cents at uruKRtsts : rif'\fr ft cents by mall. Ham * "F EVEfjf Pie Dottle by mail lOc BROTHERS , Druggists , Owego. N. Y. PAPILLON " 1 REPORT FROM HOME. " Ijastwlnter I was afflicted bv a carbuncle ; follow < cd by several boils on the back ot my neck. I tried your remedle * , nnd by keeping ttie inflamed pnrts Maturated with fapll o tiki < < ure I ws entirely cured The relief ob ; Ined from the soreness and inflammation was immadl.ite and effectual. 1 have ueed the Skin < ure upon ctyoj , and found it the most satisfactory remedy for that trouble 1 ever tiled ; U elves immediate relief from inflammation of the eyelid and effects a speedy cure. WALLACE DKWOLF , Chicago , April7th , 1831. 181 Dearborn at. ASH BITTZRS CURES ALLDISEASESCfTH LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND BOWELS. ALL DRUGGISTS PRIGEDOLLAR. Dyspepsia , General Docility , tFanadioe , Habitual Constipa tion , Iiivor Complaint , 33ck Hoadaolxe , Diseased Eid- noys , Etc. , Etc. It contains only the Purest Drags , among which may be enumerated. EICXL7 ASH DAi AMD BZBSIZS , UAOT2AEI , SUCEu1 , BZHKA , Sic It cleanses the system thoroughly , and as a PURIFIER OF THE BLOOI > Is TTnequalecL. It la not an Intoxicating beverage , nor cat it be used as such , by reason oflts Cathartic Properties. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO. Sole Proprietors , * T , IOU1S AND KANSAS CITY. Relieved Immediately and ISTHMI cured by using OoN'ISTHMA CONQUEROR , r-nce KUXi per > otleo 3 bottles f or J8.03 delivered. Address DR. U. , Manager , HAMILTON , OHIO. Blorpnine j.wji. ure < l In 10 OPIUM lo 20 day * . .No pay till Care * . Da. J. STEPHENS. Lebanon , onto. WAJtTElttor the beat and fastest ielllnK Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price reduoafl 3 per cant NATION * ! Prrs no at. ioni Mo UAJiTED experienced BOOK and Bible Agents in 11 every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address tatlng experience , P. O. Box e. K. , at. Louis , Ho. yiPlSO'S .CURE FORro CBIES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. , Best Couch Sjjrup. Tastesgood. Due in lime. Sold by druggists. CONSUMPTION. " W N U Omaha 21529 VHEN WETTING TO ADVERTISERS , please say you saw the advertisement in this Advertising Ghosts ! ! "It has beconn to common t'o begin &B article in an elcgsnt , Interesting style. "Then run Into some advertisement that wo avoid all tuch. "And s'mply call attention to the merits. of Hop Bitters in as plain , honest terms u pos Ib'e. - f "To Induce people < "To give them one trial , which BO provei their value that they will never use any thing else. " - "TiiE JRcMEoreo favorably noticed In all the papers , KolIgioiiB and secular , is "Iluvlnfr a largo sale , and is supplanting a3 other mcdlclncH. "There Is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant , and the proprietors of Hop Dittcra have shown great shrewdness and ability " "In compounding u medicine tvliodo virtue * arc so palpublo to over } ' one's observation. " Did She Die ? "No ! "She lingered and suffered along , pining awav all the time for years , " ' The doctors doing her no good : " 'And at last was cured by this Hop Bit ters the papers siy so much about. ' ' "Indeed 1 Indeed 1" "How thankful we should be for that medicine. " A Daughter's Misery. ' 'Eleven years our daughter suffered orra bed of misery , 4 'From a complication of kidney , liver , rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility , "Under the care of the best physicians , "Who gave her disease various names , 1 'But no relief , "And now she is restored * to u * In good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bit ters , that we had shunned for years before using it. ' ' THE PARENTS. Father is Getting Well. "My daughters say : ' 'How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters. " ' 'He Is getting well after his long suffer ing from a disease declared Incurable. " ' 'And we are HO glad that ho used yonr Bitters. " A LADY of UticaN. Y. S r-None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Slum all the vile , poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. Farmcrtoparty ( looking over fence ) : Losing flesh , arc ycr ? and don't sleep o' nightseh ? TakeWniGUT's INDIAN VEGETABLE FILM , iny boy , and you'll soon talk otherwise. I takes "cm regularly. They purify the blood and cure nil bil ious complaints. Perfectly safe to take , being purely vegetable. ' . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND IS A POSITIVE CORE F02 * All those p.nlnful Complaints * and Weaknesses 80 common * * * * to our best * * * * * * * * * * * FEMALE POPULATION. * , Price $1 In liquid , pill or Iratngfl form. JI purpose is tolely for the legitimate healing of disease and the relief of pain , and that it does all it claims to do , thousands of ladies can gladly testify. * It will cure entirely all Ovarian troubles , Inflamma tion and Ulccration , Falling and Displacements , and consequent Spinal Weakness , and Is particularly adapted to the change of life. * * * * * * * It removes Falntncss , Flatulency , destroys all era-ring for stimulants and relieves Weakness ot the Stomach. It cures Bloating , Headaches , Nervous Prostration. ' * General Debility , Sleeplessness , Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down , causing pain , and backache is always permanently cured by its use. Send stamp to Lynn , Mosi , for pamphlet , tetters of Inquiry confidentially answered , forsateatdrugyittt , * a 1 1"i Anthartel by tha BUJ to Try Chronic , Nerron * and Prints Kt- - - ; AJrthnu. EpOep y Hies , Tipe-nronn , Crin ry ad JDtaetaes , BxKtiAi. WKAXHXU 9lateuSzrcxr. . DMIIIT _ tantal p > neer ) . &c. Cres cr sioney refncdsd. Charge * low. Thocaa'iiGfcjm jured No iBJurioos medJcicea oKd. Uo atttuasn trom JrailneM. AD codicicei fsrautaS * vea y ccUsett at diitenca. Conanic&on I"w and. ewflite- sai call or write. A e aad ezperJace ere Icyrttei A BOOK for both ttzrn lllnatraiyl aad drcol&rt & Jth'r thlasi * sat s xed ! for rvo * ! c sue p * . My Untmis Boon : S . EL t 7 p. m. es > Uj * : lu tt YOUR mn buy 25 per cent , more Groceries at the Old in- lable Store of J. B. FKESfCH * CO. , OMAHA , ban can be bought elsewhere in the state. They re l lb . A. Snitar for . . . . Sl.OC IS 1-8 Ibi. JCxtru C Bagar for - 81.OC LI xlb . Granulated Kujfnr for - 81. 0 L4 Ibs. Mew Orlrani Sugar for - ( f Z.Ott Lnd other goods In proportion. Send for Monthly rice List. _ J. B. FRBNt'IT A CD. . OMAUA. i ) A MONTH anil Board for tlirce live T ° PnK D en r laale- ench county , to take o'd-rsforTHK I.I E-iOF E5l tLn.o : - W. ZlEGl KK A o. , ChiT Tgo , Ills. nE HAVENPOitT BUSINESS COUI.UOE pre- . .ares men better for business tnnn any other m- tltutii-nis the 'estimor.yof the commercial world. 'or circular- address , L.IL.L.IBK1DGE & DUNCAN. Davenport Iowa. ELECRAPHY r : taught at Omaha School Telegraphy , Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manages Orne'r5 end stamp for circu- 'ars ' sfl ° w > "S who is entitled to pension , bounty. &c.E. . C. W WOOD * feniion Atty. , Washington. D.C. 'ODNG MEN rTeIe-graiih > " ani1 St > . .rtband ix'tor.v J vT , , Jaytnff situation * guarant'd. Amer- an School of Telpgraphy k Shorthand.Ma.llxnn win. J95 * ? 'r 3 > av. Best ' h ipest Only Quick- ' * * ' \ JILZ vta.1 UO t R CO. , 1739 Grand Ave , Kansas City , xo. 3 ATENTfit ! The . P. tiUnpson. Wa-sh- * * fcl * lntrton.DC Nopayasked ir patent until obtained. Write for Inventor's Guide HARLES SHIYEKICK , FURNITURE. 12O6 , 12O8 k 121O Farnum t.Omaha. In these days of over-civilization. Hot-house Development of the Pas Old sions , the Itace for v altn.iron. . Overwork.Youthiul buae. Excesses Ripe andibeilkx. MEN OKOW OLD TOO FA > T ! Young mvn. Instead of beuu rooust. vigorous and ambitious , are weak nervous and debllit ted. Men in the very prime of Life flua themselvec practically uneexed and Impotent. Age There is a CERTAIN CURB for this , and any man prematurely weakened can satisfy himself of this fact br trying a oourof the Diflaie Reined al Agency , CIVIALE SOLUBLE CRAYONS ! Pa-nless. Ab-otutely nannies * , nompt and Permanent. 166 Fulton St. N.T. a * promptly cured. Illns rated pa phlet. 3 stimp . PURGATIVE PtRSONK Positively cure SICK-HEADACHE , BlllouBnes * . and all LIVES and BOWEL Coaplatrto , "In my practice I une no other. J. Dennlson. au > . , DeWltt. Iowa" Sold everywhere , or sent br all foe j oi . la ataiapB. Valuable information PHEE. I. 8. JOHNSOIT & CO. , BQOTOIT , SCISS.