McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, July 17, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
braska arc invited to send delegates from the
several counties to meet in convention at
Omaha , Wednesday , August 27th , 1884 , at 10
o'clock , A. M. , for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for five presidential
electors. Also , for Governor , Lieutenant-Got
ernor , Secretary of State , State Treasure :
Auditor of Public Accounts , Commissioner o
Public Lands and Buildings , Superintendcn
Public Instruction , Attorney General , an <
such other busiiless as may be presented t
the convention.
The counties given below arc entitled to rep
resentation as follows being based upon tli
vote cast for J. M. Hiatt , Regent of the Uni
versity , giving one dclegate-at-large and on
for every one hundred ana fifty votes and th
major fraction thereof :
Dundy 11 Hitchcock
Frontier 2 | Red Willow
It is recommended thatno proxies be admit
ted to the convention , except such as are hcl
by persons residing in the counties fron
which proxies ui given.
Omaha , Neb. , May 22,1884. t.
GEO. W. E.DORSEY , Chairman.
S. B. COLSON , Secretary.
Central Committee.
The Republican Central Committee of this
the 30th Senatorial District , is hcreliy request
ed to meet at Indianola on the
23d day of July , 1884 ,
for the purpose of fixing a time for holding
the Convention of said District and transact
ing such other business as may be necessary
GEO. HOCKNELL , Chairman.
J. UYKON JEN.MNOS , Secretary.
Central Committee.
The Members of the Republican Centra
Committee of the Eighth Judicial District arc
hereby requested to meet at OXFORD , Fnrnu *
county. Neb. , on the
19th day of July , 1884 ,
for.the purpose of fixing a time and place
for holding the next Convention of said Dis
trict and transacting such other business as
may be necessary.
EDWIN C. HAWLEV , Chairmain
J. liritox JENNINGS , Secretary.
County Central Committee.
The .Red Willow County Republican Centra
Committee is hereby called to meet at Indian
ola , on
Thursday , July 24th ,
1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose ol
calllng.the County Convention and the trans
action of such other business as may properly
come before * them.
GEO. HOCKXELL. Chairman.
JNO. J. LAMKDHN , Secretary.
CONGRESS adjourned Yithout date on
Monday , the 7th iust.
IF the longest platform knocks the
persimmons , the Democrats ought , to
get there. J3ot it is usually the longest
pole , and James G. carries that pole.
THE Ecd Cloud Chief has assumed
the seven-column quarto size the most
desirable shape for a newspaper. The
immense patronage of that journal war
rants the enlargement.
GREAT stres's-is laid upon the man } '
Irish votes which Elaine will command ,
this fall , especially the sons of Irish
men , who have attained their majority. $
Maybe , but doVtpin too much of your
precious faith there.
SAYS the venerable Marshal Canro-
bert of France : "Iam a Christian , sir ; I
am a Catholic , though not a very lloman
one , and I do not often practice my
religion. Still , for all that , when I am
summoned to quit the scene I shall ask
God to sign 1113' marching orders. "
THE Beatrice Express puts it this
way : ' 'The mountain labored and
brought forth a mouse. " Cleveland
and Hcndricks as to size more nearly )
resemble sewer rats than the inoffensive '
little mouse , and will do some tall fight
ing before they arc downed by our next >
President and Vice-President , Elaine
and Logan.
EDELBERTO GIRO will be remembered
as the man who was alleged to have en
trapped the late unhappy and ill-fated
Mrs. Christiancy into the apparent in
discretions upon which her husband's
application for divorce was based. Giro
was proven to be a most villainous and :
infafaious scoundrel. It seems that he is
a professional plunderer of women with
money and a desire to marry. He is
now in jail for swindling a fond widow
out of $11,000 , which he took to invest
for her while their marriage was pend
ing. The chance to give him abon
nineteen years in the pen is one that will
be hailed whtU joy by the most merciful
judge iii the land.
ACCORDING to a close calculation it
qppcars that there will be , two million
more voters this fall than in 1880 , and
the more careful the computation the
more convincing the proof that the
greatest increase is in statc.s very
strongly Republican , giving unmistak
able evidence of a greatly increased
Republican majority.
reference to the calls at the head
of this column , it will appear that a
meeting of the Republican Central
Committee of the Eighth Judicial Dis
trict is called to meet at Oxford , on
Saturday , July 10th , for the purpose
'of'fixing a time and place for holding
the next Convention of said District.
The Republican Central Committe of
the 30th Senatorial District is request
ed to meet at Indianola , on Wednesday ,
July 28d , for the purpose of fixing a
time for holding the Convention of said
THE republican party , by its conven
tion in Chicago , demonstrated that it
has planted itself upon a higher plane
than it ever before attained. Until now ,
no national convention would ever cm-
body in its platform so clear and positive
a declaration relative to the civil ser
vice. No republican convention ever be
fore accepted distinct ! } ' "the duty of
leading in the work of progress and
reform. * ' No previous body was ever so
free from every- taint of spoils , so pure
from everything unfair , or despotic or
corrupt. Utica Herald ( Rep. )
THE saloon keepers of Dubuque , Ia. }
are paying no attention to the liquor
law that was to go into effect on the
fourth. They are all open and selling
as if there was no law against it. They
closed on Sunday and are more careful
to whom they sell. There are 176 li
censed saloons in the city and not one
has closed. They arc determined to payne
no attention to the law. "Wholesale
dealers arc doing business as usual ,
except they put their packages up in
different shape and seek new means o :
transportation , the railways having de
eided to obe } ' the law.
THE courtesies heing exchanged be
trvvcen El 3Iahdi and G'hinesc Gordoi
prior to the prophet's march upon Khar
toum to cut the throat of his infide
friend , are quite amusing. Gordon
commenced' them by offering in the
name of the Egyptian government aiii
his royal mistress to make El JMahdi
the governor of Soudan. After pondering
dering upon the offer for some time the
prophet has returned the compliment
by offering to make Gordon the emir of
Khartoum. All he requires of him is
to change his religion , give up tobacco
and spirits and become a * seed Moham-
* i
edan. Journal.
A ME FITRST and "Win. Nave arc two t
enthusiastic democrats of St. Joe who
will know a good deal more inNovem
ber than they do now , and their en
lightenment will cost them just two
thousand five hundred dollars apiece.
When the nomination of Cleveland by
the democrats was being discussed by a
number of gentlemen , Furst and Nave
offered to wager $1.000 on each of the
states of Ohio. Indiana. New York and
Massachusetts B" n)5n O ; democratic , and
$1,000 on the general result. The wa
ger was promptly taken by A C. Dawes
ind J. T. Chew , and the takers will
win on every point.
MONDAY was the ninety-fifth anniver
sary of the storming and destruction of
the Bastile , and it was celebrated by
Trcnchmeu everywhere. The Bastile t
vas the state prison or citadel of Parip , t
vhich was built in 1370 by Charles V.
"t was a political prison , in which noble-
nen , authors and politicians , who were
ictims of royal jealousy , political des-
lotism , court intrigue or ecclesiastical
erscc"ntion wgre confined without the
'ormality of a trial and conviction of
crime. They were summarily sent there '
y an arbitrary document called a lettrc
le cachet. The prisoners were left in
gnorancc of the cause and duration of
heir punishment , and were completc-
y debarred from intercourse with their
Vicnds. The destruction of the Bastile *
tvas the first violent symptoms of the
French revolution , and its fall was due to
jffort ? of the gallant and liberty loving ;
Frenchmen who fought for Freedom's >
ause in the American revolution ,
rhey carried home with them the enthu
siasm which they had imbibed in Amer- ;
ca , and incited their countrymen into
iction. The key or the Uastilc was
presented by La Fayetto to George
iVashington , and is now one of the most"
ntcresting relics at Mount Yernon. ci
jourbon cry. John Kelly's is blood. ;
MR. GLADSTONE'S , warning to the
house of lords that it looked as though
they would soon have tc step down and
out of the government , has started a
row all oyer England that promises to
throw into the shade our quadrennial
periods of unpleasantness. The country
was ripe for the declaration. The liberal
journals recognize the signal for a charge
on hereditism and aristocratic privileges
with exceeding great joy , and the caution
with which Mr. Gladstone framed his
hint is by no means imitated in their
stirring editorials. Lord Boseberry , in
the very nest of the nobility , the house
of lords , seconded Mr. Gladstone's
warning by delivering a solemn lecture
on the uselessness of that body , and
said they must reform or go under.
In the course of Roscberry's speech
he illustrated the practical imbecility
of the lords by contrasting their pres
ent position in the government with
that of the American senate. He said
that it was not because the senate was
a more able body of men than the lords ,
that tluy wielded a greater power and
influence over national affairs , but be
cause they represented the wishes of
the people and were responsible to them
finally for their action. There was
talent enough in the British hereditary
senate , but it is wasted because of the
want of sympathy with the nation , lie
assured his brethren that they now rep
resent nothing but heredity , the church
and the interest of land owners.
THE cholera has jumped from France
to Germany , it having made its appear
ance at Constance , in the duchy of
Baden. This'is in accordance with the
prediction of the eminent German phy
sician and expert Dr. Koch , who stated
on Monday last that the propcct of the
spread of the disease all over Europe was
hourly more certain , and that perhaps it
would ultimately reach America. Lon
don is crowded with Americans who
have been frightened out of France ,
and will soon return home. It is not at
all unlikely that some of thorn will carry
the scourge with them , and possibly
they may , if their return is delayed
much longer , be subjected to a long
quarantine before landing. Meantime
every American city ought to take im
mediate sanitary precautions , the prin
cipal of which is the thorough cleaning
of streets , alleys , sewers , and all other
places where filth has been allowed to
accumulate- .
FRANCE is worried with the maggot
of reform , and has been taking lessons
from Madagascar in the matter of di
vorce. In Madagascar when a hus
band has had enough sauce from his
better half , or is tired of her from airy
cause , all he has to do is to call in a
neighbor or two for witnesses , hand
his wife a piece of money and
thank you , madam. ' ' ' Divorce is un
derstood and described in that island
as ' 'thanking one's wife. ' ' The divorce
law recently adopted by the French
assembly is very nearly as simple. Al
most aivy pretext will answer the
purpose and "mutual consent" is sufii-
cientin the absence of any other excuse.
The new marriage contract merely
stipulates that the parties shall live
together as man and wife so long as
they may agree to do so , and so there
are no vows to break.
WE print this morning a gentle alltt-
siou to the nether limbs of certain
Apollo-like senators , relative to a ecu test
for the palm , by which it will be seen
that our own Van " \Vyck \ is the possessor
of the worst bandied pair of shanks in
that august body. We have long known
that he possessed the voice of the busy
buzz saw , but" the revelation that the
perimeter of the saw is also beautifully
and faithfully represented in the stems
jn which he stands is grateful beyond
verbal indication. It must be stated ,
too , that this graceful tendency to the , f
jurveliiicar is r.ot a natural deformity ,
'jut is occasioned by the burden of more
3rains than the slender extremities could
support without wavering. Topics.
THE democratic party , iu national
convention assembled , declares in its
platform that "it is indispensable
hc practical application and enforce-
ncnt of these fundamental .principles
hat the government should not always
e controlled by one party. " This is a
leclaration naturally expected from a
jarty that has been out in the cold for
wenty-five years. It is the only decla-
ation in their platform that is sincere
ind sensible.
ACCORDING to its population San
Francisco has the smallest debt of any
iity in the country , its net debts being
mly $1,500,000. Ifc puts all its jxpen-
liturcs in the tax levy , no matter' what , ,
hey are. r
THE democrats had a great brained ,
great hearted , true and tried leader in
the person of Allen GThurinan. . So.
too , in the persons of Bayard and Hen-
dricks , or even McDonald. The nomi
nation of either of these men put the
democracy where they entered the cam
paign solid and harmonious , without a
factor of division in New York or any
where. And the fool managers , going
along the line of resentment against
John Kelly in the delegations from
states that cannot elect a democratic
elector , sot aside the great candidates
of unity and strength and took the one
single candidate whose candidacy would
divide and distract the democracy. It
was an act of unreasonable political
folly. Keokuk Gate City.
CHANDLER and Hcndricks ajc keep
ing the wires warm. They carry on
their correspondence in a very public
manner. If they continue to use the
wires as freely throughout the campaign
as they have for the past two or three
days , the stump orator will not have
much of a show to have his great
speeches reported by telegraph.
Providing for the Building and Repairing
of Sidewalks in the Village of McCook.
Hi : IT Oiti > AixiuIIy tlie Chairman and Hoard
of Trustees of the Village of McCook :
SKCTIDX 1. That whenever a majority of
resident owners of lots in any block or Mocks
fronting on any street within the Arillaje of
McCook , shall sijrn and present a petition to
the Village Hoard , a petition asking- for the
construction of sidewalks alonp that portion
of any street on which the lots of the signers
of such petition shall abut , the A'illage Hoard ,
may , by resolution , order such sidewalks
SEC. - . Every such resolution shall specify
the width of the walk required , and the kind
and dimensions of material to be used in the
construction thereof , and shall be published
one week in some newspaper published and
of general circulation in said village : Pro
vided that no sidewalk shall be less than four
feet in width on residence streets and not less
than 10 feet in width and of material not less
than two inches thick on all business streets.
Sue. 3. Whenever any sidewalk ift said vil
lage shall be out of repair , the Village Hoard
may , by resolution , order the same to be re
paired , and every such resolution shall be
published as provided in section 2 of this
SKC. 4. Such publication will be hold to be
sufficient notice to the owners of lots so loca
ted , to build or repair such sidewalks , as the
ease may be , in accordance with the terms of
such resolution , within : 'll days from the pub
lication of such resolution.
SKU. 5. Should the owners of lots abuting
on streets on which sidewalks may have been
so ordered , neglect or refuse , for 0 days after
such notice , to build or repair such sidewalks ,
the Village Hoard may enter into a contract
and cause such sidewalks to be built or re
paired , and shall levy a special tax to pay for
the same , on the lot or lots on which any such
sidewalk shall be built or repaired , such tax
to be levied and collected as other village
raxes , and shall be known as "special assess
ments for improvements. "
SEC. ( i. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage , approv
al and publicatiwn.
Passed and approved this 15th day of July ,
liWJ. J. E. HEKGEK , Chairman.
l31. . KiMMii.r , , Clerk.
To Prevent Disturbances of the Peace In
the Village of McCook.
HK iTOitnAixno , Hy the Chairman and Hoard
of Trustees of the Village of McCook :
SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any
person , or persons , to ride or drive , or cause
to be riden or driven , through or upon any
street or alley of said village , any animal or
animals , at a dangerous , reckless or unusual
rate of speed.
SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person
or persons , to wilfully or maliciously , disturb
the public peace of said village in any manner.
SKC. 15. Any person guilty of violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance , shall on
conviction thereof , be lined in- any sum not
exceeding $2. > .
SEC. " . This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and alter its passage , approv
al and publication.
Passed and approved this l" th day of July ,
1884. J. E. HEUGEU , Cliairnuui.
F. M. KIMMELI. , Clerk.
Arc you disturbed nt night < ! broken of your rest
by n sick cbild suffering mid crying with jiain of cut
ting teeth ? If so , end nt once and set si bottle of
Mrs. Wisslcv's Scethfcg Syrap for Children Tccth : = s.
Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor 1
little MilTerer Immediately. Ilepcad upon it , mothers ,
there Is no mistake ahout It. It cures dyj-entery and fc
diarrhoea , icgulates the stomach and boivels , lire * c
wind colic , toftcns the gums , reduces imlanmtation. ?
( Z
and Kives tone and energy to this whole system.
Mrs. Whshw's Secthiag Syrw ? for Ccilarca Ssothiss is 1ii 1c
pleasant to the taste , and is'the prescription of one c
nf the oldest and be.-t female mirfcs and physicians iiv
in the United States , ami is for sale liy sill druggists iiI'
throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. I'ti
\ wanted for The Lives of all the "
'Presidents of the f. S. The !
handsomest best hook
"eversoldfurlessthantwiceour S
price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense
profits to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any
one can liccomitfa successful agent. Terms free.
HALLKTT l'UUK CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-U3.
S. L. Green Is daily having calls for l > egg. . ' Diar- l >
ha'ii JJalsam. In cases of Colic , Cholera , Cliuk-m
Morbus , Diarrha'a , Dysentery , IJIoody Flux , Intlam-
matiou of the liowels , etc. . it will brin
relief. Every hottle sold is positively warranted to '
give satisfaction , or money lefunded. Price , 'J3 cts.
a week at home. f.5 outfit free. 1'ay ab I
solutely sure. Xo ilsk. Capital nof requir
ed. Ueader , If you want business at which
persons of either sex , 3-01111 or old , can
make great pay all the time they work , with absolute
certainty ' , write for particulars to JI. HALLKTT &
CO. I''Hland , Maine , ' . ' -ar.
The call for BegSb' Ulood PurUIer is daily increas ) >
ing. S. L. Green Is furnishing sample bottles free. '
is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys
and Blood. "Warranted.
Go to A. P , Sharp's for \
and Children's Hair Jc
, - H.
uressins ; a specialty.
| % | | A | § AKcntu wanted for authentic
U I II I IU L " " "on < > f hi * life. Published nt
I 11 I IV r AitRUstn , IifH home. I.nrxct.
U ! JTII 11 MhamUoinrftt , cheapest , beatIty
thu renowned hlxtorfnn mid biographer , Col. Cotnrull ,
whose life of Garfleld , published by us , outsold the
twenty others by 60,000. OutnulUi every book ever
published In tTils world ; many agcnto arc gelling flfty
dally. Asa-nts are making fortunes. All new ucxjn-
ncfH niic < ; eKsfiil ; grand cliiincc for them. $13.50 made
by n lady axcnt the Oral day. Terms most liberal.
Particular ! ) free. 1'ettcr Rend 25 cents for postage ,
etc. , on free uutflt , now ready. Including largo pros
pectus book , mid gave valuable time.
2. ALLEX & CO. . Augusta , Maine.
$ und lccnt forpostuRamI
A PRIZE receive free , n costly box of
Kuucta which will liclp y.u to
, more money rlpht away tlmn
anything cl e In this world. All of either sex , succeed
from first hour. The broail road to fortune opens be
fore the worker * , absolutely sure. At once address
TKL'i : i CO. , Augusta , Miilrfe. 2-35.
Can be cured by the use of UCKX * ' Dandelion lilt-
tern. It wilt at once restore action to the liver and
kidney * , and tonu up and regulate the Ntomnch , KI
that food will be digested. Fornalu by S. L. Green.
AiK : YOU MADK miserable by Iudfjentton , Con-
ptlpatlon , , Loss of Appetite , Yc'low Skin 'f
ShlloU'H Vitallzcrla n positive Cure.
FOK DYSPEPSIA , and Liver complaint , you have a
prluted guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vltal-
Izer. It never falls to cure.
T1IK Kev. Gco. 11. Tlistyur , of Bourbon , Ind. , * ays :
"IJoth myself nnd wife owe our lives to SIIII.01IS
WHY WILL YOU COURI | when Shlloh's Cure will
give Immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 ctB. and ? i.
SHII.OII'S UATAiiltH HE.MEDY u positive cure
for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Mouth.
A NASAL INMECTOi : free with cnch bottle of
Shlloh'H Catarrh lieniedy. Price 50 cents.
SIIILOH'S CUKE will Immediately relieve Croup ,
AVhooping cough and ISronchltls.
"HACKMETACK" a lasting and fragrant perfume.
Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCookNeb. .
Attention , Land Attorneys.
We have in stock "Csish Application" and
"Proof" blanks , under act approved Jun Ifi ,
1880. Same are put up in $1 and $2 packages ,
ready to mail. Send in your order to
THE TK1HUNE. AlcCook. Neb.
McCook , Neb. , June 10th , .
Complaint having been entered at this oliice
byValter S. AVilsou against Stanley O. Stew
art for abandoning his Homestead Entry 807 ,
dated at North Platte. Neb. , October Klf 78 ,
upon the north west quarter of section ! M own-
ship 1. north of range -li west , in Hed Willow
county , Nebraska , with a view to the eancella-
tioirof said entry ; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the JiStn
day of July , Ife61 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond
spend and 1 uriiMi testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
4. G. L. LAWS , Uegister.
McCook.Neb. , June 21st. 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this oliice
by William H. Porter against Lewis 1) . Itey-
noIds for failure to comply with law as to
timber-culture entry 705 , date North Platte ,
Neb. , May ( i , 1KT ! ' , upon the southwest quarter
of section : township 1 north , ranged west ,
in Hel Willow county , Neb. , with a view to
the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that Lewis I ) . Iteynolds has failed to
break ; has failed to plant any part of said
land to forest trees , seeds or cutting's since
making said entry , and that no part of said
land has ever been planted to trees , seeds or
cuttings or cultivated ; the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this oliice on
the 4xii day of AUOUST , 188.1 , at U o'clock , A.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
4. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , June 20th , 1S81.
Complaint having been entered at this oliice
by Frank D. Smith against Itobcrt A. Hroivn
for failure to comply with law as to timber-
culture entry 1240 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
January 27,1880 , upon the northeast quarter
section 28 , township 1 north , range 'M west , in
Ited Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the , '
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg
ing that Hubert A. Hrown has failed to breaker
or cultivate , or to plant to trees , tree seeds or
cuttings , any part of said tract since date of
entry up to this time ; the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this oliice on
the 5TU day of AUGUST , 18S4 , at 1 o'clock , P. respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
4. G. L. LAWS , Itegistcr.
McCook , Neb. , Julv 7th , 18SJ.
Complaint having been entered at this oliice
by Fie u ry 1C. Hartholomew against James 11.
Whittaker for failure to comply with law as \
to timber-culture entry No. T.SK > , dated North II
Platte , Neb. . March o'Oth , 1880 , upon the south
east quarter section 21. township 1 , north ,
range J west , in Ked Willow county , Neb. ,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
contestant alleging that James H. Whittaker
has failed to break , cultivate , or plant to
trees , seeds' or cuttings , any part of said tract
since date of entry up to the present time ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this oliice on the 1st day of SKITKMUKK ,
1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
. G. L. LAWS , Hegister , .
McCook , Neb. , June 2Sth , 1SS4. ! '
Complaint having been entered at this oliice
by ; John M. Davis against Ucnjamiii O. Hanger
for failure to comply with law as
culture entry 408. dated North PI latte , Neb. , )
November 'ti , 1878 , upon the southeast quarter
section 22. township 4 north , range 28 west , in
Ued Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg
ing that Henjamin O. Haugcr failed to culti
vate , or plant to trees , seeds orcuttinirs. any
part ' of said tract during 1W3 ; that he failed
to cultivate to timber any part of said tract
during 182 , and that said failure lias contin
ued to this time ; that there is no timber grow n
ing on said laud : the said parties are hereby to
summoned to appear at this oliice on the 20th th
day of AufifST , 1SS1 , at 1 o'clock , 1' . M. , to respond or
spend and furnish testimony concerning said Ji
alleged failure. 5. G. L. LAWS. Uegister.
> >
McCook , Neb. , June 27th , la .
Complaint having been entered at this oliice an
y Sevrine Hossler against Ezra A. Stollle for anW \
failure to comply with law as to timber-cul
ture entry No. ' . 'W ' , dated : : t North Platte.Neb. ,
April liith , IRTii , upon the northwest \ \ section
, township 4. north of range 2 ! ) west , in Hcd
Willow county , Nebraska , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
hat E/.ni A. Stollle has failed to plow or break mite
ar caube to be plowed or broken ten acres of to
said land at any time since the date of his entry th
try up to the date hereof , and that thedefcnd- or
iint has not plowed or broken any part of said Jc
land as required by law. The said parties are N , (
liereby summoned to appear at this oUicc-on
theiithday of August , lt-84 , at 10 o'clock. A. >
I. , to respond and fiirnfch testimony concern ' . '
ing said ailegi-d fetiluio. teNt {
( J. L. LAWS , Hegistcr. :
July Kith , 1S8J. i' .
Notice is hereby jrivcn that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention na
omakctlnal proof in support of his claim , and til to
hat said proof will be made before Kosristcr !
H'Hecoiverat McCook , Neb. , on SATruiY , or
\u < 3UST ird , 1SS4 , viz : William Coleman , Ju
- ; _
lomestead 141t ? , for the. southwest quarter ol jtoi
eetion 154 , township 4 north , range 30 tvest. toi
le names the following- witnesses to prove tin
u's continuous residence upon , ami ciiltiva- Oil
ioij of , said land , viz : Phillip Weick , .Michael
Veiek. Geoiw White and .Millianl Horrell , ah
McCook , Nebraska.
7. G. L. LAWS , Hefdster.
June 7th , 1SS4. f .
Notice is hereby jrivon that the following-
lamed settler luis tiled notice of her intention na :
oinake Until proof in supportof her churn , and to i i
hat fiiid proof will be made before Register thi i
nd Kcceivcr at McGook , Neb. , on Saturday , He. .
'uly 3 ! > th , 1SS4. vti. : .Mary A. Conner , homc-
tdad entry iW5 : , for the northeast quarter Sja
section : . ' . " > , township 1 north , ranjre ) west , tov
he names the following witnesses to prove the
er continuous residence upon , and eultiva- Oil :
ion of , said land. viWilber F Sannder , lun
ohnL. Sellers , Hobeit S. Coolcy and .James CO I
filler , all of Stoughton , Neb. Ullt
2. G. L. LAWS , Register. 3- ,
LAND Omcw AT SIcCooK , NKIJ. ,
July 2nd , lb l. J
Notice is hereby tfvon Unit the following
mimed settler lias tiled notice of his Intention
\/fc * w * iv * wmww . .f * * V" t " " , . „ . . V *
AUGUST ( tilt. 188-1 , viz : Andruw McO. llobb ,
homestcuil 100. for the douthcosl . iu rtcr sec
tion , township 8 north , rniiRe SO west. Ho
nitincs the followliiff witnesses to prove his
continuous resldcncoiipon.andcultlvation of ,
suit ! hind , viz : Nicholas Sovonlt or , Charles D.
Krcunbrack. William Dolan and William D.
Cummin ) , ' , all of McCook , Neb.
fi. G.L.LAWS , Heglstcr.
Juno 18th , 18&1. f
Notice la hereby Klvcn tiiat the following-
naiiied settler has filed his notice of his Inten
tion to make dual proof In support of his \
claim , and that said proof will bo made before
Hctfisteror Receiver at JtcCook , Neb. , on 1-rl-
duy , July atli.JBSI , viz : John it. Colcman , D.
S. 170 for the. S. S. W. & section 25 and
N. Y" S. E. 34 and S. E. ! i S. E. h sect. M , town.
4 north , range 30 west. Ho names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
( Jeorso P.Wcick , 1'hlllp Wclck. Michael Weick
and ililiard F. HOrrell , ail of McCook , Neb.
a. O. L. LAWS , Hugistcr.
LAND Omen AT MCCOOK , Nun. . >
June Oth , lt l. \
Notice is hereby ivcn that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim , and
that said proof will be made before Hegistcr
or Heceiverat McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July
18th , li 4 , viz : Albertina Vance. D. S. No.
lift. , for the west southwest U section Ji and
west V- northwest 'i of section 11 , township X ,
north of range 20 west. She names the follow
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Louis H. March , John F. lilack , John M. Stone
and James Kimball , all of McCook , Neb.
a. G. L. LAWS , Keglster.
Juno 10th , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In supportof his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Hcglstcr
or Heccivcr at McCook , Neb. , on SATUHDAV ,
Jmv2 th , 1884. viz : Alfred C. Nettlcton.
homestead No. 1788 , for the northeast } north
west ? 4 , north 'A northeast ? .t section ) and
lot 8 section 158 , township ! > , north of range 'M
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Matthew H. John
ston , O. Luther Nettleton , He/.ekiah W. Davis
and John Whittaker , all of McCook , Neb.
: i. G. L. LAWS , Hegistcr.
June 18th , Ib84. j
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has llled notice of her intention
to make llnal proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Heg-
Ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
July anii , 1884 , viz : Laura A. Smith , D. S. IJUXl
for theS. i-S N. E. J.i section i" , township 2 ,
north , range ,11 west , and lots 1 and 2 section
; > 0 , township north , range30 west. He names
the following- witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John Cruts , William F. Kverist ,
John .Mat son , James L. Hoyt.all of Driftwood ,
Neb. ; ; . G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
June oth , 1881. |
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has llled notice of his intention
to make dual proof in support of his claim , and.
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , July
I'.ith. 1884 , viz : C. Howard Moulton , D. S. No.
281 , for the south northeast ? .i and west V-
southeast ; .i of section SO , township - north ,
range JiS west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove liiscontinuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : G.Lloyd
Clark , Alfred If. Fuller. Stephen A. Kodgcrs
and F.rnest Fuller , all of Indianola , Neb.
- ' . G. L. LAWS , Register.
J line 21rd , 1584. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Hcgistcr
or Itccciver at McCook , Neb. , on TUESDAY ,
AUGUST 5th , 1881 , viz : Richard Congdon ,
homestead No. 25J , for the "west 1A northeast
. and east ' northwest ' .
J.i / .t section 5 , township
{ north , range : )0 west. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Phillip Weick , Thomas Murphy , William M.
Rollins and Charles E. McPhcrson , all of Mc
Cook , Neb.1. . G. L. LAWS , Register.
June lith , 1881. j'
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
rHcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July
rah , 188f , viz : Henjamin F. McQuay , D. H.
\o. til- ' , for the west J/i southwest J.i section
and north ' , - . northwest f.t section If , town
ship ' , north of range W west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
riz : Frank Swihart , William N. Potter , Rieh-
ird Johnson and Charles Roper.all of McCook ,
S'eb. _ ' . G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
June lath , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
.o make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register
r Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on FKIDAY.JUI.Y
5th , 1884 , viz : Thomas J. Rugglcs , homestead
S'o. 1132 , for the northwest quarter section 1 ,
ownsiiip : t north , range 2U west. He names
lie tollpwing- witnesses to prove his coutinu-
iis residence upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : William Johnson of McCook , Neb. ,
Villiam Crockford , Elhis Canaga and Martin
tiiick , of Red Willow , Neb.
' ' G. L. LAWS , Register.
„ . . , June Itith , IbSl. f
ISotice is hereby given that the following
lamed : settler lias llled notice of. his intention
mxkc final proof in supportof his claim , uml
hat said proof will be made before Re"i ter
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on SATUKD vv.
UI.Y 2tith , 18SI , viz : Noble Gregrey , home-
teau 11201 , torthe southeast quarter section
, township 1 nfcrth , rango2a west. He names
he following witnesses to prove Iiis continu-
tis residence upon , mid cultivation of , said
.inrt : , viz : William Jtelph , Francis L. Spicer
nd James Gregrey , of atoiighton. Neb. , and
illiam IJrent , of McCook , Neb.
G. L. LAWS , Register.
. . . . . , , May 21st , 18SJ. f
notice is hereby given that the following
amcd settler has Hied notice of his intention
make final proof in supportof his claim , and
liat said proof will be made before Register
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on TIICIISDAY ,
F'11" 31&-t' llS ? ' ' vJz : Leander Starbnck , D. S.
o.i > U , tor the lot : j of section 21 and lots 5 ,
and , ol section 2ii , township a north , run e
west. 1 Ic names the following witnesses to
rove his continuous residence and
upon , cul-
VHtion of , said land , viz : Alex. Johnson ,
illiam McQuay , V , iHhuij Johnson mid John
eiiuth , ail ol McCook. Neb.
! - G. L. LAWS , Register.
. . . . , . 'ay 21st , lt-84. T
otlce is hereby given that the following
amcd settler has filed notice of her intention
makeiinal proof in supportofherclaim.and
latsaid pioof will b made before RegMer
Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tnuie. iv ,
L"J'-Y KV'iV Cynthia , \ . Starbuek , D.
.No. aw , lor the lots 2 ami : ; of section : i'i
iwnship :5 : north , range 2it west. She names
following witnesses to prove her continu-
is : residence upon , and cultivation of , said
.nd , viz : Alex. Johnson , William Johnson ,
iliiam McQuay and John Ncineth. all of Mc-
jolc , cb. ; i. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAM > OFFICE AT McCooK , NE . , i
. . . . . . , June 17th , 1SS4. f
tice is hereby given that the followln-
lined settler has Hied notice of his intention
make final proof in support of his claim , and
at said proof will lie made before Register or
cceiycrat .McCook , Neb. , on FUID'AY.\IUI.Y
, lb } . viz : Nells W. Walliu. homestead
S0.-for tie ( lots 2 , S , 10 and 11 of Kection 1 ! )
wnship p north , range 2S wpst. He names
following witnesses to prove his coiriinti-
residence upon , and cultivation of. al l
nd , viz : Thomas C. Kuggles and Edwanl
usc of McCook , Xc-I. . , Jacob Harshber'cr
Gusta-e E. Walliu of Red Willow , Neb.
- GL.LAVS , Register.