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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1884)
THE PLATFORM Adopted by the Democratic National Con vention Held In Chicago. Following is the platform adopted by the democratic national convention : The democratic . .party of the Union , through ito representative * in national con vention assembled , recognizes that , as a na tion grows older new issues are born of time and progress and old IBBUCB perlsb. .But'lho fundamental principles of the dem ocracy , approved by the united voices of the .people , remain , ana will ever remain , as the best and only security lor the continuation of free government. The preservation of personal rights , the equality of all citizens before the law , and the supremacy of the federal government within the limits of the constitution will over form the true basis of our liberties , and can never bo surrendered without destroying that balance of rights and powcrw which enables a continent devel oped in peace und social order , to be main tained by means of local self-government. But it is indispensable for the practical application and enforcement of these fundamental principles that the gov- ornmeut should not always be cen- trolled-by one political party. Frequent changes of administration is as necessary as constant recurrence to the popular will , otherwise abuses grow , and the government , instead of being carried on for the general welfare , becomes on instrumentality for Im posing heavy burdens upou the many who are governed for the benefit of the few who govern. Public servants thus become arbitary rulers. This is now the condition of the coun try. Hence a change is demanded. The republican party , so far as prin ciple is concerned , Is a reminiscence ; in practice , it is an organization for pnrlch- ing those who control its inichinery. Tne frauds and jobbery which have been brought to light in every department of the government are sufficient to have called for a reform within the republican party ; yet those in authority , made recklesH by the long possession of power , have buccumbed to its corrupting influence , and have placed in nomination a ticket against which the inde pendent portion of the party are in open revolt. Therefore a change is demanded. Such a change was alike" necessary in 1870 , but the will of the people was then defeatedby a fraud which can never bo forgotten nor con doned. Again , in 1880 , the chunge de manded by the people was defeated by the lavish use of money contributed by un scrupulous contractors and shameless Job bers who had bargains for unlawful profits or for higher office. The republican party , during its illegal , its stolen and its bought tenures of power , has steadily decayed in moral character and political capacity. Its platform promises are now a list of its past failures. It demands the restoration of our navy. It has * squandered hundreds of millions to create a navy that does not exist. It calls upon congress to remove the bur den under which American shipping has been depressed. It imposed and has con tinued these burdens. It professes the policy of reserving the public lands for small holdings by actual settlers. It lias given away the people's * heritage till now a few railroad&fand non resident aliens , individual and corporate , possess1 larger area than that of all our tarms between the two seas. It 'professes a preference for free institu tions. -organized and tried to legalize a control of state elections by federal troops. It professes a desire to elevate labor. It has subjected American workingmen to the -competition of convict and imported con tract labor. It professes gratitude to all who were dis abled or died in the war , leaving widows and orphans. It left to a democratic house of representatives tbe first effort to equalize both bounties and pensions. It proffers a pledge to correct the Irregu larities of our tariff. ' It created and has continued them. Its own tariff commis sion confesses the need of wore than twenty per cent reduction. Its congress gave a re duction of less than four per cent. It professes the protection of American manufacturers. It Has subjected them to an increasing flood of manufactured goods and a hopeless competition with manufac turing nations , not one of which taxes raw material. It prof esses to protect all American indus tries. It has impoverished many to subsi dize a few. It professes the protection of American labor. Ithas depleted the returns of American - can agriculture an industry followed by half our people. It professes the equality of all men before the law. Attempting to fix the status of colored citizens , the acts of its congress were overset by the decisions of its courts. It "accepts anew the duty of leading in the work of progress and reform. " Its < aught criminals are permitted to escape through contrived delays or by actual con nivance in the prosecution. Honeycomb ed with corruption , outbreaking expos ures no longer shocked its moral sense. Its honest members , its independent journals , no longer maintain a successful contest for authority in its counsels , or aveto upon bad nominations. That change is necessary is proved by an existing surplus of more than $100- 000,000 , which has yearly been collect ed from a suffering people. Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. We denounce the republican party for having failed to re lieve the people from crushing war taxes which have paralyzed business , crippled industry , and deprived laborof employment and Just reward. The democracy pledges Itself to purify the administration from corruption , to re store economy , to revive respect of lawtore duce taxation to the lowest limit consistent with due regard to the preservation of the nation to its creditors and pensioners. Knowing full well , however , that legis lation affecting the occupations of the people should be cautious and conservative 'in method , not in advance of public opin ion , but responsive to its demands , the democratic party is pledged to revise the tariff in a spirit of fairness to all interests. But in making reduction in taxes it is not proposed to injure any domestic industries , but rather to promote their healthy growth. Tromthe foundation of this government taxes collected by the custom house have been the chief source of federal revenue. Such they must continue to be. Moreover , Snany industries have come to rely upon leg islationfor successful continuance , so that i any change of law must be at every step re gardful of the labor and capital thus in volved. The process of reform must be subject in its execution to the plain dic tate of justice. All taxation shall be limited to the requirements of economical gov ernment. The necessary reduction in tax ation can and must be effected without de priving American labor of the ability to compete successfully with foreign labor and without imposing lower rates of duty than will be able to cover any increased cost of production which may exist in consequence of the higher rate of wages prevailing in this country. Sufficient revenue to pay all the expenses of the federal government eco nomically administered , including pensions , interest and principal of the public debt , can be got under our present system of taxation , Irom custom house taxes on fewer imported articles , bearing heaviest on articles of lux ury , and bearing , lightest on articles of ne cessity. We therefore denounce the abuses of the existing tariff , and subject to the pre ceding limitations we demand that federal taxation sha 1 be exclusively for public pur poses , and shall not exceed the needs of the government economically administered. The system of direct taxation , known as the "internal revenue , " is a war tax , and so long as the law continue * , the money de rived therefrom should be sacredlv directed to the relief of the people from the remain ing burdens of the war , and be made a fund to defray the expense of the care and com fort of worthy soldiers disabled in the line duty m tbe wars of the republic , and for the payment of such pensions as congress may from time to time grant to such sol diers , a like fund for the oldlers having been already provided ; and any surplus should be paid into the treasury. Wo favor an American continental policy , based upon more intimate commercial and political relatloHS with the fifteen sister re publics of North , Central and South Amer ica , but entangling alliance with none. , Wo believe in honest money , tbe gold and silver coinage of the constitution , and a cir culation medium convertible into fluch mony without loss. Asserting the equality of. all men before the law , we hold that it is the duty of the government in its dealings with the people to mete out equal and exact Justice to all citizens of whatever nativity race , color , or persuasion religious or political. Wo believe in a free ballot and a fair count , and wo call to the memory of the people the noble struggle of the democrats in the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth congress es , by which a'reluctant republican opposi tion was compelled to assent to legislation making everywhere illegal the presence of. troops at the polls , as tke conclusive proof that a. democratic administration will pre serve liberty with order. The selection of federal officers for the territories snould be restricted to citizens previously resident therein. We oppose sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty : we favor honest civil service reform , and the compensation of all United States officers by fixed salaries ; the separation of church and state ; and the diffusion of free educa tion by common schools , so that every child in the land may be taught the rights and duties of citizenship. While we favor all legislation which will tend to the equitable distribution of prop erty , to the prevention of monopoly , , and to the strict enforcement of individual rights against corporate abuses , we hold that the welfare of society depends upon a scrupu lous regard for the rights of property as de fined by law. We believe that labor is best rewarded where it is freest and most enlightened. It should therefore be fostered and cherished. We favor the repeal of all laws restricting the free action of labor , and the enactment of liws by which labor organizations may be incorporated , and of all such legislation as will tend to enlighten the people as to the true relations of capital and labor. We believe that the public Ian Is ought , as far as possible , to be kept as homesteads for actual settlers ; that all unearned lands heretofore improvidently granted .to rail road corporations by the action of the re publican party should be restored to the public domain ; and that no more grants of land shall be made to cor orations , or be allowed to fall into the ownership of alien absentees. \Ve are opposed to all propositions which upon any pretext would convert the genera , govermmsnt into a machine for collecting taxes to be distributed among the states , or the citizens thereof. In reaffirming the declaration of the dem ocratic platform of 187G , that "the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence and sanc tioned in the constitution which makes ours the land of liberty and the asylum' the oppressed of every nation , have 'ever been cardinal principles in the democratic faith ; " we , nevertheless , do not sanction the importation of foreign labor , or the ad mission of servile races , unfitted bv habits , training , religion or kindred for absorption into the great body of our people , or for the citizenship which our laws confer. Amer ican civilization demands that against the immigration or importation of Mongolians to these shores our Kates be closed. The democratic party insists that it is the duty of this government to protect with equal fidelity aud vigilance the rights of its citizens , native and naturalized , at home and abroad , and to the end that this protection may be assured United States papers of naturalization , issued by courts -of compe tent jurisdiction , must be respected ly the executive and legislative departments of our own government , and by all foreign powers. It is an imperative duty of this government to efficiently protect all the rights of persons and property of every American citizen in foreign lands and demand and enforce full xeparationtor any evasion thereof. An American citizen is only re sponsible to his own government for any act done in his own country , oruu der her flag , and can only be tried therefor on her own soil and according to her laws , and no power exists in this government to expatriate an American citizen to be tried in any foreign land for any such act. This country has never had a well defined and executed foreign policy , save under democratic administration ; that policy has ever beenin regard to foreign nations , so long as they do no'c act detrimental to the inter ests of the country or hurtful to our citizens , to let them alone ; that as the-result of this policy we recall the acquisition of Louisiana , Florida , California , and of the adjacent Mexican territory by purchasa alone ; and contrast these grand acquisitions of demo cratic statesmanfhip witn the purchase of Alaska , the sole fruit of a republican ad ministration of nearly a quarter of a cent ury. ury.The federal government should care for and improve the Mississippi river and other great waterways of the republic , so as to secure for the interior states easy and cheap transportation tJ tidewater. Under a long period of democratic rule and policy our merchant marine was fasc overtaking , land on the point of outstripping , that of Great Britain. Under twenty ye rs of republican rule and policy , our commerce has been left to Britisl . bottoms , and almost has the Ameri can flag been swept off the high seas. Instead of the republican party's British policy we demand for the people of the United States an American policy. Under democratic rule and policy , our merchants and sailors , lying the stars and stripes in every port , successfully searched out a market for the varied products of American industry. Under a quarter century of republican rule and policy , despite our manifest ad vantage over all otuer nations in iiga-paid labor , favorable climates and teeming soils ; despite freedom of trade among all these United States ; despite their population by the foremost races of men and an annual immigration of the young , thrifty and ad venturous of all nations ; despite our free dom here from the inherited burdens of life and industry in old-world monarchies tbeir costly war navies , their vast tax-con suming , non-producing standing armies ; despite twenty years of peace the republi can rule and policy have managed to sur render to Great Britain [ , along with our commerce , the control of the markets of the world. Instead of the republican party's British policy , we demand in behalf of the Ameri can democracy an American policy. Instead of tbe republican party's dis " credited scheme and false pretense of friendship for American abor , expressed by imposing taxes , we demand in bebalf of the democracy , freedom for American labor byTtduclng taxes , to the tnd that these United States may compete with unhindered powers for the primocy among nations in all the arts of peace und fruits of liberty. With profound regret we have been ap prised by the venerable statesman , through whose person was struck that blow at the vital principle of republics ( acquiescence in the will of the majority ) , that he cannot Eermit us again to place in his hands the jadership of the democratic hosts , for the reason that the achievement of reform in the administration of the federal govern ment is an undertaking now too heavy for his age and failing strength. " Rejoicing that his life has been prolonged until tbe general Judgment of our feilow countrymen is united in the wish that that wrong were righted in his person , for the democracy of the United States , we offer him in his wihdrawal from public cares , not only our respectul sympathy and esteem , but also our De-it homage. Witn this statement of the hopes , princi ples and purposes of the democratic party , tbe great issue of reform and change in ad ministration is submitted-to the people in calm confidence that the popular voice will pronounce in favor of new men , and new and more favorable conditions for the growth of Industry , the extension of trade , the employment and due reward of labor and capital , and the general welfare of the whole country. THE RECORD MADE UP. What Was Accomplished by the National Body Which Has Recently Adjourned. The first session of the forty-eighth congress adjourned on the 7th. It has extended - tended over a period , of seven months and four days , although the actual worklngtime will not exceed 1G5 days. In that time there have been introduced in the senate , 2,367 bills and 97 Joint resolutions , in the house , 7,507 bills and 234 resolutions. Of these slxty-slxsenate bills and ten sen ate resolutions have passed both houses and became laws by executive approbation , and sixty-two house bills and thirty-two house resolutions have become laws in the same manner. Three house bllld also became laws without action by the president , and one was returned to the house with his veto. Of the measures introduced in the senate 368 bills and 17 Joint resolutions were inde finitely postponed and six bills laid upon the table. In the house fourteen bills and three Joint resolutions were postponed indefinitely. A'majo'rity of the measures introduced in both houses related to matters not of general importance , such as bills for private relief and pensions , erection of public buildings , bridging rivers and other improvements , only of local interest. ' The following measures passed both houses and were signed by the president in addition to regular annual ) appropriation bills and river and harbor hills. Bills to reduce rate postage on newspa pers and other periodical publications second end class when sent by others than publish- ere , or newsprpers to 1 cent for each four ounces. To provide civil government for Alaska. To extend duration of court of commis sioners to Alabama claims until December , 1885. 1885.To prevent and punish counterfeiting in the United States of bonds or other securi ties of foreign governments. To grant fifteen days leave of absence , with pay , each year to letter carriers. To authorize the secretary of war to offer a reward of $25,003 for the rescue of the Greely Arctic exploring party. To establish a bureau of labor statistics. To make all public roads and highways post-roads. To authorize legislatures of Illinois , Ar kansas , Louisiana and Tennessee to sell or lease certain land appropriated for school purposes. To remove certain burdens from Ameri can merchants marine. To establish a bureau of animal industry and prevent the exportation of diseased cat tle and provide forthe extirpation of pleuro- pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals. To make it felony for any person to ner- senate any officer or employe of the United States , acting under authority of the United States or any department thereof. To repeal the test oath act of 1862. To authorize the fitting out of an expedi tion for the relief of Lieut. Greely and part ? in the arctic seas. To limit the time in which prosecutions may be begun against persons for violation of internal revenue laws to three years. To relieve from the charge of desertion certain soldiers of the late war who , after having served faithfully until the close of the war , left their commands without leave. To provide in states west of the Mississip pi river a branch home for volunteer sol diers of the late war , and for soldiers of the , Mexican war and war of 1812 , whose dis abilities were not incurred in service against ' the United States. . , To provide for the disposal of abandoned military reservations , To recognize a corps of judge advocates of the army. -To establish a bureau of navigation in the treasury department. The following measures have been incor porated in the regular appropriation bills and become laws : To appoint a commission to visit the sev eral countries of Central and South Ameri ca to collect Information as to the best mode of securing more intimate international and commercial relations between those coun tries and the United States. To provide that hereafter all estimates of appropriations and estimatesjof deficiencies in the appropriations intended for consid eration of congress shall be transmitted to congress through the secretary of the treas ury , and in no other manner. To provide that the number of deputy collectors of the internal revenue , guagers , store-keepers and clerks employed in the internal revenue service shall not be in creased. To create a board of pension appeals to be appointed by the secretary of the interior. To provide for the appointment of a scien tific commision which may , in the name of the United States government , conduct a national conference of electricians in Phila delphia in the autumn of 1884. To authorize the president in case of threatened or actual epidemic , to use the unexpended balance of appropriation not to exceed $100,000 in aid of tbe state and local boards or otherwise in his discretion , in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same and maintaining quarantine at points of danger. - To admit to the government hospital for Insane inmates of the soldier's home who are now or may hereafter become insane. To provide it shall not be lawful for the head of any executive department or any bureau , branch or office or the government to cause to be printed , nor for the public printer to print , any document or matter of any character whatever , except that which is authorized by law and necessary to administer the public business , nor for any bureau officer to embrace in his annual or other report to be printed any matter not directly pertaining to the duties of his office as prescribed by law. To provide for the appointment of a Mis souri river commission with powers and duties similar to those of the Mississippi river commission. To appropriate $3,750,000 to pay rebate tax on tobacco. Does Murder Out ? Chicago News. It is the declaration of a Chicago de tective locally famous , that no more khan , one murder in ten ever comes out. "Think over the recent known cases , " lie says. " .Can you recall one in which the life wasn't taken with shot or blade ? " In other words , the means of killing were such that there could not possibly be any concealment of the 3rime itself , though the criminal might [ escape. He held that to prove beyond ; loubt that the commonest form of pre meditated murder by poisoning is practiced _ to a dreadful extent without detection. About the only murders that do come out , he thinks , are those ; sudden , unplanned ones that arise from passion. "It may not be a pleas ant thing to think of , " he remarks , "but it can't be denied that any cool , intelligent person can murder a mem ber of nis family by using a poison that loesn't produce violent symptoms , and run very slight risk of being caught-at it. It is my firm conviction that only a small percentage of the murders are' iistinguished from ordinary deaths. " ESPEHANCK. Sweet the hour of Hope-born pfeasure In the halls of Beauty bright , When no thought hath time to measure , Half its vision of delight ; And the heart is all a-blessing , And each fancy is a star , While we long for the caressing , Of.the coming Joys afar. - . - On the brow'are wreaths of roses , . . . T- Fresh and dewy from the dale ; Ah ! what innocence reposes , In her heart as in the vale. Sleeps the morning in its brightness , Glad the hour when pqre thoughts rise- Full of Joy and airy lightness Full'of soulful melodies. Happy hour and happy waking- Could we hence more purely live ! While above each lirow , were breaking Dewy stars that fragrance give 1 Many mourn their meed of Joy- Life to them is a barren isle- All their pleasures , grief's alloy , And sad the hour when they smile ! What is Time to hearts of sorrow ? ' It liut hides itself in flowers I Let us charge no grief to-morrow On the Altar of .the Hours ! What is Life , when wreathed with Beauty ? 'Tis a bubbling Fount of Joy ! And we hail each coming duty , Thanking Heaven for such employ. Shadowy shapes of strangest power Steal away our faulting breath ; Hope bids be bold , and brave the hour , Face forboding fear and death. Soon speed sweet' ' angels to our side , Beaming bright as morning sun ; Robed in rich raiment , like a bride. Hope and Death are joined in one. [ Luther G. Rlggs in Chicago Sun. Your Own Sister and Someone Else's Sister. Many young men. are always very ready to accept invitations to other people's home circles. They are very much more attentive to other people's sisters than their own. A young man should be found in his home , and spend sufficient time there for his influence to tell upon the family and for him to cul tivate manly dispositions that will be a blessing to him in years to come. Many young men are like crows ; they come back to their nest to roost , and at the dawn , of day they haste to other fislds. Young men , don't waste your strength and your influence and your brains in somebody's company when you ought to be in your family circle , in the nouse of your father and mother. I think it is a duty and obli gation that you should be attentive to the requirements and needs of your sisters. Why not sometimes take your sister out ? take her for a walk ? Why not sometimes take her to a concert ? Why not sometimes bring home pres ents and give them to her ? Why , when you come home , should you be sullen , and silent and morose , as though some body had been treading on your corns all day ? Why not come home and tell those who have been shut up all day some of the incidents that have hap pened during- the day , and be bright , 'and merry and cheerful , and so con tribute your share to the family joy , and you will have it all back again in asister's love. A Way to Grow Wise. dt. Nicholas. After reading a book , or an article , or an item of information from any re liable source , before turning your at tention to other things , give two or three minutes quiet thought to the sub ject that has just been presented to your mind ; see how much you can re member concerning it ; and if there were any new ideas , instructive facts , or points of especial interest that im pressed you as you read , force your self to recall them. It may be a little troublesome at first until your mind gets under control and learns to obe your will , but the very effort to thin ] it all out will engrave the facts deeplw upon the memory , so deeply that they will not be effaced by the rushing in of a new and different set of ideas ; whereas , if the matter be given no further consideration at all , the im pressions you have received will fade away so entirely that within a few weeks you will be totally unable to re member more than a dim outline of them. Form the good habit , then , of al ways reviewing what has just been read. It exercises and disciplines the mental faculties , strengthens 1he ; mem ory , and teaches concentration of thought. You will soon learn , in this way , to think and reason intelligently , to sepa rate and classify different kinds of in formation ; and in time the mind , in stead of being a lumber room in which the various contents are thrown together in careless confusion and dis order , will become a store-house where each special class or item of knowl edge , neatly labeled , has its own par ticular place and is ready for use the instant there is need of it. Bill Arp on Life Partners. Atlanta constitution. I sat in my piazza ruminating over the scene and I wondered that there svere as many happy matings as there seem to be. Partners for life ought to be congenial and harmonious in so many things. When men make a part nership in business they can't get along well if they are unlike in dispo sition or in moral principle or in busi- aess ways and habits. They can dis solve and separate at pleasure and try mother man. A man and his wife aught to be alike in most everything , t is said that iolks like their opposite , heir counterparts , and so they do in some respects. A man with blue eyes joes mighty nigh distracted "over a wo man with hazel eyes. I did , and I'm distracted yet whenever I look into hem. But in mental qualities and emotional qualities , and tastes and iabits and principles and the like they jught to class'together. ' Indeed , it is setter for them to have the same poli- ics and the same religion. And so I lave observed that the happiest unions , is a general thing , are those where the ligh contracting parties have known jach other for a long time , and have issimilated from their youth in thought ind feeling. M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE - . COo O o M 111 o 111H co 3 111 0 Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments or rented until the rent pays for the organ. M. A. SPALDING , Agent , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. STOCK DIKECTOEY DENNIS M'KILLIP. Kanch on Red Willow , Thornburg , Hayes branded ' 'J. M. ' ' County , Neb. Cattle on leftside. Young cattle branded same as above , also "J. " on left jaw. Under-slope right ear. Horses branded "E" on left shoulder. FOB SALE. My range of 1,000 acres of deeded land in one body , including the Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and water with two good farm houses and other improvements. Convenient to ! N"o. 1 school privileges. Situated in. the Republican vaU fey west Red Willow creek. Call on or address J. F. BLACK , Indianola , Neb. W. J. WILSON. Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also dewlap and a crop and under half crop on left ear , and a crop and under bit in the right. Ranch on the Republican. Post- office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska. HENRY T. CHURCH. Osborn , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek , in southwest corner of Frontier county , cat tle branded " 0 L 0 * ' on right side. Also , an over crop on right ear and under crop on left. Horses branded " 8" on right shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. Indianola , Neb. Range : Republican Val ley , east of Dry Creek , and near head of Spring Creek , in Chase county , J. D. WELBORX , Vice President and Superintendent. PROCTOR. McCook , Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek , in southwest corner of Frontier county. Also E. P. brand on right hip and side and swal low-fork in right ear. Horses branded E. P. on right hip. A few branded ' 'A' ' on right hip. J B. MESERVE. Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded as above ; also " 717" on left side ; " 7" on risht hip and "L. " on right shoulder ; "L."on left shoulder and "X. " on left jaw. Half under-crop left ear , and sauare- crop right ear. C. D. PHELPS. Range : Republican Valley , four miles west of Culbertson , south side of Republi can. Stock branded " 161" and " 7-L. " P. 0. Address , Culbertson , Neb. THE TURNIP BRAND. Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock branded on left hip , and a few double cross es on left side. C. D. ERCANBRACK. STOKES & TR01U P. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county , Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car rico. Stock branded as above. Also run the lazyci brand. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Ranch4 miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" on the left hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb. JOHN HATFIELD & SON. McCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast , on Republican river. Stock branded with a bar and lazv eS on left hip JOSEPH ALLEN. Ranch on Red Willow Creek , half mila above O-born postoffice. Cattle branded on right side ana hip above. 3.4