HELIOTftOJPiSE , H ' O memories ! g9lden.wlth thejllght Of youthful'happy dreaming1,41 "Why come from out the far off past , ' Where naught was real , but seeming ? WhyDring from out thy store-house now Hopes that we deemed had perished That loner ago were burled deep- Hopes all too fondly cherished ? Memories of sunny spots we loved , Ere life had lost its beauty , Memories that haunt us 'gainst our will , As love gives place to duty. The finer thoughts and fancies born , Ere carklng care that-found us , Theyrlse from out the misty past , And weave their spell around us. We twine our hopes round forms off clav , That fade beneath pur grasping , And death , relentless , claims the hand Our own the while is clasping. To-night we linger In'the ' post- To-morrow we shall waken . To life's stern duties , and'our stand In the front ranks be taken. 0 memories 1 fragrant of the past A perfume sweet like roses , ' Floats , out with every dreamy thought Which retrospect discloses. ' We wander in the sunny spots Where we.'asjlovers wandered , Again repeat the loving words , O'er which our hearts long pondered. But why recall these fleeting dreams , " Of those who've passed life's portal , The hopes that perished In their birth , Hopes that we deemed immortal ? The faint , sweet perfume of a flower , Like rose and Illy blended , A withered spray of heliotrope , Has called up dreams long ended. [ Lllla N. Cushman In Chicago Sun. STARTING A P4FEB. "Hello , old fellow-back-so soon ? " "Yes , " replied Colonel Mulebury , whom a friend had addressed , "and J thank all of the combined powers of de liverance that I succeeded in getting back at all. Let's stop'in here and gel some of old Tom's rye. " The colonel , with the bright bannei of high hopes blazing in the sunlight o ! enterprise , had gone to a remote sec tion of Arkansaw to establish a news paper which , as he expressed it , shoulc paralyze the natives. "Here's to you , " said the .colonel "I believe that I once heard you ex press yourself favorably concerning th ( project of electrifying the country witl a modern journal , established in one o : nature's unutilized places. Take th ( advice of an abused fool and desist. J left here full of energy , and came bacl lame and with an appetite satiated witt disgusting adventure. I loaded mj printing material on a wagon , and aftei a week's drive over a road which , com pared with other roads , is as a nighfc mare compared with a pleasant dream reached the Red Deer neighborhood. ] was greeted with suspicion by the pee pie of the village , but I attributed this to their shyness. I engaged board in t box called a hotel , where I was visitec by many of the leading citizens.- " 'Who tole you that he was a hanker in' airter a newspaper up here ? ' askec Patsy Simmons , chair bottomer and jus tice of .the peace. " 'Nobody , 'squire , ' said thatyou wen thirsting "for -paper , but knowing thi ! to be a highly intellectual community 1 naturally supposed that you wanted i mouthpiece.1 " 'Yes but dont. I , we run this cur munity , an' I'd like to see myse'f a let thi' o' a editor come hear an' rob me o the fruits o' all these years o' toil an trouble ; so , frien' , the best thing yei ken do is , ter put yer led nails an thrashin1 masheen back into , the wagii an' _ drive , the pearter the better , ter i deestrickTwhaf the sun ain't ap1 tei shine.so . hot. We're gwine to hav < some powerful hot weather here , an from the look o' your hide , yer ain'i uster no sich. ' " 'I was determined not to be fright ened by such idle threats , and I toll " " the 'Ten' " 'Yes , thought'I "would.1 " 'Good , quiet place. I've seed manj a man make his home here ; but go 01 with jer rat-killin' ef yer must. Th < bench has done give yer its 'dinion. Nt more ter say. The bench ain't nc slouch. It Uon't run all over the neigh borhood tryin' to git folks to listen tei it1 and he took his departure , leaving me somewhat disturbed in mind , and f trifle uneasy in body. "The best people in the place en couraged me , and without further conference , - ference with the justice of the peace , ] rented a very small house and began work on my paper. The magistrate did not come around again. I decided that he had softened toward me. One night , AS I sat in the office writing an editorial on the financial condition oi the country , I suddenly felt a dig in my side , so unrestrained that I thought several of iny ribs were broken. Spring ing to my feet , 1 looked around , but could see no source from whence the blow had come. I went outside and walked around the house , but saw nc one. I tried to persuade myself that it hod been a mere fancy , but hang it , my ribs were too sore for any such sup position. I returned to my work with a loaded pistol lying on the table , and occasionally 1 would nervously look around the gloomy apartment. Finally my fears subsided , and I again became interested in my work , when anothei punch , very nearly in the same anato mical locality , sent me sprawling on the floor. This time I yelled. I couldn't help it. I yelled inside of the house and I yelled outside. I yelled until my neighbors , alarmedjby my cries , ran to the scene of mysterious action. We made an extended search , but no one could be found. I had moved my bed to the office , and at last I extinguished my light and lay down. I had just fallen into an'un- comfortable doze , when 'whack' some thing struck me across the breast. ] yelled and yelled , but no one came , while something continued to pound me with increasing vigor. I drew the cover up to protect my head , and allowed the pounding to proceed. 1 thought of tne pistol , but could sec nothing. I didn't know where to aim , but I drew it out. The something struck It from my hand and the devilish thing was discharged , burying a bullet in my thigh. Then I did yell. Oh , how howled. The neighbors came again , and we looked around , but could not find the marauder. I y wound was so painful that 1 had to sendjfdr a physi cian. He came and gouged out the ball. I suspected the justice of the peace , and I expressed my suspicion , but- several men who hnrried to his house came back and reported that the old fellow was safe in bed. "I had my bed moved from the office the next day , but a printer that I had employedra fearless fellow , .sleptthere on the floor. Nothing troubled him , which tended to deepen the mystery. "One mornjng while I was eating my breakfast , the comity clerk came in and exclaimed : 'Mr. Editor , allow me to congratulate you. ' ' 'Thank ' I and you , replied , taking his hand I shook it warmly , for I thought he was complimenting the ap- earance of my paper , the Weekly cream , which , considering the amount of yelling I had done , was appropriate ly named. " 'When does it come off P' the clerh asked. "I don't understand you. When does what come off ? ' ' " ! 'attempted to walk away , but the judge stopped me. ; 'Hole on , sah , ' he said. 'Your untimely attempt at with drawal from this awful scene convinces wise men that you are guilty. " Don'i try to sneak awayr 'from this abused young creeter , sahVfdr. the handoi law , the hand of just indignation an the terrible hand of a father's revenge will fall upon yon. Stand head , sah , and take what comes. I wan't sc mightily pleased with , yer looks at first , an' I don't see how this young ga' could give you hsr love , but , howsom- ever , that ain't the question at issue What we wanter know , sah , is how an you goin1 to atone for the destructioi what you have created ? ' "My dear'sir , I.have caused no de struction. I speak truly when I tei you that I never saw this girl before to day. " "Oh , colonel , how .could you ? ' bul she broke down and hid her face in th < tails of her father's browns jeans coat .which she lifted with great emotion. " 'Thar' Puss , don't cry , ' said hei father. 'Don't cry , child , fur he ain'i the arnly man in the worl' . Let mi take you home whar yer ken go in ye ] own room an' nus yer grief. Don't trj to make him go agin' his will. Thar now , come on. " ' "Why , your marriage ! " " ' ? ' 1 . . ' 'Marriage > gasped. 'Marriagi to whom ? ' " 'To Miss Puss Simmons , daughter of Patsy Simmons , justice of thi peace. ' " 'Oh , jl see , you are trying to jok < me. ' ' "No , I'm not. Look here , ' am handing me my own paper , he pointe ( out the following paragraph. " 'The editor of this paper and Mis : Puss Simmons , the most' charming young lady in Bluff county , areengage ( to be married. It is hardly fashion able , among Gentiles , to publish en gagements , but the editor does so , de siring to impress upon the minds of th ( people of this community that he has come here to stay. ' "I could not reply ; I was. stupefiec and I sat gazing at the paper. I ares < with difficulty and limped to the office The printer was not there. I went bacl to the 'hotel' and was soon after waitec upon by 'Squire Simmons- and hii daughter , the homeliest woman1 ! evei saw. " 'Mornin' , sir ; mornin' , ' said thi 'squire. " 'I looked at him , unable to speak i work. " 'Puss wanted me ter come with he ] an' see her intended. Hope I find ye ; well. ' , . - < " 'Yes do much that , we so hope yor are well , ' Puss said , coming - up am attempting to put her hand on my arm " 'Look out , miss ; look out. I don' understand the game you are trying t ( play. ' ' "Why , colonel1 ! Puss exclaimed 'Do you pretend not to understand me and that , too , after coming to see m < unbeknowns to pap , because yoi thought he didn't like you ? Oh , colonel nel ! and before I could get out9f- the way , the devilish creature threw hei arms around me. " " 'Great goodness , miss , you don'l mean to say that I ever met you be fore ? " " 'Now don't git skeered , for paj promised me that he wouldn't hurt you Pap didn't like you at first , but when ] went to him and put my head on hu shoulder so affectionate like , he gave ir at once , didn't you pap ? " " 'Yes , for when my natural flesh and blood-loves a man , it mokes no differ ence ef we had fit each other with mor tal weepins , I would fling down my spell an' take up a smile. " My good people , ' he continued , to several par ties who had entered , -'youmust s'cuze the tender picture what you are lookin' ' on at present. My darter , an' yer all know what a lovin1 creeter she is , an' this editor , the smartest man in this community , has plighted their faith , an' at an1 airly day will jine nan's an' heaits in marriage. Don't say a word , editor'gentlyshoving me back when I stepped forward and attempted to speaK. 'Don't say a word , for these fren's o' mine know what it is to be bashful like under the influence o' de voted love. Not a word outen yer , an' I want yer to understand that if it is yer heart's desire , an' yer have so ex pressed yerself , to be united at onct , why I won't make no kick. I know , gentlemen , that it is hard to part with a young creeter like this , but'when she gives her love , the straight and un scathed ticket o' her affections , ter a man what is in every way worthy ter be her husband an' my son-in-law , why I give in at onct. " "By this time quite a crowd had col lected. I was so confused that it was some tune before I could speak , and even then I felt that my silence had but given approval to the rascal's words. At last ! said : My newly found friends , I hope that you will give me a chance to correct this terrible mistake. I pledge you my word that I never saw this young lady until to-day. I am not the author of that disgusting engage ment notice which appears in my papei to-day , but it is the trickery of a schem ing "printer , the vile fool ol * this man here , who outrages- justice by mas querading as justice'Of the peace.1 " 'Feller citizens do you hear that ? ' exclaimed old Simmons. " ; Yes , dq.you hear that ? ' whimpered Miss'puss , 'and that , too , after gairiin1 my heart's affections. Will'my friends desert'me in this , my soul's-darkest hour ? ' and she put her head on rascally father's shoulder and sobbed. . "I call on the mea what looted me,1 said ojd Simmons in a broken voice , 'ter see the wrong righted. Darter , don't tar yer-tender - heart with this weepiu.1 Stan' up and face him like a man,1 and indeed slje did , jm- oressing me more with the idea that she was .a man , a.yery nngentiemanly man , than that she was a woman. ' " 'This is mighty strange affair , ' said the county judge , who had put in an ap pearance. 'I don't know that nothin' like it ever happened of ore'in my juris diction , but the strangeness of it don't tend in no way to-excuse the , man , fur when a man wins the love of a woman , if thar , an' it kain't be helped I don't like to interfere in matters of this sort , but I'll be blamed if this county is goin' to stand quietly by an1 seVone of its fairest darters imposed on. I'm a father myself , and when that red-headed feller from over the swamp gained the love of my darter Luco an1 then' tried ter run away , why , I follered him'with a shotgun , an1 compelled him ter seek , refuge in her lovin1 arm. This here edi- tor man come amongst us thinkin1 that he knew it all. He thought that we was slouches and yaps. . The fust tiding he done in his paper was ter gin me advice about the financial affairs of this here county. This , feller citizens , is a privilege that I don't allow no1 man , an' especially ter ! a stranger. I , believe he's guilty. I know in reason that he has gained the 'factions of this here young creetur , for a woman ain't the pusson ter take on.like this lessen , something has been said. I think that I have about'as mnch influence'in this county as any other man , an' blame ef I don't raise the war cry again this chap an1 make him marry the gal. ' ' "Oh , thank you for them kind words , ' Puss replied , lifting her red eyes. 'You have a kind heart , judge , and know ivhat it "is to be deceived. I know wimmen air weak and often love when they should hate , but oh , we can't help it. Although my darlin' here has deceived me ; yet I love him , oh , I love him , and I will sink down into an untimely grave if I do not mar- ly him. ' " 'Do not take me away,1 she im plored. 'Do not let him pass forever from my sight. ' " " 'No , 'squire , don't take her away,1 said the judge. 'In seemin1 justice to man , a father is sometimes unjust to his darter. We all ken see that her heart is broke , an' if possible we shall see it mended. Bring the pa'r to my office an' I will marry them. ' " 'Oh , delightful love , ' exclaimed Pass. 'Oh , blissful .union ! Oh , noble judge that"you air. Darling,1 turning to me , and I g ew sick. I contem plated flight , for I saw that the old jedge was desperately in earnest. "Come , " said the high official , and he took hold of my shoulder. -l " 'In a moment ; allow me to wash my face and hands. " " 'Certainly , but be quick. ' ' "I'll be ' and quick , springing through the doorway , I bounded over the ground like a deer. Oh , but I flew I was followed for several miles , but my fright gave me wonderful speed. After traveling two days without a thing to eat , I stopped at a cross road store , and while devouring a can of cove oysters , I heard a familiar voice in an adjoining room. I moved up close 'to the thin .partition , and heard the fol lowing : "Yes , he went out and started a paper. An old justice of the peace didn't want him there , and concluded to frighten him away" so while the editor was at supper , the 'squire went to the office and cut a large hole in the wall. That night , while * the editor was writing , the old fellow slipped up , and with a hoopole punched the gentleman. It almost scared'him to death , but he finally went to work again. The old man gave him another punch and he howled and ran out. The 'squire crawled under the house and escaped observation. After awhile the editor went to bed and the 'squire lammed him black and blue with the pole. He drew a pistol from under his pillow and the 'squire accidentally knocked the thing out of his hand. It went off and would have wounded him seriously had not the ball passed through several quilts. The device failed , and the old fellow tried another game. He gave me ten dollars to slip in a no tice announcing the engagement of the editor and Miss Puss , the old square's d aughter. I laid around out of sight , but keeping my eye on the situation. The old man took his girl to the editor and they had a lively time. The county judge , who did not understand the1 joke , declared that the editor should marry the girl well , in short the edi tor hopped out , and regardless of his wounded leg , ran .like a greyhound. Don't blame him for running , for she is the ugliest girl in the state. The of fice , you see , has fallen to me , and as I served the old 'squire a good turn , he , is going to allow me to run a paper. " I contemplated mashing the printer's head , but he was a powerful fellow. L was4 afraid he might take me back and deliver me to the judge. Give me some more -rye , Tom. Young fellow , don't go out in the mountains and start a newspaper. " "I won't. Here's to you. " [ Opie- Read in New York Mercury. How to Regain a Husband's Love. All onto wn ( Pa. ) Chronicle. A young woman in Easton who thought she was losing her husband's affection , went to a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter for a love pow der. The mystery woman told her : "Get a raw piece of beef , cut flat , about half an inch thick. Slice an onion in two and rub the meat on both sides with it. Put on pepper and salt and toast it on each side over a red coal fire. Drop on it three lumps of butter and two sprigs of parsley and get him to eat it. " The young wife did so , and her husband loved her ever after. * Gladstone In Private Life. Upplncott's Magazine. - * . I saw Mr , Gladstone first when he was about sixty years of age. Happen ing to ait very near him at a ' dinner party , I had.a good opportunity of ex amining his appearance closely and of making mental notes of his conversa tion. I had heard him 'called "a sloven , " but it struck me that her was even scrupulously neat , from the arrangement " rangement of ,1ns"alrpady , thinned locks , to that of the' small bouquet in his button-hole ; and during the number of years that Iliad the good fortune of seeing him from time to time the same dare was always apparent. The most noticeable point about'Mr. Gladstone's physique is his' immense head , the ex treme development ofthe , superciliary ridge giving his dark eyes doubly the appearance of being deeply set. I had seen many photographs of the states man , in'all of which the likeness was striking , but all of which more or less exaggerated peculiarities and gave the impression of a remarkably plain , al most a repulsive person ; whereas at the period to which 1 refer he was really a handsome man ; the women all thought so , and with their 'hero ' worship there mingled a good deal of personal ad miration. Mr. Gladstone affected no mysterious reserve in speaking of the political questions of the day ; he was frank and evidently sincere. While avowedly the champion of the people , he occasionally made remarks of a startlingly conservative character. I heard him say , when some one present of ' 'weeding the spoke lightly upper House of the spiritual Lords. " > "No , no ; not one bishop could be spared. " He thought that in schools "those youths should be class mates whose similar position in society wonld bring them in contact later in life. " He remarked quite earnestly to a lady sitting beside him : "I am sorry you like Cromwell ; I like Charles the ' 'First. " He spoke with affectionate reverence of the present royal family , evidently appreciating not only their public position - ( tion , but their private virtues , j His manner , nevertheless , had a re publican simplicity , and when a chord was touched which the inalienable rights of man aibrated , his eye kindled and flashed , t while his tongue poured , forth an eloquent appeal , or protest , as 'it might , be , and he showed himself a 'true liberal. . , Mr. Gladstone is loved by Tiis friends ! as jirmly as he is hated by his enemies. [ In society he is very popular , in a great measure because he assumes no air of ( superiority , is entirely free from arro gance , and never monopolizes the con versation. He listens , patiently and even politely to a bore , never showing weariness. He is not at all unwilling that another star should shine where he , shines , and no diversion of attention * from himself ever appears to awake his uneasiness. I was present on one occasion at a table at which the famous but somewhat eccen tric Prof. Blackie sat next but one to Mr. Gladstone. The professor , who is very energetic and vociferous , brandished - dished his arms while he was speaking , and that so wildly that a lady who was seated between the two distinguished men had more than once to draw sud denly back to avoid his clinched hand striking her face. He interrupted Mr. Gladstone's remarks several times , the interruption being borne with perfect equanimity and met by a smile , not of superiority , buc of indulgenc3 for the "God-intoxicated . " The - man. subject under discussion was one which both men had much at heart Greece and its modern explorers. Mr. Gladstone told me that he ap proved of every one doing a portion of manual labor a practice which he has always observed himself and encour aged in those about him. Tp this habit a good deal of the vigor of his old age is doubtless due. Speaking of physical powers , he once said to me : "I think I preserve my strength by husbanding it ; if I am obliged to sit up late at night , I always rise proportion ately late the following morning ; and I never do , and never have done , a stroke of work on Sunday. " On another occasion we were discus sing the use and abuse of wine. He said , on being questioned ' . 'When I am at mental work , I re quire and take a certain portion of wine ; but I can , and do , work hard with my hands while only taking water. " It was generally at dinner parties that I met the prime minister , and I noticed that he was a very moderate eater and drinker , yet without the least affectation of abstemiousness. The topic of conversation at one din ner party which I remember was Bis marck. For a time Mr. Gladstone was silent , then suddenly turned to me , say ing : "If Cavour had had the same theatre as Bismarck he would have been a more distinguished man. " About his sixty-eighth or sixty-ninth year the great statnsman began to look old ; he did not stoop , his step had not lost firmness , but his face became deep ly lined , furrowed and careworn , his eye less bright , though it could still flash with suddenly lit fire. As a man , there is none better living ; his whole career in private life' has been one of austere virtue. The Girls and Tight Lacing. Clara Belle , In Cincinnati Enquirer. A girl who has just returned from London , tells me that , in the health ex hibition there , one of the exhibits was meant to depict the horrors of tight lacing. A waxen figure was subjected , for the purpose of divulging the secrets of the ladies' torture chamber , to a compression to the girth which a woman may , with proper self-respect , measure around the waist. The suffering of the dummy , inaudible , save for the creak ing of the machinery , which , in the forcible compression of the waist , might well be mistaken for groans , were quite terrible in their realism , but the female spectators laughed instead of being in structed. The fact is that the old cur mudgeons who take corsets as a text for sermons against us are very far behind. Injuriously tight squeezing of the waist is rare , indeed , nowadays. "The com ing man and woman , " says Die Lewis , "will be just as large at the waist as at any other part of the body. " What an old fool ! Did he ever see a Fiji Island woman ? I have. She had never been compressed by so much as a calico wrapper , and yet her waist bad a goodly taper to it. Pretty soon Lewis will be demanding legs as big at the ankles as at the calves. And when that same ness of outline is produced by bigness of ankle ratherjthan smallness of calf , I hope he will be satisfied , for surely the owner won't. The New Pension Office. The Century. The government is erecting on Judi ciary square , in Washington , a large structure for the exclusive u e of the pension office , for which congress has already appropriated $44.0,000. It is four hundred ieet .long and two hun dred feet wide , the .height being three stories , with a vast central sky-light rising a full story above the roof of the third story and lighting the court. Thereof roof of theMnclosed court is supported by two rows of enormous columns. This court , with its triple colonnade on all sides , promises to be the best archi tectural feature of the edifice , which from the exterior suggests a , temporary exhibition building , by the cheapness of its material and decorations. The entire structure is of brick , and the cornices and frieze are of terra cotta. Between the first and second stories a yellow band , or frieze , three feet in height , is carried entirely round the building , and on this are represented scenes from military and naval life infantry , artillery and cavalry on the march , wounded men , sailors in boats , etc. This much at-least can be said in praise of the figures , that they are not the stereotyped soldiers and sailors ol the picture nooks , but seem to have been designed by some one who has seen actual warfare. They are too small , however , to be effective. The building is not yet far advanced , but one or two things are clear : it will have the beauty of usefulness , which is lacking in so many of our public structures , and it will bo a wide de parture from the classical ideas that , jong dominated our government archi tects. For the purpose of providing a large number of well-lighted and well- ventilated office-rooms , the plan seems an excellent one. The architect is Gen. Meigs , formerly quartermaster- general of the army. The Convention Reporter. Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette. In great modern gatherings , like the late Chicago convention , there is no place more interesting than that dedi cated to the journalists. There are wit and humor , quick joke and light ning repartee , keen and merciless criti cism , intuitive judgments irreverently proclaimed , and responsive apprecia tion of merit and ability , and a'refresh- ing absence of any prejudice or self- interest. As Mr. flalstead remarked from Chicago , the vanity of some ol the great inen would wither like leaves in a flame could they hear the running fire of criticism from the press tables , where are gathered the bright lights of our daily literature. The demagogue is promptly taken into camp and aassed from mouth to mouth. The strainer for effect is profanely hauled over the coals , and the minister who opens the convention with prayer is fiercely as sailed for using an ungrammatical ex pression in addressing the throne of Grace. For the palpitating orator and states man ignorance of the conversation in the press section is bliss , and it is well for his self-conceit that when he sub sides it is into the bosom of his friends and companions , from whom he hears nothing but compliments and words of approbation. The press gathering at Chicago was notable one , and probably not a jour nal in the land was unrepresented there , and the list included a large ma jority of the most famous names in the newspaper profession. The character of the work turned out from this hot , tumultuous busy , is remarkably thmk-and-work-shop good when we consider that the pen cils go rapidly on with hardly a pause while the jokes and criticisms with or namental expletives circulate , and the din is incessant , and , " betimes , the great convention is roaring like a storm at sea. Indeed , some of the brightest and most interesting , as well as pic turesque , reports are ground out under these circumstances and at a fever heat of inspiration and exhileration. . Suicide and Sleeplessness. London Lancet. The circumstances attending the death of the Dean of Bangor albeitthey are infinitely distressing present no novel features. The reverend gentle man was a man of considerable intellec tual "power , " which is the same thing as saying that he was constitutionally liable to intervals of mental depres sion. All highly intellectual men are exposed to this evil. A pendulum will always swing just as far in one direc tion as it does in the other. Great power of mind implies also great weak ness under certain conditions. The marvel is not that great minds occas ionally become deranged , but they so often escape derangement. Sleepless ness means not merely unrest , but star vation of the cerebrum. The briin cannot recuperate , or , in other _ words , it cannot rest. Physiologically , recu peration and rest are the same thing. Sleep is simply physiological rest. The only cause for regret in these cases is that the blunder should ever be committed of supposing that a stupefy ing drug which throws the brain into a condition that mimics and burlesques sleep can do good. It is deceptive to give narcotics in case of this type. The stupor simply masks the danger. Bet ter far let the insomnious patient ex haust himself than stupefy him. Chlor al , bromide and the rest of the poisons that produce a semblance of sleep are so many snares in such cases. Sleep lessness is a malady of the most for midable character , but it is not to be treate'd by intoxicating the organ upon which the stress of the trouble falls. Suicide , which occurs at the very out set of derangement , arfd is apt to ap pear a sane act , is the logical issue of failure of nutrition that results from want of sleep. It is curious to note bow a sleepless patient will set to work r -3 f4 T with all the calmness and forethought of intelligent sanity to compass nis death. Ho is not insane in anv techni cal sense. He has no delusion. He does not act , or suppose himself to act , .under an "influence. " Ho simply wants to die , and perhaps not until after ho has made an.attempt to .kill himself will he exhibit any of the for mulated symptoms of mental disease. The Typical fla * Boy. B.U. Keller , In Utlca Press. In behalf of that much-abused "bad boy , " I am constrained to 'take np.the pen in defense. In the first place he isn't halt so black as ho is painted. I am well aware of the fact that , as a rule , ho is not a favorite of susceptible ladies of questionable age , who abhor or pretend to anything in the shape of manly breeches. To such , the bad boy is a terror , and he knows it ; if he didn't , he'd cease to make .himself so everlastingly odious in their estimation. Let the bad boy know to a surety that you dislike him , and you open up a channel of tribulations that is produc tive of much disaster , especially if yau own" an orchard , a gate that can be lifted from the hinges , or a dog with a tail long enough to fasten a can to/ There is much truth in the old adage , "You can catch more flies with molas ses than you can with vinegar. " The proverbial "bad boy" is just like one of those self-same flies. Give him a dose of molasses and you win him for life ; but one drop of vinegar , and he is your relentless foe. As a true and devoted friend , the "bad boy" is a success ; as an enemy , he is as great a success. In his ever-working brain are schemes which will cause your hair to rise in horror ; and in that same brain are gendered acts of kindness which are capable - pable of thrilling your heart to the very core. Some oue says that the "bad boy" has too much rope. If he has you are tp blame. You give him the wrong sort of rope. It is full of hard , cross- grained , sour , vindictive knots. If you had given him rope of a different ma terial there would be no danger of his dropping suddenly from the end of it. I am acquainted with one of the sweetest dispositioned boys in all the world. He is bright , quick , and a per fect little gentleman when you treat him as a human being should be. He will go a mile out of his way to assist a cripple over the fence ; he will go as far to fasten a can to Brown's dog's tail. Brown has cartloads of apples ; he'd rather see them rot upon the ground than give one to the "bad boy. " He wouldn't give a boy an apple for any thing. Oh , no ; not he. He hates boys ; they're a nuisance , he says. The re sult is , his dog chases his nose often to rid himself of the disagreeble , rattling can fastened to his tail. There is a poor old lady who lives all alone in n. little cottage just across the road from the "bad boy's" home. That boy never goes to school without dropping in to see if the old lady has plenty of wood in the box. Call him a bad boy in her presence , and she'll quickly tell you that the world would be better with lots more of just such bad boys it in. I am no admirer of that personifica tion of goody-goody boy who never did a bad thing in all his life. He isn't a boy ; he's only a little machine , wound up to go for , say ten , twenty years. Then , when he is for the first time really tempted , the cogs refuse to move and the wheels no longer revolve with their wonted smoothness ; a bolt drops out and he falls. When the goody- goody boy falls it is a long , long foil , and it takes years to recover his lost prestige. I detest and hate that evil- minded boy who has never the sign of a redeeming quality about him. He helps fill the prisons early in life ; yet there may be extenuating circumstances surrounding his case ; if so , let those who bear him near kinship begin to practice early , or else prison bars , rope and scaffold ! But the proverbial "bad boy , " the boy of rollicking laugh ter , rosy cheeks , the boy who will help a poor old woman over the gutter , then hasten away to attach a ticktack to some Miss Snodgross' window , is a per son I've always loved. This sort of boy makes things lively when he's" growing ; but grown up what a model ! Beading Aloud. South and West. A very pleasant habit for home life is bhat of reading aloud some pleasant book in the evenings , and if the selec tion of the book is wise it certainly makes the home circle very attractive , and lightens the drudgery of the moth er , who often sits after tea with her basket of stockings to be darned , and who has a dreary time if each member of the family who does not go out takes bis or her paper or book , as I have of- ien seen , and subsides into their own interesting reading , leaving her to her own meditations. A book read aloud at home gets a charm apart from itself sometimes ; its very name will conjure up in our memories scenes in the far past the pleasant family circle , then , perhaps , unbroken , the cheerful fire side , and frequently , too , the comments upon what is being read which add to ; he interest and give a newer insight. The same association applies to a piece of work which is in operation while any book is being read. longevity of Boston Editors. Boston Journal. The longevity of Boston editors and jublishers has been somewhat marked , ilajor Ben Russell , of the Columbian Sentinel , lived to the age of eighty- ihree years and four months. Hon. Joseph T. Buckingham , of the Boston Courier , was eighty-one years and four months. Wm. W. Clapp , of the Satur day Evening Gazette , was eighty-two rears and six months. Hon. Nathan 3ale , of the Advertiser , was seventy- eight years six months. That Colonel Greene , who enjoys a hale old age , will surpass the record of any of the above , who were his cotemporaries , is the wish of his many friends. Sincerity is like traveling in a plain , beaten road , which commonly brings a nan sooner to his journey's end than > y-ways , in which men of ten lose them selves. [ Tillotaon.