McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, June 19, 1884, Image 1
OK WEEKLY TRIB VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 19 , 1884. NUMBER 3. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATIC LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LA773 , 2csitcr. C. F. BAECOCH , Itscsivcr. 4 OFKICI : llouits : Fnini .I A. > I. to J2 M. , and " 1 to-ll * . 31. , mountain time. J. M. COCIIKAX , ATTORNEY AT LAW , lIcGOOH , BED WILLOW COU1TI7 , USB. I'raotleo iifsmy Courts of Iliustiitcsuiil ICt sus , niirt the frnvoriiinont Land OiliciJ of this District , mid before tlio Laml Dcpurtiiicnt at Wiisliliifjion. Satisfaction KimrutiU'ud , ami terms reasonable. OHicc 1st doorswutli of the U. S. Land Ullice. ---H. JENNINGS & STA1113IJCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAAV , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Will Rh < ; Hjwliil utlciillun t < the pi.iclici ; or law , anil.makliiK collection * . tSfOlllcc Secomllilwclniorlli of ilcpt't- ' ui iiortl" " Green's drug store. - " - JOIIN A. LKE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. it sincl Wnrkmmisliip guaranteed. Alsw ascnt ftrllic Wheeler A : Wilton Sowing Machine. PAGE T. FUAXCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil hinds in tlic Hitchcock land district. Special attention trivcH to all such Imsincss. Correspondence solicited. - ' - 2. L. LEK JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Graduate IScdical Dorartacst UdvoKily W stor. OFFICK : Two doors east of tlic. Tribune Ollicc , vrliere he can lie found when not pro fessionally engaged. IJesidcnce , corner of .Jellerson and Madison streets DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - JCEBUASKA. 1 will be found at S. L. Green's Drug1 Store for the present. All orders left there will re ceive prompt attention. T. E. STUTZMAN , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , - XKIUIASKA. Ofilco one door cast of Tin : TKIIHI.M : office , where nil calls will receive iromit ) attention , iluy or night. DH. A. J. WILLED SURGEON 13. & M. Railroad. tOl'TICL' AT 1) . & M. rilAKMACV , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. LOFFICE AT MCCOOK HOTEL. ] J-jSTreservatitm ftf tlltj specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. .lobbing will receive prompt attention atmy bh pen on Ui'imlfon St. , opposite McCook House. 1'laiii and tpeci Heat ions furnished if desired. COXGDOX & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. "A11 jobs promptly attended to. C. L. XETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the tliird Saturday of every month , commencinjr at ft o'clock. A. M. -5-t f. W. M. SA3DEHSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooic , - NEBRASKA. 11 work guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM McIXTYKE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. AVork done on thort notice. I1TXMAN & CO. , Painter ? , Gminers , Paper Hangers McCOOK.36. . NEBRASKA , ; 2'De''ls3is furnl-lieil for Ceiling Decorations either in paper or Fresco Tnlntinp. BARBER SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Ha" opened up a Uarbcr Shop on "West Dcmilfon ritrcct McCook , Xch. , where he Is aide to do Sim lag , Hair Drc.-s-Injr , etc. . at all tlnic Ladies and chlld- ri-n's hair die sing a specialty. Call and become .IACK50X TUIHJS. A. C. TOWXE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , - XK1JRAS5KA. H"s for sale Deeded Uinds , Timlier Claims and Homesteads. Alto , will locate parties on Govern- inent Land. W. 0. LaTOUBETTE , | | D JO A LI' ] II. IN | | - MARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Y7illow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED , Sign or JJIG AX. Three Peers South P. 0. McCOOK. NEBRASKA. FBI -GENERAL DEALERS IX- Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Best AVacon in tlie Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store. Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then , only 011 Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night , Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , THE CITIZEN'S ' BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENE11AL- Collcctions made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Ecsidents. Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal property. Tire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- .T.\V. DOLA3 , * , President. Pirst N\tionsil Bunk. Lincoln , Xcl > . V. FItANKLIN , Vice rrcsir.ont. Chase National Bank , New York. \f. F. WALLACE , Cashier. A YOim : poetess says she "toh her secret to the sweet wild roses. ' She was very imprudent. AVlicn the sweet wild roses "blow" she will wisl she had kept her secret to herself. OLD lady to druggist 1 want a box of canine . " ' pills. Druggist "What' : the matter with the dog 'i Old lady ( indignantly ) I want you to know , sir , that my husband is a gentleman ! Druggist puts up some quinine pills in profound silence. MAXV do not clearly understand what the foot and mouth disease is. Tlie Iowa Falls Sentinel explains as follows : Any person- who loves to peddle slander , and who make it a point , when they here bad things , to trot oil' and tell others , is afflicted with the foot and mouth disease. Ax unsophisticated and ingenious exchange tells of a lady "whose hair touches the mmmd when it is unloos- O ened. " The editor should know that there are many ladies who have hair that would touch the sidewalk from a fifth-story window when it is unloos ened , if they didn't hang itipon a nail , or a chair , or the floor , or some thing. A DIXIXU-UOOM girl writes to the Atclu'son Globe as follows : "Nine out of every ten men who enter a hotel din ing room imagine that they are so stun ning that the girl waiters will follow them anywhere , and that the sweet things they say are entirely original and cunning. These youths are hereby informed that they all talk the same drivel and that the waiters arc always disgusted. There is some excuse for the young men , but when the old married men come in , and go through the same programme , I experience such a disgust that I feel like breaking into my own trunk. The old married man whn imag ines that he is devilish sly and gay is usually mean to his wife and children ; I have no use for him. ' ' Ouu modern female dress reformers imagine they are starting a new cru sade against old follies. But they are mistaken. A hundred years ago and nore there was a more determined Avar on female arts and vanities than low , but the little enticements seem ; o have come out more than conquer ors. Witness the following parlia mentary decree which was solemnly massed and duly registered under Iving- Louis XV. : "AYhosoever , by neans of red or Avhite paint , perfumes , essences , artificial teeth , false hair , otlon "wool , iron corsets , hoops , shoes with high heels , or false hips shall seek to entice into the bonds of uarriage any male subject of his najesty , shall be prosecuted for witchcraft and declared incapable of uatriinony. " There is nothing new under the sun. SLJVJ-YOI : GJCXJJAL ATKIXSOX , of Xew lexico , is still finfhtiiio- for his * j cj etention in office. lie has sent Col. Breeden , attorney general of New Mexico , all the way to "Washington to plead in his behalf. Col. Breeden iias the audacity to say that General Atkinson , in the disposition of hard ascs , has secured to the government during his ofrici xl career over 3,000- )00 acres of domain , that he has ac quired an experience and familiarity with Xew Mexico land owners , which it would require a new man many years to do , and that General Atkinson lias been not only a faithful but an lionest official and should be retained. This is indeed an audadious statement in view of the fact that Atkinson is he notorious head and front of a riii"O - of land-grabbers and plunderers com posed of such men as Steve Elkins : ind Steve Dorsev. The retirement / of Atkinson means the exposure of the crooked operations of the whole o-ang , and hence the desperate fight in his behalf. Atkinson has played a crh hand in Xew Mexico , as well as a biir irame of poker , and is charged with misdemeanors of all sorts that ou"'ht to have been the caiibC of his removal long ago. Ilis commission expired last winter , and his further retention in office is not in the interest of honest government and public morals. IIcTis altogether too familiar with the big- land owners of Xew Mexico. Bee. IN THE FAR WEST And Offer Rare Chances FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN ADD SPECULATOR . THE TOWN OF MeSOOK ' In Red Willow County , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , and lots in tlie market , i'or just one year and lias now a population of 1000 people. This point lias been designated by the C./B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other K. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the 'facilities for comfort possessed of old cities. Lots wiD range in price from $150 to $500 i'or business lots , and $50 to200 for residence lots. The history of points Like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. 0. PHILLIPS , Or'W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. J WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER DI MAKE A SPECIALTY OF H. W. PIKE , McCOOK , Red Willow County , - ARAPAHOE WARRANTED TO BE H NEST 1C THE MARKET. - & > FOR SALE HAYDEN if CO , AGENTS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. i s | Bf 4 P3 * j riiim , O O CJ vT . , tc v : M"k k : o j , COv CD = s j C o v ; Q o c -n X . C. ' p P J. E. BERGER. Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB.