McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, June 12, 1884, Image 7

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But Little Business Transacted
in Congress During the
Past Week.
Most ot the Members Being al
Chicago in Attendance Upon
the Convention.
Action in the House Looking to Finnl
Adjournment-Miscellaneous Wash
ington Matters.
MONDAY , June 2. Mr. Sherman pre
sented a memorial request from the board
of directors of the Cincinnati Industrial ex-
posion for an appropriation of $25,000 to
aid in the work or the exposition.
A number of bills , being unobjectcd to ,
were passed , including the following :
The house bill fixing the rate of postage
on mail matter of the second class , when
sent by persons other than publishers or
news agents.
The fallowing resolutions were pre
sented by Stockslager : Calling on the sec
retary of the interior for the name of all
persons with whom contracts have been
made for furnishing Indian supplies ; also
a resolution calling on thu secretary of war
for similar information relative to army sup
By Eldridge , fixing the 23d of June as the
data of final adjournment.
The house took up the legislative appro
priation bill with the amendments reported
by the committee of the whole. The
amendments prohibiting committee clerks
from performing work of a private charac
ter for members , was rejected. The
amendment exempting all distilleries which
mash ten bushels or less from the opera
tion of the provisions of title 85. revised
statutes , except as to payment of tax , was
adopted yeas 118 ; nays 74. The remain
ing amendments were agreed to and the
bill passed.
TUESDAY , June 8. On motion of
Ingalls , it was resolved that when the sen
ate adjourned to-day it will be till Friday
next , in accordance with the unanimous
understanding of yesterday.
The senate proceeded to the considera
tion of the calendar of cases unobjected to.
Among the bills read the third time and
passed were the following :
Bill introduced by Conger granting an
nual leave of absence , with pay , to letter
carriers. As introduced it provided for
thirty days' leave , but the senate commit
tee on postofQces and post roads recom
mended that a vacation , without stoppage
of pay , be made fifteen days instead of
thirty. The bill was amended to correspond
spend with the recommendation of the com
mittee , and then passed. It authorizes the
postmaster general to employ a number of
substitute letter carriers , rendered neces
sary by the provisions of the bill , the com
pensation of such substitutes to be at the
rate of $600 a year.
The senate , after passing sixty-two bills ,
Payson , (111. ) as a question of privi
lege , called , up the bill to prevent unlawful
occupancy of public lands. After discus
sion the bill passed. It prohibits the en
closing of any public land when the person
or corporation making the enclosure has no
claim or 'color of title to the land , and
makes it lawful for any person to tear down
and demolish any Mich enclosure when it
encloses more than 160 acres.
THURSDAY , June 5. The'house proceeded -
ceeded to vote on the California and Oregon
land grant forfeiture bill with a result of ,
yeas 145 , nays 6. No quorum.
A call of the house disclosed the presence
of 210 members and the bill was passed.
Twenty-five democrats and thirteen
republicans took part in the proceedings of
the senate on the 2d. Ninety-five measures
were brought up , of which forty were
passed. This is the greatest day's work of
the session , and very few days in past ses
sions show a larger record. Among the
senators present were Edmunds , Sherman ,
Logan , Hawley and Allison.
Private telegrams received in. this
city and Baltimore from Benjamin , an
employe of the light house service , dated
Dayton Florida , June 2 , via. Astoria ,
Florida , announcing that General 0. E.
Babcock , engineer of the Fifth lieht house
district ; Levi P. Lockey , his chief clerk
( formerly assistant private secretary of
President Grant , ) and Benjamin P. Suter ,
of "Washington , were drowned Saturday in
Mosquito inlet , off the coast of Florida ,
while superintending the work on a lieht
house being erected at that point. The
iody of Babcock only was discovered.
The bulletin announcing the pur
port of the republican platform relative to
the tariff , adopted at Chicago , created more
interest among members of the house than
any other bulletin from Thursday's meet
ing of the convention. Mr. Morrison says
the plank means that the republicans will
keep all they have got and get all they can.
That they will raise the tax on tin plate ,
cotton ties , and a few other things. Mr.
Carlisle says , "The action of the conven
tion is the completest riddle of the ques
tion. "
The secretary of war has received
the following details of the drowning of
Gen. Babcock : Gen. Babcock , with the
clerks of the Fifth and Sixth lighthouse
districts , arrived on the tender Pharos off
Mosquito inlet June 2d. A whalebo t ,
with seven men , went off to him about 7
o'clock. On her return Babcock and party
embarked in her to come ashore. On the
outer bar breakers the steering oar was
broken , and the boat filled and capsized.
The general held on to the boat until she
reached the shore breakers , when he and
all hands were torn from the boat , and he ,
with three others , were drowned.
As Unanimously Adopted by the National
Convention in Chicago.
The republicans of the United States , in
national convention assembled , renew their
allegiance to the principles upon which they
have triumphed in six successive presiden
tial elections and congratulate the American
people on the attainment of so many results
in legislation and administration , by which
Y the republican party has , after saving the
union , done so mnch to render its institu
tions ] H6t , equal and beneficient ; the safe
guard of liberty and the embodiment of the
best thought and highest purposes of our
citizens. The republican party has gained
its strength by quick and faithful response
to the demands of the people for freedom
and the equality of men , for a united nation-
assuring the rights of all citizens , for the
elevation of labor , for an honest currency ,
for purity In legislation , and for Integrity
and accountability in nil departments of the
government ncl it accepts anew the du'y o
leading In the work of progress and reform.
Wo lament the death of [ 'resident Garfield ,
whoso sound KtttcsmanBhip long consplclom
in congress gave promise of a strong anc
successful administration , a promise fully
realized during the short period of bin office
as President of the Unit-id States. Ills dis
tinguished HUCCtHH in war and peace have
endeared him to the hearts of the American
people. In the adm nistration of President
Arthur we recognize a wise , conHcrvativc
and patriotic policy , under which the coun
try has bcon blessed with remarkable pros
perity. We believe bis services are entiled
to and will receive the hearty approval of
every citizen.
It is the first duty of a good government
to protect the rights and promote the inter
ests of its own people. The largest diversity
of industry is most productive of general
prottperity. "We , therefore , demand that
the imposition of duties on foreign imports
shall be made , not for revenue only , but
that in raiding the requisite revenues lor
the government , such duties shall be so
levied as to afford security to our diversi
fied industries and protection to the rights
and.wages of the laborer , to the end that
active'and intelligent labor , as well aa cap
ital , may have its just reward and the la
boring man his full share in the national
prosperity. Against the so-called eco
nomic system of the democratic party ,
which would degrade our labor to the for
eign standard , we enter our earnest pro
test. The democratic party has failed com
pletely to relieve our people of the burden
of unnecessary taxation by a wise reduction
of surplus. The republican party pledges
itself to protect the inequalities of the tar
iff and to reduce the surplus , not by the
vicious and indiscriminate process of hori
zontal reduction , but by such methods as
will relieve the taxpayer without injuring
the laborer or the great productive inter
ests of the country-
"We recognize the importance of sheep
husbandry in the United States , the seri
ous depression which it is now experienc
ing and the danger threatening its future
prosperity , and we therefore respect the
demand of the representatives of this im
portant agricultural interest for a readjust
ment of duty upon foreign wool , in order
that such industry shall have full and ade
quate protection.
We have always recommended the best
money known to the civilized world , and
we urge that efforts should be made to unite
all commercial nations in the establishment
of an international standard which shall fix
for all the relative value of gold and silver
The regulation of commerce with foreign
nations and between the states is one of the
most important prerogatives of the general
government , and the republican party dis
tinctly announces its. purpose to support
such legislation as will fully and efficiently
carry out the constitutional power of con
gress over inter-state commerce. The prin
ciple of the public regulations of railroad
corporations is a wise and salutary one for
the protection of all classes of the people ,
and we favor such legislation as shall pre
vent unjust discrimination and excessive
charges for transportation , and that shall
secure to the people and the railways alike
the fair and equal protection of the law.
We favor the establishment of a national
bureau of labor , the enforcement of the
eight hour law , a wise and judicious system
of general education by adequate appro
priation from the national revenues , where-
over the same is needed. We believe that
everywhere the protection to a citizen of
American birth must be secured to citizens
by American adoption , and we favor the
settlement of national differences by inter
national arbitration. The republican party ,
having its birth in a hatred of slave labor
and a desire that all men may be free and
equal , is unalterably opposed to placing our
workingmen in competition with any form
of servile labor , whether at home or abroad.
In this spirit we denounce contract labor ,
whether from Europe or Asia , as an offense
against the spirit of American institutions ,
and we pledge ourselves to sustain the pres
ent law restricting Chinese immigration and
to provide such further legislation as is nec
essary to carry out its purposes.
The reform of the civil service so auspic
iously begun under republican administra
tion should be completed by the further ex
tension of the reformed system already
established by law to all the grades of the
service to which it is applicable. The spirit
and the purpose of the reform should be
observed in all extensive appointmentsand
all laws at variances with the objects of ex
isting reformed legislation should be re
pealed , to the end that the dangers to free
institutions which lurk in the power of of
ficial patronage may be wisely and effective
ly avoided.
The public lands are a heritage of the people
ple of the United States , and should be re
served as far as possible for small holding
by actual settlers. We are opposed to the
acquisition to large tracts of these lands by
corporations or individuals , especially where
such in the hands of
holdings are nonresident
dent aliens , and we will endeavor to obtain
such legislation as will tend to correct this
We demand of congress the speedy for
feiture of all land grants which have lapsed
by reason of non compliance with acts of
incorporations , in all cases where there has
been no attempt in good faith to perform
the conditions ot such grants.
The grateful thanks of the American reo-
ple are due to the union soldiers and sailors
of the late war , and the republican party
stands pledged to suitable pensions for all
who were disabled and for the widows and
orphans of those who died in the war. The
republican party also pledges itself to the
repeal of the limitation contained in the ar
rears act of 1879 , so that all invalid soldiers
shall share alike and their pensions begin
with the date of disability or discharge and
not with the date of the application.
The reuublican party favors a policy
which shall keep us from entangling alli
ances with foreign nations and which gives
us the right to expect that foreign nations
shall refrain from meddlingin American af
fairs. The policy which seeks peace can
trade with all i ewers , but especially with
those of the western hemisphere.
We demand the restoration of our navy to
.ts old time strength and efficiency , that it
may in any sea protect the rights of Ameri
can citizens and the interests of American
commerce , and we call upon congress tore-
move the burden under which American
shipping has been depressed , so that it may
again be true that we have a commerce
which leaves no sea unexplored , and a navy
which takes no law from superior force.
Resolved , That appointment by the pres
ident of officers in the territories should be
raad from the bona fide citizens and resi
dents of the territories wherein they are to
Resolved , That it is the duty of congress
to enact such laws as shall promptly and
effectually suppress the system of polygamy
within our territories , and divorce the
political from the ecclesiastical power of the
so-called Mormon church , and that the law
so enacted should be rigidly enforced by the
civil authorities if possible , and by the mil
itary authorities if need be. The people of
the United States , in their organized capac-
ty , constitute a nation and not a mere con
federacy of states. The national govern
ment is supreme within the sphere of its
nation's duty , but the states have reserved
rights which should be faithfully main
tained. Each should be guarded with jeal
ous care so that government" may be pre
served and the union kept inviolate.
Resolved , That the perpetuity of our in
stitutions rest upon the maintenance of a
rec ballot , and honest and correct returns.
We denounce the fraud and violence prac-
iced by the democracy in southern states ,
by which the will of the voter is defeated ,
as dangerous to the preservation of free in
stitutions , and we solemnly arraign the
democratic party as being the guilty recip-
ent of the fruits of such fraud and violence.
Rf solved. That we extend to the republi
cans of the south , regardless of theirfurmer
arty affiliations , our cordial sympathy , and
ledge to them our most earnest efforts to
remote the passage of such legislation as
will secure every citizen , of whatever race
and color , the full and complete recogni
tion , possession and exorcise of all civic and
political rights.
There were Interruptions of aprlause. al
the points am roving the president's admin
istration ; declaring duties on Imports
should bo made not for revenue only ;
claiming full and adequate' protection for
sheep husbanding ; recommending legisla
tion to regulate the railways ; disapproving
the importation of contract labor , whether
from Europe or Asia ; favoring the civil ser
vice law ; condemning the acquisition of
large tracts of land , especially by nonresident
dent aliens ; declaring the policy of non
interference with foreign nations and that
foreign nations shall refrain from inter
meddling in American affairs ; for the en
forcement of the laws against polygamy ,
and condemning the fraud and violence of
the democracy in the southern states.
The Friends.
Mr. Jl. T. Bcntley , a member of the
estimable community of Quakers at
Sandy Springs , Md. , says he was se
verely affected by rheumatism in the
right hand. Mr. Bentley applied St.
Jacobs Oil , the great pain-cure , and by
its continued use , in a short lime , was
completely cured.
The City of Kearney startled by the Deed
of a Villainous Father.
A Kearney special of the 27th says :
Between 10 and 11 o'clock last night this
city was startled and thunderstruck by
another terrible tragedy that is not fre
quently equalled in enormity in criminal
annals. For some time there has been a
German family residing here named Koe-
beck. The husband was a worthless vaga
bond , occasionally doing odd jobs around
town , but wasted the major part of his time
in idleness. He was possessed of a most
brutal disposition , especially toward his
family , and on many occasions displayed
his brutality by beating his wife and chil
dren wittout any apparent cause. About
three months ago she was obliged to leave
him en account of his dissolute habits and
extreme cruelty. Last night , at the
time stated above , he made his ap
pearance at her home. Becoming
alarmed at his peculiar actions she
took one of her sons and started to
leave the house. She had walked but a
short distance when cries of her other son
caused her to return. He was beatine'the
boy when she appeared. As soon as he
saw her he drew a revolver and emptied
four chambers into her body , one ball pass
ing through her head. Koebeck then
rushed into the house and cut his own
throat , and will undoubtedly die , thereby
saving his infernal neck from the halter.
That the act was premeditated there is not
the slightest doubt , as he entered the
house fully prepared for the devilish deed.
LATKR. Mrs. Koebeck is lyinp in a crit
ical condition. The ball passed through
her head in front of the lower part of the
ear and came out on the other side. Koe
beck 's attempt at suicide will prove inef
fectual. He partially severed the wind
pipe. He was arrested and lodged in jail.
Headache is Immediately relieved by the use of
Plso'J Remedy for Catarrh.
Too Mnch Worldliness.
Austin Sheldon , the famous old her
mit of Pike county , Pa. , who three
months ago abandoned his cave in the
rocks , where he had lived for forty-
three yerrs , to go to Connecticut , where
wealthy relatives were to care for him ,
has returned to his den in the rocks.
The-old man , now 83n says he cannot
stand the frivolity and the worldliness
of life among men , and has returned to
die in the solitude by which for so many
long years he has been surrounded.
Sheldon is a quiet student of the
bible and repeats whole pages with re
markable facility. He was jilted early
in life aud this sorrow led him to be
come a hermit after ten years' wander
ing over the entire continent. He is
an intelligent and learned man , al
though a blacksmith in his youth. He
has no bed in his cave but always
sleeps in an old rocking chair.
Special From "Waltham , Mass.
Fifteen hundred watches are now
made daily at Waltham , and they are
better in quality , and lower in price
than ever before.
The Notiflcation Committee Preparing to
Perform Its Task.
The committee appointed to notify
the presidential and vice-presidential candi
dates ot their nomination will meet at the
Parker House , Boston , on June 20th , and
proceed thencts to Augusta , Me. , the resi
dence of Mr. Elaine , and after notifying
him they will proceed at once to Washing-
inston ; , where they will notify Gen. Loaan.
The following gentlemen have been added
to the republican national executive com
mittee : Senator Wm. J. Jewell , of New
Jersey ; S. M. Yost , of Virginia , and Church
Howe , of Nebraska.
Nine members of the California delega
tion were appointed a committee to visit
Blaine and Logan and assure both of the
support of the entire Pacific Coast.
"The ' the
play's thing ,
Wherein I'll reach the conscience of
the king. "
And equally true is it that Tr. )
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets"
( the original Little Liver Pills ) are the
most effectual means that can be used
to reach the seat of disease , cleansing
the bowels and system , and assisting
nature in her recuperative work. By
A Kansas City woman is said to speak
eight languages. The average woman ,
speaking one language , can generally
manage to get over a good deal of
ground in a short time , but when we
consider the capabilities of a woman
able to say eight times as much , we
shudder at "the possibility of a meeting.
Yonkers Statesman.
Any Small Boy , With , a Stick ,
can kill a tiger if the tiger happens to
je found when only a little cub. So
consumption , that deadliest and most
feared of diseases , in this country , can
assuredly be conquered and destroyed
if Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis
covery" be employed early.
"The Study of Acting in Paris" is
; he title of an open letter to be pub-
ished in the July Century , by Miss
Juliet M. Everts , who writes from her
own experience. Mr. Sargent , of the
Vladison Square Theater , also will con
tribute an answer to the query , "Shall
we Have an American Conservatory ? "
Mr. Sargent thinks we could and
Dyspepsia , liver complaint , and kin
dred affections. For treatise giv-
ng successful self-treatment address
CIATION , Buffalo , N. Y.
It is said there are now nearly 40OCO
) icycle riders in the United States.
Do not press your young children
into book learning , but teaon them po
liteness , including the whole circle of
charities which spring from the con
sciousness of what is due to their fellow
beings. [ Spurzheim.
Papillon Skin Cure is a BI cciflc cure for
all skin diseases Salt Rheum , Erysipelas ,
Hash. Inflammation , Insect Bites , Inordi
nate Itching , Ulcers , Cuts , Wounds , Burns
or Scalds , and all Scrofulous Em tlons.
The longest express run iasalrt to bo from
St. Paul , Minn. , to Helena , Mont. 1,150
No remedy equals Papillon Skin Cure for
Eczema or Scrofula , curing the most obsti
nate cases.
Citizens of St. Paul and Minneapolis are
talking of buildingagrand boulevard , eight
miles in length , between the two cities.
Nebraska's Coming Corn.
Omaha Ilcrald , Juno 7th.
In accordance with its annual cus
tom the Herald presents its readers this
morning with special reports from all the
coin-raising sections of the state , showing
the condition and acreage of the kn ° ; cereal
as compared with the previous year. In
this work the local officers of the Burling
ton & Missouri and Minneapolis & Omaha
railways have cheerfully joined , and it is
largely to their efforts , that the complete
ness and accuracy of the report is due. The
showing made is one of which any Rtate in
the union might well be proud. With an
average increase of fifteen per cent , in the
average , the plant is well forward and of
good color , the weather favorable to rapid ,
healthy growth , 0111 a marked absence of
the destructive wind and hail storms usu
ally so prevalent at this time of the yearthe
outlook for Nebraska farmers is a happy
A CARD. To all who are suffering from er
rors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak
ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I will
send a recipe that will cure you , FHEE OP
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelime to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN ,
Station D , New York. _
Wrangell land appears to be an appro
priate destination for the Jeannette sur
vivors. _
Alien' * Iron Tonic' Hitter * create u
healthy appo ite. All genuine bear the signature of
J. P. A'lon , ! JruK tst , at. Paul , Minn.
Trust not the praise of a friend nor the
contempt of an enemy. _
TER. for Backache , Pains In the Chest , Itbcuma-
tlsm. 25c. _
The world is a comedy to those who
think , a tragedy to those who feel.
IF afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
The man who has no poetry in his soul
never finds any anywhere else.
Save $2.OO Per Day.
When you visit Omaha and wish to stop at a
good hotel. RO to the Metropolitan , corner
Twelfth and Douglas streets. There you can
get the same adcommodations at $2.00 per day
as at any of the first-class houses that charge
$4.00. The Metropolitan is famous for its
first-class tables , its good beds , its cleanliness
and low prices. This is the hotel that accom
modated one hundred more guests than any-
other house during the State Fair last fall ,
and without any extra charge because of a
rush. It is the only $2.00 PBR DAY HOTEL
Lewistown has an Aid. Wagg. The tail
end of committees is the place for him.
We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to
every woman who is weak , nervous and
discouraged ; particularly those who have
thin , pale lips , , cold hands and feet , and
who are without strength or ambition.
These are the cases for which Carter's Iron
Pills are specially prepared , and this class
cannot use them without benefit. Valuable
for men also. In metal boxes , at 50 cents.
Sold by druggists or sent by mail. See
advertisement elsewhere.
_ _
Four prisoners have escaped from Sing-
Sing over the guardian wall.
Young Men , Middle Aged Men and All
Men who suffer from early indiscretions will
find Allen's Brain Food the most powerful
invigorant ever Introduced ; once restored
by it there is no relapse. Try it ; it never
fails. $1 ; 6 for $5. At druegists , or by
mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Avenue ,
New York City. _
The question is , how small must a
' 'shortage" be to be a theft , and how bis :
must a thief be to be "financially embar
rassed ? '
A nice team of horses 5 or 6 years
old , good roadsters , gentle and sound.
Must be closely matched and weigh
about 2,300 ; blacks preferred. Ad
dress witb. full particulars : G. A. Jos-
lyn , Omaha , Neb.
He is rich who is satisfied with what he
has whether it be little or much.
der. Fine. Smooth , Cleansing , Refreshing. Pre
servative. lac
He who can conceal his joy is greater
than he who can conceal bis griefs.
Miss Nora Wood , of Jewell , near Kear
ney , Neb. , who was thrown from ahorse
five years agoproducinr complete paralysis
of the lower extremities , is now under
treatment at the well known Kansas City
Surgical iLstitute of Drs. Dickerson and
Stark , with a fair prospect of recovery , of
which her many friends will be glad to
In and around Philadelphia fancy cows of
the Jersey breed have become more fash
ionable and valuable than fancy horses.
It. Instant relief , quick cure. 15c. Druggists.
Never build castles in the heir. They are
ever liable to be overthrown.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns ,
scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by
[ Jncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment.
Sold by Druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con
vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant ,
safe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S
Headache , constipation , liver complaint ,
biliousness are cured by that mild , cleans
ing remedy which never produces pain ,
Only 25 cts. Sold by Druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather
of his harness soft and pliable , which pre
serves it from cracking or ripping. Ho al
Sold by all Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle
ife are carried off by consumption. The most
Irequent cause is a neglected cold , cough ,
loarseness , bronchial trouble or asthmaj
allot which may be permanently cured by
CHERRY. Sold by Druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the con
dition of his stock. When scraggy and f ee
rie they are espeially liable to distempers
evers , colds , and all diseases which de
stroy animals. Thousands of dollars are
saved annually by that valuable old stand
Restless , fretful , crying children are suf
fering and need for their relief DR. WINCH-
ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is uae-
! ul not only for all the disorders of teething
nfants , but cures coughs , croups , sore
; hroat , colic and cramps of older children ,
and should always be kept in every house
for emergencies. Only 25 eta. Sold by all
When yon visit or leave New York City ,
save Baggage , ExpresBape and Carriage
Hire , and stop at GRAND UNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant
rooms , fitted up at a coat of one million dollars
lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day.
Europeaa plan. Elevator. Restaurant
supplied with the best. Horse-cars , stages
and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam
ilies can live bcttqr for less money at the
Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel in the city.
When a man's head swim's there is gen
erally less water than whisky about it.
Ho , YK BALDHKADS ! There Is just one
way , and no more , by which you may bo
cured use CAIUIOLIXK , a deodorized ex
tract of petroleum. It will positively pro
duce new hair ; there is no substitute for
this marvelous petroleum hair renewer.
Much of the charity that begins at home
Is too feeble to got out of doora.
WHEAT No. 2 70 ( d > 70 > i
BARLKY No. 2 50 ( B 55 X
RYK No. 3 47 © 48K
CORN No. 2 ' 41K
OATS No. 2 so' © .
FLOUR Wheut Graham. . 2 25 (3 > 300
ORANGKB Messina , per bx 500 5 50
LEMONS Messina , perbx 4 W O 4 25
BUTTER Creamerv 22 © 23K
BUTTER Best country roll 12 ( is 15
EGGS Fresh 12 fft 13
CHICKENS Per doz , live. 3 75 (8 > 4 00
STIUWBKRRIES Per qt. . 10 fd > 12
CHICKENS Drsd , per tt > . . 12 © 13
ONIONS Per bushel 90 © 1 00
HAY Bailed , per ton..10 00 © 1200
MESS PORK 1850 (3 > 1900
SHEEP 3 50 ( o > 4 50
STEERS s 4 23 & 5 25
HOQS 5 oo © 550
CALVES 5 50 © ti 00
WHEAT Per bushel 87 ? . ' © SSK
CORN-sPer bushel , 55 © 55.4
OATS Per bushel 32 ©
PORK 1915 © 19 25
LARD 8 8 0 j
HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 5 00 © 5 33
CATTLE Exports 6 60 © 700
SHEEP Medium to good. . 4 00 © 5 50
WHEAT Per bushel 1 05 © 1 0.1K
CORN Per bushel SIX ©
OATS Per bushel 32 ©
CATTLE Exports 6 80 © 7 25
SHEEP-Medium 4 50 © 5 25
HOGS Packers 4 90 © 5 25
For Dyipepdu , Indigestion , Depression of
Spirits and General debility. In their various forms ;
also as a preventive against Fever and AKUO , and
other Intermittent Fevers , the 'fFerro-Pho i ho
rated Elixir of CulUuyu , " made by Caswell ,
Hazard & Co. , New York , aid sold by all druggists. Is
the best tonic ; and for patients recovering from
fevers or other sickness. It has no equal.
He who cultivates a taste for reading in
his youth plants good seed.
SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Renewer" re
stores health ana vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impo
tence. (1.
When credulity comes from the heart it
does no harm to the intellect.
' 'The proof of the pudding is in the eat-
sng"sosays ths old adage , and so the
proof of the value of a medicine is the opin
ions of those who have used it. Thos.
Bass , Sr. , of Steelville , says , "I have used
Prickly Ash Bitters in my family for 2 years
for ailments of the kidneys , liver and bow
els , and find there is "no remedy equal
to it. "
Faith without works is good for nothing
when it come to a clock.
The nutfority of the ills of the human
J > ody arise from a derangement of the
ILlver , affectinff both the stomach and
towels. * ln order to effect a cure , it is
nccssaary to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action , of the Bowels ,
Headache,8ickncss at the Stomach , Pain.
in theSacJt andlioins , etc. , indicate that
the Iiitor is at fault , and that naturcrc-
qnirea assistance to enable this organ to
throw off impurities.
ETic&ly Asli XHtteraara especially
compounded for this purpose. They are
mild in their action and effective as a
euro ; are pleasant to the taste and taken
cosily by both children and adults. To-
Teen according to directions , they arc a
eafeandpleasant cure for Hysftcpsld ,
General Debility , Habitual Con-
etlpation , Diseased Kidneys ,
etc. , etc. As a Blood Purifier they
are superior to any other medicine ;
cleansing the system thoroughly , and.
imparting new life and energy to the in
valid. It ij a medicine and- not an
Intoxicating : beverage.
and tate no other. PHICE. 5LOO per Bottle.
out ! KJRTJ" * * City ,
Fortify the syiEe,3.
All who have expe
rienced and wit
nested the effect of
Hostetter'a Stomach
Bitters upon the
weak , broken down ,
desponding victims
ol djspepfia , * liver
complaint , fever and
ague , rheumatism ,
nervons de'ility , ( r
prem ature decay ,
know that in , this su
preme tonic and al
terative tnere exists
a ppeclflc principle
which reaches the
very source of the
trouble and effects
an absolute and per
manent cure. For
sale by all Drug
gists and Dealers
BestCouRhSyrup. Tastesgood.
Use in time. Sold by druggists.
w G ONSJUM ; P T i QN. -
W N TJ Omaha 210-24
please say you saw the advertisement in
this paper.
Papillon Skin Cure
An external means of curlCKiklndlaaatc * . There
IB icarccly any eruption but will yield to Papillon
Skin ttfre. Ordinary pimple ? , redness , blotches ,
icurf , roughness , vnnl'h at If by mnslc ; while endur
ing ekln dlaeiucs , that have plagued the sufferer *
fur T an , however deeply rooted , Papillon Hkln
Cure will tucctssfnlly cure. It destroys the animal-
cula' wblct ) cause these unsightly. Irritable , palntul
affections , and uroduces n clear , healthy nklii.
It la n specific cure for HALT KIIEUM. KCZEUA ,
KltTHlPJCLAtl. tiCHOrOLA. yCAl.OnK.Al ) , TtTTilt.
iTCHiva oil BI.KEDINU. nnd for all diseases of the
skin , this remedy Is a positive euro.
Price. 11.00 per bottle , xlx for $500. Directions la
ten laoiruuuod accompany every bottle.
For sale by nlldroggltU.
Used by the Chlel
Mechanician of tin
U. 8. Const Survey :
by the Admiral
couiirmiKllnir In the
V. S. Jmvul Observ
atory , f o r Astro
nomical work : and
by motive
Engineer 8 , Con
ductors ami Kail-
way men. They are
. . rocogiilznd at
. o all usofl Inwhich clogo
'Ttlmo ' nnd durability are rc-
Jduisitea. Sold In principal
I cities nnd towns by the CUM-
' I'ANY'S exclusive Acentl
-who clvo u Full Warranty.
was discovered by Its
pro nent proprietors ,
nnd Is the rosii't of ex
periments , bi eed upon
many years experi
ence an I'f.u'inaclsta.
It lit UlflVrcnt from
other preparations
used for tliCHO troubles
being lmrinlt and
nKreenble ; off-ring In
those resi vein a murk-
cd contrast to the
IZINO rnwiiEffi. Ap
ply by the linger Into
> henuHtrll rend for
circular. { 0 conta nt
DruKKlfllM CO cents by
ELY BKOTHBHS. Druggists. Owego , N. Y.
Will buy 25 per cent , more Groceries at the Old Ilo-
llable dtore of
than can be bought elsewhere in the state. They sell
13 lb . A Sugar for - - - - * - < J2
1U 1-3 Ib . Kxiru C Siigiir Tor - Sl.OO
11 I-S lb . Grimulutetl Mugur lor - Sl.oe
14 lb . Kow Orlcunn SuKiir for - 1.OO
And other Roods In proportion. Send for Monthly
trice List , J. B. FKENon * CO. , OMAHA.
Bend for Samples and Prices.
S. A. ORCHARD , Omaha , Neb.
J ) FOOTE'8 Original 31ETIIODS
R1IPTII RE Cured witlif/toperation
or uncomfortable truss.
Cured wilhnntrnttinp ;
B !
new.pninless.fcaf e.feuie.
Debility , etc. : cmiFcs
aiHlratlonaltrentnieTit./ ' '
PH P flN I P Diseases of
unnUllU ! " "
so.cuIlr < l "Inrnrablc.
Address Dr. E. 15. FOOTE , I5ox 7SS , X. V. City. '
Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World.
Gold medal Paris Exposition , 1878.
Iiuu Ivere. Steel H-nriiif . Bitf
Tafu Beam anil Beam I
JONES lie J > J IbefrcUht fur frt
Price Lift mention HUB paixr > n <
lias a J'ad diirerent from all
otiicrs.Is cup shape , with Sclf-
AcJ i-.tinff liallln centeradapU
while the ball In the cup
P.rcssQo back the intes-
T * / . i tines just as a person
does With tMOfmger. vitfiliut pna&nroitJielier
mats brld Mxurrly U.IT and nfcht , and a radical cure
certain. It is ca > yiliim ! > V anil cliT-ap. S nt liy mail. Cir-
calarslree. LM.LES1UV TKUbS to. . thlem-o. . 111.x
And all goods used by printers. Send for specimen
54 & 56 Franklin St. , Chicago.
Stomp for my circular , "How I
poultry ; S75O. S1.30O. S1.50O a yeas ,
liow to make poultry profitable. How to make
an Incnbatoz costing less than S5. How ta
build cheap poultry houses. Pre eive east
Cure Cholera ; Moke liens Lay ; GcncralMiu-
elementetc.etc. l.OOOthingsfortbepoul
try yard. A new book. C G. BES3EY.
ABILENE. KANSAS. Ureeder of Plymouth
Bock fowls and Poland-China raice. *
AGENTS WANTED i ° sen po i iy the
* ui.ii u " * " ' * "
UCATOR , " 1100 pages , 470 Illustrations ; PRICK
LOW : over CO.OOO sold. Kzclnslre territory nnd
the most liberal terms ever offered. Address , KAX-
SAS CITT PUB. Co. , 100 West ninth street , Kanau
City. Mo.
ImePowen " nnLOnEnO
( Bolted to all 8 cUon . ) Writ * for FREE lUc * . Pamphlrt
ted Price * to TbcAultman ft Taylor Co. . JUarfleM. Ohio.
can secure perraa-
ncnt employment
and good siury selling Queen City
SLJrtandStocLInsSupportcr * . etc.
Sample outfit Free. Address Qneen
City Suspender Co. , Oaciiuuu. O.
T taughtat ELECRAPHY Omaha School Telegraphy. Omaha ,
Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manages
PATENTS ! Tno . P. Simpson Wash
ington. DC No pay asked
for patent until obtained. Write for Inventor's Guide
\fJAJiTED \ experienced Book and Ulole Aaenw in
" every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Addreia
stating experience , P. O. Box g. g. , St. .Louis. Mo.
AGENTS WAJfTEIl for toe best and fastest
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL PTTB. Oo. . 8t. LOB ! * . Mo.
A new treatment. A.
CANCER positive cure. Dr.V. . C.
Payne , Marshalltown , la.
T FARM Telesrrnjjhyor hort-huntl and type
I i Hllli ivrltlncr here. situations luinished.
U Address Valentine Bros . Janesvilie , Wls.
Solicitorof Patents ,
Positively cure SICK-HEADACHE. Billotmness. and all LIVEB , and BOWEL Complaints , MALAHXA.
BLOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( ONE PILL A DOSE ) . For Female Complaints these Pilli
have no equal. " I find them a valuable Cathartic a .d Liver Pill. Dr. T. M. Palmer , Monticello , Fla. "
In my practice I use no other. J. Denniaon , iLD. . DeWitt , Iowa/ * Sold everywhere , or sent by
nail for S3 eta. In stamps. Valuable Information. FKEE. I. S. JOHNSON & CO. . BOSTON. SlASi