McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, June 12, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the state of Ne
braska , are Invited to send delegates from the
several counties to meet in convention at
Omaha , Wednesday , August 27th , 1881 , at 10
o'clock , A. M. , for the purpose of placing In
nomination candidates for live presidential
electors. Also , for Governor , Lioutcimnt-Gov-
crnor. Secretary of State , State Treasurer ,
Auditor of Public Accounts , Commissioner of
Public Lands and Buildings , Superintendent
Public Instruction , Attorney General , and
such other business as may be presented to
the convent ion.
The counties given below arc entitled to rep
resentation as follows being based upon the
vote cast for J. M. Iliatt , Regent of the Uni
versity , giving one delcgatc-at-large and one
for every one hundred and fifty votes and the
major fraction thereof :
Dumly 1 I Hitchcock 2
Frontier 2 | Red Willow 4
It is recommended thatno proxies be admit
ted to the convention , except such as arc held
by persons residing in the counties from
which proxies are given.
Omaha , Neb. , May 22 , 1884.
GEO. W. E. DOKSEY , Chairman.
S. II. COLSON , Secretary.
THE TRIBUNE takes great pleasure
and satisfaction in placing at the head
of tins column the namus of JAMES G.
ELAINE and JOHN A. LOGAN , the lie-
publican nominees for the offices of
President and Vice-President of these
United States. We can think of no
stronger or more popular men than the
"Plumed Knight" of Maine and the
"Black Eagle" of Illinois , and that they
will lead the Republican party on to
new victories and fresh laurels is as
sured. This consummation will not be
attained as. some of our more enthusi
astic brethren imagine , without an ef
fort , but it will be after a hotly and
closely contested campaign , that victory
will perch upon the Republican ban
ners , which will be nobly borne by
Elaine and Logan.
ELAINE and LOGAN , we believe , will
suit the Republican voters of Red Wil
low county.
THE Republican Valley Echo is now
under the sole management of Editor
Crane , his partner retiring. We wish
II. M. ample returns for his endeavors
in the field of journalism. .
THE Brash Lariat comes to us this
week , with a new and attractive head.
The Lariat , by the way , is one of the
neatest and best papers in every respect
that comes to this office. But the edi
tors must own a mine in connection
THE death of Gen. Babcock is more
than usually tragic in connection with
his pending nomination to a higln
rank in the army. It puts a sad and
sudden end to the controversy. His
memory dead will be treated more kindly
than his person living , and tardy justice
will come around and take a melancholy
look at his tombstone.
EVENTS do not in these days occur
very rapidly in Egypt and the Soudan ,
and the future is impenetrable except by
the slow march of time and circum
stance. Why the Mahdi does not push
things is a conundrum , to be answered ,
propably , because he cannot. England
does not wish to do so. Egypt is power
less , and Turkey wants the pay of a
hireling for attending to its own busi
ness. The world should at once dam
the Nile and convert the whole region
into a vast inland sea , thus getting rid
of a perpetual nuisance.
THE more the ticket Elaine and
Logan is canvassed , the stronger does
it appear. Either of the men would re
flect honor upon thc'countryin the chair
of chief magistrate. They represent the
best and highest phases of American
manhood. It embraces the highest or
der of talent and the most dcterniinnd
fidelity to conviction. It comprises the ,
strongest business ability and the clos
est acquaintance with the details of
irovcrnnicnt. What more could we
- /
ask ? Lincoln Journal.
THE Journal lias had frequent occas
ion to refer with hopefulness and pride
to the grand section of our state knowi
in general terms as the Itcpuhlicni
Valley. It has been Imt a little while
since it-was opened to settlement , ant
for years it was the victim of disadvan
tages and hostile circumstances. Mair
lost their faith in it. and hundreds o :
settlers relinquished their hold upon it
and came away. But for five straigh
years fortune has smiled upon th'c
hardy and energetic pioneers who stuck
bravely to the country. Now they are
in prosperous circumstances. They arc
on the threshold of that stage of devel
opment were the log or sod farm house
bursts its chrysalis shell and develops
into a white frame with green window
blinds and an upstairs for the boys
and hired hands. Stock grazcs-oii every
hill. Churches and school houses
abound : Bustling villages surroum
every railroad station. Crops arc the
best at this date anywhere in the north
west. The face of the country is surpass
ingly lovely. The valley has established
the fact that it is equal to any section
of the state , and that it never dcscrvci
the suspicion and dread with which il
has been too much the fashion to rcgart
it. It should be looked at by every
business man of the state , its resources
weighed and its future estimated. Tl
is peculiarly bound to Lincoln by geographical
graphical proximity and business tics
We would like to have every citizen of
Lincoln see it for its full length , anc
sec it now in its brightness and beauty
The B. & M. authorities can well afford
to make an excursion at nominal rates ,
to go out one day and return the next.
A thousand people would go , if tickets
were made good to return on any train
for a Aveck , and nearly as many if they
had to come back on the same train.
We would be pleased to see this
magnificent section placed on exhibi
tion. Journal.
THE recent explosions of dynamite
in the heart of London , to the injury
and danger of innocent people , is of a
barbarism that must be suppressed by
the decent and patriotic Irish leaders ,
or the cause of Ireland's independence
will be hopelessly lost. Xo sensible and
inteligcnt people can endorse these
outrages , which seem to have been
prompted more by a childish desire for
display than anything else.It may be
in accord with the romance of doge days
in Venice or the accomplishments ot
more modern nihilists , but it is ignoble
and crul. The sooner it is abandoned
the better for Ireland. The men who
plot such murderous warfare are unfit
for the blessings of civilized government ,
and the day that sees them at the head
of Irish affairs would be the saddest
and most fateful of ten centuries of
melancholy history. Journal-
TIIK crop outlook this month in
Nebraska is fairly good. Grain and
corn arc in slightly larger area than
last year. Both arc somewhat later.
Some small grain is exceedingly fine.
but the average is about that of former
years. Corn is free of weeds and in
good condition , but the stand is not
uniformly what could be ucsired. Tame
grass is in almost double its former
acreage , and is doing remarkably well.
Only within the last three 3cavs , since
The Journal began a crusade in that
behalf , have the capabilities of our
section for grass been understood and
believed in. Live stock is in fairly
good condition. There were considerable
losses last winter , "due in many cases to
insufficient feed and shelter. Altogether
the agricultural prospects arc good
enough. Journal.
TIIK Englisji papers express some
considerable surprise and dissatisfaction
with the nomination of Elaine , the Lon
don Times going so far as to say that it
will end in the dissolution of the repub
lican party. It is pretty safe for the re
publican or Union party to do just what
the English and the democrats do not
want it to do. The principal objection
to Elaine is his anti-free trade ideas and
his position when secretary of state in
the matter of the Peru Chili controversy
and the claim some American set up.
The republican candidate's position in
this regard is invulnerable , American ,
and will be approved by the people.
The voters will also look up.on his vigor
ous foreign policy with favor.
the important measures that
will engage the attention of the House
this week i ? the bill to repeal the pre
emption and timber-culture laws. The
pre-emption law was gotten up for the
benefit of speculators , and the timber-
culture act wts passed in the interest
of land sharks. Bee.
TIIK record of the court of inquiry
in thcxjase of Gen. Swaim , judge advo
cate general of the army , reports the
facts as developed by evidence , and
concludes as follows : "The court of
inquiry is of the opinion that while it
is not prepared to say that any specific
act developed by the evidence is actu
ally fraudulent , yet evidence dues show
that a series of transactions discred
itable to any officer of the army , espec
ially demands the severest condemna
tion when engaged in by an officer
holding the high position and the
peculiar relations to the administration
of justice in the army , held by Briga
dier General Swaim. " The secretary of
war laid the report before the president
to-day , and it was decided to order a
court martial for the trial of Swaim.
The detail for the court will be made in
a few days.
TIIK history of crime docs not furnish
a parallel to the atrocity perpetrated
near Duluth last Saturday. The wife of
a fanner had first been outraged and
then shot twice in the head. Her body
was thrown across a log , the bowels cut
open and flesh cut from the limbs in
the most wanton and cruel manner.
The account of the crime is hardly to
be believed. It is nearly as incredible
as the alleged murder is inhuman.
ILLINOIS and Maine clasped hands in
1SGO , when Lincoln and Ilamlin were
nominated , and again in 1884 Maine
clasped hands with Illinois in the nomi
nation of Elaine and Logan.
OSCAU AViLDE is married. lie will
shortly appear minus his flowing locks ,
for good and sufficient reasons with
which the blesscdcst of us are well ac
IN the outcome the New York and
Massachusetts political dudes cut a
very small figure in the Chicago conven
tion. Kansas City Journal.
To Amend Section 3 of an Ordinance
Providing for Licensing and Reg
ulating the Sale of Malt , Spir
ituous and Vinous Liquors.
Jin IT OUDAINKD , 11 v the Chairman und Hoard
of Trustees of the Village of. McCook :
SECTION 1. That section 3 of an ordinance
providing1 for licensing and regulating the
sale of malt , spirituous and vinous licjuoss bo
amended so as to read as _ follows :
Sic. < ' > . Kefore such license shall be granted
the applicant shall pay into the Treasury of
the Village of McCook , for the use and support
of the common school of the school district
No. 17 , in the County of Ited"Willow , in the
State of Nebraska , at the rate of Eight Hun
dred ( SSOO ) Dollars per year , and shall be
issued for the unc.xpircd part of the fiscal or
municipal year for which such license is
granted. No license shall be issued for a per
iod of less than one month , nor for any frac
tional part of a month. The applicant shall
take the Village Treasurer's receipt for said
amount in duplicate and file the same with the I
Village Clerk before such license shall be is
sued , and the Village Treasurer shall credit
to the account of said school district all mon
eys now in his hands and which shall hereafter
come into his hands , from license heretofore
issued and hereafter to be issued , for the sale
of malt , spirituous and vinous liquors within j
the Village of McOook , which moneys shall !
constitute a school fund and be used for the
sole use and benefit of said school district , and
no part of said money shall be used for any
other purpose whatever , and the Village
.Treasurer shall disburse said money for the
use and benefit of said school district in the
same manner as other moneys belonging to
said school district.
SEC. . All ordinances , or parts of onli-
iiances , in conflict with this ordinance arc
iiereby repealed. .
SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from anil after its passage , approv-
il and publication according to law.
Passed and approved Juno 7th , 1SS1.
Attest : J. E. HEltGEK , Chairman.
P. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.
Assessing a Poll Tax on all able-bodied
male citizens of the Village of
MnCook , between the ages
of 21 and 50.
HE IT OKDAIXKU , By the Chairman and Hoard
of Trustees of the Village of McCook :
SECTION" 3. That each able-bodied male citi-
/cn , resident of said village , shall , between the
1st day of April and the 1st day of November ,
lay a poll tax of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ,
is provided in section 2 of this ordinance.
Sic. . Such poll tax may be paid in two
lay's labor , in person , or by substitute , or in
cash to the Village Treasurer , to be expended
on the streets and crossings of said village ,
nulcr thu direction of the Street Commission
er and the Village Hoard. Notice shall be giv
en as provided in section 70 , chapter on cities
of the second class and villages , and failure to
icrform the labor or pay the money as pro-
ided in this section shall be treated as spcci-
ied in said suction 70.
SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take elfect and
) e in force from and after its passage , approv-
il and publication.
Passed and approved this llth day of June ,
881. J. E. HEltGEIt , Chairman.
Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.
Hi : IT OKDAINKU , By the Chairman and Hoard
f Trustees of the Village of McCook :
SECTION 1. That the sum of Two Hundred
) ollars be lived on all the taxable property of
aid village for the purpose of constructing
idewalks and crossings , and that the further
urn of Five Hundred Dollars bo iL-vif } on all
lie taxable property of said village I'mo
fraying the general and incidental expenses
of said village for ensuing year.
SEC. . This ordinance shall take elfect and
be in force Irani and after its passage , approv
al and piibljcation.
Passed and approved this 7th day of June ,
1884. .1. K. BEKGElt , Chairman.
Attest : F. M. KIM.MEIJVjjlago Clerk.
Agents wanted fur
. edition of his life. PublWied at
Augusta , Ills home. Largest.
handsomest , cheapest , best. ly
the renowned historian and biographer , C'ol. Couwcll ,
whose life of Garfleld , published by us , outsold the
twenty others by 60,000. Outsells cvory l > ook cvt-r
-iMUlied In this world ; many agents arc- selling fifty
ilaliy. A rent * : arc making fortunes. All new begin
ners Miccussfclj grand cliancu for them. $13.50 made
by a lady agent tlc ) IU-i .laj' . Terms mo > t liberal.
Particulars free. Uett'tr"tiil ; % b cents for postage ,
etc. , on free outilt , now ready , Jiicl dii ; > ? : prospectus
pectus book , and save valuable tlmi- . ' ' '
i ! . ALLKX A : CO. . Augusta , Maine.
Our Druggist , S. L. Given , IE Ufetijbutlng freesain-
[ > lu bottles of Leggs' Ulood 1'nrlilcr. Jt ivjjl at oiu-e
relieve that drowsy , heavy , tired feeliris' . ion * > f iinu
tiltion , &c. , caused by a Torpid Liver mid diseased
Kidneys. It costs uothiuj ; to try it.
for tMHtnce. mid we will mall you free ,
a royal , valuable box 01 ] sample KOO < !
ttmt will put you In the way of making
more money In fuwdays than yon ever thought JKJS-
glhJu at any business. Capital not required. AVe will
start you. Vou can work all the tlmoorln spare time
only. The work In unlvcrHally adapted to both susc * .
younguntl old. You can easily corn from 50 cunts to
$5 every CM cnlng. That all who want work imy teat
the buslnosn , we make this unparalleled tiller ; to all
who are not well xatUficil wv will send $1 to pay for
the trouble of writing us. Full particular * , directions ,
etc. , Kent fri't : . Fortunes will be made by those who
give their whole time to the work. Great success
absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start mm. Address
ST1XSOX is CO. , I'ortlaml. Maine. a-33.
Are you dlstutbcd at night and broken of your rest
by a Mek child buffering and crying with pain of cut-
tin ; ; teeth y If so , send at once and get a bottle of
Urc. Wi = : ls's Cwthhe Cyrap fr Chilircs Tcottfcg.
Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It , mother * ,
thure Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and
diarrhoea , regulates the tttoinach and bowels , cures
wind colic , toften.s the gums , reduces Intlamniatlon.
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
Mr : . Wisslow's Scctti = 2 87:3 ? fr Childros Tccthizz i :
pleasant to the taste , anil Is the prescription of one
of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians
111 the United States , and Is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. 1'rlce 25 cents a bottle.
F. A. Lehmanu. Solicitor of American and Foreign
I'atuntH , Washington , 1) . C. All business connected
with 1'atent.s , whether before the 1'atent Olllce or the
Courts , promptly attended to. Xo charge made un
less a patent Is secured. Send for circular. tf.
wanted for The Llvesof all the
Presidents of the U. S. The
largest , handsomext best book
ever sold for less than twice our
price. The fastest celling book In America. Immense
profits to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Any
one can become a successful agent. Terms free.
HALLKTT HOOK CO. , Portland , Maine. U-33.
Those mutches. Pimples. Kruptlons of the Skin ,
Spring Humors , &c. , can be cured by using Ilcggs'
lilood Puriller. AVe warrant every bottle sold to give
satisfaction , and fnniUli FI5EK simples to all who
desire to try It. S. L. Ureeu.
a wei-k at home. * . > outfit free. Pay ab
solutely sure. Xoiisk. Capital not requir
ed. Header. If you want business at which
persons of either sex , young or old , can
make great pay all the time they work , with absolute
certainty , write for particulars to II. IIA.H.KTT Jc
CO. Portland , .Maine. 'i-ar
Send six cents forpoMageand
receive free , a costly box of
goods which will help y u to
more money right away than
anything else In this world. All of either sex , succeed
from llrst hour. The broad road to fortune opens be
fore the workers , absolutely sure. At once address
TttL'i : & CO. , Augusta , Maine. 2-U3.
The call for Ueggs' Hlood 1'uriller is daily Increas
ing. S. L. Green is furnishing sample bottles free.
It Is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys
and lilood. Warranted.
THAT HACKING COUGH can be to quickly cured
by Shiloh's Cure.Ve guarantee it.
WILL YOU SUFFKIJ with Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint ? Shlloh's Vifalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
SLKKl'LKSS NIGHTS , made miserable by that ter
rible cough , ahiloh's Cure U the remedy for you.
CATAiriill CUKE ! ) , health anil sweet breath .se
cured by Shlloh's Catarrh Uemedy. Trice SO cents.
Nasal Injector free.
Kor lame Uack , Side or Cheat ute Shlloh's 1'orous
Plaster. Price 13 ! cents.
SIIILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold
by us * n a guarantee. It cures consumption ,
SHILOH'S VITALIZE ! : is what you need for Con
stipation , Less of Appetite , Dizziness and all symp
toms of Dyspepsia. Price II ) and 7. > cents per bottle.
! CISOUP , "WHOOPING COUGH and Uronehitis immediately -
| mediately relieved by Shlloh's ) Cure.
Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook , Xeb.
Attention , Land Attorneys.
Wo have in stock "Cash Application" and
"Proof" blanks , uiulor act approved Jimp LI ,
It O. Same arc put up in $1 and $ : i packages ,
ready to mail , Send in vour order to
THE TKI BUNK , .McCook , Ncl ) .
Jilt-Cook , Jseli. , May liith , 1S4.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Joseph 15. Teas against James G.Sewell for
j abandoning his homestead entry 2170 , dated at
North Platte , Kcb. , April 7 , ISM ) , upon the
! southeast " .t northeast ? .i section i : > , township
4 north , range ' .i west , and southeast * i north-
-rest ? .i , and lots 1 and : . ' , section is , township 4
north , range s west , in lied Willow county ,
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; thu said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this ollice on the -1st day of July ,
IS l , atl o'clock , 1' . M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning- said allejred abandon
ment. 51. G.L. LAWS , KegHter.
M/JL'ook , Neb. , May aoth , IHKt.
Complaint having been entered at this oliiee
by Amos Goodenbcrger against William It.
IJrowu for failure to comply with law as to
timber-culture entry ! ll ! > , dated North Platte ,
Neb. , July liilH7'upon > the northwest quarter
section 1 ! . township 1 , north of range " ! > west ,
in Hed Willow county , Neb. , with a view to
the cancellation of s-aid entry ; contestant
alleging that said William It. ISrown has failed
to plow or cultivate any part of the above
tract at any time since making his entry tip to
thu present time ; and that he has failed to
plant or cause to be planted any trees , tree
seeds or cutting ? upon said tract at any time
since making his entry up to the present time ;
and that said claim is wholly abandoned ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this ollice on the 14th day of July , ! Sv > l. at 1
o'clock , P. JI. . to respond and furnish testimo
ny concerning said alleged failure.
1. G. L. LAAVS , Register.
McCook , Neb. . Juneord ,
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by 1'red. Muusinger against Jacob l-'ish for
abandoning his homestead entry IIBH > , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , November . " , l. > 7i ! , upon the
south i ; of northwest ; and north y of south
west li of section 5 , township 2north of range
28 west , in Hed Willow county , Nebraska , with
a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this ollico on tlie Sth day of July , issi , at
I o'clock , P. M. , to ryspoi.'J iind furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment.
1. G. L. LAWS , 1 tcgistw.
McCook , Neb. , March 10th. 188 } . .
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Augustus S. Uoughton against Elmer Mc-
Cov ' for abandoning his timber-culture entry
< C4' dated at North Platte. Neb. . May Stli , 1S7 ,
upon the south ; i of northeast J4 and north ' ,
of southeast ? i of section K ! . township- , north
of range ! > west , in Itert Willow comity. Neb. ,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
contestant alleging that said defendant has
failed to cultivate , or cause to be cultivated ,
any part of said land since May 8,1881 , to the
present time ; and has failed to plant , or cause
t/j be planted , to trees , tree seeds or cuttings ,
any paw n ! ' aid land since making said entry
to the present umc : > < required by law ; the
said parties are hereby Mininjoned to appear
at this ollice on the 14th day of July , l si , at
1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment.
1. 0. L. LAWS , Register. :
McCook , Neb. , May 2 tli , ISM.
Complaint having been entered at this ollico '
by Augustus GJDj-ekur against Charles S. Pal
mer for failure to comply with law as to tim
ber-culture entry 771 , dated at Ninth Plattc ,
Neb. . June "i , 1870 , upon the southwest quartc-r
of section 24. township 1 , north of range. 'ii
west , in Ucd Willow county. Nebraska , with a
view to the cancellation of said entry ; con
testant alleging that said Charles S. Palmer
has failed to break or cultivate , or cause to bo
broken or cultivated , any part of said tract of
land at any tjmo since making said entry to
ili > : present time as required by law ; atid'has '
iaiit-u ii > iiinnt or cause to be planted to trees ,
seeds or cutting any ; -a-t of said tract of land
at any time since milking saM . ! } to the
present time as required by lw ; tiic said par '
ties are hereby summoned ti appear at this
ollice oti the 15th day of July. 18oat ! 10 o'clock ,
A. M. , to respond and lurnish testimony con-
eernjnir said alleged failure.
x' . G. L. LAWS. Register.
McCook , Neb. , Juno 10th.
Complaint having been entered at this ollico
by John Vf. Zook against Kersey T.Jones for
failure to comply with law as to timber culture
turo entry 1551 , dated at North Platte , Neb. .
May 20 , lf 0 , upon the .southeast quarter of
section III. township I , north of range JiO west ,
in Red Willow county , N b. , with uview to
the cancellation of said entry : contestant al
leging that said defendant has failed to breaker
or cultivate or cause to be broken or cultiva
ted any part of said tract oriiuid at iiny tlmo
since making said entry to the present time. :
and has failed to plant or cause to bo planted
to trees , seeds or cuttings any part of said
tract of land at any time since making said
entry to the present , time its required by law ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at tills ollico on the 7th day of J uly , 1WI ,
at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
2. (5. L. LAWS , Itogister.
McCook , Neb. . May 21st , 1834.
Complaint having been entered at this ollico
by James P. Maloney against Edward Vake
for failure to comply with law as to timhcr-
culture entry 1111 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
OctoberIJ1,1SC0 , upon the south ' / northwest
M and north V2 southwest.l.j section ICi. town
ship 1 , north of range ISO west , in Keil Willow ,
county. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
of said entry ; contestant alleging that Edward
Yake has failed to break , cultivate , or plant
to trees , tree seeds or cuttings , any part of
said tract from date of entry up to this time ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this ollice on the 28th day of June , 1KSI ,
at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes
timony concerning said alleged failure.
.12. G. L. LAWS , Register.
WM. M. McfvAY , Attorney.
McCook , Neb. , May 21st , ISSI.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by James P. Maloney against Edward Vako for
abandoning his homestead entry 1C S8 , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , October 21st , 1880 , upon the
west Yi of southwest ' 4 section ol and east \ '
of southeast ? .i section ; > > , tor.-nship 1 north ,
range0 west , in Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , with u view to the cancellation of said en
try ; thu said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ollice on the ' , ' 8th day of June ,
1881 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment. 52. G. L. LAWs ? , Register.
W.M. M. McIC.vv , Attorney.
McCook. Neb. , May 7th , 1SK1.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Thomas 1 ! . Stnt/.man against Elca/.cr Itoot
for abandoning his timber-culture entry 22.V > ,
dated July 20th , 1882 , upon the southeast quar
ter of section : ! ! , township o , north of range nO
west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that Eleaxer Root has failed to break ,
cultivate , or plant to trees , tree seeds or cut
tings , any partof said tract front date of entry
up to the present time ; the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on
the lUth day of July , 1881 , at. 1 o'clock , P.M. ,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
52. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , May tith , 1581.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Thomas 15. Stut/.man against Elea/.er Root
for abandoning his homestead entry No. : U8 : ! ,
dated July 20th , 1882 , upon the east south
west li and lots It and 1 section : > 1. township It ,
north of ranpo HO west , in iled Willow county ,
Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation of
said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ollice on the 10th day
of July , ISM , at 1 o'clock , P. M. . to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
V. . G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , Junellrd , im.
Complain ! having been entered at this ollice
by William I'lusche against Leo Ilaiin for
abandoning his homestead entry 10. > ! ) , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , April 22 , I87l ! , upon the
northeast quarter of section 18 , township 2 ,
north of range 28 west , in Red Willow county ,
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this ollice on theSth day of July ,
1881. at 1 o'clock , P. respond and I'urnMi
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment. 1. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OFKICK AT McCooii , Nin. , i
May lith , IfWI. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomakelinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June
28th , ISK4 , viz : Charles Dietrich , 1) . S. .No. ! 7 ,
for the southeast quarter section 22 , township
2 north , range IJO west. He names the follow
ing Witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
E. M. Williams , Morris AVilliams , Alfred II.
Davis and George J. Frederick ? , all of McCook ,
Neb. ll. ! G. L. LAWS , Register.
May Kith , 1M. ) '
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has lilod notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday , July
7th , 18817. \ : Lev ! Johnson , homestead liJ7 : ,
for the northeast quarter of section 20 , town
ship ' > , north of range ( it ) west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Philip Weicfc , George Leland , George
Poe and LouisFlcischmanall of .McCook , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , 1 Jegist er.
LAND OFFICI : AT McCoou , Nin. , .
May 17th , ISM. j
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , July
7th , 1881 , \ 'i'Frank P. Nicholson , homestead
entry No. 111. for the south \2 \ southeast H
section I ! , southwest ' .i southwest ? .i section
20 and northwest ? .t northwest ' .i section 2 ! ) ,
township 2 north , range IJU west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : Louis F. J'auss Jo.-oph Williams ,
Roger IJarJies and Peter Swanson , all of Vail-
ton. Neb. . - l. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OrFici : AT McCooK , NII : . , (
May 27th , ISM. f
Notice 5s hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make liiiid proof in support ot his claim , sui-l
that said proof will be made before ; Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July
Hth , ISM.ix. : Sidney Dodge , D.S. No. 41 , for
the east 'i northeast Jj section in and west ' -
northwest Ji secrion 2U , township I , north ot
range 2i ! wes-t. lie names the lollowing wit
nesses to prove hi-continuous residence upon ,
mid cultivation of , said land , viz : John Good-
1'iibergcr , Henry Gouilenbergcr , William A.
Uomiiy and Reuben Gervei- , sill of Mcl'ook ,
Keb. . " > : . . C. L. LAWS , Register.
June 3rd , IKI. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
imiiicu settler has liled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
) r Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
Inly 12th , 1881. viz : August ( ' . Hove , home
stead entry No. .is , for the southwest Ji south
east H section 18 , and northeast h northwest
l-i and northwest ? .k northeast ? t and lot 1 of
section lit. township : > north , range 30 west.
Fie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
= aid land , viz : George White. Christian Jao- !
lolder , George Pow and Fred. PhujJiycre. all
) f McCook , Neb.
1. G. L. LAWS. Register.
LAND OFFICI : AT MrCooic , NKI : . . *
June nth , is. i. \
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of hi-s intention
omaketinal proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Regi > tcr
> r Receiver at McCo ; k , Neb. , on Friday. July
. " > th. 1881 , viz : Itonjainin F. Mct.Uuiy , I ) . S.
Co.24-J , for the west 'j southwest 'i section
1 and north ' northwes-t J.i section 11. town-
hip 2 , north of range 2 ! > west. He names the
'ollowing witnesses to prove his cnntinuou >
esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
iz : Frank Swihart , William N. Potter , Rich-
trd jRhn.-on and CharlesRoiier.all of McCook ,
> 'ob. > . G.L. LAWS , Regi-tor.
June Hth.1CM. . *
Notice is hereby given that the following
latneil settler has" ( lied notice of her intention
o make Until proof in support of her claim , and
hat said proof will bo nsado before Regi.-trr
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Frid-ty. .lulj
7th. ISM , viz : Aibertina Vtinco. IJ. > . No.
( i2. for the west ' southwest section 2 and
rest 'i ' northwest 1i of section 11. township 2.
in'i of rjJiisr1 - ' > wost. She names the follmv-
ng witnesses KJ ( > ivt iu.r i.-oi.ilnuoiis r.-.1--
fiieo upoii , an'd ciiitivatioii ofaid : lunj. : viz :
.ouis Ii. Mai-ch , John P. HIack. JohnM. Stone
ml Jaiucs liimball , all of McCook. Neb.
2. - G. L. LAWS , Register.
Juno Mi. 18 t.
Nollt-e U hereby Iv n Unit the rollo
named settler IUIH llled notlctof hlH Intuntlon
loiniiHeilniil prooriiifitipportorhlHelalin.and
that said proof will bcMiiadc before RoglHtoror
Re < : elver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. July
IlUli. ISM , viz : C. Howard Moitt | ii. O. S. No.
2HI , for the south & northeast > i and west M
southeast U f section JW , town hlp 2 north ,
ningo 28 west. Ho names'tho following wit
nesses to prove bin continuous rcHldencu iiiion ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : O. Lloyd
Clark. Alfred IJ. Fuller , .Stephen A. Rodgers
and Ernest Fuller , all of Indlanola , Neb.
2. 0. L. LAWS , Register.
Juno 7th , 1HH4. f
Notice is hei-eby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of her intention -V
to make tlnal proof in support of her claim , and - )
that said proof will bo inadu before Register
and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July ISlth , 1881. viz : Mary A. Conner , home
stead entry loSB , for the northeast quarter
of section 2. " > . township 1 north , ningo2 ! > west.
She names the following witnesses- provo
her continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , vl : Wllber F Saundcrs ,
John L. Sollers. Robert S. Cooley and .James
IJ. Miller , all ol'Sloughton , Neb.
2. G. L. LAWS , Register.
3Iay 22nd , 18S4. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his Intention
to make Until proof In support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. June
27th , 1881 , viz : Hiram Dirl , 1) . S. No. 2150 , for
the south l' northeast * . ; and west Yi southeast
' .t of section 22 , township 2 , north of ningo 2 ! )
west. Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said hind , viz : James Hattleld ,
William Itloomor , William W. Fisher and C.A.
Wilson , all of McCook , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May lUth , 1881. f
Nut ice is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his intention
to make Until proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July 5th , 1KM , viz : Alfred IJ. FullerD. S. No.
285 , for the east ' southeast ! .i section lOand
north V northeast ' .i section : tO , township 2 ,
north of range 28 west , lie- names the follow
ing wit nesses to prove- his continuousi residence
upon , and cultivation ofsaid land , viz : Ernest
Fuller , t' . Howard Moulton.G. Lloyd Chirk and
Stephen A. Rogers , all of Indianoht. Neb.
r.l. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAN OFFICI : .vrMcCooK , NKII. , I
May 21st , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of his intention
tomakelinal proof in support of his claim , and
that saitl proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Juno
27th , 1WI , viz : James W. Hatllcld , homestead
No. 75 , for the southeast quarter section HI ,
townsliip It , north of range 28 west. He names
the following witnesses to provo his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Isaac J. Stnrbiick , William W. Fish
er , John 15. Meserve and Lewis It.Marchall of
.McCook , Neb. 51. G. L. l VWS , Register.
LAND OFFICI : AT McCooif , NIII. , ) -x / :
May 21st , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of her intention
to make Until proof in support of her claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July
llth. 1881 , viz : Susan F. Knell' , homestead en
try 1I5S5 , for the cast Ji southwest f and lots
" > and 4 of section is , township 1 , north of range. !
28 west. She names the following witnesses to /
provo her continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : It. S.Cooley.Georgo
Fowler , Aaron Colvin and Newton Fowler , all
of Stoughton , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 1st , IHM. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make Until proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or t\ \
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June tf
Illh. IKKl. viz : Matthew II. Johnson , D. S. No.
151 , for the east ! northwest 'j , west Vz north f '
east } .t section 112 , township It north , r.mguIJQ
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , vi/ : Phillip II. Lam-
bach. Andrew ( 'arson , John \Vhitttiker and
C. Luther Nettleton , all of McCook , Neb.
1 ! > . G. L. LAWS , Register.
May llith , Io8l. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomaketinal proof in support of his claim.and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver tit McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
Juno 2. > th , 1881 , viz : Mather L. Urown , home /
stead 1UI7 , for the southwest quarter section
10 , township I > north , range2 ! ) west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his contin /
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , stiid
land , viz : Amos ; R. ISuck and Gustavc K. Wal-
lin of Red Willow , Neb. , Edgar F. Cause and f
Thomas J. Ruggles of McCook , Neb.
50. G. L. LA WS , Register. {
May titli , 1881. f 'tj
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his intention
to make Until proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June
20th. 1881 , viz : James C. Ltillerty , homestead
12M , for the northeast quarterscction ! ) , town
ship 1 north , range 2-S west. He mimes the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : S. W. Stilgbouer , J. C. Fonts , F. W. Weav
er and M. M. Weaver , all of Danbury , Neb.
50. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May nth , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , ami i
that said proof will bo made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Nob.on Monday , " July
7th. ISM , viz : James A. Grcgroy , homestead
12O ) , for the northeast ! i section : > ! , township
1 north , range 2 ! ) west. Ho names the follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous resi
lience upon , and cultlation of , said land , viz :
Francis L. Spicor , John I ) . Grvor and Joshua
( Jerver , of Srojighton. Nob. , ami William Drcn-
nev , ol McCook , Nt-i > .
G. L. LAWS , Register.
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