McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, June 05, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
WITH this issue THE TRIBUNE enters
upon the third year of its journalist }
existence. "When the present manage
ment took the helm , last fall , little o
no rhetoric was wasted in making prom
ises , but they went to work with th
secret determination to make THE
TRIBUNE a journal in which its readers
as well as its editors might take prid
a paper in harmonious keeping witl
the importance of the town and county ,
By reason of the patronage given us we
have been enabled to enlarge the paper
and to make a number of needed im
provements , among which we tak
pleasure in mentioning the Irnprovcc
Prouty Cylinder Press with which this
office has recently been equiped. In
addition , the Job Department has been
considerably enlarged to accommodate
the demands in that direction. Th
same rule and spirit will govern THE
TRIBUNE as heretofore. Hoping th
coming year may be a prosperous one
to our patrons as well as ourselves
we remain , THE TRIBUNE.
WE had hoped to be able to give the
name of the Republican nominee for
President. But as the Convention has
adjourned until 7 o'clock this evening ,
and no permanent organization as ye
been made , we gd to press. Log-rolling
may continue indefinitely.
THE B. & M. railroad extension to
Grand Island has been completed. This
gives Grand Island a new connection
with Omaha , via Lincoln. The city o :
Grand Island is certainly to be congrat
ulated upon her prosperity. She is now
quite an important railroad center , am
is growing very rapidly.
TEXAS cattle men howled aloud thafc
they couldn't pay eight cents an acre
for the use of grass on state land , but
the other day twelve of them got on a
jury and rendered a verdict that grass
burned by'an escaping locomotive spark
was worth sixty cents per acre. The
fitness of things doesn't always occur to
the inexperienced mind.
IT is probable that the commercial
advantages to be derived by the United
States from the opening up of Mexico
have been overrated. The country has
a sparse and poor population , and the
small quantities of goods they are likely
to buy must .undergo long and costly
transportation. The development of
the resources of Mexico will be the
work of immigrants , who are entering
slowly upon the task.
NEBRASKA is young in years , but not
in progress and prosperity in every line
of work. One of the brightest pros
pects before the state lies in the educa
tional prospects and facilities this state
enjoys , and aside from public schools
and state education , the young and
growing colleges for higher education
are most noteworthy. Doane College
at Crete , the Hastings College , the
Baptist Seminary at Gibbon , York Col
lege , Bellevue College , and numbers of
others , comprise denominational schools
in the state that are yearly growing in
strength , numbers and influence , and
are , as they ought to be , a source of
pride to all.
THE State Republican Central Com
mittee met last Wednesday evening at
the Millard hotel in Omaha , for the pur
pose of selecting the time and place for
holding thp State Convention for the
nomination of State Officers and Presi
dential Electors. The committee was
well attended and general good feeling ;
prevailed. The convention was called i
for August 27th , at 10 o'clock A. M.
The prevailing opinion being that the
delegates could reach that city by morn )
ing trains from different points in the
state and have ample opportunity to
transact the business of the convention
in time to depart for their homes upon ;
the following morning. The basis of
representation remains the same as that
fixed for the Jate convention , which
named the national delegates to Chica '
go. JiJarly nominations with an aggres
sive campaign was determined upon. c
Plattsmouth Herald. - -
r :
Through courtesy of Chief Dispatch
er , T. Cr. llees , we are able to produce
the following bulletins , which give the
status of things up to the date of going
to press :
BULLETIN No. 4. 11:25 : , A. M.
CHICAGO , June 4th.
General Sherman has telegraphed
Ex-Senator Henderson saying that he
would not accept nomination of office
or serve if elected.
BULLETIN No. 5. 12 , M.
Resolution binding delegates with
drawn. Committe on Credentials re
ported that they could not make com
plete report'till afternoon or evening.
BULLETIN No. 6. 12:26 : , P. M.
Convention adjourned till 7 P. M.
BULLETIN No. 7. 8:10 : , P. M.
Convention called to order at J
o'clock , P. M. Convention assembling.
It is said Committee on Credentials and
Resolutions are not yet ready to report.
Committee on Resolutions not yet
agreed on form of tariff plank. It is
now thought balloting will not be
reached till Friday. Committee on Cre
dentials reported not able to report to
convention , this evening. Convention
adjourned until 10 A. M. to-morrow ,
( Thursday. )
June 5th. 9 A. M.
Times says belief stronger than ever
that neither Blainc nor Arthur can be
nominated. Says Blainc men offered
Logan Vice Presidency to combine
forces. Offer was refused. Further
says , Arthur practically out ot the race
unless failure of independent movement
brings Edmunds and Hawley vote to
him. Logan men claim Arthur's south
ern vote , after first ballot , while Ed
munds men expect his vote in full if
transferred. Sherman men also claim
strong help from Arthur's forces.
9:51 : A. M. Inter-Ocean says Ar
thur's ranks stand firm and grow steadily.
Tribune says that seven of Mahone
Virginia delegation , which Committee
on Creden rials has decided to admit to
Convention will vote for Blaine. Says
that there was a conference of Arthur
and Edmunds men , last night , to secure
enough independent votes to put Arthur
ahead of Blaine on first ballot. Waited
contest in Alabama , Georgia and Vir
ginia decided by Committee on Creden
tials favor Arthur delegates. Fifth
Kentucky district favor of two Blaine
contestants. Maryland favor of two
Blaine contestants. Sixth New York
favor two Arthur men. Nineteenth
New York footh regular contesting del
egates to be seated.
BULLETIN No. 8. 11:10 : A. M.
Report of Committee adopted unani
mously. 11:15 Report Committee on
Credentials is in accordance with the
predictions on ballot No. one.
11:45 : A. M. Decided that after re
port of Committee on Resolutions been
read roll of states will be called for
presentation of candidates after which
ballot will be taken.
BULLETIN "No. 9. 12:45 P , 31.
Minority report changing the order
of representation in National Conven
tions , giving greater representation to
Republican states. Exciting warm dis
cussion. 1:22 : P. M. Reference to
Arthur in report of platform received
with cheers. 1:29 : P. M. Committee
on Resolutions presented report. 1:30 :
P. M. Platform recommends such re
vision of tariff as will protect American
interests and American labor. 1:32 : P.
M. Platform denounced importation
of foreign labor , either from China or
Asia. 1:45 P. M. Platform unani
mously adopted. ] ; 48 P. M. Call of (
states for members national committee
being proceeded with.
Convention adjourned 1:55 : P. M ,
iill 7 this P. M.
JOHN R. LYNCH , a colored Mississippian -
pian , received the temporary Chairman
ship , defeating Powell Clayton of Ar-
cansas , who was ehosen for that posi- )
ion by the National Committee , not
very conventional act.
A SURPLUS of $155,000,000 was re-
orted from the Treasury a few days
igo. The emotion of Mr. Morrison and
he friends of a horizontal revenue ro-
brrn upon reading the announcement
an be better imagined than described.
"LUCKY" BALDWIN , of San Francis-
O ; is a four-time winner. He has just
fen his fourth wife , who is twenty
'cars old. As he is sixty years old ,
nd worth $10,000,000 , she may be W
ailed one of the most successsul hi h <
'bread-winners" of the day. ei
T ? . M. HOLLAND , in the Index , gives
utterance once more to the plaintive
Avail that manhood is running down a
the heel. He says farmers are not a
good-farmers as they were , mechanics
are losing their ingenuity , and so on
through the list. Is it true ? Were
the mechanics of a generation ago su
perior to Edison ? Were the lawyers
better than Evarts and O'Connor \
Were the preachers abler than Talmage
Beecher and Swing ? "Were the news
papers better conducted , the railroad
more carefully managed , the telegraph
more speedy , than now ? Were the
crops equal in quantity and quality to
those produced in these later degener
ate years ? How do the horses , cattle ,
sheep and hogs of forty years ago com
pare with the domestic animals of to
day ? Was the thought of a generation
gone bolder and broader and more vig
orous than that of the present hour ?
Were kindness , charity and truth more
the rule of human conduct then than
now ? Did peace then so widely bless
mankind ? These questions answer
themselves and silence the carper who
declares the world is growing weaker
or worse. It is growing stronger and
better , and that growth will continue.
No one need be uneasy about the fu
ture. He may not be here , and if he
is he will see the earth taking care of
itself in the highest style of the art.
THE opening of the Sioux reservation
is likely to hang fire for some time.
The.members of the Sioux commission
have returned from their official trip
to the Sisseton reservation , whether
they went to arrange with the Sisseton
Indians for a sale of a portion of their
lands. The commission told the Indians
briefly what they were instructed to do ,
namely , to arrange with them a plan
by which the Indians could sell the
greater part of the million acres owned
by them at not less than $2.50 per acre.
It is estimated that the lands would
bring at least $2,000,000 which at five
percent would yield $100,000 per year ,
thereby making a cash annuity of nearly
$5000 for each family of six persons.
In reply to the commission the Indians
said they had fully considered the
proposition and they did not at this
time care to sell the lands. The Indians
expected a parley and were doubtless
surprised when the commissioners left
them with the remark that when they
got ready to sell they would come back
and talk with them. While this is
discouraging news to those who would
like to buy these valuable lands , the
Indians will probably communicate with
the commissioners before long.
On , by the way , Jim Keene we call
him Jim because we know him so well
was cleaned out in New York the
other day amid the general joy of the
street. Jim .took it pretty hard , and
fussed round a good deal , while the boys
laughed loud and long. But when they
came to settle up Saturday night Jim
was a million and a half ahead of the
game. They have concluded to defer
shipping him home in a freight car till
some other Saturday night.
LIKE the lamented Lord Byron , so
did one Becky Jones wake up one
morning to find herself famous. Becky
enjoys the distinction of being the
first woman who got into jaUfor hold
ing her tongue. New York papery
sound her praises in columns of
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of the Board of
Trustees , for the purpose of transact
ing important business is called to meet
Saturday evening Juno 7th. A full
board is earnestly desired , B.y order of
I am now running two .cfcairs. No more ivnitlng.
Estimate of Expenses. )
At a meeting- held May 8th , 1SS4 , the Jioarcl '
f Trustees of the Village of McCook , Neb. ,
nade the following estimates of expenses
icecssary for the ensuing1 year , to-wit :
For general purposes ? 500 00
tfpr jdgivalks and crossings 200 00
TOTAL. , , . . „ , . „ . , . . § 70000
By order of Board of Trustees.
5C-4. F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , May 20th , ' 84. f
Notice is lieroby given that on the 24th day
f May , 1884 , Patriot Walsh and Charles E.
toytl tiled their bond and petition at thisoflice
sking the Board of Trustees of the Village of
IcCook , to grant them license to sell , malt ,
pirituous and vinous liquors within the cor-
orate limits of said village.
52. P. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
Taken Up.
I > y the undersigned at their ranch on Drift-
oed , 0 miles from McCook , a three year old :
elfer , red with white spots , white face , and
randed .1 LL on left side , and square cut left
nr. Left horu bent down.
for the working clnss. Send 10 cents
GOLD for portage , and wo will ninll you free ,
a royal , valuaMo box of sample ( roods
that will put you In the way of making
more money In a few days than you ever thought pos
sible nt any business Capital not required. Wo will
start you. You can work nil the time or In spare time
only. The work Is universally adapted to both BCXCS ,
young and old. You can easily earn from SO cents to
$5 every uYenlng. .That nil who want work may test
the business , we make this unparalleled offer ; to nil
who are not well satUilcd wa will send $1 to pay for
the trouble of writing ua. Full particulars , directions ,
etc. , sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who
give their whole tlmo to the work. Great auccccs
absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address
STINSON & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-35.
Arc you disturbed nt night and broken of your rest
by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut
ting teeth ? If so , send at once and get a bottle of
UK. Wisdew's CotMng Gyic ? fcr Children Tccthlsg.
Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It , mothers ,
thorc Is no mistake nbout It. It cures dysentery and
diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures
wind colic , softens the gums , reduces Inflammation ,
and gives tone and energy to the whole Rystem.
Mrs. Wisslsw's Cccthlzg Syrup for Children Tcethiss Iz
pleasant to the taste , und Is the prescription of one
of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians
In the United States , ana Is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
F. A. Lchmann , Solicitor of American and Foreign
Patents , Washington , D. C. All business connected
with Patents , whether before the Patent Office or thu
Courts , promptly attended to. Xo charge made un
less a patent Is secured. Scud for circular. tf.
wanted for The Lives oj all the
Presidents of the U. S. The
largest , handsomest best book
ever sold for less than twice our
price. The fastest selllnKliook In America. Iiinncns
prollts to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Any
one can become a successful agent. Terms free
HALLETT1500K CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-35.
Our Druggist , S. L. Green , Is distributing free sain
pie bottles of lieggs' lilood Purifier. It will at once
relieve that drowsy , heavy , tired feeling , loss of am
bltlon , &c. , caused by ! i Torpid Liver and dlseasei
Kidneys. It costs nothing to try It.
Those Blotches , Pimples. Eruptions of the Skin
Spring Humors , Ac. , can be cured by using Ucggs
Blood Purlllcr. A\e warrant every bottle sold to givi.
Fatlsfactlon , and furnish FIIEK samples to all win
desire to try It. S. L. Green.
a week at home. ? 3 outfit free. Pay ab
solutcly sure. Noilsk. Capital not requlr
ed. Ifeader. If you want business at whlcl
persons of cither eex , young or old , cai
make great pay all the time they work , with absolute
certainty , write for particulars to II. 1IALLKTT
CO. Portland , Jlalac. 'i-3.-i
Send six cents forpostage.ant
receive free , a costly box o :
goods which will help y u ti
S more money right away thai
anything else In this world. All of either sex , succeci
from llrst hour. The broad road to fortune opens be
fore Hie workers , absolutely sure. At once address
TP.UK & CO. , Augusta , JIalne. . 2-U3.
The call for Bcggs' Ulood Purifier Is dally Incrcas
Ing. S. L. Green Is furnishing sample bottles free
It Is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys
and Blood. Warranted.
THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured
by Shlloh's Cure. We guarantee It.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint ? Shiloh's Vltallzer Is guaranteed to cure you ,
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS , made miserable by that ter
rible cough. Shlloh's Cure Is the remedy for you.
CATARRH CURED , health and sweet breath sc'
cured by Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Trice SO cents.
Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back , Side or Chest use Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 23 cents.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is soli
by us n a guarantee. It cures consumption.
SHILOH'S VITALIZE ! * Is what you need for Con
stlpatlon. Less of Appetite , Dizziness and all symp
toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle.
CROUP , WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis im
mediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure.
Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , ilcCook , Neb.
Attention , Land Attorneys.
We have in stock "Cash Application" and
"Proof" blanks , under act approved June 15 ,
1880. Sfima are put up in SI and $2 packages ,
ready to mail. Send in your order to
THE THIBUNE. McCook , Neb.
McCook , Neb. , May 13th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Martin V. Easterday against Eli Iteid for
failure to comply with law as to timber-cul
ture entry 1115 , dated North Platte , Neb. , Octo
ber ! , 1S79 , upon the southwest quarter sec
tion G. township 4 north , range IiO west , in lied
Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the can
cellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
that Eli Iteid has failed to break , or plant to
trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract
since date of entry ; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this ollice on the
14th day of July , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
50. G. L. LAWS , Kegistcr.
McCook , Neb. , May 10th , 1SS1.
Cpmplaint having been entered at this office
by Jpsepli JJ. Teas against James G.Scwcll for
abandoning jjis homestead entry -17U , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , April 7 , l n , upon the
southeast J.i northeast } .J section TJ , township
4 north , range " 0 west , and southeast H north
west J > and lots 1 and U , section IS , township 4
north , range 28 west , in Ited AVillow county.
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
: o appear at this ollice on the " 1st day of July ,
: S84 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
.estinjony concerning said alleaed abandon
ment. HI , G. L. LAWS , Itegister.
McCook , Neb. , May 30th , 1881.
Complaint having been entered at this olHce
> y Amos Gpodenberger against William It.
Irown for failure to comply with law as to
imbcr-eulture entry 01 ! ) , dated North Platte ,
Neb. , July 10,1879 , upon the northwest quarter
cction 19. township 1 , north of range 0 west ,
n Ued Willow county. Neb. , with a view to
he cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that said William R. Brown lias failed
o plow or cultivate any part of the above
ract at any time since making his entry up to
j : " present time ; and that he has failed to
plant or t iso to be planted any trees , tree- .o
seeds .or euttinga Vvv'J S' a tract at any time )
since making his .entry up to the pi r'cnt time ;
ind that said claim is wholly abandoned | the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
it this ollice on the 14th day of July , ISat I :0 :
I'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimo
ny concerning said alleged failure ,
j G.L. LAWS , llcgistor. O1
McCook , Neb. , June 3rd , 1SS4.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
y Fred. Munsingcr against Jacob Fish for
ibandoning his homestead entry icno , dated at
'forth PJatte , Neb. , November 5,1S7U , upon the
iouth J/J of northwest Jf and north 54 of south-
vest Ji of section 5. lownship i. , north of ranire
S west , in Ked Willow county , Nebraska , with tc
view to the cancellation of said entry ; the tlOl
aid parties are hereby summoned to appear 11 Ol
it this office on the Sth day of July , 1884 , at
o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tcsti- ]
nony concerning said alleged abandonment. IK
1. G. L. LAWS , Register. ra
a i
McCook. Ncl ) . , March 10th. 1SS1.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
iy Augustus S. Uoughton against 'Elmus Mc-
toss for abandoning his timber-culture entry
34 , dated at North Platte , Neb. . May 8th. 187' ' .
ipon the south ? i of northeast U and north \ \
f southeast H of section K ! . township : . ' , north n :
f range tJ west , in Ked Willow county. Neb. , to
itli a view to the cancellation of said entry ; th :
ontestant alleging that said defendant has or
iiilcd to cultivate , or cause to be cultivated , .Ti
ny part of said land since May 8.1881 , to the Sti
resent time ; and has failed to plant , or cause ca :
be planted , to trees , ree seeds or cuttings , [
nypart of said land since making said entry caHi
i the present time as required by laxv ; the Hi
iid parties are horeliv snmmonc-d to appear CO
tthis ollice on the 14th day of July. ISM. at COa
o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testi- ho
uiny concerning said alleged abandonment. of
1. G.L. LAWS , Register. j
McUook. Nol > . , May 21st , 1KH.
Complaint having been entered at this ofllco
by James 1' . Maloney against Edward Yako
for falltiro to comply with law us to tlmber-
culturu entry 1111 , dated North 1'lattc , Noli. ,
October 31 , l&SO , upon the south 4 northwest
ii and north \ southwest ? * section IKJ. town
ship 1 , north of range ' ! ( ) west , In Hod Willow ,
county , Neb. , with a view to the caiicollatlon
ot said entry : contestant alleging that Edward
Yako has tailed to break , cultivate , 01 ; plant
to trees , tree seeds or flitting ? , any part of
said tract from date of entry up to this tlmo ;
the said parties arc hereby summoned to ap
pear at tnisollico on the 23th day of June , IS&l ,
at 1 o'clock , I * . M. , to respond and furnish tes
timony concerning said alleged failure.
Ki. 0. L. LAWS , Uegister.
WM. M. McKAV , Attorney.
McCook , Neb. , May y 1st. 1FSI.
Complaint during been-cnteml at this oilico
by James I'.Maloney against Edward Vake for
abandoning his homestead entry HW3 , dated at
North Platte , Nob. , Getober 21st. 18SO , upon th
west Vof southwest Ki section 3-1 and east. \
of southeast li section : . township 1 north
range I0 ! west , in lied Willow county. Ncbras
ka , with a view to the cancellation of said ei
try ; the said parties are hereby summoned t
appear at this ollice on the ' tli day of June
1884 , at 1 o'clock , I' . M. , to respond and fnrnisl
testimony concerning said alleged abandoi
mcnt. ftj. G. L. LAWS , iteglatcr.
WM. M. MCKAY. Attorney.
MeCook. Neb. , May 7th. 1881.
Complaint having been entered at this ollic.
by Thomas It. Stutxman against Elua/er Iloo1
for abandoning his timber-culture entry iV > ,
dated July 20th. 1SS2 , upon the southeast quar
ter of section III , township : ) , north of range IM
west , in lied Willow county. Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestanl
alleging that Eleaxer Root has failed to break-
cultivate , or plant to trees , tree seeds or cut
tings , anypartof said tract from dateof entrj
up to the present time ; the said parties arc
hereby summoned to appear at Hit * olliee 01
the lUth day of July , 1881 , at I o'clock. 1' . M.
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
52. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , May ( ilh , IFS4.
Complaint having been entered at this ofliei
by Thomas IJ. Stutznmn against Klea/.er Root
for abandoning his homestead entry No. 31IS8 ,
dated July 20th , IKS. , upon the east V- > south
west H and lots ! i and section 111. township ; t
north of ruin ! e 30 west , in Red Willow county
Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation ol
said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum
moiled to appear at this ollice on the loth daj
of July , 1884 , ut I o'clock , I * . M. . to responi
and furnish testimony concerning said allegec
H. G. L. LAWS , Register.
MeCook , Neb. , May Sth , issi.
Complaint having been entered at this ollici
by Myron II. Wil.-on against David Ulrey fo
almndoninghis timber-culture entry KiTO.daU'i
North Platte , Neb. , March 21 , 1880 , upon tin
east'/ southeast fj , and south / northeast > ;
of section 12 , township 1 north , range ; > 0 west
in Red Willow countyNeb. , with a view to tin
cancellation of said entry : contestant alleging
that David Ulrey has failed to break , cultivate ,
or plant to trees , tree scuds or cuttings , ani
part of said tract from date of entry up tc ;
this time ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this ollice on the 23rd day
of June , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said allegec"
abandonment. 50. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , June 3rd , 1S84.
'Complaint having been entered at this olliet
by William Flusche against Leo Halm fo
abandoning his homestead entry IVi'Jdated a
North Platte , Neb. , April 22 , 1S7U , upon the
northeast quarter of section IS , township 2 ,
north of range 28 west , in Red Willow county
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of sai <
entry ; the said parties are hereby summonei
to appear at this ollic < * on the Sth day of July ,
18S1 , at 1 o'clock , 1' . respond and furnisl
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
mcnt. 1. G.L. LAWS , Register.
LAND Oprice AT McCooic , NKH. , t
April act ! ) , Jbrtl. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias jllcd notice of his intcntioi
to make final proof in support of his claim , .IK
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCookNeb.on Friday , June titli ,
1884 , viz : John W. Enyeart , homestead entry
323 ! > , for the northeast * \ northwest y and
northwest J.j northeast ? * and lots I ! and 4 of
section 31 , township . ' 5 north , range 2U west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : John JJagley , Amos Leonard ,
Reuben Trowbridge and George Leland , all of
McCook , Neb. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 2 .itli , l 8l. f
Notice is hereby given that the followin
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in supportof his claimand
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June
I4th , 1881 , viz : Oscar K. Noble , I ) . S. No. 51 ,
' southeast . southwest . southeast
for the east / ? .i , ? .i
east Jj and southeast U southwest ; .i sections ,
townships north , range "J west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and culthation of. said
land , viz : Francis M. Marshall , Israel Wood ,
Charles Crosby and John Miller , : tl ! of Laird ,
Neb. 15. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAXI > Omcu AT MCCOOK , Nun. , i
May Oth , 1.U. . )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
: oinakelinal proof insnpportof his claim , und
: hat said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June
8th , 1884 , viz : Charles Dietrich , D. S. No. ! 7 ,
for the southeast quarter section , township
north , range 'M west. He names the follow-
ng witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
lencc upon , and cultivation of. said land , vis :
B. M. Williams , Morris Williams , All red H.
' ) avis and George J. Fmli-rlcks , nil of McC'nok ,
Neb. 19. G. L. L.VWS , Re--ibter.
May Itnh , J.v l. ) '
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has tiled notice of his intention [
o make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register
" Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , .1 uly
following witnesses to prove his continuous I
residence upon , ami cultivation of , said laud , i
ri/ : Philip Weiek , George Lclund , George I
Poe and Louis Flciscliniun , all ol .McCook , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 17th , 14. ) !
Aotco is hereby given that the following
mined settler has Hied notice of his intention ,
make linul proof in support of his claim , and !
hat said proof will be made before Register |
r Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , July I
th , ISM , viz : Frank I' . Nicholson , homestead :
iiitry No. Ill , for the south Vx southeast J.t i
ice-lion IU , southwest h southwest H section '
and northwest. } IIDITInvest J4 section r.t ,
ownshii ) - ' north , range U Vfc t. He names :
ho following witnesses to prove his continu- '
us residence upon , and cultivation of , said :
und , viz : Louis F. Fauss , Joseph Williams , i
oger. 15anio = and Peter Swunson , all of Vail-1
on , A'toUi Oli G. L. LAWS , Register. '
LANI > . "eic
May . .I. , .lKU- ' i
Notice is hereby given that the following
mined settler has Hied notice of his intention
make final proof in support of his claim , snd '
hat said proof will be made bwiore Register i
Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fridav , July
1th , IfSl , viz : Sidui'v Dodge , D. S. No. 41 , for .
tie east/ ! northeast Jj section I' > tnul w - t ; ,
orthwest U section 0 , township 1 , nocth of ,
ange : . " . ) west. Ho names the following wit-
esses to prove his continuous residence upon , ,
nd cultivation of , said land , viz : John Guod-
nbcrgcr , Henry Goodenberjrer , William A. '
leinay and Reuben .Gerver , all of McCook , ' .
reb. 5U' . G. L. LAWS. Register.
June 3rd. iN . f
Notice is hereny jriven thut the following
uuietl settler has'iHed notice nf his intention
make final proof in support of his claim , and
iat said proof will be unidu before Uegist 'r
Recei'-er at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
uly litli , li-'Sl. viz : August C. Hoge. liome-
tend entry No. ! ) .i , for the southwest Jj south-
ist H section IS , and northeast 'j northwe.-t
and northwest northeast lt and lor 1 of
action I'.1 , township north , range ' ) west. .
names the f illowinjrvitnesesto prove his '
antinnous rcsidi-iice upon , and cultivation of.
lid land , viz : ( it-orsre White. Christian ISlae-
Dlder. Gcoi-ire I'ow Fix- l. I'lasmycrc. all.- '
McCook , Nub.
1. G. L. LAV.'S , Register. '
May 22ml , 18 J. f
Notice In hereby given that the following
named settler IIIIK tiled notice of his intention
to make llnal proof In Bupport of his claim , and
that paid proof will bo mndo before Jloglstor
or Iteeeivor t McCook , Nob. , on Frldiiy. Juno
27th , 1881 , viz : Hiram Dirl. J ) . S. No. 2I ! ( ) , for
the south northeast M. and west 'A eouthoaat
J4 of section 22 , township 2 , north of range 2 ! )
west. Ho names the following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , mild Intnl. vl/ : James Hatllold ,
William Hloomcr , William W. Fisher and 0. A.
Wilson , all of McCook , Neb.
51. O. L. LAWS , KeglBtor. '
Muy IDth , 18S4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following n
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make Iliml proof In support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July fith , 1881 , viz : Alfred It. Puller , D. S. No.
2A" , for the east l/t southeast J-i section 10 and
north ' /J northeast > i section 30 , township 2 ,
north of range 28 west. He names the follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation ofsaid land , viz : Ernest
Fuller , C. Howard Moulton.G. Llovd Chirk und
Stephen A. Rogers , ull of Indlunola , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 21st , 18HI. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has lllcd notice of his Intention
to make IImil proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will lie made before Register
or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , Juno
27th. ItWI , viz : James W. Hattleld , homestead
No. 75 , for the southeast quarter section 31 ,
township 3 , north of range 28"west. Ho names
the following witnesses to provo his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Isaac J. Starbuck , William W. Fish
er , John IS. Mescrve and Lewis It.Marchall of
McCook , Neb. 51. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 21st , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of her intention
to uiake llnal proof in support of her claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July
llth. 1S8I , viz : Susan F. Knelf , homestead en
try 13Ki , for the east l/i southwest J.i and lots
! and 1 of section 18 , township 1 , north of range
28 west. She names the following witnesses to
prove hereontinuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : R.S.Coolcy , George
Fowler , Aaron Colvin und Newton Fowler , all
of Stoughton , Neb.
51. G. L. LAWS , Register. ,1
April 2lith , 18S1. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named si-ltler has Hied notice of his intention
to make Until proof in supportof his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
June 3d , 1KS-I , viz : Gustavo K. Wullin , D. S.
! < i2l'or the southeast quartcrscction 11 , town
ship 3 north , range 2i ! west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : lidgar Couse , Mather L. JSrown and Thos.
Riurglesof McCook. Neb. , und Isaac Johnson
of Uox KIder , Neb.
48. G. L. LAWS Register.'i
April 28th , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
'named settler hits Hied notice of Ills intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
June IU , 1881 , viz : William Fruin. D. S. No.
2t ) ! > , for the north V2 southwest ! * and south ' / $
northwest ? .i section 23 , township 3 north ,
range : iU west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove discontinuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Col
lins , Hiram Iti.vler , Arthur Snow and James
Cain , all of McCook , Neb.
48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 1st , 188-1. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and
thut said proof will be made before Registcror
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , Juno
11th. 1SS1 , viz : Matthew H. JohnsonD. S. No.
151 , for the cast \'t northwest l-t , west Yi north
east it section It ; , township 3 north , range 30
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , und cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Phillip II. Lam-
bach , Andrew Carson , John Whittaker and
C. Luther Nettleton , all of McCook , Neb.
1' ' . G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 13th , Io84. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
namud settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
June 25th , is.Sl , viz : Mather L. ISrown , home
stead 1317 , for the southwest quarter section
10 , township 3 north , range 20 west. He names
tljo following witnesses to prove his conUn-
uons residence upon , and cultivation of , saiq
land , viz : Amos R. IJuck and Gustave K. Wal
tin of Red Willow , Neb. , Edgar F. Couse and
Thomas J. Rujrgles of McCook , Neb.
5'J. ' G. L. LAWS , Register.
May Uth , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June
ajtb. liteJ , viz : .lamed C. Lalfcrty , homestead
12.- ! ) , for the northeast quarter section 'J , town
ship I north , range28 west. He names thft
following witnesses to prove his continuous :
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : S. W. Stllgbouor , J. C. Fonts : , F. W. Wcuv.
er and M. M. Weaver , all of Dun bury , Neb.
50. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND Orricn AT McCootc , NEU. , )
May ! ) th , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that fcaid proof will be made before Kegister
lcccivcrit Mc'ook , Ni'b.on Monday , July
rth , 1WJ , viz ; .Juniub A. iiru ru > , LfifTestea ( '
- ( ! " , for th < r northeast ? i section. 31 , township
north , range : ? ) wst. . lie names the follow1
ing witnesses to prove his contjnuous rt'sl"
li.-net' upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz- :
"nincis L. Spiec-r. John D. Gerver and Joshua
Server , of Stonghton , Neb. , and William JUreu-
icy , ol McCool ; , Neb.
5'J. G. L. LAWS , Register- .
Latest Edition lias 118,000 Words ,
(3000 ( more tlinn any other American Dict'y , )
3OOO Engravings , *
( nearly .1 times the number in any other Dict'yJ
also cr mtains a Eiograpliical Dictionary
giving Iwf iinjiortant facts concerning
97OO Noted Persons.
The following , from page llol , shorn ) the value ot ;
Illustrated Definitions.
1 , living jib ; Sjib ;
IJforctop-mjst-stay sailj 4 , forfr-course ;
! it furetop eail ; ( J , f retop-allant ail ;
7 , fore-royal ; 8 , furo tky tail ;
1) , fore-royal studding sail ;
10 , foretop-pallant ftudrlingFailj
11 , foretop-maststadding-Mil ;
12 , main-course ; in , maintop fail ;
1-1 , maintop-fpiilant Fail ; 15 , rnain-royal ;
1C , main sty sail ; 17 , main royal ituddinjj sail ;
18 , main top-gallant f-tiiil'lias fail ;
19 , maintop-mas : studding fail ;
SO , mizzen-coursc ; 1 , miz = en-top pail ;
a"mizzentotgallant ail 23 , mizzen-royali
S-l , mizzcn eky ail ; 25 , mizzen-spanker.
Among the many that could be cited nre the
! ? : _ Beef , Boiler , Castle , Column , Eye ,
W.-l tPr is thu Standard of thf-U. S. Supreme
Onurtutid in tl. ; U. S. Gov't T'rintiiijrCMHce.
fkoconmitiadf'l l y State Sp'ts of Schools in
'IG States. Sulc " 0 tirnt-s thut < > f auyotiers- ! ? .
34C. . HERRIAM & CO. , Pub'rs Springfield.