McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 29, 1884, Image 3

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5 > on t Ie vo old friends , when In distress ,
You know In brighter hours ,
"Who now , perchance , pluck but the thorns ,
Whcro once they owned the flowers.
< Glvo them the same old welcome ,
Not pass by with scornful frown ;
3Do all you can to help them ;
Don't desert them when they're down.
The via Vila's up-hill work ,
And slander's wordy strife
ds its baneful glamour
the seething crowd of life.
"Some whom wo thought were true friends
Before misfortune's frown
< 0ur pedestal 6'orshaded ,
Now desert us when we're down.
a leaf upon a streamlet ,
Or a tempest-tossed boat ,
many on the sea of life
Can scarcely keep afloat.
So help up those who helped you
In the day of their renown ; j
'Though now the cloud hangs o'er them ,
Don't desert them when they're down.
Could we lift the mystic curtain
On our coming Joy or care ;
Could the lights e'en dimly flicker ,
Bidding us beware ! beware !
-"Shadows through the twilight telling ,
More cross than glittering crown ,
Then should we like the old friends
To desert us when we're down.
[ Detroit Free Press.
China has the electric light.
Orders have been issued that tele
phones for the use of divers shall be
Supplied to British ships carrying such
Mother-of-pearl shells are largely
-used in the Sheffield trades , and the
prices have a tendency of late to reach
5ugh figures.
There are 124,000 miles of railroad in
Tthe United Slates , or seven times as
many miles as there are in the United
Singdom of Great Britian.
S. Wroblewski supposes that the tem
perature required for the complete
liquefaction of hydrogen is about that
which may be obtained by means'of
"boiling oxygen.
It is now placed beyond a doubt in
the course of the investigation regard
ing cholera in the east that Dr. Koch ,
-of the German Cholera Commission ,
; has discovered the bacilli of the disease.
Silk , which is carelessly treated in
-dyeing with some artificial colors , loses
much of its lustre ; as the workmen say ,
nt is no longer silk , "it is changed into
cotton. " This can be avoided by the
addition of soap to the dye bath.
" [ Textile Recorder.
In England during healthy years air
" travels on the average about 4J- miles
n hour , and 3 } in unhealthy. The per
centage of carbonic acid ranges thus :
In country , .08 ; in town , .04 ; in hospitals -
-pitals , .05 ; in fogs , .07 ; in crowded
ianes , .IS ; in theatres , .30.
Honigman's fireless locomotive , with
"the caustic-soda condenser , has been
'used regularly since March 81 for passenger -
-senger traffic between Stolberg , near
-Aix la Chapello and Wurfelen. The
locomotive when charged , it is found ,
will go for twelve hours.
Aluminum can be beaten out , either
hot or cold , as perfectly as gold or sil
ver , and can be rolled in the same way.
3 > aves as thin as those for gilding and
silvering can be made of it , and it is
-easily drawn into wire. Its high cost
.prevents its use extensively in the arts.
Built-up wood , like that employed for
= a good many years back in bottoming
-chairs , already competes with canvas
lor the purposes of the artist , and with
"binders' board for book covers. Its
"lightness , almost entire absence of
-cleavage lines and non-liability to split
are among its commendable features.
Cooking With Oil Stores.
Mrs. Lincoln , the Boston lecturer on
cookery , says : When one tells you
that there is "ho trouble" in using an
-oil stove you may be morally certain
that she does not know what she is
talking about. To be sure you are
'saved additional heat and dust in the
summer when you have so much of
-both from nature herself ; but unless
.you are careful you will have a smoky
atmosphere and a disagreeable odor
You needn't have either if you choose
to manage properly ; the "no trouble"
.people will have it all the time. Tie
'way to avoid it is to keep the burner
perfectly clean , and entirely free from
"the gummy burner deposit which even
the best oil will have on the polished
'brass burner. Every day the burner
-should be washed in hot , clean suds ,
thoroughly dried and the wick re
placed ; the little brass network about
the base of the burner should be carefully -
fully wiped and kept free from
-every particle of dust. The wick
should be cut squarely and
evenly with sharp scissors , and not
-even a thread should be left that is
higher than the rest. When the blaze
is extinguished the wick should be
turned down at least half an inch be
low the edge of the burner. If it is
left above , or even with the top , it will
-absorb oil , and- the oil will run over
the top , making it greasy and soiled ,
and emit an unpleasant odor. The
best quality of oil should be used , as ,
--after all , it is fully as economical ;
there is less sediment in it , it will burn
'to the last drop , will not smoke so
badly and does not leave such a rank
odor. The stove should be filled after
using , and when it is first lighted the
blaze should be watched , because it in
creases in intensity and very soon be-
tgins to" smoke. It can then be regu
lated and left for some time , especially
if you are baking ; if you have water
on boiling , as soon as the water reaches
the boiling point the flame will increase
-again and must be turned down. The
reason for this nobody pretends to explain -
plain , but the fact remains.
Thurloir Weed's Faith.
The religious element in Mr. Weed's
stature was largely developed. He
made no professions in this direction ;
he subscribed to no formal articles of
iaith ; but he always led a sober , con
scientious , reverential life , and was a
far better Christian in thought and deed
than many who are punctilious in mat
ters ho thought irrelevant. One day ,
when he was far advanced * in life , a
bustling young Baptist brother called
upon him to converse about sin and re
demption. He alluded to the weather ,
the goodness of the Creator in grant
ing various kinds at weather , and
then , after a pause , began : "Mr.
Weed , if you will excuse me , you are
now an old man. You cannot have
many years to live , and have called
to pray with you and talk with you
aboutthe interests of your soul , in view
of the eternal future. " Mr. Weed
smiled upon the juvenile preacher , who
might have been his grandson , and
said : "Ithank you sincerely for the
intent and kind wishes which no
oubt brought you here. But you
seem to bo laboring under a misappre
hension. Do you really imagine that a
serious-minded man wha has lived be
tween these two worlds for eighty-four
years ; who has had the highest joy
and the deepest sorrow ; who nas been
stricken down in the shadow of death
more than once and came out alive ;
who has been bereft of fathei > and
mother , brothers and sisters , wife and
children ; who has seen the dear fnends
of his youth drop off one by one till
scarcely a companion remains above
the sod , has never dwelt upon this ques
tion of the meaning of life and the mys
tery of death , concerning which you
have come to give me youropinion ? I
thank you , my dear friend , but you can
do nothing for me. " And the youth
took his departure.
How People Feel About Bepeatlng Their
Though most people do their best to
prolong life , few are in favor of repeat
ing it. Even with the wisdom acquired
in a lifetime to arm one for the battle
nobody longs to go back and try it all
over again. Indeed , those who are
honest admit that they could not do it ;
that knowing what the ordeal is they
would have no courage to begin it.
Each seems to feel as he nears the end
of the intricate and tiresome journey
that he has been miraculously'preserv
ed ; that another time he might not be
so fortunate. The greater his ac
cumulation of wisdom the more certain
he is of this. Nothing is so destructive
to self-conceit than living.
It is not the disabled , the defeated
and the baffled alone who rejoice that
the business of life is one that can have
no repetition. The successful , the
honored , the envied those who are
considered victors entertain the same
feeling. They rejoice that it is not to
be done over again.
No one wants to live his childhood
over again , although that stage of his
existence may have been comparatively
a happy one. Maturity has taught him
that it was inferior ; and sad as his
wisdom is , he would not exchange it
for the crude bliss of ignorance.
The middle-aged man sighs perhaps
that his youth has been spent unprofitably -
ably , but he does not want it back
The patriarch boasts of his days of
strong young manhood , but he would
not go back and live them over if he
could. No , he does not wish to live it
over again , not even its happiest hours.
They are all safe in memory , and he
speaks of them with a smile and a sigh ,
but he does not ask for them again.
Yet they were full of honor , crowded
with love and crowned with success.
, _ And the aged woman whose girlhood
Texas and a Cattle Quarantine.
Galreston New
The live stock commission of Kan
sas , in conference with veterinai y sur
geons representing the United States
government , agreed that it was advisa
ble that Kansas , Missouri , Illinois ,
Eowa , Nebraska and Colorado should
quarantine against the introduction of
cattle from New Yerk by any road
south of the north line of Pennsylvania ,
Pennsylvania and Virginia east of the
Alleghenies , and New Jersey , Dela
ware , Rhode Island and Maryland ,
being the districts where cattle are
affected witn pleuro-pneumonia. The
governor of Kansas has invited the
governors of the western states indi
cated to co-operate in this quarantine ,
but the governor of Missouri declines
for wane of authority. According to
Governor Glick's letter to Governor
Crittenden , large numbers of calves are
being shipped from the infected dis
tricts to the west , and owing to the fact
that cattle in the west roam over a large
extent of .country , if the disease were
introduced it would spread with cer
tainty. No mention of Texas is made
in the correspondence , nor does it ap
pear that the conference considered this
state as interested with the west in ex-
clud'ng diseased cattle from importa
tion. Texas has more cattle roaming
over ' the country than any two of the
s'tates named , and Texas is importing
fine breeds of cattle from the east.
Moreover , Texas sends to Kansas , Mis
souri and Nebraska annually immense
herds of cattle which , if infected or re
ported to be infected , would be denied
admission to those markets. Possibly
the conspicueus omission of this state
from the list of the states to be pro
tected may be understood to mean that
the movement will ultimately be u ed
to exclude Texas beeves from the Kan
sas and Missouri markets. Texas cat
tle production is the cheapest in the.
country. It is always dragging down
the market. The cattle interests of the
slates north and northwest of Texas
have for years exhibited hostility to the
free grass fed herds from this state.
Texas levers have been discovered , and
the trade of Texas constantly threat
ened. But the long horn has persist
ently pushed his way out , underselling
all others because more cheaply pro
duced in the main. This new move
ment , which may threaten Texas or
. . _ *
.jAr y - * --rr
not , ought to have the attention of
the governor of this state. If there
is any real danger to the cattle
intercuts - , of Kansas and Missouri
from pleuro-pneumonia to be averted
by the quarantine proposed , it is also
a danger which threatens the cattle in
terests of at least the most important
stock raising districts of Texas. If
there is no real danger , Texas , by in
action , ought not to afford a pretext to
be used against the overland cattle
trade of Texas. Pleuro-pneumonia
may not take hold in southern or south
western Texas , but if it will ever pre
vail in southern Kansas and Missouri ,
it must prevail in northwestern Texas.
The results would be incalculably dis
astrous. After the inter-state drill this
matter might be worth the attention of
the governor. It might be worth the
attention also of Texas senators and
representatives in congress , for the
Texas cattle trade will be much less
liable to harassment and injury under
sanitary regulations affecting inter
state cattle movements , if such regula
tions are administered by the general
government , than it would be if they
were left to the state governments in
sympathy with local cattle interests
chafing at Texas competition and anx
ious for some means of crippling it.
Points for Wool Growers.
over _
years to cbn7e the "largest clip ever
raised in the United States. The sup
ply of foreign will be unusually abun
The financial panic has already af
fected prices of wools. Orders which
had been given for Colorado wools
have been countermanded until further
developments , and manufacturers are
very wisely awaiting the outcome. A
contraction of credits , of course , means
less business , and the only actual wants
will be supplied. The situation is less
hopeful than ever.
The protest from this section against
the proposition of Converse , of Ohio ,
to abolish the duty on carpet wools was
anticipated by the prompt action of
Senator Hill , of this state , who repre
sented to Converse that Colorado , be
ing the grower of most of the carpet
wool raised in this country , would suf
fer by such a change. Thereupon Rep
resentative Converse declared that he
"would not think of interfering with
any industry of this section. "
A. mammoth shearing establishment ,
consisting of corrals , pens and sheds
for handling and shearing an immense
number of sheep , with all necessary
appliances , has been 'constructed at
Hugo , Kansas , by the Union Pacific
railroad. A large warehouse is also to
be built for storing wool. It is cheaper
for a flock owner to take his wool to
market on the sheep's back than in
wagons , if he does not have to go more
than 100 miles. There are 200,000 sheep
withiu easy range of Hugo.
The Working Women Problem.
Bos ton Globe.
I Most of the subjects on which Rev.
Mr. Savage has touched in his series of
sermons on "Man , Woman and Child , "
he has treated clearly and definitely ,
and has pointed out a possible way for
the bettering of things. But in his ser
mon on Sunday , on the "Working-
women's problem , " while he spoke
sympathetically and progressively , he
stopped short of offering any adequate
measures of relief and improvement.
His suggestion that training schools
should be established to make skilled
laborers , his plea for the truth that it
should be considered as noble for a
woman to work as it is for a man , his
recommendation that the law should
remedy some of the inequalities be
tween wofkingmen and women are all
very well as far as they go. But they
go such a very little way. If they
might be brought into the fullest oper
ation at once how much benefit would
the sewing woman receive whom he
i old about getting seven cents a dozen
for finishing shirts ?
Mr. Savage is on the wrong track.
He wants to cure deep set evils by out
side applications. The trouble is with
our theories and our systems. Physi
cians say that as the strength of a
chain is equal to its weakest link , so the
vital strength of the body is equal to its
weakest organ. And in the same way
the badness of a social and commercial
system should be estimated by the pull
its makes on the weakest members of
The sad and ruinous burdens of work
ing women are only the results of con
ditions that press more hardly on them
than on men , because they are weaker.
Che wronor js at the root of the whole
matter , and the working woman can
receive no definite and lasting benefit
ixcept by working from that root up
ward and making the conditions of life
gasier and freer for both workingmen
ind workingwomen.
i Clever Husband , But a Clever Wife.
Arkansaw Traveler.
Women are skillful. "Who is that
horrid whisky bloat ? " asked a lady of
an acquaintance , while they stood
riewing the guests at a fashionable re
ception. "Which one ? " "That one
with the red mustache and awful nose.
Dent you see ! " "He is my husband ! "
' Oh , " laughed the lady , "I SPB that
you are not sensitive , " although she
saw vengeance in the eyes of the insult
ed lady , "Several nights ago a friend
made a similar remark about my hus
band , -and I became very angry. I de
clared it would anger any woman ; but
aiy friend said that you , having the
best husband in the world , would not
care , and I wagered a pair of gloves
that you would ; b'ut you see 1 have
lost. I hear that your husband is
spoken of as an available candidate for
governor. How clever he must be. "
It is reported that eight percent , o
the sheep in Polk county , Oregon , were
killed by coyotes last year.
Texan ponies are being sent to Eng
land. They are trained for saddle
horses and are highly valued by polo
Bran mashes are recommended for
mares that foal early in the spring
before grass appears. Oats are said tc
bo better than corn for mare and suck
ing colts.
Fault is found with grade Norman
horses that they are not proportioned
right. In some the bones are too small ,
in others the feet are too large for the
rest of the breast. Care in the selection
of mares to breed to Norman stallions
would remedy these defects and pro
duce the quality of animals wanted.
The Shropshire Down is a reliable
breeder and good mother , will average
more than one lamb a year and yields
a close heavy fleece of medium long
wool of fairly fine texture. It is a
larger , leggier sheep than the South
down , but has not such good forequar-
ters. It combines excellence of both
carcass and fleece.
The Kansas Faimer has been claim
ing for some time that indications
pointed toward a lower range of prices
or American wools , and now says :
'More recent experience confirms our
opinion. Wool growers may as wel
Accept the gloomy prospect as a fixed
Lct and brighten it up with renewed
lergy and more economical meth-
I It is estimated that there are 15,000-
JO horses in this country , and in order
keep up the supply 1,000,000 must
> bred annually. The importation in
krge numbers of late of Percb.eron.and
flydesdale horses has increased the av-
age size and capacity of our stock oi
jrses , and further improvement will
lecessarily follow.
The national horse show , at their
next annual exhibition in New York
city , May 27 to 31 , invite western breed
ers and importers of draft horses to
send their best specimens. The sec
retary ( at 48 Broad street ) writes that ,
recognizing the great Norman horse
interest in America , they have offered
over $12,000 in premiums to that spe
cial breed.
Brood ewes that will have early lambs
are better in a yard and shed by them
selves , as they need a more .generous
feeling than those coming in later.
Rams and wethers should never be kept
with ewes ; they are rough mannered ,
and butt the weaker sheep too much.
Sheep are better off "if kept in an open
yard and shed , than if penned up too
A horse has been known to live to
the age of sixty-two years , but the av
erage life time is between twenty-five
and thirty years. From one of the
New England states comes the report
of a horse , now past thirty-eight , which
is hale and hearty , and able to draw as
heavy a load as most of the young
horses. It is a noticeable fact that
when horses of remarkable ages are
f ound they are generally from well-
bred stock.
Our present losses of $300,000 a year
from animal diseases of minor degree ,
says the Country Home , are enough
without adding a third as much more
by do-nothingism. Fortunately con
gress seems inclined not to listen to the
pessimists , and the chances are favora
ble to the creation of a force which will
check the wild horde of diseases which
only good luck has kept from overrun
ning our herds.
In breeding colts the influence of the
dam can scarcely be overrated. It has
been too much the habit of horsemen
to consider only the sire. They appear
to have proceeded on the assumption
that if the sire was good it mattered
little what was the quality of the other
animal. Greater things would have
been accomplished than have yet been
in the improvement of our horses had
care been exercised in this respect.
In Indiana when a man has a sheep
killed by a dog he must report the loss
to the township trustees within ten
days , and any person making a false
statement of the amount of damage
done may be fined $100 and confined
in the county jail thirty days. An
assessor who fails to list any dog is lia
ble to a fine of $5 for each case , and
any one making a false statement as to
the number of dogs he keeps may be
fined $100. A dog caught killing
sheep may be killed without ceremony.
Didn't Marry the Whole Family.
New York World.
"What's that he says ? " asked the
wife of the justice , who thereupon in
terpreted the husband's remarks.
" ! " the wife in
"Money ejaculated as
tonishment. "Why , he's only got
about $10. "
"Und vat does your f adder und brod-
der cost me ? " said the husband , turn
ing wrathfully upon his wife. "Ven I
marrit you I didn't dink I vould haf to
marry der family. Shudgre , I vant your
obinion on dot boint. Vos de law in
dis country dat I daf to make a leefing
tor mem veif's family ! "
"You are only compelled to support
your wife , " said the magistrate.
"Dat's vat I dink , " he said , looking
triumphantly at his wife. "See , Rose ,
your husband knows more as you. Und
haf I also got der ridt to drew any one
oud of der house dat I don't want
iere ? "
"You also have that right , " replied
the justice.
"Den I know vat I vill do veil I got
home , " rejoined the husband.
"You must not use any violence. "
Oh , I vill be very stientle. 1 vill
shust get dem by de collar und say ,
von , dwo , dree , und oud dey go. "
"Look how he treats my poor old
father , " sobbed the wife. "He can't
live without me , and I married Morris
on the condition that he should live
with me as long as he lived. "
"Dot ish drue , " said the husband ;
"but I don't vant to be kicked arouut
like a fobt-pall. ' Vatefer I do , he sticks
in his dalk , und dells me how he used
to do it ven he vas young , und shust
marrit. I dold him von day : 'I ain'd
you , und you vos not me , so we can't
pe alike. ' * If I vos like you , ' he said ,
I vould kill meinsef. ' Dot made me so
AGENT FOR THE . . * * ,
in O
Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments or
rented until the rent pays fertile organ.
M. A. SPALDING , Agent ,
Ranch on Red Willow , Thornburg , Hayes
County , Neb. Cattle branded ' ST. M. " on
leftside. Young cattle branded same as
above , also "J. ' ' on left jaw. tinder-slope
right ear. Horses branded "E" on left
shoulder. .
FOR SALE. My range of 1,000 acres of
deeded land in one body , including the
Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and
water with two good farm houses and other
improvements. Convenient to No. 1 school
privileges. Situated in the Republican val
ley west o Red Willow creek. Call on or
address JF. . BLACK.
Indianola , Neb.
Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also
dewlap and a crop and under half crop on
left ear , and a crop and under bit in the
right. Ranch on the Republican. Post-
office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska.
O bornNeb. Rnnge : Red "Willow creek ,
n southwest corner of Frontier county , cat-
le branded "O L O" ou right side. Also ,
in over crop on right ear and under crop on
eft. Horses branded " 8" on right shoulder.
Indianola , Neb. Range : Republican Val-
ey , east of Dry Creek , and near head of
Spring Creek , in Chase county ,
Vice President and Superintendent
McCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast ,
on Republican river. Stock branded with
a bar and lazy K on left hip |
Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman
River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded
as above ; also " 717" on left side ; 7 on
ricrht and "L. "
hip on right shoulder ;
4 < L."on left shoulder and "X. " on left
jaw. Half under-crop felt ear , and square-
orop right ear.
Range : Republican Valley , four miles
west of Culbertson , south side of Republi
can. Stock branded " 161" and 4 < 7-L. "
P. 0. Address , Culbertson , Neb.
Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock ,
branded on left hip , and a. few double cross
es on left side. C. D. ERCANBRACK.
P. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county ,
Nebraska. Range , lied Willow , above Oar-
rlco. Stock branded as above. Also run iha
Ranch 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the
Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" on the
left hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb.
McCook , Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek
in southwest c rnerof Frontiercounty. Also.
E. P. brand on right Lip and Hide and pwal-
low-fork in right ear. Horces branded E. P.
on right hip. A few branded ' 'A" on right
AatHBiliotu and Dyspeptic On * .