McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 29, 1884, Image 2

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g. Bt. & K. M. K1MMEIX , Pubg.
McCOOK , : : : :
During April there were filed upon al
the land office at Valentine 971 claims , 01
about 1B5 , GO,860 acres , and at the present
time there is being taken on an average
claims per day.
Numerous lecture engagements ar
ranged by one ' 'John 0. Fremont" have
been cancelled In various parts of the state.
Kany supposed that be was the original
pathfinder , but when they learned that he
was an ex-slave of the colored persuasion
they had no desire to hear him.
Mrs. Frank Pyle recently sold the
lorty ajres of land near Lincoln , given hei
by her father years ago , when land was not
worth what it Is now , for $75 an acre. He
told her It would bring that some time , and
his prophecy has been realized.
The town of Orleans has made a
movement in the work of inducing Immi
gration. The authorities have employed
the services of an agent who travels on the
main lines of road in Iowa , and by the dis
tribution of circulars and personal solicitation
tion is 'inducing home-seekers to direct
their steps to Orleans.
Trustees of Erownell Hall , Omaha ,
held their annual meeting a few days ago ,
The rector reported the school as prosper
ous. An offer was read by the rector frorr
a church family in Chicago , who bat ]
'pledged the late bishop of Nebraska $12,00 (
towards a new building , to pay over the
money to the trustees now , provided thej
would raise enough to complete the buildIng -
Ing and free it from debt or guarantee the
The Grand Army boys of Ashland
have received their arms and accoutrement !
from the Bock Island arsenal.
The camp-meeting association of the
Norfolk district , North Nebraska confer
ence , M. E. church , will hold their annua
camp-meeting at Scott's grove , three milei
southwest of "Wakefield , Dixon countyj
commencing August 14th and continuing
over two Sabbaths.
The body of H. J. Hughes , the stu
dent drowned in the Blue at Crete last
week , has been recovered and sent to his
late home at Dawn , Mo.
The governor is about to issue ar
order for the inspection of the nationa
guard. This Is the annual inspection reg
ularly provided for , but will be made witl
special care this time with a view of gather
ing facts that may be useful in the event ol
the passage of the Slocum militia aid bill bj
the national congress.
The call of the state treasurer foi
funds from the county treasurers has re
sulted in the collection of about $410,000 ,
The call was to meet the demands of the
school apportionment and the arrearages o :
the general fund. About $100,000 of thi
amount goes into the general fund , and thi
school apportionment will amount to perhaps -
haps $175,000. The general fund will stil
be considerably behind.
At Norfolk , says the Journal , a 1
year old cowbov on a fpony was driving :
steer when the animal made for the bad
door of "Decker's saloon , and went pell mei
through the saloon and out of the from
door on the dead run , followed by the dar
ing boy on the pony. As the steer passec
through he jumped clear over the table
around which were four men engaged ir
playing a friendly game of whist.
The Free Masons lodge of Crete are
making arrangements to put up a five thou
sand dollar hall lodge room.
The state land commissioner reports
matters quiet in his department , although
there is always plenty of work.
Mr. Bartlett , of the state treasury de-
partme'nt , informs the State Journal that
funds are coming in quite rapidly in re
sponse to the call upon the county treasur
ers for May 1st. About $410OOU was re
ceived from the 1st to the 20th day of May.
The call was made to enable the treasurer tc
make the June school apportionment and
also to pay up some of the arreaages of the
general fund. The school apportionment
will probably amount to about $175,000.
About $110,000 of the $410,000 thus fax col
lected belongs to the general f nnd.
At the Union stock yards , near Oma
ha , Edward Henry , a boarding house
keeper , in a quarrel with Michael Murphy ,
shot the latter , the ball entering the right
side and coming out on the left side just be
low theribs. The victim died next day.
Henry was arrested. -
A train which reached Omaha from
the west a few days ago had on board four
small children who had taken passage at
Butte , Montana , accompanied by their
mother. The journey for some time was
uneventful when the mother and children
were suddenly separated by the former
either falling or jumping off at 2 o'clock in
the morning , while the train was under
full speed. She had been noticed by the
passengers to take frequent pulls at a bottle
-which she earned , and it was remarked
several times that if she continued she
would soon be in a glorious state of intox
ication. The children were taken from the
cars at Omaha by the "Women's Chnstian
aid association , and the woman was subse
quently found with her spine badly injured
and also taken to that city.
Ex-Governor Fnrnas is making spe
cial efforts in behalf of the state of Ne
braska to have a good representation at the
World's Industrial and Cotton centennial
exposition at New Orleans , which opens
the first Monday in December , 1884. It is
hoped the people properly appreciate the
importance of this matter and will join
; with unusual haraony and strength in aid
ing to place such a display of Nebraska's
products on exhibition at New Orleans as
will sustain , the reputation and claims ol
the state as a most wonderful diversified
producing country.
The editor of the Crete Globe , who
has made considerable inquiry , reports thai
the prospects for fruit in that section as
excellent. If frost keeps out of the waj
there seems no doubt that the fruit crop
will be an abundant one.
Eight years ago theie was not a
creaBUTy in-Nebraska. Now they are scat
tered from one end of the state to the other ,
and others are being talked up all along the
line.A passenger train from Red Cloud
to Crete collided with an extra freight going
west between Kesterson and Endicott. The
freight consisted of seventeen cars of Texas
ponies , snd the two front cars were . com
pletely wrecked , but only three ponies were
killed and five injured. The passenger en
gine was a complete wreck. The tender
was driven into the cab with the rear end
elevated at an angle of 45 degrees , and
mashed into the mail car. Both engineers
and firemen jumped before the trains
struck. With the exception of slight busi
ness no one was hurt.
The Wilber Blade says the prospect
for a big crop pf all kinds of fruit In Ne
braska was never better than at present.
The trees'did not bloom until late , on ac
count of the backwaid spring , heueno
damage has been done by freezing or ft L .
If nothing happens it hereafter the yield
will be immense. The cherry trees especial
ly will be loaded with fruit.
The Jefferson county agricultural so
ciety will hold a county fair September J 6 ,
17 and 18.
The Waterloo Gazette says a foimer
Nebraskan , who has just returned from
Washington territory , was asked how he
liked that country. "Well , sir , " he re
plied , "every bunch of willows is a
mighty forest , every frog pond a sylvan
lake , every waterfall a second Niagara , ev
ery ridge of rocks a gold mine , every town
a county seat and every man a liar. "
TheFullerton Journal Bays a poor
but deserving applicant for pension , wh
resides in Nance county and who has a larg
family to support , wrote to Senator Man
demon , stating the circumstances of th
case and his present straightened condition
financially , asking his aid In procuring th
amount he was entitled to from Uncle earn
In reply be received an , encouraging lette
from the senator , and nicely folded in on
corner was a five-dollar William. Tha
kind of charity goes a good w/s , and dis
counts well wishes two to onr
An irate husband of J * wnee Cifr
severely thumped a young i an of that tow !
for prowllnsr around his house after nigh
and frightening his wife.
A prairie fire burned over a It rgi
tract in Nance county last week , doinj
heavy damage to shrubbery and youni
trees , and would have sacrificed a cow o
two but for the timely arrival of help
Thousands of plum trees , in full bloom
went up In fire and smoke , much to the re
gret of.all.
The Nebraska Sunday School associ
ation have changed the date for the annua
convention. It is now called to meet a
Waboo , June 24 , 25 and 26.
.Rev. Dr. Worthington , of Detroit
has been chosen bishop of Nebraska , t
succeed the late Bishop Clarkson.
The state republican central commit
tee have fixed upon Omaha as the place am
August 27th as the date for holding th
state convention. The basis of representa
tlon was fixed the same as the last stat
Horse thieves are said to be raidinj
Kearney county. One of the gang stoppei
one of Henry Hurlburt's men in Keen
township , while he was plowing , makin
him unhitch the horse , while the scoundre
mounted the animal and rode away.
George Allen stepped into an Oman
drug store a few nights ago and called f o
a glass of soda water. While he was drink
ing it he suddenly fell to the floor , dead
Heart disease.
A band-car with four section mei
jumped the track near Filley the other day
George Boughman had a leg broken and J
S. White was hurt about the head. Non
of the others were injured.
W. L. Sprague , while out huntin ;
near Wood Elver , Hall county , was th
victim of a premature discharge of his gun
injuring his left hand so badly that ampu
Ration was found necessary.
A syndicate recently formed ii
Bloomington , will at once commence th
erection of upwards of fifty new tenemen
Mr. Neno , aged 70 , while plowinj
with a sulky plow lately , was thrown fror
the seat and caught between the wheel an
lever. After the team had run three miles
the lever worked loose and let the plo
drop , stopping the horses. When pickei
up the old gentleman was dead.
There are but few towns in the state
says the Sentinel , that are so fortunate a
Humboldt as to have among its citizens on
whose magnanimity and generosity is ex
hiblted in a way that is calculated to be o
such a lasting nature as that of establishin
a public library and reading room. Th
library now has"on its shelves over 1,00
volumes of carefully selected reading mat
ter , which will be added ito as the occasio
requires , suitable for all ages.
In Clay county , last'week , two mei
were sentenced to the penitentiary for bur
glary one for five years and the other f o
one year. Two bastardy cases were als
tried. There was disagreement in encase
case , and in the other -the defendant set
tied by planking down $600 to the youn
lady whom he had ruined under promise c
A tramp whose name was not developed
was run over by the cars at Wood river
last week , the body being mutilated in
most horrible manner. The coroner's in
quest failed to develop any particulars , fur
ther than stated above. The tramp wa
probably attempting to climb on the true !
and fell under the wheels.
The Protestant Episcopal church a
its recent session in Omaha resolved tha
a committee of six , consisting of the rector
and senior wardens of the Omaha parishes
be appointed to take into consideration th
erection of a monument to the late Bisho ]
Clarkson ; also that the council recommeni
to the parishes of this diocese the propriet
of erecting a suitable monument to th
memory of the late reverened diocesan.
During the'prevalence of a high win <
some scoundrel started a prairie fire ii
Knox county which destroyed the stable
hog pens , two fine sows , a 1 atge quantity o
hay , etc. , belonging to Charles Cline. I
the man who started the fire can be appre
bended there is likely to be slight reduction
in the population of Knox county.
Burglars entered the house of S. K
Hole , at Lincoln , and , chloroforming hie
and his wife , proceeded to go through Mr
H. 's pants pockets , securing a silverwatcl
and $12 in currency. They also visited sev
eral other houses the same night , but di <
not succeed in gaining-entrance. The cap
ital city has its full quota of .crooks , fo
whom plenty of shotguns and other fire
arms are held in readiness.
An entertainment was recently givei
at Lincoln in behalf of procuring a tow :
clock. The same thing was tried in Oman
a few years ago , and although the concer
was liberally patronized and much mone ;
paid in , the metropolis of the state is stii
minus the time sounder. Plans of the pro
jectors were all on tick.
The Board of Managers Hold a Bleetin ;
in Its Interest.
A meeting of the managers of th
state hoard of agriculture was held on th
20th. Present , Chairman Barker , Secre
tary Furnas , Messrs. Jensen , White , Me
Intyre , Dinsmore , Bowen and Treasure :
D. H. Wheeler , as special statistician o
the United States agricultural department
presented his line of work and asked thi
board to make an appropriation not to ex
ceed $7 per month , to publish the same foi
distribution. Granted , to apply from Mate -
to December , 1884 , inclusive.
The contract with J. Mueller , of Counci
Bluffs , in regard to a piano prize , was ap
Mr. Druse reported that he had arrangei
with certain stock breeders to have a re
spectable showing at the fair. Messrs
Nye , Daniels , Harvey and Daily will ex
hibit and have agreed to sell. The bean
waives the right to take 5 per cent , of sale !
from any exhibitors ; and also allows then
to choose their own auctioneers.
The secretary and treasurer were author
ized to procure all necessary tickets an <
bills.The chairman of the managers and presi
dent of the board were appointed to confei
with railways in regard to running excursion -
sion trains from the east.
Dr. B. G. Northrop , of the Connection :
Agricultural college , will deliver the an
nual address at the fair.
Prospective Indian Troubles.
A Winnipeg special says The trou
ble is rapidly coming to a climax amongthe
Indians of the northwest territories. Pia-
pot has called a big sun dance and invited
all the-Indians , and they will demand to be
given land where they can get fresh fish to
counteract the effect of bacon , which has
spread scurvy among the camps , causing
fifty of his people to die in three months.
He complains of broken pledges by the
government aa to supplies. The Assina-
boincs and other tribes are invited to join
the movement for a change. Yellow Calf's
band is armed and defying the authorities.
Cannon and troops have been sent to the
front from Regina and a fight is looked for.
The Senate Annual Pension Ap
propriation Bill Passed by
the House.
The Labor Bureau Measure Taker
Tip and Passed in the Higher
Branch. .
Another Attempt to Get a Foothold It
Oklahoma Miscellaneous Wash
ington Matters.
TUESDAY , May 20. The bill wai
passed extending to August , 1886 , the time
to commence laying the cable authorized bj
the act of August 8 , 1882.
The agricultural appropriation bill was
proceeded with by sections. One of thi
amendments added to the bill by the sen
ate committee appropriates $20,000 for con
tinulng the location and sinking of artesiai
wells on the plains with a view to reclaim
ing the arid and waste public lands.
To this provision Mr. Deck objected.
Mr. Hale moved that the appropriatioi
be limited to two wells. Agreed to ane
passed without division.
On motion of Mr. Manderson the senati
passed the house bill authorizing the con
structlon of a bridge across the Missour
river in Douglas county , Nebraska.
The Indiana contested election cast
of English vs. Peele was taken up. The
majority resolution declares English dul ]
elected. Mr. Lowrey advocated the claimi
of the contestant. He alluded to certaii
language used by J. S. Wise ( Va. ) whei
the F'Farrel-Paul case was under consld
eration , to the effect that a Virginia hour
bon was riding into congress on the back o :
one of Barnum's Indiana mules. In viev
of the spectacle which the gentleman front
Virginia presented on this floor , he appre
hended that if Barnum had been tele
graphing to Virginia for an animal of the
lower order he would have telegraphed f 01
one still more brutal in its instincts than :
Mr. Wise , who had been in the cloal
room , came in and asked to be taken down
The speaker said the proper time for thi
request was passed. Mr. "Wise reservee
the privilege of a personal explanatlot
WEDNESDAY , May 21. The follow
ing bills were passed for the erection o
public buildings : At Vicksburg , $100,000 :
at Chattanooga , $100,000 ; atOpelousa , La. ,
$50,000 ; at Portland. Oregon , $250,000 ; ai
Sacramento , $100,000 ; at Dayton , Ohio ,
$150,000 ; at Springfield , Ohio , $100,000 ,
The above sums include the cost of site :
and buildings.
The resolution calling upon the president
for information concerning the appointment
of commissioners to examine certain sec
tions of the Northern Pacific railroad wai
referred to the Judiciary committee.
Unanimpus consent was obtained and bill
passed permitting the erection of a bridg <
across the Missouri at White Cloud , Kas. ,
and another near Bulo , Neb.
Consideration of the Indiana con
tested election case was resumed.
Mr. Hart offered as a substitute for th <
majority resolution the resolution of tin
minority confirming the right of Peele t <
the seat. The vote was yeas 121 , navs 117.
Mr. Springer immediately moved a recon
Mr. Hart moved to lay that motion on th <
table. Pending whichMr. Converse movet
to adjourn. Carried yeas 110 , nays 118-
amid applause on the democratic side.
THURSDAYjMay 22. The bills passed
authorizing the construction of bridge :
across the Missouri at Rule and Decatur ,
Mr. Van Wyck submitted an amendment ,
to be proposed at the proper time , extend
ing the privileges of the lottery bill so as te
prohibit the mailing of newspapers or othei
publications containing advertisements oi
notices of railroad , mining or other , stocks
of corporations by margins on puts anej
calls , agency thereof , or any notice , reporter
or statement ot any such sales.
The Utah bill was laid aside , and the sen
ate resumed consideration of the labor sta
tistics bill.
Mr. Van Wyck proposed an amendment
to the labor bureau bill , which was read ,
providing that the chief of the bureau be
identified with the laboring classes , etc ,
He said the communism of capital was more
dangerous than the communism of labor
Six railroad kings could sit in a parlor ir
New York and regulate everything in this
The bill amending the Thurman sinking
fund act , the bill forfeiting the Oregor
Central land grant , the congressional libra
ry bill and educational bill were pressed foi
The Oregon Central measure proved suc
cessful , the consideration of the sinking
fund bill being voted down yeas 76 , nays
In the discussion following George as
serted that the Oregon Central , to which
the decision referred , was not the Oregon
Central to which the bill related , and inti
mated that Cobb was misleading thehouse ,
whereupon Cobb declared he had a letter
showing George to be a railroad attorney ,
Pending debate the house adjourned.
FRIDAY , May 23. Senator Harrison
reported favorably to the senate from the
committee on territories the house bill in
relation to the legislature of Dakota , which
provided that that body : shall consist of
twenty-four members of the council and
forty-eight members of the house , and thai
there will be elected at the next general
election in the territory two members ol
the council and four members of the house
in each legislative district.
The house bill to provide for the muster
and pay of certain officers and enlisted men
in the volunteer forces was passed.
The annual pension appropriation bill
was passed as reported by the senate com
The labor bureau bill was taken up , and
Mr. Blair withdrew a number of amend
ments , leaving the bill as it came from the
Mr. Aldrich moved a substitute , which
was agreed to and the bill passed 55 to 2.
The house went into committee of the
whole on the private calendar. The bill
providing for the retirement of Col. Henry
J. Hunt as major general gave rise to a
good deal of discussion.
In opposing the measure , Mr. Springer
spoke in strong condemnation of the bill to
retire General Grant and give him a pen
sion of $10,125 a year simply because he
had been unfortunate in Wall street.
The bill was laid aside with favorable
The house at the evening session passed
forty-six pension bills , including one for
$50 per month to the widow of General
SATURDAY , May 24. Mr. Hatch pre
sented the conference report on the bill to
establish a bureau of animal industry. The
iouse conference committee recommend
concurrence in all the senate amendments.
The amount of the appropriation Is % $150-
f ,
000 , and the jurisdiction of the commlsslonei
of agriculture Is limited to such investiga
tion and such disinfection and quarantln <
measures as may bo necessary tu prevent
the spread of contagious and infectious dis
eases from one state or territory into in ;
other , and is prohibited from applying anj
money toward paying for animals fount
necessary to bo slaughtered in order to pre
vent the spread of the disease. The report
was agreed to.
The senate bill granting permission to L.
K. Beynolds , of the United States navy , tc
accept the decoration of the royal and im
perial order of Frances Joseph from the
government of Austria for gall an tr ? in sav
ing the lives of eleven Austrian sailors , was
The bill relating to the forfeiture oi
the Northern Pacific lands , provides foi
immediate restoration to the public do
main and to the operation of the public
land laws that portion of the grant lying
contiguous with its main line between Wai-
hila Junction and Portland , a distance oi
214 miles. It also provides for the forfeit
ure at the end of five years from the passage
of the bill of all lands adjacent to that portion
tion of the Cascade grant which shall ther
be unbuilt , in effect giving the road five
vears to build the Cascade branch. The
bill proposes to authorize persons in pos
session of any of these lands to purchase
320 acres , if so much has been improved bj
them. The railroad company is required
to file its assent to the conditiona of the
bill , so as to avoid all question as to title ot
forfeited lands.
Representative Lewis has been in-
strucced by the bouse committee on public
lands to report favorably the joint resolu
tion prohibiting the secretary of the Jnterioi
from taking steps to confirm , certify 01
patent any land grants in cases where re
ports favoring forfeiture of such land grant !
have been made in either branch of congress ,
until after final action shall be taken on suet
bills , or the supreme court ot the Unitec
States decide on the validity of such grant ,
The secretary is prohibited from certifying
or patenting any land grant except when
all conditions are strictly complied with ,
In doubtful cases the benefit ot the doubi
shall be given to the government.
The report of the committee on the
subject of postal telegraph has been com
pleted. It gives a summary of the historj
of the increase , debts , rentals and capita
stock of the Western Union company , anc
the value of United States property , leased
and otherwise , and tells what it would re
quire to reproduce lines in every respect
equal to those of the Western Union. Three
hundred and fifty thousand miles of wire
would cost , including poles , construction
and instruments , $24,500,000. The report
asserts that passage of the postal telegragl
bill will reduce the average charge per tel-
gram from 39 to 2 > cents immed'ately , and
to 20 cents in five years , and secure a uni
formity of charges , irrespective of the
amount of business in the different places ,
for telegrams to newspapers and to com
mercial news associations.
The following telegram , dated Forl
Reno , from Major Dewes , concerning per
sons trying to force their way into the
Oklahoma lands , has been transmitted bj
the acting secretary of war to the secretary
of the interior : "A courier has just ar
rived from Lieut. Day , who is on the Cim-
maron , and reports that the intruders made
serious resistance. Day has arrested thir
ty-five and many more are coming. Thej
may overpower him by numbers. I will
send Captain Carroll , with all available
cavalry , this afternoon. I have asked the
commanding officer at Fort Sill for twe
troops of cavalry. "
The Post prints interviews witl
eighty-two democratic members of the
house of representatives in support of the
demand that a clear and explicit statement
of principles absolutely committing the
democratic party to the issue of revenue
reform in the presidential canvas shall be
made by the Chicago convention of July.
Among those interviewed are Carlisle , Mor
risen , * Hewitt , Rosecrans , Hurd , Slocum ,
Cox ( N. Y. ) , Holman , Buckner and Black
burn. The latter says they look to the con
vention for a vindication of the contest
made at this session for tariff reform.
The Coming Crops.
Crop reports received by the Chicago
Farmers' Review , up to May 19 , are to the
effect that the conditions for both wheat
and corn are better , but the general situa
tion is by no means reassuring as yet.
Winter wheat is beginning to head and
spring wheat is growing well , with gener
ally good prospects in Illinois. Certain sec-
tiens report improved indications for
wheat , but the crop for the state at large
may fall short of the average. Spring
wheat prospects in Iowa are fair , but corn
planting is greatly delayed. Michigan pre
dicts a small wheat crop , and the harvest
two weeks late. In Minnesota and Wiscon
sin wheat prospects have improved in the
past two weeks. Kentucky and Tennessee
report improved wheat prospects , while
certain counties in Kansas predict not to
exceed half a crop. Other counties of
Kansas continue to send in very favorable
reports. Ohio and Indiana report fair
prospects only for wheat. In certain sec
tions of Missouri reported there are fears
of chinch bug. Dakota prospects are very
Action of the Nebraska Democracy in
Their llecent State Convention.
At the democratic state convention
held in Lincoln on the 22d , the first ballot
for delegates at large resulted in the elec
tion of three James E. Boyd , of Douglas ;
J. Sterling Morton , of Otoe , and "W. H.
Munger , of Dodge. A second ballot being
necessary for the fourth delegate , Tobias
Castor , of Saline , was elected fourth dele
gate at large. The delegates are all for Til-
den. The platform declares :
First We demand a vigorous frugality in
every department , and from every officer of
the government , and we heartily concur in
the sentiment that no reform of administra
tion is possible so long as the government
is directed by a party which is under the
dominion of false doctrine , and animated
by enormous pecuniary interests in the per
petuation of existing abuses. That the first
effectual step in the reform of our govern
ment must be a fundamental change in the
policy of its administration.
Second That in view of the unequal and
discriminating operation of the existing
tariff and the unjust and excessive burdens
imposed upon the people , we are in favor
of a revision which shall limit it to the pro
duction of the necessary revenues of
'the government economically admin
istered , that it should be so ad
justed as to prevent as far as possible une
qual burdens upon labor , and to bear more
heavily on articles of luxury and lightly on
articles of necessity. We believe such a
revision of tariff laws , simplified in their
operation and administration , will result in
decreasing the growth of monopolies , pre
vent the oppression and spoliation of labor
and the unequal distribution of wealth and
abolish special and class legislation.
Eesolved , That as our fathers under the
lead of Thomas Jefferson , rescued our
country from the control of federalism and
the alien and seditious laws of the elder
Adams , so will the democratic party of
1881 , if united , hurl the republican party
Erom power.
An old bachelor died at East Alburg ,
7t. , the other day , and § 60,000 in
lends , notes and certificates were
' the linings of his clothes.
Paragraphs from Many Source ;
Containing a Great Deal
of Intelligence.
Affairs in This and ther Countriei
Fully but Concisely Made
Hatters in the Political World Tin
Financial Situation Miscella
neous Memoranda.
The flour trade at New York resolvec
that all Hour inspected as sound shall have
the name of the Now York produce ex
change inspector and the grade It repre
sents , together w < th the month and year ,
branded upon each sack and on the bide ol
each barrel.
The movement to secure the repea
of all internal revenue tax on tobacco ,
started by the officers of the New Englant
tobacco growers association has taker
definite shape. An appeal to the tobaccc
Industry of the whole country has beer
The remains of Charles O'Conoi
were buried from the Iloman Catholic ca
thedral , New York. Three thousand peo-
were present , among them Boscue
onkling , ex-Senator Kernan , Bev. Dr
Morgan Dix , of the Trinity Episcopal
church , Bishops McQuade , Hendricks ,
McEnery and Wigger , William M. Evartsl
Roswell P. Flower , John Kelly , ex-Mayoi
Grace , John Graham , William Lummis ,
Benjamin H. Bristow , and hundreds o :
other pteminent gentlemen.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
national convention atCleveland elected thi
following officers : National delegate , Henrj
F. Sheridan , of Massachusetts : nationa
directors , Jeremiah Crowley , of Massachu
setts ; Cornelius Herrigan , of Minnesota
M. A. Shea , of Massachusetts ; F. B. Mur
phy , of Iowa , and J. S. O'Connor , of Ohio ,
The captain of the Duluth terryboat ,
which collided with a sail boat , drowning
four men , has been arrested and bailed ir
Senator Ingalls , from the senate ju
diciary committee , reported a bill dividing
the Eighth judicial district , which cm-
braces Nebraska.
Judge Tracy , a prominent jurist ol
Iowa , and at the time president of the Bur
lington , Cedar Bapids and Northern rail
road , died at Burlington.
Representative Cassidy says that in
an interview with Tllden his understanding
was that the New York statesman would ac
cept the nomination if it was tendered
him.The national wool growers' associa
tion , in session at Chicago , elected Hon.
Columbus Delano , of Ohio , president , and
passed resolutions demanding a restoration
of the wool tariff of 18(57. (
Senator Dolph has introduced a bill
on the Northern Pacific land grant even
more stringent than Senator Van Wyck's.
Dolph's bill only gives them five years to
complete that portion of the road between
Wallula Junction and Portland.
The Presbyterian assembly passed
strong resolutions deprecating Sabbath
The house committee on naval affairs
will report a bill for the relief of the officers
and crews of the Cumberland and Monitor ,
engaged with the Merrimac in 1862 ir
Hampton Beads , Va.
The purchase in England of American
stocks last week were greater in amount
than for twelve months previous.
The late ripple in Wall street has beer
smoothed , leaving hardlv any traces.
Ernest Shoemaker committed suicide
near Eureka , 111. , by hanging himself tc
the limb of a tree. He had on his person
$66 in cash and a draft on the First national
bank of Chicago for $3,818.40. He leaves a
wife and five children in Chicago.
The president has approved the bill
granting a loan of $1,000,000 to the New
Orleans exposition.
A party of horse thieves were over
taken in the Indian territory bv officers
and , in an attempt to arrest them , George
Bigg , one of the thieves , was instantly
killed , and another one mortally and a third
slightly wounded. Two officers were also
slightly injured.
The vault of the city clerk's office in
East St. Louis was broken open , and from
$1,000 to $2,000 in cash and $20,000 in city
scrip stolen.
Isaac M. Veitch died suddenly at his
office in St. Louis. He was one of the best
known Odd Fellows in the country. He
had been past grand sire of the supreme
lodge , of the world and past grand master
and past grand secretary of the Missouri
grand lodge.
The house committee on civil ser
vice reform unanimously directed a favor
able report on the bill to repeal the tenure
of office acts.
The remainder of the provisions for
the Arctic fleet will be forwarded in a short
time to Siberia. The Alert is to return
next September , and bring any information
that maybe learned in regard to the Greely
A six-year old daughter of William
Dyke , living one mile east of Hillsdale ,
Michigan , was outraged and murdnred.
The condition of the winter wheat
crop in Illinois on May 1st , as reported by
the state board of agriculture , is better in
the northern portion but not so promising
in the southern portion. The percentage
of the area winter-killed is 14 in the north
ern portion , in the central division 20 per
cent , and in the southern division 27 per
Charles B. Clarke was hung at Lit
tle Valley , N. Y. , on the 24th , for the mur
der of his wife.
The number of failures for the seven
lays ending May 2Sth were 232 , an increase
of 23.
Jas. B. Keene , of New York , says he
expects to pay his debts in full if his credi
tors give him a little time. To this end he
makes a proposition to the holders of his
ibligations , adjusted and unadjusted , to
iccept his notes , dated May 1,1884 , for the
tull sum due them on that day , payable in
twelve and eighteen months.
In the executive session of the senate
an the 23d the nomination of Major O. E.
Babcock , to be lieutenant colonel , was dis
cussed four hours without reaching action ,
[ t is understood that the old charges of
"whisky ring" have been revived for the
purpose of defeating his confirmation.
The house committee on public
health report it unwise to confer upon the
lational board of health the management of
quarantine and epidemics. They consider
t best to leave it where it now rests , under
: harge of Dr. Hamilton.
It has been agreed to report favor-
ibly the bill granting the Kansas Gity , Fort
Scott and Gulf railroad the right of way
through the Indian territory.
At Bazar Bel , in the city of Asia
Minor , 950 dwellings , 544 warehouses and
shops , eleven mosques , fifteen schools. nlne >
knans and 140 other buildings were burned. .
Eleven persons perished.
In the house of commons Gladstone , ,
replying to Bartlett , conservative , sold thc >
government adhered to the position that.
Egyptian law of liquidation should bo u
basis for the conference. France nuked am
explanation of England' * position In regard *
to affairs in Egypt. Both govcmzaenUk
were desirous of exchanging vlcwf , and af
ter reciprocally exchanging views theyr
would consult the powers at the earliest
moment possible. After this , parllarr-- .
would be fully informed of the procct r\
ings.The house of commons 138 to 75
rejected the bill amending the Irish labor
ers' act of 1883.
The king , in opening the Spanish :
cortes , pronounced that the pay of tbo s l-
dicrs will bo increased and the system ot
taxation reformed.
The grand Jury has indicted Lordi
St. Leonard for indecently assaulting t
maid servant.
Le Paris says : The French artists , ,
in revenge for the refusal of the United *
States to reduce the duty on works of art , ,
will demand that the French salon exclude ?
the works of American artists.
The Missouri prohibition and home ?
protection party met in convention at SU
Louis and elected thirty-two delegates to >
the national convention at Pittsburg andi
postponed the nomination of a state ticket ,
to August 19th , to which date the conven
tion adjourned to meet at Sodalia. .Reso
lutions were passed endorsing the platform *
of the party passed In Chicago in882favor-
equal suffrage and wages for women withe
men , and denouncing the liquor license
laws as a co-partnership with criminals anti
compromise with crime.
The meeting of New York business ;
men to express their preference for Presi
dent Arthur's renomlnation was large and.
enthusiastic. Addresses were made bp
Henry Ward Beecher , ex-Secretary Bris
tow and others.
R. B. Scandrett , who is a personal :
friend of Don Cameron and presided at the-
mock republican convention held by they
students of Washington and Jefferson col
lege , recently , has received a letter from ,
Senator Edmunds , the.tquasl nominee ifor-
president , saying : "I sincerely thank the-
young gentlemen for the compliment. I
much prefer it to the actual office , the em
barrassments and burdens of which I do not.
desire to assume. "
Republicans of the Fifth Kansas > .
congressional district have- unanimously
nominated John A. Anderson for re-elec
The democrats were victorious in the-
elections at Danville and Blcbmond , Vir
The West Virginia greenbackers :
will unite with the republicans on the state ?
The republicans carried the election
at Petersburg , Virginia. Mahone wasser2-
The Cedar Rapids ( Iowa ) Republi
can contains seventy responses to requests
sent to prominent New York editor * oui-
hlde of the city of New York for opinions ,
as to tha strongest republican candidates in.
that pivotal state. Twenty name Elaine , ,
twenty Arthur , eighteen Edmunds , six
Lincoln , three General Sherman , two Hawley -
ley and one Andrew White.
The French Brig Senorine Goes Ashore- ,
at Grand Banks.
A special from St. Johns , N. F , the-
24th , says : The French brig "Senorine'- '
went ashore at Grand Banks and is a total
wreck. Fifty-three passengers and nine of
the crew were lost. The "Senorine" was-
caught in a fog and the captain lost his.
bearings. He was making for St. Johns * ,
goitg slow , when she struck. The wildest
disorder prevailed , the officers and crew-
making for the boats and leaving the pas
sengers to care for themselves. A boat
containing twenty passengers and some of-
the crew was swamped after it got away
from the steamer by the lurching of the-
vessel. The screams of the women were-
heartwrending , and most of them sank im
mediately. The men struggled , but only a.
few succeeded in catching floating spars. .
The captain was unable to maintain disci
pline , and among the passengers few were
able to save themselves. Many clung to the
rigging after the first shock , thinking the-
vessel would stand the strain and they
might be picked up when the fog cleared-
But when the vessel went to pieces they
were all lost. Only about twenty persons-
were saved.
An Answer to the Petition of the Union ;
Pacific Filed.
Rowland G. Hazard , the stockholder
upon whose complaint a receiver was ap
pointed for the Credit Mobilierof America , ,
has filed in the United States circuit court
at Philadelphia , an answer to the petition :
of the Union Pacific railway company for-
the removal of Oliver Ames from the re
Hazard , in answer , saysthejudgmentfor
$ li99,365 obtained by the Union Pacific-
Railway against the Credit Mobilier in New
York courts , upon which proceedings had.
been broughttobave said judgment opened , ,
was not justly due , and that the Union.
Pacific company was necessarily interested ,
in the suit now pending in Massachusetts , ,
brought by the Credit Mobilier to recover
$1,000,000 from the Union Pacific road , as.
the latter corporation is successor to the-
Credit Mobilier. Hazard denies that Credit
Mobilier is insolvent , but believes it would
be to its best interests if Oliver Ames was-
removed from the receivership and a Pennsylvanian -
sylvanian appointed. He agrees with the
statement that Ames has not managed his
trust in the manner that he should.
Betrayed His Trust.
Charles A. Hinckley , paying teller of
the "West Side bank , New York , has em
bezzled $96,000 of the bank's funds and de
camped. The embezzlement was discov
ered a few days ago. The bank officers cer
tify that the capital stock ( $200,000) Is in
tact. There is a surplus of $100,180 and
also Hmcklev's § 10,000 bond , given by the
Fidelity and Indemnity company. The
matter was kept secret until the investiga
tion was finished. Hinckley has been con
nected with the bank as paying teller ever
since its organization , fifteen years ago.
He was regarded as a man of rigid integ
Mr. F. N. Chase , director of the
towa State Board of Agriculture , says r
"While out at the State fair grounds \
on the 6th inst. , Mr. Rounds , of Ce- J
jar Falls , was taken with a sud- *
Jen and violent attack of cholera mor-
) us. I procured a bottle of Chamber-
ain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
ieme'dy for him. After his partaking
if the first dose he felt relieved of the
) ain , and in a short time he was well
ind remained to see the fair. From
what I have seen of the effect of this
nedicine I regard it as being one of
jreat merit and an. Iowa product which
leople of fhe west have great need ot
luring the summer months. "
Flowers and feathers figure largely in.
jvening , dinner and ball toilets.