McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 22, 1884, Image 5
iune Thursday , May asd , Indicates that your subscription to THE x TnrauNE has expired , and that an invita I tion to renew tbo same Is extended. TO OTJE ADVERTISERS. All local * under this heading 10c. a line for each insertion , and same inserted until ordered - < t'\ ed discontinued , unless time is specified. Hills payable monthly. < * . t'I Local Intelligence. I * Graham Flour at City Bakery. Chickens wanted at * the City Market. "Thunder and lightning" at Hayden & Co.'s. A choice line of Cigars at the P. 0. Lobby. . All kinds of blanks kept for sale at this office. Oranges , Lemons and Fruit at the P. 0. Lobby. For 'the best Flour in town call at City. Bakery. Fresh fish every Tuesday and Friday at City Market. The style of a new land agency is Butler & Clute. Choice raisins , 10 cents per pound , at Hayden & Co.'s. If you want cheap pork call at John Farley's meat market. BJqnk notes , neatly bound , 50 in a book , fop sale at this office , A fresh stook , of candies , nuts , figs , dates , etc. , at the P. 0. Lobby. Highest cash price paid for hides , furs and pelts at City Market. The family of Jno.ALee were in town during the season of entertainment. The very choicest cuts of ham , beef , pork and mutton at the City Market. Ira Waldo is building a new black smith shop on West Railroad street. The construction train pulled out on the west end , the first of the week. Go to Green's drug store for wall paper. A fine , stock at bed-rock prices. A new residence on Macfarland street , and this time L. 0. Marble is the builder. _ From the way the Vailton mail is delivered , that office ought to be dis continued or brightened up. Another new house on Macfarland street. H. C. Rider is putting up the fqr . .Frank.Jpsgrpve ( , 3 B & W- hjakeman , _ Call at City Market for early vege tables : Tomatoes , peas , string beans , onions , sweet potatoes , raddishes , let tuce , etc. _ Are we to have a Fourth of July cel ebration ? If so , it may be well to talk the matter up , and ascertain the senti ments of the people. S _ _ _ _ W O BM B B * V The continued rains have gladdened .the hearts of' the farmers , as well , as thp faee qf n.ature , which has assumed a deep green , A steady stream of land seekers con tinues pouring into this county , and the number of land agents increases with the demand aye more. A building is being erected on West D.ennison street , adjoining the Wilcox B'stgrej and $ he. sainp. is tfi be dgcti : ped } as.a . mjllfoeiy store , Wo are happy to chronicle the fact that Minnie Boyle , who has been so seriously ill for two weeks past , is now considered out of danger and improving , The four residences being built bj C. A. Frederick in West McCook arc I rapidly nearihg completion , and make a fine ew s , QB $ e elevation upon thej f Farmers continue ouying new wag ens , plows , purchasing teams of horses ; and selling their old , slow-going oxen , Verily , the indications of the times an encouragingly bright Look put for the bread wagon ! Be ginning Saturday next , the City Baker will deliver bread , pies , etc. , to an ; point in the city , once a day befor < dinner. Be prepared with your orders A little breeze of excitement whicl rippled the usually serene sea of life ii McCook was occasioned by an incipien runaway , Monday afternoon. The horse were caught before much- damage wa done. * ' - - town , the first of the week , but did not proceed to paint the town red only his own proboscis in which undertaking he was pre-eminently successful. On Monday evening the Plunkett Sisters Dramatic Co. tendered a com plimentary benefit to the management of the Opera Hall. The play produced was the well-known "Milky White , " which was favorably received by those present. The excellent music discoursed dur ing our recent theatrical festival is due to the efforts of Prof. Yager , T. L. McCrackep , J. F. Kenyon and Miss Lee. Miss Nellie makes an excellent accompanist , being precise and accu rate in her playing. * A large addition is being built on to the building now occupied by Wilcox Bros. , general merchants. This will give them the much needed room their large stock requires to have it properly displayed. They will add a fine stock of groceries , this week. Parties are in town making arrange ments for ope'ning up another saloon. Work has been commenced on the build ing to be used for that purpose , adjoin ing the City Market on West Dehnison street , and other arrangements are be ing perfected to procure ths necessary license. _ The Oberlin papers are in favor of a mail route connecting North Platte and Oberlin and running through this place , and doubtless express the sentiment of their readers. We believe that those really interested'in this new route are all favorable to it , and why not have it ; if not , why not ? The round-up commences at. the head of the Frenchman on Sunday. Differ ent outfits have been wending their way toward that point for the past three or four days. The round-up at the head of the Frenchman is a grand sight , as a large number of cattle and horsemen will be on the ground. While entertainments take some money from all communities they serve p , gopd. purposp at all events. It gives those so luoky as to possess them , .an opportunity to open up new trunks and air their fine "togs , " and then it does all good to get out of the old ruts occas ionally , and see how your neighbor looks. That was indeed a , , worthy example set by , Wilson & Hickling in removing the offensive accumulation from the rear of their restaurant. Would that more might follow in their footsteps in this matter. There are two or three places in our town that can discount a. glue factory two to one , and are o'ut- , td Pu.t it mild. We are requested to announce the Methodists will hold their Quarterly Meeting in the Opera Hall , next Sun day. Services will be conducted by Rev. J. M. Mann. Preaching at 10:30 , Mountain time ; communion service at 3 P. M. , and preaching in the evening at 8 o'clock. A general invitation to be present is extended. . 7 We notice that V. Franklin has been making improvements on his house and premises. He has had an addition built and other changes made to beautify and make more convenient and pleasant his home. Engineer Jack Rollins has also added materially to the appearance of his property by the erection of a neat picket fence in front of .it. We have the best arranged and most Appointed. Opera' Hall in the Republican Valley. The scenery is new , bright and pretty , the hall well lighted and of good proportion , the stage large and convenient , and the dressing rooms , ticket office , etc. , fill the bill completely , and under the present management must needs be a success. In the face of the well demonstrated fact that two things cannot be satisfac torily performed by one person at one and the same time , we insisted upon something more lucid , and succeeded in making , while operating our job press , last F.riday , a most decided impression , pronounced hit on our left hand. So much so as to break one finger and mash two others severely. The auction sale of wild ponies held by J. T. Wray of Culbertson in Dunbar & Olcott's yard attracted a large crowd and was the source of endless amuse ment , as a wild pony can go through about as many antics before submitting to his master as most any four-legged animal we know of. Quite a numbei of them were sold , " and we hope tht sales will continue as contemplated , every Saturday. . e new' blacksmith firm'of Warren & Woerncr arc looking up a location upon which to build their shop. Both if these gentleman are experienced mechanics , and will bo prepared to do nything and everything in their lintf i' business. The town of McCook is a marvel. It , s only a year old but has already 1000. nhabitants , a complete system of waterworks - works costing $25,000 , and the principal > hops of the B. & M. road between the Missouri river and Denver. Society here is good , and business prosperous. Norfolk Journal. Among the new houses commenced his week are those of A. Constable and R. S. Cooley. Mr. Constable is uilding on the brow of the hill east of x > wn , and has one of the finest locations n McCook. The view from that point up and down the valley is superb , and makes that location one of the most desirable within this corporation. Mr. Cooley is having a residence put up in West McCook , adjoining Thos. Mclnroy. George Hocknell , Sr. , died at the res- dence of his son , Representative Hock nell , after a protracted illness , last Thursday afternoon , about 3 o'clock. The old gentleman had over-reached ; he allotted time to man , being 72 years of age , and had been failing in health for some months , and he quietly passed away from this scene of activity as above sta'ted. His earthly remains were aid away in their last resting place in ; he cemetery west of town , Friday fternoon. The Chinese hold to the theory that , he immortal part of man is located in -he region of his anatomy labeled stomach ach , and hence the more aldermanic the tomachic protuberance , the greater the mental force. This seems to be the iheory of our contemporary. The larger ; he paper , the' more rot and nonsense , ; he better the journal. We acknowl- dge it as being the largest paper , it is n bulk , but when the claim includes , he BEST paper , we object mildly. Quality , not quantity. NOW let those interested in.oream- irios see what they can do toward se- juring the erection of a building for ihat purpose. John Stewart of Ana- mesa , Iowa , a pioneer in the creamery business , was in town , Tuesday , for the purpose , if our citizens would aid him n the enterprise , of establishing a jreamery at this place. His plan is to have $4,500 raised here , and he will ake $1,000 stock himself. He will put up the building all complete and perate the s niet This ia a business which will bring money into our com munity , and will pay the stockholders good profits if entered into in earnest. At any rate agitate the matter. We clip the following "little words of praise" from the York Republican , whose editor , " Mr. Morgan , recently made this country a visit : "There is a fine country here , that will rival-the east ern and middle portions of the state in a few years , which is being rapidly set tled up. Homesteads and pre-emptions are readily obtained , but tree claims are scarce , The rush at the McCook land office reminded us of the days of ' 71 in Lincoln. McCookthe end of the "Moun tain Division" of the B. & M. , is one of the neatest towns we have seen in the state. Population , 1,000. It has water works , and about 8 miles of pipe laid. The town site slopes up fromj and commands a fine view of the Republican The opening of the Menard Opera Hall , Friday evening , was an occasion to which all looked forward with pleas urable anticipations , and a crowded house greeted the Plunkett Sisters Dra matic Co. , whose pleasure it was to give the first entertainment in the hall in which our citizens take such a conscious pride , a.nd for the provision of which Mr. Menard has the hearty thanks of the community. "The Ticket of Leave Man" was on this evening performed , and met with the approval it merited. On the following evening the company presented "Flirtation , " a play , which in our opinion , was far better adapted to the troupe , and in which they seem ed to be perfectly at home. L. 0. Hart , in the character of the Yanked lawyer , was brim full , bubbling over with humor , and kept the audience convulsed with laughter wheaever he appeared on the stage , and the other members of the company sustained their parts well. This is the kind of weather when our people are interested more than usually in having sidewalks and crossing. Where are they ? The post office has been scrubbed. PERSONAL POINTERS. P. M. Ra'thburn of 'Cambridge wns in town , Wednesday. Mrs. Hawsworth was an cast bound pa.ssenger , Tuesday. Ed. Boas of the Courier force was in town the first of the week. Joseph Menard's family arrived from Chicago on No. 1 , Tuesday night. Jos. Williams has moved up to town to engage in the real estate business. Dr. A. J. Willey was called up to Eckley , Colo. , on professional business , Sunday. J. B. Meserve and outfit started for the round-up at the head of the French- ' man , Thursday. Senator and Mrs..Dolan were present at the entertainment in the Opera Hall , Saturday evening. Col. Snavely , Major Criswell and a number of other Indianola people were in town , Saturday. Jno. Lamburn was among'the Indi anola people present to hear "Flirta tion , " Saturday evening. Fred. Lytle has been up on the FrenchmaV for a couple weeks looking after some stock interests. G. L. Boyle of Kansas City , son-of Peter Boyle , has been in town the past ten days , called here by the serious ill ness of his sister , Minnie. Misses Papin , visiting at Indianola , were up at the opening and remained in town until Sunday afternoon , attend ing Saturday evening's performance. Charlie Fisher and Mr. Chapin , an Illinois friend who has been rusticating on the ranch for the past ten days , came down from Hayes county , the first of the week. T. H. Leavitt and wife , Mrs. Hoock and H. J. Roessig of Omaha , were reg istered at the B. & M. Eating House , Wednesday , Mr. Leavitt was formerly connected with the B. & M. railroad as assistant auditor. James Hatfield returned from his home in Illinois , on business , the first of the week. He informs us that his father-and he have purchased a mill plant in Decatur , 111. , which they will operate , and he is here to straighten up their business here. L. Morse of Benkelinau was in town , Wednesday and Thursday , arranging for the making of a number of water troughs to be used on his ranch , also for the erection of a wind mill. Mr. Morse is one of our most successful u stockmen , who believes in shelter and leed , and his loss was practically noth ing the past winter , showing his theory to be correct. He just recently shipped on to his ranch a number of grade year ling heifers , for which he paid a good price. HAMBURGH ITEMS. ED. TRIBUNE : I see nothing in your valuable paper ( which reaches me regularly ) from this part of the county and thought a few items might interest your readers. Assessor Barnett is now making the rounds of our precinct taking the assessment. Our district school has been running for several weeks , and our teacher , Miss Phillips , is giving very good satisfaction so far. We are having frequent and copious showers of rain , and the Beaver valley presents a very beautiful sight robed as she now is in her mantle of green. Mr. Williams and family of Danbury , and Mr. Russell and family of Ham burgh , spent a pleasant day at the resi dence of J. L. Townley , Esq. , one day last week. We are getting eur share of emigra tion ; nearly all available land in out town , having been taken by men who are pushing improvements with great rapidity. The crop prospect was nevei better. Small grain is far ahead of anj of previous years. Corn is all planted and growing nicely. A very large acre age has been put in this spring , espec ially small grain. Wm. M. Irwin has just erected Enterprise wind mill on his claim north west of town for the convenience of th < town herd. He is agent for the Enter prise in this county and asks an inspec tion of the working of the same. The post office is being remodeled the boxes being placed across the roon instead , of along the side as formerly J. P. Israel .occupies one side with : stock of fancy groceries. District Court Proceedings. . MAY TEBM , 1864. Court convened at the Court House , in Indianola , May loth , pursuant to or der therefor , .made by Hon. Win. Gaslin , Judge 8th JudicialJDistrictof Nebraska. Present : Hon. Wm. Gaslin , Judge ; J. W. Welborn , Sheriff ; C.D. Cramer , Clerk. The following cases were disposed of ; F. B. Moore , vs. C. H. Rogers. Ap peal. Case dismissed , for want of pros ecution , at plaintiff's cost. Henrietta L. Savage vs. John H. Savage ; Divorce. Default of defendant taken , and divorce decreed as prayed for. Page T. Francis vs. The State of Nebraska. Continued. George C. Crosby vs. Charles Bowles et. al. Dismissed as to Ann Jacobs. Case dismissed unless security for costs is given by plaintiff within CO days. Noble "MeKini vs. Thomas M. Scott. By consent of parties , defendant grant ed until July,4th , 1884 , to file amended answer , and Referee J. E. Cochran al lowed until the first day of the next regular term of court to report his do ings in said case. John Plunkettvs. Mary E. Plunkett ; ! Divorce. Dissmissed at plaintiff's cost. lletherington & Bishop vs. Sylvester j. Gordon and Marin J. Gordon ; To nforce contract. Settled and costs paid. William J. Harmon vs. Danforth L. larlow ; Proceedings in attachment. Motion to make plaintiff's petition more pecifio and certain submitted to the ourt. Plaintiff granted 30 days to file unended petition , leave to answer with- n 70 days , and plaintiff granted 30 days hereafter to reply. Motion to dissolve attachment taken under advisement. J. W. Dolau vs. Jones & Magee ; lechanics leiu. Dismissed at plain- iff s cost. J. Byron Jennings vs. J. P. Israel nd Letitia Israel ; Foreclosure mort- ; age. Default of defendants taken ; ount finds due from defendants to ilaintiff $319,00 , judgment and decree if foreclosure and sale of mortgage iroperty. Badford C. flarlow and James H. Symonds vs. John W. Welborn , Sher- ff ; Replevin. Continued by consent. C. H. B. Appleton vs. Wm. K. Lynch ; Petition for dissolution of partnership. Msniissed at plaintiff's cost. Consolidated cases. Frees and Hock- ell vs. John R. King. Before F. G. lamer , Judge , presiding on the trial f this cause. Judgment for defendant or $128.91. Motion for a , new trial jverruled. Plaintiff's excepts 40 days jiven plaintiff's to reduce their bill of ixceptions to writing. L : E. Barton vs. Charles E. Phillips ; Jetition in error. Court found error in > roceedings of court below. Judgment hat the costs to present time be taxed against the defendant in error and exe cution awarded therefor , and that this cause be retained in this court for trial and final judgment. State of Nebraska vs. John Whitta- er ; Libel. Defendant gives own per sonal recognizance to appear on the first day of the next regular term of court n the sum of $100.00. The following persons made proof and received their naturalization papers : Andrew J. Broman , Soren Simonson , Alex. Swanson , Stafford Plunkett , Jas. Ferrell , John Pool , Edward Price , John Gieve and John- Peter Simanson. Courier. CARRICO. J. R. Richards of Lincoln , member of the Red Willow Cattle Co. , is here. J. K. Paxton is fencing in a number of acres for pasture. Grim winter does not allow gentle spring assert herself in very loud tones. The festive and fleet antelope abound near the head of the Willow. Ervin Bostwick has just finished working on his tree claim near the head waters ef the Willow. Of the trees set out by him last spring , but a small percentage have died , and the remain der are growing finely. Riley Miller , stepson of Mrs. Mary Miller , has arrived from the Black Hills. He has come with the intention of giving , chase to the wild horses at the head of the Willow. Being accustomed to hunting and catching wild horses it is quite probable he will succeed in bringing in a few at least. PIIILO. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED ILLUSTRA TED. Viewed as a whole , we are con fident that no other living language has a dictionary which so fully and faith fully sets forth its present condition as this last , editian of Webster does that of our written and spoken English tongue. Harper's Magazine. Attention I All Odd Fellows that are interested jn the' organization of , a lodge in Me * Cook , .will please meet at the office of Dr. Johnson , Wednesday evening , May 28th. SEVERAL ODD FELLOWS. DEATHS. HOCKNELL In this city , May 15th , 1884 , of paralysis , George Hocknell , Sr. , born in Albany , N. Y. , Feb. 22 , 1812 , ngcd 72 years. "BEST OF ALL. " Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic is an Excel lent Remedy. " wife cured of Liver "My was com plaint and disordered Blood , with MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TONIC. It is the best of all remedies. " Jas. J. Wright , DCS Moines , Iowa. "Your GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TON IC is an excellent remedy for billious- ness and loss of appetite. I have used it several times. " Mrs. Mary Thomas ; Fort Scott , Kans. "My Blood , Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels , where ou.t of order. I used several remedics , and prescriptions with out benefit. MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TONIC cured me. It is a grand medicine. " John G. Hill , Kansas City , Missouri. MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TONIC , the great Blood and Liver puri fier , and MARSH'S GOLDEN BALSAM , the famous Throat and Lung medicine , are for sale by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. BUSINESS POINTERS. Locals under this head 5c. a line for each insertion. Bills payable monthly. Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines at Lee's. Go to John A. Lee's for sewing machines. We have just received a handsome .ssortment of calling cards. A complete stock of hair goods at Mrs/Fryling's. Hair waves at from 50 o 75 cents. We might as well be out of the world s out of the fashion. So call and pur- : hase one of those lovely jet Bonnets at S. A. & L. C. Rowell's. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Uxamine the new stock of millinery re vived at the East Side Millinery Store kept by S. A. & L. C. Rowell. Parties wishing to purchase a first- lass machine can be accommodated by tiling on John A. Lee , who has the .gency .for the celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. Noah Mishler's celebrated stallions , Tampaco Messenger and Marquis will tand at Russell's barn , McCook , on If Saturday of each week , from May 1st ; o August 1st. Call to see them. SIMPLE justice requires thatDeLand's Soda should be given the leading place n the public esteem. It has been , and .s , one of the greatest health promoters of the age. Sold by Hayden & Co. Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages , Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build- ng , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort gage , Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge Petition'for License , Notes , Receipts , THE TRIBUNE office. I have just received a large invoice of fine millinery goods to which I call your attention and inspection. Such as flowers and laces , misses' and children's hats and bonnets , in the latest summer styles and shapes. Also , a handsome stock of general millinery. MRS. H. A. FRYLINO. Deeded Claim. For Sale. I offer for sale one of the best farms in the valley , only 4 miles west of Mc Cook , in section 21 , township 3 , north of range 30 west. There is a new wind mill , good stabling and shedding , cellar house and 50 acres under plow , 3 acres of nice growing timothy. Price , $1,500. Call on or address MIKE WEICIC , McCook , Red Willow county , Neb. Notice to the Public. I have just purchased 28 head of the finest beef steers in Western Nebraska , and am now prepared to furnish the choicest cuts of beef at the City Market. C. H. DUNOAN. "Wood Wanted. I have opened up the old Rider brickc yard , and want about 40 cords of wjdodi , at once. H. P. WarxteA. , > > , A competent seamtress , . at , Mrs. JBL . . IT . tJk * .A. A T 4AJJ S.