AN OCEAN DISASTER. One Hundred and Thlrty.flra Soula % Vhat the Captain 8ay . A dispatch from Farther Point , May 7th , says : The steamship "Titanla"from Glasgow , passed Inward this mornlnp. 8ho nad on board twenty-four of the crew of the steamship "State of Florida , " that vessel having been sunk by collision with a ? i ? ? 0tmldocean' Out of 107 persons on , the * "State of Florida" only , forty-four * were saved , and of the bark's crew only the captain and two men were rescued. One . r d and twenty-three souls went down 1.1 win the steamer and twelve with the bark , making a total loss of 135. The passengers and crow rescued from , e 'State of Florida" state that the steam- A , ship "City of Home" passed them while on board the ship "Louisa" and answered their signals , but did not stop. The captain of the "Nevada" gives the lolloping : On Monday noon , In latitude 42,60 , longitude 47,25 , while on the way irom New York to Liverpool , being four days out , we collided with the "Romano , " belonging to the Wilson line. We struck the ship on the port side , nbout nmidship , bursting Into her engine room. The ' 'Ro mano" sunk in less than an hour , rfeir passengers came on board in her own boats. There was i heavy swell at 'the time. Our bows were beaten in from the forefoot to the deck. When the cargo had been shift ed and temporary repairs effected , we bore up lor St. Johns. On Sunday we fell in with the "Saint Laureat" and transshipped ped the passengers of the "Romano" and her crew and our own passengers to that ship. ship.Bennctt Bennctt one of the survivors of the State of Florida , stated that Just before one of the boats was lowered some one cut the falls too soon and the boat emptied all the passengers into the sea. He. with five others , climbed on the keel and Bat there all night. Underneath the boat were a number of former companions , all of whom were found dead the next morning. A. small number of passengers were saved. He attributed the rapidity with which the State "of Florida went down to the fact that the captain , who appar ently did not realize the position of af fairs , made no endeavor to get the passen gers into the boats. Though the surviving officers are very reticent as to the responsi bility for the accident , the impression seems to be that the steamship is to blame. The men on the keel of the boat were picked off the next morning by their former compan ions In other boats. They saw the bark upside down which collided with them. The boats with the survivors kept together and on Saturday morning sighted a sail , but could not hail the vessel. They were picked up the next day by the ' 'Theresa , " bound for Quebec. THE CROP OUTLOOK. What is Shown bv Returns to the Depart ment of Agriculture. The returns to the department of agriculture for May make the prospect nearly as favorable as in April. Then the general average was within 5 per cent of the standard of fullcondition. The May average is 94. It was 83l in 1883. Barring changes in the future , the winter wheat product is about 350,000,000 bushels. The temperature of April has been lower than usual , and low lying lands have been sat urated with moisture , retarding the growth. "Well drained wheat soils nearly every where are bearing a vigorous and healthy growth. Few reports of injury by the fly have been received , but the aggregate loss from the insect will be triVal. Winter wheat in New England is a scarcely appre ciable quantity. Its condition is quite uni formly high. The middle and southern states will make an average ranging from 90 to 100. The Ohio basin makes a less favorable showing with little differences in the states on the north side of the river. The states at large production will make the following avprage 100 representing not an average condition , but a full stand of healthy plants of medium growth : New York , 97 : Pennsylvania , 93 ; Kentucky , 99 : Ohio , 85 ; Michigan , 85 : Indiana , 85 ; Illi nois , 85 ; Missouri , 94 ; Kansas , 105 ; Cali fornia , 95. Seeding of spring wheat is nearly finished in Minnesota. It has been delayed by heavy rains and the low tem perature. In Dakota it is not yet comple ted. Returns are made on the 1st of July. Rye promises fully as well as wheat and the general average will be 96. It is several points higher than wheat in the principal states of the west. The general average lor barley is 101. It is 100 in New York , 100 in Pennsylvania , 98 in Michigan and 103 in California. Meadows and pastures are general I v promising , though failing to come up to the. standard of healthy growth and unimpaired condition. Spring plowing is a little delayed bv the low temperature and excessive moisture in undrained soils. In the entire country it is two-thirds com plete. Jn an averace year 72to 75per cent , should be done on the 1st of May. Out in Arizona. Hon. A. W. Sheldon , associate just ice supreme bench of Arizona terri tory , writes as follows : "It affords me great pleasure to say , from my per sonal observation , and you know the scope of such has been very extended , that St. Jacobs Oil is the great and wonderful conqueror of pain , the sov ereign euro for all bodily aches and pains , and I cheerfully bear this testi mony. " CLOSED ITS DOORS. The Marine National Bank of New Tork Puts Up Its Shutters. The Marine National bank of New- York closed its doors on * the 6th. A year ago the bank purchased Booth's theater. It is thought the failure is a bad one. The capital of the Marine bank was $410,000. Its statement on April 22d last showed a surplus of $130,000 and undivided profits of § 62,345. JohnF. Fiskis the cashier. A visit to the bank discovered some fifty disconsolate - consolate depositors standing in the pouring rain around the closed doors. No admittance was given re porters. No notice was posted on the door. Tie bank opened at the usual time in the morning , but before noon it closed abrubt- ly.The immediate cause of the failure was the hank's failure to meet its debts , about $500,000 , at the clearing house in the morning. The cause lying behind this-is presumed to be the real estate operations of President James D. Fish during the last year or two. Within that time he bought Booth's theater and the Casino , and lias also recently been builnlng a large apartment building , the "Mystic , " on Thirty-ninth street. The reconstruction of Booth's theater and the bulldinsr of the "JIvetic" has taken a great deal of money , which he borrowed from thnbank. Beware of the incipient etages of Consumption. Tale PUo'8 Oure In time. Congressmen's Pockets. If some Adam Smith of household finance would arise to teach a senator or representative to live on $5,000 a year lie would confer an everlasting boon on many of the members * of the States. Although congress of the United though Washington may be called a cheap place to Jive in , and for $5,000 a year a family can be supplied with everything that reasonable persons de sire , yet it must be remembered that a congressman does not often get his 85 OQO in tact ; and besides that , there are in Washington two scales of prices one for permanent residents and one for members of congress and foreign diplomats. First come the election expenses. Any congressman who comes out less than $1,000 out of pocket is considered lucky. Then comes the journey of the family to Washington for congress has not , yet allowed mileage to members' families , although after the late private secre tary indulgence nothing in the way of perquisites need surprise anybody. Next is the intermediary st ige of hotel- living until a house cr lodgings are found. Thus , before his lodgings are secured and he begins to have an idea of his monthly expenses , a large chunk of the congressman's $5,000 a year is gone. It does not take him long to find out that he can't do with his income as well as other people do. If he is in lodg ings his wife rnust have a reception- day , and no matter how simple the scale on which it is conducted , a waiter must be hired to hand in the cards , and there is usually some slight refresh ments. If the wife of a representative visits at all she has to visit a great deal , and visiting means a carriage. Then there are occasional dinners , receptions at the white house and elsewhere , which is customary for representatives' wives to attend , and that means costumes , gloves , and carriages. There seems to bo a kind of clairvoyance among every body in Washington who has anything to sell or to hire to a member of con gress or his family. The wives of members generally become well known to the trades-people before long , and the butcher , the baker , the candlestick- maker , the dressmaker , the bonnet- maker , and the maker of everything they eat and wear combine against the representative's $5,000. In the case of senators every circum stance is aggravated. There being but seventy-eight senators'and not all of them paired , the senators' wives are known as well as the Washington monument - ument , and as most of them take infin ite delight in having parcels addressed to "Mrs. Senator Blank , " the innocent creatures gives themselves away to the shop-people. The women of sense who are senators' wives , and who feel the necessity of making their money go as far as it ought , studiously conceal the fact that they are senators' wives , when they are "dealing , " as the negroes call shopping. "It is as much as my life is worth , " said one , quite solemnly , "to go into a shop. I can hardly come out alive. They would take all my money ; they would garrote me almost rather than that I should come out with sixpence , and all because I married a senator. " Pensions. Soldiers , Dependent Fathers , Minors , Mothers and Widows , if you are in doubt as to whether , you have received all that is due you from the U. S. Gov ernment , send to us for blanks and in structions. Stoddart & Co. , 413 G Street , Washington , D. C. The Asteroids. Providence Journal. A great astronomical feat has been accomplished. The 235 asteroids that noV revolve in what was formerly called the great gap between Mars and Jupiter , have all received names , though some of them have been wait ing for years as nothing but numbers. These straggling : members of the sys tem have been discovered during the present century , Ceres , the first in or der of time , having been found in 1801. They are a puzzle to astronomers , with then ; eccentric orbits , small dimensions and peculiar origin. There is no pres ent means for knowing whether their limit as to numbers has been reached , cr if larger telescopes may add thou sands to the family. They are trouble some , too , for they are always getting lost or being discovered over again , so that an irreverent German astronomer suggests that the smallest of the crowd should be allowedto travel at their own sweet will and pursue their own paths undisturbed by telescope or computer. The asteroids are , however , fascinating studies for some of our most distin guished astronomers , who have suc ceeded in picking out so many that a new asteroid is no longer a novelty. , Bounty. , Thousands yet entitled. Send to us for blanks and instructions. Stoddart & Co. , 413 G Street , Washington , D.C. A Fatalist. New York World. Thomas Mahr , a man with one eye black and the other red , with a check ered coat and a comprehensive and im pressive breath , stood in the Harlem court. "Mr. Mahr , " said. Justice Welde , "the" officer says you have been drunk. " "Me ? " "Yes , Mr. Mahr , you. " "Can the officer swear to it ? " "He has done so. " "Ah , yes ! I did'have a glass of beer. " So the.officer says , Mr. Mahr. "Me ? " "Yes , Mr. Mahr , you ! You were crazy drunk. " " 1 did have one or two glasses of beer Saturday night. " "Mr. Mahr , you will sojourn for ten days where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. "The island ? " "Yes , Mr. Mahr , the island. " "Me ? " "You. " "Ah , well ! What will be will be ! " and the policeman took Mr. Mahr down stairs. The Art of House-Cleaning. Harirord Post. This is an art much studied but little understood. It is generally undertaken at this season of the year by weak and feeble woman , and during the process she generally gets the best of strong and healthful man. Woman rips up all the carpets , opens all the windows , sets a pail of hot water and a bar of soap in the middle of the floor , ties up her head in an old apron and forgets all about cooking the dinner. Man goes home , sees the carpets on the line , doesn't smell any dinner , gets mad and goes back to the office with an empty stomach. This seems to be about all there is of value in the art of house-cleaning. PRESIDENTIAL FAYOK1TES. Some Interesting Fact * Concerning the Men Who Stand Cloiert to the Chief ExecatiTe. Visitors who , from Curiosity or busi ness , have called at the White House , must have been impressed by the court eous yet systematic manner with which they were received and escorted through the mansion. The gentlemen whose duty it is to receive all persons Doming to the White House are Colonel E. S. Denmore , Mr. John T. Rickard and Mr. T. F. Pendel , and they have occupied their present positions through the various administrations since and , even during the war. Mr. Fennel President Lincoln's was body guard ; saw him to his carriage the fa tal night on which he visited Ford's theater , and he now has in his posses sion the blood-stained coat which Mr. Lincoln wore on that memorable occa sion. There is not a public man in America to-day who does not know , and who is not known by , these gentle men , and the reminiscences of public and social life which they can.recount would fill a congressional volume. During the weary yet exciting years of the war ; through the more peaceful times of Grant's administration ; while Hayes held the reins of government , and when Garfield was shot , it was these men * who stood in the executive mansion , welcoming the advent of each new administration , bowing at its de parture , and receiving both martyrs through its portals. During that long , hot and never to be forgotten summer when President Garfield lay between "two worlds , " the nation became aware of the deadly malarial influence which hung about the White House. But all through that period these three men never de serted their posts for a single day , al though each one was suffering intense ly. In conversation with the writer , Colonel Densmore said : "It is impossible to describe the tor tures I have undergone. To be com pelled to smile and treat the thousands of visitors who come here daily with courtesy when one is in the greatest agony requires a tremendous effort. All that summer I had terrible head aches , heartburn and a stifling sensa tion that sometimes took away my breath. My appetite was uncertain and I felt severe'pams in the small of my back. I was" under the doctor's care with strict instructions not to go out of the house , but I remained on duty nevertheless. You would be sur prised to know the amount of quinine I took ; on some days it was as much as sixteen grains. " "And was Mr. Rickard badly off , too ? " "I should think he was. Why , time and again we have picked him up and laid him on the mantel , here in the ves tibule , he was so used up. " "Yes , " exclaimed Mr. "Rickard , "I was so weak I could not rise after lying down without help , and could only walk with the aid of two canes , and then in a stooping position. Oh , we have been in a pretty bad condition here , all of us. " "And yet you are all the embodiment of health , " said the writer , as he looked at the three bright and vigorous men before him. "Oh , yes , " said Mr.Rickard , "we have not known what sickness was for more than a year. " "Have you some secret way of over coming malaria and its attendant horrors rors ? " "I think we have a most certain way , " replied Colonel Densmore , "but it is no secret. You see , about two years ago my wife began to grow blind , and I was alarmed at her condi tion. She finally became so she could not tell whether a person were white or black at a distance of ten feet. One of her lady friends advised her to try a certain treatment that had done won ders for her , and to make a long story short , she did so and was completely cured. This induced me to try the same means for my own restoration and as soon as I found it was doing me good I recommended it to my asso ciates and we have all been cured right here in the stronghold of malaria and kept in perfect health ever since by means of Warner's Safe Cure. Now I am not a believer in medicines in gen eral , but I do not hesitate to say that I am satisfied I should have died of Bright's disease of the kidneys before this had it not been for this wonderful remedy. Indeed , I use it as a house hold medicine and give it to my chil dren whenever they have any ail ments. " "Yes , " exclaimed Mr. Pendel , " 1 use it in my family all the while and have found it the most efficient remedy we have .ever employed. I know of "very many public men who are "using it to day and they all speak well of it. " ' "I 160 " said weigh pounds to-day , Mr. Rickard , "and when my physicians told me over a year ago I could not hope to recover I weighed 122 pounds. Under such influences you cannot won der that I consider this the best medi cine before the American people. " The above statements from these gentlemen need no comments. They are voluntary and outspoken expres sions from sources which are the high est in the land. Were there the slightest question regarding their au thenticity they would not be made pub lic , but as they furnish such valu able truths for all who are suffering , we unhesitatingly publish them for the good of all. At a late woman suffrage meeting in London , Mrs. Scrachherds , of Leeds , said : "The attitude of the queen has always seemed a marvel of inconsist ency. To presume to be able to reign and to deem her sex altogether inca pable of unity and usefully participat ing in public affairs seems arrogant , indeed. " A prominent pastor writes to the Christian Union : "I once delighted in a lew flowers , and one or two em blems , and in a cheerful anthem , but have been compelled , regretfully , to avoid anything unusual on Easter Sun day , in order that there may be quietness - ness , reality , and sincerity in the ser vices. " * Conductor Greer's Story. Cambridge ( Ohio ) Jtffersonlan. A few days ago a Jeffersonian re- porier came upon a pleasant gentle man from Wilmington , Ohio , who said that his name was Greer , and related the following : That he was conductor of a passenger train which was wrecked in a collision at what he called Raima's Crossing , a place near Scott's mines , just east of town. The collision oc curred by another train running off its time at forty-flvo'miles an hour. His train was going at the rate of but twelve miles an hour , or the loss of life would have been greater. As it was , several people were killed. In one of the coaches was a cousin of Mr. Greer. He was found dead in one of the cars. No bruise or mark of violence could be found upon his body. He died from fright. His hair and chin whiskers were black , but when the body was dis covered both hair and whiskers were thoroughly white. The body was put into a vault at Z-tnesville , and at the final interment , in a month or two , hair and whiskers had changed back to their original blackness. The story was a curious one , worth noting. "The leek is the emblem .of the Welsh , " says the Detroit Free Press. The leak should be the emblem of our navy. [ New York Graphic. NOTICE : In another column will be found an-article in which all ( whether they will or no ) are interested , fteglecting to read it may prove a very serious as well as an expensive affair. We" refer to the ad vertisement of Prickly Ash Bitters. A knowledge of its merits and tbe benefit you or your family may derive from usang it will gave not only health b'ut many dollars otherwise expended in "Doctors' bills. " The cup of pleasure sometimes has drugs that one must drink long afterwards. A CARD. To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. . I will send a recipe that will-cure you , FUEE OP GHAKGE. This great remedy was discovered by a inKsionary in South America. Send self- addressed envelope to KEV. JOSEPH T. ISMAN , Station D , Now York. It is the early and late eater of the im ported German'sausage who gets the worm. "Mother Nwun'i Worm Syrup , " forfover- lshne' , restlessness , worms , constipation ; taste less 25c. Kerosene oil is solidified in Eussia and made into candles. For Bronchial , Asthmatic , and Pul monary Complaints , "Brown's firhn- chial Troches" manifest remarkable cura tive properties. Sold only in boxes. ' Marrying a widow may properly be styled ' 'unveiling a statue of grier. " The drunkard swills alchobol. Wise men use Samaritan Nervine , the king of all rem edies. The cattle industry In the country repre sents over 45,000,000 head of cattle. Meii iimn' Peptonlzed Beef Tonic , the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutri tious properties. It contains blood-making , force- generating and life-sustaining properties ; inyalu- nbie for Inilljrentlon , Dy pepta , norvoua pir > s- traiion , nnd all forms of general debilltr ; also In all enfeebled conditions , whether the result of exbau t- lon , nervous prostration overwork or acute niseusu , particularly if resul Ing from pulmonary complaints. OASWELL , HAZARD & Co. , proprietors , New York. Sold by druggists. The weak-may be joked out of anything but their weakness. "Hough n Cough * . " 15c.,25c. , 50c. , at Drna- K'Sts. complete cure Coughs , Hoarseness , Bore Throat. A good surgeon must have an eagle's eye , a lion's heart and a lady's hand. "The onlv medicine 1 recommend. " thus saith a druggist of Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. They are healthy who are contented with what they possess. Case of Curvature of the Spine Cured. Mr. Porter Walker , of Norborne , Mo. , visited Drs. Dickerson & Stark's Surgical Institute at Kansas City , a few days ago , reporting his case of curvature of the spine cured. The New York maritime exchange peti tions congress to suspend the coinage of silver for two years. Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns , scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by Druggists. Worms cause peevishness , fever * , con vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all Druggists. Headache , constipation , liver complaint , biliousness are cured by that mild , cleans ing remedy which never produces pain , EILERT'S' DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS. Only 25 cts. Sold by Druggists. An economical man will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al ways uses UNCLE SA M'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of all who die in active middle life are carried off by consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which may be permanently cured by EILEIIT EXTRACT OP TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold bv Druggists. A farmer's wealtb depends on the con dition of his stock. When scraggy and fee ble they arc espeially liable to distempers fevers , colds , and all diseases which de stroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually bv that valuable old stand by. UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW DER. Restless , ireiiui , crying cuiuiren are suf fering and need for their relief DR. WINCH - ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use ful not only for all the disorders of teething infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat , colic and cramps of older children , and should always be kept in every house for emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold by all < lnissri r.e. D ! . FCGTE'S Original METHODS l n CVCQ3adcNcwwithotitdoc- ULU LI flu torh.incdicineorgla.s.scRTTAlffH RHPTII RP Cured uitho-t operation Ifl ) fti jlj trncs.-11 u m * * H U I I U nC or uncomfortable . - - PUIIinQIQ Cured withnntrnttir < r ; rnlmUolC i-w.rnSnlCRsEafeFurc. JFRVfl ! Q Debility , etc. : cnn e IlLli f UUO and intional treatment , f Diseases "f " J-- , , . _ I jrnphleta "incurable. " lOc.eachJ Address Dr. F. T. roOTT , I > \ 788 , IV. Y. CJtji JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout tbe World. Sold medal Paris Exposition , 1878. TREAT'S inp MOTHER , HOME , and HEAVEN , prose and poetry : by 491 bent intbors.l4C.flOU sold. El- 'CTD lyiIUS'5. Rend 'tlforonlfit. ' Also 5000 Curiosities of the iiKT. . 757 Broadway.N. Y. CONSUMPTION. I have a posltito remedy for Uie above disease ; by it * no tboniands of cases of the wont kind nd of long standing bare been cured. Indeed , BO itronc Is my falta In It * efficacy , that I will tend TWO BOTTLES FREE , to- ffetbar wltb a VALUABLE TKEATI8K on this dlxilM , to r. OlvoKxprcra and P.O. address. DB. T. JL. BLCCUtf , m Pearl SU , New York. When you visit or leave New York City , save Baugaee. Kxpreusao-a and Carriage Hire , and stop at GftA-ND UNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars lars , reduced to $1 arid 'upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Rohtaurant supplied with the best. Horse-cars , utiges and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam ilies can live better for leas money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other firat- class hotel in the cltv. Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. Tables as good as any $3.00 per day house. Mr. Froude expects to lecture in Ajnori- ca next f aih Ho , YEBALDHEADS ! There Is Just one way , and no more , by which you may be cured use CARBOLINE , a deodorized ex tract of petroleum. It will positively pro duce new hair ; there is no substitute for this marvelous petroleum hair renewcr. When you are guest to the wolf , see that you have a hound with you. Relief from Sick Headache , Drowsiness , Nausea , Dizziness , Pain in the Side , &c. , guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. These complaints are nearly always caused by torpid liver- and consti pated bowels. Restore these organs to their proper functions and the trouble ceases. Carter's Little Liver Pills will do this every time. < * > no pill is a dose. Forty in a vial. Price 25 cents. When you come to Omaha , take the Street Cars or ' 7 ? s for the Metropolitan Hotel. § 2.00 per day. Tables as good any $3.00 per day house. Of women who never marry there arc more blones than brunettes. SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impo tence , n. Prior to May 1 , 1SSI , Kinsa ? had 708 liquor saloons. The number now is 813. COMMERCIAL. OMAHA. WHEAT No. 2 75 > , ' © 70 BARLEY No. 2 67 © 58 RYE No. 3 47 © 48 CORN No. 2 41 © 42 OATS No. 2 31& © FLOUR Wheat Graham. . 2 75 SHORTS Per ton 14 00 ORANGKS Messlnaperbx 4 75 & 5 25 LEMONS Messina , pcrbx 4 W ( a 4 25 BUTTER Creamery. . . . . . 23 © 27H BUTTER Bestcountryroll 15 a 18 EGGS Fresh 13 © 13K CHICKENS Per doz , live. 4 00 LETTUCE Per pound. . . . 50 © 55 CHICKENS Drsd , per lb. . 12 © 13 ONIONS Per bushel 90 © 1 00 HAY Bailed , per ton. . . . 800 © 1000 LARD Refined per lb. . . . 12 MESS PORK 18 50 © 19 00 SHEEP 3 50 ( a 4 50 STEERS 425 © 525 HOGS 5 00 © 5 50 CALVES 5 60 © 6 50 CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel 92 # © 93 CORN Per bushel , 55 % © 50 OATS Per bushel 31K © 32K PORK 17 4 > © 17 GO LARD ' . . 8 tO © 8 62X HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 5 85 © 6 25 CATTLX Exports G 40 © 6 6J SHEEP Medium to good. . 400 © 500 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 118 © CORN Per bushel 51 % © 52 OATS Per bushel 33K © 34 CATTLE Exports 0 35 © 6 55 SHEEFMedium 4 75 © 5 nil HOGS Packers 6 50 © 5 90 "Our child had fits. The doctor said death was certain Samaritan Nervine cured her. " Henry Knee , Verrilla , Tenn. At druggist . The postoffice department uses $80,000 woith of wrapping twine a year. "Rough on Tooth Ache. " Ask fpr It. In stant relief , qnlck cure. 15e. Druggists. Chief Justice Davis , of New York advo cates national marriage and divorce laws. * Allen' * Iron Tonic Kltlern Cure Dy pep- ivB. All genuine bear the signature ot J. i * . Allen , Druggist , St. fauU Minn. Food that is badly prepared the gods never make palatable. WAGON SCALES , IroiiLeren , Steel Bftrfngn , Dnu Tan Beam and Beam UOJ , OF BftGHAMTOli _ _ and JONES he py thef relBht for ttt Price Llit mention this psptrar.J uUrcu JQNES OF BWQHAM.'ON , Blnsbamtom. N. V. 'Has ' a fad ditferent from all others. Is cnp chape , with Self- i AdjiU'ting&vllin tenter , adapU itseirtoallpositlonsofthobody while the ball in the cnp back the intea- * sy fj presses wavr * * * twt - " - P * tines just as a person does with the f Inner , w ufi light pressure tnoTier nia is held securely K.y and nisht , nnd a radical cure certain. It Is eoydurable and cheap. Sent by mail. Cir- CuSrefree. M-CLEdTOH THUS3 CO. , Chicago , IIU VnilNP UCU learn Telegraphy bere and lUUIlU mCll earn bi ? wages. Situations furnished. Address , with stamp , VAIENTHJE BROS. , Janesvllle , Wis. _ AGENTS WANTED to BC" Palely the PAST- HUI- " * * * " " " - - IPT SELLIVO HOOK IV THK MAKKKF. * C3PFEfcY S UNIVERSAL ED TTCATOK , " 1100 pages , 470 llln-trations ; PRICE LOW : over GO.OOO told. Exclusive territory and the most liberal terms ever offered. Address , KAN SAS ( .ITT fus. Co. , 100 West Mnth street , Kansas Ultr. Mo. ' _ "THE BEST 13 CHEAPEST. " ENGINES , TURCQMITRQ SAW-BILIS , HanePowen nnEOflEnO ClorerHallen ( Salted t all eectlons. ) - BdPricMtoTbeAnltmui&Taylor Co. . Vinnfleld. Oblo. ELECRAPHY Inallits branches T taughtat Omaha School Telegraphy , Omaha , Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manages I ARY ARFMT < i Burning $3 a day Belinjz XXX I All I HULIItO BlenoeaTea. An imported Gold- liana rnlna Cup and -Mucer given with each pound Price GO- , rend tor particulars. JA .B.JLAI K8 Green * ich St. , N.Y. DATPIMTQ ! ThoP. . Simpson Wa-h- * * dl * I O i ington.DC Mipayasked paten t until obtained. \ . rite for Inventor's Gui je TPI FRRAPUY & & " - Aunts' itlCDnArnl 000-1 eitunuonc. BKHT cbance ever offered. Ad J.n.nto wN. UfAXTEI ) experienced Book and Blola Aiienit. 11 , " every County. Liberal tialcxles Paid. Address stating experience , P. O. Box K. jr. , St. Louis. .Mo. AOKJNT8 WA TJE1 > for tan Deal ana 'bated selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price radncfd 3S per cunt. NATIONAI. PTJB. Co. . St. lx > ali > . Mo. m mm * * * * r - Anew treatment. A J A | U O F I ? Positive cure. Dr. W C. W F + . mmJ & f * Payne , JIarahaUtown , la. yJPISO'S CURE FORro CBIEJ WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. , uStiShe.8S8SfdtT te3g ? ° d-1 ! . W M U Omaha 20G 2O WHEN WETTING TO ADGERTISERS. please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. Nfc ASH CURES AILDISEASE5C LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND BOWKIS. Dyepopaia , General Janadioe , Habitual Constipa tion , Liver Complaint , Sick ' 'K Hoadaoho , Diseased Kid > , nova , .Etc. , Etc. It contains onlv the rarest Drugs , among which may bo enumerated P21CK.I ASS BAIi AID BS22IZ3KAOTZA23 , B&CEIT , mTHA , tcr It cleanses the system thoroughly , and as a PUKIFIBR OP THE BLOOD Is TJnoqualed. It is not an Intoxicating beverage , nor con- It be used oa ouch , by reason of its Cathartic Properties. PliZCSLLT ASH BITTERS CO. Solo Proprietors , ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY. CATARRHTE ; REMEDY waa discovered bv its present proprietors. , and I < thu resuit of ex periments , b acd upOTi many years experi ence as i'ca'maclsta. It ) a dlff-rent from , other preparations used for these troubles- acrceible ; clfetlng in ttiose resrecta a lusrk- ed contrast t. , the DAXUEUOUS AND UA1IJ1FUI. L1QCIDS. SNUFF.- * AND CAUTBB- 1ZISIO FOWDKFP. Ap ply by the floger into the nustrlls. fend for circular. { 0 cents at Uruirglata Otcuntaby mall nglitoiea. ELY BROTHERS. Druwrtsts , OwCRO , N. Y. Regeneration for enfeebled systems. Buffo. IHK from t gen eral want of tone , and UK nsn-U c > n- cnmliants , dyspep sia and nervous ness , is seldom de- rlvabie from tue DS of anocilsliin * diet end stimuli of nppo- tlte , unaided. A - 5 . raed cine that TriU = = = effect a removal of tbe specific obstacle to renewed nealtb and vigor , that Is a genuine corrective , is tee icnlnced. It ic lie pO se eion of th'spiaiid rtqnlre- toeijt nhlrb maKea KfiitPtitrs ctom nch Kilters po flTec- tlve as au invKor- nnt Ko snl by a' Dropelsts tnd Deal- era Kenerally. ROCKFORDWATCHES Areunequalhd inEXJLCTIXO SERVICE. Used by the Dy the commanding ; in the V. S. Naval Obserr- atory , for Astro nomical work : ana by Locomotive Engineers , Con ductors and Ball- way men. They are * „ , . - . - recojjnizBd aa 'or all uses inwhich close ( leading jeweler * , ) who give a Full Warranty * INDIAN VEGETABLE Core Ecncluche , Cotuiilpiitlon. Chills anil j Fever , nnd all Ellloui Complaint ! . AU. DBUOG1STS. PRICC CG CENl'S A BOX. | V. rnnitETT , Acnsr. 372 Pearl Street. N.Y. OH. H NDaftSON A rcgu/ar graauate , . in medicine. Over IS 608 A fiOS ' . St. .Tyanslottc , ytari fraciice 12 iei KANSAS CITY , MO. Chicago. Anthorizcd by the State to treat' Chronic , Nervous nnd 1'rivnle Uis- cacs , Asthma. Epilepsy , Ithenfun- . PileHTnpeonn , Urinary nnd . . SEMIJTAI , VnNE68 f\ * * " * > ljjr' J 1 J - * * ' * j * * -f k- * * -j k/ uA4 > A ' > \ l v too f&yi'rx&J&y" ' ! * * * " ) Sc.\r.\i. DSKIUTT rffa f&s&Jyi/MJ / " sexual pmutr ) , &c. Cures 4-1 iruiiti-eil or money refunded. I'bnrges low. , \ 1 uoiit-aui'n ot cuMJf cured J.oiujnrioii-siscdicinea ' used. No detention from bneinues. All medicines' * funiiched even to potii-ntH at a dibtaiice. Conenl- tniior. free and confidential ci.ll or write. Ageanc t-sperienre are important. A BOOK for" botb s-eaue illii-trated mid circulars of cfui-r Carpets. . 1 AO.OOO OF A , T. Jvl VDS. tend for "ample ? and Frices. S. A. ORCHARD , Omaha , Neb YOUR win buy 21 per cent , more Groceries at the Old Re liable = tore of J. U. FJCKXCU fc CO. , O5IAXCA , thancanbebrnRhteIeewbe > e In the state. They Bell 18 lb . A Sugar fur . . . . 81. OO 13 1-S lh . jtacira C Snjrnr Tor - 91.99 11 1-3 Ib . Granulated Hngnrtor - Sl.OO 14 lb > . fiewOrleima Sugar for - 81-99- And other Roods in proortlon. Hend for Monthly trice .List , J. B. FKENODt A CO. , OilAHA. Send * jnTr ] T T r : nlnr."Tlmr . T Tninujfi poultry : $75O. Sl.SOO. SI. BOO a year. IIow to nuke poultry profitable. Howtomat an Incubator costing less than $5. How to * build cheap poultry houw * . Preserre egou Cure Cholera ; ilaie liens Lay ; Central Mu - ogcment. etc. , etc. l.OOOtlucgtforthepenl- try yard. A new book , C O. BESSET. ABILENE. KANSAS. Breeder of Bock fowls and Poland-China iwme. PURGATIVE ? ix r § < 7 t t . - ; s ss ssss .s 1 ? B . s auill for ct * in .tamp. . V lu bl , InroTsSSjoTri T 18. jS&RJOS ' & cSTBOSTOKJ UlsiL