The Tribune Thursday , May i4th , 1884. Indicates that your subscription to Tire X TUIBONK baa expired , and that an Invita tion to renew the name Is extended. TO OUB ADVEBTI8ERS. All locali under tbis hendinir Kte. a line for each insertion , and same Inserted until order ed discontinued , unless time Is spaciflcd. Bills payabin monthly. Local Intelligence. Graham Flour at City Bakery. Chickens wanted at the City Market. "Thunder and lightning" at Hayden & Co.'s. _ AH kinds of blanks kept for sale at this office. For the best Flour in town call at City Bakery. Fresh fish every Tuesday and Friday at City Market. Choice raisins , 10 cents per pound , at Hayden & Co. ' a. If you want cheap pork call at John Farley's meat market. Blank notes , neatly bound , 50 in a book , for sale at this office. Our merchants are drawing largely from Northwestern Kansas. 1 Highest cash price paid for hides , furs and pelts at City Market. Plunkett Sisters at Menard's Opera Hall , Friday and Saturday evenings. The very choicest cuts of ham , beef , pork and mutton at the City Market. Go to Green's drug store for wall paper. A fine stock at bed-rock prices. Wilson & Hickling have purchased the old Gump business , and are conduct ing the same at the old stand. Now is the time to secure Wind Mills at car-load rates. Inquire of or address G. B. Nettlcton , McCook , Nebraska. Seventy-five families of Hungarians hare settled on the Beaver in the vicinity - ity of Hcrndon , during the past spring. That delivery wagon purchased by John Farley , last week , belongs to the order called "daisies , " and is quite fine. Call at City Market for early vege tables : Tomatoes , peas , string beans , onions , sweet potatoes , raddishes , let tuce , etc. Times were a little lively on Main street , Saturday afternoon for a few minutes. Nobody injured , and dam ages nominal. We are seriously contemplating.going into partnership with the general govern ment. The McCook Land Office receiv ed in one day , Saturday last , $1079.24. The pay car came up to McCook , Tuesday evening , and lightened the boys' hearts and ladened their wallets. The car went west Wednesday morning. A party of cow boys from the range nortli of here were in town , last week , and imbibed sufficient "mountain dew" to make them feel funny , but harmless. The contracts for building houses for Will Dolan on his claim north of town , and for Mr. Coulter on his claim on the south side , are in the hands of Con tractor Mclntyre. The Kyler claim on the river bottom between the bridge and W. H. Smith's place has been purchased by H. C. Kider for $850 , which , at the price river claims are selling , is a bargain. Look out for the bread wagon ! Be ginning Saturday next , the City Bakery will deliver bread , pies , etc. , to any point in the city , once a day before dinner. Be prepared with your orders. The railroad crossing on the bridge road east of "town was put in by Super visor Farley on Tuesday. This matter has been deferred long , but will be none the less appreciated by the travelling public. A gentleman representing J. M. Wolfe , Publisher of the Nebraska State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1884-5 , was in town , the first of the week , gathering information for the forthcoming directory. Old Fashioned Ice Cream and Lemonade at Gump's old" store , to-morrow evening , by Wil son & Hickling. Kafe Old Fashioned Ice Cream and Lemonade at Gump's old store , to-morrow evcMing , " by Wil son & Hickling. The latest addition to the stock grow ers of Bed Willow county is John San ders of the B. & M. Eating House. Ho recently purchased a bunch of 100 steers thafe are now in the care of C. L. Ncttleton up Driftwood. A fine little girl came to gladden the hearts and make brighter the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lytle , Thursday last. We digressed from our habit to accommodate a fine specimen of the weed , in celebration of the auspicious event. Let every land owner and homestead er break at least ten acres on his land , this year , and a great increase in re tained moisture and consequent better crops will be his reward. The larger the acreage of buffalo grass turned un der , the better , so don't be. afraid to use the plow extensively. Next Monday C. J. Davis , Fred Frink , C. T. Henderson and Col. Heartwell , will start for the Republican valley with a herd of 500 head of cattle belonging to J. B. Heartwell. The boys expect to have a good time , and come back in the fall with an unlimited capacity for hash. Hastings Nebraskan. Burn your waste paper instead of sending it adrift on the streets. Pro vide , if possible , some better place for waste waiter , tin cans , etc. , than the alley or back part of your lot. To be sure , we will miss the perfumes of ori ental sweetness , but it won't injure the appearance of our town irreparably. The influx of people continues un abated , and is becoming greater as the season advances. For the past two weeks McCook has been crowded with people seeking land and town property , and many have come to move on land upon which they put papers during the winter. Our land officers have more work on hand than they can attend to. A most enjoyable card party was given to the young people by Mr. and Mrs. Robb at their pleasant residence , Monday evening. Those present were the Misses Papan , Miss Jennie Fisher , Miss Hollister , Miss Rowell , Messrs. Forbes , "Frank Harris , Fred Harris , W. D. Gumming and our religious editor , and all enjoyed themselves to the full. Two Upper , Willow cattleman , J. G. Stokes and Schuyler Braugh , came down to McCook , Saturday , for supplies and wire. Stokes & Troth are fencing in a large pasture , and reports stock picking up rapidly. Mr. Braugh has one of the largest herds on the Willow , and being all range cattle , his loss has been re markably small. Out of 2,000 head he fed but 20 during the winter. We have readers in all sections of Red Willow county , and numbers in Hitchcock , Frontier , Dundy and Hayes , and as we cannot be omnipresent , will of necessity be compelled to rely upon our friends in these different counties and localities keeping us posted as to the neighborhood news. So , don't be backward in giving us whatever news of importance transpires in your section. As full particulars of the storm which struck Decatur on Monday of last week come in , it is evident that it was the most destructive cyclone that has ever visited that section. Houses , barns , corrals , etc. . were blown out of exist ence , a number of people more or less injured , and some well nigh miraculous escapes are chronicled. The storm is de scribed as having been grandly terrific doubtless more terrific than grand. S. Hoge of Knoxville , Iowa , arrived in McCook. last week. He cemes bear ing very flattering recommendations from responsible parties in Knoxville , both as to his character as a man , and his ability and responsibility as a con tractor and superintendent of construc tion , and he desires those contemplat ing building to give him a call. He will guarantee the work done in a work man like manner. The Council at their last meeting instructed the Chairman to perfect ar rangements for providing a pound and having the ordinance regulating animals running at large enforced. A large and substantial enclosure has been put up , and Mr. Olcott intends to discharge his duties of pound master impartially , without fear or favor. And now let us give the boys a pointer : For every horse , mule , cow , oxen , sheep , goat or pig you take to Mr. Olcott he will give you twenty-five cents. All themselvesin persons knowing * debted to Drs. Willey & Johnson at the time of the dissolution of their partner ? ship are requested to call on Dr. John son and settle. The Plunkett Sisters supported by Hart & Campbell's Dramatic Company played at Rogers' Opera House , two nights last week. In our opinion this is one of the best companies now on the rpad. The first night they gave us "Lost in London , " one of Wats Phelpa great melodramas. The second night they rendered one of Craven's Laugha ble English Comedy's , "Milky White. " Aurora Republican. Our town would look . cleaner and more inviting to the eye , and to the nos trils would smell far sweeter , and be much healthier withal , if by some means a few stench-emitting and disease-pro ducing carcasses were removed from the streets and alleys. We beg lief to call this matter to the attention of the prop er authorities , as it is certainly deserv ing of attention as a sanitary , and pre cautionary measure , independent of the vast improvement a little cleaning up would make in the appearance of the town. "Cleanliness is akin to Godli ness. " Let us bs clean if we kin. When business men of a town fail to advertise extensively , they diminish the importance and trade of the place and permit enterprising localities to take the latter from them. Although done for their individual interests advertisers should be looked upon by citizens of the town where they reside as in some sense public benefactors , and they should be encouraged accordingly. One merchant who advertises extensively , is worth to his town and its people more than forty who never' show themselves in print , and should be , for , this reason alone preferred , assuming of course that he is a fair business man. ' Arrangements have been completed for the erection of stock yards , in Mc Cook , and the same have been located south of the railroad track and west of the race course. It is proposed to hold auctions at this point on Saturday of each week , and J. F. Wray has secured the use of Dunbar & Olcott's yard for that purpose. The first auction will take place at the above mentioned yard on Saturday of this week , as Bee notice elsewhere in this issue. This will bring many people to town , and be a benefit to our business men as well as those interested in stock. Be sure to be pres ent at the auction next Saturday. The many patrons of Boyer & Shaw , dealers in general merchandise at this place , have been not a little surprised at the discovery of the fact that A. E. Alexander , their head clerk , had been tampering with the money of the firm , and his summary dismissal from their service. The news struck our commu nity like a thunderbolt , as no had ever dreamed that the energetic , attentive and gentlemanly clerk was other than perfectly honest , yet with all these qual ifications , he , according to his own ad missions , so far forgot himself as to appropriate the pitiful sum of eleven dollars paid him by a customer , and also a five dollar bill marked and placed where he would be apt to and did find it. As to whether he had taken other or further sums from the firm , they do not know , nor would he admit that he had wronged them further than as they had absolute evidence against him. Courier. A party from York county , number ing twenty-nine , were in McCook , Sat urday , entering land which they had selected in Frontier county , during a land.hunt of some day's duration. And a well pleased party were they. We were pleased to meet a number of the party , and to note their astonishment at finding so fine a country. Among the number was Mr. Morgan of the York Republican , one of the early settlers of York county. He passed up the Re publican Valley three years ago , and was at that time impressed with the be lief that it was only a matter of a few years when this valley would be teeming with people , and he now sees a strong move in that direction , tfe was partic ularly surprised at finding such a "phe nomenal town as McCook. " "No town of its size and age in the state has such an air of substantiality and elegance as your town , " and other like'expressions evidenced his surprise. Old Fashioned Ice Cream and Lemonade at Gump's old store , to-morrow evening , by Wil son & Hickling. Gco. P. Weick has had an addition built to his house in South McCook. , 1 PERSONAL POINTERS. Senator Dolan made a business trip * to McCook , Tuesday. Sheriff Welborn was circulating around town , Saturday. H. H. Troth of Carrico dropped in to see us , Thursday morning. Fred. Harris made his weekly pil grimage to the hub , Sunday , Mr. McKim of Kansas was in town , "Wednesday , on legal business.i J. E. Cochran , Esq. , went down to Arapahoe , Friday , on legal business. Mrs. W. H. Thompson was an eastbound - bound passenger Wednesday morning. John Tolman has gone to Danbury , Neb. , in Red Willow county. Orleans Sentinel. Mrs. Samuel Wheeler and daughter , Miss Jessie , went down to Lincoln , Wednesday. Register Laws went down to Alma , Saturday , on business , returning Sun day morning. Mrs. T. G. Rees and mother went to Fairmont , this state , Wednesday morn ing , on a visit. ' | J. B ; Meserve and W. W. Fisher came down from their Hayes county ranches , Sunday. Jos. Menard arrived in McCook , Tues day night on No. 1. His family will follow him next week. Judge Ashmore passed through Mc Cook , Wednesday , on his way home from his Hayes county ranch ; Supt. Campbell goes the slow process of growing grass in his yard from the seed , and has sodded the same. R. 0. Phillips of Lincoln Land Co. , came up to McCook , Saturday , going down the valley again on Sunday. Sam Ashmore drove down from Hayes county , Sunday , made some purchases , and returned the following morning. Miss Rowell went down to Indianola , Saturday afternoon , on a short visit to Mrs. McCartneyreturning Sunday night. The Misses Papan , sisters of Mrs. McCartney of Indianola , were in town , Monday and Tuesday , guests of Miss Rowell. Mr. A. E. Chandler of the Oberlin Land Office was in town , Monday and Tuesday. He made this office a very pleasant call. Mr. A. J. Brent and Miss Jennie Jamison of Bondville , were in town , Saturday. Both had contests before the Land Office. W. S. Morlan of Arapahoe , Prosecu ting Attorney of this district , was in town , Wednesday. He had a case be fore an arbitrator. J. P. Israel disposed of his restau rant and grocery to J. J. Dunbar , last Friday , and is now engaged on the Cul- bertson Sun as editor and publisher. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mishler were down Saturday and Sunday to see the baby their grand-daughter , which now adorns the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lytle. Conductor J. E. Sanborn has given the contract for the building of a resi dence on Macfarland street , above Joe McManigal's , to Conductor Hoge , .re cently arrived in McCook. Postmaster Hemming , of Quickville , Thomas county , went down to McCook on Wednesday , after supplies. Quite a wagon train left for McCook on a simi lar errand. Atwood Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayden and daughter came up to McCook , Friday nightj returning Saturday afternoon. W. H. is proud of his little girl , who inherits in a great degree the genius of Mrs. ' Hayden for art. Mrs. Frank Sibley of Lincoln came up to McCook , Monday night. S.he formed a degree lodge of Good Tem plars , Tuesday evening , and took No. 40 for Orleans , Wednesday , where she also instituted a degree lodge. * J. D. Gerver , the father of Gerver precinct , William Relph , James A. Gregrey and others from the southside , were in the metropolis , Friday , attend ing to contests and final proofs , before the land officials. Mr. Gerver is one of the old settlers , and speaks encour aging words of his section : He has in 50 acres of small grain , which is look ing fine. ' An unusual amount of land is being turned and cultivated , and small grain all through that-locality is looking well. He is one of those who hhs made money here , and is entirely satisfied with Red Willow county. An individual of unknown nationality indulged in some peculiar freaks at In dianola , Tuesday. He attempted to tear u the railroad track , and in other respects gave distinct indications of being non compos mentis. He was adddressed by seven different persons , but none were able to make themselves understood or understand his peculiar lingo. Joseph Odwarker of Dorchester , this state , was in town a number o days last week. He informed us that he had purchased all the property owned by Fred. Vondrcs in McCook , and that ho would complete the dwelling house started by Mr. Vondrcs on the lot west of Supt. Campbell's residence. He also made a trade with H. C. Rider by which he became owner of the skating rink property , giving , we understand , his lot adjoining and $600 cash. He will in the course of time make McCook his permanent abode , and thinks now that she discounts any town in the Repuoli- can Valley , and we are j like opinion. A Rare Treat. The Plunkett Sisters , decidedly -the best dramatic company that have visited - ed this city , appeared at McClellen's Hall , Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , in the two popular plays , "Ticket of Leave Man" and the "Serious Family. " There are nine in this company and all good actors. The celebrated melodrama , "Ticket of Leave Man , " brought out a full house Tuesday night. The play was excellent , and at times they kept the audience in continuous uproarous laughter. Their excellent entertain ment brougt out a full house Wednesday evening. The "Serious Family , " which they acted that evening was the best of all. It fairly set the audience wild. They were to have been with us three nights , but owing to the bad weather Monday night it threw them out of one night's engagement , which our public regretted very much. Should they ever visit us again they will be greeted with a crowded house. Blue Hill Times. SOUTH SIDE. Mr. Fuel has gone down the valley to work. Some of eur people go to Indianola , this week. H. W. Davis will move his cattle to the head of Medicine Creek , next week. Sabbath school at W. H. Pickens every Sunday at 2 P. M. H. W. Eaton , Superintendent. That "long Johnston" has been put ting down some wells on the divide during the past week. A new bridge over Dry Creek is one of the improvements long needed on the road to McCook from the south. We noticed a dead horse and a lone some looking buggy in the road near the old Valley Grange P. 0. , Sunday P. M. Miss Bessie Ausbourne will start in a few days for the mountains , that hav en where the "wicked flea doth cease from troubling" and the "festive gnat is having a rest. " Mr. Beatty of Iowa , a nephew of Mrs. D. H. Babbit , arrived last week , and will spend the summer acquainting himself - self with the business and prospects of our country. Also , Mr. Barber of Au burn , N. Y. , a friend of N. Burtless , came last Thursday with the same laud able object in view. Mr. Barber will "take in" the round-up in company with Mr. Burtless. JOSIE. AUCTION ! I will be in McCook on SATURDAY , MAY 17th , 1884 , and will sefl at Public Auction 20 head of broke and unbroke horses and mules. J. T. WRAY. Notice to the Public. I have just purchased 28 head of the finest beef steers in Western Nebraska , and am now prepared to furnish the choicest cuts of beef at the City Market. C. H. DUNG AN. TUB rates of travel from Denver east arc coming down rapidly. It is proph esied that the rate to-day to Kansas City will be one dollar or less. THE editor of the Cambridge Monitor is a "bully boss boy" and no mistake. He speaks of a "boss" boy , a "boss" man , a "boss" farmer , and then by way of spice uses "bully" boys. TUB Republican attributes General Grants financial difficulties to his allow ing ' -boys and dudes manage his affairs , " and thinks that had the "old command er been on guard , ho would have fought it out , 'if it had taken all summer. ' " It will doubtless bo an all-summer job if the failure is not greatly exaggerated. . OUR city council of saloon-kep ? ra and their assistants imagine that they fcav found an ordinance by which th Slo- ouinb law may bo evaded. They propose to harmonize with the state law requir ing $1,000 to bo paid at once for a license , by taking $250 when the saloon opens , $250 after three niontkfl , $250 after six months and $250 at the cad of nine months. At this juncture $1,000 will have been paid , and a license will be issued. Thus our saloons will run nine months without license. This is a beautiful manner of beating the deril around the bush , and if there is any legal method of preventing it , somebody ought to "come to the front" withHhe method. It is more than passing strange that the liquor interests of this city cannot find it judicious to obey a decent law , preferring instead by their efforts I at lawlessness to offer a premium for the prohibition movement that is raging : i on every side of as. llepublican. t „ THE initial number of the Frontier County Faber reached us last week. Bro. Powers labored under many digad- vantages in preparing his first paper for issue , but still makes a very creditable showing , and will take front rank in the journalism of Southwestern Nebras ka beyond a peradventure. THE Gazette-Journal critique , in de scribing the costumes worn by the per formers in an opera given by home talent "Mrs. So-and-so attired , says : - - was ed in a neat blue silk , which exactly fitted her complexion. " And still Wall , f street continues colicky. S.V. . SWITZER , Register of the . Bloomington land office , was robbed of * personal property to the amount of over a hundred dollars at the Commercial House , Lincoln , recently. Plunkett Sisters at Menard's Opera Hall , Friday and Saturday evenings. "BEST OF ALL. " Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic is an Excel lent Remedy. " wife cured of Liver "My was com plaint and disordered Blood , with MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & Liviii TONIC. It is the best of all remedies. " Jas. J. Wright , Des Moines , Iowa. "Your GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TON IC is an excellent remedy for billious- ness and loss of appetite. I have used it several times. " Mrs. Mary Thomai , Fort Scott , Kans. "My Blood , Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels , where out of , order. I tiled several remedies and prescriptions with out benefit. MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVER TONIC cured me. It'is a grand medicine. " John G. Hill , Kaniaa City , Missouri. MARSH'S GOLDEN BLOOD & LIVJR TONIC , the great Blood and Liver puri fier , and MARSH'S GOLDEN BALSAM , the famous Throat and Lung medicine , are for sale by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. BUSINESS POINTERS. Locals under this head 5c. a line for cftch insertion. Bills payable monthly. Wheeler & Wilson sewing- machine ? at Lcc's. Go to John A. Lee's for sewing machines. We have just received a handsome assortment of calling cards. Parties wishing to purchase a firat- class machine can be accommodated by calling on John A. Lee , who hag the agency for the celebrated Wheeler < fc' Wilson Sewing Machines. . . , _ _ TH Noah Mishlers celebrated stallions , Tampaco Messenger and Marquis will stand at Russell's barn , McCook , on Saturday of each week , from May 1st to August 1st. Call to see them. Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages , ; ) Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build ing , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort gage , Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge Petition for License , Notes , Receipts , , THE TRIBUNE office. CHALLENGE ! To any Chemist in the U. S. One Hundred Dollars will be paid to any Chemist finding anything but Grape Cream Tartar and Bi-Carb. Soda in DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder. It is one of the few brands that are absolutely pure. Sold by Hay den & Co. Attention , Land Attorneys. [ ' We have Jn stock "Ca h Application" and * j "Proof * blanks , under net approved.June 15 , } 1SSO. Same are put up in $1 and $2 packaged , 1 ready to iiiuil. Send in your order to ? THE TIUUUNE , McCook , Kcb ;