McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 15, 1884, Image 4

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F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers ,
JIM BLAINE of Maine wouldn't ' make
a poor President , at all events. His
'book will net him $400,000. Freddie ,
my boy , put it a little milder , though ,
and Jeems may have the proud distinc
tion of belonging to the tribe of Eh.
FKALET , the St. Louis grain gambler ,
and Kecne , the New York stock gam
bler , are both going to resume. It is to
their credit that both will pay dollar
for dollar. There would not be many
tears shed , however , if neither could
resume. Men who gamble with stocks
do not have much more public sympathy
than men who gamble with cards.
EL MAHDI offers to ransom Gen.
Gordon for a half million pounds sterl
ing. ITiis indicates the immense value
the false prophet puts upon this Christ
ian soldier. If he actually had him , it
would beggar the exchequer and force
the bank of England to pawn its office
'furniture to pay his asking price. Be-
' % fre El Mahdi catches Gordon however ,
ttfeete considerable hunting and fight
ing to do. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ENGLISH high life is having its share
Of sensations. A baron has been sent
to jail without bail for an indecent
assault upon a female servant ; a
wealthy barrister has been arrested on
a charge of murdering his bride , a mem
ber of parliament is in quod on a charge
ot forgery , and another has been captur
ed in Africa on the charge of plotting
with El Mahdi for the destruction of
his country.
GRANIT says : ' 'If the Re-
p\lblicans make a wisejselection they
< fwill carry the next election. I think
"our prospects are better than they
"Were four and eight years ago. " The
ge&eral knows a thing or two. He has
seen the democrats in congress helping
Jie republican party by their unwise
'bourse and knows that the republicans
will be able to elect their candidate
Without half a struggle.
EMERY STORES says : Let me tell you
something. Lincoln's stock , if 1 may
BO express myself , goes up higher and
higher every day , and what appears to
increase his strength and following is
the fact that he is making no personal
effort to push it forward. I would not
be the least surprise , after half a dozen
or more ballots are taken and the dele
gates are tired out if a Lincoln boom
was started that he would at once re
ceive the nomination.
Too much praise cannot be accorded
to the American Medical Association
for their action at Baltimore on "Wednes
day last , when they made a move to
ward elevating the standard of medical
education. A resolution was passed
Urging upon all medical colleges the
adoption of a system that shall require
a terttfof tuition to last for three years ,
and tf practical demonstration of diag
nostic skill. With an impulse of this
nture and a strict adherence to it , the
day of the quack will soon be a day of
the past ,
THE mystery about the missing steam
er State of Florida' has at last been clear
ed up. Survivors have reached Quebec
and tell the vessels fate. In the middle
of the ocean , she collided with a bark ,
-and of 110 persons on the two vessels
it is thought that only 20 escaped. The
details are not yet full enough to show '
just where the blame rests. But there
must have been some terrible blunder ,
or some criminal negligence about it.
Some accidents at sea may occur in pite
of the greatest care and diligence. A
collision in mid-ocean , however , is not
one of them :
SENATOR EDMUNDS has renewed the
effort to have General Grant put on
the retired list of the army , so as to be
secure as to his means of support the
remainder of his days without a surren
der of self-respect and independence.
He has probably lost what property he
had saved by the wreck of the firm in
which he had a large investment , rind
it is well enough known that he is too
old to be a successful business man ,
especially since he has never evinced
any talent for trade. It any officer has
merited the "safe harbor of the retired
list , it is
Tie death of * Charlegp'Gonor re
moves one of 'tlio most , eminent lawyers
* \ X J
of the United States. He was the son
of an educated Irish gentleman , and
was born in 1804 in New York city ,
where ho has always made his home.
After receiving a common school edu
cation , young O'Conor studied law , and
admitted to the bar at the age of 21
years. He was an untiring and indus
trious student , and in a few years , lie
worked himself to the front rank of his
provision , in which he became the ac
knowledged leader , a position which he
retained until his advancing years com
pelled him to retire from active prac-
tics. Charles O'Conor was always a
democrat in politics. The only political
office that he ever held , however , was
that of district attorney , for a few
months , under the administration of
President Pierce. He was a member
of the constitutional convention .of 1864.
Few people remember that Charles
O'Connor was once-nominated for the
presidency of the United States , but
such is the fact. In 1868 he was nom
inated for the presidency by the extreme
or "straight-out" democrats , and receiv
ed complimentary votes to the number
of about 30,000 , in various states.
During his public career Charles
O'Conor was regarded as one of the
leading lawyers and one of the most
eminent of American citizens. He was
engaged in some of the most important
cases ever tried in this country. A
quarter of a century ago there was no
better known man in the American
metropolis , and there was no better
known voice in the courts than his , ut
tering , as it did , the utter bitterness of
sarcastic emphasis. To the man of to
day , Charles O'Conor was a tradition.
Now that'he has passed quietly away ,
after years of retirement , Charles
O'Conor , by reason of his singularities
and his extraordinary abilities , is worthy
of recall to the people's memory. It is
claimed for him that he was the last of
the common lawyers , who believe the
common law to be the "perfection of
human reason. " He always stuck to
his old time logic and learning , and was
so thoroughly their master that he was
rarely overthrown by any opponent. It
is said of him that he never allowed his
preconceived opinion to be modified by
any subsequent event , that-he always
stuck to his prejudices , and never for
gave an enemy or fo'rgot a friend. Bee.
CYRUS H. McCoRMicK , head of the
great harvester manufacturing company
and supposed to be one of the richest
men in Chicago , died at his home in
that city , Tuesday morning , aged sev
enty-five years. He had been an invalid
for a number of years. He was born in
1809 , in Rockbridge county , "Virginia.
He was the son of Kobert R. McCormick -
mick , a farmer , who invented the orig
inal reaper in 1816 , but afterward aban
doned it , owing to its imperfections.
The deceased brought the invention tea
a successful completion in 1831 , when
twenty-one years of age. For this in
vention he was elected by the French
Institute a member of the Academy of
Sciences and received the decoration of
the Cross of the Legion of Honor. In
politics he was a democrat , and has
been prominent in his party as a mem
ber of the national committee. He
founded and liberally endowed the the
ological seminary of the northwest , con
ducted under the auspices of the Pres
byterian church" , and also endowed pro
fessorships in theWashington and Union
theological colleges in Virginia.
JAMES FELL , of Rich Hill , Missouri ,
and Jack Hanley , of Leadville , fought
with bare knuckles for a purse of $300
Tuesday afternoon. Fell was declared
winner on a foul in- the twenty-second
round. Both men were dead game and
'hard fighters. The battle ground was
just across the Platte river bridge on
the Republican Valley road , A party
of 100 left Omaha in a special train.
Two bad riots occurred at the ring , in
one of whicti a Leadville pugilist was
very roughly handled. Pistols were
trumps all the time. On the way home
there was a free fight on the train and
three men were shot. The cars were
running twenty miles an hour just west
of Midland , and the passengers all
jumped rather than be shot. John
Rauch , one of the wounded men , will
probably die. John McClellan , a saloon
keeper of Omaha , was shot through the ,
shoulder. It was the most .terrible
crowd of bad men that eyer left the
city on a similar occasion.
JULY 1 , Bob Ingersoll and his family
will remove to his $8,000 log cabin on
Dorsey's cattle ranch. Bob will adopt
the cowboy costume and herd jack
ALONG about Christmas time an
honest old citizen of Howard county ,
Nebraska , invited the son of an old
friend to make him a visit. Now
this old citizen had a daughter , he
has : her yet. by the way , that he very
much desired to see advantageously
disposed of in the matrimonial market.
He was so anxious , fact that he en
tered into a secret agreement with
IUB friend's son to woo and win her.
The young man accepted the invi
tation and spent a delightful winter
living off of his future father-in-law ,
driving his horses to country dances
svnd singing schools , and burning
his coal and oil. A few days ago
the young man woke up to the fact
that he must be at work. He also
discovered that he did not want the
girl he had bargained for and so told
the old man. The old man reluctantly
submitted to the inevitable , but has
brought suit to recover the winter's
board , fuel and lights bill.
CHAIRMAN SABIN has issued a circu
lar to the effect that tickets of admis
sion to the Republican National Con
vention have coupons for each probable
session. Each ticket will be numbered
and alloted to a particular scat , no pro
vision is made for weekly newspapers.
The daily papers are amply cared for
under the charge of John C. New . Tick
ets for delegates and alternates * and
general admission will be turned over
to the National Committee at Chicago
; the 31st day of May. Members of the
National Committee from each state
and territory have charge of the tickets
of his state or territory , and distribute
the same to delegates. Thus delegates
have the final distribution of the tickets
and are the proper and only persons to
whom application should be made.
THE Irish national League was in
secret session in Chicago for two days
last week to arrange for campaign
work in.the interest of the republican
party during the next presidential can
vass. It was decided to maintain
headquarters in Chicago , New York
and "Washington. The speaker who
will be sent out by the League will
be urged to attack the free trade
theory as the surest means of alienat
ing the Irish veterans from the demo
cratic party , on the ground that free
trade is an English measure. Twenty-
three states where represented at the
session. J. Curran Keeganof Colora
do , was elected General Secretary.
THE NEW York Times , discussing
Senator Van "Wyck's bill to prevent
others from owning lands in this country
says : "After the government shall have
recovered a part of what has been stolen ,
punished the thieves and taken meas
ures to prevent such stealing in the
future , it will be time to think about
preventing foreigners from acquiring
land in an honest , way at a fair price.
Punish the land thieves , be they alien
or native. That is the first work to be
done by congress and the interior de
partment with reference to the public
domain. " In other words the Times
does not believe in locking goods up
from thieves , but only in punishing
them after they have stolen.
THE national military encampment at
Dubuque , June 16-21 next , promises
to be a great affair. Companies from
all parts of the United States , with
bands , bass drums and cannon , will be
present. Among the attractions , accord
ing to a circular just issued , will be a
sham battle , in which "features are to
be .depicted in true imitation of the real
horrors of a genuine ballot. " If.this
doesn't prcve sufficient to draw a de
lighted multitude , the managers might
as well give up in despair.
Bids will be received by the Building Com
mittee and the School Board of School District
No. 17 , McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
for furnishing all material and labor to com
plete a School House for such district , except
foundation ; also , separate bids for material
and labor for wood work and plastering ; also ,
separate bids for painting and graining ; also ,
bids for furnishing stone from best Cambridge
quarry and laying foundation.
Plan and specifications will be on file in the
office of W. W. Fisher , McCook , Neb. , on and
after May 20th , 1884. Bids will be received up
to June 5th , 1884 , at 8 P. 31. Good bonds will
be required of successful bidders. The right
to reject any or all bids is reserved.
May 14th , 1884. G. L. LAWS , Director.
McCook , Neb. , May 8th , ' 84. f
Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day
of May , 1884 , S. L. Green filed his petition and
bond at this office , asking the Board of Trus
tees of the Village of McCook , to grant him a
druggist's permit to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , for medicinal , chemical and
mechanical purposes , within the corporate
limits of said village. The Board of Trustees
will pass upon said bond , Saturday eveninc- .
May 24th , 1884. F. M. KIMMELL ,
50-2. Village Clerk.
Estimate of Expenses.
At a meeting held May 8th , 1884 , the Board
of Trustees of the Village of McCook , Neb. , '
made the following estimates of expenses
necessary for the ensuing year , to-wit :
For general purposes $500 00
For sidewalks and crossings 200 00
TOTAL S700 00
By order of Board of Trustees.
50-4. F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
a .week st home. , t3 outfit free. Pay ab
solutely urc. Koilik. Capital not requir
ed. Header , if yon want bunlncsg at wjitch
_ _ pcnoh * of either * ex , young or old. can
make great pay nlltne time they work , with absolute *
certainty , write for particulars to H. HALLETT &
CO. Portland , MalHC. 2-33.
Oar Drngglat , S. L. Green. Is dlBtrlbutlnR free sam
ple bottles of Bcggs' Blood Purlflcr. It will at once
relieve that drowsy , heavy , tired feeling , loss of am
bition , &c. , caused by a Torpid Liver and diseased
Kidneys. It costs nothing to try It.
Those Blotches , Pimples. Eruptions of the Skin ,
Spring Humors , &c. , can be cured by using Beggs'
Blood Purlfler. Wewarrant ever } ' bottle sold to give
satisfaction , and furnish FREE samples to all who
desire to try It. S. L. Green.
McCook , Neb. , AprillSth. 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by James McCarty against Moses W. Thomp
son for failure to comply with law as to tim
ber-culture entry 1284 , dated North Platte ,
Neb. , February 7,1880 , upon the east H north
west li and west Vt northeast H section 84 ,
township 1 north , range 30 west , In Red Willow
county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
of said entry ; contestant alleging that Moses
W. Thompson has failed to cultivate , or plant
to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said
tract from date of entry up to the present
time ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 28th day of May ,
1884 , atl o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
47. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 18th. 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this ofllco
James McCarty against Peter H. Meeks for
abandoning his homestead entry 1653 , dated
North Platte , Neb. , October 20,1879 , upon the
southeast quarter of section 34 , township 1
north , range 30 west , in Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , with a view TO the cancellation of
said entry ; the said parties arc hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 25th day
of May , 1884 , at 1 o'clockP. M. , to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said allegdd
abandonment 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 20th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Nets. J. Johnson against Ed. Hutchinson
for failure to comply with law as to timber-
culture entry 089 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
September 6,1879 , upon the southwest quarter
of section 18 , township 1 north , range 29 west ,
in Eed Willow county , Neb. , with a view to
the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that Ed. Hutchinson failed during
the year ending September 0,1881 , to break 5
acres of said land , or cultivate any part there
of ; that he failed during the year ending Sep
tember 0,1882 , to cultivate , or plant to trees ,
tree seeds or cuttings , any part of said land ;
that but 5 acres of said land has ever been
broken , and that no part of said land has ever
been planted to forest trees , seeds or cuttings ,
up to the present time ; that no part of said
land has been cultivated as required by law ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 6th day of June , 1884 ,
at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , May 13th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Martin V. Easterday against EH Reid for
failure to comply with law as to timber-cul
ture entry 1115 , dated North Platte , Neb. , Octo
ber 22,1879 , upon the southwest quarter sec
tion 6. tewnship 4 north , range 30 west , In Hed
Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the can
cellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
that Eli Reid has failed to break , or plant to
trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract
since date of e'ntry ; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on the
14th day of July , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. . to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
50. G.L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 21st , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by David Jones against Isaac N. Young for
abandoning his homestead entry 1594 , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , October 13,1879 , upon the
northwest quarter section 3 , township 1 north ,
range 28 west , in Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 23d day of May , 1884 ,
at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment. 47. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Nob. , April 19th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Theodore H. Polack against Ezra Arthur
Stoffle for failure to comply with law as to
timber-culture entry 068 , dated North Platte ,
Neb. , August 27,1879 , upon the northeast quar
ter of section 2 , township 4 north , range 29
west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that said Ezra Arthur Stoffle has fail
ed to break 10 acres of said tract of land as
required by law at any time since making his
entry to the date hereof ; and that he has not
planted or caused to be planted any trees , tree
seeds or cuttings at any time since making his
entry up to the date'hereof ' ; and said tract is
wholly abandoned and grown up to grass and
weeds ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 24th day of May ,
1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
47. G.L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 26th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Robert H.Neill against Frank Hoffart for
failure to comply with law as to timber-culture
entry 1167 , dated North Platte , Neb. , November
10,1879 , upon the southeast quarter section 15 ,
township 1 , north of range 30 west , in Hed Wil
low county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation -
tion of said entry ; contestant alleging that
Frank Hoffart has failed to break , cultivate ,
or plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of
said tract from date of entry up to the present
time ; that he has wholly abandoned said tract ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 14th day of June,18i > 4 ,
at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes
timony concerning said alleged failure.
49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 21st , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by William H. Benjamin against George W.
Ross for failure to comply with law as to tim
ber-culture entry 1265 , dated "North Platte ,
Neb. , January 27 , 1880 , upon the northwest
quarter section 27 , township 1 , north of range
30 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a
view to the cancellation of said entry ; con
testant alleging that George W. Ross has fail
ed to break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds
or cuttings , at any time from date of entry up
to the present time as required by law ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 14th day of June , lb 4 , at
1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , May 3d , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
! jy Edward Kanouse against John Wilson
jochran for failure to comply with law as to
: imber-culture entry 1098 , dated North Platte ,
Seb. , October 14 , 1879 , upon the northeast
quarter section 24 , township 2 , north of range :
H ) west , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a
view to the cancellation of said entry ; con-
: estant alleging that John Wilson Cochran has
failed to break , plow , cultivate , or plant to !
trees , tree seeds or cuttings , any part of said
; ract from date of entry up to the present :
time ; and has wholly abandoned said tract ; :
he said parties are hereby summoned to appear
pear at this office on the 13th day of June , 1884 ,
at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes
timony concerning said alleged failure.
49. G.L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , May 3d , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Edward Kanouse against James A. Temple-
ton for abandoning his homestead entry 19G4 , ;
dated North Platte , Neb. , February 10,1880 ,
upon the northwest quarter section 5. town
ship 1 , north of range 28 west , in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , with a view to the cancel- '
ation of said entry ; the said parties are here- !
> y summoned to appear at this office on the
3th day of June , Ib84 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to
respond and iurnish te&timony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
49. G.L. LAWS , Register.
' -
, April 21SL1684.
Complaint having boon entered at this office
by Franklin A. Thompson against Peter H.
Mocks for failure to comply with law as to
timber-culture entry 1110 , dated North Platto.
Nob. , October 20 , 1879 , upon the Southwest
quarter section 85 , township 1 north , range JO
west , In Itcd Willow county. Nob. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that Peter H. Mecks has failed to
break , cultivate , or plant to trees , seeds or
cuttings , any part of said tract from date of
entry up to the present time ; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this olnco
on the 14th day of Juno , 1884. at 1 o'clock , P. M. ,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure.
49. G. L. LAWS , Kcglster.
Complaint having been entered ut this ofllco
by Myron H. Mllson against David Ulrey for
nbandonlnghis timber-culture entry 1370 , dated
North Plattc , Neb. , March 24 , 1880 , upon the
east Vt southeast M and south yt northeast
of section 13 , township 1 north , range 80 west ,
in Bed Willow county , Nob. , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
that David Ulroy has failed to break , cultivate ,
or plant to trees , tree seeds or cuttings , any
part of said tract from date of entry up to
this time ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 23rd day
of June , 18M , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. 50. G. L. LAWS , Register.
U. S. LAND -
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Walter S. Wilson against Ira J. Ellis for
abandoning his timber-culture entry 754 , dated
at North Platte , Neb. , May 31st , 1879 , upon the
west ' / $ of southeast U and cast % of southwest
J4 of section 28 , township 2 , north of range 20
west , in Red Willow county , Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that said defendant , Ira J. Ellis , has
failed to cultivate , or cause to be cultivated ,
any part of said tract of land at any time since
making said entry to the present time as re
quired bylaw ; and has failed to plant , or cause
to be planted , to trees , seeds or cuttings , any
part of said tract of land at any time since
making said entry as required ; and the whole
of said tract is grown to weeds and grass ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 10th day of June , 1884 , at
10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment.
49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 26th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Edward Ackerman against David Hill for
failure to comply with lawas to timber-culture
entry 1082 , dated North Platte , Neb. , October
8,1879 , upon the northeast quarter section 22 ,
township 1 , north of range 30 west , In Red Wil
low county. Neb. , with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry ; contestant alleging that
David Hill has wholly abandoned said tract ;
that ho has not broke , cultivated , or planted
to trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said
tract from date of entry up to the present
time ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on'tho 14th day of June ,
184 , atl o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 22d. 18S4.
Complaint having been entared at this office
by Valentino Bogle against William T. Mason
for abandoning his homestead entry No. 2137 ,
dated North Platte , Neb. , March 31st , 1880 , upon
the northwest quarter section 12 , township 4
north , range 29 west , in Red- Willow county.
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on Monday the 16th day
of June , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
47. C. F. BABCOCK , Receiver.
McCook , Neb. , April 19th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by J ames L. Campbell against Nathaniel Lyon
for failure to comply with law as to timber-
culture entry 1351 , dated North Platte , Nelw-
March 12,1880 , upon the north 1A northwest } ,
northeast U southwest U and southeast }
northwest > section 23 , township 5 north ,
range 30 west , in Frontier.county , Neb. , with
a view to the cancellation of said entry ; con
testant alleging that Nathaniel Lyon has fail
ed to break , or cultivate , or to plant to trees ,
seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract at any
time since making said entry to this date ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 3d day of June , 1884 , at 1
o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testimo
ny concerning said alleged failure.
47. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 1st. 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Clark B. Green against Jackson Howard
for abandoning his homestead entry 1710 , dated
at North Platte , Neb. , November 5,1879 , upon
the southeast quarter of section 34 , township
2 , north of range 28 west , in Red Willow coun
ty , Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation
of said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 25th day
of June , Ib84 , at 11 o'clock , A. M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleged
48. C. F. BABCOCK , Receiver.
McCook , Neb. , April 30th , 188t.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Rosena Hanlein against Isaiah A. Kelso for
abandoning his homestead entry 1853 , dated at
North Platte , Neb. , July 1st , 1880 , upon the
west l of northwest J section 29 and east ! 4
of northeast J.J section 30 , township 4 north ,
range 29 west , in Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , with a view to the cancellation of said en
try ; the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 4th day of June ,
1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning1 said alleged aban
donment. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
McCook , Neb. , April 23d , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by James E. Lawthers against Peter Tridle for
abandoning his homestead entry 2109 , dated
at North Plattc , Nebraska , April 10th , 1SSO.
upon the southwest quarter of section 9 , town
ship 1 , north of range 29 west , in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , with a view to the cancel
lation of said entry ; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on the
23d day of June , 1S84 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond
spend and Iurnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
49. C. F. BABCOCK , Receiver.
April 30th , liWt. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June 6th ,
1884 , viz : John W. Enycart , homestead entry
3239 , for the northeast Ji northwest J { and
northwest } northeast y and lots 3 and 4 of
section 31 , township 3 north _ , range 29 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
aid land , viz : John Bagley , Amos Leonard ,
Kcuben Trowbridge and George Leland , all of
McCook , Neb. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 2flth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o makeflnal proof in support of his claim , and
ihatsaid proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. June
14th , 1884 , viz : Oscar E. Noble , D. S. No. 546 ,
br the cast 5-J southeast H , southwest ? 4 south-
mst y and southeast southwest J.j sections ,
ownshlp 8 north , range 29 west. He names
he following witnesses to prove his continu-
us residence upon , ami cultivation of said
and , viz : Francis M. Marshall , Israel Wood ,
Charles Crosby and John Miller , all of Laird ,
Seb. 48 , G. L. LAWS , Register.
May Oth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
mmed settler has filed notice of his intention
omake final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register or
Icceivcr at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June
8th , 1834 , viz : Charles Dietrich , D. S. .No. 237 ,
'or the southeast quarter section 22 , township
north , range 30 west. He names the follow-
ng witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
lence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : '
3. M. Williams , Morris Williams , Alfred H.
Javis and George J. Fredericks , all of McCook ,
feb. 49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND Omen AiMcCooK , NEB. , \
April 4th. 1884. i
Notice la hereby ( riven that the following
named HOttlcr has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of hla claim , and
that said proof will bo mndo before Register
or Receiver ut McCook , Nob. , on 1'riday. May
23d , 1884 , viz : Charles W. Lathrop.D. 8.191 ,
for the southeast * southwest ' 4 section Si
and cast H northwest X and northwest K
northeast U section 23 , township 2 north , range
30 west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : William Pryor ,
Charles Jacobs and Charles Bowles of McCook ,
Neb. , and Edward C. Whcaton of Currico.Ncb.
45. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 7th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday ,
May 22d , 1884. viz : Wilbcr F. Saundcrs , for the
north ' /J northeast J , northeast Ji northwest
H section 29 and southeast U southwest U sec
tion 20 , township 1 north , range 28 west. Ho
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : James B. Miller , John Con
ner , Robert S. Cooley and John L. Sellers , all
of Stoughton , Neb.
45. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April Oth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
May 28th , 1884 , viz : Dcatrlck Blake , homestead
1203fortho south 'A southeast i section 15 and
north V northeast M section 22 , township S ,
north of range 29 west. Ho names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Na
than Meyers , Isaac J. Starbuck. William W.
Fisher and Charles M. Fisher , all of McCook ,
Neb. 45. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 16th , 184. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June 7th , 1884 , viz : Frederick Plasmyerc , D.
S. No. 194 , for the northeast quarter section 8 ,
township 3 north , range 30 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Christian Blacholdcr , August C.
Hoge , George S. White and Joseph Huet , all
of McCoek , Neb.
40. G. L.LAWS , Register.
April 2l3t , 1884. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , June
30th , 1884. viz : James S. Ackerson , for the
east Vi northeast Ji section 27 and west Vt
northwest Jf section 20 , township 8 , north of
range 29 west 6 P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Gco.
W. Warner. Charles Sparhawk , John Miller
and Israel Wood , all of Laird P. O. , Nebraska.
47. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 26th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
June 3d , 1884 , viz : Gustavo E. Wallin , D. S.
2362 , for the southeast quartersection 11 , town
ship 3 north , range 29 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Edgar Couse , Mather L. Brown and Thofl.
Ruggles of McCook , Neb. , and Isaac Johnson
of Box Elder , Neb.
48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 28th , 1884. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
er Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
June 10 , 1684 , viz : William Fruin , D. S. No.
209 , for the north southwest & and south ii
northwest Ji section 23 , township 3 north ,
range 30 west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Col
lins , Hiram Bixlcr , Arthur Snow and James
Cain , all of McCook , Neb.
48. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 1st , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , Juno
14th , 1584 , vte : Matthew H. Johnson , D. S. No.
151 , lor the east V . northwest J , west V- north
east Ji section 32 , township 3 north , range 30
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Phillip H. Lam-
bach , Andrew Carson , John Whittaker and
C. Luther Ncttleton , all of McCook , Neb.
49. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 13th , Id84. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to inokc final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
3r Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
Tune 25th , 1884 , viz : Mather L. Brown , home
stead 1347 , for the southwest quarter section
10 , township 3 north , range 29 west. He names
ihe following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Amos R. Buck and Gustave E. Wai-
in of Red Willow , Nob. , Edgar F. Coiwo and
Chomas J. Ruggles of McCook , Neb.
50. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 9th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
mmcd settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Rcgisteror
teceivcr at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June
Oth. 1884 , viz : James C. Lafferty , homestead
289 , for the northeast quartersection 9 , town-
hip 1 north , range 28 west. He names the
olfowing witnesses to prove his continuous
esldence upon , and cultivation of , gaid land ,
iz : S. W. Stiluboucr , J. C. Foutz , F. W. Wcav-
r and 51. M. Weaver , all of Danbury , Neb.
50. G.L. LAWS , Register.
„ . . . , May 9th , 1884. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim , and
bat fcaid proof will be made before Ucgister
r Receiver at McCook , Ncb.on Monday , July
th , 1884 , viz : James A. Gregrey , homestead
MO , for the northeast } * section 34 , township
north , range 29 west. He names the follow-
ig- witnesses to prove his continuous rcsi-
encc upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
'raneis L. Spleer , John D. Gerver and Joshua
lervcr , of Stoughton , Neb. , and William Bron-
ey , of McCook , Neb.
50 , G. L. LAWS , Register.