McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 08, 1884, Image 8
3XT / -r IN PRICES AT I / 0HAS. TOT3 TT"1 O JriilC-bo VERY BOTT0I ! HAVE IS STOCK AND FOR SALE TO CLOSE AT COST : Overcoats , Overshoes , ; f Underwear , Boots & Shoes , Winter Clothings 11 Ibs. GRANULATED SUGAR. . .1 : .x. . . . . . . . ' . ' . - > . : $ LW ( 12 ibs. EXTRA C ; ' SUGAR , . - . . - . . Ji.oo : 1S BARS WHITE : RUSSIAN SOAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1:00 : 20 BARS CLIMAX SOAP ' . ' ! " ; 1-1 . . . / . . . . ! . . . . i.9 > 25 BARS STANDARD SOAP ! . , Js. $ LTO ( ' 10 CANS LIMA BEANS , . , . , . , . . $1.00 1 tf CANS BLACKBERRIES ; , - : $1.00' ' 10 CANS CORN. . . . , . ' . . . ; . " . . ; ; : $ i.oo , , ' 0 CANS 3-POUND TOMATOES. . , $1.00 -J ; 10 CANS 3fARRO TAT PEAS . . . > . - . - ; . . . . . . . $1 ; 00 20 Ibs. NAVY BEANS. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . ; ! . - . . . . . ! , . . $1.0 10 CANS STRAWBERRIES. i . , . . . $1.00 10 CANS STRING BEANS $1.00 20 YARDS .JAUNTS $1.00 ' 15 YARDS GOOD MUSLIN $1.00 pft YUM Etf1 E llJ , lUlliu , filu , , Jj AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE ' . CMIdrens' and Misses' . . ' LADIES' ' ACD'GEBETSf WOOLEN GOODS ! \ At Greatly deduced Prices. Flannels & Woolen Underwear ALL ( AT LESS THAN COST. BAEGAINS ! BAEGAINS ! HAYDEN & CO. , McCOOK NEBRASKA. IIP IN THE FAR WEST FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN ABD SPECULATOR. THE TOWN OF M@000K : % - Iii Ked Willow County , Nebraska , 'has been surveyed , and .lots in the market , for .just one year and has now a population 9 of 1000 people. This point lias been , designated by the C. , J3. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER- where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing $25,000 is .just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots 'will range in price from SI 50 to * 500 for business lots , and $50 to $200 for residence lots. ' The history of points like McCook show an increase i . of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an .exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , ' Or VV. F. "WALLA CE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. NEW LUMBER YARD. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER ii i Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc. HAKE A SPECIALTY OF Reasoned end Kilo Bried 1 H. W. PIKE , McCOOK , Red Willow County , - Nebraska. ARAPAHOE STAR MILLS FLOUR. WARRANTED TO BE FINEST FLOUR 1C THE MARKET. - - FOR SALE i HAYDEN if CO , AGENTS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Ii Great Western Furniture Emporium , mi o sit H st : , C on yo > $5 . > 8 > 2. th Q > q g w 'wt O ii H y th < 2j a ' § § etc * i Kh co te etf cc H abi ST ani fro J. E , BERGER , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB , TK for ; NE-W ii STORE ! We would respectfully announce to tlie citizens of. JVIcGook > / ' ahd vicinity that we have just opened ' ' - , . a splendid stock of " . . , 4 Dry Goods , Clothing- : Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Notions , ttc. Having had about 15 years experience we have purchased in " " Chicago a line of goods that we think will please ALL.who will call and examine our i ! GOODS AND PRICES. If you wish a suit for yourself or boys we can fit you and sell as low as you can buy in Chicago. In the BOOT AND SHOE LINE WE I can surprise you. We carry a fine stock of DRY GOODS. Having a fine line of 0ASHMBERS- SPRING STYLES OF Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also , / i Prints , Ginghams , Laees. CALL IN AND SEE US. WILGOX BROS. M Two Blocks "West of Bank , West Dennison Street , McCook. r FREES & HOCKNELL PROPRIETORS OF THE H DEALERS IN II Lumber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hard and Soft Coal , YARDS AT McCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford. Superior to nny < m tins market , belnj ; Heavier. Stronger Built. and therefore a more Durablt : Mill. It N the only absolutely i-ufe .Mill hullt ; uwl outuf Thousands Erected During 12 Yearn past , not one lian ever Mown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill ran show. AW offer to put up any of our I'lTMI'IXG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , Anil If they Ain't Klve satisfaction , will rciuovc Mill at our . own cxpuiiM- Abe Manufacturers of the Celebrated Uhallenw Feed Mills. Corn Sh"llen > . Iron 1'ump.s with bra."s cylinders , Iron I'lpe , Tanks. For estimates , catalo uea and prices , apply to G. B. XETTLETON , 3IcCook , iVel . , ' 'n for Southwestern Nebraska and Xonhwestcrn Kansas. t t D. KENDALL'S I BILLIARD HALL & FAVORITE RESORT , THE PLACE Ice Cold Lemonade Beer Nuts , Ginger , Pop , , CHOICE CIGARS , CANDY , ETC , BILLIAIID aiid POOL TABLE. CALL and ENJOY YOURSELVES for the working class. Send 10 cents iOLD I for iKMtase. and we will mall you free a royal , valuable box of naraple Koocls tbat win put you In the way of making ore money In a few days than you ever tbouclit pos- jic at any business , capital not required. "We will irt you. You can work all tbe time or In spare time ly. The work Is univcn-ally adapted to l > otu nexc-s. ung and old. You can easily earn from 50 cunts to every evening. That all who wait work nity te t e < Im.itncss , we make this unparalleled offer : to all 10 are-uot well satisfied wo will i < eud $1 to pay for e trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , : . , sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who re their whole time , to the work. Great 8ucce& < solutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address IXSOX & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-33. I | \ n I T I" cnd six ctnts forpostageand 1 U U I f L , receive free , a ce.stly box of I r n I i r goods which will help yu to 1 I B I mimtm I more money right away than ythlng else In this world. All of either sex.Micceed * nn llrst hour. The broad road to fortune opcns'be- c the workers , absolutely hure. At uucc addreao UE & CO. , Augusta , Malnu. 2-33. Specialtyi-Patent causes before the Patent Office andtheCouiU. Beaao cable term * . Opinion as to ] patentability , free cf charge. Send for circular. wanted for The Lives of all the PreMdents of the U. S. The AGENTS largest , lmnd > best book : ever sold for leks than twice onr price. The fautcst gelling book la America. Imineatt profits to agent * . All Intelligent people want It. Aay one can become a successful agent. Terms frc * . HALLfVTT BOOK CO. , Portland. Mitue. 2-35. The call forBcggs' Blood Paritter U rtajly Increas ing. S. L. Green Is furnWims Kimple bottlcn free. It Is , an p.\ccllent medicine for Ills Liver , KWneya and UlnoJ. Warranted.