McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 08, 1884, Image 7
NEBRASKA REPUBLICANS. Proceeding * ot their State Conventlou Held nt the Capital. A Lincoln special gives proceedings Sfii"cent publican state convention as louows : Thd convention was called to by the chairman of the state central * Judge Rivera nominated Hon. Hue for temporary cbaiunan , QHchort was nominated - - by United 0.-- ; States Attorney Lambertson. Mr. Dentine was elected by a vote of 201 to iif" * ? ? y &y ° > of Dodge county , was elected temporary uccretary , and J. W. nVro'ni ° fiCass' f ltant. The temporary organization was declared permanent. The only contest reported was In- Gage county , and was presented by Colby on one sldo and Sabenen on the other. After a discussion of two hours the Colby delega tion was admitted. John M. Thurston was elected delegate to Chicago by acclamation and thanked the convention In a graceful speech , In which he named Elaine as the best representative of progressive republi canism , and the man nearest the hearts of Nebraska republicans. M. S. Harwood , or Lincoln , was elected by acclamation , af terslight opposition. Peter Jansen , of Fillmore county , was next chosen , and In response to loud calls V m r ° a 8hort BPCf ch. ' For the Second district , candidates for delegates were nominated as followH : John Jansen , George A. Derby. Peter Leiinen , Lewis A. Kent and P. W. Small.- John Jensen , of Fillmore , was elected .on the first ballot by a vote of 224. , _ eorge/A. Brooks , of Knox county , and Major Clarkson , of Colfax , were nomin ated as candidates from the Third district , the first bya vote of 248. George H. Brooks , of Knox county , was chosen as the fourth and last delegate to the Chicago convention. The following alternates were elected : L. W. Gllchrist , of Saunders county ; E. M. Stenberof / Douglas ; Peter Jensen , of Jefferson county ; A. G. Scott , of Buffalo. THE TARIFF BILL. . i The Democrats Unable to Agree on the * * Measure. Pot some days there has been talk of a compromise between the friends of the Morrison tariff bill and Its opponents In the democratic party by which , in view of certain concessions to be made to the wool interests , the wool men should vote in fa vor of the amended bill. It is understood now that the proposed compromise has * fallen through and the bill must chance it on its merits. As nearly as can be learned the failure of the compromise is due to the impossibility of reconciling the demands of the wool men with the concessions friends of the bill are willinc to make. The latter , it is understood , approached this subject in thiswise : Wool , they said , had suffered a reduction of eighteen per cent , by the tariff act of 1883 ; there would be some rea- ty son for complaint. If it should be Included in a further reduction of twenty per cent , below those of 1867. Would the wool men vote for the Morrison bill thus amended ? To this it Is said the latter replied that they were unwilling to submit to one .wiong , for the sake of avoiding a greater one. They would not admit , by voting for the amended bill , that the wrong committed in 1883 was right ; they would vote for the bill if the-wool rates of 1867 were restored. Otherwise they .proposed that every tub should stand on its own bottom. WIFE MURDER. Another Horrible Crime Committed In lotva. A special from Story county .gives details of a-horrible crime committed near Roland. Edward Thompson , a young Norwegian , went home intoxicated and tried to shoot his wife , but was prevented by his wife's sister , -who succeeded in get ting the revolver away from him. The wife got out of doors and .started for a neighbor's when he pursued her with an axe , and. overtaking her , felled her to the ground and repeated the blows four times , each blow indenting and fracturing the skull. Supposing her dead , he ran away. The wife was found in a comatose state. Two surgeons were called , and worked for hours extricating pieces of skull and relieving the pressure from the brain. She rallied enough to recognize her .own name , and it is thought she has a chance , though slight , of recovery. Search was made for Thompson , and it was discovered that he had plunged head foremost into a deep Well , and thus ended his miserable existence ; X' THE HEL1EF EXPEDITION. The Secretary of the Navy's Order to Commander Schley. The secretary of the navy sent the following communication to Commander Schley , in New York , In regard to the Qree- ly relief expedition : NAVY DEPARTMENT. Sir : The Thetis , Bear and Alert , the ships of the Greely re lief expedition of 1884 , are being made ready. You are ordered to take command of them and proceed to the coast of Green land or further north , if necessary , and , if possible find and rescue or ascertain the fate of Lieutenant Greely and comrades. All the officers and men under your com mand are hereby enjoined to perform any duty at sea or land to" which you may order them. No detailed instructions will be given you. Full confidence is felt that you have both the capacity and courage , guided ' / by discretion , necessary to do all that can be required by the department or the na tion for the rescue of our imperiled coun trymen. With earnest wishes and high hopes for your success and safe return , 1 remain , W. E. CHANDLER , Secretary of the Navy. GREAT CONFLAGRATION. anamn the Scone of a $500,000 Blaze. A terrible fire raged at Panama on the 28th. No water was available. The market and two blocks of houses were to tally destroyed. During the progress of the fire a large mob of men , a portion of them armed with revolvers and machetes , did considerable plundering , and many of them became Intoxicated. The soldiers were called out , but quarreled among them selves. The owners of the burning prop- ertythen. fired on the plunderers , killing several of them. LATER. The damage Is now estimated it $500,000. Houses were demolished to check the progress of the fire.e During the early part of the fire there was a perfect fusilade of Chinese crackers , with an oc casional heavy explosion. Most of the buildings burned were of wood , and near ly all contained stores of petroleum , spir its and gunpowder. One soldier is said to have been thot dead for disobeying orders. An Italian-fell into the flames and perished. SUICIDE ON THE RAIL. A Man Deliberately Steps on the Track and Sleets Death. A special from Wisner , Nebraska , .of the 1st. eays : A stranger who came to - \ Wisner on Tuesday evening and registered at the Wiener house as Henry Kaufman , Ham'lton , Ohio , was killed this morning by a Sioux City and Pacific train near the depot. Those that talked with him say he was ineane. He purchased a ticket for Omaha ycbterday , and missed the train. This morning , about 8 o'c'ock , fce was seen to step on the track ahead of the engine , and stood In the cnnte of the 'track facinp the engine ; put his bunds on his fides and -shut his eyes , when the engine struck him- He lived about half an hour. There were no means of identification except a bill for oods , which shows him to have been ia § uslncssln Danvcrs , Illinois. It is sup posed by some that he is a brother of a Kaufman dolne himlnetiB in Omaha. TERRIBLE CALAMITY. Fourteen Faapera Burned to Death In Michigan. The county poor house of Van Buren county , Michigan , located near Hartford , burned to the ground on the night of the .30th and fourteen Inmates porlsned in the flames. The building was of frame and burned very rapidly. Those burned were all in one wingand most of them smothered In their beds , but several were found together. Only one body was found in a recognizable form. All that could be found of the other thirteen was put into one box the size of an ordinary coffin box. The first known of the fire was the cries of the pau pers and that wing was then all in llimes. The building contained forty-live paupers and the remaining thirty-one escaped , and all the hired help. Loss on buildings , a5,000 ; insured. Nebraska Third District. The republicans of the Third con gressional district met in delegate conven tion at Norfolk on the 29th. All the counties - . ties were represented by. full delegations , and much interest was taken In the selec tion of delegates to the Chicago convention. M. II. Hopewcll , of Tckamah , was elected temporary and permanent chairman , and W. D. Matthews , of Holt county , secre taries. The report of the committee on credentials was adopted , and the following gentlemen were placed in nomi nation for delegates : John H. McCall , of Dawson county ; Charges P. Mathflwson , of 3fadlson ; > General A. H. Conner , of Buf falo ; JohnL. Means , of Hall ; John W. Boggs , of Washington ; L.D. Richards , of Dodge and W. W. Wilson of Antelope county. The first ballot stood Mathewson , 68 ; Connor , 31 ; McCall , 19 ; Means , 7 ; Boggs , 17 ; Elchards , 16 ; Wilkinson , 6 ; Norrls , 5. The following was adopted : That the administration ot President Ar thur has been a wise , safe and truly repub lican administration , doing justice to all within the party and tending to heal differ ences and factional .quarrels and that we tieartily approve and endorse his adminis tration. Frobabfy Fatally Burned. A dispatch from North Bend , Neb. , says : A terrible accident occurred in North Bend on the 2nd. Miss May Yardan was raking and burning trash around the dooryard - yard when her clothes caught fire and'were burned entirely off her before assistance could be rendered. When , she discovered that flhe was on fire she lost her presence of midd and rushed into the house , calling for help. Her brother , Dan , was the onlyper- son in the house , and he had not yet getup up , but on hearing the alarm Jumped up and attempted to smother the fire out with bed covers , but did not succeed until her clothes were almost entirely burned. Her flesh was burned to a crisp iromherheadto her feet , but she did not inhale the fire and is in good spirits , with the chances against her recovery. Dan was badly burned about the hands and face. ' The short , hacking cough , which leads to con sumption , is cared by Plso's Cure. The Character of Lincoln. Blalne's Book. "Mr. Lincoln , " he says , "was calm and philosophic. He loved the truth for the truth's sake. He would not ar gue from a false premise , or be deceived Himself or deceive others by _ a false conclusion. He had pondered" the issues which aroused him to action. He had given anxious thought to .the problems of free government and to the destiny of the republic. He had or himself marked out a path of duty , and walked in it fearlessly. His mental processes were slower , but more pro found , than those of Douglas. He did not seek to say merely the thing which was best for that day's debate , but the thing which .would stand the test of time and square it with eternal justice. He wished nothing to appear white un less it was white. His logic was severe and faultless. He did not resort to fallacy , and could detect it in his oppo nent , and expose it with merciless di rectness. He had an abounding sense of humor , and always employed it in illustration of his argument never for the mere sake of promoting merriment. In this respect he had the wondqrful aptness of Franklin. He often taught a great truth with the felicitous brevity of an Esop fable. His words 4did not flow with an impetuous torrent as did those of Douglas , but they were always well chosen , deliberate and conclusive. "Mr. Lincoln united firmness and gentleness in a singular degree. He rarely spoke a harsh word. Heady to hear argument and always open to conviction , he adhered tenaciously to the conclusions which he had finally reached. .Altogether modest , he had confidence in himself , trusted to the reasoning of his own mind , believed in the correctness of his own judgment. Many of the popular conceptions con cerning him are erroneous. No man was farther than him from the easy , familiar , jocose character in which he is so often painted. While he paid lit tle attention to form or ceremony , he was not a man with whom liberties could be taken. There was but one person in Illinois , outside of his own household , who ventured to address him by his first-name. There was no one in Washington who ever attempt ed it. Appreciating wit and humor , he relished a good story , especially if it illustrated a truth or strengthened an argument , and he had a vast fund of illustrative anecdote , which he used with the happiest effect. But the long list of vulgar , salacious stories attribut ed to him were retailed only by those who never enjoyed the privilege of ex changing a word with him. His life was , altogether , a serious one , inspired by the noblest spirit , devoted to the highest aims. Humor was but an inci dent with him , a partial relief to the melancholy which tinged all his years. He presented an extraordinary com bination of mental and moral qualities. As a statesman , he had the loftiest ideal , and it fell to his lot to inaugu rate measures which changed the fate of millions of living men , of tens of millions yet to be born. As a manager of political issues and a master of the art of presenting them , he has had no rival in this country , unless one be found in Jefferson. " ' - During the past ten .years the govern ment has expended nearly $70 000,000 in caring for the Indians. The 'total number of Indians attached to agencie $ ia only 246,000 , and of these Gl,000 in Indian Territory , 7,700 in Wisconsin and 5,000 in New York are supposed to be at least partially self-supporting. A Pretty .Predicament. " There comvs a time in the life o : a man whose besetting sin is charitj when he begins to wonder if it isn'l better to be cold-blooded and frigid to all whom he chances to meet. 'I have a young friend who is just now think ing over this proposition. His sympa thetic nature was < playtd ; upon by the ragged offscouring ol the curbstone who. polished his bouts daily. Although this very charitable young man had no superabundance of > veulth , he had two pairs of trousers. One pair was of the spic-and-span , latest cut , and costly pattern. They had hung three days , however , in his room , waiting for an event on which he had'set his heart. The pair which he was wearing had given away in several places to the caresses of time. The other day , while softeued by the bootblack's poverty , he gave him an order othis landlady for one pair'of trousers his expecta tion at the time was to be at Ha room and shift the old for the new before the wretch of the curbstone could deliver tho' Later in the day he went to his room and digested bio : self of the ancient raiment. He saw his boy down on the sidewalk , and thinking to relieve him of a journey up stairs , he pitched the trousers out of the window , with the remark , "There they are. " He then went to his wardrobe for the new attire , but nothing was there. He searched the room without avail. He hurried to the window to call back his boy , bnt he had vanished. He locked his door and succeeded in rousing his landlady , who had a keyhole inter view with him from the hall. She in formed him that she had received his note some time before , and had deliv ered to the boy the articles mentioned. The young man then realized that the urchin on the bidewalk to whom he had thrown his old trousers was not the one to whom he had given the order. NOTICK : In another column will be found an article in which all ( whether thejj will or no ) are interested. .Neglecting to read lfc may prove a very serious as well as an expensive affair. We refer to the ad vertisement of Prickly Ash Bitters. A knowledge of its merits and the benefit you or your family may derive from ut-ing it will save not only health but many dollars otherwise expended in "Doctors'bills- . " There are.419 type-setters , besides ap prentices , in the governmentprintingoffice. "BUCHU-PAJOJA. " Quick , complete cure , all annoying Kidney and Urinury diseases , tl. The cattle industry in the country repre sents over 45,000,000 head of cattle. Valuable and Convenient. BROWN'S BRON .HIAL TKOCHES are a safe and sure remedy for Bronchitis , Coughs and othei troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cents. Neal Dow , the prohibition apostle , is eighty years old and still vigorous. Belief from Sick Headache , Drowsiness , Nausea , Dizziness , Pain in the Side , &c. , guaranteed to those using Carter's Littl < Liver Pills. These complaints are nearlj always caused by torpid liver and consti pated bowels. Bestore these organs tc their proper'functions and the trouble ceases. Carter's Little Liver Pills will d ( this every time. One pill is a dose. Fort ] in a vial. Price 2o cents. When you come to Urnaha , take the Street Cars or ' 'Bus ' for the Metropolitar Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as gooc any § 3.00 per day houae. Superstition is a sort of parody of faith , Praise undeserved is satire In disguise. WKKAT JSo. 3 BARLEY No. 2 58 © 60 RYE No. 3 47 & 48 CORN No. 2 39 # © 42 OATS No. 2..i 31 © 31 * FLOUR Wheat Graham- . 2 75 SHORTS Per ton 1400 ORANGES Messina , per bx 4 75 © 5 25 LEMONS Messina , per bx 4 00 & 4 25 BUTTER Creamcrv. . . . . . 27 © 23 BUTTER Best country roll 15 © ' 19 EGGS Fresh 13 © 13X CHICKENS Per doz , live. 4 00 LETIUCE Per pound. . . . 60 © 55 CHICKENS Drsd , per ft. . 12 © 13 ONIONS Per bushel 90 © 1 00 HAY In bulk , per ton. . . 6 00 © 7 00 LARD TJefined per ft. . . . 12 MESS PORK 1960 SHEEP ; . . . . . 3 60 © 4 50 STEERS 425 © 525 HOGS 5 00 © 5 50 CALVES 5 50 & 6 50 CHICAGO. WHKAT Per bushel 92 © 92 CORN Per bushel , 53 # © 5G OATS Per bushel 31 ffl 31 PORK 17 25 © 17 27K LARD 855 © 860 HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 4 80 © 6 15 CATTLE Exports 6 25 © 6 75 SHEEP Medium to good. . 400 © 575 ST. LOUIS. WHKAT Per bushel 1 10K © 1 10'i CORN Per bushel 50 © 51 OATS Per bushel 33 # © 34K CATTLE Exports 6 35 © 6 65 SHEEP-Medium 375 © 550 HOGS Packers 5 50 © 5 70 If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. _ Last year the railroad track laid in the Southern States extended 1,662 miles. Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns , scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by Druggists. _ Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant. safe and certain remedv is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN WORM C KES. Sold byl \ Druggists. _ Headache , constipation , liver complaint , biliousness are cured by that mild , cleans ing remedv " which never produces pain , EILERT'S" DAYLIGBT LIVER PILLS. Only 25 cts.Sold by Druggists An economical mun will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al ways uses UNCLE SA.M'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of all who die in active middle life are carried off by consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which may be permanently cured by EILERT EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists. A farmer's wealth depeuds on the con dition of his stock. When scraggy and f ee- ble they are espeially liable -to distempers fevers , colds , and all diseases which de stroy animals. Thousands of dollars , are saved annually by that valuable ofd stand by , UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW DER. Restless , fretful , crying children are fering and need fortheirrellef DR. WINCH- ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which Is use ful not only for all the disorders of teething infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat , colic and cramps of older children , and should always be kept in every house for emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. * When you visit or leave New York City , save Baggage , EzpreBnafe and Carriage Hire , and etopat GRAND UNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms , fitted up at a cos tor one million del lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse-cnrs , stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam ilies can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first- class hotel In the city. Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. Tables as good as any 83.00 per day house. When you are guest to the wolf , see that you have a hound with you. Fare God-Liver Oil , made from BelectedlUrers on the sea shore by CABWELL , HAZARD & Co. , New" York. It U absolutely pure and sweet. Patlenta who have once taken It prefer It to all others. Phy sicians have decided It superior to any of the other oils In market. Chapped HandsFacr , Pimples , &nd Rough Skin , cured by using JUNIPER TAR SOAP , made by OASWEU * HAZARD & Co. , New York. The cup of pleasure sometimes has drugs ; hat one must drink long afterwards. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator has a reputation equal to any medicine in the world. ' The late AutmstusSchell's estate is valued at about $5,000.000. Ho , YK BALDHEADS 1 There is Just one way , and no more , by which you may be cured use CARBOLINE , a deodorized ox- ract of petroleum. It will positively pro duce new hair ; there is no substitute for ; hls marvelous petroleum hair renewer. Marrying a widow may properly be styled "unveiling a statue of grief. " DON'T DIE IN THE HOUHE. "Boufrh on Uats" clears out rats , mice , flies , roaches , bed * > ngt. 15c. When flattery is unsuccessful , it is but the fault of the flatterer. "KOTTOH OUT CORNS. " 15c. Aflk for It Complete cure , hard or soft corns , warts , bunions. Mr. Froude expects to lecture In Ameri ca next faih From B. F. Ljepsner , A. M. , Red Bank , N. J. I have , been troubled with Catarrh so badly for several years that it seriously affected my voice. I tried Dr. 's remedy without the slightest relief. One bottle of Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice Is fully restored and my head feels better than for years. IN REGARD TO Ely's Cream BALM for Catarrh , my answer is , I can recommend it as the best remedy I ever used. Dr. J. S. VAUGHAN , Dentist , Muskegon , Mich. ( See adv't. ) Chief Justice Davis , of New York advo cates national marriage and divorce laws. "Rough on Congh * . " 15c. , 2S& , Me. , atDro - zlBts Complete cure Coughs , Hoarseness , Bore Throat. Of women who never marry there are more blonps than hrnnptten. CURES _ . . . Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , .Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , SoreThrontSweIIlHBB.Spraln , KruI e , Rum * . ScnXdn , front lilies , AND ALL OTI1EII I10UILY 1MIXS AND 1C1IES. BoMby Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fitly Cenua tx > tll . IMrectious la 11 Languagei. THE C1IAIILE8 A. VOCELEIt CO. ( Soow-ontoA. VOUELIBCO. ) Baltimore , HdnC.S.l. A Specific for * EPILEPSY , SPASMS , COIT. VULSION6 , FALLING SICK- 3 > ANCEAI.Cf t t OPIUM EATJTS , SOKOFU'uA , KINGS EVIL , UGLY BLOOD DISEASES , DYSPEPSIA , XERVOUSNESB , BICE HEADACHE BHEUMATISM , NERVOUS WEAKNESS , NERVOUS PJIGSTRATIOir , II1.OOD SORES , BILIOUSNESS , P , KIDHE1. TBOUBLES .50 PER BOTTLE AT DKtGraSIS. .jgj Their , s. A. RicMoHlM Co. , Prop. , St. Joseph , Eo. Keseneratlnn for enfeebled systems , suffo ing f rout gen eral vrtiut of tone , and IM usual c n- comlinnts , dyspep sia Hnd nervous ness. Is reldom de- rivnbie from tbo ' 'so of a nourishing diet end stimuli of nppe tite. una'ded. A rued cine that win effect a removal of tbe specific obstacle to renewed health and vgor , that Is a gennlne corrective , is tbe renlneed. It Is the possession of tb s grand require ment which makes Hot tetters ctom- KchBHteraso effec tive as an InvRor- nt Ko sale by a1 Drugalsta and Deal- era Kcaerally. Believed Immediately nnd ASTHMI cored by nslnp i oN : A STBMA. ro > QtJEROB. Free * d.OJ per bot'eo 3b-tt'esfor 180)delivered. Address DR.C. MAHKT. Man ger , HAMILTON , OHIO. us tbe name and P. O. add ess of FIVE YOUNOMFX likely f > a'tend a BuMness tolleze. We will fend yon five Calling < ards with year name elegantly written on each. Address UAVENPOHT BUSINESS COLLEGE , Davenport , Iowa. SI rntpnatwold u f hot n-clc'e plated 22 c l. revolver. 32 cal.a shot nlckle Lplate < i $1,65. - pauldlngs Lca ne Bjll iM ] Jnatslogno free of Guns , Fishing : Tackle and Sporting Goods. Buker& klnner.Itnckford. 111. TynTYTl Th Oreenwood CJonserva'ory' * Catalogue of Plants. Shrubs vines , oic. , H H J.J.LAJU H r toany aodre-p. , . P. 8. .IAQUITH. . o B J.J07 , DesMolnes. Iowa. WAN-lKD In this town to sell our XXX Blended lea. Gold Band hina up and Cancer glvpnwitn each pound. tricoCOc. Deale BBtnd lor particulars. JAH.B.UiA. K.2S8tirnwlhst.N Y. stating experience , P. O. Box e. K A 6ENT WA.HTKD for tha best and rosiest A JselllnR Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price rodncod Boer cnnt. NATIONAJJ Ptm. Oo. . St. honU. Mo. > PISO'S CURE CU1ES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. t Best Uough Syrup. Tastes good. [ H Use In tune. Sold by druggists. | C ON SUMPTION A new ireaiu enu A CANCER positive cure. Dr. W C. P y-e. Mnr hnUrn = Ti. In. IV N U Omaha 20510 WRITING TO please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. ASH CURES AILDISEASESOFTHE LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND UU J&E3S Dyspepiia , Gaxeral Debility , Jauadioe , Habitual Coastipa- tion , Itiver Complaint , Siok Hoadaohe , Diseased Kid- aeji , jEto. , Eto. It contains onlr the Purest Drags , among which may be enumerated P21CIL7 ASH BASI AND BZ21II3 , IIA1TD21IE , B0CEU , EBTCA , lie , It cleanses the .system tboronghly , and as t , PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD Is TTnequolodL It ia cot an intoxicating beverage , nor can It bo used as ouch , by reason of Its Cathartic Properties. FBICKZ.T ASH BITTERS CO. Solo Proprietors , * ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY. WTLBOE'S COMPOUND OP [ PURE COD LIVEEI OIL AND LIME. ' "VFllbor'n Compound Tot ie ; 'oninmptlve Ot CtiD-lilVJEK < > Ib AND LIME , without pOhOCH lnK the very naui-eatlnjrfliv r of the article as be-etorore used , is eni owed l > ythe rhophn e of Lime with a healing property wblcn renders tbeO 1 doubly effica cious. Remakbo ! testimonials of Its efficacy can be fhown Bold by A. B. WH.BOB , Chemist , Boston. ana nil druggist * . Carpets. OO.OOO TAKES KIHDS. Send for Samples and Prices. S. A. ORCHARD , Omaha , Neb. YOUR MONEY Will buy 25 per cent , more Groceries at the Old Re liable titore of J. B. FKENCH fc CO. , OMAHA , than can be b < ught elsewhere In the state. They sell 18 lb . A Sugar for . . . . 81.OO 18 1-3 Int. Kxtrn. C SnRnr for - 81.OO 11 1-3 Ib . Granulated Smrurfor - Sl.OO 14 11m. jfcew Orleans Snicurlbr - Sl.OO And other Roods in prorx-rtlon. Send for Monthly 1 rice List. J. B.FJtBNi'HA CO..OMABA.- - B TREAT'S orucwbooksincind- inp MOTHER , HOME , and HEAVEK , prose I and poetry : by 400 best nnthors. 140.000 told. El- ee ntlyillM.75. Send CON ! I have a positive remedy for the chore disease ; by Its nst ) tbonsands of coses of the wont kind and of long standing bare been cured. ludced , BO atronels my falta In Its emcacy , that I will send TWO BOTTLES FEEE , to gether with a VALUABLB TUEATISK on tbla disaasa , to taTSttflerer. Give Kzpress and P.O. address. ' DR. T. A. SI/iCUM. 1B1 P arISL.yewTorfc. ELECRAPHY T taushtat Omaha School Telegraphy , Omaha , Neb Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manage * A Danjeroua Case. * * * * KOCHIBTEH , 3uno 1,1882. "Ten ' Years ago 1 was attacked with the most Intense and diathly pains in my book and Kidneys , < 'Extending to tbo end of my toes and to my brain ! . . - "Which made me. dollrloua ! ' . ' 'From/gony. . ' It took three men to bold me bed at times 1 . "The Doctors tried in vain to relive But to no purppie. - : - "Morphine and other opiate * "Had no effect I . ' - "After two months I was given up to " dlel , * "When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had done for her. she at once got and gave me Home. " The first dose eased my brain and seemed to go hunting through my system for the pain. "The secon d dose eased mo BO much that I slept two hours , something I bad not done for two months. Before I bad used five bottles , I was well and at work , as hard as any man could , for over three weeks ; but I workedtoo hard for my strength , and taking a bard cold , I was taken with the most acute and painful rheumatism all through my system that was ever known. I called the doctors again , and after several weeks , they left me a cripple on c/utcbes for life , as they said. I met a friend and told him my case , and he said Hop Bitters had cured him and would cure me. I ' pcohed at him , but ho was so earnest I was Induced to use them again. In less than four weeks I threw away my crutches and went to work Hghtlv and kept on u Ing the bitters for five weeks , until I became as well as any man living , and have been so for six years since. It also cured my wife , who bad been so for years , and has kept her and my children , well and hearty with from two to three bottles per year. There is no need to be sick at all if these bitters are used. J. J. BERK , Ex-Supervisor. 'That poor Invalid wife 1 "Sister ! "Mother ! "Or daughter ! ' 'Can be made the picture of healtn ! ' 'With a few bottles of Hop Bitters 1 "Wilt you let them suffer * " 30 DAYS' TRIAL ! DR- ( BKFOBJO ( AITKB ) . - . other ELKCTRlC ELEt.TRO-VOLTAICBEA.Tand ' Trial 'I O MEM ON NY. 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