NOTED WASHINGTON PEOPLE. A Gllmpne of Col.jUob Ingersoll , Judge Mferfick and tbe President ! * Sisters Nr . McElroy's Wonderful Tact Tne Home of Beautiful Kate Cbace Spragne. . Washington Letter in N. 7. Mall and Express. 'There he is. " "Do you know him11 "Yes , want me to introduce you ? " "Of course. " The postulant is taken up to "tho 4genial colonel1 as the correspondents describe him. The genial colonel , mopping a red and shining face , has the new arrival presented to him. The now arrival murmurs something about the colonel's far-reaching fame , at which the colonel's eyes glisten and \ his mouth comes open as if it were on 1 hinges ; for this great agnostic , as he loves to be called , is vainer than forty peacocks. The world in general ap pears to have missed the ridiculous side of Bob Ingersoll. He is amusing when he means to be , and twice as much so when he doesn't mean to be. Thackeray died too soon ; he ought to have got hold of Bob. There is a fla vor of Capt. Costigan about him'which Thackeray would have described with an-unmistakable raciness. Everybody who comes to Washington wants to see Col. Ingersoll , and they are easily gratified , as he is everywhere "to wunst , " as Senator Logan would say. He has a vast deal of a certain kind of popularity. His house is open to all comers , and everybody goes to his re ceptions once. Ho even has a circle of devotees , chiefly beardless young men and women with youthful bonnets and lined and haggard faces. The successor f of Anarcharsis Cloots is not personally imposing ; in fact , he looks like a well- to-do butcher dressed up in his Sunday clothes. His clean shaven face set on a big bull neck , beams with a coarse good humor. The colonel is very good natured ; he makes great piles of money perhaps with less bodily and mental effort than any man in this country. That is conducive to amiability. He keeps a fine house , and has a following imposing in number if not in quality. The colonel's strong point is philan thropy. He boasts of three extraordi nary children He says they have never disobeyed him , have never told a falsehood and have * never had a re quest refused them. It is scarcely nec essary to say that this example is simply - ply unparalleled. Col. Ingersoll'swork is his play. He loves to near himself talk , and he talks with a kind of femi nine volubility. The words roll off his tongue , and are generally alliterative ; if alliteration were out of the question , the great weapon of Col. Ingersoll's eloquence would be destroyed. He is always ready to talk , either in public or private , and the lecture platform is to him what an arm chair at a tavern was lo Dr. Samuel Johnson he is a king upon his throne. The colonel professes to be a great admirer of Shakespeare , and in his drawing room , on a bookstand , , is a splendid , edition of Shakespeare , inscribed - > scribed "The only inspired book.1 There are many portions of Shakes peare which must read to Ingersoll } as though they were written by a howling idiot. He , however , kindly excuses the bard * As a lawyer , it is said , and is probably true , that he makes a hand some income. It is'put down at $30- 000. It is no doubt $15,000. The col onel , although pretty nearly as wide as a. church door , is nevertheless not so deep as a well in any particular. It has been suspected that ho is not so profound a lawyer as Matthew Hale or Lord Thurlow-to say. nothing of Chief Justice Taney , although in point of philosophical research he has far put- stripped them all. It is an egregious mistake to imagine that the colonel's philosophy makes a big sound because it is empty. Just go to him and ask him if he is as empty as a wind-bag. In the intervals of practicing law , monetary enterprises , political cam paigns , lecturing and book writing , social and family duties , he has been able to bring all the powers of a phil osophical mind to bear upon problems which he has settled definitively. The colonel leans to the sublime. In his flights of oratory one is templed to say "ShooI" to the soaring bird. Ab , Robert ! never will we believe that Judge Merrick kicked all the bottom out of your law in the } star route cases ! Cause why ? Well , don't you ask. Judge Merrick is the one lawyer who passed unscathed through the fiery furnace - _ nace in the star route cases. He is a tall , handsome , white-haired man , very erect , very stern-looking and rather cross , it must be admitted , in regard to the celebrated cose. He is a strict Catholic , and goes regularly to St. Matthews church , the church frequent ed by the diplomatic corps. Some of the witnesses before Mr. Springer's * " committee said that Judge Merrick had been selected by the government be cause they wanted to have the moral support of his character. At this Judge Merrick's countenance grew very , very black. He does not like to have his character to be traded upon , not even _ j by the United States government. For two years nearly Edgewood , the home of Mrs. Kate Chase , as she now calls herself , has been deserted. "Mrs. Kitty , " her friends call her. She was back for a few days in the early part of the winter , but she seems finally _ to have broken off all associations with Washington. Three years ago she fre quented the galleries of the house and senate. Her beauty is a beauty that wears. It was the beauty of grace and contour not the mere prettiness that fades out in arseason or two. She al ways dressed with the utmost elegance indeed , her charming clothes rather contradicted , the stories of her poverty that her friends industriously cir culated , but it is quite possible that , being , a woman of good executive ability , she managed her in come judiciously and got the most for her money. She probably did not care much for society and dropped out of it without a pang. She had three daughters - ; ters regular ugly ducks , every one of them , although they may likely grow into swans but they were gawky , 'i awkward things , like young birds be fore their feathers had grown out. The government did a good deal for Mrs. Kitty. It paid the taxes on her property and. got her out of a financial hole. The Sprogue mansion at the corner of Sixth and E streets .has suf fered the fate of all the great' houses in Washington it has become a lodg ing house. Two of the president's sisters have been in Washington since he has been in the white house. Mra. McElroy is well known here , having been virtual mistress of the white house for two seasons. Mrs. Hayneswortb , the other sister , has been hero at intervals. It is said that she is a woman of strong mental powers , extremely well read , and rather indifferent to society. The Arthurs have in them a vein of pro found good sense. Mrs. McElroy has shown that she has it. There are cer tain things which a strong public sentiment regulates at the white house one is , that the wife of the president has privileges which no other lady , be she the sister or daughter or other relative of the president , invited to preside at the white house , has. Foolish women daz zled by their elevation would forget this nice distinction , but Mrs. McElroy docs not. She id a simple mannered , sensible woman , who never had a taste of fashionable society in her life until she came to occupy a very exalted po sition. Then she had need for all the Arthur tact. She does not pretend to be a fine lady , nor does she slop over and gush like Cousin Lucy Hayes. She gives no occasion for any one to com pare her to a beggar on horseback. In fact the little woman from Albanywho probably called visitors company , and her drawing room a parlor , and her servants girls , and. used other provin cialisms illustrates the almighty power of common sense. Suddenly trans planted into a kind of republican roy alty , she behaves herself with a native good taste that disarms criticism and silences remarks. SYDNEY. Plio'a Kernedy for Catarrh is a certain euro for Uaat Terr obnoxious dueaee. Lincoln's Last Picture The Century. Soon after President Lincoln's second end inauguration , rumors of plots and dangers caused his friends to urge upon him the nscessityof a guard. He fin ally consented to the presence of such a body , and accordingly an audience with him became a matter of some dif ficulty. On the afternoon of the 6th of March , Mr. H' F. Warren , a photographer of Waltham , Mass. , sought a presentation to Mr. Lincoln , but lound , affer con sulting the guard , that an interview could oe had on that day only in a somewhat irregular manner. After some conversation with the of ficers in charge.who became convinced of his loyalty , Mr. Warren was admit ted within the lines , and , at the same time , was given to understand that the surest way to get an audience with the president was through an intercession of his little son "Tad. " The latter was a great pet with the soldiers , and was constantly at the bar racks. He soon made his appearance , mounted on his pony. He an3 his pony were soon placed in position and photographed after which Mr. Warren asked "Tad" to tell his father that a man had come all the way from Boston who was particular ly anxious to see him , and to obtain a sitting from him. "Tad" went to see bis father , and word was soon returned that Mr. Lincoln would comply. In the meantime Mr. Warren had improvised a kind of studio upon the south balcony of the white house. Mr. Lincoln soon came out , and , saying but a very few words , took his seat as in dicated. After a single negative was taken , he inquired : "Is that all , sir ? " Unwilling to detain him longer than was absolutely necessary , Mr. Warren replied , "Yes , sir , " and the president immediately withdrew. At the time he appeared upon the balcony the wind was blowing freshly , as his disarranged hair indicates , and as sunset was approaching , it was diffi cult to obtain a sharp picture. Six weeks later President Lincoln was dead , and it is doubtless true that this is the last photograph ever made of him. Wanted to Be Kicked. Atlanta Constitution. "Yas " smiled the old , yas , country man , as he stood talking to a city chap , who seemed to know him , "thar's a heap o' tricks played on the kentry- men ; they gits sucked in lots o' times. But I kinder figger that the sharper what tries to draw wool over my eyes ' 11 git lef' purty bad. " "I'll bet you are a good one , "answered the stranger , patronizingly , " 1 can tell a man when' he's green. " The rustic poked him in the side , and pulling down his eye , langhed : "D'ye see any green there ? " "Not a bit of ic , " merrily replied the other ; then in. an advising tone he con- tinned : "I've seen more of the world than you have , and would like to say that the most important action is concealing the . " "Oh I've cealing money. , got that down fine , " broke in the country man , pointing to his left sleeve , "d'ye see that'ar little bump ? Well , thar's the cash , inside o' the linin' , and no body can take it out 'thout me knowin' it. " A few moments after they parted , the countryman going into a clothing store to do some ouying. He had made his purchase and was waiting for the bill , when one of the salesmen approached preached him and said : "Can't I sell you a nice coat ? " "Not me , " an swered the farmer ; "I've got a plenty o' them fixins. " "But , Isee the sleeve of the one you have on has been torn or cut , and , if you wish , one of the ladies will mend it for you. " With a ghastly look the farmer jerked off his coat and viewed the wrecked sleeve. Then , turning to the .clerk , he said sorrowfully rowfully : "Mister , kin ye tell me whar I kin gic a rale stout man to kick a dinged fool outin town. " There is music in the tinkling of the bell , bell , bell , bnt the auctioneer who rings it is a sell , sell , sell. In the Critic of April 12 is printed the list of "Forty Immortals' * voted for by the readers of that paper. Credulity is a great disadvantage to an honest character. A TBAGIC EVENT. A Father' * Despair and Self-Inflicted Death Bis8on' Final Rescue , too fate to Save Hln Parent. The graphic occurrence that is de scribed below is one of the most re- markaklo episodes in the domestic his tory of America. It absolute truth which can readily be verified. The inhabitants of the pleasant town of Cortland , N. YM were "shocked one morning by the announcement that Mr. Clinton Rindge , one of their most prominent citizens , had committed sui cide. The news spread rapidly and aroused the whole neighborhood where Mr. Rindge was 50 well and favorably known. At first it seemed 'impossible that one so quiet and domestic could do so rash a deed , and the inquiry was heard on every side as to the cause. The facts as developed on investiga tion proved to be as follows : . Mr. Rindgc was domestic in his tastes and took the greatest enjoyment in the society of his children and pride in their development. And indeed he had good reason to be proud , for they gave promise of long lives of success and usefulness. But an evil day came. His youngest son , . Wil liam , began to show signs of an early decay. He felt unusually tired each day , and would sometimes sleep the entire afternoon if permitted to do so. His head. pained him , not acutely , but with a dull , heavy feeling. There was a sinking sensation at the pit of his stomach. He lost all relish for food and much of his interest for things about him. He tried manfully to over come these feelings , but they seemed stronger than his will. He began to lose nesh rapidly. The father became alnrmed and consulted physicians as to the cause of his son's illness , but they were unable to explain. Finally severe sores broke out on his arms and he was taken to Buffalo where a painful oper ation was performed resulting in the loss of much blood but affording little relief. The young man returned home and a council of physicians was called. After an exhaustive examination they declared there was no hope of final re covery and that he must die within a very few days. To describe the agony which this announcement caused the Father would be impossible. His mind Failed to grasp its full meaning at first ; then finally seemed to compre hend it , but the load was too great [ n an agony of frenzy he seized a knife and took his own life , preferring death rather than to survive his idolized son. At that time William Rindge was too weak to know what was transpiring. His face had turned black , his breath ceased entirely at times , and his friends waited for his death , believing that the iend Bright's disease of the kidneys , rom which he was suffering , could not se removed. In this supreme moment William's sister came forward and de clared she would make a final attempt a saye her brother. The doctors in terposed , assuring her it was useless and that she would only hasten the end > y the means she proposed to employ. 3nt she was firm , and putting a1 ! back approached her brother's bedside and ulministered a remedy which she for- iunately had on hand. Within an hour IB seemed more easy , and before the day was over he showed signs of de cided improvement. These favorable signs continued , and to-day William B. Rindge is well , having been virtually raised from the dead through tne mar velous power of Warner's Safe Cure , as can be readily verified by any citi zen of Cortland. Any cne who reflects upon the facts above described must have a feeling of sadness. The father , dead by his own land , supposing his son's recovery to se impossible ; the son restored to lealth to mourn the loss of his father and the agonized relatives with a mem ory of sadness to forever darken their Ives. Had Clinton Rindge known that lis son could recover he would to-day IB alive and happy , but the facts which turned his brain and caused nim to commit suicide were such as any one would accept as true. However sad this case may be , the tru'h remains that thousands of people are at this moment in as great actual peril as William Rindge and in as great danger of causing misery if not death to their friends. Liver and kidney dis eases are become the most common and most dangerous of any or all mod ern complaints. They are the most deceptive in their beginnings and horrible rible in their final stages. They are far more deceptive than Consumption , and can rarely be detected even by skillful physicians unless a microscop ic analysis be resorted to and few doctors understand how to do this. Their slightest approach , or possibility of approach should strike terror to the one who is threatened as well as to all his or her friends. These diseases have no distinct symptoms , but come in the form of lassitude , loss of appetite , aching muscles and joints , dull head aches , pains in the back , stomach and chest , sour stomach , recurring signs of cold , irregular pulsations of the heart , and frequent dizziness. If neglected , these symptoms are certain to run into chronic kidney and liver or Bright's disease , from which there is sure to be a great amount of agony and only one means of escape , which is by the use of Warner's Safe Cure. The import ance of taking this great remedy upon the slightest appearance of any of the above symptoms cannot be too strongly impressed upon the minds of all read ers who desire to escape death and pain and prolong life with all its pleas- ares and blessings. * A striking literary feature of the May Century will be Julian Haw thorne's paper on "The Salem of Haw thorne , " in which the scenes of Nathan iel Hawthorne's daily life and of his romances are described with a personal knowledge and an insight which only a literary son could command. Incident ally , much new light is thrown on the character of the father and on the rela tions of bis scenes and his people to real places and persons. Harry Fenn has made several pictures for the paper. In Laurens county , Georgia is a gen tleman aged seventy-four , who is the father of forty-seven children. What more can his country claim from him ? "Sweetness and light" the cake you don't get in a boarding house. Hough on the Auctioneer. Winnipeg Sifting * . Two litfle Icelandic boys went into an auctioneer's mart/near.the Potter house , and blacked the proprietor's boots. He asked them their nationali ty , and finding out that they were Ice- hinders , he expressed his surprise , hav ing thought them Germans. He re quested the boys in his turn to tell him what they thought his nationality to be. The two boys hesitated and hung their heads. It was evident that they dis liked to express an opinion upon the matter. But the worthy putter up and knocker down of merchandise pressed them. At last one of the lads , after saying that he did not like to tell , said : " 1 think your father was an Irishman and your mother a squaw , " The auc tioneer is puzzled yet to know what his nationality really is. Meniraan'i Peptontzed Beer Tonic , the only preparation of beef containing Its entire nutri tions properties. It contains blood-making , force- generating and life-sustaining properties ; Invalu able for Indltreitlon , Dyapepila , nervous pros tration , and all forms of general debility ; also. In ail enfeebled conditions , whether tbe result , of exhaust ion , nervous prostration , overwork , or acute disease , particularly If resulting from pulmonary complaints. OASWJELL. HAZARD & Co. , proprietors. New V ork. Sold by drngiilsu. The highest mountain may give the finest view , but give u a little one for ascent. Quick , complete cure , all annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases , fl. They are healthy who are contented with' what they possess. PETROLIA , Pa. , Jan. 5,1879 MESSRS. KENNEDY & Co. : My hair is growing out so fast that I can almost see it growing myself , through the use of your Carboline. D. NIXON. The marriage ceremony always altars a man's views of life. Coughs and Golds. Those who are suffering from Coughs , Colds , Sore Throat , etc. , should try BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. Sold only in boxea. Talmage says smoking leads to drinking. So does salt codfish , dear brother. Murcury crushed to earth will rise again. COMMERCIAL. OMAHA. WHXAT No. 2 64 © BARLEY No. 2 62 © 63 EYE No. 8 43 © 4SX CORN No. 2 85tf ® 85X OATS No. 2 81 © SIX FLOUR Wheat Graham. . " 2 75 CHOP PEED Per cwt 90 SHORTS Per ton 14 00 ORANGES Messina , per bx 4 50 (2 5 00 LEMONS Messina , per bx 4 UO tea 4 25 APPLES Per barrel 3 75 & 5 00 BUTTER Creamery 80 ® 82 BUTTER Best country roll 17 © 20 EGOS Fresh 12 © 13 CHICKENS Per doz , live 4 00 CHICKENS Drsd , per tt > . 12 ( ONIONS Per bushel. . . . 75 fa ) 85 HAY In bulk , per ton. . 0 00 © 700 LARD Befined per Ib 15 SHEEP 3 60 © * 4 60 STEERS 425 © 525 HOGS 600 © ' 680 CALVES 5 60 © 6 50 CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel 85 © CORN Per bushel , 49 # © OATS Per bushel 31 © PORK 16 60 © 16 65 LARD 8 25 © 8 27K HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 5 80 © 6 20 CATTLE Exports 6 40 0 6 80 SHEEP Medium to good. . 400 © 575 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 1 03 # © 1 093 * CORN Per bushel 45X © 46' OATS Per bushel 33K © CATTLE Exports 6 30 © 6 65 iHEKP-Medium 350 © 5 50 HOGS Packers 5 50 © 5 80 "Kontrh on Couichi. " 15c. , 2c. , 50c. , at Drug- 1 it * . Complete cure Coughs , Hoarseness , Bore at. Food that is badly prepared the gods never make palatable. The simplest and best regulator of the lisordered Liver in the world are Carter's jittle Liver Pills. They give prompt relief n Sick Headache , Dizziness , Nausea , etc. ; irevent and cure Constipation and Piles ; emove Sallowness and 1'imples from the Complexion , and are mild and gentle in heir operation on the bowels. Carter's jittle Liver Pills are small and as easy to take as sugar. One pill a dose. Price 25 cents. cents.When When you come to Omaha , take the Street Cars or * Bus for the Metropolitan Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good any $3.00 per day house. A young lady must be pretty far gone when she can't get a step father. The pennies mightier than the sword. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator cathar tic , tonic , will cure when other medicines fail. . A half glass of whisky , observed a reflec- ive tramp , is better than no bread. I feel very grateful for the wonderful cures that have been performed with Ely's 3ream Balm. I have had Catarrh in its worst form for the past 25 years and have used everything I could hear of. I com menced using the Cream Balm aud I con sider it the best thing I ever tried. I recom mend it to every one afflicted. J. B. KELSEY - SEY , 32 Broad street , New York City. Newspapers are like men the liveliest lave the best circulation and the most > ower. DON'T BIB IK" THE B1OTT8E. "Kouph on Rats" clears out rats miceflies , leaches , bed-buss. 15aThe The value of our actions is measured by their sincerity. Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by Jncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by Druggists. Worms cause peevishness , fever , con vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe and certain remedy is Dr. JA.QUE'S 1ERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all Druggists. _ Headache , constipation , liver complaint , illiousness are cured by that mild , cleans- ne remedv which never produces pain , ELLERT'S" DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS. Onlv 25 cts. Sold by Druggists. An economical man will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al ways uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of .all who die in active middle life are carried off by consumption. The most frequent cause' is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of whlckraay be permanently cured by EILERT'EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold hv Druggists. A farmer's wealth depeudg on the con dition of his stock. When scraggy and fee- ale they are espeially liable to distempers fevers , colds , and all diseases which de stroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually bv ' that valuable old stand- > y , UNCLE SA'M'd CONDITION POW- DER. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Restless , fretful , crying children are suf fering and need for their relief DR. WINCH- ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use- 'ul not only for all the disorders of teething nfants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat , colic and cramps of older children , and should always be1 kept in every house 'or emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists- When you visit or leave New York City , save Baggage , Expressive and Carriage Hire , and stop at GRAND UNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. GOO elegant rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars lars , reduced $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the bent. Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Fam ilies can live better for loss money nt the Grand Union Hotel than at auy other first- class hotel in the citv. itop at the Metrop ( Ulan hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. Tables as good as any f 3.00 per day house. The rule that three of a kind' beats two pairs does no referjoboot . "ROUGH ON COKN8 " ISc. Ask for It. Complete cure , hard or soft ctirn * . warts , bunions. Fiction is made more impressive by an imitation of truth. IF afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. 25c.Mild Mild counsel has a beneficial effect on strong natures. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , Sore Throat.Swelling.SprnIn , BrnI e , Hum * . NcaltU , Frost Illtec , AMI ILL OT1IEII 110DILY PIUS AKD ACHES. SoMbr UruggUu anil Dealer ! ererrwhere. fitly Ceuua bottlo. Direction ! la 11 1 I.anguafei. THE CHARLES A. YOGELEIt CO. ( Su. . noA-VOOELinACO. ) ItalUmore , JId. , C.8.1. aTARHHflyCream Balm when applied by the ' Sneer Into tbe nostril 'sm&m will be absorbed , ef Sig fectually < leanslng the beaa of catarrhal vi MB rus erasing healthy 'e.'rations. It nllays Inflammntion , protects WFEVER he membrane of the nasal past ages from fresh colds , cotnple e- y heals the cores and estoroa taste and imcl ) . A few nppllca- ions relieve. ATHOH- ) UOH TJ ATMEaT WIW. POSITIVELY CtTRE. Agreeable to use. Send tor circu lar. 50 rents at drng- _ BP % C" 1 gists. 60 cents by mall JT-Et W & JtlL regUteied. ELY BROTHERS , Druggists. Owego. N. T. A Specific for EPJU EPSY , SPASMS , C03T. VTLSIOXS , FALLING SICK. NESS.ST.YITCS BAXCE , ALCO. HOLISM. OPIUM EATING , SCROFULA , KINGS EVIL , UGLY BLOOD DISEASES , DYSPEPSIA , NERVOUSNESS , HERVE SICK HEADACHE EHEUMATISH , NERVOUS WEAKNESS. NERVOUS PROSTRATION , BLOOD SORES. BILIOUSNESS , OOSTIVENESS , KIDNEY TROUBLES and all IRREGULARITIES. I3T * 1.50 FEB BOTTLE JJ DECOGETS. JT * Bi8Br.S.AEIcliioMMei Co , , Prop. , 5UoseplHo. Otarregpondence treerr annrored by Physicians. (681 The kidneys act as purifiers of the blood andwnen their func tions are Interfered Kith through weak ness , they need tvn- Init. They become I healthfully active _ i by the ese of Ho - : -&s = tetter's Stomach Diners , when fa'liru short of relief from other sources. 'Jbls ituperb cumulating 'tonic also prevents and arrests fever and ague , constlpa- . tlon.liver complaint 'dyspepsia ' , rheuma tism and ether ail ments U e It with regularity. For sale by all DrugKlsts and Dealers Renerally. WttBOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVERI OIL AND LIME. To One rul .A. * ! . Are yon mifferln r flro'n 1 TouKb , Cold. Aiitlima. Kronch'tU. or any of the various pulmonar. troubles trmt so often end In Jonsumytlon ? If so , nsq VVILBOU'S PURE Con- i.lVEK ou , AM LISIE. " a safe and sure remedy. This Is no qnack preparation , but i * prescribed by tne medical tacu'ty. Manufd oniy by A. B. Wn.- BOit , Chemist , Boston. Hold by all druggi-ts. /JAKTED experienced Book and Bible Agents in 11 every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address stating experience , P. O. Box g. g. , St. Louis , Mo. Indulgence and KXCCM I. Whether over eating or drinking are made harmless by using Hop Bitter * freely , giving elegant appetite and enjoyment by using them before and removing all dull ness , pains and distress afterwards. leaving the hew ! clear , nerves steady and all the feelings buoyant , elastic and moro happy a v ' than before. The pleasing Effects of a * i = Christian or Huraptuo'is dinner continuing days afterwards. > f- Kminont Testimony. ' * N. T. Witness , Aug. 15,1880. ' ( I find that in addition to the pure spir its contained in their composition , they contain tbe extracts of hops and other well known and highly approved medicinal roots , leaves and tinctures in quantities sufficient to render the article what the makers claim it to be , to-wit , a medicinal I preparation and not a beverage unfit and unsafe to be used except as d medicine. "From a careful analysis of their formu la which was attested under oath I find that in every wine glassfull of Hop Bitters , the active medicinal properties aside from the distilled spirits are equal to a full dose for an adult , which fact in my opinion , subjects it to an internal revenue tax as a medicinal bitter. " GREEK B. RAUM , U. S. Com. In. Rev. Hardened Liver. Five years ago T broke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became bard like wood ; my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. AIL the best pybslcinns agreed that nothing could cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bit ters ; I have used seven bottles ; the hard ness has all gone from my liver , the swell ing from my limbs , and it hns worked a I ! miracle in my case ; otherwise I would have been now in my grave , J. "W. MOKEY , Buffalo , Oct. 1 , ' 81. Poverty and Suffering : . "I was dragged down with debt , poverty and suf fering for yrars. earned by aalck fanjlly and Urge bills for doctoring. I was cnmpletelr discouraged , until one year agoby tbe advice of roy pastor , I commenced using Hop Bitters , and In ono month we were a'l ' well , and none of us have seen m lick day since , and I want to ray to all poor men , yon caa keep your families well a year with Hop Bltursfor less than one doctor's visit will cost , 1 know It" A WOUKINOMAK. SECURE HEALTHY ACTION OF THE LIVER By taking "Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills , -which cleanse the Bowels , purify the Blood , and by carrying off all obstructions secure healthy nml vigorous action to the Liver. E. FERRETT , Agent , 372 Pearl St. , New York. 30 DAYS' TRIAL ! f DR. f IBYESl ( BEFORE. ) ( AFTER. ) ELBtriHO-VOLTAIC BELT and other HiECTIUC APPLIANCES are sent on 30 Days' Trial TO MEN ONLY , YOI'NG OR OLD. who nre infferlng from NERVOUf EXHAUSTION. LOST VITAJITY , WAisT- INO WEAKNESSES , and all diseases of a KINDRED NATmtx. requiting from WHATEVER CAUSES. Speedy relief and complete restoratl n toHieALTn. Via OK and MANHOOD GUARANTEED , send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address Yoltaic Belt Co. , Marshall , BcL i Carpets. CO.OOO YAKD8 OF JLX.L. KINDS. Fend for Samples and Prices. S. A. ORCHARD. Omaha , Neb. CONSUMPTION ; Iharo a positive remedy for the above disease ; byltc CM thousands of eases at the wont kind and of brag Handing have been cured. Indeed , BO Btrons : U ray faltS In 1U efficacy , that I will aend TWO BOTTLEd FREE , to- gflther with a VALUABLE TKEATJRE on tils dlsxtaM. t * * BJ sufferer. QlveEzpreMandP. O.oddreu. JOB. T. A. BLOCUM , 181 PeorlEU , New York. ELECRAPHY T taught at Omaha School Telegraphy , Omaha , Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manager. "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. " ESGINKS , THRFQHFR HorsePowen nnLOnCn floier fallen ( Sol ted to all sections. ) WrlteforFliEEnhu.PunphM and Price * to Tha Aultmaa & Taylor Co. , lUnsaeld. Ohio. EVERLASTIN6 RNCE POSTS wfoopd0.pl8Qr0K Ash rjr ncy soft wood made to last as Inns ; as Cedar , by a simple process costing less than 2c a pl ce. Send Jl.OOforrecelptto W.L. atellwatr.tratman.Mo. . 81 rnt pnat raid a 7 ht > C nlcltie plated 'JS cnl. revolver. 32 caU shot nlctde Vplatert f I.CS. pauldtngj Leagne Bull { I.CO "Catalogue free of Unas , Fishlnz Tackle and Sporting Goods. Bnker& klnner.Kuckford.lll. THE DAVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE prepares - pares men better for business fmn any other in stitution Is tbe lesslmory of the commercial irorld. . For circular- address , LILL.IBK1DUE & DUNCAN. Datenport. Iowa. A'Jii Ta Vt i'rS nt ice oval Mid utriesl A- eelltnj ; IlctortrJ Jtroioand Xloles. Prte-jrefiviced STIHVI , 't't , . o . St. . treatment. A. & * KH a M I fS A f IS 5 > ? positive cure. Dr. W. C. * " itt Siri. . V > V S- pnyne. Marshalltown , la. CBOUP , ASTHMA , BRONCHITIS , | NeuraJgin , Rheumatism. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT ( for Internal and External Ute ) will In-1 stantly relieve these tcrriWe diseases , and I will posith ely cure nine cases out of ten. I Information that will -.are many lives gent I free by mail. Don't UvUv n moment. Pre-1 vention is better than cure. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE MNIMENT CUKES Influenza , Hoarse-L ness. Harking Couyli , Whoopinc Cough , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Cholera Morbua. Kidney Troubles , and r Larae Pack. Sold everywhere. Circulars sent FREE. I. 8. JOHNSON & CO. . Bostnn. Mass. If yon , are Interested In the inquiry "Which is the best Liniment for Han and Beast ? this is the answer , at tested by two generations : the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. The reason is sim ple. It penetrates eery sore , wound , or lameness , to ihe very bone , and drives out all inflammatory and morbid mat ter. It' * goes to the root "of the trouble , and never fails to cure in doubte aoick time. YOUR MONEY Will buy 2 per cent , more Groceries at the Old Re liable Store of < J. E. FKENCH < SE CO. , OMAHA , than can be b nstu else where In tbe state. They sell 12 lb . A Sugar for . . . . 91 oo 13 1-8 lt . Kx-ra. C Bnffar for 81. OO 11 18 Ib . Granulated fcnitur for - Sl.OO 14 lb . A W Orleans Suzurfor - Sl.OO And other goods In pron rtlon. Bend for Monthly 1 rioe List. J. B. FKENi.'H & CO. . OMAHA. _ I CURE FITS ! When I ey cure i ao nnc mean merely to stop tnem lor a Una aad then have them retnrn apiln , I mean a radi cal rare. I have mads the dlieasa of FITS. EPILEFST er FALLING SICKNESS a llfo-long study. Iwarrantmy remedy to euro the worst cues. Bocansa others bare Cal'ed u no reason for not now receiving a care. Sendat once tot a treatise and a Proo Bottle of my Infautblo remedy. Giro Express and Post Omoe. It costs you Bothlng for a trial , and I will cure yon. Addroea Dr. II. G. ROOT. 183 Pearl St. . Netr Yorfc. AGENTS WINTFD to sell positively the FASTEST - EST 8KL1 run OOK IN THE UNIVERSAL. BA8iiTYfUB.Co lCO West Mnth . sfceet , Kansi EJ.NV to use A certain cure. Not expensive. Three months' treatment in on > package. Oowl for Cold " > the Head , Hwulaclie. Dizziness , Hay Fever. Ac. Fifty cents. By all Drug5t tsorbyinnll. R.T HASCKr.TTNK. WnrrePa. . W N U Omaha 203-17 WHEN WHITING TO ADGEBTJSEES ; please say you saw the advertisement In this paper.