THE. TEIBUNE. F. M. * E. M. K1MMKIX , Jabs. HcCOOK , NEB NEBRASKA INTERESTS. A party of duck hunters who went out from Wayne returned with a handsome white wan , which they had killed. It is to be sent to Norfolk to be mounted. Three incendiary fires were recently startdin , Crete , two of them accomplishing their purpose by burning up two stables. A. negro has been arrested and is held on suspicion. He was seen running away from one of the places just as the fire broke out. out.The The local paper figures up that the improvements in Clarksville as amounting to a little over $40,000. The Pawnee Press says that Beatrice Is about the same distance from Omaha as Pawnee City is , yet you can get a round trip ticket between those two points for 16.40. It will cost just$5.20to get a round trip ticket between Pawnee City and Lin coin , just half the distance. Competition explains the low rate. The Beatrice Express learns of a ter rible accident which resulted in the death of a sixteen month * ' old son of his brother , Mr. John Downey , who lives near Plym outh , in Jefferson county. A tub of boilIng - Ing water was left in the room , and while co one wag there the child came in. It went to the tub and fell in. It was badly- scalded , but lived thirtepn hours in th most Intense suffering. Orleans county has perfected an im migration society , electing a secretary ant treasurer and appointing a standing com mittco to take charge of all matters per tainlng to immigration. The stable and hay stacks of Mr Henson , of Wayne county , a new-comer were destroyed by fire last week. He wa burning prairie , when the fire got the bes of him and destroyed bis stable. Chas. Oldman , a tramp , was arrestec s few days ago for placing"an obstructio on the track between Exeter and Friend ville. A couple of "fishplates" had bee irmly strapped on one of the rails in such manner that had the train struck it a wrec would have been inevitable. Oldman was arrested and will be held for trial. . The state horticultural society earn estly calls for early reports of arbor day planting , giving the kind of trees , etc. from any school district precinct and neigh borhood in each county. The Union Pacific is about to put on a solid train from Denver to Omaha , mak ing the run in seventeen hours or less. The will of D. W. Stebbins , of Crete which bequeathed all of his property to on of his children , was set aside by Judg Corey last week , for the reason that th child to whem the property was given de dined to accept only her proportionate share , and desired her brothers and sister to chare equally with her , and appeared before tre judge and expressed her desire and stated that if the will were not se aside that as soon as she came in possession of the property she would make an equa division herself. The meat market of W. J. Garvin Alexandria , was destroyed by fire a few nights ago , the loss being about $400. Twety Union Pacific cars were load ed with sheep at Beatrice a few days a ° o and started east. The sheep were raised in Gage county and belong to B. W. Johnson , sn eastern man. The new Presbyterian church to be built at Lincoln will comfortably seat 500. It is to be supplied with all the modern conveniences , including parlor , Bible-class rooms , vestry , choir room , kitchen , dining room , etc. Mr. Mariner , of Johstown , Brown county lost his store building and entire stock of general merchandise by fire. There was $2,500 Insurance on the property lost. It is supposed the fire was set by an incen diary. The school population of Nebraska City is 1,655. That of Plattaaiouth 1,559. From the number of her' school population Nebraska city figures her population at 9,163. According to the same method of figuring Plattsmouth's population would be 9,188. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Pioneer Co-operative associa tion of Beatrice. The general nature of the business to be transacted is the managing and carrying on of a co-operative store and other business incidental thereto. The capital stock is $4,600 , divided into 2,000 shares of $2 each. There are sixty members allworkingmen. Frank Peperell , of Pawnee county , has been herd to answer to the United States grand jury for selling beer at a Cath- ollc fair. A Norfolk man , Henry Schroeder , went to Pierce , and there intoxicated him self. In his budged condition he visited of the house of a German family , lately ar rived , where , in the absence of the hus : band , lie made an indecent assault upon i the woman. The return of the man fright ened Schroeder away , but he was followed by the husband a few minutes later and overtaken in a saloon , where the late ar rival from Germany gave the offender a thorough thrashing. of Postoffice changes in Nebraska for the week ending April 12 , 1884. Estab lished Dunn , Lancaster county. Wm. H. H. Dunn , postmaster. Discontinued Buckeye , Hamilton county ; Chase , Gree- ley county ; Ford , Holt county ; Latrobe , Johnson county ; Spencer , Hall county. The instruments for Seward's fe male band have arrived , and the girls are expected to make their first public appear In ance on the 4th of July. High license prevailed in Sterling , and now it is thought there will be no diffi culty about providing more school room , of which the town stands greatly in need. The Seward County Coal and Mining company have made arrangements to begin operations on the lands leased by them at once. They propose to go down at least 1,000 feet , if they do not find coal sooner , and have contracted with F. K. Copeland , of Denver , to do the work. Thetelegraphoperatornamed Church who has held forth at Oreapolis for some months past , has absconded for parts un known , leaving several to mourn Bis unex pected departure. The test of the city well at Lincoln was finished a few days ago. The contract required to show 50,000 gallons per hour for seventv-two hours , or 86,000,000 in all ; 4.000,000 gallons were pumped , and the test showed a flow of from 75,000 to 90,000 gallons lens an hour. The water is pure and clear ? " and the council and citizens are jubilant. Fourteen years has elapsed sirfoe the first school was started in. Sterling , and during that time only one child of school age has died and that death was caused by an accident. The Press thinks this is not a bad record for the town. Pawnee county has no licensed saloon within its borders , and the disposition is that there shall be none in the future. at A paper is being circulated af Ster ling to form a joint stock company to pros at pect for coal ; $1,000 is the amount to be raised , and the shares will be placed at $10 each. In the analysis of the ' stomach of Mrs. Lee , recently poisoned at Crete , Dr. Clark , the chemist , came near being fatally poisoned by touching two drops to his tongue of a solution of lees than one-half of the stomach hffour ounces of chloroform , indicating therprasenee of a largb-quantity fpotaon. Near-Beatrice , a few 1 days ago , the hind wheel ofa front trucit of ; A Union Pa- ciffo car slipped the track and dragged half a mile ovev the ties before the train could be stopped. In this short but dangerous journey the train passed over two bridges. The expenses of the last term of the district court of Lancaster county foot up to about $5,000. Not a very encouraging outlook , for tax-payers. A man named Neide , living in Doug las county , was sent by his employer to Omaha to sell a team of horses. He effected a sale , getting $200 , put the money in bis pocket and decamped for parts unknown. Quinn Bohanan was put on trial at Nebraska City on the 17th for the murder of James Cook at Waverly , in February , 1882. The prisoner was tried at Lincoln in May , 1882 , convicted of murder in the second end degree and sentenced to life imprison ment. The supreme court set the judg ment aside for want of formality as to the grand jury. A Rhode Island gentleman has been looking over the ground at Orleans with the view to establishing a woolen mill there. The Press thinks the indications are favor able for securlng'the enterprise. A move is on foot at Atkinson to or ganize a driving park association with a capital of $1,000. The grand jury of Saline county found a true bill against John S. Lee for murder in the first degree. It is assumed that he is the poisoner of his wife. The report of the expert who had charge of the stomach of Mrs. Lee , reports that there was poison enough in it to kill two hundred and forty persons. Young men of Stella engage in ball playing on Sunday , notwithstanding the editor of the local paper takes strong ground against such desecration of the Sabbath. W. H. Russell , an old resident of Cuming county , who served as county com missioner for four vears , committed sui cide by shooting himself , while on his way home from Wisner with a load of lumber. Temporary insanity was the cause. Hon. E. L. Reed , of Weeping Water , was heartily congratulated by his neighbors and friends on return from the First dis trict convention , which selected him as a delegate to the Chicago convention. Lorenzo Curtis , of Cass county , was drowned in the Missouri * river near Hock Bluffs last week while engaged in catching drift wood. ACCIDENT ON THE BAIL. One Man Killed and Two or Three In jured. An accident occurred last week on the Omaha and Republican Valley branch of the U. P. railroad , resulting in the death of the fireman and badly injuring the engineer and a brakeman , besides the de- s'.ruction of considerable property. The train was a mixed one , consisting of a freight train with a passenger coach at tached , coming toward Omaha. When about four or five miles from Wuhoo a team belonging to a farmer became frightened , presumably at the train , and started. No one was in the wagon at the time and no one had hold of the reins. The public road runs along near the railroad track , and down thlrf road the team ran , until they finally switched over .on to the railroad track ahead of the train. They had run but a short distance until they -reached a culvert. In attempting to cross it one of the animals stepped between the ties and fell. The en gineer saw them and attempted to stop bis train , but was too close to do so before striking them. The engine gave a lunge and plunged down the embankment , taking with it the tender and several flat cars. The fireman , Ernest Gould , was caught in attempting to get out of the way , and was crushed and mangled in a horrible manner , causing almost instant death. The engi neer and a brakeman were also badly in jured . AFTER THE POLYGAMISTS. The Substitute for CaMldT'fl Bill Adopted by the Committee on Territories. The house committee on territories , by a vote of 7 to 5 , adopted the substitute offered by Mr. Alexander to Mr. Cassidy's bill , providing that the president appoint a commission to govern Utah. The proviswa Ions relative to marriages require that they ea shall be solemnized by a minister , judge , til or justice of the peace , and the person so officiating shall file a certificate of marriage with the county recorder within thirty days ap after the ceremony. Failure to file on rec ord is punishable by a fine of $500. The substitute makes the solemnization of marriage - . riage , when either party to be married has Jai tmsband of wife living , a misdemeanor pun ishable by imprisonment in jail for not less than six months nor more than twelve. Silver.Coinage. At a meeting of the representatives the various boards of trade of the coun try , held at Willard's hotel , Washington , o urge upon congress the policy of discon tinuance for at least two vears of the coin age of silver dollars , delegates were present from commercial bodies at Portland Provi dence. New Haven. New York , Phlladelati phia , Baltimore , Cincinnati , Chicago , St. ad Louis and Minneapolis. Martin Cple , St. Louis , presided. Besolutions approving a policy discontinuing sil ver coinage were read from a number of other boards of trade. A memorial * , signed by 2,600 citizens of New York , was read , to favoring the same policy. Brief addresses were made by a number of gentlemen , set ting forth that thoughtful business men of the country wei e viewing with alarm the a present and piospective effects of the silver issue , and a fso that a very decided change popular sentiment on silver coinage is taking place in various localities west and south. Kepresentatives of the board of trade now here will have a hearing before the House committee. ' the of Nebraska First District Convention. NEBRASKA Cixr , April 15. C. A. 000 Holmes called the convention to order. Capt. G. M. Humphreys was elected chair man , and Fred Nye and John Steen secre the taries. Committee on credentials : D. G. Courtney , of Lincoln ; E. M. Bartlett , of Douglas ; J. P. Crother , of Nemaha ; N. B. Larsh , of Otoe ; T. B. Wilson , ot Saunders. Speeches were made by Hon. J. M. Thurs- ton , E. Bosewater , Pat Hawes , Walter Bennett and Capt. Witchell. After a spir ited contest E. L. Beed , of Cass county , inl and Church Howe , of Nemaha county , pete were elected delegates to the Chicago con tomi vention. N. B. Larab , of Otoe , and W. J. mi Broach , Douglas , were elected alter he nates. A resolution instructing for Blaine was injudiciously introduced , but voted de down. " ' * J re A National Cattle Show. rem The secretary of the National Agri cli cultural association addressed ra , having a letter to General Jas. S. Brisbin , com CO mandant at Fort Keogh , Montana , request ing his views in regard to holding a na se1 tional cattle show the COon , general replies urg ing that a show be held and suggesting that on the same time a national convention of , , cattle breeders and stock growers be held , which all the stock associations through out the country shall be represented. He takes strong grounds against congressional interference with the cattle trade , and says there are no cattle diseases in the country and worty of notice , much less of national leg due islation. An uncomfortable railway the fence the rail-way , with tar and feather accoui paniment. was NATIONAL LEGISLATION. , The Postoffice Appropriation Bill Finally Acted Upon in the Senate. The Bill to Provide for the Ap. pointment ot a Missouri River Commission. Action of the House Committee Re garding the Closing of Public Lands-Other Notes. CONGRESSIONAL. SKNATE. WEDNESDAY , April 14. Among the petitions and memorials presented were resolutions from the recent convention of inventors , held at Cincinnati , opposing any change in the patent laws that may tend to injure property in patents : also , a petition signed by MM. James A. Garfield and 600 other cit'zeus of Cleveland , Ohio , praying for the passage of c , bill providing for the return of the Nez Perces Indians to their old home. Mr. Slater introduced a bill to forfeit the unearned lands granted to the Northern Pacific railroad and restore the same to set tlement. The senate resumed consideration of the naval appropriation bill , the pending ques tion being on the amendment proposed by the senate committee to provide for the construction of new cruisers. Bills were introduced and referred : To re the supreme court of the United St . By Mr. Turner ( Ky. ) , to equalize taxa tion. It recites that bondholders and mil lionaires have paid no tax on their incomes to support the federal government for over twenty vears : that taxation should be justly imposed , and that there should be no favored class , and enacts that an income tax : of 3 per cent on over $6,000 ; 6 per cent , on over $10,000 , and 10 per cent , on over $100,000 shall be levied and collected. By Mr. King , to place on the free list all agricultural implements , all machinery used in manufacturing agricultural pro ducts , cotton ties , flannels , blankets , hats of wool , knit goods , all goods made on kuhting frames , balmorals , woolen and worsted < yarns , and all manufactures of every deocripiion composed wholly or in part of worsted. SENATE. TUESDAY , April 15. Mr. Dawes called up the bill to divide a portion of the great reservation of the Sioux nation of In dians in Dakota , and separate the reserva tion and to secure relmquishment of the Indian title to the remaii-der. Mr. Dawes moved to amend the bill so as to make the amount of land to be given in severally to the Ponca Indians one-quarter section. Agreed to 40 to 2. Pending action on the bill , the chair laid before the senate the unfinished business , being the bankruptcy bill , Mr. Dawes re marking that he would to-morrow , after the morning business , call up the Indian bill for futher consideration. HOUSE. Mr. ] Morrison moved that the house go into ! committee of the whole for the consid eration of the tariff bill. There-was no division and the motion was agreed'to , Mr Cox , of New York , being called to the chair. ; Immediately upon the committee'a assembling , Mr. Eaton objected to the con sideration of the bill , and his objection was reported ] to the house and a vote was taken upon the uestion whether the bill shall be considered. ! By s vote of 140 yeas and 138 nays the committee decided to consider the measure. There was intense interest manifested in the roll-call. At the conclusion of the first call tbere appeared to be a majority of one in favor of the measUre. Then went on the second call/and the members crowd ed around any one of their colleagues who was keeping tally , earnestly listening for each ( response. The vote was so close un the final announcement that nobody was quite sure how the vote stood , but upon the announcement tbere was a round of applause from the democratic side. : SENATE. . WEDNESDAY , April 16. The chair of laid before the senate the resolution offered by Mr. Morgan , directing the judiciary of , committee to inquire whether Paul Stro- bach , whose nomination for marshal of the middle and southern districts of Alabama was rejected by the senate , and who is now performing the duties of that office , is en ; , titled to the office. Agreed to. The bill left undisposed of yesterday to divide a portion of the great reservation of the Sioux nation of Indians in Dakota into fi several reservations and secure the relinquishment - linquishment of the Indian title to the re mainder , was passed. on The senate proceeded with the consider ation of the bankruptcy bill , but soon after to adjourned. HOUSE. The Morrison tariff bill was consid ered. ' Mr. Russell ( Mass. ) spoke in opposition the bill. He made an elaborate argu ment in opposition to the measure and dep recated the reopening of tariff agitation after the country had enjoyed a rest but for short period of twelve months. Mr. Chace was especially antagonistic to that portion of the pending bill which re duced the duty on wool. The woolen in dustry was already burdened , and if a fur ther reduction of 20 per cent , was made a pretty large proportion of all the mills in country would be stopped ; a reduction n 20 per cent , on the entire tariff list would } throw out of employment 1,700,000 persons who , with their families , consume 53.000- bushels of wneat. They would be the forced to the cultivation of the soil and the o production of wheat would be increased to extent of 163,000,000 bushels. The producers' cereals were already In danger , owing to the growing competition of the wheat fields of Bussia and India. The only safe market for wheat was the home market. SENATE. ed. THURSDAY , April 18. Mr. Cockrell introduced a bill to provide for the ap pointment of a Missouri river commission , carry into effect plans for the improve ment of said river from its mouth to its headwaters. Wilson offered a preamble and resolution declaring that it is competent for congress exercise Its power to regulate inter-state commerce and to provide by law for such regulation in the transportation of com merce among the several states as shall in : o clude a system of maximum and minimum rates of charges for the same and for free ral competition within the limits so fixed. The ! senate passed the bill authorizing the secretary of war to adjust and settle the ac counts for arms between South Carolina and the federal government. Consideration of the bankruptcy bill was then resumed , and amendments were of and fered by George , Morgan , Wilson. Hoar others. Among the amendments agreed to to-day was one proposed by George , giving debts due to laboring men domestic servants priority over debts to the state or the United States. bill HOUSE. The house went into committee of whole , Springer in the chair , on the pension appropriation bill. After au hour of general debate the bill read by paragraphs for amendment * . Mr. Goff offered a proviso that no proof cballbe required , either in pending cases or'thosb hereafter filed'as to the'Physical condition of a soldier at the time he waa mustered into service , and all claims heretofore tofore rejected on account of the lack of such proof shall bo re-heard. After dis cussion the provision was ruled out of or der and the house adjourned. SENATE. FRIDAY , April 18. Mi. Sherman re ported adversely the newspaper copyright bill. It was , however , placed on the cal endar. Also adversely the joint resolution providing for the erection of a bronze equestrian statue to Simon Bolivar. In definitely postponed. The senate then took up thopostofflceap propriation bill. Amendments proposed by the committee were agreed to , the only departure being in the adoption of the amendment proposed by Mr. Plumb , adding $25,000 to the appro priation for the river mail service. The bill was agreed to as a whole. The senate went into executive session and when the doors were reopened a mes gage from the house announcing the death of the late Beprcsentatixo Herndon was re ceived. Remarks in memoriam of the de ceased were delivered by Messrs. Morgan , Gibson , Jones ( Fls. ) . and Pugb. IIOU8K. The bill passed authorizing the con struction of a bridge across the Missouri at Sibley Mo. On motion of Mr. McMillan , the bill lim iting to two years' time within which pros ecution may DO instituted against persons charged with violating internal revenue laws was taken up for consideration. Messrs. White , Miller and others ad dressed the house , at conclusion of which the pill passed * Unfinished business coming over from last Friday was the bill to relieve certain soldiers of the late war from the charge of desertion. After debate it was laid aside with favorable recommendations. Kecess was taken till 7:30 p. m. , when the house passed twenty-six pension bills and adjourned. SENATE. SATURDAY April 19. The senate was not in session , having adjourned till Monday. HOUSE. The house went into committee of the whole on bills reported from the com mittee on labor. The first bill considered was for the es tablishing and maintaining of labor statis tic * . On motion of Mr. Warner , the salary of the commissioner of labor statistics was re duced to $3,500 , Numerous amendments were offered and generally voted down , and although no de bate was allowed upon them , the commit tee was the scene of a good deal of con fusion. Finally the bill was reported to the house and passed yeas , 182 ; nays , 19. It provides for the establishment of a bureau of labor statistics in charge of a commissioner at a salary of $8,000 , who shall a < iulre all useful information on the subject of labor , its relations to capital and means of promoting the material , social , intell ctual and moral prosperity of the laboring classes. CAPITAL TOPICS. THE GREELY PARTY. The navy department has been in formed that a rumor prevails at St. Johns , N. F. , that tne Greely party has Ieen rescued from a mass of floating ice by the crew of a whaling schooner. In a commu nication on the 'subject the United States consul at St. Jonns says the report is not believed there. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. Senor Batcis , Central American min ister to this city , received a telegram from the ministry of foreign affairs for Guate mala and Salvador saying thatit is true that an attempt was made to assassinate Presi dent Barrios , but adding 'hat no harm was done him , and lie is perfectly well. The dispatch also says that there is no disturb ance of public order and the attempt at as sassination is universally execrated. Gen eral Barrios is receiving the congratulations of all classes of people. NEW'S SUCCESSOR. The president has nominated Charles E. Conn , of New York , as assistant secre tary of the treasury , to succeed John C. New , resigned.TREASURY TREASURY NOTES. The house committee on coinage , weights and measures have unanimously instructed Bepresentative Lacey to re port favorably his bill to prohibit he issue of treasury notes for less than $5 , and provide for the issue $1 , $2 and $5 silver certificates. The bill provides that on and after the passage of he act it shall be unlawful for the secretary the treasury to print and issue treasury notes of a smaller denomination than $5 , and any holder of standard silver dollars or silver certificates may deposit the same with 000 he treasurer or any assistant treasurer of be United States in sums of not less than flO and receive therefor silver certificates In lenominative at the option of the holder atwa , $2and$5. " Un dn ELECTION OP PRESIDENT. : At a meeting of the house committee law respecting the election of president and vice-president , a proposition to limit twelve months the time during which tlie cabinet officers may perform the duties of president was acted upon favorably. It provides that if the duties of the presidency ) 'all upon a member of the cabinet for more than twelve months before the next ensuing presidential election , he shall issue a proc- amation for a special election. Mr. Eaton was directed to report the proposition to he house as an amendment to the senate bill providing for the performance of the duties of the office of president in case of of removal , death , resignation or inability of both the president and vice-president. THE REWARD OFFERED. The secretary of the navy has issued accordance with a resolution adopted by ; o oth houses of congress , < a proclamation of ng fering $25,000 reward for the discovery and rescue by any private person or vessel of Artie signal service party of Lieutenant Greely. CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. Mo. Ex-Senator Jos. E. McDonald was Formally announced as a candidate for the presidency by the Indiana democratic asso ciation here. Besolutions favoring McDon ald's candidacy were unanimously adopt 100 . Senator Voorhees made a speech sup porting the resolution. Cal. INCLOSING OF PUBLIC LANDS. The houss committee on public lands baa instructed Representative Payson to formally report his bill to prevent the un lawful occupancy of public lands. The measure provides that all inclosures of public lands In any state or territory , by parties who have no titles to the lands , shall be declared unlawful. It further pro vides that it shall be lawful for any person demolish any such inclosnre when it includes 640 acres of land or any agricultu land. MISSOURTRTVBR IMPROVEMENTS. Messrs. Dockery , Buckner , Bland , Burns , Graves , COBPTOVO , O'Neill and Alexander , of the Missouri delegation in lhat congress , made arguments before the river harbor committee in favor of th * ap propriation of $1,000,000 for the Improve near ment of the Missouri river. The congress men from Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska and Western Iowa are to hold a meeting at an aarly date to secure united action on the fore creating a Missouri river commission. ton- The first blast made was by a tin trumpet. Giant powder is a later in vention. The best place to loaf is in a bakery. IffS OF THE NATION. Accident to a Union Pacific Train Resulting in the Death of One Man. Veritable Foot and Mouth Disease Prevailng Among the Cattle in Kansas. Affairs Politically Instructions to Delegates to Chicago Miscel laneous Newg Notes. NEWS NOTES. Ellen Cole , a single woman of con siderable means , and living alone with an illegitimate son nearJoJiet , III. , threw her illegitimate baby , just born , into the stove and roasted it to death. The motion for a new trial in the case of Bubling , convicted of the murder of Lucas at Sterling , III. , was overruled by Judge Eustace. lie is sentenced to hang May 16th. The Grand Army of the Republic posts of New York have made further ar rangements for a theatrical entertainment for the benefit fund to build a home for dis abled ex-confederate soldiers at Rich mond. Investigation of the Cincinnati riot has begun and will be continued several days. days.The The chamber of commerce of Pitts- burg , at a meeting , denounced the evils of the present Jury system and passed resolu tions recommending amendments so that three-fourths be empowered to render a verdict , and making it obligatory upon jur ief to accept the law as laid down by the courts , rather than to be themselves judges of the law as well as facts , and that jurors be selected without regard to political ser vices. Hail advices from Havana state that Auguero has penetrated the rich jurisdic tion of Colone , receiving everywhere on the road men and horses , and having burnt several plantations where help was denied. Michael Ourmer , the Ohio prospector who has been having trouble with the In dians in the Turtle mountains , has returned to Fargo. He says trouble may be antici pated , as the Indians have been reinforced by a large band from across the boundary under the chief "Little Shell. " The In dians refuse to allow settlers upon that por- ion of their reservation recently thrown open by the interior department. The In dians are killing many cattle and are be coming very bold. City of Mexico advices say the stores an all open and business is entirely re sumed. : Favorable reports are received from all other cities. The tax will produce considerable ! revenue. The executive committee of the Irish national league of America met at Chicago In secret session. Alexander Sullivan , president of the league , presided. All the : members were present or represented. It was decided to hold the next national con vention at Boston , on the second Wednes day of August next. Colonel Hammond , one of the wealthiest residents of Chicago , died sud denly while seated in the retail store of Marshall , Field & Co. He was one of the first settlers of Chicago and held a number positions of public trust in that city. , A freight on the Western and Atlan tic railway ran into a washout near Ack- worth , Tenn. Fourteen freight cars were wrecked , two of which contained live stock. The stock was killed. Engineer St. Glair McDonald and Fireman Edward McCul- lough were also killed. An expert reports the defalcation in Chamberlain's church , Troy , N. Y. , the firbt three years more than $50,000. Bonds men will be asked to make good the amount. The maratime exchange of New York unanimously adopted a memorial to con gress , asking for the suspension of the coin ; age of silver dollars for two years. The drougth on West Nueces river , > Texas , still continues , and damage to the stock interest is increasing daily. of The house committee on commerce o has agreed to favorably report the bill pro viding for the appointment of a Missouri- river commission. All the business places in Trenton , La. , three excepted , burned. Loss , $38- ; insurance , $22,000. > The body of George Leah was found White river , near Indianapolis. Leah wa the oldest locomotive engineer in the United States , having been the first man to au drive the locomotive "Rocket , " whicnwas xhibited at the recent Chicago railway ex- libition. He was 81 years old. It is sup posed to be a case of suicide. > The government of Mexico is nege- lating with a representative of the Franco- Egyptian bank for a loan of $20,000,0 0 , )10,000,000 to be paid to the present admin- stration and $10,000,000 to the incoming administration , $3,000,000 to be advanced s mmediately. 7 The mining towns of Colorado are excited over alleged important gold discov eries in the vicinity of Pike's peak , seven ty-five miles southwest of Denver. Crowds people from the neighboring towns are flocking to the new camp. The large increase in the Northern s Pacific earnings this month are due to s through business. The company expects earn $13,000,000 for the fiscal year end- June 80th. John G. Tilford , a passenger on the iron Mountain railroad from Pine Bluff , Ark. , en route to Ireland , was robbed of - 17,000 on the train , near Popular Bluff , . , byC. M. Dennett. " The robber was arrested on the train by one of the secret service men of the Gould system. as Charles Hollenbeck , postmaster of y Parker , Dak. , defaulter to the tune of $1- , has been suspended. A break in the levee at Lathrop , . , threatens to destroy 10,000 acres of ief wheat. the The house postoffice committee has decided to prepare a bill for a postal tele graph on the contract plan. all A rock slide in Black canyon , Col- ornda , threw an engine from the track , ; o killing the engineer and injuring the fire the man. man.Two Two hundred cases for violation of the'electlon laws were dismissed from the United States court at Charleston , 6. C. Wendell Phillips memorial services ail were held in Boston. It was the largest gathering of notable people * ever held In city. ast A wretch was identified as the ng wrecker of a train on the Panhandle road , ice Dayton , Ohio , and narrowly escaped all lyncbiug. ceive Gov. Ordway desires to appear be the United States grand Jury at Yank- - eig FOREIGN. ai Spanish journals which represent the " ministry. In comment respecting the resig nation of G n. Adam Badeau , consul gen- > oral of the United States at Havana , thank the American government for its kindly and sympathetic feeling toward Spain. They say there IB no doubt but that' Secre tary Frellnghuyseu may bo relied on Jo act as did Secretary Hamilton Fl h toward , these Cuban revolutionists. A Cairo dispatch says it L stated that England has presented proposals to the- powers for sottllns , ' financial difficulties. It- is expected that the proposed scheme con templates the disbanding of Sir Evelyn- Wood's Egyptian army. News of the death of Dr. Pupgo , thet German explorer , at St. Paul do Loanda , March 17th , has been received at London. It h reported that the French fleet has occupied Amoy in order to secure the * payment of indemnity from China. The- capture of Hung lion terminates the cam paign In Tonquln. The financial question ) re to be settled with China. The P : demands will bo very heavy. The remains of Charles Reed were- interred to-day at Willesden. The funeral was private. George Augustus , Sala , Edwin - win Arnold and few other literary friends of the deceased were present. The London Times says : Henry M. Stanley , the African explorer , who was an nounced a few days ugo to bo coming to Europe on a long leave of absence , has re solved before leaving Africa to break up entirely ] new ground , and solve a problem * which ] will excite the gratitude of geograph ers. He intends to reach from the Congo- country one of the Egyptian stations in the * Morabutter country , on the Willemakna. river. This is the task that General Gor don was intending to attempt before he was- diverted to Khartoum. An English lady at Cairo has offered 20,000 for the rescue of Gen. Gordon. The latter has telegraphed that his position is , hopeless. Advices from the far cast state that an great fire is raging at Eagoon , the capital of British Burmah , and that Mandolay , the- capital of Burmah proper , lecently half de stroyed by a conflagration , has been afflic ted with another extensive fire. A letter received at Paris from an Irish sympathizer with the dynamite party states that the dynamite campaign Is not yet ended. Two hundred and fifty pounds- of dynamite has been sent from France to. England within the past three weeks. A telegram from Gen. MPlet , com mander : of the French forces in Tonquln , dated Hanoi , April 16th , says : 11 > en emy has already been encountered not far from Hunghoa and completely routed. Af ter the engagement we destroyed the cita dels of Pholam Tram , where the leaders of the Black Flags had taken refuge. Our forces are now following the right bank of the Biver Dal with the object of threatening- the enemy in the boutb and obtaining re dress for the massacre of missionaries. Advices from the far east bring ru mors of fresh massacres of Christians In. Laos. POLITICAL. The republicans of Alabama last week selected delegates lathe several dis tricts to Chicago. It is thought that they generally favor Arthur. At the democratic convention of Bu chanan county. Iowa , to appoint delegates , to the state convention at Burlington , a. resolution was unanimously adopted , amid. * reat applause , instructing the delegation o support men for delegates to Chicago- who favored the nomination of Samuel J. Tilden. The republican county convention at Los Angeles , Cal. , elected unpledged delegates to the state convention. Their- preferences are for Blaine. The Illinois republican state conven tion nominated Richard J. Oglesby for gov ernor and Gen. J. C. Smith , of Cookcoun- y , for lieutenant governor. The conven- Ion was J rgely in favor of Logan for pres- dent. South Carolina delegates to the Chicago cage convention will go uninstructed. The Pennsylvania republican con vention , held on the 16th , showed a very arge Blaine element. The republican primaries of New- York city resulted in the election of dele gates to the state and national conventions , who largely fayor Arthur for president. The greenbackers of the Thirteenth N. Y. ) congressional district elected dele gates to the national convention at Indian apolis instructed for General Butler for- resident. The civil service reform association Chicago has sent a circular letter- the members of congress from that city requesting them to work for the pas sage of the bill repealing the four years. imitation upon the term of postmasters , district attorneys , revenue collectors , etc. . and making official tenure subject to good ebavior and efficiency. At the meeting of the house co'mmit- ee yn reform of the civil service , Bepre- entative , Hoblitzell was directed to report adversely the bills for the repeal of the civil service laws. An unfavorable report was also ordered on Representative War ner's bill to reduce the salaries of the pres- dent , cabinet officials , judges of the su- reme court and congressmen. The Minneapolis Tribune publishes a abulated ( statement of answers to a clrcu- sent out through the state regarding references for'presldent. The following the result : First choice , Blaine 973 , Ed munds 199 , Arthur 182 , Lincoln 80 , Logan. , scattering 54. Edmunds , second choice , 981. Foot and Mouth Disease. It is stated now that the disease ? among cattle near Neoshoi Falls , Kansas , veritable foot and mouth disease , but it stated that it is not only not spreading , nit is thoroughly quarantined and practi cally stamped out. Dr. Laws , of Cornell university , perhaps the bestveterinarianin this country , together with Dr. Halcombv state veterinarian , and members of the f-tate sanitary commission , are making a thorough investigation of the matter , but whatever their report may be , no fear is. apprehended that the disease will spread , it has been clearly shown not to be con- agious and all cattle affected arc complete- The'Work of Relief. A Cincinnati dispatch says : The re- committee appointed February last by chamber of commerce to receive and distnbute supplies for the people made destitute by by the flood , are about to close their labors. They have received $184 , COO , of which has been distributed except 6,000. Tnis will be used to help the poor restore their dwellings. A large part of money has been used outside of Cin cinnati. _ Lynched by Regulators. Fifty masked men went to Jackson , Breathitt county , Ky. , and took from the Henry Kllburne ( white ) and Ben Strong colored ) and hung themKilburue was charged with the murder of "William Thorp January. Strong was suspected of be- concerned in the same murder. A no- was pinned on the victims stating that perpetrators of such crimes would re a like punishment. Kllburno bad killed eight men. Of , the city rulers of New York thirty eight were born in Ireland , twelve in Sermany and three in other foreign ands. The roster stands fifty-three breigners to thirty Americans. A native in New York stands a mighty oor show.