McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 17, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
Thursday * April i/th , 1884 ,
Indicates that your Subscription to Ins
X utsttNE had expired" , and that on invltn
.Uon . to the extended.
All locale under this heading lOc. a line fo
each Insertion , and same Inserted until order
ad discontinued , unless time is Specified. Bill ;
payable monthly.
Local Intelligence.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
"Thunder and lightning" at Haydei
& CO.'B. , ;
Go to John -A. Lee's for. sewin |
Wheeler & Wilson sewing jnachina
at Lee's. .
All kinds of blanks kept for sale a
this office.
WANTED. A dishwasher at Israel'
For the best Flour in town call a
City Bakery.
Choice raisins , 10 cents per pound
at Haydeu & Co.'s ,
If you want cheap pork call at Job.
Farley's meat market.
We have just received a.handsoni
assortment of calling cards.
Three families , recently arrived fret
Gillman , 111. , are occupying the ban
hall , temporarily.
Great bargains at Hayden & Co.'s
See advertisement on eigth page of thi
issue for bargains.
R. S. Cooley has a number of dccde
claims to sell. First door south of th
U S. Land Office.
The ranks of tonsorial artists ) hav
been increased by one. We now hav
three shaving parlors.
If you want the best flour in .town
call at the City Bakery. Samples give
to those who wish to try it.-
Send in your orders for horse:7bills :
Best facilities "and best work in tl
county in this line.- Also in commei
cial work.
The ranks of embryotic land agehi
are full , and still they comci At tl
present ratio of increase , We can affoi
an agent for every section.
"Good " to rai
Friday was Friday"to
road men at least , as oil the evening i
that day the pay car made its mouth
appearance at this station.
What has become of the leap ye
ball the -ladies proposed giving
Would it not be a good idea to uni
forces and have a big blow-out ?
Tw.o hqrses attached to a wagon i
dulged in a spirited go-as-you-plea
along Railroad Street , Friday , with
damages or injuries resulting therefro
Parties wishing , to purchase a fir :
class machine can be accommodated
calling on i John A. Lee , who has t
ft V agency for the celebrated Wbeeler
Wilson Sewing Machines.
"Returning to our summer villa"
quite the rage this spring. Engmi
Rollins has caught the "moving spin
and betaken himself and family to ' .
summer residence , northeast of teA \
A number of families arrived fr
Oilman , 111. , this week. They brouj
with them two or three car loads
household effects , implements , sto
etc. This amval increases our popi
tioa about twenty-five.
The Harlow law suit promises to
an interesting one in the extreme.
Johnson was called to Indianola , ]
week , to serve papers ofi the shei
replevining the 40 head of horses ,
tached by the sheriff , some time sin
Col. Burch's Hand Book of 1
Willow County lias reached us. !
Colonel is a ready writer , and an ac
observer , and during his travels o
our county gathered together a fune
interesting information of our core
and its people which ought to reeef
general circulation.
A large stock of Wall-paper jnsi
ccived and for sale cheap.S. .
- -i
During the talft.fctoflfn &F StfiN&y af
ternoon Mr. Doyle of the Willow lost a
Valuable bull the game being struck
by lightning. The animal was valued
at 'over a hundred dollars. Wo are in
formed by residents of the Willow that
the stornnyas more severe in that .vicin
ity than in this immediate neighborhood ,
The meeting of the Board of Trus
tees held Wednesday evening , was the
most interesting and business-like 'ses :
sion the Board has ever held. The de
termination was freely expressed thai
unless certain ordinances were prompt
ly complied with , the superiority of the
ordinances would be vindicated. .Eithci
revoke or enforce.
Several -parties indulged in racing
their horses on West Dennison street ,
Sunday afternoon , contrary to the ordi
nance of the village. If you want te
race your horses , it strikes us that the
race course is the proper place , am
week days the proper time to do so. I ]
you do not have any regard for the day
out of respect for the feelings of thos <
who do , aesist.
It has been suggested to us that w <
call the attention of the proper partie ;
to the condition of our streets when
the water mains cross them. The eartl
at some of these places has sunk :
number of Inches , and make a danger
ous rut to drive over. We hear of twi
or three buggies having been broken ii
this manner , and it might not be amis
to have the ruts filled up.
From Denver to McCook is a lonj
time between drinks even for the he
roic dude , as was again evinced by tin
Undudefied hastes with which a spider
legged member of tht genus rushed u ]
town from the depot , Saturday aftei
noon , after No. 40 arrived. After re
turning to the train equipped with tw
large bottles of the ardent , the gentl
dude recounted the circumstances of hi
exploit extraordinary to the c'vidcutsal
isfaction of the Nubian Pullman portei
A runaway occurred on Main Avenue
Saturday afternoon , which gave grea
'promise of being calamitous in its re
suits , at the outstart ; but , owing to th
heroic bravery of n gentleman , wh
grasped the tail-board of4 the wagon' t
which the .spirited , fleeing animal wa
attached , aneT stopped its mad career ,
horrible catastrophe was averted , an
our budding hopes of having a hall
column local nipped. J. F. will hav
have to exercise his mouse-colore
equine more freely to" forestall futut
contingencies of a similar nature.
' A spirit of improvement has take
possession of our business mon. Free
and Hocknell 'have remodeled the re ;
of their office , until recently used as
sash room , and converted it into a pi
vate office , which they have fitted n
very neatly , and now have one of tl
most pleasant offices in town. A.
Sharp has had his shop very nicely p
pered and painted , and has replaced h
old chair with a handsome one of tl
latest patern. H. W. Pike has enclc
ed his lumber yard with a high fenc
and finished the interior of Ms offic
and now has one of the neatest offic
and best arranged yards in the Valle
The gentlemen of the brass colla
General Manager Potter , Assistant Gc
oral Manager Holdredge , General S
perintendent Calvert , General Freig
Agent _ Miller , imd Master Mechai
Hawks worth , pulled into McCook , Si
day afternoon , from Denver. The spt
ial train , consisting of Potter's "a
Holdredge's cars , was side-tracked a
remained at this place until mornir
ni when the party continued their journ
Dr. Willey says he remembers wli
itf Mr. Potter , the father .of the gri
Burlington road , sold peanuts on 1
train. From peanut vender to Gene
Manager is- quite a satisfactory tran
) C
Ir. One timber-culture proof only ' (
st has been made in Furnas cour
T , The patent was received , for record
itthe clerk's office , last week. It was
e. innocent enough looking parchment,1
but was a matter , of some curiosity ,
ing the only deed of the kind issued
10 a resident of the county , Mr. E
Clark ol Arapahoe is the owner of
er the claim , the title to wliicli is
0 conveyed" by Uncle Sam. Beaver (
Times. Bed "Willow goes .Furnas
better at the least calculation ;
boasts of one who has made timber- *
reture proof longsinceand still presei
intact as an heirloom the original bus
of walnuts planted oh said.timbcr cla
A numDe 0 dUr b'usiriess meri were
shad&wing three suspicious individuals ,
Tuesday night. The actions of thesd
shadowed parties was fetich as to excite !
the suspicion of some 6f our citizens ,
and from circumstances related , it is
not improbable thut the steps taken in
remaining up all night , saveel then
stores from being robbed. We are of
opinion that it-would be to the advan
tage of our business men to raise suffi
cient means to employ a night watch
man. An effort has been making in
that direction , but we believe the
amount subscribed is still some dollar ?
too small. That we are most likely k
be afflicted at different times witli
tough customers , "to be forewarned , "
maybe , "to be forearmed. "
A young man representing the Crete
Nursery has been in town , all week ,
assisting those of our citizens who or
dered from .that firm , in planting theii
trees , hedges , etc. If all the towns in
the valley do as , well in the way of ob
serving Arbor Day as McCook , the }
have dpne'well ' indeed. A row of fine
trees has been planted , on Madisor
street , from J. B. Meserve's corner te
the north corner of J. R. Phelan'i
j property , which will add immensely tc
the appearance of the- street if thej
grow , and with our superb water facil
itics there can be little question bu
that they will. Messrs. Franklin ane
Kenyon have planted "a hedge betweer
their properties. Messrs. LTockuel
and Phelan have planted a row of tree :
around their entire block , and withii
this a row of hedging. They hav <
also planted a row of evergreens , shrub
bcry , and other ornamental plants
which will make their properties tin
handsomest in Sauthwestern Nebraska
Superintendent Campbell also plantee
a row of trees around his residence ane
others in his yard. G. W. Daniel ;
planted a row of trees along the nortl
and west sides of his residence , am
otherwise improved the already nea
appearance of his yard. A. M. Kclle ;
and others have done likewise.
In company with Squire Fisher am
A. E. Lytle , our reporter took the nooi
train , Tuesday , for Benkelman , to pai
ticipate in the session of the Stoc'
Association , which met in that town o
said day. Although reaching the seen
of action rather late to give the Asse
ciation the benefit of our experience i
their deliberations , we were able to prr
cure the minutes of the Cession , whic
appear in their entirety elsewhere i
this issue. It will be observed that th
preliminary round-up will commence o
the 15th of May , beginning on the Mee
icineand , operating westward until the
join the general round-up at the hea
of the.frenchman on the 25th day e
May. Also , it will be observed that th
question of mavericks and fencing i
large tracts of the public domain rcceh
the attention of the Association. A
Association , such as met at Benkelma :
Tuesday , if the members constituthi
the same are energetic , may be vei
effective. Our reporter noted a numbi
of dead cattle along the road , with qui
a sprinkling of dead horses. All stoe
is looking poor and thin , and need wan
invigorating weather to brace them u
There is no denying the fact that tl
past winter was a severe one on stoci
Meeting of Trustees.
The following members elect qua'
fied and took the oath of office : G.
Laws , J. R. Phelan , J. E. Berger ai
V. Franklin. J. E. Berger -was i
elected Chairman , and W. F. Wallac
Treasurer , as was also the present i
cumbcRt to the clerkship. The cinple
ment of an Attorney was held ov
Petition of the I. 0. of G. T. was re
and on motion laid on the table. Beef
of Jos. Braun accepted. Ordinan
No. 4 amended so as to make the liqi
license § 650 per year , instead of $5C
as heretofore. Clerk instructed to iss
ll- Braun license : J. R. Phelan and
L- Franklin voting aye ; Gr. L. Laws , j
Petition and bond of E. Kendall , i
billiard license , was read , and bond
icy jected for want of sufficiency in bon
yli men. On motion , clerk was instruci
li to inform the proprietors of the two di
stores that unless they make applicat
it for permits before the next meeting
e- the Board , ( April 23 , ) they will be p
ceeded against under the ojdinat
DS Also , clerk was instructed to notify
ie proprietor of the billiard hall thai
as case of failure to apply for license
fore the next meeting of the Boa
ie similar .action would be taken. Bo
1C adjourjied to meet Wednesday eveni
April 2k : 1884.
icl The scenery , lamps , etc. , for j
n. I ford's Opera. Hall , ; have arrived.
" '
' '
* . _ * _ _ . _ * _ - - . . . _ -
Judge * * Astimore ? . was 4n town" Wed-
nosdayj on land business.
Mr. " 'Wilson of Lebanon dropped in
to | ec us , Thursday morjiirig.
F. L. McCracken , a fine practical
jeweler from Michigan , -working fqi
H. Byron.
Mr. Benjamin of-Avoca , Iowa , is ir
town for the purpose of looking over
the country.
Postmaster Russell of Hamburg , in
the southeastern part of the county ,
made THE TRIBUNE a pleasant visit
Mrs. Samuel Tatd of Carrico ane
Mrs. Jl T. Wray of Culbcrtson were
the guests of Mrs. LaTourette , Monday
and Tuesday.
Major Criswell and Colonel Suavely ,
Indianola's- soldierly disciples of W. B.
had business before the U. S. Lane
Office , Saturday.
& . W. Daniels has been assisting ir
Rogers' store , this week , during th <
absence of Mr. Rogers in the easterr
part of the state.
S. E. Hibbert of Mission Creek , Neb ,
came up to McCook , Wednesday night
Mr. Hibbert has a half section of lam
northwest of town-
Charles Rogers left , Tuesday morn
ing , for the eastern part of the state
where he will visit his sister before he :
return to. her home in Vermont.
Ed. Wilson , manager of the Circh
Ranch , recently bought from W. J
Wilson by an English syndicate , wa
in town , a number of days this week.
Misses Lillie Rowell and Nellie Fish
er and Messrs. Will Fisher , H. Byron
and Fred Harris of this place attendei
the calico ball at Indianola , Wedncs
day night.
Treasurer Goodrich was in town , Sal
urday , on business. He wiled away
few leisure moments in our sanctun
J. H. is one of the young we are please
to have invade our holy of holies.
Mrs. W. H. McCartney and sistei
Miss Papan of St. Louis , came up t
McCook , Tuesday. Mrs. McCartne
returned on fo. 40 , Miss Papan re
maining with Miss Rowell until th
following day ;
We received a postal from Gco. A
Hunter , recently , ordering his papc
sent to Calton , Gal. , whither he stari
to-day from Kansas City , via A. T. S. ]
road. We wish George ample succes
in his new home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lytle went i
housekeeping in R. B. Archibald's nez
little residence ; Wednesday. . "Neigl
bor"'and family moved last week c
his claim south of Indianola , whei
they will spend the summer.
Fred. Harris returned , Sunday mori
ing , from Denver , where he was cnga ;
ed most of last week in settling sto (
claims , some four hundred and thir
of which have already been prcieuti
to the company for adjustment.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan of Culbci
son were in town , Wednesday. Edt ,
think , makes the handsomest ne\\
paper man in the valley. His beamii
countenance is the result of his co
ncction with the Sun of Culbertso
Messrs. Geo. F. Conn , L. E. Jom
H. Lehrman , and Misses Kate Con
Clara Clift and Lucy Braun , all of Si
ton , Neb. , came up to McCook , Thui
day and returned Saturday. All sa
one or two of the party entered land
this district.
Dr. Constable of Fort Collins , Cc
now occupies the room in the rear
the Citizen Bank , until recently , ]
Willey's dormitory. We have the :
formation that Dr. Constable has
large body of land northwest of ft
Cook , and that he intends stocking
with blooded cattle.
5' Dr. Z. L : Kay , of Cullum , HI. , s
family , arrived in McCook Saturc
night. Dr. Kay comes into our mi
3d well recommended , and we bespeak
him such a share of patronage as .
ability and experience merit. G
m doctor's card appears on tie first ps
) f of this issue. For the present howe
D- he will be found at S. L. Green's di
store ,
jn "Uncle" Stephen Belles of I
Elder , one of our most extensive sto
ea , men , invaded THE TRIBUNE office , M
rd day , acting as guide to a number
ladies from Box Elder , who were a
ious to see a . We
always pleased to show the ladies 3
.0- mysteries of the-"art- preservative
'all arts. '
0. N. Batcheldr returned from an
extended tour through California , New
Mexico and'othcr western states , Satnr-
day. His travels have only impressed
him the moi'e deeply that this is a-good
country to live in' right1 here , in. Red
Willow county. * .
Frank Mitchell , son of H. IT. Mitch
ell , about 17 years of age , 'died at
the Colvin House , Thursday morning
about 4 o'clock. ' Death was the rcsull
of a complication of diseases. He was
first taken down with the mcasels , fol
lowing which came pneumonia , and tc
cap the climax , his heart finally rcfuset
to perform its functions , and , alter but
tling with this dangerous phase of the
case two days , death ensued. His par
ents and relatives have the sympathy
of the community. .
Along Red Willow. *
Helm has sowed several acres oi
Miss Eva 'Rinck is spending a fcv
weeks at home.
Squire Campbell has a large herd o !
sheep doing well.
Mr. Crockford has sold his fine mulci
now drives horses.
Josiah Moore will not engage largely
in onion-raising this year.
Father Dresser has sold his timbc
claim to Engineer Rollins.
0. S. Clark has sold his homestead t <
an Iowa man , who is soon to rcmovi
to it.
R. F. Loomis is preparing to plan
40 acres of corn. He lately butcherci
a 400 Ib. hog.
John F. Helm has leased the ByfieL
hay lands and it is now "Col. Helm'
and not "Col. Black. " ( Courier. )
J. A. Taylor was elected Director i ;
in School District Fo. 1. The distric
is to have 9 months school this year.
Jacob Randel has bought 80 acre
of section 16 , and is building ft hous
on it just east of the Red Willow bridge
A very enjoyable birthday party wa
given at M. B. Brown's , last week , fo
two daughters , Misses Emma and Rex
Lots of presents.
Elder Long rides a "dog cart. " As
W. H. McC. how he got it. Mr. L. i
soon to take another claim near the ne
church at Box Elder.
Ira Miller has lost over 20 head c
cattle during the past winter is see
to move his stock to a new ranch fartl
er up the Willow.
Royal Buck is planting out over 10
fruit trees mostly apple. Has abet
30 acres of small grain in. Will plai
corn this year with a "lister. " .
J. A. Taylor is adding somewhat 1
his .fine fruit garden. He has lease
the Brown half section , which adds fir
pasturage and Iiay land to Ijis range.
James F. Clark has sown 25 acres <
wheat and is preparing for a large acr
age of corn Avhich he will put in with
"lister. " He has lost 5 or 6 head i
cattle during the past winter.
Miss Ada Buck has closed her . labo
with the Indianola school. Will in
teach the coming summer. She h ;
just had her beautiful homestead c
[ closed with a wire fence is having tl
10 acres on her timber claim replant *
to osage orange. RED WILLOW.
No Medicine Can be Compared
Marsh's Golden Balsam.
"Last month I took a severe cold ,
coughed terribly and could not sic
nights. I had a druggist prepare i
some cough syrup , but it did me
good. I then tried MARSH'S GOLD :
BALSAM and was cured at once. It
a.delightful remedy. " ' Henry L. Co <
Sedalia , Mo.
"I have used many cough rcmed
in my family , but none that could p
sibly be compared to MARSH'S GOLD
BALSAM. " F. E. Anderson , Leav fit
worth , Kansas.
"Please send me six dozen MARS'
GOLDEN BALSAM. Everybody like ;
: t and all-call for it. " M. W. } Vils
Druggist , Burton , Mo.
mous throat and lung medicine , :
TONIC , the great blood purifier and li
s corrector , are for sale by S. L. Grc
1C Druggist , McCook. Large bottles
cents and $1. 4G
x of April , 1884 , by Judge Ashim
kn - F. Alfred Loomis and Befsy J
nof Ma'son , both of Red Willow.
of A bullet from love's pocket pistol
pierced one of our number , and
re' ranks of Benedicts receives- the cor
he pending increase' of one. Their . '
of- Willow friends wish theni a pleth
gfainery and crib. .
; Mrs. Oscar Russell has
While attending to some land b'ufcv
ness , north of Indianola' , last week , > J - % *
T. J5irdsall haclJtue'inisforturio eo.g ; | |
his- horse so injured that howls oblfgedy , . . ! *
to leave hcV.jfnd return .onifoot. Mt&
B. is now sick , which 'accounts for'tho'i ' /
Driftwood mail not being , camed thiaj i
week. " '
MAURIKD. 0h Tuesday night' ! aP
the residence of tlte bride , the Ilcv.-
Duhgan officiating Mr. .A. N. Nettle'ton'
to Mrs. S. M. Hartley , . both o Drift- , ,
wood. On Wednesday night a nunif' . ,5' ,
her of young men ( so called ) conceivedV 0
the brilliant idea of cntcrfciiuing.tho'
newly married couple with music ex
tracted from "old pans , boilers , etc.-/
After considerable exercise of tliia * kind-
Mr. N. went to the door to sec if "To- /
phet" had really turned loofce , when one1 . .
of the party , with an assurance whicl ' > '
would have made a "government mule"4
hang his head with , shame , demanded" ' , ,
two dollars as the price of their ab
sence. The demand was not complied
with. We extend our heartfelt con
gratulations to the happy pair ; ami
wish to assure them that this act of the *
young people is far from being endorsed * '
by the ntclligcnt citizens of the , pre
cinct. JOSIE.
Locals umler this liciul 5c. : i line for caelr * *
insertion. Hills payable monthly.
Extra copies of THE TmuujfE at thisv
J. E. Cochran wants 20 more claim '
in this county , to sell. Call on or ad
dress him. See card.
Hereafter we will reejuire that all con
test notices and proof notice be paid ,
for at the time of their first insertion ; .
If you want to either buy or sclly
choice claims and deeded lands , call on
or address J. E. Cochran , McCookj
We put up all letter heads , note
heads , bill heads , etc. , in blotter tablets
if desired , without extra charge. They
are very convenient.
W. M. Sanderson is prepared to do
all kinds of Paper Hanging , Kalsomin- .
ing , and Carriage and Wagon Painting
on short notice. Give him a callSoon.
Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages ,
Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Dccdj
Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build
ing , Receipts , etc. , at THE
TniRir YEARS' WAR. For more
than tliirty years DeLand & Co. have
been waging war on impure and adul-r
terated soda , by placing within the
reach of everybody a perfectly pure ar
ticle. Their goods are No. 1.
Mrs. S. A. Rowell
Has just.received'her Spring Milli
nery , consisting of Ladies and Misses'
hats and bonnets , flowers , feathers , laccsi
and ribbons , and wishes the Ladies to call
and examine before buying elsewhere ;
A girl to do general housework : .In
quire at Citizens Bank.
J. E. BERGER , Plaintiff , ) In Justice Court
vs. VKed Willow Coun-
WM. H. HENUERSON , Deft. ) ty , Nebraska.
\ > Tm. H. Henderson , Defendant , will take
notice that on the 5th day of April , 18SJ. J. E.
llerjjcr , Plaintiff , filed his action before . \ \ .
Fisher , Esq. , u Justice of thu Peace of Ked
Willow county , Nebraska , against said Defen
dant , the object and prayer of which ure tc ?
obtain a judgment , Jin account for seeds EOii
and delivered to the amount of 1'if teen Dollars
and Seventy Cents. ( $15.70) ) with interest from'
January 1st , 1834. Plaintiff lias caused the fol
is lowing Roods to be attached as the property
of said Defendant , yiz :
3 One cook stove , one sofa , one bedstead , one .
: bed spring- , two mattresses , two pillows , oncf
X table , five chairs , one tub , one wash board , one
.pail , which said property is in said State and
1- County and sought to be tak'cn by said attach
ment for the payment of said debt.- You arc
1's required to answer said action on or before
the 10th day of May , 18S1.
's Dated April 7th , 18S1. 45.
it Attorneys i'or Plaintiff.
Of sending resolutions to Bismarck ! What
a- good would thcjdo him ? What could he do
aid with them ? Now , he is a practical man raid'
expects something practical from American
people. If they had sent him one of our cards , *
he would have smiled all over like a plate of
sauerkraut. But what can you expect in a
country where they want to put the dog-sun
50 der bonds 1 Call at Pike's New Lumber Yard
for particulars.
The co-partnership existing under the name
and style of Duusran & Shekels at McCook , Kcd
Willow countv , Neb. , is this day dissolved by
mutual conse'nt. C. II. Dungaii continues the
business at the old stand , and collects all debts
and assumes all liabilities.
ne C. II. DC3fGA3T ,
McCookNeb. . , March 21 , ISSt.
he Attention , Land Attorneys.
2S- We have in stock "Cash Application" and'
2Sed "Proof blank ? , under act approved Juno 15- "
18SO. Same arc put up in $1 and $2
ric ready to mail. Send in your order to'