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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1884)
VOLUME McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL % 1884 ; UMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITEDSTATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L..UW3 , Bigiiter. C. F. BABCCCE , Eotoivcr. OFFICE "HOnns : From fl A. M. to 32 11. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , MeCOOE , EM VTILLQ77 COTOTY , 17EB. Practice In any Courts of the state and Kan- Bag , and the government Land Ofllce of this JMstrict , and before the Land Department at WaBhlnKton. Satisfaction guaranteed , and l rms reasonable. Office 1st door seuth of the U. S. Land Office. 3-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will jrfvc special attention to the practice of law , and making collfctlons. jy Offlce Secmtd bldcknorth of depot , 2 doora north Qreeu's drug store. 2-22. JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT 'TAILOE , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. 53y Fit and Workmanship guaranteed. Als agent f r the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. . FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , ' Red Willow County. Keeps cortlflcd plats of all lands in the Hitehcock land district. Special attention given to all auch business. Correspondence Elicited. - L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , SridsitB Heiisil Depirtoant University Wcostsr. Omen : Two doors cast of the Tribune Office , Where he can be found when notpro- f essionally engaged. Du. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , "McCOOlti NEBRASKA. I will be found at S. L. Green's DrugStore for the prescnh All orders left there will re ceive prompt attention. At T. GATEWOOD ; SURGEON 13ENTIST. B. & M. EATING HOUSE , i * SSTrteervatien f the tCcth a Specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. .Jobbing wiil receive prompt attention at my s lop on Dcunifon St. , opposite McCook Ilc/uac. Plans" and speclflcittons furnished if desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS MfeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. S5yAll jobs promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers * Examinations at Indianola on the third § atxrday of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock. A. M. 25 < tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - KEBRASKA , 7 A11 work guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM MclKTYKE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG' EXPERIENCE ; Jiil work warranted. All material furnished U desired. "Work done on short fiotice. HINMAN & C0 ; , * Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangen McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , "Dcalffss 'furnUhed for Celifos DccoWtlons , either to Pper er Trcsco Painting. ft g wg mm send six cents for postngcand QUI I L , receive free , a cestly box of AH i I * goods which will help y.u to I III JfcB klniorc money rfght away than anything elrt In this world. Alt of either sex , Bncceed from flrut hoftr. The broad road to fortune opens be fore the workers , absolutely sure. At once address TRUE & CO , Autrnsta , Maine. 2-35. | tor the working class. Send 10 cents far postage , and we will mall yon free GOLD . royal. valnaMo box of sample goods v w M that will put yon in the way of making more money In cw days than yon ever thought pos eiblcatanybifctaeM. Caphalnot required. Wewil etart yon. Tott can work all the timeor fB-nparetime , only. The worK Is universally adapted ttf both sexes , young and old. Ton can' easily earn from 50 cent * to B every CTCBtafr That all who -want work may test .the business , we make tnisTinparalleledoffer ; to al wbo are not well satisfied tea will send ft to pay f of the trouble of writing us. Full part IcnlarMtfectlong , etc sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who civc their whole ttae to ths work. Great fficcess absolutely sure , fcoa't delay. Start now. .Address STJXSOX & CO. , fortland , Maine. 2 < 3-7. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES ; & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD.- Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can net hot coffee , etc. WM. FRTJIN , LOCATOR AND LAND AGENT. WILL LOCATE Settlers on Government Lands , buy and sell deeded claims , town lots and government claims. ALL LAND BUSINESS promptly and accurately done , and information as to lands cor rectly given on reasona ble terms. Correspondence Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Saddles f Harness. [ OPPOSITE HOTEL Otf THE HILL. _ Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES . . HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , . WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs , R. H. HAMILTON , NEW MEAT MARKET. Chas. H. DUNGAN. DEALER Iff Fresh f Salt Meats OF ALL KISDS. CUREB OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Lard of our own rendering. Highest clsh price paid for Hides , Furs of all kinds , and Felts. One door west of t'/ie City BaKery. C. H. DUXGAN. Proprietor. Millinery Opening ! Indianola , Mar. 28 & 29 i I have just received a full line of Spring & Summer Goods My stock Is largo and you can make a good selection. My time will be given exclu sively to showing goctfs and giv- 4 ing prices on Friday and Saturday ! ! Of tnis week. I defy competition in quality of goods and prices. Please cll and examine for yourself * Mrs. R ; H , HAMkTON , W. C. LaTOTJKETTE , H DEALER IN | | HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENS1H AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and .Lowest Prices > in Red "Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. W T T , "E "R1 ? O JL JL . . - * * " 'J2LJP JLJr -GENERAL DEALERS IN- IB v V M w BIIIW a IB mm us a bug Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The CelebrateBain ] Waj The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. . Cornet Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . PHARMACY. HAVE IN STOCK A JLINE OF FINE TOILET ARTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK NEBRASKA. * 7 THE CITIZEN'S BANIC OF McCOOK A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn , directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents.- Money- loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- COB1E3PONDENTSJW. i . DOLAlf , President : JFirst National Bank. LinceM-Ncb. . ' V. HLANKLIN , Vice Prcsfccnf r CftnseNationul-Bauk.NewYorKf I W. i * . WALLACE , Cashier. The Basis of Socialism , Four philosophers sat about a round table in a hostlery Sunday afteruoonj and discussed the signs of the times' as they quaffed their lager. "I tell you , " said the" bloodthirsty he" made semicircular philosopher , as a - lar incision the size of a barrel top in a cheese sandwich , "I tell you , and you mark me , that the Cincinnati riot is only a premonition ! There are jloody days before us and they ard lot far away. Outraged man is cry ing to heaven for vengeancej and iieaveii failingto interfere , he will avenge himself , and his revenge will a fearful one. I feel the tinle approaching preaching , and when the downtrodden den majority turn upon their oppres sors their will be riot and carnage jefore which the horror of the reign of terror shall pale into insignificance , met when that time comes I shall lead the avengers ! I am a socialist from jeginning to end , from first to last , * rom Alpha to Omaha ! The fire of insubordination antt socialism are in ne ! I am full of it ! " "And I am with you , " declared the youthful philosopher. "I am full of it , too ! " "You're both of you fuller of beer , " > bserved the skeptical philosopher. "Well1 the drunken philosopher emarked , with a sage hiccough , "beer ish the basish of socialism , anyway. Tht'ish all rigsh. " New York Times. Jx consequence ! of the fast mail service contract with the government , the B. & M. are intending to at once commence placing their road bed be tween Plattsmouth and Omaha in rock ballast order over the entire line which runs along low lands in the , -alleys of Missouri and Platte rivers. is a gay and festive ifcy , and festivals are all the rage with the people. Within a few months she has had opera , dramatic and mus- c festivals. Now comes a "circus festival , " to be followed by a nation al cat show. Cincinnati is nothing if not mewsical. ILIFF , COLORADO. Cattle on the Frenchman and North Fork of the Republican. ILIFF , COLO. , April 1,18S4. Northwestern Live Stock Journal : Have just returned from a trip on the Frenchman and north fork of the Re publican , and have to report stock thin in flesh , but have plenty of rustling qualities left. Grass and water are good on the flat between here and the head of the Frenchman , and a good many cattle. On the Frenchman , down to the TO ranch , grass is rather short along the creek and some cattle are bogging down. General J. L. Brush has an outfit of men at the head of the creek watching weak cattle. At Benkelinan , Neb. , I met Ben. Mourning and Dan Powell in from the south fork of the Republican. They re port having been down on the Smoky river opening fences to allow cattle to go south to the Arkansas. They saw but few dead cattle in that country. Jim Mourning , foreman for McGillin Bros. , also was at Benkelman. From Benkelman up to Haigler there are a great many cattle doing very well , all things considered. From Haigler to the head of Chief creek there are a good many dead cat tle , owing to the closing of the gaps left by the railroad in its fences by par ties who have large pastures itt this part of the country. From the head of Chief creek to Ak ron cattle are to be seen all over the prairie , and as all the buffalo wallows are full offfate'r they are doing first-rate. The loss in this section of the coun try is confined to through , yearling anc cows heavy with calf. . The reason why those two classes suffer most is-obvious to any one who has given the subject any thought. Tfie first are over driven from Texas to this jilace/ and the lat ter , thanks to the policy of allowing bulls to run the year round , have to justle to support two when it is difficult for one to exist- , IN the German language , Staats- achuldenzahlungscasseb u c h h a 11 e r means "Accountant of the bureau' Avhcre the state debts are paiilf" Min . ister Sargent could not prdno\fnco"v this official's title correctly , arid Bis v majck therefore donoluded that Sar gent was incompetent. REV.V. . L. McGiiEW , of Somerset ountyj Pa. , is said to bo the best rjfltf shot in Am'erica , performing all of' Carvdr's and Bogardus' feats- and aV ! jreat manj others they never at tempt. A irian has to be mighty handy with a gun to be a successful preacher in some countries. The rev- , ereild ought to be sent by the con.- ference on a starring tour througlf Texas and Arkansaw. Burdette Tun.Supreme Court of the United States has decided that a man who isr accustomed to having mord than one" pair of breeches may bring a second pair home with him from a foreign" country without paying duty oil them j- even if he has not worn them ; and so" with his wife's petticoats : , But thtf poor devil and his wife , who are not accustomed to having new clothesj must pay duty on what they don't wear , they cannot bring into the Colin-1" try more than their ordinary supply.- But suppose the wife wears the" breeches , will some astute lawyer tell us how the decision of the United' States Supreme Court would apply in such a case ? " Bee. that is born into this world is of few days and chucked full of trouble. He cometh forth as a big sunflower and is cut down , and where is he ? Conundrum. Now the evil days come in which he shall say , , "I have , no pleasure in them , " for in a few-short days the wife of his'UBsom will be cleaning house , and he will have no place to lay his head.Frorii the rising even to the going down of the sun , he will be monkeying a'roundj raking the yard burning straw and old rags , and feathers , and government socks , and raising an incense more . "ragrant than the inside of a wigwam ; ETe will draw water , and carry coalj and beat carpets , and fill bed ticks- , and put down carpets , and swear and Dlack stoves , and whitewash } and scrub , and. cuss- , and paint , and make limself generally obnoxious. He will stand it a day or two and then , some iime when his wife isn't looking , take' a fish pole , and a little bottle of snake ' jite antidote- , and some worms } a hunk of codfish batej and a small portion of spirittis fermenti , and go out tcf bave a real good time with the boys. X can be good and happy with out fortune and without fame and" without church membership , but he" cannot reach any good in the path of the drunkard. That vice attacks at one time the money and the body And the brain of its victim. It leaves nothing untouched. As the molten lava rolling down into a tropical val ley scorches all things and leaves not a leaf of green and not a drop of water or dew , but transforms a para dise into an. iron rock , so the passion for strong drink blights the young man's world , and leaves just enough of body or dust or memory to catch a mother's or a sister's tears. Gam- blino' and other sins ask for and receive - o ceive their quota of victims , and our" age , with a generosity perfectly in fernal , hands over an annual payment of thousands of souls , but compared with the ruin wrought by drunken ness the injury from other" vices is slight. But for this one evil partly come and partly impending , we could make a tolerable analysis of the young man of to-day , and could read with delight the most probable page of the' morrow. Had this one vice kept away from earth- the wound of the serpent in the garden of Eden might havo" seemed curablej-bUt the cup of ardenfi spirits having come into the" world of almostber - the sorrows man seem - - yond remedy. - J , I