NUMBER 4S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. E. COCHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , MeCOOr , BED WILLOW COUNTY , NEB. . Practice In any Courts of the state and Kan- BOH. and the government Land Oflicc of this Ulstrict , and before the Land Department nt Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and terujH reasonable. Oflicc 1st door smith of the U.K. 'Land Office. 2-28. JENNINGS & STAHBUCK , ATTORNEYS jAT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. TVill Rive uppcinl attention to the practice of law , and making collections. E2r"Ofllce Second block north of depot , 2 doors north Green's drug store. JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR , McCooK , : : NEBRASKA. Workmanship guaranteed. Als agent for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing : Machine. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. I Keeps certified plats of all lands in the .1 Ilitehcock land district. Special attention { riven to all such business. Correspondence solicited. i-il. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. R. R , OIHcc at B. & M. Pharmacy , , McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. L. LEE JOHNSON , Mi D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Griiuits Medical Depsrtnost University Wootr. Olllcc In rear of Citizen's Bank , where he can be found wheu nut professionally engaged. A. T. GATEWOOD , SUR.GEON DENTIST. V B. & M. EATING HOUSE. " S3 ? " Precrvati8n .f the teeth a specialty. J ! [ l JOHN F. COLLINS , I1 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , > McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will rccolvc prompt attention at my shop on Drnnisim St. , opjxisltc McCook House. Plans and tpccltlcatloiiK furnlMied It desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS it McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. C2T"A11 jobs promptly attended to. I C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers * Examinations at Indhmola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 3 o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , JIcCooic , - NEBRASKA. wsrk guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. 1IINMAN & CO. , Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. - < S57 Desfgns furnished for Celling Decorations , cither In paper or Fresco Tainting. Send B.X cents for postngeand receive free , a cwstly box of A PRIZE goods which will help j u to imore money right awuy than anything else In this world. All of either s > ex. succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens be fore the workers , absolutely sure. At pncc address TRUE & CO. , Augusta , Maine. 2-35. LANDS AND PATENTS. E. M. MAEBLE. Upwards of three years Assistant Attorney General of the United States for the Interior Department. Practices before the General Land Office and the In ! /.v terior Department In land and mining canes. Ob tains patents for Inventions in this and foreign ' iff' countries. Nearly three and one-half years Com missioner 5f Patents. Office , Le Drolt Building , Washington , D. C. | for the working class. Send 10 cents I ! for postage , and we will mall yon free GOLD I a royal , valuable box of sample goods _ _ "thai will put you In the way of making more money In a few days than you ever thought pos- alblc at any business. Capital net required. AYc will start you. You can work all the time or in spare time oxly. The work Is universally adapted to both sexes , young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every cTcalng. That aU who want work m y test the business , we make this unparalleled offer ; to all who are not well satisfied 3V will send $1 to pay for thc.trouble of writing u . Full particulars , directions , etcecnt free. Fortunes will be made by those who glre their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start cow. Address STIKSOX & CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-35. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PIIOPJIIETORS. WE KEEP ON HA1O ) BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. WM. FRUIN , LOCATOR WILL LOCATE Settlers on Government Lands , buy and sell deeded claims , town lots and government claims. ALL LAND BUSINESS promptly and accurately done , and information as to lands cor rectly given on reasona ble terms. Correspondence Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Saddles fHarn [ OPPOSITE HOTEL OX THE HILL. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. NEW MEAT MARKET. Chas. H. DUN6AN , DEALER Hi Fresli f Salt Meats ® F ALL KINDS. CUREK OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Lard of oar own rendering. Highest cash price paid for Hides , Furs of all kinds , and Pelts. One door west of t > ic City Bakery. C. H. DUXGAX. Proprietor. Millinery Opening ! w % iv Indianola , Mar. 28&29 I have just received a full line of Spring & Summer Goods My stock is large and you can moke a good selection. My time will be given exclu sively to showing : goods and giv ing prices on Friday and Saturday ! Of this week. I defy competition in quality of goods and prices. Please cell and examine for yourself. Mrs. R. H. HAMILTON , i W. 0. LaTOUEETTE . . . , HDEALER 'IX | | E d ® , AGRIGUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , ufiViffl O The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED , Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK NEBRASKA. -GENERAL DEALERS IX- fTP ! Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Comer Store , Opposite Citizen's Bainlc , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will Tbe sold only in cases of sickness , and then only oil Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Might. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. MCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. loney to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- C02BESPONDEKTS : "First National Bunk. Lincoln , Xcb. Chute National Bunk , 2fcw York. J.W. DOLAX , President. V.'FKANKLIN. ViccPrcsicent. W. F. WALLACE , ttithier. " "NYiLi , you nunc ; the bones of the * i skull V" "They are . .ill in my head , professor , but I can't give them. " GEOKGIALVUHD TOAVXSEXD takes it tJiat : "Three tliinp-s make the life O of women : In youth a doll baby ; in maidenhood , or thereabouts , a nice man ; and later on in life , a beautiful' divorce. " Peradvcnture "Oath" kens. informed by a scientific au thority that "five thousand molecules can sit comfortably on the point of a pin , " the Norristown Herald is moved to say that "Herein the molecule dif fers materially from man. who couldn't sit comfortably on the point of a pin to save his life. " " A YEKV touching story of apprecia tion of a dog's usefulness and grati tude for his services conies from New Mexico. A man who got lost in tire mountains and found starvation star ing himself and his faithful dog in the face , cut off the dog's tail and ate it , and beino ; a humane man he * O thoughtfully gave the dog the bone. Louo CoLEuinoi : is delighting his English friends -with stories of his American visit , and amonc : them with * Cj this. Ho was at Mount Version with Mr. Evarls and , talking about Wash ington , said : UI have heard that he was a very strong maji physically , and that , standing on the lawn here , he could throw a dollar rio-lit across O the river on to the other bank. " Mr. Evarts paused a moment to measure the breadth of the river with his eye. It seemed rather a "tall" story , but it was not for him to belittle the father of the country in the eyes of a foreign er.'Don't you believe it ? " asked Lord Coleridge. "Yes , " Mr. Evarts replied , "I think it's very likely to be true. You know a dollar would go farther in those days than it does now. " RKJEAEKIXG on the analysis which disclosed the presence of a large per centage of fusel oil in the so-called "rock and rye" candy , the Brooklyn Eagle says : "It may be of interest to parents as well as our temperance agitators to know that the nervous derangements of dipsomaniacs are dis tinctly traceable to the effects of the fusel oil in their potations , and that it is from the ingredient that the medi cal faculty meets with the greatest difficulty in restoring tone to the shat tered system. One of its effects is to produce that appetite for strong drink , which in the majority of cases of chronic intemperance defies cure. The candy seller , therefore , is not only guilty of sellingan acute poison tcxvchilclren , but of the crime of per verting their moral nature and invit ing the evils that follow in the train of drunkenness. " Tin ; following dispatch , sent to Col. D. C. Dodge , general manager of the Denver and Rio- Grande rail way , last Monday , and received by that gentleman while out on the line , is about as brief and pointed as any communication of this character could be : You arc hereby discharged from service the employ of the Denver and llio' Grande railway company. F. LOVEJOY , President. 153- order of the board of directors. There is considerable music in Colorado railway atmosphere at the present time. The annual meeting of the stockholders will occur on the 7th inst. , at which time Mr. Lovejoy will either be sustained in this ac tion or respectfully requested to re sign. The chances are his summary dismissal of Col. Dodo-e will be ap- O * 1 proved. Col. Dodge represents the Palmer interest in the "Baby Road. " This faction received a very black eye last year when Gen. Palmer was com pelled to resign. The stockholders seem to be determined that all Gen. Palmer's friends shall also walk out of the service of the company. Re publican. OUR CORRESPONDENCE. INDIANOLA. Sheriff Miles from Frontier County was in our town , last night. Conic the 12th and help make officers for the agricultural society , this i'all. If you have any. * trotting horses in McCook , bring them down on the -Oth and you can get a race. Mr. Powers and family , the gentle man who is going to start a newspaper at Stockvillc , went up to that town Monday. The citizens of Indianola have raised $ -10 to fix up the county race track and you can all look for a good county fair , this fall. Our hotel under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Lynch is running nicely. They know how to treat you .when you atop with them. At our school meeting Monday , Dr. Shaw was elected Director , and C. S. Quick , Treasurer. Ten mills school tax was voted for all purposes. Our new Village Trustees arc J. IT. Short , C. D. Cramer James llothering- ton , Jesse D. Wclborn and A. E. Alexander , all good men. No saloon keeper nccp apply. We arc to have a big horse race here on the 2Gth of this month. Mr. Short's black marc anil Miles' grayjiorsc. One half mile i. dash , $100 a side. Conic down and sec the iun. Mr. Peterson and family have settled in our town , lie has bought out Pharcs * harness shop and stock. Mr. Peterson is from Fillmorc county. We welcome them among us. Our school will open next Monday with two teachers. We arc to have two and one half months school this spring and summer , and six and one half months fall and winter term. Our school district has 130 children of school age. April 8th. A BENKELMAN. Our business men feel jubilant over the business prospects , after so long and dull a winter. Business is looking up and increasing rapidly. Our town has been quiet , this week , and we voice the sentiment of Bcnkcl- man's best citizens when we state that we hope the days of ruffianism arc past. There arc several sheep herds in this vicinity , which have become thin du ring the long and severe winter. There is considerable scab existing among them , but losses haven't been great , as sheepmen have made complete prepara tions for them. We have had a heavy snow storm , this week , and stock suffered worse than during any storm tins winter , owing to their being so poor. There has been considerable loss in young calves. But now the weather has turned fine , grass is growing nicely , and I think all dan ger of loss is over. ST. LAWRENCE. Benkelman , April 4th. CARRICO. Mi- . John Ryan and wife have moved out on their claim. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tate went to McCook , Wednesday. Mrs. Stokes , II. H. Troth and family were down to Carrico , Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Kceler have gone to McCook to get supplies. Mr. K. will also make final proof on his claim during his absence. Thursday was Miss Fannny Paxton's birthday , and in the evening , a of friends assembled at her residence and celebrated the event with a pleas ant social evening. Miss Lucy Braugh and Roger Braugh came home from North Plattc , last Saturdtion a weeks vacation , accom panied by Mis Carrie Bowen , and they with Miss Hallie and Ettic Braugh visited friends in Carrico , this week. Carrico , Xeb. PHILO. Ax exchange says there are 400- , 000.000 Christians hidden away in the world. Not so. They usually make their appearancb when Ii < rer- sell gets around.