fff- SLAUGHTER IN PRICES AT G. W. DANIELS , Manager. HAVE IN STOCK AND FOR SALE TO CLOSE AT COST : * j 1 Overcoats , f " f , Overshoes , Underwear , , i * f Boots & Shoes , Winter Clothing , 11 Ibs. GRANULATED SUGAR $1.00 12 Ibs. EXTRA "C" SUGAR $1.00 18 BARS WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP $1.00 20 BARS CLIMAX SOAP $1.00 25 BARS STANDARD SOAP $1.00 10 CANS LIMA "BEANS $1.00 10 CANS BLACKBERRIES $1.00 10 CANS CORN $1.00 9 CANS 3-POUND TOMATOES $1.00 10 CANS MARROWFAT PEAS $1.00 20 Ibs. * NAVY BEANS $1.00 10 CANS STRAWBERRIES $1.00 10 CANS STRING BEANS $1.00 20 YARDS PRINTS $1.00 ' 15 YARDS GOOD MUSLIN $1.00 LADIES' AND GENT'S ! Children's & Misses' * WOOLEN GOODS ! At Greatly Reduced .Prices. Flannels & Woolen Underwear OF ALL KINDS AT LESS THAN COST. Woolen Scarfs , Yarns , Etc. , At prices never before heard of. Now is the , tune to secure great bargains. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! HAYDEN & CO. , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Great Western Furniture Emporium. o H O > I 2 O > % g K Hoe ° 3 o H 2 < 3 oo EJ H CQ I6' ' J , E.5BERGER , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB. - I mmr I IN THE FAR WEST And Offer Rare Chances FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN AI2D SPECULATOR , THE TOWN OF MeSOOK In Ked Willow County , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , and lots in the market , for just one year and has now a population of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. , B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER < fe DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from $150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to $200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. NEW LUMBEK YARD. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Ill Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Seasoned and Kiln Dried Lumber , H. W. PIKE. McCOOK , Bed Willow County , - Nebraska , . ARAPAHOE STAR MILLS FLOUR. WARRANTED TO BE TH FINEST -N THE MARKET , > > FOB SALS HAYDEN i CO , AGENTS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD HALL & FAVORITE RESORT , THE PLACE L ce Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Nuts , CHOICE CIGARS , CANDY , ETC , lELLIAKD and POOL TABLE. CALI/and ENJOY YOURSELVES * , - C. M. Being aware that there has been a big loss , this winter , on stock , I am determined that none shall be compelled to steal or suffer , and-have put my PRICES DOWN VERY BOTTOM ! MEN'S AND BOY'S READY MADE CLOTHING * / I have just opened.up a fine lot of CLOTHING of a very fine quality. A choice lot of goods to select from. Throw off your old clothes , and don a nev suit. There is no necessity for going around with your knees and elbows out , when I can fit you out BO neatly and cheap. HATS AND CAPS. I have also a new invoice of Hats and Caps , which for style and price can't be excelled. Why will you go around with a bunch of hair sticking out of thereof roof of. your old hat , when I can sell you one so re markably low. If I can't suit you in the hat line , you can't be suited anywhere , as I have them from the lowest to the highest grade. 30QTS OA ® I have a large stock of Boots and Shoes that I call your attention to , also Dress Goods , Muslins , Calico , Notions , Eibbons , Laces , etc. , that I am selling at astonishingly low prices. lam also at the front with the largest and best as- sortecl stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries that can be found in the west , at the very lowest prices. Will compete with any prices , and will not be undersold. For anything in this branch I ask your patronage , and am confident that I can hold your trade , as I carry no inferior goods. C. H. ROGERS. FREES & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE HDEALERS IN .umber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hard and Soft Coal , YARDS AT HcCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford. rft