McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 20, 1884, Image 3
IOWNIRG DISASTER. Explosion in a Virginia Coal Mine .Utcml- eaitfth Fearful Loss of Life.- LYNCHBDRG , Va.t March ifc. A special from Pocahontas this morning says : An explosion occurred in the coal mines here last night at 10:30 , and from one hun dred and twenty to one hundred and fifty miners were killed. LATER Furtherintelllgence from Poca hontas represents the work of destruction at the coal mines as horrible and complete. There were 150 men in the mine at the time of the explosion , none of whom are be lieved to have escaped. Those not killed outright by the terriblQ force of the explo sion most likely perished from after-damp. The cause of the explosion is not yet detf- nitely ascertained , as the entry to the mine is ull full of bad air , but the presumption Is that one of the miners struck fissure gas. The latest intelligence Is that an exploring party entered the mine a short distance and brought out nix bodies in a frightfully mu tilated condition. There is ho hope that any can be rescued alive. beveral parties ventured into the mines this morning , but could not stand the at mosphere. A number of bodies were dis covered , horribly mangled , some of them with their heads torn from the trunks and others with limbs all gone , presenting an appalling spectacle. The work of destruc tion was not confined entirely to the interior of the mines , but houses two or three hun dred feet removed from- the mines were overturned and in several Instances entirely demolished. The latest'intelligence from the Pocahon tas mine is that abeut 150 men were killed. The accident was caused by the men going too far with lamps. All the machinery was wrecked. Efforts are making to recover the bodies , but. In consequence of after-damp verv little progress is made. A relief train , with physicians and explorers , has gone to the scene of the accident. The scenes in the vicinity of the disaster are heartrending in the extreme. PocHAHONTAs.Va. , March 14. The mines are still on fire , and the only means of putting it out is to close and seal them. This is now being done , and the mines will remain sealed probably two weeks. None of the bodies have been recovered. The Burlington's New Departure. Commencing March 7th , the C. , B. & Q. began running a full solid train , in cluding Pullman palace sleeping cars , from the Omaha depot , at foot of Tenth street , to the Union depot in Chicago , without change , transfer or delay of any kind. The train leaves the Omaha depot daily at 4:50 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 2:30 p. in. Leaving Chicago dally at 12:50 , it arrives at Omaha at 9:25 a. m. Standard central time is used. JBaggage is checked to.destinaiion and rates made as low as by any other route. By using this route and train much time is saved and inconvenience avoided. Time tables , sleeping-car accommodations , and all other infoimation furnished at the gen eral ticket ofBce of Harry Deuel , Omaha. Alarm About the Cattle Plague. KANSAS Crrr , March 9. Cattle men here are generally exercised over the feared increase of the foot and mouth disease among the vast herds of cattle throughout Kansas and the Indian territory , and Gov. Qlick , of Kansas , has .been personally so licited to interest himself in the matter. As yet the disease , has only made its appear ance in two counties-in Kansas , and the citizens are carefully guarding against its spreading. If deemed necessary , all afflict ed cattle will be killed , the carcases burned and a strict quarantine demanded. Several hundred cattle are at present afflicted in the vicinity of Woodson county , Kansas , and the disease is being spread in various ways by dogs carrying bones , rabbits crossing fields where these cattle are , . hay that has been mouthed over , wheels of wagons or boots and clothing of men pass ing the fields , carrying it from one section to the other. A well known stockman stated that germs of the disease would re main in the cars for six months. Sheep as well as cattle can be afflicted. Eiot at an Opera House. A riot occurred in San Francisco the 14th over the sale of Patti tickets. A crowd 1,500 strong burst in the doors of the Grand opera house and smashed all the plants and pictures. The fury was sogreat that a man picked up a boy and hurled him " through the door of the"vestibule. . The I ! boy was badly hurt. Coats and dresses were torn to tatters and several women badly injured. Many fainted. . The crowd threatened to tear the box office down and gut the whole building unless the box office opened. The rioters smashed in the windows dews of the box office and the agent es caped and sent for the police. After a hard struggle and many arrests order was re stored. Mapleson was arrested and booked at the city prison for violating the fire ordi nance in selling more tickets than there were seats in the house. He was released on bonds. The Situation at the Pocahontas Mine. There is little of additional interest from the Pocahontas mines up to the 14th. Another explosion was feared , and as a precaution against loss of life , a guard had been set at the entrance to the mines. The east mine will be worked again in a few days. The resumption of work in the west mine , where the explosion occurred , will not take place for two months or more. Governor Cameron , of Virginia , has been informed that $2,500 would meet the press ing necessities of the dependants of en tombed * miners. Soliciting committees raised over $500 in a short time at Lynchburg - burg , and a call has been made for a meeting - , ing of the Lynchbuig tobacco association for the purpose of increasing the subscrip tion. Fifty barrels of flour and 2,500 pounds of bacon have been shipped to the sufferers. Public speakers and singers use Flso'a Cure for oarsenet9 and weak lungs. Girls' Book Knowledge. Popular Science Monthly. Think of an undeveloped brain get ting up book knowledge on ten differ ent subjects all the same day , and this going on day after day for several years ! It is altogether contrary to the principles of sound psychology to imagine - , agine that any sort of mental process , worthy of the name of brain thinking , can take place in that brain while this is going on. The natural tendency of a good brain at that age to be inquisi tive and receptive is glutted to more than satiety. The natural process of building up a fabric of mental com pleteness by having each new fact and observation looked at indifferent ways , and having it suggest other facts and ideas , and then settle down as a part of the regular furniture of the mind , can not possibly go on where new facts are shoveled in by the hundred day by day. The effect of this is bad on boys , but is worse on girls , because it is more alien to their mental constitutions. A Michiganjfarmer objects to his son taking up the study of physiologywhich is in regular course of the schools. The authorities insist. The parent thinks he can select what studies he choosgs for his boy , and. will take the matter into court. Eleven counties in Oregon have yet to hear the shrill whistle of the loco motive. "THE THIRD HOUSE. " ltd Good and Bad Membew-rThc Bemark- able Experience * ot ; Close Obier- ver. of IU Workings During ; Long Beifdeace IB ' WaahiBgton. Correspondence Rochester Democrat. No city upon the American continent has a larger floating population than Washington. It is estimated that dur ing the sessions of congress twenty- five thousand people , whose homes are in various parts of this and other coun tries , make this city their place of resi dence. Some come here , attracted by the advantages the city offers for mak ing the acquaintance of public men ; others have various , claims which they wish to present , while the great major ity gather here , as the crows flock to the carrion , for the sole purpose of get- ling a morsel at the public crib. The latter class , as a general thing , origin ate the many schemes which terminate in vicious bills , all of which are neither directed at the public treasury , or toward that revenue which the black mailing of corporations or private en terprises may bring. While walking down Pennsylvania avenue the other day , I met Mr. Wil liam M. Ashley , formerly of your city , whose long residence here has made him unusually well acquainted with the operations of the lobby. Having made my wante in this par ticular direction known , in answer to an interrogative , Mr. Ashley said : "Yes , during my residence here I have become well acquainted with the workings of the 'Third House,1 as it is termed , and could tell you of numerous jobs , which , like the 'Heathen Chinee , ' are peculiar. " "You do not regard the lobby , as a body , vicious , do you ? " "Not necessarily so there are good and bad men comprising that body ; yet there have been times when it must be admitted that the combined power of the 'third house1 has overridden the will of the people. The bad influ ence ot the lobby can be seen in the numerous blood-bills that are intro duced at every session. " " 3ut kow can these be discovered ? " "Easily enough , to the person who has made the thing a study. I can de tect them at a glance. " "Tell to what bills do me , you re fer ? " "Well , take the annual gas bills , for instance. They are introduced for the purpose of bleeding the Washington gaslight company. They usually re sult in an investigating committee which never amounts to anything more than a draft upon the public treasury for the expenses of the investigation. Another squeeze is the abattoir bills , as they are called. These , ef course , are fought by the butchers and market-men. The first attempt to force a bill of this de scription was in 1877 , when a promi nent Washington politician offered a fabulous sum for the franchise. " "Anything else in this line that you think of , Mr. Ashley P" "Yes , there's the job to reclaim the Potomac flats , which , had it become a law , would have resulted in an enor mous steal. The work is now being done by the government itself , and will rid the place of that malarial atmos phere of which we hear so much out side the city. " "During your residence here have you experienced the bad results of liv ing in this climate ? " "Well , while I have not at all times enjoyed good health , I am certain that the difficulty which laid me up so long was not malarial. It was something that had troubled me for years. A shooting , stinging pain that at , times at tacked different parts of my body. One day my right arm and leg would tor ture me with pain , there would be great redness , heat and swelling of the parts ; and perhaps the next day the left arm and leg would be similarly af fected. Then again-it would locate in some particular part of my body and produce a tenderness which would well nigh drive me frantic. There would be weeks at a time that I would be af flicted with an intermitting kind of pain , that would come on every after noon and leave me comparatively free from suffering during the balance of the twenty-four hours. Then I would have terrible paroxysms of pain com ing on at any time during the day or night when I would be obliged to lie upon my back for hours and keep -as motionless as possible. Every time I attempted to move a chilly sensation would pass over my body , or I would faint from hot flushes. 1 suffered from a spasmodic contraction of the mus cles and a soreness of the back and bowels , and even my eyeballs became sore and distressed me greatly when ever I wiped my face. 1 became ill- tempered , peevish , fretful , irritable and desperately despondent. " "Of course you consulted the doctors regarding your difficulty ? " "Consulted them ? Well I should say I did. Some told me I had neu ralgia ; others that I had inflammatory rheumatism , for which there was no cure ; that I would be afflicted all my life , and that time alone would miti gate my sufferings. " "But didn't they try to relieve your miseries ? " "Yes , they vomited and physiced me , blistered and bled me , plastered and oiled me , sweat , steamed and every thing but froze me , but without avail. " "But how did you finally recover ? " "I had a friend living in Michigan who had been afflicted in a similar way and had been cured. He wrote me re garding his recovery and advised mete to try the remedy which cured him. I procured a bottle and commenced its use , taking a tablespoonful after each meal and at bedtime. I had used it about a week when I noticed a decrease of the soreness of the joints and a gen eral feeling of relief. I persevered in its use and finally got so I could move around without limping , when I told my friends that it was Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure that had put me on my feet. " "And do you regard your cure as permanent ? " "Certainly ; I haven't been so well in years as I am now , and although I have been subjected to frequent and se vere changes-of weather this winter , I have not felt the first intimation of the return of my rheumatic trouble. " "Do1 you object to the publication of this interview , Mr. Ashley ? " "Not at all , sir. 1 look upon it as a duty I owe my fellow creatures to alle viate their sufferings so far as I am able , and any communication regard ing my symptoms and care that may be sent to me at 506 Maine avenue will receive prompt and careful at tention. " ' "Judging from your recital , Mr. Ashley , there must be wonderful curative , - tive properties about this medicine ? " "Indeed , there is , sir , for no man suffered more nor longer than did I before this remedy gave me relief. " "To go back to the original subject , Mr. Ashley , I suppose you see the same familiar faces about the lobby session after session ? " "No , not so much so as you might think. New faces are constantly seen and old ones disappear. The strain upon lobbyists is necessarily very great , and when you add to this the demoral izing effect of late hours and intemper ate habits and.the. . . fact that they are after found out in their steals , their disappearance can easily be accounted for. " "What proportion of these blood- bills are successful ? " "A verv small percentage , sir. Not withstanding the power and influence of the lobby , but .few of these vicious measures pass. Were they successful it would be a sad commentary upon our system of government , and would virtually annihilate one branch of it. The great majority of them are either reported adversely or smothered in committee by the watchfulness and loy alty of our congressmen. " J. E. D. Oar Animal Census. New York Mall and Express. The number of people in the United increases about 1,500,000 a year , but the number of farm animals increased 4,000,000 during l883 , according to a report just presented to the commis sioner of agriculture by Mr. Dodge , statistician of the agricultural depart . The world-wide attention ment. - re cently excited by the American' hog gives especial interest at the present time to the animal census of the re public , which is as follows : Animals 1884. 1883. Increase. Horses 11,169,683 10,838,111 331,572 Mules 1,914,120 1,871,047 , 43,047 Milch cows3,501,20G 18,125,635 375,521 Othercattle29,046,101 28,046,077 1,000,024 Sheep 50,626,626 49,237,291 1,389,335 Swine 44,200,893 43,270,086 930,807 Although we have less pigs than people , we have more than any other country on earth , and we have almost a sheep apiece , or nearly twice as many of the fleecy family as the United King dom , and we have more milch cows than all ' the British cattle together. We have'about as many horses as fam ilies , allowing an average of five per sons to each family ; and there is one mule for every thirty inhabitants. Dur ing its first century this republic doubled its population every twenty- five years , and Air. Griffen , an eminent Erfglish statistician , recently attempted to excite alarm by predicting that our growth will continue at the same rate until the soil will not be able to sup port so many people. It will not be equally perplexing to know how to re duce the animal census , should theie ever be danger of overcrowding , as in dicated by the present rate of increase. Powder is like money. It's awful hard to hold after it begining to go. Proud flesh The aristocracy. For Nausea , Dizziness and Sick Head ache , Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigbrator has no equal. Osman's last request : ' -'Digma a grave , fellahs. ' ' For Coughs aud Throat Disorders use BROWN'S BROXCU > AL TROCHES. ' 'Have never changed my mind respecting them , except I think better of that which 1 began thinking well ot.Rev. . Henry Ward Beecher. Sold only in boxes. The peach crop has been officially de stroyed. I have been a severe sufferer from Ca tarrh for the past fifteen years , with dis tressing pain over my eyes. Gradually the disease worked down upon my lungs. About a year and a half ago I commenced using Ely's Cream Balm , with most grati fying results , and am to-day apparently cured. Z. C. WARREN , Rutland , Vt. My Daughter and myself , great suffer ers irom Catarrh , hare been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of smell restored and health greatly improved. C. M. STAN LEY , Merchant , Ithaca , N. Y. ( Easy to use. Price 50 cents. ) The boss copy wrighter the proof reader. _ There was a young man so well bred , That the hair would not s.tay on his head , But the Carbbline oil Putne y hair on the soil , And now with an heiress he's wed. NThe public debt was reduced $2,000,000 in February. "Rough on Couch * . " 15c. , 25a , SOc. , at Drue- cists , complete cure Coughs , Hoarseness , Bore Throat. The right bower the man who nods in a proper manner. For Dyspepila , Indigestion. Depression of Spirits and General debility , In their various forma ; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague , and other Intermittent Fevers , the "Ferro-Phoipho rated Elixir of CalUaya , " made by Caswell , Hazard & Co. , New York , aid Bold by all druggists , IB the best tonic ; and for patients recovering from fevers or other sickness , it baa no equal. Credit is the thing that keeps a man in debt. This is not from the Persian. READ THIS. The Army and Navy Lini ment will positively take the soreness out of Spavin , Ringoone , Splint or Curb , and stops their growth * . See advertisement. The man who "found his level" was a carpenter , of course. _ "Songh on Tooth Ache. " Ask for it. In stant relief , qnick , cure. 15c. Druggists. - " * M M MBW H M BVB M Cold water is more of a killer than a cure out west. _ Piles ! Piles ! Piles ! Sure cure for Blind , Blooding and Itching Piles , One box has cured the worst oases of 20 years' standing. No one need Buffer D minutes after using Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors , allays itching , acts as poultice. rives instant relief. Prepared only for .piles itching of private parts nothing else. Mailed for $1. FRAZIEU MEDICINE Co. , Cleveland , O. If there is a divinity that doth hedge about a King , what is it that doth hedge about an ace ? MEBr. "Wplls'Health Renewer" restores health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impo tence. $1. Exit tight trousers poor dudes. Verily the West has a cold water army. Wkui you rtoiror leave New York City , roe Bicgsge , EzpreoMge and Carriage Hire , anditop at GRAND UNION HOTEL , oppositei Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant ropma , fitted tip at a coat of one million del laii , * reduced to $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Beataurant sup plied with the best. Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. 'Tables as good as any $3.00 per day house. He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own , W. H. Worthington , editor of the " .Pat rons of Husbandry" published at Colum bus , Mass. , writes under date of Feb. 26 , 1882 : "Your great Remedy Allen's Lnng Balsam I have used in my family for fifteen years for Coughs and colds and know it to be the best. Bridges in Ohio were damaged to the ex tent of $50,000. "Mother Swan' * "Worm Syrup , " for fever- Ishnev , restlessness , worms , constipation ; , taste less. 25c. * * . IT. I Tha poetry of motion lines written by a trembling hand. ' ' 3Iens sane in corpore sane : " "A sound mind in & sound body" in the trade mark of Allen's Brain Food , and we assure our readers that , if dissatisfied with either weakness of Brain ior Bodily powers , this remedy will permanently strengthen both. $1 At druggists , or by mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Aye. . New York City. Governor Sherman , of Iowa , pardoned 83 convicts last year. * Miss Alice Rickel , of West Union , Iowa , who has been paralyzed for live years is now at Dr. Dickerson & Stark's Surgical Institute at Kansas City , for medical treat ment. The Surgeons are hopeful of restor ing to Miss Rickel the use of ner limbs. RNever despise small things a diamond for instance. Restoring Weary Minds. The Judges of the court of Areopagus in Athens , when bothered with a cause they couldn't unravel , disposed of it by order ing the parties to appear again in a hundred years , and then proceed to restore their weary minds with a dose of Allen's Iron Tonic Bitters. All genuine bear the signa ture of J. P. Allen , St. Paul. Minn. Another kind of a crazy quilt is one that is too short at both ends. All poisonous matter is carried off from the system by Samaritan Nervine. $1.50. A cordial shake shaking for the drinks. Par excellence a good father. ' 'For 9 years my daughter had epileptic fits , " writes J. N. Marshall , of Granby , Mo. , "Samaritan Nervine cured her. " At Druggists. The disease of the meter gas trick fever. Remember the poor ; it costs nothing. If there ever was a specific for iny one complaint then Carter Little Liver Pills are a rpecific for Sick Headache , and eveiy woman should know this. They are not only a positive cure , but a sure preventive if taken when the approach is felt. Carter's Little Liver Pills act directly on the liver and bile , and in this way remove the couse of disease without first making you sick by a weakening purge. If you try them you will not be disappointed ; Our actions must clothe us with an im mortality loathesome or glorious. COMMERCIAL , OMAHA. WHEAT No. . 2 74 © 74K BARLEY No. 2 51 ( d > 52 RYK No. 3 44a > CORN No. 2 37 © OATS No. 2 32 © FLOUR Wheat Graham. . 2 75 CHOP FEED cwt 90 SHORTS Per ton 14 00 ORANGES Messinaperbx 3 25 ( a ) 3 50 LEMONS Messina , perbx 4 uo ( a 4 25 APPLES Per barrel 4 50 @ 5 00 BUTTER Creamerv 30 © 32 BUTTER Best country roll 12 © 15 EGGS Fresh 12 > i © 14 HAMS Perlb 134' POTATOES Choice 50 © 60 HAY In bulk , per ton. . . 600 © 700 LARD Refined per lb. . . . 15 SHEEP 300 © 425 CATTLE 3 50 © 4 00 HOGS 6 oo © 6 so CALVES 560 © 650 CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel. . . . . . 91& © 92& CORN Per bushel , 52 # © 54 * OATS Per bushel 32 © 32 * PORK 17 58 ( a 17 85 LARD 9 37K © 940 HOGS Pckg and shipp'g. 6 65 © 7 00 CATTLE Exports -6 25 © 6 85 SHEEP Medium to good. . 475 © 525 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 1 09 * © 1 09 % CORN Per bushel 48 * © 49 * OATS Per bushel 32 * © 33 * CATTLE Exports 6 50 © 7 00 SHEEP Medium 400 © 425 HOGS Packers 650 © 690 When you come to Omaha , take the Street Cars orBus for the Metropolitan Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good any § 3.00 per day house. DR. JAQUES GERMAN WORM CAKES never fail to destroy worms and remove them from the system. RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA , SPRAINS and BRUISES are permanently relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by all druggists. PURIFY THE BLOOD with Eilert's Day light Liver Pills. They act directly on the Liver , Stomach and Bowels being mild and cleansing but never griping or painful. SAVE YOUR HARNESS by oiling with Uncle Sam's Harness Oil which will make it soft and pliable. This is the best oil ever made for leather. Sold by all harness ma kers. kers.DR. DR. TVTNCHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP is Just the medicine ior mothers to have in the house for the children. It will cure coughs , colds , sore throat and regulate the bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial , you will be pleased with its charming effect. Sold by all druggists. WHEN HORSES AND CATTLE are spiritless , scraggy and feeble , they need treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Pow der. It Purifies the blood , improves the appetite , cures COLDS and DISTEMPERS , invigorates the system and will keep the ani- malln a healthy , handsome condition. STOP THAT TERRIBLE COUGH. Every case of consumption commences with a cough , occasioned by having taken cold , which , if allowed to run its course , will soon work Its way into the air passages and then the lungs , if not checked by some such valuable cough remedy as EILERT'S EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY , which is unrivalled for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells of sickness and expensive Doctor's bills b ; taking this valuable medicine hi season. As your Druggist for it. A new treatment. A Payne , Marsballtoim , la. CCR A. Motith and Board for 3 JLIve Yonnir * w * Men or Ladles In each county. Address P. W. ZIEGLER & CO. , Chicago. HI. A BLESSING T0 TV. S. JOIIN8O3T , Corning , Iowa. I aarn TPIFCDIDUV & RRAgents' business. Lea I II ILLtullftrni Good Bltna Ions. BKbT chance ever offered. AdJ.D linowxMgr.SedallaUo . r-JMJfl xPREMIUMS SUBSCRIBERS OUR SUNNY SOUTH > ' * f / J S C M I - M O N T H L V fl PACt paper IS1OOO cashlSSOO cash825Oca | h 160 ACRES OF LAND ELE6AN. , , . * wu rmnw. un- , WATCHES HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES BOOKS NOVELTIE8 , , , , EJ0. 1 Everything-guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. We desire to introduce inr paper Into 100,000 new homes this year. Our Company Is chartered by UM State of Texas.with a Capital of 15,000 , Our Printing Establishment is th lar gest in the South. Our Company is endorsed by the entire Press and People of of the South , as strictly reliable. We are the originators of the1" NO BLANK" distribution plan , and have many imitators , whose extravagant offers arc dcceivig the people. Our offers are LIBERAL YET REASONABLE. Onr Stnnnr SOCHI It publinhtd inal-raonthly , devoted to th latmtts oftha fkra ad one dollar , it out , for y uu'i lubieription and certlfleaU In the My distribution. ICCUTfi U/lUTCn Send for full psrtleuUrt. The firrt iSaeriptlon rtcelwd nm e eJj ItlCR I O WAN I tU. neighborhood will * nUU the lender to full itat'loatf fre . , Addrm. SUNNY SOUTH CO. . Browawoed. T * taiau ssftsa w or one year ' and certificate. f 'it li no ew tbut bu been e tblithed for eight ye r , I TPTTTtHMC Barnes' Wire Check Rowor. El ven Y r Practical Use In th * Field. WORKS O1V Fepmlftr beeavM Blvple Mid Easy to Operate. * It hai the lemd with the Dealers and the Fanners , who hare rendered an unanimous yerdict that it b . The vire dot * not crosr the machlnt. tkta avfiai a GREAT WEAR AND STRAIN Off T WIRE , and friction on the pulley * , and making a wire that datt not cross the machine outwear SCY- ral wires that do crow. CHAMBERS , BEIINQ , QUINUM CO. , Exclutlvt Manufacturers , DECATUR , ILLS. , CL0319 OX OUTSIDI OF XOSL Onlv SinRleRingever inyent- cd that Closes on Outside Only Double Ring Invintid. of the Nose. Bra's ' Elliptical AND RINGS AND HOLDER. . QIOCTI Sc tad KSz The only ring : that will effectually keep hogs Only Single Kinp that elf'ft on the outside of tht from rooting. No sharp points in the nose , note. No sharp points in the flesh to keep itsore. CHAMBERS , BERING , QVINLAM CO. , Excluslva Manufacturers , DECATUR , ILLS. . SHREWD FARMERS AND STOCKMEN Find it pays them to give Uncle Sam's Condition Pow der freely to diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; be cause it purifies the blood , aids digestion , stimulates the various functions to healthy secretion , and thus pro motes growth , end gives a smooth , glossy coat of hair. 3tIItCH COWS are ranch benefited by the occa sional use of Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in slop or feed. feed.HOGS HOGS fatten faster when it is given three or four days in succession every month or two. SHEEP. All diseases common to sheep , such as coughs , colds , scabs , etc. , are relieved by this powder. KS" We caution all tc/to desire a truly meri torious article to be sure and asJe for Uncle Hani's Condition Poiccler , and accept no other ait a substitute. , PREPARED ONLY BY THE EMMERT PROPRIETARY CO. , - - CHICAGO , ILL. It U a well-known fact that most of the . Horse ami Cattle Powder sold In this coun- § ity is v.-orthless ; that Sheridan's Condi- MAKE HENS ' LAY lion 1'owder is absolutely pure and very valuable. Nothing on Earth make hens lay like Sheridan's Condition Powder. Dose , one teaspoonfiil to each pint of food. It will also prevent and cure f * U I f * If E ? IV ] ff - BJ irt S K D A JI ° " Cholera , Ac. Sold qvcryn here , or sent by mail for % ni\ IVEilfr \JSm ± mI\Vj 25 cents in stampc. Also furnished In large cans , for breeders'use , price $1.00 ; by mail , SISO. arcnlars sent FKEE. I. S. JOUXSON & CO. , Boston , Mazs. The vi-i , . > r it rd ( able diuretic which , while acting as a stimulant of the kid neys , neither excites nor Irritates them , was l ng since sup plied by Hosteller's Htomach Bitters. This fine medicine exerts the-requisite degree of stimula tion npon these or gans , without produ cing Irritation , and is , therefore.far bet ter adapted lor tbe purpose than un- medicaled excitants often resorted to. DyapepsU , fever and asue , and kin fefe TOMACH f dred diseases , ore all BITTER5 curedbylt. Korsole by all Druggists and Dealers generally. CATARRH ( when applied oy ithe finger into tne nostrils , will be ab sorbed , effectually cleansing the head 'of ' catarrhal virus , : causing healthy se cretions. It allays inflammation , pro- itects the membrane ot the nasal passages - ; ages from additional - | al colds , completely heals the sores and U-5--- restores taste and smell. A few applications - ' * plications relleve ; a thorough treatment will positively cure. Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. IIROTUEK8 , Owero. K. Y. LIFE LOANS AT 4 PER CENT. HfSsp * Principal need nerer be paid * " ( WH * * * * * * * . BO lone an interest inLeptap. No security required except for interest , and then only jtersonal. These loans ate forixxiror men -if moderate means , in amountl ofSlOO. 9:00 FOR LIFE. Semi Tour cents tor particulars. W. Itnbrrto. Manager.las W. ith St. Cincinnati. * ) . FRUIT AND FOREST TREES , FLOWERS And Vegetable Planti , Adtptad to this climuta. Address WM. SMITH , Bioux Omr , IOWA. Send for Catalogue. Agents wanted. Oat flowers the year round. Send Stamp for my circular , "How 1 managa jxnutryt $7BO. $1.300. SICOO a year. How to make poultry profitable. Kowtomako an Incubatoi carting less than SO. How to build cheap poultry homes. Pie erve ecgs. Cure Cholera ; Make Hens Lay ; General Man agement , etc. , etc. l.OOO things for the poul try yard. A new book. C. O. BESSEY , AUILENE. KANSAS. Breeder of Plymouth Bock fowls and Poland-Chica twine. CONSUMPTION. I bare a positive remedy for the above disease ; bylt * us * thousands of cases of the wont kind and of img standing bavo been cured. Indeed , BO stroqp Is my falta in Its efficacy , tbat I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE , to- getherwUhaVALUABLE TKEATIBE on this dlsaaseto EVBnUcrer. Glva Express and P. O. address. ' DE. T. A. SLOCUM , 181 Pearl BL , New York , iCCUTQ WHITER KVKRYWUBKK to sell ADCnlO TYAdlCU the best Family Knlt- tlnir Machine ever invented. Will knit a pair of Blockings with HHHT. and TOE complete in 20 minutes. It will also knit a great variety of tancyr work for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twombly Knitting Machine Co. , 163 Tremont Street , Boston , Mass. UCU learn Telegraphy here and mCll earn 1 % wages. Situations furnished. Address , with stamp , VALENTLSE BROS. , Janesvilie , Wis. PAiiPCil ? SCROFULA. 8AX.T KIIEUM- UA lltrtO , EKYSIPELAS , KltETJMA , TI8BI , and all Bled Disea-es cured by .LoosuM Kit Red lover. Send tor circulars. Testimonials. J. M. LOO3B & CO. Monroe. Mich. \i/AJVTED experienced Book and Bible A ents In 11 etery County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address stating experience , P. O. Box g. g. , St. Jxmls. Mo. WAJ TE1 > for the best and fastest AGENTS Books and Biblea. Price reduced 53 per cent. NATIONAL PUB. Co. , Bt. Louis , Mo. 1 - . V. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Cure Heudache , Constipation , Chill * mad Fever , and all Billon * Complaint * . J DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. E. FERRETT , AGENT. 372 Pearl Street , N.Y. D5 FOOTE'8 OEIGINAL METHODS OLD PIIIMOSIS CurCd w > thont cutting ; v" - " - new.pamlcs.ssafcbnre. . an .eP - - aml ratf0 nal treatlI1PDt. f Five , Diseases of all kind pamphleta so-called "incurable. " IOc.eachJ . B. FOOTE , M8.X.Y. Cit , Has a 1-ad different from all r cup shape , with.8elT- J Adjusting Uollln center.adapts / itseirtoallposUIonsotthobody , ' hlle the ball In tbo crip gy presses back the intes- . - . imes Just as a person does With the finger. WUfi IiBht pressure tfieHer nia is held securely day and nisht , and a radical cure certain. It is eayy.dnmble and cheap. Senthymail. Cir- cularafrce. LKHLCSTOX TKUS3 CO. . clleagg. IlL. DpT ) ( ' SILLOTT'Sl Ull ! Sold hy ALL DEALERS throughout the Worlu. Gold IKedal Paris Exposition , 187S. ROBERT STRAHORN. FRAlfK K. BA JESSE SHERWOOD ; R. STRAHORN & CO. , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Union Stock Yards , Chicago. ESTABLISHED 1S61. Most any bank orrefrnlarllve stock shipper through out the treat can give you our standing Unandalir and tell you how we do business. Correspondence an d consignments solicited Agents Our fcleRnnt new Sewin ? wants' ' cr.RuOlerandfull outfit free. All the latest improvement ! . Warranted U % < | . | . . _ _ five years. maCnillflS ontnaUAnewSingerMachlne- with all attachments 'warran ted. * | 4 c No better only 91 < ti 9i can. bo boughtatanyprlce. Circulars and testimonials free. The Champion gen Inr VacUa * Co. . Chicago. 11' $25.00 REWARD ! We will pay the above reward any CAM of Rheumatism or Neuralgia we cannot cure. ItwttJ relleve any case of Diphtheria or Croup instantly. Army and Navy Un'ment will relieve pain and tore- ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or muscle on man or beast. Price per bottle : Lure. $1 ; small , SOc. Will refund the money tor any fail ure. A.rmy and XavyXiInImentOo.,61. Wabuk Are. , Chicago. Richardson & Co. , Wholesale DiW- Klsts , St. Ijonlfl. Mo. , Western agent * . * Easy to use. A certain cure. Jsot expensive. Three months * treatment in one package. Good for Cold in the Head , Headache. Dizziness. Hay Fever * Fifty cents. By all Druggists , or by raaiL ELT HAZEL.TTXE. Warren.Pa. W N 17 Oman * 88 . WHEN WBTTINGr TO AD7BBTISEBS please say you aaw the advertisement ' this paper. v. : -i x *