McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 13, 1884, Image 6

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F. X. Jfc E. M. KUiaiKIX , Pate.
The eighteenth annual meeting of
the Nebraska Teachers' association will be
held in Lincoln March 25 , 26 and 27 , 1884.
The Auburn paper reports fifty-two
children in the Burk school district 'sick
with the measles. A physician profession
ally called , found in one family five chil
dren down with the disease.
Postmaster Gandy , at Broken Bow ,
has received notice from the postoffice de
partment at Washington that increase of
speed has been ordered on the mall route
between Kearney and Broken Bow.
Cass county takes the belt on high
kickers. His name is Albert Worth , and
he has a record of eight feet at a standing
kick. He lives four miles froui Platts-
mouth , and will wager that he can equal
the best record of any man in the country.
Wm. Fisher , a German , suicided at
Omaha by taking poison. He had been un
fortunate in business was out of money and
'could get no work , hence the rash act.
Enos Morris , a respected young man
of Oakland , committed suicide by shooting
himself ha the forehead with a 38 caliber re
volver , in the presence of a young lady he
had been courting for some time.
Rev. W. H. Tibbets homesteaded
100 acres of land near Nebraska City years
ago , which the railroads afterwards gob
bled. The general land office has now de
cided that the railroad has no claim to It ,
and that It reverts to the original owner. It
is worth $6,000.
The O'Neill Frontier office was en
tirely destroyed by fire on Sunday , March
2d. A new Campbell power press and $200
or $300 worth of new material was de
stroyed. Seven hundred dollars in money
was in the lock safe , but was not rescued
from the flames. Three other buildings ,
two of them Just completed , were also
burned to the ground.
Smith , of Chicago , and Miller , of
Omaha , pugilists , fought a prize fight a few
miles north of the city the other day. Thirty
rounds were fought and the mill was won
by Smith , he having been declared winner
n consequence of a foul by Miller. Neither
of the men were very severely punished.
An accident occurred on the St.
Mary's avenue street car line in Omaha a
few days ago that narrowly escaped proving
a serious affair. The car in going down hill
became unmanageable. It started down !
the grade with frightful speed' , and atlenjjth
the horses , not being able to keep ahead of
it , left the track , fell , and were dragged
some distance , the car finally being over
turned and ending the mad ride. The pas
sengers were all more or less bruised but
none seriously injured.
Wisnep Times : Friday afternoon
the three-year old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Cohee , seven miles northeast of Wisner ,
was so severely burned that he died early
Saturday morning. The little fellow was
upstairs playing and he got hold of some
matches , and in burning them his clothing
caught fire. Mr. Cohee was out at the sta
ble. He heard the child's cries and hur
ried into the house , finding the boy almost
burned to a crisp.
A young man near AVilber after par
taking of an overdoseof liquid refreshments ,
ndulged in racing his horse. The animal
slippped and fell upon the rider , dislocat
ing his shoulder and otherwise injuring
him. The catastrophe is charged up to
* Thirty-five young boys sent to Ne
braska by the Woman's Aid society of New
York , got off the train at Alma a few days
ago. The purpose is to bind them out to
farmers and o.thers In that neighborhood ,
and give them a chance to become good cit
izens in the best agricultural state in the
- The Minnechaduza river has been on
a rampage lately , and as a consequence not
a bridge is left. . It took them "all off slick
an clean , as it did everything else that lay
in its course.
The Valentine Reporter says the
boys at the Indian supply depot are having
an easy time of it Just now , owing to rough
roads and high water , which prevents the
Indians hauling freight.
Sam Peterson filled up with poor '
whisky and undertook to "run" the town t :
of Superior , but was checked in his wild ci
career by a shot from Constable Peterson.
The ball from a 38 calibre pistol entered his it
leg , but in such way as to not disable him itn
for any great length of time. e <
Neligh Republican : An old soldier siCl
by the name of F. J. Butler , who was a Cl :
resident of Pierce county , left his home a
some time last week to visit Nellgh , and \ \
wasifound in said village on Thursday last it
badly frozen , from the effects of which he c <
died. This is the second old soldier who
has died In poverty in this vicinity during SI
the winter , both of whom were undoubtedly SIT
entitled to pensions but were mustered out it
before the red tape that could be used in itP
their cases was exhausted.
oNorth Auburn had a disastrous blaze Ic
on the 4th , Richards and Bnrke's livery Icg' '
stable being destroyed in an incredibly alf
short time. Seventeen horses were burned , alw
but three out of the total making their es f :
cape. The loss is $10,000 , outside of the fii
value of the animals. A defective flue fiioi
tartcd the blaze. oi f
Postoffice changes in Nebraska for IK
the week ending March 1 , 1884 , fur ea
nished by Wm. VanVleck , of the postoffice nt
department : Established High , Ouster
county , William Daggett , postmaster ; Lo
cust , Franklin county , Ben. D. Stephenson -
son , postmaster ; Berne , Webster county ,
John Elaine , postmaster ; Hart Ing , Kearney
county , Irving Kaws , postmaster ; Turling
ton , Otoe county , Irving Ri Andrew.
Discontinued Lonelm , Sherman county ;
Snowfiake , Kearney county. Postmasters
appointed Barnston , Gage county , A. G.
Keys ; Elling , Sherman county , Ed. W.
Lindsay , ' Hampton , Hamilton county , J.
H. Lants ; Millroy , Gage county , Thos.
Noakes ; Prairie Home , Lancaster county ,
Jos. L. Ryons.
Eighteen more Indians ( twelve boys
and dlx girls ) arrived at Genoa a few days
ago. They are from the Yankton agency ,
and were nccompanledthere by the Yankton
agent , Major Ridpath.
The family of Dan Whiston , Sarpy
county , were poisoned by eating canned
salmon. All were deathly sick , but the
timely arrival of a physician saved their
Efforts are being made , and with
fair prospects of success , by the officers of
the Bellevue Presbyterian church and the
officers of the same church at Papillion to
unite the two charges , thus forming a
good position for one minister.
Activity exhibited in the erection of
new school houses and the enlargement of
old ones evinces a disposition on the part of
Nebriskans to thoroughly educate the ris
ing generation * . The school tax is a heavy
drain , but it is money well invested.
Golden weddings in Nebraska are
few and far between , but they occur occa
sionally. The lostwas that of Mr. andMrs.
James S. Rouse , of Greenwood , which
was the occasion of a large and happy gath
ering. Mr. R. is hale and hearty at the
ripe old age of 75 years , and Mrs. R. enJoys -
Joys good health and vigor at 67 years.
Complaints are occasionally entered
here and there about the number of dead
hogs that have accumulated during the win
ter. As soon as the weather will permit of
Mr. Lo making a pilgrimage the difficulty
will be effectually remedied.
"Do girls smoke" has been answered
In the affirmative at Juniata , where several
have been seen enjoying their cigarettes , a
privilege which they claim is accorded them
this ( leap ) year.
A great many young men are being
pierced in the vital part by Cupid's arrows
during the glorious leap year. Marriages
multiply on every hand , numerous engage
ments a being effected , and the girls are
determined to not weary In well doing as
long as the opportunity lasts.
A man who stole a horse in Hamil
ton county , was arrested , taken into court ,
plead guilty and was sentenced to three
years in Ihe penitentiary. It was quick
work and well done.
Nebraska City is carrying a high
head these days over the fact that a bill has
passed the senate appropriating $75,000 for
a postoffice building there. Hastings thinks
something of the kind should be done for
that place , in view of the fact that she
ranks as the third postal city in the state.
Charles Gestrig , an Omaha journal
ist , of Swedish extraction , was found dead
in his room at the Palmer house , Chicago ,
on the 7th , supposed to have been aphyxi-
ated by gas , which he neglected to turn off
before retiring. Gestrin was well knownin
Omaha and the northern section of the
state , where he was for some time engaged
in writing up various cpunties.
The Chicago , Burlington and Quincy
railroad now runs trains directly. Into
The town site company of Dorches
ter have raised the price of their lots 20 per
cent. , a movement not generally under
stood , in view of the fact that they were al
ready so high that there were few pur
The time for the spring elections rapIdly -
Idly approaches and the candidate for local
political honors and emoluments Is unusu-
illy solicitous regarding the health and wel
fare of his neighbor and fellow-citizen.
Auburnites are strongly of the opin
ion that good coal and plenty of it exists
iear that place. To show the faith that is
n them they have organized a company for
joring and enough money has been sub-
icrlbed to proceed with the work at once.
A man named John Cain fatally shot
ilmself at Valentine a few days ago. Be-
'ore dying he said the shooting was acciden-
al , but people generally believe it was a
ase of suicide.
The F-iirfield Herald says that one of
ts readers recently gave his wife a
oil of bills of $260 to hide away until need-
id , which she did in the upper part of the
iitting room stove. A party of friends re-
ently visited them , and , the day being cold ,
hot fire was soon burning. The result
vas a little handful of ashes sent to Wash-
ngton the 'other day to see if any value
ould be obtained.
Though early in the spring , prairie >
ichooners are now of common .occurrence.
Dhe disposition is to get to Nebraska early
order to be ready for the seed time and
In a row at the Theatre Comique sa-
eon , Omaha , on Sunday last , James Nu
gent , a brother of the proprietor of the the- a.c
and in the a.hi
.tre a non-participant affray ,
vas shot dead by Tom Price , a gambler and hirt
convict. The rt
x-penitentiary murderer
ired a second shot , which struck a young 1CM ! )
nan named Stout ( son of W. H. B. Stout , M [
Lincoln ) in the neck , severely , though
ot fatally wounding him. The murderer b (
scaped and up to Monday morning had
ot bqen apprehended.
White manufacturers at San Fran
cisco locked out 3,500 Chinese cigar makers.
They propose to substitute 2,500 whites
from New York. The Chinese packers
struck on learning that their countrymen
were locked out.
The Burlington , Atchison , Topeka
and Santa Fe , and the Chicago and Alton
have.given notice of a reduction in lumber
rates from Chicago and St. Louis to Colorado
rado points from 70 to 37 cents per hun
At the election held on the 1st in the
old Second congressional district of Kansas
to fill the vacancy caused by the death of
Dudley C. Haskell , the candidates were E.
H. Funston , republican , and Samuel A.
Biggs , democrat and grcenbacker. Re
ports from all but two counties in the dis-
tiict indicate Funston's election by about
5,000 majority.
After seven years of idleness the
larger furnace of the South Boston iron
works was lighted up on the 1st for the
casting of a rifle mortar for the United
States ordnance department. This will be
the firfct of a lot of fine , heavy , experi
mental guns , authorized by the last con
The New York Daily Commercial
Bulletin's fire record shows the loss by fire
In February to be seven millions , and for
January'and February ten millions.
The authorities at Smithfield , Illi
nois , have telegraphed the United States
arshal at Chicago , informing him of the
arrest of a gang of counterfeiters and cap
ture of their entire outfit.
Prentiss Tiller , the money clerk of
the Pacific Eapress company at St. Louis ,
whose father is a Louisiana detective , dis
appeared about 3 o'clock on the 3d , taking
with him one or two valises full of money
packages , the total , amount being near
The house committee on judiciary
has ordered an adverse report on the cele
brated McGarrahan claim.
A Khartoum dispatch says that Gen.
Gordon believes that the slavery question
will settle itself within a year by an uprising
of the slaves.
The high water has reached the south
and is doing mnch damage.
Major Lopez Martablo was killed
near Edinburg , Texas , forty miles above
Brownsville , in a duel with the editor of the
Cronista , published at Matamoras.
Sherman's copyright bill , introduced
in the senate , provides that the copyright
shall extend to all news items exceeding one
hundred words in length. Smaller items
are notto be copyrighted.
English detectives at New York have
been provided with portraits of suspected
The Boston board of trade has passed
resolutions protesting against the excessive
coinage of silver money and the use of silver
Two children of Isaac Kennedy , re
siding near Phillippi , Bourbon county ,
WestVa. , fell In a kettle of boiling soap
and were burned to death.
John McGinnis was hanged in the
county prison at Philadelphia for the mur
der of his mother-in-law.
Hon. Kenneth Paynor , solicitor of
the treasury , died at the National hotel ,
Washington , on the 5th.
A snow plow on the St. Paul road
struck a sled containing a farmer named
Fisk , his son , aged 19 , a married daughter ;
and two small children , at Sibley , Qsceola
county , Iowa. The son was instantly ,
killedand the father fatally injured. The
others were slightly injured.
William McMillan , living near Hu
ron , Ohio , went home drunk and abused
Ills wife , who threatened to call on a neigh
bor for help. McMillan swore he would
kill the first man who came Into the house.
3eo. Thompson , aged 19 , came , having an
errand , and was ignorant of the trouble.
McMillan , mistaking him for another per
son , fired and killed him. He was put in
ail and there suicided. .
The Kimball house at Anoka , Minn. , .
mrned. But little furniture was saved.
Che guests all escaped.
The governor of South Carolina has /
ffered a reward of $500 for the arrest of
iV. B. Cash , who shot Town Marshal Rich-
irds at Cheraw.
M. O. Van Fleet , county treasurer of
luron county , Ohio , has absconded. His
iccountsare short from $50,000 to $60,000.
A large number of prominent cattle
nen held a public meeting at Emporla ,
van. , to take steps for the suppression of
he cattle plague , which exists In malig-
lant form at that place.
Edward D. Payne , of Dayton , Ohio ,
rother of Senator-elect H. B. Payne , died
if paralysis.
Workmen who have been boring at
rinton , Iowa , for petroleum the past 01hi
uonth , struck oil a few days ago in paying
uantities. It causes much excitement.
At a meeting of the executive com- hi
littee of the Western export association , him
ontrolling all the distilleries in the west , se
eld in Chicago on the 6th , a decision was si
eached to reduce the production of whisky at
per cent , below the present basis after atm
ay 1st. m
John McMahon collector of Hb-
, city - cc >
oken , N. J. , is missing , and the mayor ccm ;
as taken possession of his office. th
The woman suffragists called upon fn
President Arthur. The president pro
nounced them a very remarkable assem
blage of women.
The fiftieth anniversary of the incor
poration of the city of Toronto was cele-
brattd by firing salutes , ringing bells and
opening a free library.
James Crawford , an ex-railroad con
ductor , charged by the Pennsylvania rail
road company with embezzling tickets , has
been found guilty by a Jury.
The boiler of J. H. Trees' dyeing es
tablishment , Lawrence , Mass. , exploded ,
killing Engineer Jno. Trees , Jr. , and fatal
ly injuring two employes.
The northern and southern divisions
of the Central Mexican railway have formed
a Junction. Through traffic commences
immediately. Arrangements are completed
for bringing foreign goods overland , com
peting with the Mexico and Vera Cruz rail
At a blooded cattle sale at Mar
shall , Mo. , forty-four shorthorns belong
ing to R. W. Owens , o'f North MIddleton ,
Ky. , brought $8,000 , and sixteen Jerseys ,
owned by Alex McCllntock & Son , Millers-
burg , Ky. , brought nearly $4,000.
Three excursion trains of land seek
ers passed through St. Louis a few days
ago , some of.them destined for Nebraska.
The Wisconsin republican state cen
tral committee decided to hold two con
ventions , the first to elect delegates to the
national convention and the second to nom
inate a state ticket. .The first convention
will be held at Madison. April 30th.
The Louisiana republicans made the
following state nominations : For governor ,
John A. Stevenson ; lieutenant governor ,
Wm. Burwell ; secretary of state , F. W.
Liggins ; attorney general , John H. Stone.
The libel suit against the New York
Times of Shipping Commissioner Duncan ,
the captain of the steamer Quaker City
during her famous voyage , has ended for
the present. The Jury found for the plain
tiff upon two statements , awarding six
cents damages on each. On all the other
charges the Jury found for the defense.
The plaintiff sued for $10,000.
The New York weekly bank state
ment is as follows : Revenue , decrease ,
$5,879,300. The banks now hold $12,821-
675 in excess of legal requirements.
The Consolidated paper company , of
Chicago , manufacturing coarse wrapping
paper , has made an assignment. Liabili
ties , $97,000 ; assets , $125,000.
Labor officials are circulating a peti
tion at Pittsburg to be presented to congress
asking an appropriation of $10,000,000 of the
surplus for colonization purposes. This
sum would supply 100,000 families $500
each , mortgage to be given on land for pay
ment in fifteen years , allowing If the settler
pays for a homestead , 160 acres in five years
at par , under ten years one per cent. , and
over years two percent. The petition is
being largely signed.
A serious crevasse has occurred at
the Davis plantation , fifteen miles above
New Orleans. The break is widening rap
idly and the wateris overflowing the rail
The following postoffices have bean
Assigned to the third class or presidential ,
Hid salaries of postmasters fixed at amounts
stated : North Bend , Neb. , $1,000 ; Weep
ing Water , Neb. , $1,100.
The bill introduced in the senate by
Uockrell to authorize the appointment of a
jpecial commission to visit the principal
countries of Central and South America for
he purpose of collecting Information look-
ng to the extension of American trade with
hose countries , provides for the appolnt-
nent of three commissioners for a term of
iwo years each , with an annual salary of
The house committee on appropria-
ions has agreed to report adversely the
oint resolutions making appropriations for ,
elief of suffers from high water along the
ewer Mississippi.
A decision has been rendered by the
upreme court in the case of the Atchison ,
topeka and Santa Fe against the Denver
.ndNew Orleans railway company , in an
.ppeal from the circnit court of the United
Itates for the district of Colorado. This
ourt holds that the constitutional right in
/olorado to connect railroad with railroad
lees not of itself imply the connecting of
aislness with business.
The house committee on invalid pen-
ions agreed to report the bill to allow the
? idow of Gen. Frank P. Blair , of Missouri ,
3,000 pension and $50 per month for money
xpended and services rendered the union
ause by her husband during the late war.
Following is a copy of the bill intro-
uced by Senator Sherman granting copy-
Ightto newspapers : Be it enacted , that
ny daily or weekly newspapers published .
i the United States or any of the territo- ,
ies thereof shall have the sole right
> print , issue and sell for a term
f eight hours dating from the tlb
our of going to press the contents of said b
aily or weekly newspaper or collected news t (
t said newspaper association exceeding one al
undred words. That for any infringe-
lent of the copyright granted by the-first d *
ction of this act , the party injured may
IB in any court of competent Jurisdiction ,
id recover in any proper action the damX ,
jes sustained by him from the person
taking such infringement , together with
sts of suit. A duplicate of the foregoinir
easure will be introduced in the house at B .
ie earliest opportunity bya representative ei
om Virginia. ti
Secretary Folger , in replying to the
house resolution as to how much money Is
now In the treasury that can bo app ( ed to
the liquidation of the public debt without
embarrassing the department , says that after
making all deductions for special funds ,
etc. , and providing for a reserve fund ,
there remains as a final result $7,534,281 ,
which may be applied to any government
purpose , and that the best answer ofwhac
he conceives may be done in the way of
liquidating without embarrassment , is per
haps what ho , in the use o his best Judg
ment , did on the 21st of February last ,
when he called for the redemption of $10-
000,000 3 per cent , bonds , payable May 1 ,
* Brigadier General McKenzie , of the
United States army , has been , examined by
the retiring board at New York. As he Is
regarded as hopelessly insane , there is no
doubt as to his being placed on the retired
Secretary Folger has written a letter
to Morrison , chairman of the ways and
means committee , suggesting several
amendments to the Potter bill , and saying
that the ' 'language of the sixth section of
the bill la not quite clear , and I am in
clined to doubt whether the people will ap
prove its provisions. "
The house committee on ways and
means acted favorably upon the Morrison
tariff bill. As agreed upon , it places salt ,
coal and lumber on the free list. A provis
ion with respect to coal is to the effect that I
it shall not apply to Canada until that coun
try places our coal on the free list. The
[ reement to report the amended bill
favorably was reached by a strict party
vote , seven to five ; Morrison , Mills ,
Blount , Blackburn , Herbert , Ilurd
and Jones voted in the affirmative ,
and Kelley , Kasson , McKinley , Hiscock
and Russell in the negative.
Representative Finerty presented
a petition from several hundred
working men and others in his
district protesting against Chinese laborers
coming into this country. Mr. Finerty
says he understands that similar petitions
will be presented from all the principal cit
ies of the country.
The treasury department , inview of
the fact that foot and mouth disease is
prevalent in Great Britain , has called upon
the collectors of customs at the leading sea
board cities for their views on the proprie
ty of prohibiting the importation of'cattle.
The house committee on public lands
decided unanimously to recommend the for
feiture of lands granted the Atlantic and
Pacific railroad lying east of the junction of
thrt road with the Atchison , Topeka and
Santo Fe railroad and lying west of Mojave ,
California , and which have not been pat
ented to the road.
The senate committee on territories
has agreed to give the name of "Lincoln"
to the new territory which it is proposed to
make out of the northern portion of Dako
ta. It also decided to call on the executive
department and the governor of New Mexico
ice for information in regard to the recent
alleged Irregularities of the organization of
its legislature. The governor , in a dis
patch to Senator Harrison , says the organ
ization of the legislature is strictly regular
and according to law.
Since the introduction of the two-cent
letter postage there has been an unex
pected reduction in the number of postal
cards used. For five years the annual in
crease has been 14 per cent ; during the
eight months since July 1st the sale of
stamps has increased 18 per cent , and of
stamped envelopes 25 per cent , while the
issue of postal cards was only 256,000,000
against 260,000,000 for the corresponding
period last year. The pastmaster general
therefore estimates a reduction of $35,000in
the cost of manufacturing postal cards the
aext fiscal year.
The bill to repeal the sections of the
revised statutes restricting the term of cer-
ain officers to four years'was favorably re
ported from the committee on the reform of
he civil service. It applies the term of of-
ice to the district attorney , chief Justice
ind associate Justices of the territories , sur-
reyor general , registers and receivers , col-
ectors of customs , naval officers , surveyors
if customs and postmasters.
Senator Harrison's Pension Bill.
WASHINGTON , February 25. Senator
larrison introduced a bill in the senate to-
lay providing for a pension for all honora-
ily discharged soldiers who served six
aonths In the war of the rebellion in the
ailitary or naval service , provided they are
LOW disabled. The bill proceeds upon the
heory that there are many soldiers and
ailors who did not contract disabilities
luring the war of such a well-defined na-
ure as to enable them to make proof
hereof , but who are now broken
own in health by reason of hard-
hips and exposures in the service. The
ighest rate of pension granted Is $24. The
ill increases to $12 the pensions of all wid-
ws of pensioners who contracted disability
i and since the war and who are now
rawing $8 ; aiso the pensions of widows of
jldiers to be pensioned under the first
on , and those who shall obtain pensions
nder the existing laws , without the widow
eing required to prove that death was due
service. It does not. grant a pension to
11 widows , but only to those who are orbe-
xme pensioners. The bill is the result of a
emand which the government , under ex-
ting laws , is unable to meet. The pen-
ons under the act will begin at the date of
ling the application therefor.
DEFIANCE , Iowa , Oct. 11,1883.
I have sold Chamberlain's Cough
.emedy for eight or nine years , and in
-pry case it has given entirp : iti fac-
on. C. A.