McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 13, 1884, Image 3

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The Full * of the Geneson and Sam Patch' *
Fatal Leap -One of ltn Business
Houses and Its Ureat Mag
The present floods , which are either
devastating or threatening the country
in every direction , are justly cause for
apprehension. No matter whether
they come suddenly or by slow degrees ,
they are , ineither case , a great evil
and much to be dreaded , and yet
America will always be troubled by
these spring overflows. Probably one
of the most disastrous that was ever
known , occurred in Rochester , N. YM
about twenty years ago. The Genesee
river , just above the falls , where Sam
Patch made his final and fatal leap ,
became completely blockaded by ice ,
forming an impassable dam , and the
water coming down , the Genesee river
overflowed the principal portion of the
city of Rochester. This catastrophe
would have been repeated the present
year had not the energy and foresight
of the city authorities prevented it.
The writer happened to be in
Rochester at that time , and was greatly
interested in the manner in which
this great catastrophe was averted.
Every few moments a roar like the
peals of thunder or the booming of
cannon would be heard , and in order
to see this ice blasting process
the writer went to the top of
the new Warner building , which over
looks the Genesee river. From here he
was not only enabled to see the pro
cess uninterruptedly , but also the mag
nificent building which has just been
completed. This is unquestionably
the finest building devoted to , business
and manufacturing purposes in Ameri
ca , being entirely fireproof , eight sto
ries high , and containing over four and
a quarter acres of flooring. Mr. War
ner treated your coirespondent very
courteously , and in the course o the
conversation said :
"We are doing a tremendous busi
ness and are far oehind in our orders.
This is t\ie season of theyearwhen people
ple , no matter how strong their consti
tution may be , feel , more or less , the
pain and indisposition , the headaches ,
colds , neuralgia , rheumatism , dull
pains , sore throats , coughs all the
1,001 ills that flesh is heir to come this
time of the year , if at all. It is natural ,
therefore , that we should be very busy.
This is specially true of our Safe Rheu
matic Cure , and it is crowding us very
sharply for a newremedy. "
"Singular , but I had forgotten that
you do not advertise to cure all diseases
from one bottle , as is done generally by
many other medicine men , but i sup
posed Warner's Safe Cure was for the
cure of rheumatism. "
"And so it has been until our reme
dy which was especially for rheumatism
and neuralgia , was introduced. We
have been three years perfecting this
new remedy. Study first taught us
there were certain powerful elements
in Warner's Safe cure , better known as
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ,
that made wonderful cures in chronic
and acute rheumatism , but during our
investigation , we learned of a remarka
ble cure at a celebrated springs , and
put experts to investigate and found
that the springs did not contain any
valuable properties , but the course of
treatment that was being given there
was performing all the benefit. By
carefully combining the active princi
ples of this remedy with our Safe cure ,
we have produced our Safe Rheumatic
Cure , and the cures it is effecting are
simply wonderful , and I do not doubt
it will become as nopular as bur Safe
Cure. "
"You seem to talk freely in regard
to your remedies and appear to have no
secrets , Mr. Warner. "
"None whatever. The physician
with his hundred calls and one-hun
dred diseases , is necessarily compelled
to euess at a great deal. We are ena
bled to follow up and perfect , while
physicians can only experiment with
their hundred patients and hundred
diseases. With the ordinary phy
sician , the code , binds him down ,
so that if he makes a discovery ,
he is bound to' give it to the
other physicians , which , of course , dis
courages investigation to a great ex
tent. This is why the great discover
ies in medical science of late years have
been made by chemists and scientists
and not by physicians , and it in a meas
ure accounts for the great value of our
remedies , also for the remarkable suc
cess of all those doctors who make a
specialty of one or two diseases. "
"And you find that you are curing
as great a number of people as ever
before ? "
"Yes , a far greater number. We
never sold so much of our medicine 33
now and' never knew of so many re
markable cures. "
The writer departed after the above
interview , .but was greatly impressed ,
not only by the sincerity of Mr. War
ner , but by the vastness of all he saw.
Mr. Warner's medicines are used
throughout the entire length and
breadth of the land-and we doubt not
the results they are effecting are really
as wonderful as they are related to be.
If a man oa a horse is a horseman ,
what is a tadn on a barrel of soft soap
with the head caving in ?
Over 84,000 of the 4,440,822 pieces
of mail matter that were sent to the
dead letter office last year contained
checks , money , etc. , to the amount of
about $1,000,000.
Eleven counties in Oregon have yet
to hear the shrill whistle of the loco
For a cold In the bead , there Is nothing DO Rood a
Fiso'a Kemedy for Catarrh.
Wheayou Visit or leave-.New
save Baggago. .Expresaage and Carrtoce
Hlro , and stop atGRANDTJNIOK HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant
supplied with the best. Home-cars , stages
&na elevated railroads to all depots. Fami
lies can lire better for less mondy at the
Graud Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel In the city.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or 'Z ? s for the-Metropolitan
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good
any $3.00 per day house.
A Minnesota man recently threw up a live
"ISTTCHtT-PAIBA. " Quick , complete cure
all annpylug Kidney itnd Urinary disease ? . { I ,
Zeal without knowledge Is like expedi
tion to a man In the dark.
"Kottgh on Coughi. " ISc. , 25c. , S03. . nt Drug
gists lomplcto euro Ooojibl , Hoarseness , Sore
Do all the good in thy power , and let
every action bo useful. _
Gient Excitement.
The label on every bottle of the gcnuinq
Allen's "Fron Bitters , " bears thesignature
of. J. P. AllenSt. . Paul , Mlntf. This is the
article that has caused so much excitement ,
on account of the great cures it has per
formed on persons suffering fotyears with
Dyspepsia , Torpidity of the JLiver and Im
purities of the Blood. _ .
To be happy is not the. purpose of our ,
being , but to preserve happiness.
I am a non-believor in Patent Medi
cines , but having experienced marked re
lief from Nasal Catarrh and' hoarseness by
the use of Ely's Cream Balm , I can recom
mend it to those suffering from this loathe-
some complaint and to those afflicted with
hoarseness or stoppage of the throat so an
noying to singers and clergymen. Louis
E. PHILLIPS. 1428 N. Y. Ave. , N. "W. ,
Washington , D. C. ( PriceBO cents. )
The virtue which requires forever to be
guarded is scarce worth the sentinel.
Occasional doses of Dr. Sanford's Liver
Invigorator will keep the liver in good or
der. Sure. _
Cmada'snet debt is $158,466,714 about
$33 per capita. _
If there ever was a specific for any one
complaint then Carter's Little Liver Pills
are a specific for Sick Headache , and every
woman should know this. They are not
only a positive cure , but a sure preventive
If taken when the approach is felt. Carter's
Little Liver Pills not directly on the liver
and bile , and in this way remove the cause
of disease without first making you sick bv
a weakening purge. If you trv them you
will not be disappointed.
A perfect rush of Italian artists , with
their attendant original dudes , Is expected
in Americri. _
Theie was a young lady quite fair ,
Who had much trouble with her hair ,
So she bought Carboliue
And a sight to be seen ,
Is the head of this maiden , I declare.
Hand-painted bonnets are the latest
Parisian novelties. _
Brown's Bronchial Troches will re
lieve Bronchitis , A&thma , Catarrh , Con
sumptive and Throat Diseases. They are
used always with good success. . 2oc -box. .
California now produces over 100,000
boxes of raisins per year.
"KOTTGH ON CORNS. " 15c. Ask for it
Complete cure , hard or tort corns , warts bunions.
What we need ' is to pray not work up a
philosophy of'prayer. _
A-SURK CURE. The Army and Navy Lin
iment will cure any case of Spavin. King-
bone , Splint or Curb , and is good for man
or beast. See advertisement.
A , full line of underwear is often dis
played in the backyard of a boardinghouse.
Menitnnn' * Fvptontzed Beef Tonic , the
only preparat'on of beef containing Its entire nutri
tions properties. It contains blood-making , force-
generating and life-sustaining properties ; Invaluable -
able for Indication , Dyipensln , nervous pros
tration , and all forms of general debilltv ; also in all
enfeebled conditions , whether the result of exhaust
ion , nervous prostration overwork or acute disease ,
particularly If resul'ins from pulmonary complaints.
OABWZLL , HAZARD & Co. , proprietors , New York.
The peace negotiations between Chili and
Bolivia are said to have bepn broken off.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
25c. _ _
People who have more polish than prin
ciple , use it lavishly. _
on Hats" clears out rate , mice , flies , roaches , bed
bugs. 15c.
Lay thy plans with prudence , and be pre
pared for emergencies. _
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when
in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day
tiouse in the west. Tables as good ' as
any $8.00 per day house.
never fail to destroy worms and remove
them from the system. _
and BRUISES are permanently relieved by
Uncle Sam's Nerve andBone Liniment. Sold
jyall druggists. _
PURIFY THE BLOOD with Eilert's Day-
teat Liver Pills. They act directly on the
[ Tver , Stomach and Bowels , being mild and
cleansing , but never griping or painful .
SAVE YOUR HARNESS by oiling with
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil , which will make
t soft and pliable. This is the best oil ever
made for leather. Sold by all harness
makers. _
.8 Just the medicine for mothers to have in
the house for the children. It will cure
coughs , colds , sore throat , and regulate the
Dowels. Donotfail to give it a trial , you
will be pleased "with its charming effect.
Sold by all druggists.
spiritless , scraggy and feeble , they need
treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der. It purifies the blood , improves the
appetite , cures COLDS and DISTEMPERS ,
invigorates the system , aud will keep the
animal in a healthy , handsome condition.
Every case of consumption commences with
a cough , occasioned by having taken cold ,
which if allowed to run its course will soon
work its way into the air passages and then
to the lungs , if not checked by some such
valuable cough remedy as EILERT'S EX
which is unrivalled for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells of
sickness and expensive doctor's bills by
taking this valuable medicine in season.
Ask you dru eist for it
Energy well directed never misses
he mark.
ram a-mercliant and planter writes'Mr
T. N , Humphrey , of Tenn. , and it gives
me great pleasure to say , that lor severe
Coughs and Colds Allen's Lung Balsam is
the best remedy now offered for sale. . '
have induced many to try it with the best o
results. *
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Side-saddles for women were introducec
into England by Anne , Queen of Rlchart
Hiin 1,888.
WHEAT "No. 2. 74&74&e. ,
BARLEY No. 2. 505ic.
RYE No. 344(5 > 44Kc.
CORN No. 2. 38K © 39n.
OATS No. 2. 8232i c.
FLOUR Wheat Gniham , $2 75.
CHOP FKKD Per cwt. OOc.
HHORTS Per ton , $14 00.
ORANGKS Messina , perboxl$3 50.
LEMONS Messina , per box , $4 OOS4 25.
AP.PLKS Per barrel $4 6035 00.
BmpTER Creamery , 33 < S35c.
BUTTER Best' co'untry roll , THalQt.
EGOS Fresh. 2lr5 > 23c.
HAMS Per H > . I2 c.
POTATOES Choice , per bushel , 50S60c. (
HAY In bulk1 , per ton , $6 006 50.
LARD Refined , per 16. IBc.
SHEEP-$3 00/S4 25.
CATTLB' $3 2505 25. '
Hoas G OOrffiG SO.
CALVES 45 506 50.
WHEAT Per bushel , 90 ® fllc.
CORN Per bushel , oOlirSSO c.
OATS Per bushel , SO fSSOXC.
PORK $17 45O17 50.
LARD 5 259 87 > i.
HOGS Packing and shipping , $6 8o775.
CATTLK Exports. $6 40 < to7 00.
SHEEP Medium to , good , $4 75 35 00.
WHKAT Per bushel. $1 OO.'a'r 10J.V
CORN Per bushel , 48 ? ® 49 c.
OATS Per bushel , 3434.14'e.
CATTLK Exports. $6 50/S7 00.
JHEEP Medium , $4 0015440.
HOGS Packers. $6 30fS6 85.
Splendid Present
One of the femons stem-winding WATERBUET
WATCHES presented to erery one who eenda ma
: luDof only eight subscribers to tbe BJOHTB MAHTT-
Sample copies mailed free to any address.
SOS * fOeWrandotte St. IS jean1 praeOoe-
KAKSASCrrY. - . MO. | IS in Chicago.
ABthorixed by the State to
Chronic , Kenroo * and Prims Dl
t euet ; Asthma , Epllepaj. RheniruCtra
( .Piles , Tape-worm , urinary > cd Stln
JDi e aetiMaMi , WEJLXXXSS ( nfpAi
eiX Sxruu. DSBIIJTT ( loet af
textial powtr ) , Ac. Caret gunuitoed
or moncT refunded. Charges low. Thoottndiofcaeei
cored. No Injurious medlclnea ned. Ho detennoc
( ram bmineso. AH medlclnei tamuhed rea to
pttienU at a rtlrtacca. ConiulUUon free , and conflden
Hal call or writ * . Ago and experience are Important
A BOOK for both fexetr-Ulnstnted and circulars of
other thtcgi tent sealed tor twoSc stamps. Mr Muerua
iinoncpen. Bonn : 8 a. m.to7p. m. Sondaji : 10 u
12 * . m
Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
Most Any bonk or regular lire stock shipper through
out tbe west can give jou our standing financially
and tell yon how we do business. Correspondence
and consignments solicited.
Agents Onr elecront new Sewing
Machine , U ! l. --.latest
fantei ami best , nlgll Arm Tnck-
er.Ruffler anil full outllt free.
All the latent Improvements.
on trial. A new Singer Machine
with all attachment * warran
ted , M OK * ° better
only tBIvia.wi can be
boughtntnny price. Circulars
nnd testimonials free.
The Champion Kcnla Bcehlne Co. ,
Chicago , 1IL
$25.00 REWARD !
We will pay the above reward for any case or
Uhenmatlsm or Neuralgia we cannot cure. It will
relieve any case of Diphtheria or orouo Instantly.
Army and Navy Liniment win relieve pain and sore
ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or
muscle on man or beast. Price per bottle : Large ,
SI ; small. 60c. Will retund the money for any fall-
ore. Army and Wavy Liniment Co. , 51 abash
Ave. , Chicago. Hlchnrdson & Co. , Wholesale Urns-
trt tj , . < t. ? . "nl .Mo _ Wwtfirn acentn.
I bare a positive remedy for the above disease ; by Its
c thousands of eases of the tcortt kind and of lone
etandlDRhavobccn cured. Indeed.BOBtrontls myfaltb
in its eJBcacy , that I will send TWO BOTTLES FKEE. to
gether iritb a VALUABLE THEATI8E on this dUaoae , ta
any sufferer. GUaExpn-sanndP. O.addraw.
PR. T. A. BLOCUM. 181 Pearl St. . y g-York
pares men better for business tnnn any other tn-
tltuti. n is tbe tes imoi y of the commercial world ,
for circular * address ,
& DUNCAN , Davenport. Iowa.
fJAJifEO experienced HOOK and Blbe Asenta in
11 every Countv. Liberal salaries fald. Address , :
lUUng experience , P. O. Box g. KSt. . Louis , Mo.
to gnldlers & Heirs , tend stamp
for Circulars. OL. L. BIKG-
HAM , Atfy , Washington. D. C.
A new treatment-
CANCER positive cure. Dr. W. < ! .
Payne. Marshal Itown.Ia.
AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest-
sell toff Pictorial Books ana Bibles. Prices reduced
53 per cent. NATIOWAT. PUB. ro . St. Lonla. Mn.
Easy to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three
nontiiV treatment in one package. Good for Cold
n the Head , Ileadacbp. Dizziness , Hay Fever , ic.
Fifty cents. By all Drupelets , or by nmll.
K. T HAZELTINK. Warren. R-
W N D Onmba. 197-11
please say you saw the advertismon ir
his paper.
The wantof a roll-
able diuroUo which
while acting aa a
H'mulantof thokkJ-
nors. neither exclioi
nor Irritates tnem ,
was lore ln e mp-
pled by Hosteller a
hto-uacb Hitters.
rlhla flue medicke
_ exert * the ivqulflto
_ 3r dew o of vtimula-
S tion upon thtso or-
" - van * w tboat piodu
anil Irritation , and
Is , tnoi o fore. J or bet
ter adapted for the
purpose than un >
medicated excitant *
often resorted to.
fivtpepsln , fever
and ague , and kin
dred dUeases. a-call
cnndbylt. Forsata
by all Drumtlsta and
Dealers KOnorallf.
CATATgRH'ElY'sGreai ' ' Bdn
when applied by
the finger into the
nostrilswill be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthy se
cretions. It allays
Inflammation , pro
tects themembrane
of the napal pass
ages from addition
heals the sores and
restores taste and
smell. A few ap
plications relieve.
A thorough treatment will positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
50 cents by mall or at druggists.
A Specific fop
TlieBr. S. A. Riclunoiid Hed. Co. , Prop. , St. Joseph , Mo.
Correspondence freely onsw'-ed by PhysldaBS. (6(9
By taking "Wright's Indian Vegetable
Pills-which cleanse the Bowels , purify the
Blood , and by carrying : off all obstructions
Bocuro healthy and vigorous action to the
FERRETT , Agent ,
372 Pearl St. , New York.
Thousands Hastened to Their Graven !
Relying on testimonials written In vivid ,
glowing language of some miraculous cure 9
mndo by some largely puffed up doctor or
patent medicine has hastened tlioiiHunds to-
their gravcH : believing in their almost in-
pane faith that the miracle will bo per
formed on them , and that thcac testimoni
als juakc the curcH , while the so-called
medicine is all the time hastening them to-
their graven. We have avoided publishing
testimonials , an they do not make the cures , .
although we have
of them , of the most wonderful cure * ,
voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine ,
Hop Bitters , that makei the cures. It bos
never failed and never can. We will give
reference to any one for any disease similar
to their own , if desired , or will refer to
any neighbor , as there is not a neighborhood -
hood in the known world but can show lt
cures by Hop Bitters.
A prominent physician of Pittsburgh
to a lady patient who was complaining of her
continued ill health , and of his Inability to
euro her , jokingly paid : "Try Hop Hitters. "
The lady took it In earnest and iiHud the Bit
ters , from which she obtained permanent
health. She now laughs at the doctor for his
joke , but he is not so well pleased with It , OH-
it cost him a good patient.
The fee of doctors ia an item that very
many persons are interested in. We be-
lievt. the schedule for visits Is $3.00. which
would tax a man confined to his bed for a
year , and in need of a daily visit , over -f J , -
000 a year for medical attendance alone I
And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken
in time would save the $1,000 and all the
years 'B sickness ,
"Oh , how I do wish my skin was as clear und
soft as yours , " said a lady to her friend. "You
can easily make It no , " answered the friond.
"How ? " inquired the Hrst lady. "Ily usinjc
Hop Bitters that makes pure , rich blood and
blooming health. It did it for me , as you
observe. "
"Is It possible that Sir. Godfrey is up
and at work , and cured by so simple a rem
edy ? "
'I assure you it is true that he is entirely
cured , and with nothing but Hop Bitters.
and only ten days ago his doctors gave him
up and said he must die , from Kidney and
Liver troubles 1"
( Amen. )
nre sent on 30 Doys'Trial 'I O MEN
ONUY. YOUNG Oil OLD , who ore Buffering from
ING WEAKNESSES , and ull diseases o' a KI.vuitKD
NATUNE , recultinx t om WHATBVEII
Hpeodyreltef aud complete restoration to HEALTH
Vioou and MANJIOOJ. UDAUAMTEZD. tknd at unco
for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address
Mtalc Belt Co. . Marshall , left.
When I My care 1 do not mean merely to atop them lor
a time and then hare them return again. Imean araol-
cal raroT I have raado the disease of FITS. EPILEPSY
or PALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. Iwarrantmy
remedy to cure the worst cases Because others naTo
failed h no reason for not now receiving a cure. Bend at
cnco for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible.
remedy. Give Express and Post Offlco. It costs joe
nothing for a trial , and I will euro you. . '
> drtrp T > - II 0 HOOT. 18iPcarlSt..N8wYoa6
Eleven Years Practical Use In the Field.
Popular because Simple and Eaay te
It hu the lead with the Dealers and the Farmers ,
who have rendered an unanimous verdict that it
is the test Chick Rtnair made.
Tie wire does not cross the machine , tAtu traoidltuf
WIRE , and friction on the pulleys , and making
wire that does not cross the machine outwear sev
eral wires that do cross.
CHAMBERS , BERING , QUINLAN CO. , Exclusive Manufacturers. DECATUR. ILLS.
OL03Z3 08 077SD1 0V X03E. Onlv SinpleRingever invent
ed that Closes on Outside
Only Double Ring Invin'.ed. of the Js'ose.
Brown's Elliptical Bin ;
Triplt OrecTi Ecg ird Kg 2sjrr.
The only rinjf that will effectually keep hog * Only Single Rhj that elates on the outside of At
( torn rooting * . No sharp points in the nose. not * . No sharp points in the flesh to keep it sore.
CHAMBERS , BERING. QVINLAN CO. . Exclusive Manufacturers , DECATUR. ILLS.
Find it pays them to give Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der freely to diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; be
cause it purifies tbe blood , aids digestion , stimulates the
various functions to healthy secretion , and thus pro
motes growth , and gives a smooth , glocsy coat of hair.
yCIItCH COWS are mnch benefited by the occa
sional use of Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in slop or
HOGS fatten faster when it is Riven three or four
days ill succession every month or two.
SHEEP. All diseases common to sheep , such as
coughs , colds , scabs , etc. , are relieved by this powder.
IKS' Wc caution all tc/io detilre a truly meri
torious article to be sure and aaJe for Uncle
Sam's Condition Foicdcr , and accept no other
as a substitute.
FRANK RICHER , Scc'y. P. M. CASADY , Treas. J. O. MAHANA , Pros.
\X/estern TWfutual A id Cocjety *
X > E ! & lUHOXlXnESSt , IO"Wr-fiL-
It Is a band of members bound together by the ptrongest ties common interest where all
mve equal rights and privileges , organized for the purpose of aiding one another in case of
leath or old age.'There are no stockholders to absorb theproflts ; no dividends to be declared.
ts object is to afford protection for the family or estate , in case of death , by accident or oth
erwise , at _
atA.o1ru.etl Oosrt.
The following figures show what has been the average yearly cost for S2.COO protection , for
hree years , in the Western Mutual Aid Society , including annual dues ; also what it would
mve cost in the cheapest old line insurance company in the United States :
f estera Mutual AH Society , Cheapest Ins. Old Co. Line
Members from 18 to 30 years of-age 314 no § 33 82
" " "
31to40 1580 44 Si
" " "
1940 64 51
" 51to60 " " 2570 101 SI
For Circulars and information write to the Secretary , FRANK RICKER. DCS Moines , Iowa.
NeunJfria , Kheumatism.
( for Internal and External Ute ) will Instantly - [
stantly relieve these terrible diseases , and !
will positively cure r.iii : cases out of tea. I
Infuniuumn that will > ive many hi PS Kent I
frel v mail. Don't < ! clav a moment. 1-re-j
\ention is better than cure. JOHNSON'S ANOI > VNK LINIMENT CUCES Influenza. Iloarse-
ness. UIIIK Couuh , Wlioopnu Om li , Uiarrliosa , Dysentery. CNolera Jlorbus. Kidnev TrouWes. and
Lame Hack . Sold c\crvu lienCirciilara scut FREE. I. S. JOHNSON .t CO. lVrttr.ii. Mas * . J