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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1884)
* fr yBse& &K&uai , . . f xrt , - qnar as * ess , , 3r , * * * t * * Kr e trr. - * - - " . h. . -r - -wr-rtC Sw--i i * T * - ' - - * - . r i1- ; * . - ! - , < - THOT ! i " 5X8 CSSA ajti'-1 . * ' t. ' t S j f / - of . ' ' ' ( t ' < . ' f S- rf''sft'4' ' " " " " " 1" r F HIT" \j ' 'WwWPlTT f ? jE V JL iM-- VOLUME 2. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 13 , 1884. NUMBER 41. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. E. COCHRAN , Attorney at Law , KeCOJZ , BSD WH.1,077 COmiT , USB. Practice i nuy Courts of the state and Kan- * .aH. Und the government Land Office of- this District , and before the E .nd Department at Washington. Satisfaction xunrantcod. and terms reiifioimblc. Office 1st door sauth of the U. S. Lnnd Office. 3-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , Attorneys at Law , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will Klvc Fpcclal attention to the practice of law , and making collections. { 3TOfllc : feecond block north of depot , 2 doom north Green's drug store. 2-iJ. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. MCCOOK - : : NEBRASKA. .Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FRANCIS- County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of .all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. * 2-22. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , Surgeon B. & M. R. R. , * > Office ntB.Jt 5E. Pharmacy , McCOOK , 2.36. NEBRASKA. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and. Surgeon. Ondoato Helical Bepirtaeat Universlt ? Wecitir. Office In rear of Citizen's Bnnk , where he can be found wliea not professionally engaged. A. T. GATEWQOD , SURGEOB DENTIST , B. & X. EATING HOUSE. Preservation of Teeth a Specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK. NEBRASKA. .fobbing will receive prompt attention at my simp on Dcnnlson St. , opposite JMcCook House. Fiona and KpcclQcatlonii furnished If desired. , CONGDON& CLIFF , . Bricklayers & Plasterers. ' " " O - a All Jobs Promptly attended to. ' C. L. .XETTLETON , Supt , Publi lnstructiofl Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 8 o'clock , A. Jl . 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Pointer. * * McCOOKNEBRASKA " , - - > . . . . . J < / All "work guaranteed. Give me a call. * * - * * * WM , MdNTYBE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. T All work warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. * ' & co. , PaintersGrainers& Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , , furnished for Celling Decorations , cither In paper or Fresco Fainting. Saddles f Harness , [ OPPOSITE HOTEL OK THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , - WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy oui . fits , and Spurs. .R. H. HAMILTON. W. C. LaTOURETTE , i H DEALER IN | | HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRICUT-UBAL IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock -and Lowest Prices in Red Willqw County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. ' i ' t Sign of BIG AX. Three Deors South P. 0. , McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. LTfTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS' IN- . 'ti i HARDWARE , STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , . HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon - ' r t The Best "Wagon in the Market ' MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperyvare By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly , . and Neatly Executed. ; Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , ' McCOOK , NEBRASKA. - * i , > " . A * FREES&HOCKNELL . , .r f < J PEOPETJETORS OF THE IDEALEES"IN Lumber , Lirfie Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hard'and Soft Coal.1 ' ' - . - . . " 1 I' J- ' - rl YARDS AT MeCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford. Great Western Furniture Emporium , J.-E , BERGERj Proprietor , - 'McCQOK , NEB. , i . , , . . . , ' $ | * * 4i te 'i'JJil tvs vu > - T , : ; .M/'Jl r < y - > sr Mrs. R. H. HAMILTON , DEALER IK Hair Goods & Millinery , \ Switches , Braids , Waves , Frizzes , Etc. Sa7 BpcclaJ attention paid to the manufacture of al'klndnofllAlH OOOUS. Order by mall will re ceive prompt attentltn. Ladies' Furnishing Goods And Stylish Millinery. Zephyrs and Woolen Goods , Notions , Satin * . Lacci and Trimmings at the Ladies'Fashionable Bazar One Door South of Qnlck's Store , 32-3moB. INDIANOLANEBRASKA. . CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPKIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. D. KENDALL'S AND Favorite Resort IB the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. Bllliard&PoolTalile CALL andENJOYYOURSELVES NEW MEAT MARKET. DUNGAN & SHEKELS , DEALERS Ef Fresh f Salt Meats OF ALL KIXDS. CUBEHS OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pare Lard of oar own rendering. Highest cash price paid for Hides , Fun of all kinds , and Pelts. One door west of the City Bakery. * DUNGAIT & SHEKELS. Proprietors. WM. FBUIN , LOCATOR AND LAND AGENT. WILL LOCATE 'Settlers on Government Lands , buj and sell deeded claims , town lots and government claims. ALL LAND BUSINESS promptly and accurately done , and information as to lands cor rectly given oa reasona ble terms. Correspondence Solicited , Satisfaction Guarantee ! OUR CORRESPONDENCE. INDIANOLA. Mr. Ed. Wilson from Culbcrtson , cauie down. Sunday. Major Criswcll is to deliver a lecture in Indianola , to-night. We have a clever agent at our R. R. depot and a good citizen. There was a big trade in our town , . ' Monday , from the country. Col. Snavely delivered a lecture at Cambridge , Tuesday night. Mr. Tiff. Babcock and Mr. Harris were among us last Sunday. Two or three litigations in Judge Ashmore's Court , last week. There has been 1 CO marriage licenses , issued in Red Willow county. Miss Nellie Fisher is visiting relatives and friends here for a few days. Mr. Leavenworth , with W. H. McCart- ' ney , is a nice gentleman to trade with. There was a good attendance at the Indianola Literary Society last Saturday. Dr. Shaw is getting along rather slow ly with his office on account of the weather. Indianola can furnish' you with a lec turer anytime. Send in your orders two days ahead. Thos. Crumbaugh is getting his store room fixed in good shape before putting lu his stock of goods. Miss Rowell is visiting Mrs. W. H. McCartney and took in the masquerade last Wednesday night. J. Byron Jennings and I. J.Starbuck were down last week looking after the interests of Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Linch are keeping a first-class hotel in the old Commercial Hotel , DOW the Sargcant Hotel. The masquerade ball , last Wednesday night , was a grand success. A large crowd and good order prevailed. J. H. Goodrich , County Treasurer , is competent and honest and makes a good , treasurer for both people and county. Red Willow county's Court house is being completed and 'then our county will have a good Court house and have < " it paid for. Judge Ashmore will furnish you your marriage license cheerfully , and wont object to saying the ceremony for you too. It helps him to buy flour. Mr. CL D. Cramer is running the bus iness in the Clerk's Office very satisfac- . toriiy to all. Red Willow county has * been blest with good clerks for several years. MARRIED : At the residence of Mr. ' J. H. Short , Wednesday , March 5th , Mr. Thomas Curran to Miss Ella Bur- ney of Hitchcock county. Judge Ash- more officiating ; ' At the Soldier's Dinner , next Saturday - day , we would like to see as many of your soldiers and citizens here as can . come. You are all welcome to come and bring as many of your chickens as you can. Boyer & Shaw , successors to C. S. Quick , took possession , Monday morn ing , and set up the cigars all day Mon- . day. Success to them. They will get all my cigar trade as long as they set them up free. March llth , ' 84. A CITIZEN. CARRICO. Schuyler Braugh has returned. No wife. wife.The The mortality among stock is very great. Illness held me in bondage for sev eral days. BORN. On the SJ5th of February , to Mr. and Mrs. Haz. Bailey , a son. ARRIVED. The father and mother of J. G- . Stokes and the wife and family of Harry Troth. This winter's feeding must evidence to the farmers and stockmen that their interests are allied. The resources of our country can never be fully develop ed until such a sentiment prevails. 3Iarch 9th , 1884. W. For the benefit of the few readers of this paper who do not already know that DeLand's Soda is kept to the highest standard of excellence , we would say that such is the case , while the price is no higher than second-rate goods. Use DeLand's only. Sold by Hayden & Co. \ ' , . ' 1- . ' * -vv * > * * ' S ? - , * * t/i * . ' t.-'itJ , " * : - * * * - '