McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 06, 1884, Image 7

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Representative Springer introduced
for reference in the house the proposed
constitutional amendment making the pro
posed presidential term six years and ren
dering the president ineligible for reelection
tion for the next succeeding term.
Advices from Kegina , N. W. T. , say
the Indians at Crooked Lake still defy the
mounted police and allow no one to enter
the Center agency building. Gopher , the
leader of the File Hill Indians , Is under ar
rest , and a strong detachment has been sen
out to arrest others.
Judge Sawyer , in the circuit court at
San Francisco , decided the test the case of
Chinamen arriving without a return certifi
cate who left this country between the pas
sage of the restriction act , May 6 , 1882 ,
and the date it became effective , August 6 ,
18C2. The court held that the Chinamen
were unlawfully In the country.
The postoffice at Rich Hill , Mo. , was
burglarized , $1,000 cash and stamps being
stolen. The safe door was drilled and the
bolts thrown back by means of wire.
A petition signed by a number ot
state officers and many lawyers and leading
business men of Colorado , has been pie-
sented to President Artnur requesting the
appointment of Judge "Wagner , of St.
Louis-to succeed Judge McCrary on the
United States circuit bench for the Eighth
judicial circuit.
There is a terrible scourge among the
Zuni Indians. Over one hundred children
have died with the measles the past-month.
The disease is still raging and the scenes
about the Indian villages are sickening in
the extreme.
The house committee on invalid pen
sions agreed to report favorably Represent
ative Matson's bill , increasing pensions Of
widows and dependent parents of deceased
soldiers and sailors from $3 to $12 per
The river at Shreveport , La. , is the
highest since 1849 and still rising. Steamers
are bringing stock and people from sub
merged plantations hundreds of miles above
and below. The whole country Is reported
under water , and great damage Is being
At Sun Prairie , "Wisconsin , Edward
Feckham invited Lena Spraight , only 15
years of age , to ride to her home , nine
miles from his uncle's , where she was em
ployed as a domestic. When on the road
he was joined by Alexander Feckham , and
hey forced the girl to submit to them in a
school-house. The girl was terribly in
* '
jured. -
Specials report the worst blizzard of
the season raging at Crokston , Dak. , and
vicinity. Fears were entertained for the
safety of the passengers who left on the
stage for Bed Lake Falls.
The Yellowstone river broke at Glen ;
dive , Montana , on the 26th , and ran out
without a gorge. The river is higher than
at any time since the spring of 1881. The
ice is about three feet thick. Trouble is
feared further below , when the Missouri
opens below Buford.
The house committee on railways and
canals has ordered favorable reports on
Holt's bill appropriating $1,000,000 for the
construction of the Maryland and Delaware
ship canal.
A cablegram , received by the secre
tary of state , announces the death of Min
ister Hunt. He died from dropsy superin
duced by chronic inflammation of the liver.
Alma Lyons and Alfred Slender , boys ,
died in Chicago of hydrophobia , after the
most dreadful agony. The former was bit
ten January 12th and the latter January
The bill repealing the test oath ,
which recently passed , has passed
the senate.
R.Ryan , supposed to be connected
with Fenian organizations in Minnesota and
Dakota , has been arrested at "Winnipeg for
having signed the name of the adjutant gen
eral of the district to a call for 500 men to
do frontier service along the international
The debt of Helena , Ark. , amount
ing to $280,000 , has been compromised at
fifty cents on the dollars , eight-te nths of
the creditors agreeing.
General Gordon reports that the
Soudan is tranquil , and he is sending 300
invalids down the river.
5 Passengers from northern Mexico
confirm the existence of so-called yellow
fever at Mazatlan and Manzanillo. They
say it is worse than last year.
The western nail association held a
special meeting on the 28th at Fittsburg.
Reports from all sections [ indicate an im
proved condition of trade. Stocks have
not accumulated , the new card has been
maintained , and inquiries are more numer
ous than usual at this season' .
Harry Tntfle , wounded in the Stone-
ville fight , was taken from the hospital at
Spearfish , Dakota , by masked men , and
Great excitement prevails at Erin ,
Tenn. , over the discovery of a goldmine.
"While out hunting , L. H. Bernathy found
a cave and evidences of gold. He took a
lease of the land , and is selling lots at big
profits. Over $5,000 worth of nuggets are
on exhibition.
5A tragedy occurred in Marion coun
ty , Ky. , in which Green Clayton and "Wash
Burke were killed , Lawrence Clayton fatal
ly wounded and Floyd Burke shot in the
arm. The tragedy originated in Lawrence
Clayton making some improper remark to ;
. * .
af r t -f S
Mis9 Burke , a daughter of the man killed.
J. O. Beach , at Rfdgeway , Minn. ,
flhot and killed his wife , from whom he was
recently divorced , and then killed himself
The trouble arose over the possession of a
child , which the court delivered into the
possession ot the woman.
The democratic state central com
mittee of Indiana has fixed June 25th as the
date for the state convention. Ex-Senator
McDonald tendered his resignation as chair
man , but the committee declined to accept
it , and he will continue to act as chairman
temporarily , at least.
Miss Kate Giblin , of Fittsburg , and
Miss Mary Cassldy , a well known young
lady of New York , and daughter of Super
intendent Cassldy , of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad , took the white veil at St.
Mary's convent , "Wilkesbarre , Fa ,
Excitement prevails at Eagle , in
"Waukesha county , over the reported dis
covery of a rich diamond In that village.
A New London dispatch notes the
death by drowning or starvation of seven
men of the crew of the schooner Sarah "W.
Hunt , while searchingfor seals , near Camp
bell island Pacific ocean. '
William Penn Nixon , proprietor of
the Chicago Inter-Ocean , made an argu
ment before the committee on postoffices
and post roads in favor of a postal rate of
one cent per pound on newspapers.
' The American government has re
ceived an Invitation to participate in an ex
hibition of dairy products at Munich in
A bill to protect the public health
was submitted for consideration of the na
tional committee on public health. It pro
vides that the surgeon general of the army
of the United States , the surgeon general of
the United States navy , and the supervis
ing surgeon general of the marine hospital
service shall hereafter constitute the United
States board of health.
The-Ohio republican state conven
tion will be held at Columbus'April 23d.
There is considerable excitement
the quinine market , in consequence of.the
fire at the factory of Powers & "Weightman
in Philadelphia. The price of the drug ,
which had been in only moderate demand ,
jumped from $1.40 to $1.80 per ounce. The
foreign article has been quoted at $1.10 , but
went up to $1.50 , with only a limited quan
tity at that price.
A protest of iron and steel manufac
turers and iron ore producers against the
Morrison tariff bill , signed by 322 firms and
companies , and representing twenty-one
states , has been sent to every senator and
representative in congress.
Two negroes camped near the depot
at New Bradford , Fla. , and next morning
both were discovered dead in their camp.
One was 'shot through the head and the
other terribly mutilated.
The -hodies of the Nelson children ,
of Dakota , have been found. The body
of the youngest was found in.a snow cave ,
which had been dug by the father for the
protection of the children from the storm.
The oldest child had left the cave and wan
dered off about a mile , where her body was
found. The bodies of the father and chil
dren were burled at Sanborn. The body of
the father was found several days previous
to that of the child. The three left .their
cabin in the late blizzard to go to a straw
stack half a mile away forfuel and lost their
way. _
Representative Cannon has intro
duced a bill to simplify procedure in pen
sion claims and extend the benefits of the
pension laws to worthv claimants , unable
by existing laws to furnish the necessary
evidence , whereby the private calendar is
encumbered with private acts to the deM-
ment of public business.
The shipping committee took up the
bill to admit foreign-built ships to Ameri
can registry free of duty , and voted , 3 to 6 ,
to report it adversely.
The secretary of state received a
cable from Minister Foster , at Madrid , an
nouncing the death , by suicide , at Alicante ,
Spain , of James R. Partridge' , residing
there , on account of his health. Partridge
was in the United States diplomatic service
for many years at" Brazil and other South
American countries , his last service being
at Lima.
A bill was reported favorably to the
senate to prohibit the mailing of newspa
pers containing lottery advertisements , ac
companied by two reports. The majority
hold the bill constitutional , and in the line
of legislation already adopted by all except
three of the states. The minority holds
that consress has no power to suppress lot
tery gambling or any other kind of gam
At a meeting of the committee on
banking and currency , Buckner moved to
substitute his bill for the issuance of treas
ury notes to take the place of bank notes
for all bills concerning bank circulation that
have been considered by the committee.
The substitute was rejected by a vote of 3
to 9.
Speaker Barlisle has received a letter
addressed to him personally by several of
the most prominent members of the liberal
party in the German reichstag , expressing
ieir high sense of appreciation of the ac
tion taken by the house of representatives
as a token of respect for the memory of the
ate Herr Lasker. The letter expresses the
lope that the two nations may develop and
continue in friendship.
The house committee on Indian af-
'airs agreed to report favorably on Merrill's
) ill for the sale , with the consent of the
Eickapoo Indians , the diminished rcserva
tlon In Kansas and remove the Indians to
the Indian territory.
The secretary of the interior has decided
cided that Ferryman should be recognized
as the principal chief ofthe Creek nation ,
in the Indian territory , instead of Ispa-
. Geperal Longstreet , United States
marshal for Georgia , testified before the
Springer committee and denied that tie was
a defaulter to the government. He sale
that , on the contrary , a proper footing o
'his accounts show the government indebtei
to him for $1,200. The report that he was
in default grew out of the fact that he was
charged with $10,000 which he had never
received and which had been all along in
the United States treasury. The circulation
of the report was the result of a conspiracy
by Bryant and others.
Secretary Chandler recommended the
nomination of Medical Director F. M. Gun
nel to the surgeon-general of the army.
The bill introduced in the senate by
Pendleton for the settlement and develop
ment of Alaska provides an appropriation
of $100,000 for the construction of a high
way between Fort "Wrangel and the Cana
dian Pacific and for opening the agricultu
ral and grazing lands under homest in
in quantities of 640 acres to. heads ot * Bul
lies and 320 to unmarried males or females
over 21 years of age.
The ways and means committee
heard a number of senators and represent
atives in advocacy of a change in the inter
nal revenue laws. Among the points
touched on was to allow fruit growers to
make their own brandy .without taxation ;
modification of the laws relative to distilla
tion , and one 'or two congressmen advo
cated the abolition of internal revenue.
Representative Watson has pre
pared a report accompanying his bill for I -
crease of pensions of soldiers' widows and
dependent relatives from $8 to $12 per
month. It estimates the total number of
pensions whose rates will be increased by
the bill at 124,833 , and the aggregate annual
increase of pensions at $5,968,000. Owing
to the ago of those to be benefited , it is be
lieved that the list will rapidly decrease.
The secretary of the treasury has
given notice that ha will redeem the bonds
in the 126th call prior to maturity ( May 1)
with interestto date of presentation.
The postoffice bill , as prepared by
the committee , appropriates $10,500,000 as
pay for postmasters. , the maximum salary
being $4f 00. In it the postmaster-general
is directed to readjust the compensation ,
after July 1st next , of railroads for carrying
mails by a reduction of 5 per cent , from the
fates on a basis of the average weight , and
railroads aided by land grants , on condition
that they transport the mails at such prices
as congress may direct , are to receive only
50 per cent , of the compensation allowed
other roads for a corresponding service.
The secretary of war has still on hand
$50,000 of the $500,000 appropriated for the
relief of the relief of the flood sufferers ,
which he has used to purchase necessary
additional supplies.
Secretary Folger , commenting on
the dispatch from Consul King at Birming
ham , England , relative to the spread of foot
and mouth disease , says there is great ne
cessity for legislation to protect the United
States against the importation of diseased
cattle , and he hopes the matter will soon
receive the attention of congress.
The debt statement shows a decrease
in the public debt during February of $2-
582,587decrease since June 3,1883 , $66-
590,074 ; cash in treasury , $396,293,452 ;
legal tenders outstanding , $346,681,016 ; cash
balance available March 1 , 1884 , $145,534-
The treasurer of the United .States
las prepared a'statement showing the total
coinage of standard silver dollars under the
act of February 28 , 1878 , to March , 1884 ,
was 166,1257119 ; held in the treasury of
fice and mints , 126,822,399 ; outstanding ,
39,302,720. Of the amount held by the
treasury there are held to redeem the out
standing silver certificates , 86,247,721 ,
eaving owned by the treasury 30,574,678.
Baker Pasha has been appointed chief
of the intelligence department , with Col.
Barnabv , correspondent of the London
Post , as assistant.
The report that El Mahdi is march
ing toward Khartoum is confirmed. El
Mahdi's inaction after his victory at El
Obeid Is "explained thus : Finding the
sheikhs of the principal tribes wished to
go home with their spoils in order to attend
; he harvest , he proclaimedaholy truce dur
ing the months of Moharren and Safar , end-
ng on the date of the anniversary of the
birth of the prophet. That time expired ,
the campaign will be resumed.
Advices from Madagascar state that
fever is rife among Frenchmen atTama-
One thousand British troops at Trin-
kltat advanced four miles on the 26th and
occupied Baker Pasha's fortification. The
enemy retired , waving their spears.
The house of lords has passed a bill
for the prevention of the introduction of
oot and mouth disease by foreign cattle.
The steamer Servia , from Liverpool
for New York , was passed , 800 miles west
of Fastnet , apparently disabled.
Grand Duke Michael , of Russia , has
arrived In Berlin at the head of a deputa
tion , to congratulate the emperor upon the
eventeenth anniversary of his entrance in
to the Russian order of St. Georg"e. The
German crown prince , Frederick "William ,
met the grand duke at the station and gave
lim a cordial welcome.
111 O
Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments or
rented until the rent pays icr the organ.
M. A. SPALDING , Agent ,
Ranch on Red "Willow , Thornburg , Hayes
branded * * J. M. "
County , Neb. Cattle on
left side. Young cattle branded same as
above , also " J. " on left jaw. Under-slope
right ear. Horses branded "E" on left
FOR SALE. My range of 1,000 acres of
deeded laud in one body , including the
Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and
water with two good farm houses and other
improvements. Convenient to No. 1 school
privileges. Situated in the Republican val-
fey west of Red "Willow creek. Call on or
address J. F. BLACK ,
Red "Willow , Neb.
Stock-brand circle on left shoulder ; also
dewlap and a crop and under half crop on
left ear , and a crop and under bit in the
right. Ranch on the Republican. Post-
office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska.
Osborn , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek ,
n southwest corner of Frontier county , cat
tle branded ' ' 0 L OJ on right side. Also ,
an over crop on right ear and under crop on
eft. Horsesbranded " 8" on right shoulder.
Indianola , Neb. Range : Republican Val-
ey , east of Dry Creek , and near head of
Spring Creek , in Chase county ,
Vice President and Superintendent.
McCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast ,
in Republican river. Stock branded with
i bar and lazy B on left hip B
Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman
River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded
as above ; also " 717" on left side : "O.L. "
on left hip : " 7" on right hip and "L. " on
right shoulder ; "L. " on left shoulderand
"X."on left jaw. Half under-crop left
ear , and square-crop right ear.
Range : Republican Valley , four mile
west of CulhCrtson , south ride of Republi
can. Stock branded " 1G1" and " 7-L. "
P. O. Address , Culbertson , Neb.
Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock
branded on left hip , and a few double cross
es on left side. C. D. ERCANBRACK.
P. 0. Address , Carriro , Hayes county
Nebraska. Range , Red "Willow , alrove Car-
rico. Stock branded as above , also lazy c on
left side and slit in both ears.
Ranch 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the
Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" on the
left hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb.
McCook , Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek.
In southwest corner of Frontier county. Abb
E. P. brand on right hip and side and swal
low-fork in right ear. Horses branded B. F.
on right hip. A few branded * ' A on rijrht
hip. °
Anti-Bilious and Dyspeptic Oon.