McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 06, 1884, Image 6

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' JT. M. & K. M. K1MMEIX , Pub * .
McCOOK , ; ; ; ; NJl
A company has been organized fo
the purpose of building a bridge across th
Missouri river at Decatur.
James N. O. Sherwood , of New York
has brought suit hi the United States cour
against the c ty of Brownville to recove
money due on bonds Issued by the .city sev
eral years ago. The plaintiff's petition em
braces seventy-two counts.
Blair Pilot : Sheriff. Gross arrived 01
Friday last from Ohio , having with him thi
prisoner Hiram Lee , havingmade the roum
trip , taking In Lincoln , Neb. , and Colum
bus , Ohio , to procure his requisition , in fivi
days. When arrested Lee had on a $60 sui
of clothes that he had just stolen , and the ]
were identified by the owner , who * refuscc
to take them after he had worn them.
A strange and fatal disease amen
hogs has made its appearance in the vicinity
of Fremont , and a great many have died.
Those who have observed the effects saj
that the hog is very suddenly taken sick ,
stops eating coughs some , and within a lev
hours lies down and dies. . <
Mr. and Mrs. Whiting , of Nuckollt
pounty , recently celebrated the sixtieth an
niversary of their married life.
It is said the B. & M. will build
new and commodious depot at Graf ton this
year.A subscription paper is in circula
tion at Sidney for building a Methodist
church. Fifteen hundred dollars has thus
far been subscribed.
Beaver City is jubilant over Its prospects.
Newcomers are arriving daily and the town
has a boom of no mean pretensions. Mer
chants are doing a rushing business , and
the outlook on all sides is decidedly en
The Congregational society of Fre
mont contemplate building a house of wor
ship at an early day.
Brakeman T. jFarrell , of B. & M.
freight No. 29 , was killed at Cedar Creek
quarries by falling under a flat car which
broke in two. His body was taken to Men-
dota , 111. , by his brother , J. P. Farrell , of
Beatrice. ,
Gen. O. O. Howard is giving a series
of lectures throughout the state , his sub
ject being "The Battle of Gettysburg. ' '
Genoa Enterprise : The intermarrying
ing of white people with Indians is getting
more popular. ! number of Omaha Indi
ans have for some time been married and
living with whites near their agency. And
recently not only has the matron in the gov
ernment school at the Santee agency taken a
young Santee brave.for a 'life partner , but
a Rev. S. S. Hinmah has taken a wife of
like birth. This information may have a
tendency to sooth the sorrows of some of
the old bachelors of this neighborhood who
have been vainly searching for the last
twenty years for one of the fair sex to share
Valentine Rep orter : Yesterday morn
ing an Indian came into the postoffice to
buy a' dollar's worth of stamps , telling us
in broken English that he was going to send
letters to his children , who had Just gone
to Genoa to attend school. "Who says the
Indian is not civilized ? .
The Hastings Journal says a man on
Capt. Yocum's farm. selected twenty ears
of corn from.his crib and took five kernels
of corn from each ear. These he placed in
a pan of earth -which was kept in the kitch
en. After a sufficient time had expired he
examined the corn and by actual count
found that ninety-nine kernels had sprouted -
* ed in good shape and were growing. Other
farmers seem to think that much of the
early planted corn of last year will grow.
A fire at Lincoln on the 27th de
stroyed property to the value of $60,000 , on
which there was partial insurance.
The barn of J. B. Shephard , near
Fuller-ton , took fire , and , before anything
could be done to save the stock or grain ,
burned to the ground. Three span , of
horses perished in the flames- , and a large
amount of grain was destroyed. ,
Stock in Brown county are reported
as doing well and .looking first-class. The
season having been a comparatively open
one and but little snow having fell , it has
been necessary to feed but little , the cattle
picking up their own living on the range.
The tide of immigration expected in
northern Nebraska is commencing to arrive
with the approach of the spring months.
The Omaha Republican publishes the
replies from 300 leading republicans , cov
ering every countvin Nebraska. The re
plies indicate the first choice for presiden
tial nomination as follows : For Elaine , 107 ;
Logan , 69 ; Arthur , 51 ; Edmunds , 18 ;
Conkling , 15 ; Lincoln , 12 ; Gen. Sherman ,
10 ; Senator.Harrison , 6 ; Grant , 4. There
is nearly a unanimous preference for Rob
ert Lincoln for the vice-presidency.
SPostoffice changes in Nebraska for
the week en'ding February 23 , 1884 , fur
nished by Wm. Van Vleck , of the postoffice
department : Established Nicholas , Lin
coln county , Richard Brown , postmaster.
Discontinued Liby , Dodge county ; Nea ,
Custer county. Names changed Penica ,
Dawson county , to Hilton , "Wendall Gross ,
postmaster. Postmasters appointed Ak
ron , Boone county , IE. . Tackley ; Atlan
ta , Saline county , Jennie Bamer ; Axtel ,
Kearney county , Eben "W. Fosbury ; Cas
cade , Howard county , Miss Martina "Welch ;
Laporte , Wayne county , Pamelia Agler ;
Lavinia , Holt county , Jacob S. Griffin ;
Louisville , Cass county , Alma E. Glover ;
Lost Creek , Platte county , Mrs. M. A.
Crooklan ; Oakdale , Antelope county , E
Galley ; Olax , Custer county , John Moran
River View , Buffalo county , James Hun
George Butts was arrested in Kear
neyfor selling dried horse meat. /
In the Reid murder case , in progress
at Beatrice , a daughter of the accuset
fainted while giving testimony. She testlfie <
she was with her mother when Reid'camt
to the house and shot her.
The , Republican state central com
mittee , at their meeting held in Omaha i
few days ago , decided to hold the state con <
yention for choosing delegates to the presi
dential convention at Chicago , at Lincoln 01
Thursday , May 1. It will consistof 440 del
egates. The basis of apportionment is th <
vote for Regent Hiatt at the election las
There is not enough.houses in Valparaiso
raise to supply the demand and capitalist !
are urged to put their money in a few ten
ements and realize handsome returns there
from. '
The Valparaiso Avalanche says that
Dr. Stephens was called to Marble pre
cinct of that county in his capacity as coun
ty coroner to see an old man named Xavei
Eggert whose body had been found lying
stark and cold on the prairie. The de
ceased had been attending a meeting held
in a school house the night previous , and
the verdict of the jury was that he came tc
his death by falling upon the ice as he was
returning home.
Jordan P. Smith who was tried at
Juniata seven years ago for the murder of a
man named Collins at itearney , ' and sen
tenced to ten years in penitentiary , will be
liberated on the 22d of March. "Smith's
term would not under the sentence expire
until February 22d , 1887 , but owing to
good behavior he will have three years ol
the sentence deducted.
The Hastings Gazette-Journal has
been shown a "quilt containing 5,280 pieces
made by Mrs. N. Dominy , a lady who is
seventy-six years of age. The quilt is for
sale , and when sold the proceeds arc to be
used toward the erection of a church at
The Fairfield Herald has been inves.
tigating the amount of corn stored in the
town and.finds there is nearly 60,000 bush
Farmers who have good , sound ,
fully-matured corn are likely to receive a
good price for the same before planting
time , as Nebraska seed corn will probably
be in demand from the eastern states.
Nathaniel Pascoe , who has been feed
ing 2,200 head of sheep northwest of Fre
mont , has disposed of his flock for five
cents per pound , to be delivered about the
middie of March.
The beautiful grove on the farm of
David Schwenck , two miles east of Papil-
lion , is being cleared of all underbrush and
fitted for picnic grounds. It Is one of the
handsomest locations in Sarpy county , and
expected to prove a popular resort during
the summer months.a .
a i ' .
Senator Harrison's Pension Bill.
WASHINGTON , February 25. Senator
Harrison introduced a bill in the senate to-
lay providing.for. a pension for all honora
bly discharged soldiers who served six
months in the war of the rebellion in the
military or naval service , provided they are
sow disabled. The bill proceeds upon the
; heory that there are many soldiers and
sailors who-did not contract disabilities
luring the war of such a well-defined na-
: ure as to enable them to make proof
; hereof , . but who are now broken
lown in health by reason of hard-
ihips and exposures in the service. The
lighest rate of pension granted Is $24. The
) ill increases to $12 the pensions of all wid-
> ws of pensioners who contracted disability
n and since the war and who are now
Irawing $ S ; aiso the pensions of widows of
soldiers to be pensioned under the first sec-
ion , and those who shall obtain pensions
inder the existing laws , without the widow
> eing required to prove that death was due
o service. It does not grant a pension to
ill widows , but only to those who are or be-
iame pensioners. The bill is the result of a
lemand which the government , under ex-
sting laws , is unable to meet. The pen-
ions under the act will begin at the date of
iling the application therefor.
A Double Execution.
JACKSON , Ohio , February 29. Great
xowds were present to witness the hanging
> f the brothers Luke and William Jones ,
or the murder of Andrew Lackey a year
go. The trap fell shortly after 1 o'clock.
? he brothers were hanged on a single piece
f rope , one at each end , the middle por-
ion , of the rope being wrapped about a
ieam. The double trap worked perfectly ,
"hey slept soundly last night , "praying fern
n hour before retiring. This morning they
ang and prayed constantly while preparing
or the gallows. .Luke's neck was instantly
roken. William struggled and twitched
lorribly after the trap fell , drawing his legs
ip so they touched his brother.
We have handled Chamberlain's
Jough Remedy for eight years , always
warranted it , and never had a bottle re
amed. HAMLIN & Kmur , Druggists ,
Sept. 18,1883. Oneida , Kansas.
- -
Eight hundred vagrants , a score of
hem" men whose ages ranged from
inety to ninety-nine years , were ar-
ested in a single week toward the
lose of last month in Paris. Many of
hem asserted that they had not slept in
bed for thirty years.
Good manners are made up of petty
Six days of labor make the seventh
' *
SENATE. Monday , February 25.-
Mr. Logan , from the committee on judi
clary , reported two original resolutions
which were agreed to , relating to rallroai
lands , one calling upon the secretary of th
interior to inform the senate whether an ;
of the railroad companies mentioned in th'
act > of May ? , 1878 , had , failed to compl ;
with the requirements of said act , whei
and in 'what respect they had failed ant
whether they subsequently complied there
with. Mr. Ransom offered a joint resolu
tion to appropriate $100,000 for the relic
of sufferers by the recent great wim
storm in the southern states. Referred
Mr. Voorhees offered , a resolution , whlcl
was referred to the committee on Judiciary
instructing that committee to inquire con
cerning leases of lands in the Indian Terri
tory for cattle grazing and how muchmone ;
paid into the treasury for such leases , am
whether the lessees had surveyed land , etc. .
The senate resumed consideration of th <
currency bill. The bill , as modified b ]
MorrilPs amendment , waspassed 43 to 12 ,
It provides for the issue of notes to banking
associations to the. amount not exceeding
the par value of the bonds deposited , or ir
excess of the actual amount of capital stool
paid in ; that associations issuing notes pay
able in gold shall receive notes on the bondf
deposited , in money prescribed in the acl
for other national banking associations.
HOUSE. Mr. Gibson introduced a
joint resolution appropriating $30,000 foi
the distribution of seed among the sufferers
from the Ohio floods. Referred. Mr.
Dunn introduced a resolution for an appro
priation of $500,000 for the relief of peraon !
rendered destitute by the overflow of the
Mississippi river and tributaries. The com
mittee on territories reported a bill provid
ing a civil government for Alaska. Referred
to the committee of the whole. Also requir
ing that governors of territories be residents
of such territories at least two years before
date of appointment. Placed on calendar.
Bills were introduced : By Mr. Stevens , to
establish an inter-stae trailway transporta
tion bureau far the regulation of commerce
with foreign nations and among states and
within the Indian tribes. By Mr. G. D.
Wise , for the completion of a monument to
the mother of Washington , at Fredericks-
burg. The house went into committee oi
the whole on the bill to create a bureau ol
animal industry. The committee , without
action , rose and the house adjourned.
SENATE Tuesday , February 26.
Mr. Hale introduced the following Joint
resolution , which was at once reai' three
times and passed without debate : Resolved ,
by the Senate and House of Representa
tives , That the net of her Britannic majes
ty's government itf presenting to the United
States government the arctic steamship
"Alert. " which will be used in the con
templated expedition to relieve Lieutenant
Greely and party , is recognized as oppor
tune and generous , and deeply appreciated
by congress and the people of the United
States ; and that the president is hereby re
quested to communicate a copyof this reso
lution to her Britannic majesty's govern
ment. The committee on military affairs
reported favorably , with amendments ,
the bill to consolidate the bureau of military
justice and corps of judge advocates
of the army. Placed oni the calendar.
Dlr. Plumb offered a resolution , which was
agreed to , calling upon the commissioner
of agriculture for information as to the an
nual amount of wheat , rye , corn , and cot
ton produced in this country during the five
pears preceding 1882 ; the amount used at
home for food , fodder seed and other pur
poses ; the amount exported and the sur
plus , if any , at the end of said group of five
pears , and similar information for the years
1882 and 1883 separately , and an .estimate
is to the year 1884. Also , whether , in his
ludement , speculations by ' 'options'or
"futures , " whereas no actual transfer
takes place , tends to affect the market value
jf the commodity to the injury of the'con-
mrner or producer.
HOUSE. After the transaction "of
routine business the house went into com
mittee of the whole ( Cox in the chair ) on
; he pleuro-pneumonia bill. Mr. Hopkins
jffered an amendment 'providing that the
ippointment of examiners be with the con-
jent of the legislatures. Mr. Eaton ap
proved the amendment because the bill could
lot be amended so as to make it decent.
Mr. Kasson urged the necessity of a federal
nspection law of some sort that would fiir-
lish foreign nations prima facie evidence of
; he safety of the meat products exported
'rom ' the Lnited States. A million dollars
i week hung upon the consideration of this
) ill , for the United States were subjected to
iomething like prohibition in regard to some
> f- the most important of its agricultural
) roducts. Mr. Weller thought theprovis-
ons of the bill were in the interests of a
lattle ring now being formed to control the
: attle trade of the great northwest. Mr.
lopkins' amendment was lost 91 to 101.
laving concluded consideration of the sec-
> nd section , the committee rose and the
LOUSC adjourned.
SENATE. Wednesday , February 27.
-Mr. Van Wyck asked immediate consid-
rationof the following resolution : "Re-
olved. That the committee on postoffices
nd postroads is directed to inquire whether ,
t any time , the Western Union and Balti-
aore telegraph companies , or anv ofiit-er or
mployes of said companies , entered into a
ontract or negotiation for the purpose of
onsolidatin < said companies or making a
ombination for any purpose. " After de-
ate the resolution was referred to the com-
littee on postoffices and post-roads.
Ir. Blair introduced a bilfr to extend the
ime for the completion of railroads west of
be Mississippi river to which land grants
ave been made and which are in good faith
rosecuting the work of construction with-
ut forfeiture of such land. Mr. Lapham
itroduced a bill to. incorporate the Yellow-
tone Park railway and aid its construction ,
[ r. Vest offered a resolution , which was
greed to , calling upon the secretary of the
iterior for information whether any part
f the Crow reservation in Montana had
een leased , and if so , by what authority.
HOUSEMr. . Valentine introduced a
ill authorizing a bridge across the Missouri
tDecatur. Referred. Mr. Lefevre of-
3red a resolution reciting that speculation
nd gambling in American farm products
btained control of the market value of
ipse products , and directing that the com-
littee on judiciary prepare a bill prohibit-
ig the purchase or sale of wheat , corn ,
revisions or other articles of prime neces-
ly , unless actual transfer of the articles or
rarehouse receipts accompanies such action ;
Isoa bill authorizing such governmental
iterference as wfll give stability
) the price of these commodities ,
ne house went into committee of the whole
n the pleuro-pneumonia bill. The motion
) strike out the section which provides that
ates shall pay hah the expense of the valu-
tion of animals slaughtered as diseased
as lost. Mr. Muldrow offered an amcnd-
lent confining the operations of the bill to
leuro-pneumonia only. Adopted 100 to
J. The committee reported the bill to the
ouse , and pending action on the amend-
icnt striking out section fo'ir , the house
SENATE Thursday , February 27.
[ r. Ingalls introduced a bill to remove the
( junction of secrecy from the court martial
mt tried Gen. Fitz John Porter , in order
latthe members of it may g've the details
i the public and testify , if called upon"
The senate resumed consideration of th
bill to authorize the construction of stee
cruisers. Mr. Hale then offered as a aiib
Btitute forMcPherson's amendment a pro
vision that these vessels be constructed ii
all respects in accordance with the provls
ions of the acts of August 5 , 1882
and March 3 , 1883 , anthorizinj
the construction of four steel cruisers
Mr. McPherson objected and it went over
Mr. Hawley defended the secretary of thi
navy and said he would compare favorabl'
with any man who ever filled the office
After further debate McPherson's amend
meiit , reducing the number of vessels f ron
seven to four , was lost 17 to 34. Pending
.discussion , the senate went into executlvi
session and soon adjourned.
HOUSE. The house considerec
the pleuro-pneumonia bill. The amend
ment striking out the fourth section ( quar
autlne section ) was agreed to yeas 155 ,
nays 118. Mr. Randall offered a reaolutior
recommitting the pleuro-pneumonia bill tc
the committee on agriculture with lenv <
to report any time. Rejected yeas 19 ,
nays 145 ; the house thus refusing tc
recommit the bill. The bill -was
then passed yeas 155 , nays 127.
The bill as passed provides that the com
missioner of agriculture shall organize r
bureau of animal industry and appoint i
chief thereof , whose duty shall be to inves
tigate and report upon the number , value
and condition of domestic animals in the
United States , and also the causes of con
tagious and communicable diseases araonp
them , and the means for the prevention ind
cure of the same. He is authorized to ap
point two competent agents , whose duty it
shall be to report upon the best methods ol
treating , transporting and caring for them
And the best means for the suppression ant )
extirpation of contagious pleuro-pneumo
nia. The bill further provides that the
commissioner of agriculture may expend an
much money appropriated by this act as may
be necessary in paying , for animals that it is
deemed necessary to slaughter and in such
disinfection and other means as may be
necessary to extirpate the disease. The
authorities of states shall pay one-half the
expense of animals deemed necessary to
slaughter and one-half the cost for disinfec
tion and care of herds of cattle. It prohib
its the transportation from one state to an
other of. any live stack affected with any
contagious or infectuous disease , and pro
vides for the prosecution of any persons violating
lating the prohibition. Two hundred and
fifty thousand dollars is appropriated to
carry into effect the provisions of the bill.
SENATE. Friday , March 29. Mr.
Harrison , from the committee on territo
ries , reported favorably the original bill for
the admission of the territory of Dakota.
Ordered printed and recommitted. The
committee on appropriations reported fa
vorably the military apademy bill. Placed
on the calendar. The senate resumed con
sideration of the bill for the construction of
steel cruisers , Mr. Sewell's amendment for
building the ships at the government navy
yards and Jones' amcndmeit that the
building being apportioned among the dif
ferent navy yards being before the body
for action. Both of them were rejected.
Mr. Morgan withdrew his objection to the
vessels being built by private contract , by
consent of Hale. The substance of the acts
of 1882 and 1883 on the subject were em
bodied in the bill , together with a proviso
that bids may be received from those who
are able to satisfy the secretary of the navy
that they can , in three months after making
the contract , be ready to build the vessels ,
and the bill was passed 38 to 13.
HOUSE. Mr. Ransom , from the com
mittee on appropriations , reported ad
versely the joint resolution introduced by
dim last Monday and referred to that com
mittee , providing foi an appropriation to
lid the sufferers by the great storms in the
southern states. The committee on educa
tion reported back the resolution inquiring
into the management of the institutions
using funds appropriated for the ben-
jfit of ajrricultural colleges. Adopted.
The postofilce appropriation bill was re
ported by Townshend.Referred to the
committee of the whole. Recess was taken
111 7:30 p m. , the evening session to be for
; he consideration of the pension bills. The
louse , at the evening session , passed about
; wenty pension bills and adjourned until to-
HOUSE Saturday , March 1. The
'ollowing bills were reported : From the
jommittee on banking and currency , to
irovide for the issue of circulating notes to
iational banks. Referred to the committee
) f the whole. From the committee on com-
nerce , to establish a board of inter-state com-
nerce. Referred to committee of the whole.
? rpm the committee on invalid pensions ,
; o increase the pensions of widows , minor
ihildren and dependent relatives of de-
; eased soldiers and sailors. Referred to the
lommittee of the whole. The house went
nto committee of the whole on the naval
ippropriation bill. Mr. Thomas said there
vere fifty-nine officers for every ship in the
ervice , or one officer to every five seamen.
lhe ? navy was perfectly helpless. Thepend-
n bill had no provision for armament.
Vhen the ships were completed there
rould be no guns to put In them.
Report on the Swine Industry.
The president transmitted to the
louse the report of the commission on the
ondition of the swine products of the
ountry. He recommends the views and
onclusions of the commission as worthy of
tic most careful consideration of congress ,
rith a view , if it can be done legitimately ,
j the removal of restrictions on exports
ow existing. He also commends the pub-
c spirit of the members of the commis-
ion and recommends an appropriation to
jimburse them for expenses incurred and
jmunerate them for the time spent. . JEe
kewise recommends a provision for spe-
ial efforts in the direction of itvestigation
ito the origin , propagation and means of
stirpation of trichina ; . The secretary of
ate also transmits a communication on the
ibject. He says the report shows conclu-
vely that hog cholera is not present in
leat packed for human food , and in no
rent is the disease communicable to human
eings. As to trichinosis , the report is less
onclusive , because less is known about the
ansmission of living trichina ; and germs ,
"e advises furtherjnvestiRation.
The Chinese Immigration Bill.
WASHINGTON , February 28. The
juse committee on foreign affairs has
; reed to report favorably the bill prepared
p- the Pacific coast delegaation for the pre-
jntion of Chinese immigration , having
ade two amendments , one striking out the
ause requiring Chinese students to have
srtificates and return to China within
inety days after graduation , and 'the othei
akes it necessary that the United States
ly all expenses of the return of any China-
an to whom permission Is given to land
om any vessel referred to under the law.
was a party vote , the democrats favoring
id the republicans opposing.
< ? >
An Oranlia Powder MnKariiio Explodes
With Disastrous Results rour IIojs >
Blown to Atoms.
Omaha Herald , 27th. | J
The shock of an explosion was felt
throughout the city at tnreo o'clock-yester
day afternoon , shaking the upper stories of l\ \
tall buildings , and was followed by the < ( |
ringing of the fire bells on an alarm from , j
box 6 , Twentieth and Pierce streets. The
nature of the Jarring Indicated probably a iTO i
boiler at least not a dynamite explosion
and the various breweries and manufactor
ies on the river bank were rumored , one
after another , to have been blown up. The
explosion was soon traced to the powder
magazine of Steele & Johnson.
Presently the searchers made a horrible
discovery. Lylnir otn the bank of the brook ,
' *
perhaps a hundred' yards toward the river
from the powder house , they stumbled up
on the body of a young man decapitated
and divested of the right arm. The body
had been stripped of all clothing until it
* *
was wholly bare , and as It lay the back uppermost -
permost and stretched out as if it had fallen
from a height , the skin burned blue-black f , ' '
and copper color bj powder , it resembled j i
less a human form than a mutilated casting
of bronze. Between this point and the
powder house a fragmert of a scarlet flan
nel wrapper and two small pink-bordered
handkerchiefs were picked up. There-was
no clue to the identity of the unfortunates.
A party of men/ who started up
the south side of the ravine , came
upon an all but shapeless form <
eighty yards up the slope , where it lay
lodged against a sapling , as if had been
thrown a yard beyond and rolled down.
This body was shattered and mutilated , but
some portions of a shirt retained it in its
form , and in the bits of clothing was * -i
a pack of visiting cards , with the name } i
"Willie Mallus. "
Several of the boys who had come passed
around the cards , and these gave the first
definite clew as to who the victims were.
Willie Mallus , Chris. Madsen , John Stilts
and "Willie Abney , all of South Omaha , had
taken two shatguns and their revolvers and
started .out between one and two o'clock In
the afternoon In a .southerly direution , for v j .
hunting and shooting at a target , and had 5 :
not been seen after passing the city limits. S ,
How it occurred no one will ever know. V' '
One theory advanced is that the boys were J *
shooting at the house "and made a hole
through some weak point , but experts say I
that a bullet can never fire ordinary gun
powder. Another theory , is that the men
who were hauling powder ip fill the house
left the door unlocked and the boys tres
passed there. The firm say that they suppose - ?
pose the boys were effecting an entrance in
some way and that the lock had previously J
been tampered with. There were stored "
in the house at the time of the eypldsion ;
3ver five hundred kegs and some cans of j \ \
powder , about three hundred and twenty V"
Df blasting and two hundred and fifty of
rifle powder , the _ whole valued at $2,000. -j
" Work for Your Choice. t |
WASHINGTON- , February 29. A gen- * j
; leman who called upon the president yes-
.erday said that certain subordinate officers
) f the postoffice department in a western
late expressed fear of removal in case they
idvocated his renomination , because a sen-
ttor of that state is himself a candidate for J ' ] ?
he presidency and claims their allegiance. / , | |
Dhe president said he was surprised , and > Jf
loped the statement was not true. Official
) osition did not deprive a citizen of the *
ipht to express his political preferences and *
" *
vork for the nomination of his favorite if it
lid not interfere with his duties. He 'fur- , A
her said that every employe of the govern-
uent should be protected in the exercise of
he widestpolitical liberty.
Yellow Calf in Custody.
ST. PAUL , February 26. The Minne-
polis Journal's "WSnnepeg special says : $ ? ,
Jroadview advices say Yellow Calf and 'f ' ' * -
ther ring-leaders are on the way to Regina 3 / .
a the custody of the mounted police. AH ? ,1
3 quiet at the agency and no fighting Is an- * i
icipated. A. stormy scene ensued on the *
> }
rrest of Yellow Calf. Rifles were drawn '
n the police with threats to shoot. One \ f.
uck was Justin the act of shooting Major ! '
lickner , and but for the interference of 1 ' '
ne of the men would have killed him , and ! ; ;
general massacre would have followed. ' ' .
'he ' first challenge to surrender was disre- ' 1
arded. This was followed by a parley , in , ' j '
rhich the Indians agreed to surrender , ( '
hich they did. The settlers are still ex- -
led but the Indians are quiet. . ' i
Perils , of a Dakota Blizzard.
VALLErCiTT , Dak. , February 25.
he body of Fred Nelson was found fiye
liles from the place where he started inthe \
lizzard. His two children are not yet
> und. The body of Tho.-wold Gundeson ,
ho left Clark City for his claim just before
le blizzard , was also found. It was not
; fore known he was lost. s
Bread from Grass. f
lentlflc Press. j
On the west coast of England grows - " " {
sort of sea grass ( porphyra laciniala ) i
hich is made into something very like \
read. In the main it is gathered by
omen ; they"then wash it and pluck v
1 other plants carefully from it. After "t
lis it is boiled for some two hours ; 'I.
icnthe mass is cut in pieces with *
aives and kneaded into loaves. Oat 1
.eal is then strewed over it to give it '
reater cohesion and a more inviting '
jpearance , and then it is baked. It ,
jeps in summer for four days and in I
inter for eight. Many women on the >
> ast of Devonshire earn their living ;
7 selling this bread , and most of it is j
nt to Swansea , in Wales , where it is
uch liked by the poorer classes.